Drying "for the first tooth". Recipe for making drying at home Drying with kefir recipe

... fragrant... hot for milk... crispy and soft at the same time. Not like that, but different!

Dryers are associated with biscuits - they are not as high in calories as, for example, shortbread cookies. They are prepared using a simple set of products and are considered a dietary dessert that does not cause allergies. But many people love drying just like that and even experience tender trepidation and reverence at the mere mention of this delicacy, familiar from childhood.

Yes, you can always buy ready-made dryers in the store. But homemade ones turn out much more flavorful, and the most delightful thing is that you can eat them immediately after cooking - hot, fragrant, with a glass of milk... Tempting, isn’t it?

Fresh homemade rusks have a completely unique texture: they are still a little soft inside, but already have a crispy, although not too hard, crust. If you leave the dryers open for several hours, they will become completely similar to store-bought ones - completely and uncompromisingly crispy.

The drying is done in two steps, which makes it so shiny and appetizing. The famous American bagels are prepared using a similar principle: first, the dough pieces are boiled a little in sweet water, and then baked until cooked and golden brown.

Cooking time: 70-80 minutes
Yield of finished product: 18-20 dryings


  • wheat flour 1 cup
  • serum 70 ml
  • sugar 40 grams
  • yolk 1 egg
  • soda ¼ teaspoon
  • salt a pinch
  • vanillin


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    Add the yolk to the flour and mix lightly.

    Then add 10 grams of sugar, salt and soda.

    After this, pour in the whey.

    Knead a fairly thick dough and, wrapping it in cling film or a bag, let rest for 30-40 minutes.

    Divide the dough in half. Roll each part into a sausage.

    Cut each sausage into 9-10 pieces and roll them into balls.

    Use your finger to make a hole in the center of each ball, thus forming a ring.

    Heat about 1-1.5 liters of water in a saucepan and add the remaining sugar to it.

    Throw the dryers into boiling water and cook them for 15 seconds after they float.

    Then remove the pieces with a slotted spoon and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

    Bake the dryers at 220 degrees for 10-15 minutes until they are very golden brown.

    Drying can be stored in a closed container for 2 weeks. But, believe me, they will be eaten much earlier. Bon appetit!

Ladies, my head is swelling.
My daughter and I live together. Now we are leaving for rent (no details).
And I don’t know how to live ((Moscow.
I have clean ones for 70 thousand.
Apartment 35 will be released.
Kindergarten 4 thousand + kindergarten classes 4 thousand.
7 thousand go to dances.
Travel per month is at least another 3 thousand.
And you still have to live on something.

I’m completely at a loss... I’ll have to give up dancing and all classes. Apart from the fact that you can only dream about a vacation now...



Good night. I’m not sleeping (I have a son, a first-year student. Medical institute, general medicine. I wanted it myself. In the middle of the 9th grade. Conditions, tutors, courses were provided. I passed the Unified State Exam unsuccessfully, got into a regional university for a fee. There was talk about transferring to the budget. The main thing condition - session. And now - the exam and practice are excellent, but I didn’t pass two tests (physics and computer science). I became dull, didn’t turn in the work on time, now, it seems, I passed the work and the test, but in fact they didn’t sign off on the record book, because they passed it statements. Need a direction. As I understand it.
It's scary and disgusting. But what’s worse and more disgusting is that he lied. To me, my father, my grandmother and my boyfriend, I gave everything away.
And this is not the first time. Then it turned out in November that I bought a dead six (I was delirious about the car), and was caught by traffic police officers without a license. Got off with a fine. At least they didn’t inform the university!!
What worries me is the lies and radical statements (all corrupt, etc.).
Behavior and attitude. Very. I have a feeling that he doesn’t appreciate what I do. That she nods just to oisiala.
I reproach him for the money invested (tutors are not cheap, but he claims that the Unified State Exam is not an indicator of knowledge and he did not bother (
I feel like I'm being used. Or is it just my perfectionism at play(
Different thoughts are wandering. Do not pay for the second course. Let the academic take it, armmya, work, get excited.
Be patient, maybe your brain will fall back into place. Until I got into a rhythm.
He studies anatomy and other professional subjects and passes them on time. At the same time, in response to my suggestions that university knowledge is not enough, you need to row yourself, he answers about specialization after the 3rd year. And I'm afraid that he'll be late.
I wanted to become a surgeon, now I am interested in psychiatry and pathological anatomy.
I’m very afraid of losing my son, I’m afraid that I’ve raised a consumer. I love him very much. Everything is good in my personal and professional life, everything is in full swing.
My son is the only thing my heart hurts for. I’m afraid that I’ll miss out on time, that I’ll remain a therapist at a local clinic (no offense to anyone). The feeling that everything was easy before, but now life has become more complicated and he is just “in the house.” There was talk about a possible transfer to a Moscow university (at least try), he agrees, but in reality it’s like this(
He’s coming today, I don’t even want to meet him, for the first time. Finish it yourself(
And teachers, please clarify what kind of beast the point system in universities is? Thanks to everyone who responded constructively.



