Green tea with mint benefits. How to make mint tea

Peppermint tea is a refreshing drink that relaxes and gives strength at the same time. Thanks to mint, which is a medicinal plant, this tea has a lot of healing properties and therefore folk medicine it has found its use.

Beneficial properties of mint tea

Mint, which is the basis of tea, has an analgesic, soothing, antiseptic and choleretic effect, stimulates brain function, and improves appetite. Menthol contained in mint has antibacterial properties, therefore tea is very useful for infectious and colds.

The healing properties of mint tea are manifested as follows:

  • Treats colds, flu, runny nose and related diseases;
  • Reduces stomach acidity;
  • Relieves pain and eases menstruation;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract– relieves spasms and destroys infections;
  • Relieves pain from migraines and muscle pain;
  • Has a calming effect and helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Treats external skin diseases: eliminates rawness and itching, reduces inflammation;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • Normalizes activity of cardio-vascular system.

Peppermint tea can be called “women’s” tea, since it not only helps get rid of cramps and pain during menopause, but also regulates the menstrual cycle and eases the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. Thanks to Mint tea It reduces the level of male hormones in the body, and in women, accordingly, hair growth in undesirable places decreases. For pregnant women, mint tea will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, relieve dizziness and nausea.

How to make mint tea

The mint herb itself is very tasty and aromatic, so mint tea can be prepared as an independent herbal infusion or add mint to green or black tea, as well as to herbal teas:

  • To prepare traditional mint tea, take dry mint leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour boiling water (200 ml). Then let the tea brew a little (literally 7-10 minutes) and you can drink it either warm or chilled - as desired.
  • For colds– Brew tea using the above method, add a slice of lemon and honey and drink half a glass warm 3-4 times a day. With the cooled infusion, you can rinse your nasal passages when you have a runny nose and gargle.
  • In case of intoxication of the body, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mint leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about a couple of hours, then strain and drink 1 tbsp with meals 2-3 times a day. spoon.
  • For bloating, toxicosis, nausea– 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of mint, leave for about half an hour, then strain and drink ½ cup twice a day before meals.
  • During menopause e – 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water, bring the infusion to a boil, then cool and strain and drink 2-3 times during the day, like tea.
  • For migraines, severe muscle pain– pour dry mint leaves (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (200 ml), add 2 teaspoons of lemon zest and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink ½ glass of the drink 2-3 times a day instead of tea.
  • For skin diseases– brew 1 teaspoon of mint in 150 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and rub the tea on problem areas of the skin several times a day.

Despite the simplicity of brewing mint tea, there are several rules for preparing mint tea that must be followed:

  1. For a child, the concentration of mint in the drink should be reduced exactly by half (for example, 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of water).
  2. Brew fresh mint like this: pour boiling water over 4 mint leaves, after 2 minutes, drain the water and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let the drink brew for 4-6 minutes and you can drink it.
  3. Only brew mint tea in porcelain or glass to preserve it. beneficial features.
  4. If you want to mix mint with green or black tea, be sure to maintain a 1:1 ratio of mint and tea.
  5. For prevention and general wellness You can drink ½ glass of mint tea three times a day.
  6. Mint tea is only useful when freshly brewed.
  7. During pregnancy, you should not drink more than 2 glasses of mint tea per day.

You can add lemon or honey to mint tea to taste, but it is better to avoid sugar, as it reduces the beneficial properties of mint.


Mint tea, the beneficial properties of which are undeniable, nevertheless has a number of warnings for use:

  • Peppermint tea is not recommended for nursing mothers, as it can reduce lactation;
  • Peppermint tea is not recommended for men - it has an effect on reducing testosterone levels in the blood and lowers libido;
  • You should not drink tea if you have inflammation of the liver or kidneys;
  • You should not drink mint tea if you have low blood pressure, as mint helps lower blood pressure.

Peppermint tea has positive influence on the body and, if you use all the rules and precautions for use, brings only benefits to a person.

Mint tea- This is a very aromatic, delicate and refreshing drink that gives coolness. It refreshes, gives strength, improves digestion. At the same time, mint tea relieves nervous tension, helps you relax and forget about problems.

The healing properties of mint tea

Mint is classified as a medicinal plant, so mint tea has many healing properties. It quenches thirst, relaxes, and restores strength.

