Goulash with buckwheat in a slow cooker. Buckwheat with beef in a slow cooker

Step 1: prepare buckwheat.

First of all, we cover the countertop with a kitchen towel, pour the required amount of buckwheat on it and sort it out, removing any kind of debris, for example, husks or very often pebbles. Then we throw the cereals into a colander with a fine mesh, rinse thoroughly and leave in the sink until use to drain excess liquid from it.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

We don't waste a minute, using a sharp kitchen knife we ​​peel all the vegetables indicated in the recipe. We rinse them from the sand, dry them with paper kitchen towels, put them on a cutting board and continue preparing. Chop the onion into cubes ranging in size from 1 to 1.5 centimeters, and chop the carrots on a medium or coarse grater and move on.

Step 3: prepare the meat.

We wash fresh pork under streams of cold running water, dry it, send it to a clean board and, using another sharp kitchen knife, remove the veins, film, and small bones that very often remain on the log house. After that, grind the tenderloin into small portioned pieces ranging in size from 2 to 3 centimeters and proceed to the next step.

Step 4: cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker.

We insert the plug of the multicooker into the outlet, fix the Teflon bowl in its recess and pour in a little refined vegetable oil, two or three tablespoons will be enough. Then we select the mode "Baking" for 20 minutes and after a minute we throw pieces of pork into the fat that starts to warm up.
Sprinkle them to taste with ground black pepper and fry for 10 minutes to a slight blush, stirring occasionally with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula. At this stage, it is not necessary to bring the tenderloin to full readiness, a light golden-brown crust is enough, which will bind the upper tissues and subsequently, during further heat treatment, will help the meat to retain its juiciness.

In 10 minutes add onions and carrots to the bowl. Loosen everything again to a homogeneous consistency and simmer the meat and vegetables until the end of the program.

When the multicooker turns off, pour the cereal that had time to dry into it, fill it with the required amount of purified water at room temperature, season it to taste with salt, laurel leaf, mix everything again and cover the device with a tight-fitting lid. We find mode "Buckwheat" or "Groats" and press the "Start" button. Now you can go to do other important things, the miracle technology will do everything by itself.
After re-disconnecting, carefully lift the lid, within 2 minutes we release hot steam, then again mix the finished dish until a uniform consistency, distribute it in portions on plates, put it on the table and invite the whole family to a meal!

Step 5: serve buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker.

Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker is served immediately after cooking hot as a full-fledged main course for a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner. This dish does not need such additions as butter, it already turns out to be quite saturated, but as a bonus, you can offer salads from fresh vegetables, marinades or pickles. Cook with love and enjoy delicious as well as healthy homemade food!
Bon Appetit!

Instead of pork, you can take young veal, chicken, turkey;

Standard spices are indicated in the recipe, but they are not fundamental, you can use any mixture of dried herbs, as well as spices that are suitable for dishes made from cereals, vegetables or meat;

An alternative to vegetable oil is butter or ghee, and to purified water - broth or vegetable broth;

Very often, together with onions and carrots, a sweet and sour tomato or salad pepper cut into small cubes is stewed;

This dish can be prepared in any multicooker with the appropriate "Buckwheat" or "Groats" mode.

A distinctive feature of Russian cuisine is that it has a lot of cereal dishes. Some of them have already become a thing of the past, but even today, dishes that were prepared by the great-grandmothers of modern housewives are often served at the table. One of them is practically the same as in the Russian oven. This means that the taste will be the same.

Most multicooker even provides a separate mode for cooking this cereal. It is usually called "Buckwheat". In rare cases, there may be another name, for example "Krupa". What is needed to make delicious buckwheat with? The recipe is very simple. First, prepare the meat. Usually they take a pound of pork tenderloin for this dish. The meat should be cut into medium-sized cubes and put in a multicooker along with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Now you need to prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the carrots into strips and add them to the meat. And only now you can pour buckwheat. It must be sorted out and washed. Buckwheat will need 2 multi-glasses. Salt and pepper everything to taste. Add 4 multi-glasses of water (it should only cover all the food) and select the automatic mode "Buckwheat" or "Groats". In about an hour, buckwheat with meat will be ready in a slow cooker.

