Yeast pies with meat. To make the meat pies delicious in the oven Bake the meat pies in the oven

Ingredients for 1 baking sheet of patties:

  • Flour 160 grams (1 faceted glass with a volume of 250 ml)
  • Vegetable oil 25 ml (4 tablespoons)
  • Sugar - 1/3 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Yeast - 1/3 standard sachet of fast acting yeast, 11 g
  • Meat - 200 grams,
  • Onions - 100 grams,
  • Vegetable oil for frying,
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 egg yolk for greasing pies.

How to cook meat pies in the oven

1. Dough

Let's start with the test. I just want to warn you that the dough is just super! Both in batch and in cutting. Soft-soft. Only for everything to work out, you need to strictly observe the proportions of the products. We measure out 100 ml of water. We take a cup, pour yeast and sugar into it, mix slightly. We fill in the third of the collected water. We put the rest aside - we will then knead the dough on it.

After 20 minutes, the yeast will rise and you will see such a sight.

Pour flour into a bowl, pour in yeast. Rinse the yeast cup with the remaining water so that nothing goes to waste, pour in salt, pour in the oil and begin to knead the dough.

It can be sticky at first. Pay no attention! Knead calmly, stretching and folding the dough with both hands. After five minutes, it will stop sticking. We continue to knead, and after a couple of minutes a joyful feeling will arise: wow, what a pleasant dough! Soft, lively, non-sticky, even airy. Just at this moment, you can put the dough to rise. I always grease a bowl with a few drops of vegetable oil and then roll a bun in it. So the dough is guaranteed not to wind up.

2. Filling

For the filling, raw meat must be scrolled through a meat grinder. I skip that step, because I already have minced meat.

Finely chop the onion, pour vegetable oil into a frying pan (2-3 tablespoons), add the onion and fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown. As you can see in the photo.

Then put the minced meat in the same frying pan, mix with the onion and fry for five minutes until the minced meat changes color. Then we fill it with a quarter of a glass of water, stir, reduce the heat and simmer without a lid until all the liquid has evaporated. Then add salt and pepper to taste. The filling is ready. It turns out to be very juicy. And in meat pies, this is the main thing.

3. Modeling and baking of pies

Put the finished dough on the board. It is so elastic, soft and non-sticky that you don't need to burn the board with flour. Roll out the sausage from the dough and mark the cuts with a knife. I have already said that a dough for 8 pies comes out of 1 glass of flour. So you can first visually divide the dough in half, then each half more in half, and again in half. This makes 8 parts. We make cuts.

Roll up buns from the resulting pieces. To do this, put the dough on a board, pull it back and pick it up from the edges and wrap it in the center. We do this 3-4 times.

There is no need to roll out the buns. In general, I have not used a rolling pin for a long time. Simply take the bun in the palm of your hand and stretch your fingers from the edges.

It turns out a round cake. Put the meat filling on it. Two heaped teaspoons.

Now how to make a pie correctly. You must first grab the cake from two edges and pull them in the middle. Then pinch to the edges. We pinch tightly. But you probably felt how great the dough sticks together. When baking, I didn’t sell a single pie! These are the pies.

Put them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, seam down.

Cover with a towel and let stand for 20 minutes. Don't skip this step! It's called proofing. It is thanks to him that the pies will turn out to be so airy.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We take an egg and two cups. We need to separate the yolk from the protein. Add 1 tablespoon of water to a cup with yolk and mix until smooth. Why is it better to mix the yolk with water? Because then the pies will not darken too much in the oven, and the gloss will be the same as you see in the photo. The resulting mixture is applied to the surface of the patties with a brush. I use the usual one - I borrowed one from the children.

Put the pies in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, until they are golden brown.

Yeast dough pies with meat are found in many cuisines of the world. They are called differently: kulebyaka, samsa, zrazy, belyasha, and so on, but one thing unites such pies - they are made from dough and meat filling.

There are recipes that involve minor deviations, but there is only one principle - the dish must necessarily contain meat.

You can cook pies in a frying pan in vegetable oil or in the oven, there is no fundamental difference. Choose the origin of the meat at your discretion, it can be both poultry and animals, the main thing is that the product is fresh.

Minced meat pies, which should be moderately moist, are fried in oil on both sides. Close the seams of the pies carefully so that the liquid does not flow into the pan and cause splashing of hot oil in different directions.

Minced pies are truly fantastic, the main thing is to learn how to make them!

