The most healthy drinks for our stomach. The most healthy drinks for health

Many diseases are painful, their consequences are irreversible, and not only harmful cells, but also healthy ones die during the treatment process. They say that in 95% of cases there is no alternative. But Rudolph Brois  never agreed with this opinion. The Austrian scientist has proposed one of the most effective ways to prevent ailments. Instead of pills, the scientist advised drinking juice.

Thanks to this approach, over 45,000 people have already recovered. According to the Broys nutrition program, only 6 weeks should be consumed. special vegetable juice and herbal tea. In simple words, this is a period of starvation during which harmful cells die and do not return.

Beetroot base

Why did Rudolf Brois choose this particular vegetable as the main one? - It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C, pantothenic, as well as folic acids. Add to the list more sodium and zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, a little potassium, iron and calcium - and get a mega-useful product.

Beetroot has very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, cures a number of diseases and is part of many healthy weight loss methods. But thanks to betaine in the composition, the vegetable also contributes to the prevention of leukemia.

How to make juice

It seems that the products are the most common, but you should make sure that you use exactly environmentally friendly. They can be bought from farmers who grow vegetables and fruits without the use of pesticides.

  • 300 g beets
  • 100 g carrots
  • 100 g celery
  • 30 g radish
  • 40 g of potatoes

Potatoes are added only in case of prevention of liver cancer. So, grate each vegetable, squeeze the juice, strain it several times. This is not your daily norm: the amount of fluid consumed is determined by a feeling of hunger. Maximum daily volume - 500 ml.

During prevention you lose a little weight. But loss is not catastrophic if you do everything right. In the morning, drink about 100 ml of cold kidney tea, after about 60 minutes - two glasses of warm infusion of St. John's wort, sage, mint and lemon balm, after 30 minutes - a couple of sips of cooked vegetable juice.

You can not use only this vegetable juice. It is drunk exclusively with the listed infusions. If you hold out on some drinks is very difficult, you can eat a portion a day. Add sweeteners to drinks is prohibited.

In order not to focus on the disease and the small amount of food consumed, Rudolf Breus advised more distracted by useful activities and hobbies. This is very difficult to accomplish, but more passive activities can be found: walking, music, reading, films.

After a course of prevention according to Brois, you also need to help the body exit the regimen safely: take 2 tablets of brewer's yeast three times a day, eat more semi-liquid and. Tell your friends how to prevent serious illness. Maybe some of them will find a way out for themselves in this method.

What we drink has the same effect on health as what we eat. Throw away soft drinks bottles. They do not help a healthy lifestyle. There are many useful and affordable alternatives. Having studied the recommendations of nutritionists and various Institutes of Health, we offer you the top 10 most useful drinks for health, weight loss and good mood.

Did you first think about water when you read the title of this article? Even if not, you should know: water is one of the most healthy drinks in the world. It does not contain calories, is important for digestion, and is necessary for the absorption of vitamins B and C. In addition, water helps in the detoxification of the body and is a very important component of the blood.

Scientists do not have a single assessment of how much water an average person needs every day. Instead, the American Institute of Medicine established a sufficient daily intake of 15 cups for men and 11 cups for women. Please note that this is not a strict requirement, but a recommendation.

Most people have about 80% of this water volume in drinks; the rest is for food.

9. Pomegranate juice

This delicious drink is obtained from pomegranate fruits, rich in sugars, fiber, tannins, various minerals and vitamin C. Pomegranate juice is recommended for people with anemia, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This drink is a powerful antioxidant, like red wine and green tea.

A study published in Clinical Nutrition examined the consumption of pomegranate juice in patients with carotid stenosis. This is called the narrowing of any of the two key arteries located in the front of the neck, through which blood from the heart enters the brain.

  • Participants who consumed pomegranate juice lowered their blood pressure by more than 12 percent and had a 30 percent reduction in atherosclerotic plaques.
  • In participants who did not drink juice, the number of atherosclerotic plaques increased by 9 percent.

Before buying juice, make sure that it does not contain sugar.

8. Beetroot juice

This is not the most popular of healthy drinks, but its taste is more than offset by the properties of beetroot juice. It not only lowers blood pressure, but also increases stamina, and also increases blood flow to the brain in adults. Beetroot juice contains a large amount of calcium, iron and magnesium. It’s hard to find beetroot juice in stores, so it’s best to cook it at home.

7. Cranberry juice

It is a prevention of kidney stones, urinary tract infections. It also protects against various types of cancer and heart disease.

Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress. It also contains vitamin C and salicylic acid.

