Navy-style pasta in a slow cooker - a delicious recipe quickly and easily! Navy-style pasta: a recipe in a Redmond multicooker How to cook a dish using a multicooker.

Macaroni naval - we owe this dish to the age-old sailors and travelers, since the products necessary for this dish were very nutritious and easy to transport. The meat in the sea was stored in barrels in the form of corned beef. Seafarers made mince from meat, fried it and mixed it with macaroni. In the early 18th century, macaroni came to Russia in a naval fashion from Italy. This dish gained particular popularity during the Great Patriotic War, as an easily accessible food that does not require much time in its preparation. Naval macaroni is a dish that everyone loves and knows. And today we offer you our version of the popular dish “ Navy-style pasta in a slow cooker».

Ingredients for the recipe "Pasta in a Navy in a Multicooker"

  • pork - 500 g
  • - 300 g
  • slurry - 1 piece.
  • - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • - 2 cloves
  • - 1 tablespoon.
  • ground - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Water - approx. 1 liter

PROCEDURE FOR PREPARING the recipe for "Pasta in a Navy in a Multicooker"

  1. Peel the onion and cut into small pieces. We also clean and chop the garlic. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker. I turn on the cooking mode of the Fry, the cooking time is 20 minutes. I throw onion and garlic into the bowl and fry for 5 minutes.
  2. Put the minced meat in the multicooker bowl. Use a spatula to break the minced meat into pieces during frying so that it does not stick together. We fry until the end of the Frying mode.
  3. We put pasta in the multicooker bowl (almost any will do, with the exception of spaghetti or very small pasta). Add salt and black pepper. Pour in water and mix. The water should barely cover the pasta (literally 0.5 cm). If there is a lot of water, the pasta may swell too much. By the way, it is desirable that the pasta is made from durum wheat (again, so that it does not fall apart during cooking). Add lecho or ketchup if desired.
  4. Next, boil water in a kettle and pour dry pasta into the minced meat, mix everything, salt, add seasonings to taste and pour boiling water over with boiling water so that the water barely barely covers the pasta with minced meat (it is important not to overdo it with water). Cook in baking mode with the lid closed for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

At the end of the multicooker, open the lid and mix the pasta again. Transfer to a plate, decorate with herbs and serve. A very simple and delicious dish! Bon Appetit!

Naval pasta in a multicooker practically does not differ from those cooked in the usual way. Unless the dish turns out to be less watery, the taste is more pronounced, and there is less hassle with such a recipe. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn how to cook pasta in a navy style in multicooker multicookers and in different ways.

All the main components are common - fresh minced meat, onions, pasta and water.

Naval pasta with minced meat is prepared very quickly and does not require significant effort.

To make the dish not too high in calories, add a minimum of oil and make homemade minced meat from lean meats. Let it be a one-to-one mixture of beef and lean pork.

Let's prepare products:

  • a pound of minced meat;
  • turnip onion head;
  • vegetable oil for frying - just a couple of tablespoons;
  • pasta "feathers" or other products - 200 g;
  • spices, salt;
  • boiling water.


  1. Put onion and minced meat cut into small cubes in the multicooker bowl. Add vegetable oil and put the multicooker in baking mode for 10 minutes.
  2. Without closing the lid, bring the onion with minced meat to a state of light roasting and then put dry pasta on top. Salt, pepper, pour boiling water, barely covering the pasta - no longer worth it, so as not to turn the dish into pasta porridge.
  3. We set the pilaf cooking mode and wait. After the standard time, the dish is ready.

Important: Do not add too much water. Then the pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker will turn out to be moderately boiled and not wet, and the meat will be juicy, but not watery.

With beef

This recipe is remembered by everyone from childhood - mothers' children always cook navy-style pasta from boiled beef. It is very quick and easy to do the same in a multicooker. Especially if you know how to cook beef stew in a slow cooker. If it is boiled in advance, then the process will take very little time. If not, you have to cook.

Let's prepare:

  • pasta - 300 g, can be any, but all durum wheat;
  • boiled beef - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • 20 g butter;
  • the same amount of vegetable;
  • pepper and salt; and parsley to taste.

