Kohlrabi: benefit and harm, contraindications. Kohlrabi while losing weight

Kohlrabi - the benefits and harms of diets and diseases

Kohlrabi is one of the most vitamin dietary vegetables, which, unfortunately, is not widespread in Russia. And in vain - this amazing plant looks like a turnip, and tastes like cabbage. A vegetable has unique culinary qualities - with a minimum number of calories, it has a very high nutritional value. We will tell: what is the benefit and harm of kohlrabi cabbage, and also share recipes for dishes with its use.

Kohlrabi (lat. Brassica oleracea var. Gongylodes) is a two-year-old vegetable plant, which is a variety of white cabbage. The name translated from German sounds like "cabbage-turnip": kohl - cabbage, and rube - turnip. Among the people, the vegetable has other names: cabbage turnip, stem turnip.

Composition and nutritional value of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is an unusual culture. In its mature form, it is a staple crop in the form of a ball of light green or purple in color, towering above the soil. Edible are both leaves and fruits of a vegetable. They are eaten fresh, baked and boiled.

With a small calorie content of only 41 kcal per 100 g of kohlrabi, the benefits of which have been known since ancient Rome, it has high nutritional value. This type of cabbage is a source of vitamins and valuable substances, heads of cabbage are able to be stored dividing time in fresh or frozen form, without losing their useful qualities.

The product contains a large number of mineral salts and vegetable proteins. At the same time, the content of cholesterol and saturated fats is minimal - only 0.1 g. Insoluble fiber - cellulose, helps to quickly remove cholesterol and bile acids from the body, slows the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, prevents the appearance of stones in the gall bladder.

The composition contains a high content of mono- and disaccharides: glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose. Their amount per 100 g of product is 7.9 g - which is significantly higher than in strawberries, carrots and pumpkins. Thanks to sugars, the kohlrabi pulp has a sweet and pleasant taste, while white cabbage, which is also invaluable for the human body, has a bitter taste.

Kohlrabi is especially appreciated due to its macro and trace elements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as manganese, copper and zinc). By the presence of calcium (46 mg), “stem turnip” is comparable to products such as cheese, milk and eggs, and by potassium and magnesium it is superior to apples, seaweed and cereals.

The composition also contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6 and B9) necessary for the body, as well as PP, A, K and E. But kohlrabi cabbage is especially rich in vitamin C, in an amount not less than in lemon and orange - 50 mg .

Kohlrabi cabbage - health benefits and harms

According to the results of research by scientists all over the world, the inclusion of kohlrabi in the daily diet has a beneficial effect on the body: it helps normalize metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, other organs and systems.

One of the most effective means in the fight against overweight is considered to be fresh cabbage, its use is the presence of tartronic acid, which has the property of inhibiting the conversion of consumed carbohydrates into fats - which prevents obesity.

Regular consumption of kohlrabi prevents the risk of breast cancer by 50%, with the regular use of 100 g of cabbage per day. It also enhances immunity and helps the body resist harmful microorganisms - experts advise drinking juice or a decoction of cabbage for colds and infectious diseases, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

Reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes cabbage, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in our material. It is recommended by leading nutritionists in the country for regular use by older people suffering from vascular diseases, arterial hypertension, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis.

Kohlrabi nourishes the body with vitamins and increases appetite, which is especially important for the diet of pregnant women and children. Vegetable improves the absorption of calcium, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of milk.

The main nutritional quality of cabbage - it does not harm the intestines, even if used in food raw. While white cabbage, the benefits and harms of which have been studied in detail by scientists and nutritionists, can increase gas levels and cause nausea.

Medicines using Kohlrabi

The fruits of cabbage turnip are tasty, juicy and tender. Thanks to these features, the vegetable goes well with almost all the ingredients in salads, side dishes and casseroles.

In whatever form cabbage is cooked, its benefits will not become less. Dishes are not only tasty and nutritious, but also surprisingly valuable. Consider several recipes for family health.

Juice to relieve inflammation in the gallbladder with cholecystitis

To prepare the product you will need: kohlrabi - 2-3 fruits, honey - 1 tsp.

Peel the cabbage, cut into small cubes and pass through a juicer. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Take juice daily for 15-20 minutes. before meals, for 10-14 days.

Kohlrabi Slimming Salad

Ingredients: cabbage - 2-3 pieces, lemon juice - 1 tsp, vegetable or olive oil - 2 tsp, greens - parsley, dill, onion feathers, salt - to taste.

Peel the fruit and grate it on a coarse grater. Salt, add finely chopped greens and lemon juice. Season the salad with oil and mix. Such a dish will serve not only as a means of getting rid of extra pounds, but also will become your family's favorite snack in the winter.

Vitamin soup from kohlrabi with potatoes

Ingredients: cabbage - 50 g, potatoes - 30 g, carrots and onions - 15 g each, turnips - 10 g, celery - 5 g, parsley root - 7 g, tomato - 1 pc., Vegetable oil - 10 g, sour cream - 25 g, salt and pepper - to taste.

Peel and wash turnips, carrots, onions, and celery. Slice and fry in vegetable oil. Chopped peeled potatoes and cabbage. Put kohlrabi in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, put it in a colander, and then place in a pan with water. Boil for 30 minutes, add potatoes. When the contents begin to boil, put the passivated root vegetables, greens, and tomato sliced \u200b\u200bin thin slices into the pan. Before serving, add fresh herbs and sour cream.

Harm kohlrabi to the human body

Despite the fact that the benefits of kohlrabi cabbage for the body are enormous, in some cases, doctors do not recommend eating it. The product is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by high acidity: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis. With these ailments, you need to combine the vegetable with other products that neutralize its acid-forming properties, for example, carrots (in salads and juices).

Danger from eating shop kohlrabi

An important disadvantage of stem turnip is the ability to accumulate nitric acid salts (nitrates), which adversely affect all organs, especially the immune system and digestive tract. Therefore, it is advisable to grow stemblender in your garden without the use of agrochemicals, or buy only from trusted sellers.


Among six other types of cabbage, kohlrabi is a leader in taste and vitamin qualities. The benefits of white cabbage are slightly higher than kohlrabi for diets, due to the low calorie content - only 27 Kcal. But cabbage turnip is considered the most valuable dietary product and contains all the substances necessary for the human body in large quantities.

This unusual-looking vegetable is stembled. Its fruit under the peel is tender and tastes like cabbage or its stalk. In principle, it is one of the types of cabbage. Its origin is not known. According to some reports, this is Scandinavia, according to others, Germany, according to the third - Tibet. One thing is known: kohlrabi firmly took his place on the table with Europeans in the Middle Ages. They called it "cabbage turnip." Not so much is known about the beneficial properties and contraindications of kohlrabi, so we decided to talk about this cabbage, as it deserves the close attention of those who care about a healthy diet and monitor their figure.

Currently, kohlrabi is ubiquitous. Especially popular is stembled in central and northern Europe because of its unpretentiousness and rapid maturation. In western Ukraine and Poland, kohlrabi is an invariable part of borsch. Many eat salads and young leaves, which also by their composition increase the rating of the beneficial properties of kohlrabi cabbage.

What is kohlrabi cabbage useful for?

Calorie cabbage kohlrabi is 42 kcal. Therefore, this vegetable is valued as a dietary product.

As for nutritional value, 100 grams of kohlrabi contains 3 grams of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrates, almost no fat and 85 grams of water.

Kohlrabi has many beneficial properties. The vegetable is very rich, and also contains other vitamins - A, PP, B, B2. It has a lot of iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. In addition, the composition of a lot of carotene.

This stembled is absorbed by the body even easier than apples, and at the same time gives a feeling of fullness.

The beneficial properties of this cabbage can not be overestimated, both from the point of view of health, and from the diet for weight loss. Kohlrabi helps to normalize metabolism, is an excellent diuretic and is actively used by those who wish not only to lose weight, but also to constantly control their weight.

Healing properties

Kohlrabi is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the nervous system. Fresh kohlrabi juice is very useful for the lungs, and it also helps in the treatment of the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Kohlrabi cabbage has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis and asthma attacks. Many asthmatics today grow this kind of cabbage on their balcony for purely medicinal purposes.

Kohlrabi is actively used as the basis of children's diet, actively counteracting, increasing vitality and strengthening the nervous system of a growing organism. Its unobtrusive taste is liked by most children and rarely causes diathesis or other allergic manifestations.

