Storing cheese in the refrigerator after packaging. How to choose cheese in a store and what is its shelf life


Milk itself is a delicious and incredibly healthy product. Over the millennia, mankind has learned to make many other products on its basis, cheese occupies a special place.

There are many varieties of cheeses that differ in flavor, production method and cost. They have one thing in common - high requirements for storage conditions, which people often forget or do not know at all. How much and how to store cheese depends primarily on the type of cheese. If you follow the basic rules, you can enjoy the taste to the fullest.

Cheese is a product obtained from different types of milk through fermentation, fermentation or melting using special salts. There are more than 2 thousand varieties of cheese in the world, but all of them can be divided into several groups:

Each species has its own consistency and special taste. They are united by their high nutritional value and significant content of minerals and vitamins.

The calorie content of a product is directly related to its density: the harder the cheese, the higher it is. Hard and semi-hard varieties contain 25-30% fat and protein and 3-5% carbohydrates, soft carbohydrates are absent.

Any type of cheese contains:

  • vitamins: almost the entire group B, C, PP, E, A;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, zinc, copper;
  • macronutrients: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

The product is absorbed in the body almost completely.

Almost all types of cheese (except processed) are live, therefore they require special storage conditions.

How long can hard cheese be stored

Hard cheeses are made from milk by the long-term pressing method (at least six months), so they have a dense structure and low moisture content. The most popular varieties: Parmesan, Edam, Pecorino.

These species have an increased concentration of calcium, strengthen the bone skeleton and tooth enamel, and help to normalize blood pressure, sleep and emotional state.

The shelf life of such cheeses in vacuum packaging is about 4 months, after opening no more than 2 weeks. To store this type of dairy product, a high humidity (at least 85%) is required to avoid rapid drying. The optimum temperature is not less than 5 degrees and not more than 10.

How to store semi-hard varieties

Classic Russian cheese and Maasdam are a prime example of a semi-hard product. They have a dense texture and a soft texture that almost melts in the mouth. All semi-solid varieties have characteristic holes of different sizes inside.

Required conditions:

  • humidity - 80-85%;
  • temperature - 5-7 degrees;
  • term - 1-2 weeks.

You can extend the shelf life of hard and semi-hard cheese with a layer of paraffin or wax.

To do this, a piece is leveled with a knife and covered with 2-3 layers of paraffin. The cheese is wrapped in parchment and placed on a ceramic dish. The taste and useful qualities of the product are preserved for up to 1-1.5 months, provided that the integrity of the crust is preserved.

Storage conditions for soft cheeses

Young or soft cheeses cook quite quickly and therefore do not have the typical hard, dense crust on the surface. They are distinguished by a very delicate texture, as a rule, they leave a mild aftertaste of cream, nuts or mushrooms. The most popular are Mascarpone, Smolensky, Roquefort.

Eating soft cheeses helps to stabilize appetite, improve vision, and normalize metabolic processes. Soft varieties contribute to weight gain, so they are often included in the diet of children.

Storage conditions:

  • temperature from minus 4 to 5 degrees;
  • humidity - not less than 90%.

You need to eat cheese within 3 days after opening the package.

What kind of cheese can be stored in brine

Some varieties are made in a special way - they put raw materials in a brine, which gives the product a certain taste. Pickled cheeses: Suluguni, Adyghe, Mozzarella, Brynza, Feta.

Eating brine cheese replenishes the protein deficiency in the body. They are stored for several months in brine at temperatures up to 8 degrees above zero.

The condition of the brine must be constantly monitored, as soon as the liquid becomes cloudy, it must be changed to a new one. The brine is very simple to make: dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in half a liter of whey, milk or plain water.

The saltier the solution, the longer the cheese will be stored in it. If the product tastes too salty, it can be cut into portions and soaked in milk or water for 8-12 hours.

Another type of pickled cheese is Chechil or pigtail. In brine, it is at the stage of production, then it is pulled out, given its characteristic shape and so it goes on sale. Pigtail cheese has a delicate flavor and can be classic or smoked.

In a vacuum package, it lasts 2 months (smoked 3). At home, the pigtail is stored in parchment for 7-10 days.

Blue cheeses

We can say about this type of product that it is not for everybody. Not everyone will be able to eat a piece of blue cheese, albeit edible. Varieties of blue cheeses:

  • Camembert;
  • Gorgonzola;
  • Dor Blue;
  • Roquefort.