Suppose you consume 253 grams or a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Here is what it contains:

  • 116.4 calories
  • 5.1 mg sodium;
  • 30.9 g of carbohydrates;
  • 8 g of potassium;
  • natural “set” of vitamins (C, B, PP and K);
  • 3 g of fiber;
  • 1 gram of protein;
  • a large number of minerals (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc.).

A drink is more beneficial if it is not sweetened or is pure cranberry juice without the addition of other drinks.

6. Ginger tea

Ginger is a natural remedy for many stomach problems. It not only effectively prevents indigestion, but also provides relief from motion sickness, indigestion, and nausea associated with pregnancy. To make ginger tea tastier and healthier, you can add a few drops of honey to it.

5. Hot Chocolate

To the delight of the sweet tooth, we included delicious hot chocolate in the list of the most healthy drinks in the world. One of the best ways to deal with muscle cramps is to have a cup of hot chocolate. And all because it has a very high magnesium content - 282 mg per 100 grams of drink.

Hot chocolate is one of the home remedies for treating colds. To do this, add cinnamon and a small pinch of red pepper, as well as honey to taste.

In addition, hot chocolate is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, as well as potassium, phosphorus and calcium. And from the cup of this invigorating drink, living for a while becomes more fun, due to the fact that cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine. In the brain, it affects emotions and mood, and also increases mental focus.

4. Water with lemon juice

Drinking a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial for your body. This not only helps digestion, but also cleanses the liver.

It is best to add lemon to warm water. Although vitamin C is not thermostable - that is, it can break down when a certain temperature is reached - even the boiling point is not high enough to negate the benefits of lemon. However, warm water is ideal as it is easier to drink in large quantities.

However, people who have problems with their teeth should not drink lemon juice because their regular consumption can thin the tooth enamel. It is also worth abandoning this drink for those who have a lot of iron in their blood, since lemon can increase the body's ability to absorb iron.

3. Hibiscus tea

In 2010, the Nutrition Journal published an extensive study on the total antioxidant content of more than 3,100 foods, drinks, spices, herbs, and supplements used around the world. This study included 283 drinks. Of all the drinks included, hibiscus tea was found to contain the most antioxidants.

One of the unusual ways to make this ruby \u200b\u200bherbal tea even healthier and tastier is to make a variation of a classic Mexican drink called Agua Fresca. It is traditionally made with watermelon, lime and sugar.

Flavonoids in watermelon have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce muscle soreness after training. Watermelon is also rich in citrulline, which is metabolized to arginine, an essential amino acid. Consuming citrulline helps improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men.

2. Orange juice

This drink contains vitamin C and quercetin, a flavonoid that inhibits the production of histamine and serotonin (the two main substances that cause allergy symptoms), and also eliminates swelling and itching.

However, orange juice in itself is not a universal remedy for seasonal allergies. It is only an addition to the drugs prescribed by the allergist.

1. Green tea

This is perhaps the most healthy hot drink in the world. Green tea speeds up the metabolism, protects the skin from damage by ultraviolet light, reduces inflammation and preserves the health of teeth and gums. According to a Japanese study, drinking two cups of green tea per day reduces the risk of age-related cognitive decline by 50 percent.

And in green tea without sugar there are practically no calories (no more than 5 in 100 ml of drink). Other things being equal, if you drink 1-2 cups of green tea daily instead of one can of soda for a year, then save your body more than 50,000 calories that could be deposited as fat.

The biggest advantage of green tea is its high content of catechins, antioxidants, which can help prevent the harmful effects of oxidation on the cells of your body, which is the cause of many types of cancer. They can also help fight inflammation, a condition closely associated with heart disease and diabetes, and improve immune function, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say.

Samir Becic repeatedly received the title of the best personal trainer in the world, he is a true specialist in the field of fitness programs and diets, a promoter of a healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition and exercise. We have analyzed his developments and tips and offer you ten of the best and healthiest drinks.

1. Water

Water will always come first because it is the foundation of life. Water is involved in digestion, relieves intoxication, is an important component of the blood and is necessary for the absorption of B vitamins and ascorbic acid.

2. Wheat germ juice

This drink is one of the best and most affordable sources of chlorophyll, protein and fiber, which is important for healthy digestion. In addition, it contains a large number of various vitamins, minerals and amino acids, including retinol, vitamins B 12, C, E and K, as well as calcium, potassium, folic acid and riboflavin.