How to cook meat pies at home

If you choose beef for minced meat, rub it with mild mustard and leave it untouched for two hours. This will help make the meat more tender and juicy. Putting chopped greens in the minced meat will make the dish aromatic.

Cook whites from lean meats, as they are fried in a lot of oil. You can prevent the filling from flowing onto the baking sheet by placing the pies with the seam up.

To knead the yeast dough, use premium flour, it contains a lot of gluten. This means that the base for the pies will turn out to be elastic and easy to work with.

The recipes for the pies that you will learn to cook today differ from each other both in the method of kneading the dough and in the composition of the filling. All pies have excellent taste, therefore, they will become a favorite dish for your family members and your environment.

Yeast Meat Pies Recipe

In the oven, you can bake not only sweet pastries stuffed with jam, berries or fruits. Snack pies with minced meat are no worse, the main thing is to know a good recipe and listen to the advice of experienced chefs.

Ingredients: half a liter of whole milk; a quarter of a packet of butter; 0.480 kg flour; dry yeast bag; 2 eggs; 0.4 kg of beef; salt and sugar to taste.


  1. Heat milk to 40 degrees.
  2. Pour in the yeast, stir the mixture until smooth and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, grind eggs with sugar, lightly salt and pour into a bowl where the sifted flour is already located.
  4. Stir, add the dough, melted chilled butter and knead the dough.
  5. Cover it with a towel, let it rise for an hour.
  6. Boil the meat in salted water, then cool and cut into pieces, scroll through a meat grinder.
  7. If desired, add spices and herbs to the minced meat, mix.
  8. Knead the dough and leave for another 30 minutes under a towel.
  9. Shape the patties in the traditional way for you and place them on a baking sheet.
  10. After dipping a cooking brush in milk, run it over the baking surface and rest for 10 minutes in a warm place.
  11. Preheat the oven to 195 degrees, this is the temperature that will allow you to bake yeast pies with meat in the oven in 40 minutes.

You can find recipes for delicious and satisfying pastries with minced meat on other pages of my website.

Fried meat pies recipe

As you have already noticed, baked pies need a boiled meat filling. The pies, which will now be discussed, are fried in oil and are called whites.

They have a hole in the upper part, where meat broth or water is topped up if necessary. Thus, the filling becomes juicy and the pies tastier.

List of ingredients: one egg; 50 g butter or butter margarine; 550 ml of low-fat milk; 35 g of compressed yeast; 650 g flour; half a kilo of minced meat; a bunch of fresh herbs; seasonings and salt to taste; vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps:

  1. Melt the butter and heat the milk.
  2. Crumble the yeast with your hands and loosen it in warm milk.
  3. Pour in oil, salt.
  4. Add flour gradually, each time stirring the dough thoroughly with a spatula.
  5. When the mass is firm enough, place it on a work surface and knead it with your hands.
  6. Cover the dough with a bowl to prevent chapping and let rest for 30 minutes.
  7. Cut the meat into pieces and grind in a meat grinder.
  8. Season the minced meat with salt to taste, add chopped herbs, ground black pepper and any other seasonings you like.
  9. If the minced meat is too crumbly, tie the components by pouring in a couple of tablespoons of warm water or milk.
  10. Divide the finished dough into balls, roll out a cake with a diameter of 5 cm from each.
  11. Put the minced meat in the center, and fold the edges inward so that a small hole remains in the middle of the whitewash.
  12. Fry the meat patties in a lot of vegetable oil.

Recipe for pies with meat dough on sour cream

The pies that you learn to cook retain their freshness for a long time, like other baked goods mixed with sour cream or other fermented milk products.

The pies will serve as an excellent snack or become an independent dish thanks to the hearty meat filling.

List of products to purchase:

100 g mayonnaise; 200 g sour cream; 400 g flour; one egg; salt; half a teaspoon of baking soda; onion; 450 g minced meat; seasonings; 100 ml of vegetable oil.


  1. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  2. Fry until transparent, then add the minced meat.
  3. Keep the skillet on medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Knead the dough by first mixing all the liquid ingredients in a bowl, then adding the flour and baking soda.
  5. Cover with a bowl and let it brew for about 15 minutes. During this time, the gluten will swell and make the dough elastic, and the minced meat will cool down so that it can be safely put on round blanks.
  6. Divide the dough into parts by rolling it in the form of a sausage.
  7. Flatten each of them on the table with your palm, and then roll them out with a rolling pin.
  8. Fill the pies with ground meat and fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown (as shown).

