Energy: negative effects on the heart and brain. How do energy drinks affect the cardiovascular system?

Doctors say that behind the deviation in the heart rhythm, an addiction to energy can be hidden. The fact is that caffeinated energies change your heartbeat. This was proved in the course of research by specialists at the University of Bonn.

Study statistics

As noted in the BBC, scientists analyzed the hearts of seventeen people an hour after energy consumption. It turned out that each contraction in the left ventricle is stronger than usual. Actually, because of this, it is advisable for babies and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system to avoid these drinks. Please note: in the energy sector there are three times more caffeine in comparison with cola or coffee, as experts emphasize. The experts are also wary.

What is the danger

Doctors are well aware that in a large dose, caffeine provokes unpleasant side effects, not excluding an increase in pressure, heart palpitations, attacks, tremors, and even death. During the study, volunteers received a drink that contained 400 milligrams of taurine and 32 milligrams of caffeine per hundred milliliters. But even without power engineers it is possible.

Specialists warn

It must be said that, on occasion, experts warn on occasion that power engineers are very dangerous due to the caffeine they contain. Australian doctors, for example, state: quite often, energy drinks provoke caffeine poisoning. This poisoning manifests itself in convulsions, hallucinations, and heart problems. Symptoms often make themselves felt, even when a person drinks energy in the amount recommended by the manufacturer. However, you can

A small study conducted by German scientists showed that heartbeats increased in those who consumed energy drinks. Their systematic use can harm the health of the cardiovascular system, doctors warn.

Energy drinks stimulate the heart muscle too much, forcing the organ to work in an “emergency mode” and beat very often than necessary. Healthy people who drank energy drinks, which are high in caffeine and taurine, felt a rapid heartbeat within an hour after drinking them. One small can of energy drink was enough to provoke such an effect.

These drinks are especially dangerous for those who already suffer from a particular cardiovascular disease. Stimulants such as caffeine or, say, adrenaline, make the heart beat faster. This can deplete the supply of heart muscle power ahead of time, and also cause an uneven heart rate.

During the study, scientists from the University of Bonn, Germany, measured the heart rate of 18 healthy volunteers - before and after consuming energy drinks. The drink he proposed contained 400 milligrams of taurine, 32 milligrams of caffeine and 100 milliliters of liquid. After consuming an energy drink, the participants in the experiment felt a 6% increase in heart rate. A control group of volunteers drank coffee, but they did not have a similar effect on heart rate.

“It seems to be the special combination of caffeine, taurine and sugar that energy drinks are,” says Jonas Dorner of the University of Bonn. However, in order to reliably scientifically substantiate the harm of energy to the heart, additional studies will be required. Dorner, however, strongly advised children, pregnant women and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, not to drink such drinks.

Meanwhile, from 2007 to 2011, the number of Americans who called an ambulance or ended up in emergency wards affected by energy drinks doubled from 10,000 to 21,000, according to official statistics. Most of the victims are young people aged 18 to 25 years, the second largest group are people aged 26 to 39 years.

The American Beverage Manufacturers Association commented on the study: “Caffeine is a safe ingredient, a substance that millions of people consume daily. However, energy drinks contain less than half caffeine than a cup of coffee of the same size. Research conducted in Germany is not enough to draw conclusions about their harm. ”

Today, many have heard about energy drinks - they can be found on store shelves, and their obsessive advertising on TV promises “awesome” sensations and a boost of energy. But when they are used, the body experiences severe stress, and the stress on the heart increases several times, which leads to increased pressure and malaise. The brain suffers no less from their action due to a “cocktail” of psychostimulants. Active use of these drinks can lead to a hospital bed and even death, in the presence of serious problems with blood vessels and heart muscle. What is the harm to power engineers?

Energy: activity or severe stress?

On January 1, 2018, a law came into force banning the production and sale of alcohol-containing energy drinks in the Russian Federation. But this does not mean that these drinks completely disappeared from circulation, they began to sell them underground in night clubs or use cocktails made from non-alcoholic energy drinks and strong alcohol. But even if the law is respected exactly, non-alcoholic energy is no less dangerous to health, although it is deprived of the toxic properties inherent in ethyl alcohol. The intake of all types of energy is a strong stress for the body, arising from the powerful boosting of the metabolism by the components that make up its composition. They cause especially strong stress and negative health effects in the child and adolescent body, as well as among young people. There are no restrictions on the sale of non-alcoholic compounds today, with the exception of Moscow and the Moscow Region, where their sale has been regulated since 18 years.