Cheeses of this type are made using a special technology, they are hard and soft, each has a special type of mold that has a different color and taste.

When eating cheeses with mold, the microflora is restored and the digestive system normalizes. However, the product is contraindicated for pregnant women, children and nursing mothers.

The main rule for storing this type of cheese is isolation from other products, since mold can significantly accelerate their spoilage. Shelf life at a temperature of 3-7 degrees and a humidity of 85-90% for soft species 3 days, for hard 7.

Moldy cheeses are distinguished by a rather noticeable aroma, which not only can be transferred to other products, but also linger for a long time in the refrigerator. To avoid this, the product is tightly wrapped in parchment and placed in an enamel pot or plastic container with a lid.


Processed cheeses made from dairy raw materials by adding special salts are very popular. They have a soft, creamy consistency and often include various additives: herbs, mushrooms, bacon.

Types of processed cheeses:

  • Friendship;
  • Amber;
  • Hochland.

You can store such cheeses for 3-5 days in a tightly closed package at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees and a humidity of 90%.

Processed cheeses dry very quickly, so it is recommended to keep them in their original packaging or wrap them in foil.


Some housewives pamper household members with their own cheese made from cow's or goat's milk. It is made from cottage cheese in brine or under pressure and is stored for only 2-3 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. For storage, the piece is wrapped in parchment and placed in a glass or enamel container.

Homemade cheese fully retains its properties and taste in the freezer, so if after 2 days there is a large amount of product left, it is worth freezing it.

Another way to store homemade cheese:

  • wrap a piece with a cloth soaked in saline solution for 1-2 hours;
  • pour over melted butter;
  • place in an enamel pan.

This will keep the product for several weeks, even at room temperature.


Curd cheeses (Philadelphia, Almette, Mascarpone) are distinguished by a particularly delicate texture and delicate taste.

In the original packaging, they are stored for 3 months at a temperature of 2-5 degrees, after opening the product must be consumed in 2-3 days.

  • high humidity (80-90%);
  • relatively low temperature (not higher than 10 degrees);
  • isolation from sunlight and artificial light.

At home, the best storage option is a refrigerator, but it is permissible to keep cheese in the basement, freezer, and even at room temperature.


The easiest way to store cheese is in the main compartment of the refrigerator. However, the product does not like very low temperatures, so the bottom shelf, the vegetable compartment or the refrigerator door are more suitable for this.

Each piece must be wrapped in an airtight container to protect it from drying out and impregnating with foreign odors. Parchment or baking paper is ideal for this.

You can wrap the product in a white paper towel and place it in a container with an airtight lid or bag without tying it.

It is not worth keeping the cheese in cling film, the product will suffocate and become covered with mold and mucus.

The shelf life depends on the species, but in any case, it is recommended to periodically check the condition of the product and allow it to breathe for a few minutes a day. Replace the packaging daily with a new one and wipe the container dry.

Cellar or basement

A cellar is suitable for storing large quantities of cheese in a private home or during the holidays when there is not enough space in the refrigerator.

Each piece of cheese is wrapped in cloth, parchment or paper and placed in an airtight glass or enamel container. This will protect the product from dampness, vegetable odors and possible rodents.

The basement is suitable for short-term storage of slices or long-term storage of whole heads or products in their original packaging.


A freezer is suitable for storing large quantities of cheese, such as leftovers from a holiday. Freezing will not affect the taste of the product, but it will somewhat reduce the beneficial properties and make the product fragile.

Before placing in the freezer, each piece is wrapped in parchment and cling film. Hard varieties can be pre-grated and placed in a separate container.

Frozen cheese is more suitable for adding to the second first courses: soups, pizza, pasta.

Shelf life in the freezer for 3-4 months.

At room temperature

This requires a cotton cloth and a strong saline solution (4 tablespoons per liter). A piece is wrapped in a cloth soaked in solution and placed in a container with a lid.

Any kind of cheese is a perishable and capricious product. If the above conditions are not met, it can lose taste and quality characteristics very quickly. Easy-to-follow tips will help you avoid this:

Cheese stored in the refrigerator must be inspected daily in order to detect loss of quality in a timely manner. Signs of spoilage:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • dark points;
  • white or pink spots;
  • slippery surface;
  • mold.