3. Fresh vegetable juice

Without exaggeration, fresh vegetable juice can be called a salad in liquid form. It may include several types of vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Such a drink perfectly removes inflammation in the intestine and regulates its work, cleanses the body and can even accelerate your metabolism.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water is an excellent alternative to sports drinks, it contains natural electrolytes and is perfect for quenching thirst after a long workout. In addition, it has a lot of magnesium useful for the nervous system.

5. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is rich in ascorbic acid and is very beneficial for your immune system. It also helps digestion and cleanses the liver. To make a refreshing summer drink, simply mix the juice with cold water.

6. Pomegranate juice

The benefits of pomegranate juice are invaluable. It has been proven that a drink rich in antioxidants can prevent inflammation, heart disease, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Always check the composition on the label to make sure you are drinking pure juice. Many manufacturers dilute the drink with other less healthy juices and add sugar.

7. Beetroot juice

Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure and increases stamina. Studies have shown that athletes who drink beetroot juice before training, train 16% longer.

8. Green tea

It speeds up your metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the health of teeth and gums.

9. Kefir

The drink is rich not only in probiotics, but also in calcium, magnesium, protein and vitamin B 12.

10. Ginger tea

Ginger is great for the digestive system, as is warm water. Ginger root helps relieve nausea, motion sickness, and contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help with arthritis.

As for the choice of food and drinks, the bulk of people are guided by a simple principle: tasty, convenient and fast. However, such a choice is not always beneficial to our health. Most drinks that are commercially available contain many preservatives, chemical additives, sugar, or sugar substitutes. However, the body is given to us alone for life, and in our power to maintain its strength, strength and vigor. Let your own health care become your main motivator, so that healthy drinks in your diet rightfully take their rightful place.

What drinks are healthy

To answer the question of which drinks are useful, we bring to your attention the definition of American researchers: "A wholesome drink is a liquid containing a large amount of vitamins, trace elements necessary to maintain balance in the human body, able to strengthen the immune system and energize."

First of all, our body needs ordinary clean water daily, without which we simply cannot exist. In addition, milk, kefir, whey, red wine have a beneficial effect on health.

Serum perfectly refreshes on a hot day, tones, has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Red wine contains antioxidants, in moderation it is good for health: it contributes to the normal functioning of the heart and stomach, as well dilutes blood, reducing the risk of stroke. Milk replenishes the reserves of calcium and phosphorus in the body, strengthening the skeletal system. But kefir is indispensable in solving digestive problems.

Undoubtedly, tea is a healthy drink, the main thing is to prepare it correctly. Green tea is known for its ability to improve metabolism, prevent the development of diabetes, break down fats, remove toxins, tone up, boost immunity, relieve stress and refresh complexion. Doctors recommend that we consume at least 5 cups of green tea per day. Melissa, mint and lemon will help diversify the usual taste. Hibiscus is a real treasure of antioxidants, which is the key to your youth. It improves liver function, lowers cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels. What can we say about herbal teas - depending on the composition, they can be useful in various diseases.

Among natural juices, pomegranate, apple, carrot, grape, blueberry and cranberry occupy a special place. The spectrum of their influence is very large, ranging from increasing hemoglobin, vitaminization, regulating the functioning of all body systems, and ending with improving the condition of the skin, nails, hair, teeth, body rejuvenation and weight correction.

The most healthy drink

Healthy drinks, the recipes of which we will offer you, are extremely easy to prepare, affordable and very effective.

  • Ginger tea is a drink of youth. A piece of ginger 4-5 cm long is peeled, cut and poured with a liter of boiling water. Cook ginger for 10 minutes, then strain. Lemon juice can be added to improve the taste and aroma.
  • The juice of one lemon and the juice of 1 kg of carrots are diluted with 300 ml of boiled water at room temperature and a couple of tablespoons of honey are added. Such a drink should be drunk during the day so that it does not deteriorate.
  • A pumpkin drink can calm your nerves and restore a healthy sleep. In the juice of one lemon and one orange add sugar. Dice pumpkin, add water and boil for 10 minutes, then add sweet citrus juice and bring to a boil (but do not boil). When cool, grind the mixture with a blender. You get a thick, but very healthy drink.

The most useful drink is, first of all, a natural drink, which contains no components that can adversely affect your health. However, it is worth remembering that drinks that are useful for some people can negatively affect others. The reason for this may be individual characteristics or the presence of certain health problems. For example, drinking acidic juices can aggravate existing gastritis, and milk is not the best option for people with a lack of enzymes for digesting milk sugar. Even ordinary black tea is not suitable for everyone: it can increase constipation in the presence of such a tendency or raise already high pressure. So in everything you need wisdom, moderation and an individual approach.