The recipe, of course, is simple, but, unfortunately, not all models provide such an automatic mode. And how to cook porridge in the absence of it? You can use the "Quenching" and "Frying" modes. First, you should fry the meat on all sides in sunflower oil for 15 minutes ("Frying" mode). Then add the onion cut into half rings and fry for another 10 minutes on the same mode. Then add a glass of washed cereals, salt, spices and pour 3-3.5 cups of water. And here we need the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. Thus, a dish is prepared not only with pork, but also buckwheat with chicken meat.

But, perhaps, it is most convenient to prepare it using the "Multipovar". Indeed, in this case, you can independently choose the time and temperature for cooking. First, of course, the meat is cooked. It must be cut into small pieces 1 x 1 cm in size. Finely chop the onion and put it together with meat and vegetable oil in a multicooker pan. Mix. Select the cooking temperature - 1200, and the time - 15 minutes. Meanwhile, rinse the buckwheat. After the signal, add cereal, salt and pepper. Add water so that it covers all the food. Now we select the temperature in the same mode 1000, and the time - 25 minutes. The multicooker will do the rest.

With meat "are very popular in the world. Each culture brings something of its own to them. Many peoples add mushrooms, carrots, bell peppers and other vegetables to buckwheat. They put different seasonings and herbs in the dish. As a result, each national cuisine has its own buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker The recipe does not lose at all, but only gets better, because thanks to various ingredients a familiar dish teases us every time with new aromas and tastes.

The multicooker is a real assistant in the kitchen, it certainly does not replace all kitchen utensils, but it will help to save time standing at the stove or simply prepare a dish that turns out completely different in a saucepan or oven.

One of these dishes is buckwheat - never on the stove will it turn out so crumbly and tender. Some, having tried buckwheat with meat from a multicooker, agree that it tastes like it was cooked in a Russian oven.

For you, three recipes for buckwheat with meat in your favorite multi.

Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker


  • A glass of buckwheat.
  • Bulb.
  • 2 carrots.
  • 300 grams of pork (any meat is possible).
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Salt pepper.


We sort out buckwheat, then rinse it several times to get rid of dust and debris.

We peel the onions and carrots, chop the first or cut into half rings, three or cut the second component into bars (the type of cutting depends solely on the preferences of the cook). Pour vegetable oil into a multicooker and put onions, select the "baking" or "frying" mode, ruddy it. Then add the carrots.

If the meat is on the bone, cut and divide in portions. Place with fried vegetables and cook for 20 minutes under a closed lid on the same mode.

As soon as the frying time is up, put buckwheat into the multicooker bowl and pour in water, proportions 1 to 2. Do not forget about salt and pepper, you can put a clove of garlic for flavor.

We choose the "buckwheat" or "pilaf" program, set (if the device allows) the cooking time for buckwheat porridge with meat in the Redmond slow cooker for 40 minutes and calmly go about our business.

After the signal, we taste the buckwheat, add spices if necessary (someone puts in butter), let it brew for 15-20 minutes and you're done.

Buckwheat with meat and mushrooms in a slow cooker

Mushroom lovers will like the following recipe for buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker.


  • a glass of buckwheat;
  • 100 g champignons;
  • 250 g of meat (preferably pork or chicken);
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive (vegetable) oil;
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste;
  • 1 onion.

First you need to cook the meat. How to do this is described in the previous recipe on the same page.
Then fry the chopped onion in the "Baking" mode, after pouring olive oil on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. It should become translucent.

At this time, you need to wash the mushrooms, cut them into small pieces. Then lower it to the onion, stir. The resulting mixture should cook for about fifteen minutes.

During this time, buckwheat can be washed, sorted out. After fifteen minutes, add buckwheat and already cooked meat to onions and mushrooms. Mix all the ingredients, switch the mode to "Buckwheat", fill with water. The dish is cooked with the lid closed until the beep.

After the signal, open the lid and add spices to taste. You can add butter or herbs if desired.

The finished dish goes well with sauces, especially sour cream.