If the cheese begins to deteriorate, it is not necessary to throw out the entire piece, it is enough to remove the spoiled places. However, such a product is not suitable for eating without heat treatment, it can be used for cooking casseroles, sauces, pizza, soups.

A dried piece can be partially restored by dipping it in milk for several hours.

Among the variety of cheeses, an adult and a child can find one that he likes to taste. You should not buy a product for future use, it quickly loses its taste and properties. If the shelf life of the cheese is coming to an end, you can use the treat to prepare other dishes or simply freeze it.

Processed cheeses at temperatures from 0 to + 4 can be stored for three months.

  • Processed spread cheeses last up to 30 days.
  • Sausage (processed) cheeses in a paraffin casing are stored for 2 months, in a polymer film - 4 months.
  • Homemade (homemade) cheese only lasts a few days.
  • Chechil ("pigtail") cheese is stored for about two months, the smoked version - for about three months.
  • Curd cheeses in polymer containers can last up to three months, an opened casing will shorten this period to three days.
  • Solid and semi-solid (packaged) are stored for 15 days at temperatures from +2 to +8 and at a humidity of 90%, but there are exceptions:
  • Maasdam, Russian, Gouda, Lambert - up to 120 days;
  • Parmesan - up to 6 months;
  • Dutch - up to 120 days.

The paraffin coating keeps hard cheeses up to a month longer than the polymer coating.

Shelf life and storage of sliced ​​Russian cheese in the refrigerator


The container can be made of polymeric materials, in which case the shelf life will be 30 days. Cheese filled with brine (marinade) in glass containers are stored longer - 75 days.


At home, it is better to extract brine cheeses from polymer containers and store them in cold conditions. Suluguni, for example, after purchase, it is advisable to immediately put it in a container or glass jar and store it in brine at t no more than +6 ºС.

The lifespan of this product can be extended by placing it in fresh milk for a while, and then pouring it with a prepared solution of water and salt (400 grams of salt per 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature), letting it stand for a day and replacing it with a more gentle solution (200 g salt per 1 liter of water). One of the varieties of Suluguni is Chechil cheese, or in common people "pigtail" cheese.
It is plaited into a pigtail at the final stage of industrial production.

Rospotrebnadzor: sliced ​​cheese should be sold within 12 hours

Timing by type The following factors affect the establishment of the shelf life of cheese:

  • the composition of the product;
  • the moisture content of the product itself;
  • the amount of salt in it;
  • the presence or absence of a shell on it.

Hard and semi-hard The most popular types of cheese are hard and semi-hard: Parmesan, Cheddar, Holland, Gouda, Russian, Kostroma, Poshekhonsky, Latvian, Maasdam, Oltermani, King Arthur, Dor Blue, etc. semi-hard cheese is 15 days.

At home, they should be kept in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf at temperatures from +4 to +8 ºС and humidity of 90%. Nevertheless, each type of cheese has its own, individual, storage characteristics.

Shelf life of different types of cheese and storage features

At the same time, temperature fluctuations are highly undesirable. As for the air humidity, it should be around 90%. All this will help the cheese not to spoil earlier than expected. If the cheese has somehow dried up, then you should not rush to throw it into the trash can.
Such dried cheese can be grated and eaten. Especially shabby cheese is perfect for filling pasta dishes, as well as many other culinary masterpieces.


Cheese shelf life in the refrigerator As with most dairy products, it is recommended to store cheese in the refrigerator, where the temperature is good. In this case, at home, a whole head of hard cheese can be stored for 2 months.

A soft head of cheese is stored for much less - 15 days. But the shelf life of cheese (hard) in pieces is 1 month.
However, before placing the cheese in the refrigerator, it is required to properly wrap it in a bag or cling film.

Shelf life of various types of cheese according to GOST

It is necessary to sell the product from the moment when it is packaged no later than 20 days, while storage should take place at t not higher than +10 ° C and a maximum relative humidity of 80%. How to save? Cheese is a unique, lively product, a process of development is constantly going on in it, but it ends up on the counter when it is already ripe, and sometimes even overripe.

This, first of all, is reflected in its taste - the cheese becomes too spicy, and sometimes gets a rancid taste. In addition, this delicacy "loves" to absorb extraneous odors, so it is better to store it separately, wrapped in foil or, in extreme cases, in cling film.

The terms and conditions of storage differ for different types of cheese, but absolutely all of them suffer from temperature fluctuations and changes in relative humidity.