Benefits of mint tea

Peppermint tea is a very good helper for colds, makes breathing easier, and is effective for migraines. Menthol, extracts of which are made from mint leaves, has this effect on the body. Tea with mint is also useful for people with cardiovascular diseases, it normalizes blood pressure and promotes normal heart function.

Peppermint tea is considered a women's tea and many men do not like it because it tends to reduce the level of male hormones in the body. This reduces hair growth in women in unwanted places. It also helps with women's problems, mint helps relieve pain, regulates the menstrual cycle, and improves the condition during menopause.

Harm of mint tea

It is also not advisable to drink mint tea during pregnancy, as it can affect the formation of the fetus, especially if it is a boy.

How to brew mint tea correctly

Mint itself is very aromatic and tasty, so it can be brewed as an independent herbal infusion. But you can also add it to green and black tea or herbal teas.

Green tea with mint - recipe

Take a porcelain or glass bowl and add 1 tsp. green tea and add a couple of sprigs of fresh mint (you can use dried mint), pour boiled slightly cooled water. Let it sit for 10 minutes. You can add lemon and honey to taste.

Black tea with mint - recipe

It is also advisable to use porcelain or glass to brew black mint tea.

Take one part black tea and one part mint leaves. Chop mint leaves and add to tea. Fill with boiled water at approximately 90 degrees. Let it brew.

Mint iced tea

Boil water and add mint, preferably fresh mint. Let it brew for 15 minutes. After this, cool and pour into glasses, add ice. You can garnish with mint leaves and lime.

There are many more recipes for both hot and cold tea with mint. You can always experiment and find new tastes.

How much does mint tea cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

We think that the vast majority of residents of our latitudes know everything about the beneficial properties of mint tea. Unique natural benefits mint tea makes this one aromatic drink simply irreplaceable in the diet of people of all ages. Mint tea is amazing drink, which has a magnificent and recognizable aroma.

The distinctive properties of mint tea help in the prevention and treatment of certain types of diseases. Peppermint tea is made from a plant from the Lamiaceae family. Mint is different high content natural menthol in its chemical composition. The most commonly eaten plant is peppermint. Peppermint tea has a general beneficial and strengthening effect on the human body.

Benefits of mint tea

However, due to the vitamin and mineral composition of the drink, mint tea brings particular benefits to people suffering from angina pectoris, and also from hypertension. In addition, the benefits of mint tea are expressed in the drink’s ability to lower temperature and improve blood circulation. Thanks to these properties, just a cup of aromatic mint tea will help get rid of headaches.

It is also noteworthy that mint tea is suitable for consumption at any time of the day. Main feature Peppermint tea can be considered a natural menthol component of the drink. It's biological active substance It has vasodilating and antispasmodic properties. Menthol is included in medicines, which are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Since mint tea contains a large amount of menthol, this drink can be an excellent preventive measure. Many experts advise drinking mint tea during pregnancy. The calorie content of mint tea is quite low and amounts to only 8.38 kcal, which are per 100 grams of drink.

Harm of mint tea

Such a record low level The calorie content of mint tea allows us to classify the drink as dietary types. It is noteworthy that in addition to invaluable benefits There is also harm to mint tea, which, however, can occur when drinking the drink in large quantities.

In addition, mint tea can be harmful to people who suffer from individual intolerance to mint or chemical substances included in the plant. In any case, before you start drinking mint tea, especially during pregnancy, you should first consult your doctor.

It is worth especially emphasizing that mint tea can be easily prepared at home; all you need to do is purchase fresh leaves mint. You can add lemon or lemon balm to mint tea for taste and to enhance the beneficial properties of the drink.

Calorie content of mint tea 8.38 kcal

Energy value of mint tea (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Peppermint tea has antimicrobial, diuretic and soothing effects. You can prepare a drink with the addition of milk, ginger, cinnamon and thyme. But even tea brewed with mint alone will relieve the body of stagnation. excess water. To properly brew a drink from this plant, you should take a ceramic and glass container. The ideal ratio in proportions is a teaspoon for tea leaves and the same amount of mint leaves.

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    Benefits and Applications

    Mint includes many useful components. It is used in the treatment of certain diseases. There are about 25 species of this plant in the world. The plant contains essential oil, which is only 3%.

