When and how to collect birch sap: recommendations and useful tips. Medicinal properties of birch sap, methods of its preparation and storage

With the onset of spring warming, around mid-March, they begin to collect Birch juice. It is especially useful when fresh. Which birch trees do you take sap from and how to do it correctly?

The period of greatest activity of sap flow is difficult to determine externally, but this is the time before the formation of buds. It depends on the air temperature and the intensity of sunlight.
Sap flow occurs during the day; in the evening its intensity decreases.

Fresh birch sap is transparent. When mid-April comes and the collection of juice decreases, it changes color and becomes brownish. There is very little such juice, but it is delicious.

How to collect birch sap

The sap is taken from healthy birch trees with thick trunks (from such trees you can get more sap, and they themselves suffer less from loss of sap). Birch sap should be collected only in ecologically clean forests, because the tree is capable of absorbing harmful substances and exhaust gases. Under no circumstances should you take it from roadside birch trees.

You need to drill holes or make a deep cut in the bark not close to the ground, but higher, approximately at a height of 1 meter. If the hole made in the tree is higher, the wood will then heal faster. Although it is more convenient to place the dishes on the ground and have the hole directly above it.

A tube or wooden groove is inserted into the hole made at a slight downward angle. Along this groove, the juice will flow in drops into the dishes attached to the tree or placed nearby.

Juice continues to flow out of the hole, sometimes for several days, then it closes. From one large tree during this period of time you can get from 10 to 40 liters of juice. You should not make a large hole, it is dangerous for the birch, it can dry out.

When the secretion of sap decreases, the hole is clogged with a wooden (birch) peg and covered with wax or clay. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, use forest moss.

Birch sap is useful to drink fresh, only collected. It cannot be stored for more than two or three days, otherwise drinking the liquid may cause an upset stomach instead of its healing properties. Be sure to cover the container with juice to prevent oxidation and place it in the refrigerator.

What are the benefits of birch sap?

Medical studies have shown that drinking at least one glass a day for 2-3 weeks (it is optimal to drink a glass three times a day half an hour before meals) will help the body cope with spring weakness, vitamin deficiency, absent-mindedness, fatigue and depression.

Birch sap is contraindicated for those who are allergic to birch pollen. Large amounts of birch sap are contraindicated for those who have kidney stones, specifically oxalates. Since birch sap has a pronounced diuretic effect, it is able to push oxalate into the urinary tract.

Fresh birch sap heals stomach and duodenal ulcers, gallbladder, liver diseases, relieves headache, treats scurvy, bronchitis, cough, provides therapeutic effect for rheumatism, radiculitis, gout and arthritis. Birch sap is also useful for skin diseases, it cleanses the blood, has a stimulating effect on metabolism, and flushes the kidneys. It is useful to drink three glasses throughout the day, 30 minutes before meals.

Birch sap can be preserved and consumed throughout the year. Although their healing properties he loses.

Recipes for storing birch sap

How to prepare birch kvass?

To preserve birch sap, kvass is prepared from it: heat to 35 degrees, add 15-20 g of yeast and 3 raisins per 1 liter, you can add to taste lemon zest. After this, the jar or bottle is tightly closed and left for 1-2 weeks. The result is a very tasty, carbonated, invigorating drink!

Another recipe for kvass from birch sap: to 10 liters of birch sap add the juice of 4 lemons, 50 g of yeast, 30 g of honey or sugar, raisins at the rate of 2-3 pieces per bottle. Pour into bottles and keep for 1-2 weeks in a cool, dark place.

How to preserve birch sap.

The easiest way is to pour the juice into an enamel or stainless steel bowl and heat to 80-90 degrees, pour into glass jars and roll up. Cover the jars with a thick cloth and leave overnight.

You can also use this recipe. Add sugar (to taste) and citric acid to the pan with juice. Heat to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Hot juice is poured into jars. The jars, sealed with sterilized lids, are kept for additional pasteurization in water at a temperature of 90 degrees for 15 minutes.