Look for simple recipes for baking with other fillings on the pages of the site.

Step-by-step recipe for instant meat pies

If you don't have the time to tinker with yeast dough, here's a quick and easy recipe that uses baking soda or baking powder.

These leavening agents work much faster, so you don't have to put off preparing a tasty treat over the weekend.

The amount of ingredients required by recipes is enough for 20 whites.

These are: a glass of sour cream; half a kilogram of flour; egg; salt to taste; 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda.
Filling: 400 g of meat; salt and seasonings; 3 medium onions.

Cooking pies according to the instructions:

  1. First, finely chop the onion and mix it with the meat minced in a meat grinder.
  2. Salt and pepper the minced meat, and so that it is not too dry, pour in a little water.
  3. Knead the dough, which you can immediately cut and sculpt pies.
  4. Divide the dough in half, roll up a sausage from each half and cut it into pieces.
  5. Roll out half a centimeter thick pieces, put a spoonful of minced meat in the middle and seal the edges. Leave a hole in the center.
  6. Fry the patties in a pan in a mixture of vegetable and ghee. Place the workpieces first with the hole down, then turn over to the opposite side.

Serve the golden pastries hot as an appetizer or with broth. You can find minced meat baking recipes on my website.

A simple and unusual recipe for meat pies from potato dough

A somewhat original taste is obtained from meat pies made from potato dough. Turning on your imagination and showing creativity, you will get delicious pies that your guests will be happy to tuck in both cheeks.

So take: 2 eggs; 6 potatoes; 4 tbsp. spoons of white flour; salt; 60 ml of vegetable oil without aroma; 450 g chicken breast; dill greens; onion; spices.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish consists in kneading the base and preparing the filling:

  1. First, peel the potatoes and boil them in salted water.
  2. Remove the finished potatoes from the boiling water and crush them with a crush to make a homogeneous puree.
  3. When the puree has cooled, add the egg, flour and knead into a soft, not steep dough.
  4. Boil the chicken breast in water for 20 minutes, then cool and grind through a meat grinder along with the onions.
  5. Send the filling to the pan and fry in vegetable oil.
  6. Shape the patties. To do this, take the potato dough with a spoon and spread the cake on the palm of your hand (see photo). Put minced meat in the center, mold a pie and send to fry in a pan.
  7. The patties will be ready in a few minutes, and they will quickly become crispy.

You can find recipes for baking potato dough on other pages, you just need to click on the desired section of the site.

Recipe for puff pastry pies with meat

Puff pastries are prepared using a simplified technology. This means that you do not need to deal with kneading the base, where the margarine is chopped with flour into small crumbs and then pounded with the rest of the ingredients.

In this case, another rule applies: the fat must be melted to a liquid state and ...

However, everything is in order, and first you need to prepare the necessary products:

a pack of margarine; 0.6 kg flour; 2 eggs; 0.2 liters of milk; 450 g ground beef; bulb; 20 g of vegetable and butter; salt to taste.

Now knead the dough:

  1. Melt the margarine and heat the milk.
  2. Combine the two and pour into a sifted bowl of wheat flour.
  3. Salt the mixture and knead first with a spoon, then with your hands.
  4. Wrap the resulting elastic mass with foil and send to a cold place for half an hour.

Take care of the stuffing:

  1. Clean the meat from streaks and films.
  2. Cut into slices and roll in a meat grinder along with the onions.
  3. Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil, salt and season with spices to your taste.
  4. Cool the filling and use as directed.

Shape the patties as follows:

  1. Roll out the dough and cut into rectangles 10x15 cm from the layer.
  2. Roll the filling on one end and roll it up.
  3. Divide each roll into three sections, blind them tightly around the edges.
  4. Send the resulting baby pies to a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  5. Bake the pies at a temperature of 185 degrees. The time allotted for baking pastries varies from 20-25 minutes.

Meat pies baked in the oven

You will need raw minced meat and ingredients to knead the yeast dough:

65 g sl. oils; 700-750 g flour; 3 eggs; 100 ml of milk; salt and sugar - one dessert spoon each; 50 g of compressed yeast.


  1. Knead the yeast dough in a safe way and leave to rise for an hour and a half in a warm place without drafts.
  2. When the time comes, put the dough on the table and divide it into pieces, from which you can then form round blanks.
  3. Blind the meat pies and place them on the baking sheet, 3 cm apart.
  4. In order for the meat pies to bake well in the oven, preheat the cabinet to 200 degrees and keep them there for 15 minutes.