Especially important is kohlrabi cabbage in diabetes. All kinds of cabbage are good for diabetics, but kohlrabi is especially valuable, as it positively affects nerve cells, inhibiting the development of diabetic neuropathy.

Oddly enough, in this case, talking about the benefits and dangers of kohlrabi cabbage is almost pointless - because, for once, we are faced with a product that has minimal contraindications.

Cases of individual intolerance are very rare. However, it is worth noting that people with high acidity are not recommended to abuse them. Due to the fact that kohlrabi lowers blood pressure, it is also contraindicated in hypotension.

The fruits and leaves of this plant are considered edible; they are eaten raw, boiled and baked. In any form, kohlrabi is not only tasty, but also good for health; it is proved that with a minimum number of calories this vegetable has a high nutritional value.

The beneficial and healing properties of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is one of those amazing vegetables that has a high content. phytochemical compounds, especially glucosinolates. These substances are considered one of the most important antioxidants for cancer prevention, including breast and prostate cancer.

Kohlrabi is saturated   fiber, which is known to seriously improve digestive health. Fiber moves along the intestines, eliminating constipation, cramping and bloating, improving the quality of the gastrointestinal system, and enhancing the absorption of nutrients.

The beneficial properties of this vegetable include:

  • ability to improve digestion processes;
  • help in weight loss;
  • cancer protection;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • metabolic regulation;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • bone strengthening
  • improving vision health;
  • help in preserving muscle tissue;
  • preservation of nerve functions.
  • An indispensable vegetable for those who want to lose weight.   It contains a minimal amount of calories, decent fiber and a mass of nutrients. Thanks to the use of foods rich in fiber, the body is quickly saturated and the desire to eat disappears.
  • Valuable source of potassium.   This substance acts as a vasodilator, reducing the load on the cardiovascular system, easing the tension of blood vessels and arteries. Thanks to potassium in the body, blood circulation increases, oxygen saturation occurs and the risk of developing a stroke or heart attack is reduced.
  • Ideal for the prevention of osteoporosis.   As we age, our bones inevitably weaken. A great way to avoid or significantly slow down this process is to use a diet of foods rich in healthy miners.
  • A rich source of carotenes.   Beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant compound, preventing oxidative stress in the eye area. Vitamin A helps in preventing macular degeneration, slows down or eliminates the appearance of cataracts.
  • A valuable source of B vitamins.   Many of them play a key role in the enzymatic processes of the body.

For those who want to regulate their metabolism or feel that something in the body is not working properly, they must try this wonderful vegetable.

Chemical composition

Kohlrabi is one of the healthiest foods. Only a few vegetables claim to be low in calories (42 kcal / 100 g), high in nutrients and very low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Read more about the calorie content of kohlrabi and other types of cabbage.

The nutritional value:

  Regular use of this vegetable will strengthen the body's immune system. Serves as a booster vitamin c, which in this vegetable is even greater than in. Vitamin C helps keep the immune system healthy, skin supple, and bones strong, thanks to powerful antioxidant properties and the ability to stimulate production in the body.


Potassium is one of the key elements that contribute to the proper functioning of muscles and nerves. It is these components of our body that help us move, breathe, respond and function every day.


Kohlrabi is a rich source gland   - an element that promotes an increase in red blood cells in the body. Iron is necessary to prevent anemia, which is characterized by weakness, fatigue, headaches, indigestion, impaired coordination of movements and a malfunction of the immune system.

Trace elements:

The greatest amount of nutrients is present in the greatest amount in green fruits.

Weight loss application

Not surprisingly, kohlrabi is considered a boon for those who want to lose weight. In addition to low calorie content and high fiber content, this vegetable contains substances that prevent sugars from digesting and, accordingly, do not turn carbohydrates into fat.

This crispy vegetable is involved in many nutritional programs, healthy diets and weight loss methods. In addition, there are hundreds of options to cook this product.

Culinary compatibility

The stems of kohlrabi are fragrant, the flesh is crispy, and the taste is a bit like a radish. Fresh young crispy leaves are eaten raw, added to salads, wrapped in sandwiches, boiled, stewed or baked with other vegetables, herbs or meat.

Kohlrabi combines:

  • with meat (beef, lamb, horse meat);
  • with fish (trout, salmon, tuna);
  • with seafood (squid, shrimp);
  • with vegetables (spinach, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes);
  • with herbs (onion, dill, cilantro);
  • with fruits (apples).

Distinctive feature of the fetus   - the substances in its composition help to assimilate some products and useful elements more easily. So, for example, our body digests meat hard, and it’s easier to digest meat dishes with the addition of this plant. A large amount of calcium in its composition helps to absorb iron from red varieties of meat, spinach and apples.

Recipes for cooking dishes from kohlrabi with a photo

To prepare kohlrabi, it is necessary to thoroughly wash it, then using a knife, cut off the stems growing from the walls of the fruit. Fruits smaller than a tennis ball have a delicate texture and do not require any peeling, but larger tubers have thick skin that needs to be cut. The leaves are chopped like cabbage, and the fruit is grated.

This vegetable is universal - you can cook it in several different ways. What can be cooked from kohlrabi?

Steer Fry

To cook the roast, you will need:

  • 200 g of fruit;
  • onion head;
  • 3-4 pea pods;
  • 1 clove.

Cut the tuber into small pieces, then lightly fry with other vegetables until the roast becomes soft.

You can cook kohlrabi on the grill with meat, fish, corn on the cob or baked potatoes.


  • 250 g of fruits;
  • seasonings;

Put the diced fruits in a bowl, add a drop of oil and seasoning. Stir until all the pieces are covered with oil. Securely wrap kohlrabi with aluminum foil, then place on the grill for 10-15 minutes.

Kohlrabi belongs to the category of vegetables. Culture is an intermediate stage between turnips and cabbage. Experts have proved that a small amount of calories does not affect the high nutritional value of the crop.

Kohlrabi composition

Kohlrabi is a healthy food. Calorie content of the vegetable is 43 Kcal. on 100 gr. A high accumulation of nutrients allows you to get rid of bad cholesterol and to prevent a number of serious diseases.

In 100 gr. Kohlrabi concentrated 1.8 g. fiber, 10.6 gr. carbohydrates, 2.7 gr. protein and only 0.12 gr. fat. The vegetable contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which in content exceeds the amount of vitamin C in citrus fruits.

Ascorbic acid enhances immunity, which is extremely useful for people during the spread of viral infections. Vitamin C also prevents stratification of nails, makes bones strong, and reduces the likelihood of caries in children.

Kohlrabi also includes riboflavin, retinol, pantothenic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine. From macronutrients, it makes sense to isolate magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium. The listed mineral compounds are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle, digestive tract.

The plant concentrates in itself copper, zinc, manganese. The vegetable has a lot of iron, which controls the production of new blood cells. Thanks to this, anemia is prevented. With a systematic intake, fatigue decreases, weakness and dizziness disappear, migraines pass.

The effect of kohlrabi on the body

  • increases visual acuity, strengthens the muscles of the eyes;
  • fills the voids in the bone tissue and makes it strong;
  • enhances blood circulation;
  • accelerates intestinal motility;
  • struggling with gout;
  • normalizes the central nervous system;
  • expands blood channels and releases them from toxins;
  • improves the activity of the digestive tract;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • helps maintain muscle integrity
  • promotes better digestibility of food;
  • protects against oncology;
  • reduces swelling;
  • strengthens the protective membrane of the body;
  • helps to lose weight.

The benefits of kohlrabi

  1. The diuretic effect allows you to quickly get rid of edema, as well as prevent kidney disease. Also, the product lowers blood pressure and maintains it normally, this property is useful for hypertensive patients.
  2. Fiber and other fast-digesting fibers are present in kohlrabi. This helps the body cope with bad cholesterol and remove it from the blood.
  3. The plant is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. It has the ability to gently open blood vessels and increase blood circulation, thereby reducing the likelihood of blood clots. For this reason, people with varicose veins should eat kohlrabi.
  4. Dietary fiber in combination with amino acids affect intestinal absorption of food. Kohlrabi prevents obstruction, fights constipation.
  5. Kohlrabi can be used to make bowel cancer drugs. The vegetable blocks the formation of new capillaries, preventing the malignant cells from multiplying.
  6. Freshly squeezed plant juice is often used to treat tuberculosis. To prepare the product, mix 20 gr. honey with 100 ml. fresh. Take three times a day one hour before meals. For the same purpose, white cabbage juice is used.
  7. Due to the low calorie content, kohlrabi is often added to the menu, which is aimed at reducing body weight. A vegetable controls the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, not body fat. The product is recommended for frequent use by people with obesity.
  8. Cabbage should be consumed by categories of people who suffer from low acidity of the stomach and the formation of gastritis on this basis. The vegetable will raise the indicators to the optimum mark, removing inflammatory processes in the cavity of the internal organ.
  9. It is advisable to use the product for general cleansing of the body. Incoming antioxidants free pores of the skin from dirt, old particles of the epidermis, released fat. The work of the liver also improves, the voids in its structure are filled.
  10. Cabbage has found application in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. So, kohlrabi are used to combat bronchitis and asthma. To enhance the effect of folk remedies, it is better to prepare a decoction from the tops and take it inside.

  1. If you have abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, prepare a drink based on citrus fruits. Measure out 0.3 kg. kohlrabi, 50 gr. grapefruit.
  2. Squeeze the juice from cabbage and citrus, mix. Put in the refrigerator for cooling. Consume 0.1 l. twice a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

Kohlrabi at high pressure

  1. To prepare an effective remedy for hypertension, squeeze juice from 0.25 kg. kohlrabi. Mix with melted honey in an amount of 25 gr. Refrigerate for an hour.
  2. Use the medicine slightly chilled. The amount of raw materials taken is 50 g. Frequency of consumption - three times a day. The course is conducted for 1.5-2 weeks.

Kohlrabi with edema

  1. To quickly get rid of swelling of the limbs, prepare an effective composition. To do this, boil 200 ml in a container. water and fill it with 12 g. strawberry leaves. Insist a remedy of the order of a third of an hour.
  2. Strain, combine with 90 ml. kohlrabi juice. Stir until smooth. The tool must be consumed during the day. The course of therapy is 15 days.

Kohlrabi for gout

  1. When diagnosing gout, you can alleviate the symptoms with a healing agent. Take 45 gr. chopped walnuts, chop finely. Mix with 200 ml. cabbage juice and 20 ml. flower honey.
  2. The tool is recommended to consume at least 3 times a day for 40 grams. Course duration - 1 month. If necessary, take a break for 3 weeks, repeat the manipulation.

Kohlrabi for bowel disorders

  1. To normalize intestinal motility, prepare the following remedy. Get the juice from 4 teeth of garlic, combine with 140 ml. kohlrabi juice, mix in the components of 15 gr. fresh honey.
  2. Stir thoroughly until smooth. The tool must be consumed once a day in full. The course of treatment takes 25 days.

Kohlrabi for skin problems

  1. To improve complexion, experts recommend systematically using an effective composition.
  2. The tool is easy to cook on your own. Mix 240 ml in a common cup. cabbage juice, 100 ml. beetroot fresh, pulp from the head of garlic and 25 gr. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn honey.
  3. Bring the components to a homogeneous mass. Means you need to drink 25 gr. half an hour before meals 5 times a day. The course of treatment should be carried out for 1.5 months.

  1. To get rid of unwanted kilograms, systematically use an effective composition. For its preparation, turn 10 gr. dill in the pulp.
  2. Stir in 75 ml. beet juice, 100 ml. cabbage and 80 ml. carrot fresh. Mix components thoroughly. Drink the product 2 times a day in 100 ml. The course is 2 weeks.

Kohlrabi with low acidity of the stomach

  1. Normalize the acidity in the stomach will help the composition. It is prepared from 100 ml. fresh carrot, 110 ml. kohlrabi juice and 60 ml. pickled cabbage brine.
  2. Stir the ingredients, drink 2 times a day, 60 ml. The course must be followed for at least 1 month. Repeat therapy as needed.

Harm Kohlrabi

  Sure, cabbage is valuable to humans. It is difficult to describe all the useful qualities of a vegetable. Consider that the product is contraindicated for use in special cases.

It is forbidden to eat cabbage with problems in the digestive tract, high acidity, pancreatitis, ulcers and gastritis.

Vegetable can be consumed with other products that neutralize the acidity of kohlrabi. This property has carrots.