Cheese shelf life

Storage temperature The optimal storage temperature for most varieties and types of cheese ranges from 4-8 ° C. At lower temperatures and during freezing, the cheese loses its shape or begins to crumble, flake.

In addition, its specific flavoring properties are distorted. At temperatures above 10-15 ° C, the consistency (structure) and taste of the dairy product change and the progressive growth of pathogenic microorganisms begins. Humidity indicators For cheeses, it is recommended to maintain humidity in the premises of the content at the level of 85-92%. Extremes of performance negatively affect the quality of the cheese. So, very low humidity leads to drying, and high humidity contributes to a deterioration in taste, decay and spoilage.

What do you need to know about the expiration dates and storage times of different types of cheese?

Pickled cheeses are stored from 30 days to 75 days: The shelf life depends on the packaging of the product:

  • in polymer packaging - 30 days;
  • in glass (in brine) - 75 days.

Soft ones with mold can be stored for no more than one month at temperatures below 0 degrees, at temperatures from 0 to +10, such cheese will be suitable for eating for only a week: Read about the shelf life of various types of champagne here. If we talk about the ideal storage conditions for cheese, then the following factors should be taken into account: The cellar could become such a place: the air temperature there is constant - from 6 to 10 degrees, the humidity is constant - 85-95%, there is ventilation. But such conditions are impossible in city apartments, and therefore the cheese can be overcooled, overheated, dry or "suffocate":

  1. To keep the packaged cheese from drying out, it is best to keep it wrapped in a damp cloth or cling film.

About the shelf life of prepackaged cheese

When storing this product, avoid:

  • too low temperatures, only soft cheeses can withstand freezing for several days;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • tightly closed plastic bags;
  • dividing it into small pieces, which will quickly become weathered and dry even if the storage conditions are observed;
  • do not wrap the cheese in paper.

How to store hard varieties Such cheese retains its freshness and taste in the refrigerator much longer than others. But all the same, the necessary storage conditions should be observed. Even so, the shelf life of hard cheese is no more than a month. And you need to check it regularly for mold stains or tainted spots.

Then they will last a week. What is the timeframe for refunding money to the buyer's bank card when returning the goods? You will find the answer on our website. back to contents Can I freeze? It happens that there is a lot of cheese, and you simply cannot eat it within 10 days of storage. It can be frozen in the freezer in several ways:

  1. Can be frozen in large pieces.

    To do this, you need to wrap it in foil.

  2. You can grate the cheese for use on casseroles and pizzas. And so that the crumbs do not stick together, they must be sprinkled with flour and shaken several times during the freezing process.
  3. If you plan to use frozen cheese for hot sandwiches, then the slices of cheese (each separately) must be wrapped in foil.

Only hard and semi-hard cheeses can be frozen.

For a long time, cheeses have occupied an honorable place in the human diet, and the culinary potential of this product is not exhausted. It is ubiquitous, and from the abundance of assortment on the counter you can be confused - which variety or type to give preference to.

Any buyer wants to buy fresh, high quality and delicious cheese. To find one, you need to "get acquainted" with the desired product, and it is advisable to do this at the stage of selection, so as not to miscalculate with the purchase.

When choosing cheese on the counter, first of all, you should pay attention to how fresh it is and how long it has left to “live”, ie for the terms of its validity. What does the legislation say? Large enterprises of the modern dairy industry, private cheese dairies are working in full force to satisfy consumer demand and saturate this market segment with their products.

Expiry date of sliced ​​cheese 2018

So the product does not dry out, does not dry out, does not absorb foreign odors.You can find out whether the food additive E 476 is harmful from our article. If you observe the optimal storage regime for the product and store it correctly, then in the refrigerator the cheese can retain its taste and quality for a long time:

  • hard and semi-hard varieties will last 10 days;
  • brine, soft and with mold "live" for about three to four days;
  • there are cheeses (Bree, Roquefort), which must be taken out of the refrigerator for a short time every two to three days to "breathe". Then they will last a week.

What are the terms for refunding money to the buyer's bank card when returning the goods? You will find the answer on our website. It happens that there is a lot of cheese, and you simply cannot eat it within 10 days of storage.
After all, they not only require special storage conditions, but also have a special aroma. For example, mold cheese, which is so rare in the refrigerator of our housewives, must be kept away from other products and in sealed packaging.