We hope that this simple, but tasty and healthy drink will appeal to you and your loved ones:

  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 cup oats and dried apples
  • 6 tbsp. l honey
  • a few slices of lemon to taste

Rinse apples and oats with running water, pour boiling water and bring to a boil. Let the broth infuse in a warm place for 3 hours. Half an hour before the end of the infusion process, add the lemon zest. The finished drink needs to be filtered, add honey and lemon juice. You may well come up with other healthy drinks for your health yourself, combining your favorite ingredients and connecting a little imagination.

The most beneficial health drink is plain purified water. This is the most correct and beneficial source of moisture. However, there are drinks that have many restorative properties, give strength and energy to our body. We have collected information about the most beneficial drinks for human health and longevity.

Green tea

Benefit: reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Green tea contains many flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants, which protect cells from harmful effects and neutralize free radicals. Tea also contains fluoride, which strengthens bones and has a beneficial effect on teeth.
  Calories : 0

White tea

When collecting raw materials for white tea, particular attention is paid to leaf breeding. Usually, only the youngest half-grown leaves of the first crop, half-covered with white hairs of an opened tea bud, are harvested for white tea. For elite white teas, either only the top leaf (tirsa) or tipa is collected, plus another leaf following it. The degree of processing in white teas is low. The production of white tea varieties consists of only two steps, therefore, they are considered weakly fermented, because they dry up in the sun and warm up, and then they are dried and thereby acquire a weak degree of fermentation. In essence, the color of the leaves should remain the same (green or gray-green), the white color of the bottom of the leaves should be clearly visible. Despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, the leaf used for this tea is very whimsical. All processes are manual.

White tea has such varieties as: white peony, green snow, silver needles and other varieties. When brewed, white teas have a transparent yellow infusion, with a delicate taste and delicate aroma. White tea is distributed almost exclusively only in China and is considered one of the most refined (and expensive) teas. White tea due to its high content of vitamins, amino acids and pectins contributes to the rejuvenation of the body.
  Brew white tea must necessarily soft and not too hot water (50-70C). Since it has a special concentration of essential oils that give it an exquisite aroma, brewing too hot water will kill these wonderful odors. The brewing time is extremely short, usually no more than 5 minutes.

Mint tea

Benefit: The beneficial properties of peppermint drink help to cope with indigestion, relieve colic, aid digestion, and help food move through the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint tea has an antispasmodic effect, relieves muscle pain and muscle tension.
  Calories: 0

Milk with 1% Fat

Benefit: Milk contains complex carbohydrates, proteins and a little fat, so this product is absorbed slowly and you feel full for a certain time. Due to complex carbohydrates, blood sugar remains stable. Calcium is found in milk along with vitamin D, therefore it is well absorbed. Moreover, calcium helps cells burn fat, therefore, milk contributes to normal weight loss.

Calories: A glass of milk (250 g) contains 120 calories.

Soy milk

Benefit: reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber and protein found in soy milk reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides. However, if you want to completely replace cow's milk with soy milk, you will not have enough calcium and vitamins A and D. In this case, you can buy soy milk enriched with these trace elements. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are likely to be associated with a risk of breast cancer. If you have had a case of this disease in your family, then the advisability of using soy milk is best discussed with your doctor.

Calories: 81 kcal in 250 g of product

Hot chocolate or cocoa

Benefit: improves mood and protects against the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. What provide this product with its beneficial properties? Cocoa contains many polyphenols, which protect cells from the action of free radicals. Drinking hot chocolate increases the production of the hormone serotonin, a low level of which negatively affects mood.
  Calories: about 195 kcal for 250 g of the finished product and 115 kcal in the powder mixture

Tomato juice without salt

Benefit: protects against many forms of cancer. As you know, processed products of fresh tomato contain lycopene in a greater concentration than the fruits themselves. Lycopene is associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the following organs: the oral cavity, lungs, stomach, liver, mammary glands, cervix, stomach, colon and rectum. In addition, lycopene protects the heart from exposure to free radicals, thereby reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
  Calories: 43 kcal in 250 g of product.

Cranberry juice

Benefit: prevents gum disease, helps cope with urinary tract infections. However, the juice most often contains sugar, so either choose 100% juice without sugar, or drink no more than one glass a day.

Calories: 140 kcal in 250 g of product.

Orange juice

Benefit: Vitamin C contained in the juice enhances immunity, protects against many diseases, including cataracts, cancer. Orange juice is an excellent source of folic acid, necessary to prevent defects in the development of the fetus.

Calories: 115 kcal in 250 g of product.

Drink delicious, natural and healthy drinks! Be always healthy and cheerful!