Birch sap is preserved with pine needles. Take fresh summer shoots pine needles. Wash well, scald with boiling water to wash off the waxy coating, and wash again, first with hot water, and then cold water. 2.5-3 kilograms of such needles are placed in a vessel with a capacity of 50 liters. Fresh birch sap should be filtered, heated to 80°C and poured over the pine needles. Leave the juice with pine needles for 6-7 hours. Then drain the juice, strain, add 5 percent sugar and 0.1-0.2 percent citric acid. Pour the juice into jars and, after sealing with sterilized lids, pasteurize at 90-95°C for 25 minutes.

Birch sap with mint. For 50 liters of juice, take 70-100 grams of dry mint, pour it with juice and leave for 5-6 hours. Canned in the same way as birch sap with pine needles.

Very tasty and healthy birch sap with honey, decoction of rose hips, hawthorn, lemon balm.

Birch sap - healing and healing gift nature, in its composition great amount useful substances and microelements, it has a beneficial effect on humans. This is a real storehouse of health and beauty.

Birch sap is a liquid that flows from the trunks and branches of birch trees. It is mainly obtained in the spring during the spring sap flow from holes made in mature trees.

The use of this drink by humans has been known since ancient times. Exists a large number of recipes traditional medicine, where birch is used, because it is considered one of the most healing plants. Traditional healers use all the gifts of birch - leaves, buds, juice and bark to prepare medicines and decoctions.

The juice contains glucose, fructose, sucrose, organic acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iron, copper, enzymes, substances - all this is very necessary for the human body after winter vitamin deficiency.

Healing qualities of birch nectar

Use in cosmetology

When you wash your face with birch nectar every morning, your skin is well cleansed and becomes fresh and rejuvenated. To preserve the gift of birch for a long time, you need to freeze it in ice-freezing molds and wipe dry skin with it.

Birch sap will help strengthen hair, remove dandruff, and give it softness and shine.

Anti-cellulite wraps will help remove cellulite.

Contraindications to taking birch nectar

It is contraindicated only for people with stomach ulcers and those who have an allergic reaction to birch pollen. It can also cause harm only if it was collected in places not intended for these purposes.

Favorable and unfavorable places to gather

Birch drink must be obtained far from large cities, factories, and highways, since trees accumulate harmful substances and exhaust gases. The sap collected from such trees will not only not be beneficial, but will most likely harm your health.

A good place to collect this healthy drink- This is an ecologically clean forest, which is located away from the city, highways and industrial zones.

When is birch sap collected?

They begin collecting when the snow melts, when they swell Birch buds, and finish when the leaves bloom. There are no specific start and end dates for the collection, because in all regions of the country this occurs at different times.

Appearance of juice depends on weather and climate. For example, in the Moscow region and middle lane In Russia, you can collect juice at the end of March, in regions that are located further south, you can start collecting at the beginning of March, and in northern regions, beyond the Urals and in Altai, it is collected at the end of April.

The collection period is very short, ranging from 10 to 14 days a year. You need to watch, and as soon as the first signs of the end of winter and the onset of spring appear, you can go for the birch gift.

Using a thin awl, you can check whether the time has come to collect the juice or not. You need to come to the forest and make a puncture in a small birch tree with this awl; if a drop appears at the puncture site, then the sap can already be collected.

Juice is released best during the daytime; at night, sap flow stops, so morning time is the best.

There are “secrets” for successful collection that not everyone knows:

The possible number of cuts on the tree depends on the volume of the birch trunk; the thicker the trunk, the more punctures can be made. If the diameter of the birch is on average from 20 to 25 centimeters, then one puncture can be made on the trunk; if the trunk volume is about 30 centimeters, two punctures can be made. Three holes are made in trees with a volume of 35 centimeters, and four holes only in trees with a volume of more than 40 centimeters.

First of all, you need to use trees growing on the southern side of the forest, since they awaken under the sun earlier than others.

A medium-sized birch produces three to four liters of sap per day, and large trees - up to seven liters. For mining, it is better to choose old trees that will soon be cut down. Young trees do not need to be injured, as they may die.

Juice Collection Tools

Currently used for collection various devices:

How to properly collect birch sap

There are rules that need to be taken into account when collecting this drink. The sap itself is located between the tree bark and the wood, so there is no need to make deep punctures and cuts.

To collect the juice you need choose suitable trees . You should not take it from young trees, and also concentrate your attention on one tree. It is better to choose several trunks: you can collect five liters of drink using five trees (one liter from each) than using five liters from one trunk.

Then you need to make a puncture or cut in the tree trunk, into which you carefully insert an aluminum or plastic groove, through which the sap will flow into a container attached to the tree. In order not to destroy the tree, you should not make cuts with an axe, but it is better to use a drill with a thin drill bit.

For collection, it is better to select a container with a narrow neck, so grass, leaves and other debris are least likely to get in there. A good option will plastic bottle, which is very easy to tie to a tree.

Most The best way collecting birch sap is a collection using a dropper, with this collection you apply least harm tree. To do this, you need to drill a small hole in the tree using a drill, with a depth of two to five centimeters and no more. Then insert the tip of the dropper system there, and lower the other end, with the needle removed, into the container. You always need to monitor the filling of the container.

If the rate of discharge has decreased, there is no need to make the hole deeper, because it can harm the tree, but rather move on to another tree. After the collection is completed, the system must be removed from the dropper, and a stick must be inserted into the hole and covered with wax and moss. After these procedures, the juice will no longer be released, but will begin to flow to the branches. The tree itself will heal the resulting wound and in a year there will be no trace of the puncture site.

Storing birch drink

Freshly collected birch nectar is not subject to long-term storage. Fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days without losing its beneficial properties. nutrients. To preserve the collected drink longer, it is preserved in jars and syrup is boiled.

Without treatment, birch sap quickly sours, so kvass is prepared from it, Home wine, insist on dried fruits and herbs. For this they take glass jar, place dried fruits, various herbs (thyme, chamomile, linden, cumin, rose hips) in it and pour fresh juice, covering with gauze. Infuse for 12–14 days in a cool and dark place. Afterwards you will get fruit or herbal kvass.

You can drink birch sap every day. If you drink one glass a day for a month, a person’s general well-being will become much better, sleep will stabilize, swelling will go away, and the immune system will be stronger. You can add sap to birch sap different berries, such as, for example, blueberries, currants, rowan, lingonberries. It is also useful to add infusions of lemon balm, St. John's wort, and mint.

Birch nectar is considered the most useful tool for vitamin deficiency, colds. It is indispensable for healing and strengthening the body.

In addition to the fact that birch sap tastes good, it is also full of substances necessary for the body. Fresh Juice birch can normalize microflora in the intestines, break down kidney stones, and help the immune system in the fight against lung diseases. It is also used in for cosmetic purposes. Most healthy juice is the sap you directly collect from the tree. Simple rules This procedure will help you get this tasty and healing drink easily and without consequences for the birch tree.

We choose the time to collect the juice. Immediately after the spring equinox on March 20, you can begin monitoring sap flow in trees. To make sure that the sap has flowed, find a young birch tree whose thickness does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Make a thin puncture and observe. A drop of liquid that appears will tell you that you can start collecting juice. And don’t be embarrassed if there is still snow around the tree. Birch trees “come to life” very early in the spring, as soon as the first sun appears. We choose birch. Do not look for sap in thin birch trees, as punctures will only injure it. And the sap in young trees will not have the taste you are familiar with. Also, do not get hung up on one tree, but rather select several trunks for your purposes. The birch tree will give you about a liter of sap without any consequences for its vital functions. Therefore, it is better to collect 5 liters from five trees than the same amount from one. Remember that urban birches do not have even part of those beneficial properties, which you find in forest trunks. Trees are excellent at accumulating dirt, dust, exhaust fumes, and fumes from factories. Their juice will be completely harmful to you.

We make a puncture. To avoid damaging the wood, avoid cutting holes with an axe. Use a drill with a thin bit. Birch sap circulates in the surface layer of wood, closer to the bark. Therefore, there is no need to make an overly deep hole.

Collecting juice. To collect juice, choose a container with a narrow neck. This way you will protect the juice from grass, dirt, and debris getting into it. The best choice is a plastic bottle, which is also easy to tie to the trunk just under the hole. Now you need to build a conductor for the juice. A well-washed bunch of grass or a string of gauze will perfectly collect the juice from the trunk and transfer it into the bottle by capillary method. Insert the “conductor” into the hole in the barrel and lower it into the neck of the container. We control the collection of juice. Check the filling of containers several times a day. If the sap slows down, do not try to deepen the hole or otherwise speed up its collection. Better move on to the next barrel. By not draining the birch trees completely, you will keep them alive.

We treat birch. When the sap collection is complete, be sure to seal the hole you made. Drive a wooden block into the hole and plug it with moss or wax. This way the sap will no longer flow out and will begin to flow to the branches. The birch itself will quickly heal the wound. On next year you will not find a trace of a puncture.

By following simple rules, you can enjoy healthy drink, and protect the birch from death.

Birch sap is the most unique drink, which contains many valuable microelements and substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Assembling it is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right tree correctly, make a hole and carry out the procedure without the slightest harm for the forest.

Birch sap contains organic acids, fructose, glucose, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other substances.

Using it in in kind provides:

  1. Improving the functioning of the circulatory system.
  2. Leveling hemoglobin levels.
  3. Strengthening the nervous system.
  4. Increased energy production.
  5. Normalization of the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  6. Strengthening bones.
  7. Better absorption of glucose.

Interesting fact: There is absolutely no fat or protein in this drink.

When and where to collect birch sap?

It is advisable to start collecting birch sap when:

  • active snow melting is observed;
  • the night frosts have ended;
  • the first buds began to appear;
  • the thaw has begun.

From about March 15, collection can begin in the middle part of the country. It is recommended to finish it after April 20-25.

Interesting fact: with the onset of darkness, sap flow in birch trees is reduced to a minimum.

To collect most valuable drink you need to choose the right place, it should be:

  • at least 3 to 5 kilometers away from the city;
  • from the roadway 300 meters or more;
  • far from any landfills and chemical facilities.

Advice: It’s ideal to go 15–20 kilometers outside the city and go deep into the forest on foot.

How to collect birch sap?

The drink will be endowed with the most important and beneficial properties if assembled correctly. The main thing here is:

  • correctly make a hole in the trunk;
  • prepare a clean container for juice in advance;
  • choose a time for this from 10 am to 4 pm.

Note: at this time the juice flows as intensely as possible.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest from large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Rules for collecting juice

There are certain collection rules, thanks to which no harm is caused to birch trees, and the drink has all the declared qualities.

Need to:

  1. Choose the strongest birch trees.
  2. Do not take more than a liter of drink from one tree.
  3. Do not use axes to make holes in tree trunks.
  4. Upon completion of collection, treat the hole according to all recommendations.

Important: violation of the rules can cause the death of the birch or make it weak and prone to disease in the future.

How to choose a tree?

A suitable tree is considered to be birch, which has:

  • trunk diameter is more than 25 centimeters;
  • developed crown;
  • strong and healthy branches;
  • there are no obvious signs of disease infection;
  • age over 4 - 5 years.

Important: After collecting the drink, a young tree may dry out, since in the spring it itself requires elements and various substances for growth and development.

How to make a hole in wood?

Making a hole in a birch tree is important according to all the rules. Recommended:

  • Stand next to the tree on the south side.
  • Decide on the area that will be pierced.

It is optimal if it is located 30 - 40 centimeters above the ground.

  • Place the drill at an angle downwards.
  • Carefully pierce the trunk.

It is better for these purposes to use an 8 - 10 mm drill, which goes 2.5 - 3 centimeters deep.

  • Place a bottle, oval bowl or plastic bag for juice.

Important: It is allowed to make 3-4 holes in one trunk, but the main thing is that the distance between them is at least 15 centimeters.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

How to process a hole?

After collecting the sap, the hole in the birch needs to be processed. To do this, use one of the following tips:

  1. Cover it with moss.
  2. Cover with wax.
  3. Make a wooden plug.

Advice: To make a cork, it is advisable to take a thin twig and cut the required diameter with a knife.

Important: Failure to carry out such an action will result in bacteria entering the trunk.

Rules for storing birch sap

It is most beneficial to consume juice in fresh, as soon as it is collected. In the future, especially when boiling, its properties are reduced by 2 times.

  1. Pour into a glass jar.
  2. Screw the lid tightly.
  3. Place in the refrigerator.

Important: It cannot be consumed 48 hours after collection.

Storage recipes

To increase the shelf life, several recipes are known:

With the addition of wine. Required:

  • put 10 liters of birch drink on the fire;
  • bring to a boil and add 900 grams of granulated sugar;
  • cook for 20 – 25 minutes;
  • then remove from heat, add 20 grams of zest and pour in one liter of white wine;

It's better to take dry wine.

cool and add 3 grams of dry yeast.

Next, you need to put the prepared drink in a dark place for 4 days, then bottle it and leave it for one month. Subsequently, the prepared wine can be drunk in small quantity within 3 – 4 months.

Conservation. Cooking steps:

  • 220 grams of granulated sugar are added to 2 liters of birch sap;
  • after mixing, add 10 grams of citric acid;
  • everything is poured into glass jars;
  • pasteurized;
  • rolls up.

IN canned The storage period is six months.

With the addition of yeast and honey. Taken:

  • birch sap – 10 liters;
  • lemon – 4 pieces;
  • yeast – 45 grams;
  • melted honey (natural) – 35 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 10 grams.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Lemons are completely squeezed into birch sap.
  2. Honey, yeast, sand are added to the drink and everything is mixed.
  3. Poured into jars.
  4. Covered with a lid.
  5. Placed in refrigerator for 10 days.

After this time, the drink can be drunk. Its shelf life, provided it is kept in a cool and dark place, is 2 months.

Birch sap is completely natural product, which contains many unique and useful components for human health. Properly organized collection and storage allows you to enjoy the drink long time with benefits for the whole body.

Blitz tips:

  • never make deep or large holes in birch trees;
  • for collecting, it is optimal to choose the dates from March 15 to 30 and go to the forest closer to noon;
  • do not injure thin and young trunks.

How to properly collect birch sap? This question worries many summer residents who have not previously encountered the independent production of this drink. Besides your beautiful taste qualities, a drink obtained from birch is the most effective remedy against mild colds and vitamin deficiency, in addition, it perfectly quenches thirst. In order to drink enough, and even make reserves, the extraction of birch sap must occur during the period of active fluid secretion. Harvesting usually begins in April, during the swelling of the buds on the tree. The most optimal time to collect birch sap with your own hands is from 12 to 18 hours, since the release of liquid occurs with the greatest intensity during this period.

Selecting a location

The place where birch sap can be collected must be carefully determined. Trees growing near highways, industrial complexes and other sources of pollution should not be considered. environment, since they absorb all harmful substances that enter the atmosphere, and a drink made from them will not have beneficial properties. It is best to look for birch groves located in places as far away from civilization as possible. The place has been chosen, and all that remains is to remember how to collect birch sap without damaging the trees.

After a suitable birch grove has been found, you need to prepare tools and equipment for extracting the healthy drink. You will need: a screwdriver (electric drill) with a drill, a dropper or vinyl tube and a container. If there are no tools listed first, you can use a hammer and a metal tube matched to the diameter of the dropper, or a brace. How to extract sap correctly so as not to damage the tree?

In order not to damage the birch in the process, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. You can only use an adult birch tree with a diameter of more than 20 cm. Young trees may not survive after harvesting, since during this period they need strength for growth and development.
  2. When collecting sap, you should only use the specified tool, since using an ax will damage the tree.
  3. Do not drill too deep holes, 2-3 cm deep into the wood is enough.
  4. From each tree you can collect no more than 1 liter of liquid. If quantity collected juice there will be more, it is easy to apply irreparable harm plant.
  5. Do not drill many holes in one tree. For example, if the diameter of a birch tree is 20 cm, then it is allowed to make 1 hole in it. If the diameter of the trunk has reached 30 cm, 2 holes can be made in it.
  6. If you have finished collecting liquid, be sure to cover the hole in the tree with moss or wax.

At a distance of 20 cm from the ground, drill a hole to a depth of 20-30 mm and tightly insert a dropper, previously cut at an angle of 45°. Many people use gauze for collection, through which the liquid flows into a container. During this collection process, dust, tree bark and other debris enter the container, which then has to be filtered. And birch sap, collected using a dropper, does not need to be cleaned, since the liquid from the tree directly enters the container.

In one day of work in a birch grove you can get up to 20 liters delicious drink. After the process is completed, it is necessary to seal the hole in the tree. In addition to the above-mentioned methods of plugging a hole in a birch tree, you can use a dry branch of a suitable diameter, which must be planed into a cone and carefully hammered into the hole. Over time, the cork will swell and the birch will not be damaged in any way after you collect required quantity liquids.