A delicious treat is ready, serve it on a presentation platter.

My video recipe

Any housewife will say with confidence that the most delicious pies are yeast with meat, potatoes, or both. At least, such in Russia are prepared more often than others.

The five most commonly used ingredients in oven pies are:

What should be the meat for the pies?

It is always best to take a responsible approach to the choice of minced meat intended for homemade pies. It should be fresh, with a lot of pulp, but also with fat too. It is good if it is pork and beef in a 50:50 ratio. Or you can take a little more pork. This is done for greater juiciness - the beef itself is drier. There are certain tricks with which you can increase the juiciness of minced meat and its taste, read about them below.

Few people use the filling raw (perhaps such recipes exist). The meat is taken either boiled, rolled through a meat grinder. Or the minced meat must be stewed until fully cooked in a pan, and then cooled. In both cases, the cooking technology will be different.

For boiled meat filling: it is either cut into small pieces or chopped in a meat grinder. Mixes with raw or fried onions. In the latter case, the filling will turn out to be more juicy. You can also add small pieces of boiled pumpkin, stewed zucchini, carrots, tomatoes to it - it will definitely become a hundred times tastier. Of course, do not forget to salt and pepper. There should not be a lot of juices in the mass, otherwise the pies may deform during baking.

The five fastest recipes for meat patties in the oven:

For minced meat filling: it is stewed with butter and onions, also cut into pieces or minced. If you fry the onions separately, and then stir in the minced meat, it will be even tastier. To make the filling more dense and not fall out when biting the pie, add potatoes grated on a fine grater to it. In addition to onions, add grated carrots to the minced meat. And do not regret either one or the other - you will get an awesomely juicy mass. If too much juice has evaporated during stewing, you can pour in an additional spoonful or two of water, but do not overdo it.

The pie dough is easier to cut into pieces right away. Then roll out each, stuff, pinch the edges, lay on a baking sheet with a seam downward.

Or you can roll out the whole piece of dough into one layer and cut out circles from it using a cup or glass. It will take longer to tinker, but the pies will come out smoother, more identical, beautiful.

Fragrant meat pies in the oven are the signature dish of many housewives. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with the preparation of such a treat, but relatives and friends will praise the delicacy for a long time, asking for additives. It is believed that the best delicious meat pies in the oven are obtained with yeast dough. However, the base for baking can also be flaky.

Many knowledgeable culinary experts advise preparing the dough for such a delicacy at night, so that the finished product turns out to be fluffy, rich and airy. You can also not wait for several hours, but speed up the process of making the base for meat pies in the oven by placing the mass in a warm place and covering it with a towel.

You can fill such pastries not only with ready-made ones, having previously fried it with onions. The filling from or, boiled and passed through a meat grinder, will in no way reduce the taste of the finished dish. Suitable for baking and poultry meat - turkey or chicken. However, before cooking, keep in mind that the dish may seem a little dry due to the minimal amount of fat in the meat component. If desired, you can add a little stewed cabbage, rice, cheese or even potatoes to baked meat pies. So, the baked goods will turn out to be even more tasty and satisfying.

To get a beautiful ruddy crust, from which salivation flows, you need to thoroughly grease each piece with egg yolk. And prepared baked goods, already laid out on a baking sheet, should not be in a hurry to put in the oven - 20-30 minutes of standing at room temperature will make the finished delicacy melt in your mouth and airy.

Some housewives refuse, which quickly begins to harden and harden after being taken out of the oven. Ordinary water can solve this problem. The finished dish (when it is still hot) must be sprinkled with a spray bottle and covered with a waffle or terry towel. The result will be "obvious"!

Now that you know the little tricks for making pies, explore our recipes and try to create your own culinary miracle with a taste of childhood.

Oven baked meat pies are much better than fried ones because they use less oil. The calorie content of baked goods made by the above methods will be different. For example, 100 grams. dishes cooked in the oven will need about 240–250 kcal, and fried pies - all 300 kcal.

Aromatic with meat in the oven can be made in several ways. For those who do not want to waste time and knead the dough for such baked goods, it is advisable to go to the nearest supermarket and purchase a base there. But still, an incredibly tasty and satisfying dish turns out to be cooked from beginning to end with your own hands.