Case progress:

  1. Boiled beef should be minced. You can just chop it finely, but if you cook it for children, then it's easier for them to chew ground beef.
  2. You need to put pasta in a slow cooker, add salt, pour boiling water so that it covers the contents on your finger, and put a piece of butter. Set the "Pasta" mode.
  3. Meanwhile, it's time to pour vegetable oil into the pan, fry finely chopped onions and minced beef in it.
  4. It is advisable to rinse the finished pasta, put it back in the multicooker and fill it with minced meat. After stirring, warm up a little and serve. Sprinkle dill on the dish for decoration and flavor. It is better to do this at the end of cooking, heating the dish in a multicooker, but you can also before serving it directly to the table.

With minced chicken

Minced poultry can significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish, while minced chicken is much cheaper than beef. To enrich the flavor of chicken pasta, you can add some mushrooms - it will be tastier and more interesting.

Naval pasta with minced chicken is a simple, tasty and satisfying dish.

To cook navy pasta, take:

  • 400 g pasta;
  • 350 g minced chicken;
  • mushrooms (for example, champignons) - 300 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • butter and vegetable oils - 40 g each;
  • salt and pepper to your taste, you can add herbs of Provence.

Cooking pasta:

  1. First fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil, cut into pieces. To do this, pour vegetable oil into the bowl and set the frying mode. After evaporating excess water from the mushrooms, add the chopped onion and continue to fry.
  2. Next, add minced chicken to the mass. Fry it lightly too.
  3. Now it remains to add pasta to the bowl and pour hot water into it. Salt and pepper the contents and leave in the "Pasta" or "Pilaf" program (which is available).
  4. Chicken meat is dry due to its low fat content. Therefore, to soften the taste, you can add a little sour cream or cream to the water and stew along with all the ingredients.

Cooking in a hurry with stew

Naval macaroni with stew is an ideal option for a bachelor dinner. And in the female version, it is a convenient thing if you don't have time, but you want a dense and hearty dish for the whole family and a win-win result.

Many people love this pasta, it is only important that the stew from cans is of high quality and without additives.

In a multicooker it turns out even faster, because you do not need to look, follow and drain the water.

Need to buy:

  • a pack of pasta (450 g);
  • a can of stew - the larger it is, the tastier the dish;
  • a couple of onions;
  • pepper, salt, other spices.

Everything is nowhere easier - chop the onion finely (if you wish, you can add a little carrots). Separate the fat from the stew and fry the vegetables in a bowl on it. If there is little fat, add oil.

Fry on the "Fry" mode, then add the stew and cook together. Large pieces should be grained for evenness. Then, as usual - pasta, boiling water and spices. We cook on the "Pilaf" or "Pasta" mode, whoever has what.

Recipe in tomato sauce

Variation on the theme of naval pasta - pasta with tomato sauce. All the ingredients are the same, plus the Krasnodar sauce or just a tablespoon of tomato paste is added.

Tomato sauce will add a richer flavor to your meal.

You can also add half a half-liter can of Lecho canned vegetables (store or homemade) to the minced meat fried with onions.

After adding the tomato part, it's time to pour out the pasta, add water, salt and cook as usual. It will turn out delicious, although not like the classic "naval" pasta.

With shrimps

An incredibly delicious dish with seafood and pasta.

Would need:

  • a pack of spaghetti (500 g);
  • a pound of unpeeled shrimp;
  • 100 g of any hard cheese;
  • cream;
  • vegetable oil and butter - one table each. spoon;
  • greens (basil is better, but you can use parsley or dill);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt pepper.

It is necessary to boil the pasta to the al dente state. In the meantime, you can prepare the sauce. For it, you need to melt the butter in a pan, fry the chopped garlic a little and, as soon as it gives off flavor, put the chopped greens. Add the peeled shrimp for a couple more minutes. They should be kept on fire for a little while and pour in the cream. As it boils, you need to grate the cheese there. The entire preparation of the sauce takes a maximum of 10 minutes.

It's time to add the discarded pasta to a slightly boiling sauce, stir and warm up. Cover the dish and put it on the plates after a few minutes.

The difference between cooking in multicooker Redmont and Polaris

In any of the multicooker, the taste of the dish will be amazing.

The products of both brands are similar, including in terms of price. The American multicooker Redmond is more advantageous only in that it has more power than Polaris, which affects the cooking time. However, the difference is not catastrophic either. Both devices have almost the same programs, the only exception is the preparation of yoghurt and pasteurization, which are available on the Redmond models and not on the Polaris brand. Everything else is practically the same, including the automatic setting of the time in accordance with the programs.