Brine varieties are stored in a jar or saucepan, placed in a special brine. And the shelf life of self-made cheese can be no more than 2-3 days.

It is very important to observe the storage conditions for this product. Cheese must be packed. It is better to purchase a special ceramic or glass cheese pan with a ventilated lid for storage at home. It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime - from 3 to 10 degrees. And it is advisable that the temperature does not fluctuate, since the cheese does not like this. But you can save this product even without a refrigerator.

  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer term: 2 months
Storage conditions:
In the refrigerator at a temperature from +6 to +8 ° С

A food product like cheese has a rich and long history. Now it is spread literally all over the world, and its taste is popular with hundreds of millions of people. Although earlier this dairy product was created exclusively for the elite and privileged people who enjoyed the unique taste of cheese. Over time, many types of cheeses began to appear, significantly different from each other. Many people love to eat sandwiches with cheese in the morning, as it is not only very tasty, but also high-calorie and nutritious. In addition, cheese is used in many dishes around the world.

Cheese is very popular all over the world. This delicacy appeared more than seven thousand years ago in the countries of the Middle East and won the respect of the ancient Greeks and Romans. A little later, the product gained popularity in Europe and subsequently spread throughout the world.

Cheese is a food quite easily assimilated by the human body. The rennet curdles the milk and makes cheese. In its composition, it is very similar to, but cheese has a little more vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

Varieties of cheeses

Over time, technologies for the production of cheese products have improved and newer varieties of cheese have appeared. Thanks to the monks who produced cheeses in holy places, moldy cheeses, spicy, smoked and salted cheeses appeared. It was the monks who created a solid foundation for cheese gourmets, who gradually developed new types of cheeses.

Hard cheeses are dairy products with a very dense consistency, topped with a natural crust. Such a product matures for a long time, from three months to three years. The cheeses of this category are distinguished by a special and pronounced taste, as well as a strong aroma. These varieties have relatively low moisture content - it does not even reach 55%.

  • Smoked cheeses;
  • Peasant cheeses;
  • Blue cheeses;
  • Naturally aged cheeses;
  • Cheese with a red crust;

Other well-known varieties are Swiss (50% fat with a spicy taste) and Dutch (45% fat and spicy taste) cheeses, Parmesan (32% fat).

Characteristics of cheeses

Based on GOST R 52686-2006 “Cheese. General technical conditions "cheeses are classified into groups and have technical requirements for their production:

1. Depending on the mass fraction of moisture in the fat-free substance:

2. Depending on the mass fraction of fat (MJ) in dry matter:

Cheese composition

Cheese is very rich in nutrients that are good for the body. This dairy product contains methionine, tryptophan, lysine and other amino acids. It also contains a lot of protein. Some specimens made from high-fat milk contain huge amounts of lipids. These cheeses have a higher calorie content than other types.

Hard cheese contains many minerals and vitamins such as C, A, D, E and B vitamins. Also, this dairy product is rich in macro- and microelements. The most common of these are: phosphorus (550 mg), calcium (1010 mg), iron, potassium, sodium (870 mg), magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese.

Useful properties of cheese

Cheese products are famous not only for their taste, but also for their colossal health benefits. This is due to the composition of the delicacy.

The use of cheese treats helps to normalize metabolism. With the help of them, you can significantly lose weight, using only low-fat varieties. Cheese is good for children as it helps them grow faster. For those suffering from low blood pressure, this dairy product will be very useful, as it contributes to an increase in blood pressure, as well as an increase in hemoglobin in the blood.

Frequent consumption of cheese will help get rid of depression and restore restful sleep, since this product has a positive effect on the nervous system.

In general, cheese is a storehouse of substances useful for the human body. And, remember that the higher the fat content of the cheese, the more benefit you will get from eating this product.

Cheese harm

Sometimes cheeses are fraught with serious dangers to our health. Lovers of high-fat cheeses are at risk of hypertension and high cholesterol, as well as obesity problems. You need to be careful when eating cheese, as overuse can lead to headaches and even nightmares.

Cheese products should be eaten with caution by pregnant women, since some types of cheese, mainly with mold, are home to harmful organisms that cause miscarriages and freezing of pregnancy.

Spicy types of cheese treats are contraindicated for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and pancreatitis.

Cheese storage

Since cheese is a product created from, then storage must be approached with all responsibility. The shelf life of cheese depends largely on air temperature and humidity.