First of all, I would like to say that it is always difficult to worsen your financial situation. From a million to 5000 thousand, from 70 to 35. Always. And, oh horror, the braid won’t like it.
I read the comments. And a question has arisen.
There is a theoretical possibility of moving in with my mother in a two-room apartment. It's not that far. And theoretically, on weekdays at home we only have dinner and spend the night. But it will still be a brain drain. And she will take 15 thousand for us. Is it worth it? Even if you decide to move in with her for a year. The amount during this time will accumulate 150-200 thousand... But the child can not be deprived of classes... Is it worth it - I don’t know



Of course, when creating this topic, I expect caustic comments, the forum is becoming angrier and angrier, but I will write anyway. Daughter is 13 years old. Adolescence is in full swing. The already difficult character became even worse. I got C grades in my studies. And not because it has become more difficult, but because her phone with the Internet interferes with her. Yesterday I was finally convinced of this.
We connected her to an internet plan for her studies. Since my husband and I work, and she often has to use the World Wide Web. Warned. But we don’t have Internet on our computer. But over time, the phone became like some kind of addiction for her; when the phone was taken away, she worked on it. And then something happened to the gadget. Doesn't see the SIM card... Panic. She came in the evening, had dinner, and said that she had gone to read for her studies. But she quietly grabbed her grandmother’s phone. I read it in my husband and I’s bedroom. I went there several times to do my business. She sat and read, but with some strange look. The deception became clear before bed when the grandmother lost her phone. In general, I don’t know what to do. I wasn’t against the Internet for my child, but not at the expense of his studies, but here it is... I also can’t control her around the clock. She says she did her homework, but in fact only half of it, because the phone is more important. Yesterday I actually told her that she would carry a push-button telephone. We will sort out her phone and turn off this Internet! Tell us how you fight this scourge and whether you fight it at all. Or maybe I have psychosis from vitamin deficiency and I’m exaggerating


Sushki and bagels are invariable attributes of Russian tea drinking. Imagine a city fair or merchant shops with delicious bunches of bagels. They brought them home in whole bundles, immediately put on the samovar, and took out honey and jam from the cellar. Ruddy, smooth and crispy sushi with a crispy crust, fragrant bagels, fresh bagels with hot tea - this is quite enough to turn everyday life into a holiday!

What is the difference between dryers and bagels?

Sushki and bagels are united by their shape, since they are solid rings of wheat dough, but the technology for preparing these baked goods is slightly different. Sushki were always made from unleavened dough mixed with eggs, after which the dough was cut into strips, connected into rings, thrown into boiling water, and the floating products were dried in the oven - that’s why they are called sushki. It is the preliminary scalding of the dough that gives the appetizing glossy crust for which drying was so valued. True, now they no longer make choux pastry and instead of immersing the sushi in boiling water, they are simply doused with hot steam and then baked in the oven.