Today we had navy-style pasta for dinner in a slow cooker. And I will tell you how you can easily prepare this popular pasta and minced meat dish according to the classic recipe.

Many of us love navy-style pasta. But this dish is considered very high in calories. And this is only at first glance. If you use the classic version of this recipe, where minced meat is taken as meat, not stew. And take pasta of hard varieties that are more useful for our body, then you certainly cannot call it harmful. Especially if we don't buy minced meat in the store, but cook it ourselves from less fatty meat.

Let's prepare a dish according to the classic recipe, which includes only onions, pasta, minced meat and water.

This dish is simple and easy to prepare. And even an inexperienced hostess will cope with naval pasta in a slow cooker.


  • Minced meat 300-350 g
  • Pasta - 200 g
  • 1 head of onion
  • Desired amount of hot water
  • Salt and seasonings to taste

Finely chop the onion head.

Mix onion with minced meat in a plate.

Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a multicooker and put the minced meat with onions there.

Fry in baking mode for ten minutes.

Next, pour dry pasta into a saucepan, salt, pepper, add seasonings and add water so that they disappear a little. You don't need to pour a lot of water, otherwise you will get porridge, not pasta.

We turn on the multicooker in the "pilaf" mode and go about our business. After the signal navy pasta in a slow cooker ready.

We lay out on plates.

Decorate with green cucumbers. Bon Appetit!

This is a dish that everyone knows and loves. If you've never tried it before, then the time has come. It can be cooked both on the stove and in a multicooker. Today we will try the second option so that you can and know how to prepare a dish, even if you are very busy.

Everything that we do in a multicooker will be possible to cook on a regular stove. The dish is prepared from the most common ingredients, from which we prepare various dishes every day. So don't expect anything supernatural.

We will cook classic naval pasta, then add tomatoes, then mushrooms and finish with the fourth recipe - with béchamel sauce. Lick your fingers!

What is this popular dish all the same? These are just boiled pasta and minced meat, which is fried with onions. Further, it's a matter of taste, or rather, various additives. You should definitely not let this go! So simple and so delicious!

To make delicious navy-style pasta, you need to know how to choose the right products. In our case, the main components are pasta and minced meat. It is their choice that will be discussed.

When choosing pasta, you should definitely pay attention to the appearance of the packaging. It must be transparent or at least have a "window" so that the buyer can view the product.

High quality pasta has a smooth surface without bumps, pimples. In no case should the surface of the product be loose, cracked.

The color of the items must be golden. In no case is it white, and not bright yellow, which will already indicate the unnaturalness of the product.

The shelf life indicated on the package will also tell a lot. Regular pasta should be stored for no more than three years. Colored - only two years, and egg - 12 months. If the period is longer, then the product contains non-natural additives.

It is also worth paying attention to the variety. If group A is indicated, then pasta is made from durum wheat - the most useful for the body. It should also be written that the product is made from durum wheat. If it is indicated that the varieties are hard, and the product is B, it is worth suspecting something amiss.

To choose good minced meat:

  1. When choosing packaged minced meat, look for the letter of the category - from A to D. In category A, there is the most meat in the composition - about 80%. In the last category - up to 20%;
  2. Pay attention to the color depending on the type of meat. It should be natural, not too bright, not gray or brown;
  3. The product should smell exclusively of meat. If it tastes like spices, then they were added to "refresh" the minced meat;
  4. If the meat is from the counter, then you need to look at the "puddle" underneath. A dark puddle - it has been lying for too long. If the puddle is light, pink, the product is fresh. If there is no liquid at all, then, most likely, cartilage, bones and other products that simply cannot excrete juice were interfered with;
  5. Packed minced meat can be stored for no more than 24 hours. This is important and worth looking at when buying.

Bachelor's kitchen: navy-style pasta in a slow cooker

This delicious and simple dish came to us from the Middle Ages, when travelers who spend many months at sea came up with this recipe. Pasta and corned beef were stored in barrels for a long time, and therefore naval pasta became so popular.

Everyone knows the recipe for making pasta in a navy way. The dish is undoubtedly tasty, but after cooking it is so reluctant to wash both the frying pan and the pan, and if you do not keep track of the pasta, instead of the aldente product, you get a viscous, indigestible porridge. Therefore, today we will show how you can cook navy pasta in a slow cooker.