    Mint that is harvested before it blooms contains more beneficial properties. A decoction based on the plant has many uses. Can be used internally, externally, made into tinctures or drunk as tea. It is also possible to use mint as a compress. The plant is used in the production of pastes, ointments and drops due to its menthol content.

    Since ancient times, people have known that mint has a calming effect and is used in the manufacture of cosmetics. The composition contains essential oils and menthol, which has bactericidal properties. Peppermint tea can make breathing easier.

    Benefits of mint:

    • dilates blood vessels;
    • helps with pain of various origins;
    • has a sedative effect;
    • tones.

    Peppermint tea is effective in treating and preventing viral infections. Fresh tea can quench headache and prevents colds. This tea is very good for people with cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to this drink, you can improve your heart function.

    Mint has a very positive effect on women Health. Tea made from the leaves of the plant suppresses pain during menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle.

    The main diseases that mint helps with are:

    • Use for colds. You need to pour dry mint (1 tbsp) into any container, then pour 200 ml of boiling water over it all. This decoction is infused for 15 minutes. Then the resulting broth should be strained and you can drink it. This mint tea will improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It will boost immunity and speed up metabolism.
    • For stomach diseases. Decoction of dried leaves mint copes with stomach diseases. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just this decoction. It should be taken in combination with other medications. The decoction recipe is very simple: 2 tablespoons of mint pour 400 ml of boiling water. All this is covered and infused for 30 minutes. Then filter and you can drink.
    • For headaches. As mentioned earlier, this tea is great for migraines. The recipe is simple: you need 150 ml of boiling water for two teaspoons. Then add lemon, a little honey and that’s it, this tea is ready to drink. You should drink it all day long regular tea. Not only is it delicious, but it will also help you cope with illness and relax.
    • Effect on the heart. Mint infusion serves an excellent remedy to prevent strokes. It will help with discomfort and pain in the heart area. By using mint decoction you can restore your heart rhythm and bring it back to normal. The only contraindication for use is hypertension.
    • For skin diseases. By rubbing this tincture into problem areas, you can get rid of the problem. Method of preparation: 1 tsp. pour 100 ml of boiling water. Next, you should let the decoction brew and once finished, you can begin the procedure itself.

    Basic rules for brewing

    Exist simple rules to follow:

    • When brewing mint, you can use only two types of dishes: glass and porcelain.
    • This tea or decoction should be drunk fresh, just prepared. If you use it the next day, then practically no beneficial properties will remain. And this drink is very tasty when it is first prepared.
    • When preparing for children, the portion of mint is halved.
    • It is allowed to add fruit, honey or any tea to taste.

    Impact on the female body

    Mint contains substances that help with weight loss. For these reasons, many women prefer to drink this tea frequently. Many cosmetic companies use mint in the manufacture of cosmetics. After all, it can improve the condition not only inside the body, but also has a positive effect on the skin.

    There are many options for making mint tea that will make it not only healthy, but also delicious.

    Tea with ice:

    • V boiled water sprinkle mint leaves;
    • let the broth brew a little for 15-20 minutes;
    • After the broth has brewed, cool it slightly and add ice cubes.

    Arabic tea:

    • For 0.5 liters of boiling water you will need 4 tablespoons of any tea to taste;
    • cook for 5-10 minutes, then add mint and a little sugar.

    After adding all the ingredients, this tea should be brewed for another 20-25 minutes. At the end of cooking, it needs to be cooled and can be consumed.

    During pregnancy

    Mint has no negative effect on the fetus. This is one of the main reasons why women can use it as a treatment. But overuse herbs can provide Negative influence on the body, especially if the mixture was highly concentrated.

    In case of strong feelings and nervous overload, mint tea helps restore a calm state and put your feelings in order.

    The most important and unpleasant indication for use is toxicosis. Tea with mint copes well with the disease. This drink also copes well with gastrointestinal problems that often arise in pregnant women.

    Mint-based green tea is allowed during breastfeeding, but in moderation. It is not recommended to drink it often.

    For men

    Mint has no less effect on men beneficial effects than on women. Tea with mint copes with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and headaches. It also helps you relax after a hard day at work.

The beneficial properties of various plants were proven by our ancestors many centuries ago, when they were used as basic medicines for the most various diseases. Peppermint, which has a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect, is no exception in this regard. Nowadays, this plant is valued for its extraordinary aroma and wide range of capabilities (used in cooking, medicine, perfumery and even the alcoholic beverage industry). Mint leaves - simple unique remedy from a variety of ailments.