Recipe number 1. Classic yeast baked goods

For a classic yeast dough recipe, you need the following ingredients:

First, the filling is made from meat. If you took a whole piece or, then you need to boil it until tender (you should not add salt to the water). Separately finely chop and sauté the onion. When the meat is ready, it is passed through a meat grinder along with onions, and the finished mass is gloved, salted and flavored with seasonings. If the finished meat filling is dry, then you can add a small amount of broth or a little butter to it. When choosing minced meat, the ingredient is simply fried along with onions and spices.

Now you need to make the dough for baking. A glass of milk must be heated over low heat to 40–45 degrees, removed from the stove, and added to the liquid, 1 tbsp. l. flour and sugar, dry yeast, stir a little and put in a warm place for half an hour. To speed up the fermentation process, cover the dough with a towel. Over time, gradually add flour to the workpiece, stirring the dough, add 1 tsp. salt, pour in the vegetable oil and it is better to lightly beat the last ingredient in a separate bowl. Stir slightly the base for mince pies, put it on the table, and begin to knead. The dough will be ready the moment it stops sticking to your hands.

We divide the finished mass by eye into 2 parts, one of which is removed in the heat, and from the other we make a sausage. After that, we cut it into equal pieces, roll them into flat cakes and fill them with filling. We try to close the seam as firmly as possible. We immediately lay out the prepared baked goods on a baking sheet covered with parchment (the connection should be at the bottom). When the entire area is occupied, set aside the baking sheet for half an hour, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Before sending the dish to bake, you need to grease it with egg yolk so that the finished delicacy acquires a golden brown crust. In the oven, baked goods will simmer for about 20-25 minutes. While the patties are cooking, you can make a second batch from the remaining dough.

It is better to serve such pastries on the table hot or warm. No additional serving or greenery decorations are required.

Recipe number 2. A quick puff pastry dish

For those who are used to saving their time and do not want to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, we can recommend another recipe for pies made from. You will need:

Minced meat with onions is fried until the pinkish hue changes to brown. Add salt, spices and pepper to it to taste, mix well. The dough for pies with minced meat must first be defrosted. After that, it is rolled out into identical squares, the filling is laid, the edges are fixed. To ensure a strong adhesion of the edges, you can slightly moisten the dough with water or dip your fingers in the liquid and only then form the pies. The blanks are sent to a baking sheet, greased with whipped yolk, sent to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. The dish is ready!

Using the same recipe, you can make a delicacy or cheese filling. Even a dish with minced meat can be slightly diversified by adding finely chopped and fried mushrooms to the filling.

Recipe number 3. Open baked goods

You can cook pies with meat in the oven in a very unusual way. For example, open cakes will impress guests not only with their original shape, but also with their unsurpassed taste. You will need the following ingredients:

In this recipe, you can use warmed milk or low-fat kefir at room temperature instead of water.

Sift the flour, pour yeast into it, 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. l. sugar, mix everything. Make a depression in the center, break one egg there, pour in slightly warmed water and put butter. From these ingredients, you need to knead the dough (first we use a spoon, then we begin to knead the mass with our hands). Put the finished baking base in heat for half an hour or a little more.

At this time, we start preparing the filling. Peel the onion, chop finely, mix with minced meat in a separate bowl, add spices to taste, salt and pepper. Now we take out the dough, knead it slightly again, divide it into 2 parts, roll it out with sausage and cut it into portioned pieces. We form a cake from each blank, put the filling in the center. We seal the edges in such a way that the pies are in the form of triangles with a small hole on top.

We shift the future dish to a greased baking sheet, coat it with yolk on all sides, put it in the oven, brought to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Let the food stand at room temperature before placing it in the oven. So, the pies will be more lush, voluminous and rich. Please note that you should not open the oven door during the first 5-10 minutes of simmering baked goods, otherwise it will fall off and will not rise again.

Special attention has always been paid to pies and pies in Russia - they were prepared both on the occasion of birthdays and for memorial dinners, and indeed a rare holiday did without this food.

They say that the famous German traveler Adam Olearius, having got to Russia at the beginning of the 17th century, wrote that “by the way, they (Russians) have a special kind of cookies, like a pâté, or, rather, pfapkuchene, which they call 'pie'; these cakes are about the size of a wedge of butter, but somewhat longer and elongated. They give them a filling of finely chopped fish or meat and onions and bake them in cow oil, and during fasting in vegetable oil; their taste is not without pleasantness. Everyone treats their guest with this dish, if he means to receive it well ”.