The type of pasta in this case does not matter - it doesn't matter if it is noodles, or horns, or maybe you want to make spaghetti with minced meat in a slow cooker? All the subtleties and nuances are described in the photo recipe below, just repeat each step, read the information carefully, and you will be rewarded with insanely delicious food.


On a note: if desired, you can include carrots in the pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker, but this will already be a deviation from the classic recipe.

From the specified amount of ingredients, you will get 8-10 servings.

The energy value per 100 grams of the finished dish will be 295 calories, and in one serving, on average, 750 calories. Consider this, and do not use this dish for dinner, unless, of course, you want to come close to the size of a bowl.

Step 1

We activate the "Frying" or "Baking" mode on the multicooker machine display. We leave the bowl with the lid closed to warm up well.

In the meantime, let's get to the vegetables.

Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes. Onion lovers can chop coarsely for a rich onion flavor.

Pour vegetable oil into a preheated multicooker, spread the onions to fry.

While it is cooking, peel the garlic cloves, crush it on a cutting board to get juice, and chop finely.

By this time, the onion has been fried for about 10 minutes, and is it deliciously browned? Feel free to add the garlic, mix everything with a spatula - it is this mixture that will make the pasta navy-style in a slow cooker fragrant.

On a note: if you want to add carrots when cooking, then you should add them after the onions are lightly fried. Just wash the root vegetable, remove the skin and grate - the carrots added to the dish will revive it with a bright color and give an interesting aftertaste.

Step 2

Now you need to cook the minced meat.

Add salt, pepper, and other spices to your pre-defrosted minced meat. We would recommend adding a mixture of Provencal herbs and paprika, stirring the minced meat thoroughly, and leaving it there for 15 minutes to let the spices soak the meat.

We send the prepared minced meat to a multicooker, fry with onions and garlic. Fry until minced meat is ready. Here you decide for yourself - you can serve pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker fried until golden brown, or you can pour in a little water and just stew the minced meat.

On a note: The following things can minimize the calorie content of a dish: minced chicken and a magic silicone spatula, with which you can literally do without one drop of oil when frying meat and vegetables.

Step 3

The naval pasta is almost ready, it remains to add the main ingredient - pasta. We have these "horns". Pour in the specified amount of pasta, and fill it with hot boiled water - a little so that the water does not cover the pasta.

Be careful - it's better not to top up than to pour, because we want to get the perfect navy-style pasta in a slow cooker.

We close the lid of the multicooker, set the "Buckwheat" mode. The time it takes to finally cook the pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker is 15 minutes. Not that long, right?

Important: this recipe is not suitable for cooking spaghetti with minced meat using a multicooker. If you want to cook this particular type of pasta, see the cooking features below.

Spaghetti with minced meat in a slow cooker: culinary subtleties:

  • We do all the same actions as indicated in steps 1 and 2.
  • But step 3 will be slightly different.
  • Put the spaghetti in the bowl of the multicooker. If they are too long, we break it down to a convenient size.
  • Fill with hot water so that it does not cover the pasta.
  • We turn on the "Heating" mode for 4-5 minutes - during this time the spaghetti will soften a little and will not damage the walls of the multicooker during the cooking process.
  • Now gently stir the dish, add a small piece of butter so that the noodles do not stick together.
  • Now we activate the "Pilaf" mode, and cook until the end of the cooking program.
  • Serve the finished dish to the table, garnished with fresh herbs or grated cheese. A delicious and hearty lunch for the whole family is ready!

See another variation of this dish in the video below:

Navy-style pasta in a slow cooker

All day I spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Everything is in worries, and the running around is such that there was not even time to cook something. The multicooker really helped me out today. It was no longer curiosity and experiments in the kitchen with new technology - I needed to cook a healthy dish for my boys, but not spend a lot of time on it.

The naval pasta turned out to be delicious, and it took me about 15 minutes to do it. I cooked a multicooker for another 45 minutes without my active participation. After the triple beep-beep-beep, everyone ran to the table for lunch. Satisfied and well-fed, we all set to work again.

To cook naval pasta in a multicooker, you need the following products:

Total cooking time: 1 hour
Active cooking time: 15 minutes
Difficulty level: simple

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Navy-style pasta in a slow cooker - 7 cooking recipes

Naval pasta in a multicooker practically does not differ from those cooked in the usual way. Unless the dish turns out to be less watery, the taste is more pronounced, and there is less hassle with such a recipe. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn how to cook pasta in a navy style in multicooker multicookers and in different ways.