Peppermint: description

Peppermint is a perennial, herbaceous, fragrant plant that reaches 60-80 cm in height. It has an erect tetrahedral stem, sometimes reddish in color, with sparse short hairs. It is covered with many dark green, oblong-ovate leaves with short petioles and pointed edges. Sometimes the leaves may have a purple tint.

The flowers of the peppermint herb are quite small, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences and have a light purple color (like the leaves, they have medicinal properties). The corolla is of a five-membered type, slightly irregular in shape (vaguely two-lipped), pinkish or pale violet in color. The plant blooms in July-August.

Did you know? No less popular names for peppermint are cold mint or English mint, as well as peppermint and cold mint.

Peppermint has a horizontal branched rhizome with thin fibrous roots, and its fruits (which appear extremely rarely) consist of four nuts.

Chemical composition of a medicinal plant

Medicinal properties peppermint, which, by the way, has certain contraindications, directly depend on its chemical composition. Thus, the main active components of peppermint are essential oil, tannins, flavonoids and bitterness, but the most important among them is menthol (contains up to 60%). It is this that, when applied to the skin or mucous membranes, irritates the nerve endings and causes a feeling of tingling and cold.

With the excitation of “cold” receptors, the superficial vessels narrow, and the blood vessels internal organs, on the contrary, are expanding. It is likely that this is precisely what explains the relief of pain in the same angina (menthol is taken on a piece of sugar for pain in the heart). In addition, this substance can be used as a mild local anesthetic.

Did you know? Back in the 20th century, mint was used as the main raw material in the production of tooth powders, and about 50 years ago, dental drops made from mint extract (used to relieve toothache) were quite popular. Today, mint is used as one of the main components of toothpastes.

Almost all parts of peppermint have medicinal properties. Leaves, shoots and flowers contain a large number of not only mentioned essential oil and tannins, but also biologically active ingredients, sugar, fats, vitamins C and P, carotene, mineral salts, natural steroids and antioxidants. The seeds of the plant contain about 20% fatty oil used in cooking and other industries.

The use of peppermint in pharmacology

The positive effect that mint has on the human body has made it possible to create a large number of pharmacological drugs based on it. In particular, the pepper species is used not only in folk or traditional medicine, but also in aromatherapy, in the production of cosmetics or in the food industry.

In pharmacology, based on this plant, drugs are created to treat headaches, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, insomnia, and inflammation of organs. digestive system, asthma, stomach ulcers and colds. Also, such remedies are effective for vomiting, throat diseases, kidney or liver stones and atherosclerosis.

The shoots and leaves of the plant can be used both fresh and dried, in any case characterized by a pleasant cooling spicy taste and sharp subtle aroma(caused by high menthol content).

How is peppermint used in folk medicine?

Having learned about how mint affects the human body, our grandmothers came up with many recipes for the most effective use of it. The acquired knowledge was passed on from generation to generation, thanks to which infusions, decoctions, lotions or simply teas made from peppermint are still actively used in folk medicine.

What are the benefits of peppermint infusion?

Peppermint infusion is one of the most simple options her preparations. You just need to pour one teaspoon of plant leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, then leave for 20 minutes. Before use (or even immediately), the liquid is filtered and sugar is added if desired. Take this infusion one tablespoon every 2-3 hours.

With this remedy you can easily get rid of insomnia, stress, headaches and abdominal pain, because peppermint perfectly soothes and relieves spasms, and also often helps with heartburn.

Of course, peppermint tincture has many medicinal properties, however, we should not forget about possible contraindications, which are characteristic of any type of this plant (more on this a little later).

Beneficial properties of alcohol tincture

Peppermint tincture can also be prepared with alcohol, which will only increase its medicinal properties. So, alcohol tincture with peppermint extract is successfully used for inhalation for inflammation of the nose, trachea, mucous membrane of the throat or even bronchitis. When used externally, it is an excellent warming agent for rubbing, for headaches, migraines or inflammation of the skin.

Important! For skin diseases, it will be more effective to take a decoction or infusion of mint orally, perhaps even with an enema..

Mint alcohol tincture is created as follows: 20 g of dry leaves are poured with 100 ml of 75% alcohol, after which it is infused for two weeks in a dark place. The infusion is consumed 10-15 drops (can be diluted with water) 3-4 times a day.