The ideal temperature for storing cheese is 6 to 8 degrees.

At the same time, temperature fluctuations are highly undesirable. As for the air humidity, it should be around 90%. All this will help the cheese not to spoil earlier than expected.

If the cheese has somehow dried up, then you should not rush to throw it into the trash can. Such dried cheese can be grated and eaten. Especially shabby cheese is perfect for filling pasta dishes, as well as many other culinary masterpieces.

Cheese shelf life in the refrigerator

Like most dairy products, it is recommended to store cheese in the refrigerator, where the temperature is good. In this case, at home, a whole head of hard cheese can be stored 2 months... A soft head of cheese is stored much less - 15 days... But the shelf life of cheese (hard) in pieces is 1 month... However, before placing the cheese in the refrigerator, it is required to properly wrap it in a bag or cling film.

Such types of cheese, like suluguni, have a shelf life of 25 to 75 days, and they should be placed in the warmest place of the refrigerator. The refrigerator is perfect for storing processed cheese. The shelf life of sausage and chunk cheese in the refrigerator is about 3 months... Cheese such as pasty and sweet have a shelf life 1 month.

When choosing a place to store cheese in the refrigerator, keep in mind the following:

  • It is not recommended to store cheese in the refrigerator door, as due to temperature changes the cheese will lose its freshness faster;
  • The best place for storing cheese is the lower drawer for vegetables and fruits;
  • To extend the shelf life of the cheese, wrap it in parchment paper before storing it;
  • Let the cheese stand at room temperature before serving, so it can restore its original flavor characteristics.

Shelf life of cheese in the freezer

If you plan to continue using the cheese in its original form, do not freeze it. When frozen, the product loses its basic characteristics.

A dairy product can be frozen if used as a dressing for main dishes. You can store cheese in the freezer no more than 2-3 months.

Cheese shelf life at room temperature

To store cheese without a refrigerator, it must first be wrapped with a linen napkin soaked in salted solution. A cool and dark place is ideal for storage.

You can store cheese in such conditions no more than 7 days.

Cheese storage is not particularly difficult if you know certain rules and create the right conditions. At home, the shelf life and temperature conditions depend on whether the cheese is stored in the refrigerator or without it.

Shelf life and storage conditions of various varieties

Depending on the density and cooking technology, different types of cheeses are classified. The difference lies in the taste and conditions required for each variety.

  • Soft. The consistency is creamy, soft or curd. This type is not subjected to additional processing. There are types with a crust. For soft fresh varieties, a temperature of 0-8 C. If a product with mold is 0-6 C. Air humidity should be 70-85%. Stored for about 5 days after release. Brine varieties prefer temperatures up to 8C. They can be stored from a month to 2.5 - 3 months.
  • Semi-solid. The consistency is also creamy, but firm. The ripening period and pressing technology distinguish these varieties from the soft ones. Conditions are the same as for hard varieties.
  • Solid. Cannot be sliced. They are mainly used rubbed. Or served in pieces. Such cheeses are stored from a month to a year, at -4 - 0 C. The recommended air humidity is in the range of 85-90%.
  • Smoked. In terms of density, they are close to solid. The difference lies in the preparation method and the taste of the final product. Film packaging will help to last up to 4 months. Paraffin wax for about 2 months. The packaging must be dry. The presence of moisture indicates improper storage. The color of the product must be uniform. Storage temperature 2-6 C.
  • Fused. Refers to a cheese product. Since the composition often includes vegetable fats. Unassuming enough. They can be stored for about a year. The storage area must be dry and well ventilated. Air humidity not more than 90% and not less than 85%. Temperature -4 - 0 С.

If the cheese was prepared on its own, then it should be stored for no more than 3-4 days. Therefore, too large a quantity should not be produced.

The data given are generalized. Each individual variety has its own characteristics, on which the correct conditions will depend.

Factors that lead to spoilage

Even the freshest and highest quality cheese can lose its flavor characteristics or deteriorate if the influence of the following factors is allowed:

  1. The temperature is too high. It has a particularly detrimental effect on varieties with high humidity. Such conditions favor the development of pathogenic bacteria. For drier cheeses, the risk is less. But, with prolonged exposure to high temperatures, they can also deteriorate. This factor also badly affects the appearance and taste. The surface becomes sticky and the taste is rancid.
  2. The temperature is too low. Cold environments can dry out the food. The ripening process slows down. Cold can also spoil the taste. Even using the refrigerator, you should place the cheese in a special place with an appropriate temperature regime.
  3. Incorrect packaging. The cheeses for sale are offered in vacuum packages. If used immediately after purchase, remove the vacuum or plastic packaging. For further storage, wrap it in a special breathable paper. You can use aluminum foil.