Without a pancake - not Shrovetide, without a cake - not a birthday man. A pie on the table is a holiday at home. The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies. Eat the pies - the hostess! The importance, significance and value of this dish can be fully felt by remembering just a few old proverbs. Whether you want to receive a guest well or not, you should learn how to cook pies at least just for yourself and your family. Even if we do not take into account the ritual and semantic content of the pies, we can still say that this is an incredibly tasty, beautiful and wonderful dish.

These are the pies, my dears. Let's go to the kitchen.
I will tell and show in great detail how to make the right yeast dough for pies and how to sculpt-bake delicious pies with meat in the oven.


For yeast pie dough:

  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 4 cups flour

For meat filling for pies:

  • 300 g of boiled meat
  • 4 onions
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying onions
  • 1 egg for greasing pies (can be replaced with strong sweet tea, butter, sugar syrup)


Big photos Small photos

    The water should be warm - this is the secret number of times. Not hot, not at room temperature, but comfortably warm - I put my finger in it, it should feel good and pleasant. If the finger is happy, add yeast, sugar and salt.

    After dissolving the yeast, add vegetable oil and an egg to the water. I stir - without fanaticism, just so that the egg spreads evenly throughout the liquid.

    By the way, I will immediately clarify that from the indicated ingredients exactly one standard baking sheet with pies is obtained.

    Sift half the flour.

    And I mix it - it turns out a viscous mass, which is better not to touch with your hands: you will not wash it off.

    I add the second half of the flour gradually, continuing to knead the dough. Sometimes it turns out that a little less than the stated amount is required - the yeast dough needs to be felt. If you have no experience, do not hesitate, add all the flour, it will not be bad, do not worry, the dough may just turn out a little denser.

    After adding all the flour, I advise you to knead the dough a little more - it loves hugs, pats and close contact. The result is a soft, rather pleasant dough. Round it and put it in a bowl.
    I cover the bowl with a towel and put it in a warm place. In winter - near the battery, in summer - near a closed window through which sunlight falls.

    While the dough goes about its business, I create the filling.

    This time I had boiled beef - it was twisted in a meat grinder.

    Finely chopped the onion.

    And fried in vegetable oil until golden brown.

    Mixed everything up. Ready. If desired, you can add herbs, boiled egg, rice. The most important thing is not to ignore the onion, it adds juiciness to the filling, without it the pies will be dry and tasteless.

    Depending on the air temperature in the room, after 1-2 hours the dough will double in volume. Time to make pies!

    I love the round shape - it is especially harmonious. Also, I like small patties - 3-4 bites. Of course, the process of sculpting such handsome men takes a little longer than usual, but it's worth it!

    If your hand is not full and you doubt that you will be able to divide the dough into relatively equal pieces, use a regular culinary scale - it is quite simple and quick to turn a large piece of dough into small balls with them.

    First I divide all the dough, and then I start sculpting - it's faster and more convenient.

    To make the pie round, knead the ball of dough with my fingers into a small cake.

    I spread a spoonful of the filling in the middle.

    I fasten the opposite edges.

    And the other two are opposite.

    And then I lift up the rest, forming a "knot".

    I pinch well.

    And I put it on a greased (or covered with paper) baking sheet with the seam down.

    I sculpt all the remaining pies in the same way.

    Further - proofing. I usually turn on the oven at 100 degrees and put the baking sheet in it with the door open. It turns out the very thing! If you don't trust your oven and yourself, leave it in a warm place to proof, covered with a towel.

    After the meat pies have grown and increased significantly in volume, you can put them in the oven for baking. If you wish, you can brush the top of the dough with an egg.

    Done, you can go to the oven!

    I bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

    I take it out, admire it and always put it on a wooden board or in a wicker basket - the pies will "sweat" on the baking sheet. That, in general, is all. Isn't it difficult? I wish you even pies and delicious fillings!

About fillings for pies

The same yeast dough can be used to make pies with any other filling. If you don't have meat on hand, try these options:

- cottage cheese, herbs and salt;
- cabbage - fresh stew and sauerkraut stew;
- mushrooms fried with onions;
- minced fish;
- rice, egg, fried onions;
- mashed potatoes with cracklings;
- pea mash.

Sweet pies with this dough are no less tasty. You can do:

- cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar;
- cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, blueberries and any other berry;
- custard with vanilla or cinnamon;
- apple jam or any thick jam;
- grated pumpkin mixed with apple and carrot (or not mixed);
- nuts, honey and lemon;
- grated poppy seeds and raisins;
- dried apricots, prunes and any other dried fruits.

Bon appetit!