What are the benefits of peppermint decoction?

There are many options for preparing peppermint infusion. For example, given that this plant is good for improving physical well-being and can improve mood, it will be useful for depression next recipe: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed leaves should be poured with one glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. After straining, this decoction should be taken half a glass twice a day - morning and evening.

There is another way to prepare the decoction. Take a tablespoon of chopped mint and add half a liter of water to it. Then place the mixture in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. After this, you need to let the broth brew for 10-15 minutes and strain it.

The resulting product is taken orally half a glass three times a day before meals. You can add sugar or honey to the broth, which will only enhance its taste.

How to use mint oil

Even mint oil is prepared based on mint - effective remedy for abdominal pain, heartburn or bloating. The easiest way is to take it orally with water or drop it on a piece of sugar (3-4 drops will be enough). In addition, it is often used externally - in the treatment of acne, inflammatory skin diseases and to soothe headaches (can be applied to the temporal area for migraines).

Benefits of Drinking Peppermint Tea

In most cases, when using peppermint as a tea Special attention is given only to its leaves, although they also have certain contraindications. I must say that mint tea is quite aromatic and a gentle drink, giving inner coolness. It refreshes well, gives the body strength and improves digestive processes. At the same time, this tea has a wonderful effect on mental health, relieving nervous tension and helping to relax, forgetting about problems for a while.

Peppermint tea has long established itself as an excellent anti-cold remedy, which is why it has become one of the most popular drinks in modern families. The recipe for making mint tea is simple: pour one heaped tablespoon of dried mint leaves and inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the tea is completely ready for drinking. Based on personal preference, you can add sugar or honey to the drink.

The benefits of mint tea are noticeable almost immediately: it helps to tone up and improves overall well-being. However, do not forget that mint is medicinal plant, which means you shouldn’t abuse it.

For a sick child, peppermint tea is prepared a little differently, reducing the concentration of mint infusion by adding more water. That is, for children's mint drink you will need a spoon of dry herb and half a liter of liquid, or simply smaller proportions. After straining, you can give tea to your child, but, as practice shows, it is better to add honey or sugar to it first (this will make the tea tastier and healthier).

Important! If the drink is highly concentrated, you can use it to rinse your nose with a runny nose or rinse your mouth to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy to reduce stomach acidity, combat colitis, pain during menstruation or menopause . In any of these cases, you just need to pour fresh peppermint leaves (4-5 leaves) into a glass boiling water, after tearing or cutting the mint into small pieces. The tea is infused for 5-7 minutes, after which you can safely enjoy the tasty and healthy drink.

If desired, other plants can be added to mint tea. They will only enhance the properties of the drink and serve as a good preventive measure against colds and will help improve immunity.

The healing properties of mint baths

Peppermint can be used, but not entirely. traditional way, making fragrant baths out of it. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction in the following proportions: 50 g of mint, pour 8 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes, after which the decoction is infused for another 30 minutes. This recipe will help in the fight against scrofula, joint pain or rickets, although you can take mint baths in for cosmetic purposes(50 g of mint is brewed in 10 liters of water). In addition, an infusion in this concentration is often used for enemas.

For dermatoses that are accompanied by severe itching, a decoction of knotweed is added to the bath along with peppermint.

Who should not use peppermint?

Discussing the beneficial properties of peppermint, one cannot fail to note the existing contraindications to the use of this medicinal herb. First of all, peppermint is contraindicated for people who suffer from low blood pressure. This does not mean that you have to completely give up this drink, you just need to take it with caution.

Mint is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, although it copes well with the manifestations of toxicosis. It is possible that after consulting with your doctor, you may still be able to enjoy aromatic mint tea from time to time.

Another group for which peppermint is contraindicated are allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to this plant. In some cases, you can avoid negative consequences only by completely refusing to use this plant (in any form).

The described plant is also contraindicated for infants, since the menthol contained in mint can cause depression or even a complete stop in the child’s breathing.

In any case, when preparing tinctures and decoctions of peppermint, it is necessary to observe the dosage even for those people who do not belong to the above categories, since exceeding it can cause drowsiness. It would not be superfluous to consult a doctor who, after appropriate examinations, will help you better understand the dosage of mint infusions or decoctions.

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