Cold storage

Home conditions involve the use of a refrigerator. In order not to spoil the taste and not allow it to deteriorate, it is necessary to create the right conditions.

It is important to choose a suitable location for placement:

  • The refrigerator door is not suitable for this purpose. The food that is stored on it is more likely to be exposed to temperature changes. This is detrimental to most varieties;
  • The drawers of the lower section of the refrigerator are perfect. They are designed for storing fruits and vegetables. You can successfully apply them to cheese;
  • The place must be selected away from the freezer;
  • Remember the correct packaging. Foil or parchment paper meets these requirements. Or a material that allows you to "breathe". You can pierce the packaging to allow small holes to provide additional ventilation;
  • You can put the cheese on a plate, cover with plastic. Or use special plastic containers that come with the refrigerator;

If you do everything right, then:

  • The hard head variety can be stored for 60 days. A large piece will not go bad in 30 days;
  • The head of the soft variety lasts up to 15 days.

In the freezer

Sometimes it becomes necessary to extend the shelf life, since immediate use is not planned. Then you can resort to freezing.

  • You should be aware that some properties are lost during freezing. Crumbling is possible. The original aroma is missing;
  • Frozen product is not recommended to be served. Best used when preparing meals;
  • You can grate before placing in the freezer. This will make it easier to use after defrosting;
  • Soft varieties become watery;
  • You can store the product frozen for 2-3 months.

At room temperature

These conditions provide for a minimum shelf life. To renew it, you need to know the following:

  1. The storage area must be dry and dark;
  2. The product should be wrapped with a napkin soaked in saline solution. This will not allow it to wind up and dry;
  3. At room temperature, you can use it no later than 7 days;
  4. If possible, prepare a dry, ventilated area with a wooden surface;
  5. Home conditions also include storage in the cellar (if any).
  • It is recommended to avoid sudden temperature changes;
  • Before serving, it is recommended to remove the product from the refrigerator. This will make the taste and aroma more natural. Enough 40-50 minutes of staying outside the refrigerator;
  • Store preferably in one piece. And cut immediately before use;
  • If the cheese is in a plastic bag, you can also put a sugar cube in there. This will help keep mold out;
  • You can protect the product from drying out as follows: soak a napkin with a salt water solution. Squeeze well so that it stays just damp, and the water does not drain. Wrap the product. Then store in the refrigerator. It is not necessary to additionally pack in a package;
  • During storage, the product should be protected from extraneous food odors. He can absorb them into himself;
  • Large chunks of cheese last longer;
  • If you bought sliced ​​cheese, you need to change the packaging film after each use;
  • Do not store different varieties in the same package;
  • It is recommended to open the manufacturer's packaging immediately before use;
  • Temperature and humidity surges are the most common cause of spoilage;
  • When the product changes its original color, the surface becomes sticky or becomes covered with mucus, then it is spoiled. You cannot eat such cheese.

These simple rules will allow you to enjoy the taste for as long as possible.

The photos, foolishly posted online by one of the employees, caused outrage for another reason - after all, none of us knows who and how actually prepare this product. It is possible that there are such crazy guys in other factories. They simply did not record their adventures on camera or quietly store them at home on a computer.

That is why we decided to buy the most popular types of pigtail cheeses in the stores of the capital and hand them over to the laboratory for analysis. What results we got, read below.

For our research, we bought two, perhaps, the most common types of pigtail cheese in a supermarket: the Adyghe Spaghetti of the Shovgenovsky dairy and the Miracle-Cheese Nemchinovskie, which are produced in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region by a certain individual entrepreneur Anikushina.

Both types of cheese, as explained by the deputy head of the certification body Rostest-Moscow, Victoria Shcherbinina, belong to the variety of pickled cheeses. They are made by hand - the cheese mass is pulled out until braids are obtained. After that, the product ripens for several days in salted brine.

A distinctive feature of these cheeses is that they contain a large amount of salt. In the Adyghe cheese, as it turned out, the amount of salt practically reaches the upper limit of the norm - 6.7% (the norm should be no more than 7%). This means that the manufacturer in this way tried to increase the shelf life of the product.