They say that bagels were invented by Belarusian confectioners, but they are prepared according to the recipe for sushki, although their size is several times larger. The bagels are not baked for as long as the dry ones, which is why they turn out softer and, accordingly, they have a shorter shelf life. The name “bagels” comes from “obvaranka”, a derivative of the verb “to scald”, but now the recipe has changed a little, but the old name remains. In addition, bagels resemble a ram's horn - maybe that's why they were called that?

Bagels with filling are a very simple and original dish with which you can truly surprise your guests and family.

Buy or make 20 unsweetened bagels, soak them in milk (literally for a couple of minutes) to make them softer, but the middle should remain hard - you will put the filling in it. Grind 50 g of cheese and cut a third of the bell pepper into small cubes.

Add 1 egg to 400 g of minced meat (a mixture of pork and beef), salt, pepper and fill the bagels with the filling (a bagel with filling will look like a round cheesecake), laid out on a greased baking sheet. Place cheese and pepper on top, and then place in the oven for half an hour at 180°C. It is very tasty, and most importantly, guests will not immediately understand that they are eating bagels. You can add onions and garlic to the filling; instead of peppers, take tomatoes, grated raw potatoes and other vegetables.

This appetizer can be prepared for dinner after a working day, when you don’t have the energy to cook something more complex.

Bagels with filling

Here’s another way to quickly and tasty stuff bagels with an appetizing filling. There will be no proportions here - take all products by eye!

Cut lengthwise into two parts, grease the cuts with any soft cheese, and connect the halves. Now wrap the bagels with slices of bacon - you will need a couple of slices for one bagel. You can take these sandwiches with you on a picnic, and then fry them on the grill. However, bagel sandwiches are also suitable for a home-made breakfast, and you can fry them in a regular frying pan. By the way, the fat that is rendered from the bacon can be used to make omelettes or fried potatoes.

Using the same principle, lazy cheesecakes are made from dried cheesecakes with cottage cheese or sweet curd mass - this is an excellent breakfast option; such cheesecakes are baked for about 10 minutes until the cottage cheese is browned.

In Rus', wealth was determined by the amount of bread in the house, so houses were decorated with bundles of baked goods and bagels. These “accessories” are still relevant today if you have a country or rustic kitchen. Dryers and bagels will make the atmosphere in the house even more cozy, warm and soulful...

The recipe is very simple, but it comes in handy when you want something for tea but have nothing to cook with. Sushi is a ring of wheat dough that is first boiled in water and then baked. Fresh, crispy on the outside, and very tasty on the inside. Fresh, salty, sweet, with poppy seeds... there are many options for preparing this dish!

Author of the publication

Author and founder of the “site” project - a culinary portal about simple and tasty food. With the help of the site, it unites all lovers of homemade food. Together with other food bloggers, he shares delicious recipes with detailed step-by-step descriptions. She loves to cook and puts her culinary knowledge into recipes. Every day we try to make this project even more convenient and interesting. Mom of Anya and Kirill.

  • Recipe author: Olesya Fisenko
  • After cooking you will receive 24 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 1 hour


  • 300 gr wheat flour
  • 1 PC. egg
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 110 g water
  • 1.5 liters water
  • 1.5 tsp. sugar

Cooking method

    Prepare the dough: sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle, add salt and egg.

    Using a fork, stir the egg until smooth.

    Pour room temperature water into the well with the egg. Stir with a fork, taking in more and more flour. Then start kneading the dough with your hands, you can do this in a bowl or already on the table. Sparing no effort, knead it for at least 8-10 minutes.