Navy-style pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker

All the main components are common - fresh minced meat, onions, pasta and water.

To make the dish not too high in calories, add a minimum of oil and make homemade minced meat from lean meats. Let it be a one-to-one mixture of beef and lean pork.

Let's prepare products:

  • a pound of minced meat;
  • turnip onion head;
  • vegetable oil for frying - just a couple of tablespoons;
  • pasta "feathers" or other products - 200 g;
  • spices, salt;
  • boiling water.


  1. Put onion and minced meat cut into small cubes in the multicooker bowl. Add vegetable oil and put the multicooker in baking mode for 10 minutes.
  2. Without closing the lid, bring the onion with minced meat to a state of light roasting and then put dry pasta on top. Salt, pepper, pour boiling water, barely covering the pasta - no longer worth it, so as not to turn the dish into pasta porridge.
  3. We set the pilaf cooking mode and wait. After the standard time, the dish is ready.

Important: Do not add too much water. Then the pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker will turn out to be moderately boiled and not wet, and the meat will be juicy, but not watery.

With beef

This recipe is remembered by everyone from childhood - mothers' children always cook navy-style pasta from boiled beef. It is very quick and easy to do the same in a multicooker. Especially if you know how to cook beef stew in a slow cooker. If it is boiled in advance, then the process will take very little time. If not, you have to cook.

Let's prepare:

  • pasta - 300 g, can be any, but all durum wheat;
  • boiled beef - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • 20 g butter;
  • the same amount of vegetable;
  • pepper and salt; and parsley to taste.

Case progress:

  1. Boiled beef should be minced. You can just chop it finely, but if you cook it for children, then it's easier for them to chew ground beef.
  2. You need to put pasta in a slow cooker, add salt, pour boiling water so that it covers the contents on your finger, and put a piece of butter. Set the "Pasta" mode.
  3. Meanwhile, it's time to pour vegetable oil into the pan, fry finely chopped onions and minced beef in it.
  4. It is advisable to rinse the finished pasta, put it back in the multicooker and fill it with minced meat. After stirring, warm up a little and serve. Sprinkle dill on the dish for decoration and flavor. It is better to do this at the end of cooking, heating the dish in a multicooker, but you can also before serving it directly to the table.

With minced chicken

Minced poultry can significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish, while minced chicken is much cheaper than beef. To enrich the flavor of chicken pasta, you can add some mushrooms - it will be tastier and more interesting.

Naval pasta with minced chicken is a simple, tasty and satisfying dish.

To cook navy pasta, take:

  • 400 g pasta;
  • 350 g minced chicken;
  • mushrooms (for example, champignons) - 300 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • butter and vegetable oils - 40 g each;
  • salt and pepper to your taste, you can add herbs of Provence.

Cooking pasta:

  1. First fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil, cut into pieces. To do this, pour vegetable oil into the bowl and set the frying mode. After evaporating excess water from the mushrooms, add the chopped onion and continue to fry.
  2. Next, add minced chicken to the mass. Fry it lightly too.
  3. Now it remains to add pasta to the bowl and pour hot water into it. Salt and pepper the contents and leave in the "Pasta" or "Pilaf" program (which is available).
  4. Chicken meat is dry due to its low fat content. Therefore, to soften the taste, you can add a little sour cream or cream to the water and stew along with all the ingredients.

Cooking in a hurry with stew

Naval macaroni with stew is an ideal option for a bachelor dinner. And in the female version, it is a convenient thing if you don't have time, but you want a dense and hearty dish for the whole family and a win-win result.

Many people love this pasta, it is only important that the stew from cans is of high quality and without additives.

In a multicooker it turns out even faster, because you do not need to look, follow and drain the water.

Need to buy:

  • a pack of pasta (450 g);
  • a can of stew - the larger it is, the tastier the dish;
  • a couple of onions;
  • pepper, salt, other spices.

Everything is nowhere easier - chop the onion finely (if you wish, you can add a little carrots). Separate the fat from the stew and fry the vegetables in a bowl on it. If there is little fat, add oil.

Fry on the "Fry" mode, then add the stew and cook together. Large pieces should be grained for evenness. Then, as usual - pasta, boiling water and spices. We cook on the "Pilaf" or "Pasta" mode, whoever has what.