In addition, the Adyghe cheese is vacuum packed, which also extends the shelf life. It is thanks to the packaging that this pigtail can be stored, as indicated on the label, for 50 days. According to Shcherbinina, in this case, the vacuum is even better than ordinary film, since the taste, smell, color and consistency of the product are well preserved under it.

In the second type of pigtails from the Moscow region, table salt is much less - 5.1%. And it is packaged in ordinary briquettes, covered with plastic wrap. Accordingly, the shelf life of the product is half that of the previous one.

In polyethylene, during storage, moisture from the product evaporates, which means that the salt concentration, on the contrary, increases, - the specialist explains.

Now let's look at other indicators of the quality of cheese products. Microbiological, fortunately, turned out to be normal! No Salmonella, Listeria or any other bacteria were found in the cheese.

One of the main indicators of the quality of cheese is also the mass fraction of fat in dry matter.

If you have noticed, the manufacturer always puts this indicator on the packaging in large letters. In much the same way as milk producers indicate the percentage of fat content of the product. So, for example, in the Adyghe cheese, according to the label, the mass fraction of fat (in terms of dry matter) is 40%.

According to test reports - 39.2%. This is slightly less than the stated figure. According to Shcherbinina, in this case, an error of one percent is possible.

But in the cheese near Moscow, the indicators diverge more. The label says that the fat content of the pigtail is 45%, but in fact - only 43%. In addition, as Victoria Yakovlevna explained, the inscription itself is indicated on the label in this case incorrectly.

The fat content in a product and the proportion of fat in dry matter are different indicators, - explains the specialist. - Therefore, the manufacturer of pigtails from the Odintsovo district is misleading the buyer, indicating simply the percentage of fat, and not the proportion of fat in dry matter. Indeed, if you carefully read the composition of the pigtail near Moscow, then it is indicated in small letters: 100 grams of the product contains 19.5 grams of fat.

In general, nutrition experts, as it turned out, have a lot of questions about the composition indicated on the packaging of cheese from the Moscow region of IE Anikushin.

On the packaging of Adyghe cheese, the composition is written correctly, in full accordance with the technical regulations, explains Victoria Shcherbinina. - The thermal state of milk is pasteurized, the type of bacterial starter culture is from mesophilic lactic acid streptococci, enzymes are of animal origin.

But in another, from the Moscow region, the composition was not deciphered. As a result, it is not clear what kind of milk was used in the production of cheese, nor what kind of "bacterial leaven of non-animal origin" was used. In addition, the type of starter microflora is not indicated, and the enzyme comes with an incomprehensible set of letters that say nothing.

Bathing cheesy me

I think not many of you have studied the composition of pigtail cheese in such detail up to this point.

For the average consumer, all these names for ferments and enzymes are like a Chinese letter. Well, who of us, you see, knows exactly what origin should be this or that enzyme, and what kind - sourdough? And even if everything is specified in detail in the composition, which of that?

The quality of such a product, which is made by hand, can only be found out by conducting appropriate laboratory tests.

By the way, let me remind you that after the incident with the employees of the Omsk plant bathing in a milk bath in Russia, according to Rospotrebnadzor, the turnover of Chechil cheeses under the Syroedovo and Adygea trademarks of the Omsk trading house was officially suspended. However, in mid-April, three consignments of cheeses from the scandalous factory with a total weight of almost 50 kg were seized in Togliatti. The cheese, according to laboratory tests, did not meet the requirements of the technical regulations.

As the epidemiologists of the microbiological laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow explained, there are many different microorganisms on the human skin.

And when we swim, all of them will definitely fall into the water. It is not recommended to drink it. The same is with milk - there bacteria also multiply well.

According to the head of the laboratory of microbiological test methods "Rostest-Moscow" Larisa Ilyina, E. coli will definitely get into the raw materials that come into contact with human skin. The presence of this bacteria, by the way, greatly spoils the appearance of the product - it becomes more porous and friable.

In addition, if a person had any wounds on the body, a purulent infection, for example, staphylococcus, can get into the product, which, in turn, can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. So what is right for Omsk strawberry lovers…. ugh, pigtails.

For the sake of momentary glory, they endangered the health of the unfortunate gourmets. And the whole country is now looking with apprehension at the recently harmless product.