For consumption, the leaves and fruits of kohlrabi, which concentrate a lot of valuable enzymes, are used. You can eat the plant in a stew, raw, boiled or baked form. Avoid contraindications before taking.

Video: kohlrabi salad with carrots

Vegetables are very useful for our body, they are an important component of proper nutrition. These products saturate our body with vitamins and minerals, in addition, they have a lot of fiber, which positively affects the functioning of the digestive tract. And besides everything else, if your menu is saturated with vegetables, you definitely will not get better, and the chances of losing extra pounds will increase significantly. Today we will talk about the useful qualities of such a common vegetable as kohlrabi - what are the benefits and harms of its consumption, which we list possible contraindications.

This vegetable is quite unusual, in essence it represents a root crop that rises above the ground like a ball. Usually a stalk of this culture, which has a delicate and juicy taste, is consumed in food. To taste, it resembles a stump of ordinary white cabbage, with the difference that it does not have bitterness.

The benefits of kohlrabi

The unique properties of kohlrabi are determined by its multifaceted chemical composition. Like other varieties of cabbage, this species contains a significant amount of vitamin C, for which he was even awarded the nickname of northern lemon. If we talk about the presence of calcium, then in kohlrabi it contains almost as much as in cottage cheese. Among other things, this vegetable is able to saturate our body with many minerals, including iron, selenium, sulfur, as well as magnesium, cobalt and phosphorus. In addition, it contains a significant amount of iron, iodine, molybdenum, fluorine and zinc. Kohlrabi is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamins PP and various B vitamins.

The useful qualities of this root crop are fully felt in the presence of various ailments of the digestive tract. Its systematic consumption in food can significantly reduce inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the stomach, as well as the intestines. In addition, sulfur-containing elements are present in it that effectively prevent the development of oncological lesions of the rectum and colon, and this property has been confirmed by scientific studies.

Kohlrabi cabbage is widely known for its cleansing qualities. It contains unique elements that prevent the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol on the surface of the vascular walls, which prevents atherosclerosis from developing. The consumption of such a vegetable will be flattering and heart, thanks to him, this body will function without interruption.

The systematic intake of kohlrabi cabbage will be useful for those people who are diagnosed with hypertension. This is due to the diuretic properties of this vegetable, due to which it effectively eliminates excess fluid from the body, optimizing blood pressure. This quality of this cabbage has a positive effect on the activity of the kidneys and liver, stimulating the processes of cleaning the body of various toxins and toxins.

In the cold season, kohlrabi cabbage will perfectly support and strengthen your immunity. Such properties are explained by the presence in it of selenium, as well as the famous ascorbic acid. In order to saturate our body with a daily dose of vitamin C, it is enough to eat only one hundred grams of this vegetable.

Kohlrabi is especially popular with nutritionists. It contains a minimum number of calories, but the weight loss properties of this vegetable do not end there. This cabbage contains a significant amount of tartronic acid, and it effectively prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat cells.

Accordingly, the systematic consumption of kohlrabi will help you find the desired harmony of the figure. Among other things, it contains a significant amount of fiber, which cleanses our digestive tract like a brush, sweeping away toxins, toxins and other food breakdown products from it.

What harm from kohlrabi?

Despite the high degree of usefulness of kohlrabi, its consumption can harm the body. So if you have an increased acidity of the stomach, this vegetable should be excluded from your daily diet. Otherwise, you can provoke another exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, such a product, like any other, can cause allergies. The presence of individual intolerance is also one of the contraindications to its consumption.

It is worth considering that those vegetables that grew in greenhouses and greenhouses can also harm our body. Kohlrabi easily accumulates various nitrates in itself, and they are able to accumulate in the body and provoke various ailments.

Use in traditional medicine

Kohlrabi, like the more common white cabbage, can be useful in the treatment of various diseases. Its systematic consumption in food can significantly reduce the manifestations of asthma and tuberculosis. For the treatment of these ailments, you can also apply decoctions based on a spherical stem or leaves of this vegetable.

Kohlrabi also has quite strong anti-inflammatory properties. You can use its juice to rinse with various ailments of the oral cavity, as well as for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the larynx.

So, kohlrabi deserves to take a seat on your table. The systematic consumption of this vegetable can bring noticeable benefits to your body.