Recipe in tomato sauce

Variation on the theme of naval pasta - pasta with tomato sauce. All the ingredients are the same, plus the Krasnodar sauce or just a tablespoon of tomato paste is added.

Tomato sauce will add a richer flavor to your meal.

You can also add half a half-liter can of Lecho canned vegetables (store or homemade) to the minced meat fried with onions.

After adding the tomato part, it's time to pour out the pasta, add water, salt and cook as usual. It will turn out delicious, although not like the classic "naval" pasta.

With shrimps

An incredibly delicious dish with seafood and pasta.

Would need:

  • a pack of spaghetti (500 g);
  • a pound of unpeeled shrimp;
  • 100 g of any hard cheese;
  • cream;
  • vegetable oil and butter - one table each. spoon;
  • greens (basil is better, but you can use parsley or dill);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt pepper.

It is necessary to boil the pasta to the al dente state. In the meantime, you can prepare the sauce. For it, you need to melt the butter in a pan, fry the chopped garlic a little and, as soon as it gives off flavor, put the chopped greens. Add the peeled shrimp for a couple more minutes. They should be kept on fire for a little while and pour in the cream. As it boils, you need to grate the cheese there. The entire preparation of the sauce takes a maximum of 10 minutes.

It's time to add the discarded pasta to a slightly boiling sauce, stir and warm up. Cover the dish and put it on the plates after a few minutes.

The difference between cooking in multicooker Redmont and Polaris

The products of both brands are similar, including in terms of price. The American multicooker Redmond is more advantageous only in that it has more power than Polaris, which affects the cooking time. However, the difference is not catastrophic either. Both devices have almost the same programs, the only exception is the preparation of yoghurt and pasteurization, which are available on the Redmond models and not on the Polaris brand. Everything else is practically the same, including the automatic setting of the time in accordance with the programs.

Now, in the age of new technologies, modern housewives often ask themselves the question of how to cook pasta in a navy style in a slow cooker so that it is tasty, and most importantly, it is prepared quickly and easily! This recipe is suitable for all those who do not know what to cook for dinner, but want a tasty and satisfying dinner! To prepare naval pasta for 6 servings, you will need the following ingredients:


  • 300-350 grams of ground beef;
  • 550-600 gr of pasta;
  • 120 grams of onions (2 medium heads);
  • 2 medium tomatoes (can be replaced with tomato paste 60 g);
  • 150-180 ml of purified drinking water
  • 25-30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt and other spices to taste.

To make the pasta tasty, it is better to follow the sequence of actions and do not miss anything. In this recipe for making navy pasta, a Redmond multicooker is used:


  1. Pour vegetable oil (25-30 ml) into a bowl, put finely chopped onions here, turn on the multicooker and set the "Fry" mode for 15 minutes;
  2. Salt the onion for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally and without closing the lid of the multicooker until the vegetable turns golden brown, then add the prepared minced meat, mix thoroughly;
  3. When the minced meat is lightly fried (2-3 minutes), add fresh tomatoes finely diced into the bowl, salt the semi-finished product, add spices with bay leaf and continue cooking in the "Fry" mode until the end of the program;
  4. Once the "Frying" program is over, turn on the "Stew" program and add the pasta to the bowl, stir and add water. Adjust the amount of added water, it should cover the pasta by 0.7 cm;
  5. Continue to cook the naval pasta in the "Braise" mode for another 18 minutes under the lid closed. And if you prefer "al dente" pasta, reduce the cooking time by 2 minutes;
  6. Navy-style pasta in a slow cooker is ready! Bon Appetit!

The dish cooks quickly, it turns out very tasty! But, in order not to spoil it, it is worth paying attention to two important points:

- when cooking pasta, do not be afraid to open the lid and stir the dish. If you load the wrong amount of food by weight, the food may burn or not cook, and you will have time to save your dinner;

- in addition, be sure to check the temperature in the programs that are switched on, if it exceeds 100 ° C, then the dish will cook faster and more intensively, respectively, the cooking time will be reduced. Keep an eye out so as not to digest.

Use only durum pasta, so you really get navy-style pasta at the end, and not boiled dough porridge. Dry crushed basil and marjoram mixed with dried parsley and paprika will help to add spice to the dish - the aroma will be incredible, and the taste is simply excellent! Bon Appetit! More delicious recipes in the heading: