Raspberry liquor. Therapeutic alcoholic raspberry tinctures at home

Everyone knows that raspberries are not only tasty, but also healthy. But, not everyone knows how to use this berry correctly so that it brings obvious benefits to the body and helps get rid of most diseases and problems. Therefore, after reading this article, you will learn how to prepare raspberry tincture on vodka and how it can be used in treatment.

Raspberry tincture benefits

So, we will consider how tincture from raspberries, cooked at home, can be useful. Of course, it will not be possible to call the raspberry infusion just a medicine, it is also a very tasty drink. This remedy is very pleasant to use as a dessert drink. Most who have used raspberry tincture both for medicinal purposes and as a drink, note that this product is incredibly pleasant for drinking and drinking inside.

Of course, raspberry tincture can be somewhat cloying, but this is the case if you go too far with the sugar that you add to the tincture. Therefore, it is very important to follow the specific recipe described below. But more on that later. Let's look at the useful properties of raspberry tincture:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI) -
  • Colds, especially seasonal
  • Malaise-
  • Laryngitis-
  • Recovery after relapse -
  • Angina-
  • The inflammatory and infectious process in the throat
  • Pathology of the larynx
  • Pathological increase in pressure -
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Stomatitis-
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity -
  • Sedation, raspberry tincture calms and improves the functioning of the central nervous system -
  • Immunostimulating effect while reducing the protective functions of the body.
  • But, remember that raspberry tincture should not be the only drug that must be used during the treatment of diseases. Be sure to consult a doctor at the first sign of illness and check if it is possible to combine the treatment with raspberry tincture and those medications that you have been prescribed.

    Video: Raspberry Cherry Recipe

    Raspberry tincture should be combined with the main medicine that your doctor has prescribed for you.

    Cooking raspberry tincture

    We mentioned above that you should not take raspberry tincture as the main drug. This is just what you can supplement the basic treatment prescribed by doctors.

    For the base of this drink, you can use vodka (high-quality, without additives and any impurities) or diluted medical alcohol. Remember that absolutely all foreign impurities and additives can completely spoil the taste of tincture, therefore, you need to take a pure product as the basis.

    If you decide to use moonshine as a basis, then before you prepare tincture on it, it must be very thoroughly cleaned. That is, make a second distillate in the moonshine. It is advisable to use those technical installations in which there is a sump and a reflux condenser.

    Video: TINcture CRIMPLE!

    When buying vodka for the base of raspberry tincture, it is better to buy a proven product. Especially this rule must be observed if in the future you will use raspberry tincture as a medicine.

    Raspberry Tincture Recipe

    To begin, consider the classic recipe for raspberry tincture. To prepare it, you will need:

    Video: Dandelion tincture properties of application on alcohol and vodka

    • Raspberry berries - 3 kg (it is very important that the raspberries are ripe, ripe, but not mashed - sort the berries, remove those that have already rotted or are damaged by insects) -
    • Vodka without impurities (good quality) - 1 liter -
    • If there is no vodka, then dilute high-quality medical alcohol 40% to 1 liter -
    • Normal beet white sugar - 250 grams
    • One glass of pre-boiled water (usually 250 ml in a glass).

    The preparation of raspberry tincture requires compliance with a certain technology. In particular, first you need to:

    • Wash the raspberries, sort them out-
    • Take a 3-liter glass bottle and pour out all the raspberries -
    • Grind all the berries in a large bottle with a mortar or a fork - as you prefer -
    • Raspberry berries are poured with the entire volume of vodka -
    • Place the raspberries in a warm place for 5 days, and, daily, the berries need to be stirred -
    • After 5 days, you need to add sweet syrup to the infusion, which you will prepare from 250 ml of water and sugar. This is done very simply, put a container of water on the stove, pour sugar into it and wait until the syrup boils. Now the sugar syrup should cool and can be added to the raspberry tincture.
    • After you mix sugar syrup and raspberries on vodka, leave this drink to brew for another 15 days.

    When these 2 weeks pass, you need to take a tincture and strain it through a layer of gauze or through a sieve so that the raspberry grains and the flesh of the berry leave and a clean drink remains. Now you can pour raspberry tincture into convenient containers and use it as a medicinal drink or a pleasant dessert product.

    In some recipes of tincture, you can find such components as cinnamon, honey, raspberry leaves, orange peel. But, remember that if you are preparing raspberry tincture for the first time, then it’s better not to experiment.

    Also, you should not increase the number of raspberries, as the tincture can be very sugary and tasteless from this.

    Raspberry Jam Tincture

    If it is not possible to use raspberries fresh, you can take freshly frozen berries or even raspberry jam. Mix raspberry jam with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave for a week. And that's it - a drink or a medicine (at your discretion) is ready for use. If the drink turns out to be too sugary and sweet, then you can always add a small amount of boiled water and dilute it.

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    Raspberry tincture on vodka is not only one of the most popular berry drinks, but also one of the most effective healing products. Fragrant taste and ruby \u200b\u200bcolor will delight any gourmet, but you can cook it at home.

    Homemade raspberry tincture is prepared simply, and there are many recipes

    Is it worth it to talk? Everyone knows about her! And this low-alcohol drink is not only an excellent decoration of the festive table, but also a real elixir, which contains all the vitamins and minerals of this royal berry. Homemade raspberry tincture is prepared simply, and there are a lot of recipes, the only “but” - it will take a certain period of time for aging.

    Recipe 1, Sugar Free

    In the raspberry harvesting season, we collect ripe berries in a clean glass container. We make sure that no bugs get there. Raspberry berries do not need to be washed if you are sure of their purity. While we bring the raspberries home, she will take a little and sit down.

    Video about the raspberry tincture recipe

    At home, fill the contents with high-quality vodka, so as to cover the berries completely. Shake lightly to release air bubbles. We close with a clean nylon cover and remove for 2 months in a dark place. Store at room temperature.

    We filter the finished tincture through a thick sieve. Berries should completely lose color and release juice during this time, and tincture should acquire a beautiful ruby \u200b\u200bcolor.

    We use as a remedy and a festive drink. And whoever tastes sour, you can add honey or sugar syrup before use.

    We use as a remedy and a festive drink

    Recipe 2 - How to Make Sweet Raspberry Tincture

    To prepare the tincture you will need:

    • 300 g maximum ripe raspberries;
    • 500 ml of high-quality and purified vodka;
    • 100 g of water;
    • 100 g of sugar.

    Cooking process

    1. Raspberries should be ripe, preferably juicy. Before proceeding to cooking, raspberries need to be separated from the stalks, remove pests, if any have been noticed. Transfer the peeled berries into a colander, on the bottom of which put gauze, and rinse under running water. Leave raspberries in a colander for a while, so that the glass is completely glass.
    2. Put the washed berries in a glass jar and add vodka 2 cm above the layer of berries. Cover with a nylon cover and put in the refrigerator for 2 months (possible in the basement)
    3. After 2 months, pour the vodka infused with raspberries into another container and hide it in the refrigerator for another month and a half.
    4. Pour sugar in a jar of raspberry fruit, cover with a lid, shake well and send vodka to the refrigerator just like vodka. Every 14 days, take out a jar of raspberries and shake it.
    5. After the right time, remove both cans from the refrigerator. Wait for the contents to warm to room temperature.
    6. In a jar of raspberries and sugar add boiling water and strain. The resulting cooled liquid must be combined with raspberry vodka.

    Raspberries must be ripe, preferably juicy.

    Tincture application

    Of course, any tincture can be put on a festive table, use it to warm on cool autumn days or on a cold winter. Most often, this drink is used just for fun, however, at the same time, beneficial properties are also concentrated in it. Raspberry tincture can cure a sore throat, cough, cleanse blood vessels and increase immunity.

    Raspberries - a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients! The fruits contain a lot of fiber, vitamins A, B, C, copper, iron, magnesium, essential oils, zinc, cobalt, as well as pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

    Raspberry berries have a wonderful effect on capillaries, prevent the occurrence of sclerosis. Many people know that salicylic acid is used to lower body temperature, which is why raspberries are a popular treatment for colds. This is an excellent assistant for diseases of the kidneys, gastric system and anemia.

    Of course, tincture on vodka is not as useful as fresh berries, but with a cold in the cold season it is simply irreplaceable.

    If we are talking about the benefits of raspberries, then many have in mind only its fruits. In fact, tinctures, infusions, lotions and decoctions of raspberries prepared precisely from the leaves have no less useful properties.

    How to brew raspberry leaves. To prepare a healing broth, you need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried crushed raspberry leaves pour 2 cups boiling water. Raspberries do not need to be cooked, otherwise it will lose vitamin C. Insist in a closed container for about 2-3 hours, then strain. After eating, do not forget to drink half a glass of warm broth.

    A decoction of raspberry leaves is a prophylactic for annual exacerbation of viral diseases

    Decoction of is a prophylactic in the annual exacerbation of viral diseases. With the same decoction, but with the addition of dry stems, you can rinse your mouth, which helps to cure a sore throat, laryngitis and many diseases of the throat.

    This herbal medicine even copes with diseases of the respiratory system and relieves cough. For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis and gastric bleeding, the decoction should be more concentrated, so instead of 2 tablespoons of raspberry leaves, you need 4.

    In addition, the decoction is very useful for women, since it removes inflammatory processes in various gynecological diseases. For this, douching and lotions are used. A decoction of raspberry leaves strengthens hair, improves hair growth, and prevents hair loss.

    Video about raspberry tincture

    The use of tinctures and decoctions of raspberries is contraindicated during pregnancy, individual intolerance and chronic constipation. People with liver disease may eat raspberries, but in small quantities. The berry contains coarse fibers, therefore, those who have duodenal and stomach ulcers should refuse treatment with raspberries. If a person is allergic to red berries, he can use yellow or black raspberries for treatment. Raspberries are strictly prohibited for gout and jade.

    Even if you have not noticed the above conditions in yourself, it is better, nevertheless, to consult with your doctor first about the advisability of using this plant for medicinal purposes.

    One of the most attractive drinks due to the fragrant aroma and pleasant sweet and sour tart taste is raspberry liqueurwhich is cooked at home. It can be made at home, the berry is filled with strong alcohol, or it can be prepared according to the type of liquor wine when the berry juice is fermented with sugar.

    Useful properties of raspberry

    Homemade raspberry liquor can be drunk as an alcoholic drink, for example, with sweet desserts, fruits, pastries. And if you wish, you can stock up on a bottle or two of liquor to use it for medicinal purposes. Such liqueur is especially relevant in the cold season, in the spring and autumn periods, when the body needs to be supported with a natural vitamin remedy. Raspberry liquor contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP. The drink is rich in iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, copper. The composition of the healing fluid contains salicylic acid, essential oils, tannins.

    Raspberry liquor is used as a remedy at elevated temperature, vitamin deficiency, and iron deficiency. Flux removes toxins with ailments of a viral and bacterial nature. And it’s also a wonderful (and tasty) remedy for increasing the level of immunity and strengthening the body after suffering ailments of any nature. Raspberry liquor for treatment is drunk in very moderate doses - only 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day. If you wish, you can drink the liquor in its pure form or add water to warm tea (black or herbal).

    But you can cook raspberry liquor as a tasty drink for the festive table. It will with dignity replace any store-bought drink, especially if berries from her garden were used - ripe, high-quality, grown without harmful chemicals. You can make a drink even in the cold season, if instead of fresh fruits take frozen.

    Raspberry for cooking

    It does not matter which raspberries to use - early, medium ripening or late. The size and color of the berries also does not matter, however, the liquor from yellow varieties (for example, Yellow Giant, Runaway, Gold-headed) will come out light, often less fragrant (usually the smell of red varieties is brighter). True, allergy sufferers are valued from yellow raspberry (there are less anthocyanins, plant coloring substances in such varieties). Popular varieties in Russia are those that bear fruit well, are resistant to diseases, whose berries have a sweet or sour or sweet taste (for example, varieties Patricia, Scarlet Sails, Meteor, Vera, Mirage, etc.).

    Raspberry berries are harvested from late June (for early varieties) through August-September. In the morning, as soon as the dew drops, you can collect the berries in a small container with a hard bottom. It is advisable that the volume of the container be no more than 2 liters, otherwise the berries may be damaged. It is better not to pick raspberries in the rain, otherwise it will break up and become watery. In addition, if you plan to do the filling by fermenting the berries with sugar, there should be yeast on its surface. And after precipitation, they will be washed away, so this wort will either not ferment or weakly ferment. If the filling is from purchased raspberries, you need to consider the integrity of the berries, their color. It is advisable to ask the seller about the place of picking berries. Berries that are rotten, immature or damaged by disease should not be used. By the way, forest raspberries are also suitable. Its aroma and taste are often even stronger than that of the garden. True, the opportunity to get into the forest is not available to everyone.

    As soon as the raspberry crop is harvested, you should decide on the recipe for preparing the liquor. In some cases, the berries are washed, in others they are not. If, according to the recipe, you should wash the berries, they are sorted, a small layer is poured into a colander and washed with cool running water. All randomly ripped leaves and stalks are removed. Raspberries are processed immediately, since it is stored even in the cold for only a short time - it releases juice and becomes wilted.

    In most cases, when raspberries are poured with strong alcohol (diluted with alcohol or pure moonshine), granulated sugar is added for sweetness. Although you can make unsweetened tincture, focusing on acidity and a pleasant smell of the drink. By the way, you can add a special “zest” to an already delicious raspberry flavor by pouring a pinch of spices (cumin, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger) or a few fresh mint leaves on the berries.

    Raspberry recipe for vodka (strength about 15%)

    If the raspberry season is gone, you can pay attention to the frozen fruits. Berries from the freezer must first be thawed at room temperature.


    • Raspberries - 2 kg;
    • Vodka (or another 40% alcoholic beverage) - 1 liter;
    • Sugar - 0.5 kg;
    • Water - 500 ml.

    Cooking process

    1. Sort and wash raspberries. Slightly mash it with your hands (pusher) in a bowl with high sides so that juice does not leak. Pour the crushed raspberry mass into a glass bottle, pour vodka on top. Alcohol should cover the berries completely a few centimeters;
    2. Close the cylinder tightly, shake and carry it to a warm place where there is no access to light for a week. Shake raspberry vodka daily;
    3. Filter the infusion through clean gauze, carefully squeezing the pulp (it does not need to be thrown away yet). Set aside the container with the filtered drink for a while;
    4. Squeeze raspberries (cake) into a pan, add water, pour sugar. On a slow fire, wait for a boil, boil for about 5 minutes, removing the emerging foam. Remove from heat, cool;
    5. When the temperature of the sweetened raspberry liquid is about 25-30 degrees, pour raspberry vodka obtained earlier into it;
    6. Stir the contents of the pan, and then filter through cheesecloth. Pour into a clean bottle, cork and refrigerate for 1 month;
    7. After a month left for aging, filter the drink again, pour it into bottles of the desired volume, seal it and place it in a cool dark place without light. Store raspberry cord, prepared according to this recipe, 1 year.

    Raspberry classic recipe (about 10% strength)


    • Raspberries (fresh, unwashed) - 2 kg;
    • Sugar - 1 kg;
    • Water - 200 ml.

    Cooking process

    1. Sort unwashed raspberries, pour the first layer (about 3 cm) into the container, pour the same layer of sugar. Alternate raspberries and sugar until the ingredients run out. Pour in water (always unboiled, otherwise there will be no oxygen in it, which will negatively affect fermentation). It is important that there is free space in the bottle for foam, which will appear soon;
    2. Taking a wooden crush, gently knead the berries in sugar with water;
    3. Put a water lock (or a punctured medical glove) on the neck of the bottle. Transfer the balloon to a sunny place for 20-50 days;
    4. Fermentation will be over when the bubbles stop coming out of the shutter (the glove, previously inflated, should fall), a precipitate will appear. Then you have to pour the liquor into another clean container, filtering through cheesecloth. For ripening, move the container with the liquor for 1-3 months in a cool place (refrigerator, basement). Store up to 2 years in a cool, dark place.

    A simple recipe for raspberry-free liquor without sugar (strength about 25%)


    • Raspberries - 1.5 kg;
    • Vodka - 2 l.

    Cooking process

    1. Sort raspberries and rinse. Fold to the bottom of the cylinder, pour alcohol. Close tightly and shake well a couple of times;
    2. Move the container to a dark place with room temperature for a period of 1 to 2 months;
    3. Filter the filling through a sieve or gauze. Store in a cool place for 2 years. If desired, after filtration, you can add a little honey (about 250-300 g) to the drink, mix and let it brew for another 2-3 days.

    Raspberry quick recipe for quick

    The strength of raspberry liquor quickly depends on the amount of alcohol added. It happens that you want to please yourself and your friends or family with a tasty drink, but there is no time for its preparation. Then you can make a raspberry liquor according to such a simple recipe.


    • Raspberries - 1 kg;
    • Vodka - 1.5 liters (less or more, depending on the desired amount of the finished drink);
    • Sugar - 250 g (if you want the drink to be sweet, you can double the amount of sugar).

    Cooking process

    1. Send clean berries to dishes made of heat-resistant glass, clog;
    2. Pour cold water into a pot (large basin), place a container with raspberries in the center of the container. Boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer another 1.5 hours. Add some water if necessary;
    3. Remove the pan (basin) from the heat, let the water cool (as the water cools, the contents of the container with the berry juice obtained will also cool);
    4. Strain raspberry juice (cake can be thrown away). Pour it into a glass container (bottle or bottle), add vodka and sugar, shake well, cork;
    5. Allow the liquor to brew for a day.

      one of the rarest in the home bar. See how many interesting and simple recipes there are for making raspberry tinctures. Success in the preparation of raspberry tincture is compliance with the recommendations in the recipe, as well as high quality berries. Raspberry tincture   not only a delicious alcoholic drink, but also a cold remedy. Find out what a raspberry tincture can be.

    Tinctures have been made since ancient times. In many countries, especially the court nobility, I liked this method of preparing alcoholic beverages. Initially, tinctures were made on alcohol with the addition of herbs, which was supposed to help with various ailments, diseases. Over time, the preparation of tinctures has become more thorough, although it should be noted that it is probably hardly possible to create the same tincture a second time. Currently, tinctures are made from almost any fruit, berries and herbs in various combinations. One of the tastiest tinctures is raspberry tincture   or robin.

    Robin  very popular, so there are really many recipes. Below are the recipes of raspberry tincture of different countries and peoples.

    Raspberry tincture for alcohol

    In order to prepare this raspberry tincture, first of all we need: 0.5 liters of alcohol, about 1.2 kg of raspberries and 4 liters of sugar syrup (proportion of 1.5 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water) . First, pour raspberries with sugar syrup. Then add alcohol. Close everything carefully and set aside for 10 days in a warm place, but avoiding direct sunlight. After 10 days, pour the resulting tincture in bottles and store in a dark place. This rather simple recipe for making tinctures from raspberries for alcohol has no right to fail!

    Lithuanian Robin

    It will take about 6 months to prepare this raspberry, but for the sake of an excellent, unique taste, it is really worth the wait.

    We will need: 1.2 kg raspberries, vodka or diluted to 40% alcohol

    Raspberries should be poured with alcohol so that all berries are covered with vodka. We leave them in a dark place for a day. Then you need to pour, only the liquid, into another bowl and throw the raspberries (without pressing). Again we fall asleep, fresh raspberries in a jar, and pour alcohol, which turned out after the first time. Leave for another day. After that, we filter and fill in the prepared bottles. We close them tightly and set them aside in a dark cool place for 6 months so that the cooked robin “ripened”.

    German raspberry tincture

    How to cook raspberry tincture, which will have a unique aroma and taste? It is enough to follow the recommendations below. German raspberry is really something else among the raspberry tincture recipes.

    Would need:   2.4 kg raspberries, 5 gr. cloves, about 5 gr. plum (crushed) seeds and 4 l of alcohol (diluted to 70%)

    Squeeze juice from raspberries, pour cloves and crushed plum seeds into it. All this pour alcohol. Close the bottle tightly and set in the sun or a warm place for a month. After that, filter and bottle. Set aside for 6 months in a cool place.

    Raspberry Forest Tincture

      The preparation of this tincture is quite simple, it is more difficult, however, to pick berries for this raspberry. For forest tincture, you need raspberries collected in the forest, but finding and picking berries really pays off! Forest raspberries are more fragrant than garden raspberries. On need approximately 60 gr wild berries and 0.5 l of alcohol (diluted to 60% ), and in a week sugar .

    Pour raspberries with alcohol so that all berries are covered. Put on the window, on the sunny side, for a week so as not to fade the color. Then we pour the resulting liquid into a separate bowl, and pour raspberries with sugar (the amount depends on how sweet the tincture should be). When sugar dissolves and juice is formed, separate it from berries (squeezing it well) and combine with the resulting liquid. If the tincture is cloudy, you can filter it through paper. Pour into bottles and you're done!

    French raspberry tincture

    This type of robin also requires a long time to ripen, however it will pay off in full. French tincture   - this is something special.

    Ingredients: 3 kg of raspberries, 0.5 kg of powdered sugar. After 2 days, sugar and 4 liters of vodka, or diluted to 40% alcohol.

    Grind raspberries with powdered sugar and, thus, leave the resulting mass in a cool place for 2 days. Then we transfer the mass to the bottle, add sugar (the amount to your liking) and pour alcohol. Mix everything and strain through a thick sieve. Pour into the bottle again and let it infuse for 4 days in a cool place. At the end, filter and bottle. Tightly close and leave for 6 months.

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    It reaches a height of one and a half meters and bears fruit in tasty and healthy fruits. Raspberries ripen at different times, depending on weather conditions and its variety.

    In our country, it grows almost everywhere, excluding the northern regions. The very first raspberry garden in Russia appeared in the XII century, it was laid by Yuri Dolgoruky.

    Today, a huge number of various varieties of this plant are growing in garden plots. Its berries are more than wild. Although it is forest raspberries that stand out with a special aroma, while its healing properties are most pronounced.

    Healing properties

    Raspberries have a huge number of different nutrients, including nitrogenous, tannic and pectin substances, essential oils, fiber, vitamins A, C and B, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, cobalt and magnesium. The berry has an anti-sclerotic property and the ability to strengthen capillaries.

    It contains salicylic acid, which reduces fever and does not have any side effects. It is useful to use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and anemia.

    Alcoholic Beverage Recipes

    Various alcoholic beverages can be prepared from it, while the homemade raspberry tincture will have a great taste and will be the decoration of the festive table.

    Raspberry tincture on vodka

    You will need:

    • 0.5 liters of good, high-quality vodka;
    • raspberry berries (one liter jar);
    • 100 ml of filtered / boiled water;
    • a glass of sugar.


    Raspberry Pouring

    You will need to prepare:

    • 1.3 kg of sugar;
    • raspberries - 3.5 kg.

    This is a very simple raspberry tincture recipe. Pour ripe, clean berries into a five-liter jar, add sugar, cover with gauze and remove for 3 days. Next, remove the cheesecloth and make. Leave the resulting mixture for a couple of weeks until the fermentation process stops. Next, filter the filling through paper or a thick cloth. Bottle and cork them.

    Raspberry tincture for alcohol

    To prepare it, you will need:

    • 0.5 l of alcohol;
    • 3 kg of berries;
    • 7 liters of water.

    Mix all the ingredients in a ten-liter bottle. Loosely cover and drag over the canvas, then put on for two weeks near the window. Every day, shake the bottle in which our tincture of raspberries for alcohol is prepared. After 14 days, our berries will begin to “play”: move along the bank from top to bottom and from bottom to top. This means that the raspberry tincture is ready. It must be filtered through gauze and left to infuse for a couple of days. Then bottle.

    It is worth noting that the bottles in which our tincture of raspberries on vodka will be stored are best taken from champagne so that it is not burst by internal pressure. It’s not worth adding to the neck. Leave 3 cm of air. In this case, plugs need to be tied with wire or rope, as if on champagne. Such a raspberry tincture on vodka is stored in a cool, ventilated place with its neck down. After a month and a half, it will mature completely, after which it can already be consumed. Do not be discouraged if any bottle bursts, because the remaining liquor is already ripe. She will go to the Christmas or New Year's table. It can be stored for no more than six months.

      and raspberries

    For cooking you will need:

    • 200 sheets of cherries;
    • raspberries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • water - 1.5 l;
    • vodka - 1 l;
    • citric acid - 3 l.

    Boil cherry leaves and berries for 5 minutes over low heat. At the bottom of the colander, lay the cheesecloth over, discard the leaves and berries and squeeze it. Send to a large pot, add sugar and pour vodka. After this, boil, and only then pour into prepared bottles in advance.

    On cognac

    So, now we’ll figure out how to make raspberry tincture on cognac. Its taste goes well with berries. The drink is recommended to be made without sugar in order to preserve the natural aroma.

    Would need:

    • 1 liter of real good cognac;
    • 750 g raspberries.


    1. Raspberries are washed and cleaned, after which it is cleaned in a jar.
    2. Following it, it is poured with cognac so that it protrudes above a layer of raspberries.
    3. The can is clogged and cleaned for two months in heat.
    4. The tincture is filtered and stored in convenient bottles for storage.

    With jam

    Would need:


    1. The jam is poured with vodka, after which it is tightly closed with a lid.
    2. The can is cleaned in a warm place for 4 days, and it must be shaken every day.
    3. When the specified time passes, you need to strain the resulting syrup, diluting it with clean water.


    Would need:

    • 500 grams of sugar;
    • 2 cups raspberries;
    • 2 l of citric acid;
    • 0.5 l of vodka;
    • 40 sheets of cherries.


    1. Leaves and berries are poured with a liter of clean water, after which they boil for 5 minutes.
    2. The tincture is filtered and cooled, then sugar, citric acid are added there, and again boiled.
    3. As soon as the mixture cools, vodka is sent to it. The resulting liquor is bottled in convenient bottles and removed for infusion for a month.


    Of course, all these drinks can be used during feasts, as well as warm in cold winter and cool autumn. Raspberry tincture on vodka is most often used for entertainment purposes, although this does not mean that it does not have useful properties. For example, it copes with cough, sore throat, improves immunity and warms.


    Due to the fact that all the tinctures listed in the article contain alcohol in their basis, they are not recommended to be used during pregnancy and during feeding. Such tinctures should not be given to children. Although it’s better for adults not to abuse them, they can surprise you with sweet and sweet tastes due to their alcoholic effect.