Buckwheat with poultry in a slow cooker

There is another option for cooking buckwheat with poultry meat in a slow cooker, the simplest of all those presented in the article. It is suitable for people who do not like vegetables such as onions and carrots and cooks very quickly. Due to poultry meat, it can be considered dietary.

You will need:

  • a glass of buckwheat;
  • 250 g chicken;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

First, cook the chicken with enough olive oil. It is advisable to add salt at the end of cooking so that the meat is not dry.

Add washed buckwheat to the chicken meat, switch the mode to "Buckwheat". After that, it remains only to wait for the sound signal and add spices and / or herbs to taste.

Buckwheat porridge is rightfully considered a dietary product. It is essential in the diet of every person. It contains many useful substances, and it is also able to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Buckwheat goes well not only with meat, but also with mushrooms, vegetables, cheese. In order to learn how to cook it, it does not take much time and effort, but the result will be impressive. Buckwheat is also included in some products - for example, gray bread.

Select delicious buckwheat and meat recipes in a multicooker that match the occasion and the grocery set on the bright culinary website site. Prepare options for porridge with different types of meats, mushrooms and vegetables. Complement the taste with a variety of gravies. Create your own flavor in every dish!

Meat is a great addition to buckwheat. To prepare a dish in a multicooker, you can use any type of meat: pork, beef, rabbit, poultry and even game. Before laying, it is better to fry the meat on its own or with the addition of vegetables, which will add additional juiciness and flavor to the dish.

The five most commonly used ingredients in multicooker buckwheat and meat recipes:

Interesting recipe:
1. Turn on the multicooker to warm up in the "baking" mode.
2. Pour some oil into the bowl. Pour in diced onion and coarsely grated carrots.
3. Cut the meat into small pieces. Place with vegetables.
4. Fry for 15 minutes until browning.
5. Sort the buckwheat. Rinse thoroughly.
6. Add buckwheat to the fried meat.
7. Salt, sprinkle with aromatic spices.
8. Pour boiling water over.
9. Cook in the "Buckwheat" mode until the signal.
10. Season the porridge with butter, garlic and herbs as desired.

The five fastest recipes for buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker:

Helpful hints:
... Porridge will turn out to be much tastier if you pour broth instead of water.
... Fried mushrooms will enrich the buckwheat with a magnificent taste.
... Buckwheat will turn out to be more crumbly if you fry the dry cereal a little before cooking.
... After cooking, you should let the buckwheat brew under the lid so that it fully absorbs all the aromas.
... Vegetables and meat should be fried in vegetable oil, and butter should be added to the porridge at the very end.

Buckwheat cooked with meat is the benefits and nutritional value in one dish. Buckwheat is rich in all kinds of substances that the body needs so much, therefore it is often present in various diet menus. In this article we will tell you how to cook delicious crumbly buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker.

This is a kind of "hiking recipe" - instead of raw meat, stew is added to the dish. Since the cereal itself is boiled very quickly, and the stew does not need additional cooking at all, such porridge is considered a quick recipe. If you decide to cook buckwheat with stew with us in a slow cooker, stock up on the following components:

  • buckwheat groats - 0.5 kg;
  • stewed meat - 0.4-0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and black pepper.

And here is the process of cooking buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker:

  1. We drown butter in a bowl - for this we need the "Fry" program. Saute peeled and finely diced onions in oil along with grated carrots. During the cooking process, they will not fry very much, but they will become soft.
  2. Open the stew, put the meat in a deep bowl and knead it with a fork to get smaller pieces.
  3. We shift the stew into a bowl, add tomato paste. If there is not enough liquid in the dish, add a little water.
  4. Simmer all products together in the "Stew" mode for 15 minutes.
  5. We wash the buckwheat. Boil water in a kettle.
  6. Pour buckwheat into a multicooker pan. Pour boiling water - about 1 liter. Salt the porridge to your taste, add black pepper.
  7. We cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker in the "Stew" mode or in a special mode of cooking cereals for 20-30 minutes, until all the water has boiled away.

Buckwheat with chicken in cream in a slow cooker

With chicken meat, buckwheat in a slow cooker turns out to be generally a low-calorie dish and is perfect for those who follow the figure. Following this recipe, we will bake porridge with cream and cheese. For such a dish you will need:

  • buckwheat - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper, sunflower oil.

Let's cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker according to the following instructions:

  1. Buckwheat, washed 2-3 times, pour into the bowl of the device, pour boiling water, salt and cook in the "Cooking" mode for 30-40 minutes, until the liquid boils away and the porridge is not ready.
  2. We transfer the buckwheat to another dish, wash the empty bowl and wipe it.
  3. Remove the skin from the chicken breast and cut out the bones, and cut the fillet itself into slices. Rub them with salt, pepper, paprika.
  4. Saute peeled and finely chopped onions in oil in the "Fry" mode. Add chopped mushrooms to it, fry together. Then pour the finished buckwheat porridge and mix it with the mushrooms.
  5. We level the groats with a spatula, spread a layer of chicken slices on top.
  6. Fill the dish with cream, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Buckwheat with turkey meat in a slow cooker

You can bake buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker according to another recipe. In it we will use no less useful, but also dietary turkey fillet. There are few ingredients here:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • turkey fillet - 400 g;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • chopped parsley - 2 tablespoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Here's how we will cook buckwheat with turkey meat in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash buckwheat twice or thrice, pour it into a multicooker, fill it with water at the rate of 1: 2. Salt to taste, in the "Buckwheat", "Porridge" or "Cooking" program, cook the cereals for about 30 minutes, until the liquid boils away.
  2. Then we shift the buckwheat for a while to another dish, and wash the bowl and wipe it. Pour some oil, grease the bottom and walls.
  3. Cut the turkey fillet into slices, salt and pepper. We spread it on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  4. Pour kefir on top.
  5. Chop the onion in half rings and put it on the meat. Pour buckwheat on top, form an even layer. Sprinkle the dish with chopped parsley.
  6. In the "Baking" mode, bake buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker for 30 minutes.

Buckwheat with smoked pork meat in a slow cooker

But in this recipe for buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker, the list of ingredients is limited to just a few items, among which there are only 3 main components: cereals, smoked ribs and onions. All the rest are spices designed to complement the taste and smell of the dish. And the smell, it should be noted, the porridge is very appetizing thanks to smoked pork. Consider the entire list of products we need:

  • smoked pork ribs - 400 g;
  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper.

Buckwheat is prepared with smoked pork in a slow cooker as follows:

  1. We clean the onion and chop it into small cubes or thin half rings. We wash the smoked pork ribs under the tap in cold water, blot with dry paper towels.
  2. We put the ribs in the multicooker first, and for this we divide them and distribute them evenly over the bowl. Pour onions on top of them.
  3. We wash the buckwheat twice or three times. Pour it into a multicooker dish, add the required amount of salt and pepper. We put a couple of bay leaves.
  4. Boil 0.5 liters of water in a kettle. Pour boiling water over the cereal.
  5. In the "Stew" or "Buckwheat" mode, cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker for 40 minutes.

Buckwheat with meat, tomato and vegetables in a slow cooker

This is a very satisfying buckwheat porridge recipe, rich in all kinds of ingredients: meat, vegetables, seasonings and aromatic herbs. Pork is used as meat, as the most nutritious variety, so the dish turns out to be high-calorie, but incredibly tasty. In the preparation of such buckwheat with meat in a multicooker, we used the following:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • pork - 400 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pod;
  • bouillon cube - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • chopped dill.

Let's cook buckwheat with meat, tomato and vegetables in a slow cooker according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut the pork into pieces. Heat vegetable oil or any other fat in a bowl in the "Fry" option. Fry the meat for about 15 minutes, salt and pepper at the end of the frying.
  2. Chop the pepper, carrots and onion and add to the meat. Mix, you can add a little more salt.
  3. Add tomato paste. We wash the buckwheat several times. Pour into a container with other ingredients.
  4. Dissolve the broth cube in 0.5 l of boiling water and pour it into a bowl. Taste for salt, add chopped dill.
  5. In the "Stew" program, cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker for 30 minutes. Then we insist for another 10-15 minutes before serving.

Buckwheat with meat and egg in a slow cooker

This buckwheat porridge recipe is characterized by the presence of two types of meat: pork and smoked ham. The peculiarity of the dish is chicken eggs, which we will add after the preparation of the cereal. For such buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker you need:

  • buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • pork - 400 g;
  • smoked pork leg - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • salt pepper.

We will cook buckwheat with meat and eggs in a slow cooker like this:

  1. Chop the smoked pork leg into small pieces or cubes. Cut the pork into slightly larger pieces.
  2. We heat vegetable oil in a multicooker, for this purpose we activate the "Fry" program.
  3. Pour the ham, sauté it for about 5 minutes. Then put the pork and fry together with the ham for another 15 minutes, at the end of the salt and pepper.
  4. While the meat is being fried, chop the onion and carrot. Pour vegetables to the pork and ham, fry everything in the same program until the carrots are soft.
  5. Boil the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, remove the skin, cut the pulp very finely into cubes.
  6. Pour the tomatoes into a bowl with a dish. We simmer together with other products for another 10 minutes, the program can be changed and the "Stew" option can be set.
  7. Pour the washed buckwheat into a multicooker, pour boiling water, which should cover the cereal by 1 cm.
  8. Salt porridge, pepper, put chopped garlic cloves.
  9. In this mode, cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker for 20-30 minutes.
  10. We open the lid, check if all the water has been absorbed into the cereal. If the porridge is ready, then turn off the multicooker. We make 4 grooves in buckwheat and drive eggs into them. Close the lid and leave the dish for 10-15 minutes. Eggs in hot buckwheat during this time will reach readiness.

Buckwheat with meat and milk-soy sauce in a slow cooker

As meat for cooking such buckwheat in a slow cooker, we will take a poultry, namely, lean chicken fillet without skin. The most interesting thing about this dish is an unusual sauce made from milk, sour cream, soy sauce and parsley. Let's take a look at the complete list of products we need:

  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • soy sauce - 4 tablespoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

To prepare buckwheat with meat and sauce in a slow cooker, we will perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. We heat vegetable oil in a multicooker form. Meanwhile, cut the chicken fillet into slices or small pieces. In the "Fry" option, fry the poultry on all sides for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour milk into a bowl, add soy sauce and dilute sour cream in the resulting liquid.
  3. We put this mass on the stove and heat it over medium heat. Boil for 2 minutes, then remove from the burner, add chopped parsley.
  4. Pour chopped onion and tomato chopped into small cubes to the fried chicken. In the same mode, cook the food for another 10 minutes.
  5. We wash the buckwheat, pour it into a bowl, fill it with boiling water.
  6. Add salt to taste and in the "Cooking" or "Stewing" mode, cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker for 30 minutes.

Prepared sauce can be immediately poured into a bowl or served in portions.

Buckwheat with meat, honey mushrooms and celery in a slow cooker

A completely simple, but original way of cooking porridge - buckwheat with meat, frozen mushrooms and celery in a slow cooker. For the dish we need:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • celery - 1 petiole;
  • Here's how such buckwheat with meat is prepared in a slow cooker:

  1. We boil buckwheat in advance in a saucepan or in a multicooker in the appropriate mode. For cooking, we use the amount of water, twice as much as the amount of cereals. Do not forget to salt the porridge.
  2. In a multicooker form, heat the vegetable oil and sauté half rings of onions in it. Chop the pepper in long strips and add to the onion after 2 minutes, fry everything together.
  3. Shred celery, add to vegetables. We pass for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pour in salt and spices, pour in soy sauce and 100 ml of boiling water. Add the diced chicken fillet and cook with vegetables for 30 minutes in the "Stew" mode.
  5. We spread the frozen mushrooms and cook them for 10 minutes along with the rest of the products.
  6. We shift the boiled buckwheat into the bowl. Together with the meat, cook buckwheat in a slow cooker for another 15 minutes.

Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker. Video