    Lightly sprinkle the table with flour and lay out the dough. It turns out homogeneous and tight. Cover it with a towel and let it rest for 15 minutes. You can wrap the dough in film and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

    While the dough is rising, turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with a thin layer of flour to prevent the dryers from sticking. Before baking, the drying will need to be further parboiled and dried, so you need to spread a clean towel on the work surface and bring a pan of water to a boil. For every liter of water add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves.

    Using a sharp knife, cut the dough into 4 pieces. We will work with 1/4 of the part, return the rest under the towel.

    Knead the dough in your hands, roll into a thick sausage and cut into 6 equal parts. Roll out each part into a rope 12 cm long. Usually this is done in two ways: either the dough is laid out on the table and rolled out to the edges with two palms from the center. Or they take the dough and roll it out between their palms.

    Moisten the edge of each bundle in turn with a small amount of water at room temperature and fasten the edges together, forming a ring.

    Carefully place the dryers in boiling water in portions.

    Cook them over medium heat until all the dry bits float to the surface. Important: the dryers sometimes stick to the bottom, so if some don’t float up, gently help them with a spatula (they come off easily and don’t lose their shape). As soon as the drying floats to the surface, cook for another minute.

    Place the finished dryers on a towel to dry. Prepare the remaining dryings in the same way.

    Transfer the drying towels onto a baking sheet.

    Bake the dryers in the middle of the preheated oven for 25 minutes until beautifully golden brown.

    Remove the finished dryers from the oven and cool.

    Bon appetit!

Sushi is a snack option that can be found in any store. They are small, ring-shaped, dry, crispy and slightly sweet. They look like little, tiny bagels. They are often sold strung on a string. And dryers are ideal as a simple and affordable treat for tea.

Dryers bought in a store may contain various additives, dyes, flavors, taste stabilizers and other completely unhealthy chemicals. There is still a risk of buying not fresh goods. So I armed myself with a recipe for homemade Russian sushi. Preparing the dough for them took only 5 minutes. And while forming the rings is a little tedious, the end result will be a large supply of deliciously crispy baked goods, so it's worth it.

Typically, biscuits are made with water, eggs, flour and salt, but this recipe contains condensed milk, which makes them taste sweet, more like cookies. My husband really likes it. All the ingredients for my sushki would probably be more suitable for a soft version of the dessert, but the sushi has its own special taste, crispy texture and vanilla aroma.

Difficulty level: medium difficulty.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

To prepare Russian sushi you will need the following products:

    ½ teaspoon baking soda

    ¼ teaspoon salt

Cooking method:

First, I preheated the oven to 180 degrees. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet.

In a large bowl, using a mixer, mix condensed milk, eggs, softened butter (it really should be soft, so it’s better to take it out of the refrigerator in advance, otherwise it will not combine well and evenly with the dough) and vanilla.

In another bowl, mix flour, soda and salt. Gradually added flour to the milk-egg mixture, stirring constantly. The dough becomes very thick and dense, so you have to mix everything with great diligence to get a homogeneous mass.

I took some of the dough and formed it into a ball. She rolled it into a rope, cut a small piece from it and connected the ends together. I did the same with the rest of the dough. You can roll out the ropes either thick or thin - as you like.

Mixed 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of milk. I transferred the formed rings to a baking sheet and brushed them with the milk-egg mixture.

You can sprinkle poppy seeds on top or add poppy seeds to the dough itself. My favorite bagel is with sesame seeds. Therefore, instead of poppy seeds, you can use sesame seeds. The aroma will be indescribable!

Bake the dryers in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the dough rings, oven and how crispy you want the baked goods. I like a crispier version, so I made the rings thinner and baked them for 20 minutes. If you cook thicker and bake for 15 minutes, the drying will be softer.

To save time, you can simply roll out the dough into ropes and bake them with sticks. It's much faster, the taste is the same, but they won't have the appearance of real dryers.

The Russian sushi turned out rosy, aromatic, crispy and very tasty. Cool! You can store the dryers in a tightly tied bag or a well-closed container.

Bon appetit!

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