What are the energies so dangerous for, because stress and activation, the “revitalization" of metabolism are useful to the body to a certain extent? The fact is that when you use these drinks, the boundaries of stress go beyond physiological norms and lead to depletion of resources, negative effects on, vessels, nerve tissue and many other organs of the body.

Even if we do not consider the now forbidden alcoholic energies that affect the liver and brain, soft drinks of this kind are no less harmful. They are used by people during periods of increased stress, so as not to sleep before the session, on a long trip or all night in a club, when the body is initially tired and overloaded with information. They activate metabolism for 3-4 hours, spasm of blood vessels, increasing pressure and changing blood circulation of tissues. In relation to the brain, a similar effect can be compared with a driven horse, which is whipped by a whip, so that it gallops further. In conditions of fatigue, the brain consumes more glucose and other nutrients, it needs more oxygen, but a tired body cannot adequately fill all its needs. After a short and ineffective excitation and activity, a marked decline and sharp inhibition of brain functions inevitably occur, hypoxia of nerve cells is formed, some of which die. Frequent reception of power engineers also accustoms brain tissue to work only in conditions of “stimulation” and forms a kind of addiction, without power engineers the brain “dulls”.

The composition of power engineers and the effect of components on heart function

The main component of these drinks are extremely high doses of caffeine, extracts of mattein, guarana and ginseng, and taurine, melatonin, and L-carnitine are found in some drinks. These components are designed to stimulate metabolism, increasing the activity of the nervous system. The amount of caffeine in these drinks is extremely large, which is why they negatively affect the functioning of the heart and vascular tone. Such a cocktail of stimulants leads to a sharp increase in heart contractions, vasospasm, which causes an increase in pressure and a surge of strength, vigor. If it is an alcoholic energy drink or it is used in a mixture with alcoholic drinks, ethyl alcohol also affects the heart. It dilates blood vessels, reducing pressure, but at the same time makes the heart beat even more often. If there are problems in the structure of the myocardium, vascular walls or they are affected by atherosclerosis, this threatens a heart attack or stroke.

Although taurine and ascorbic acid are useful for blood vessels and the heart, but in the composition of such a “cocktail” they simply lose all their potential benefits.

When exposed to ultra-high doses of caffeine and additional stimulants, the pressure can increase very much, sometimes to critical numbers, which threatens with headaches, impaired health, nausea and malaise. Against the background of high pressure, blood supply to the brain is disturbed, hypoxia of nerve cells with insomnia, aggression and anxiety is formed. Frequent intake of caffeine leaches calcium from the bones of the skeleton, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, irritates the gastric mucosa, forming heartburn, nausea and bloating. The abuse of energy threatens with nervous breakdowns, depression and hypertension.

Carbohydrates in the composition and "food chemistry"

In addition to all of these components, the energy industry contains a lot of light carbohydrates (sugars). The harm of these substances in excess amounts has long been known. As part of carbonated drinks, light carbohydrates lead to fat deposition, damage to tooth enamel and caries. Initially, these carbohydrates in the product are designed to saturate the brain and all tissues with energy, but under the influence of caffeine and other components of the drink (including alcohol) and tissue hypoxia, they are metabolized with the formation of intermediate compounds that load the liver and metabolism.

No less dangerous in the composition and substitutes for natural carbohydrates - sorbitol or aspartame. And if you add the presence of dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and other chemicals, the blow to the body becomes very powerful and serious, the liver and kidneys suffer, the risk of allergies and sudden changes in metabolism are high. The amino acids that are potentially beneficial for the body, added to drinks, under conditions of such stress, are not able to help the body resist the negative effects of other components of the drink.

The 26-year-old man from Texas was completely healthy when he had a heart attack. The study showed that he should blame the energy drinks that he consumed every day. As a result, his heart could not bear the load, and this led him to an attack.

The influence of power engineers on the heart

The man told medical staff that on the day of the attack he drank from eight to ten energy drinks - and he did the same thing almost every day. It is possible that their excessive use led to the formation of a blood clot, which partially blocked a blood vessel on the approach to his heart, which led to a heart attack. Energy consumption is a growing medical problem, as there are no control standards, no restrictions. And people are starting to drink them more and more, especially young people. But power engineers contain significantly more caffeine than other non-alcoholic or coffee drinks, as well as other little-studied substances, which ultimately creates a high potential for harm to health, especially if you use them in unlimited quantities. The man came to the hospital nine hours after he started having chest pains, his left arm was numb, he was sweating and reported that he had vomiting attacks. In addition to his addiction to energy drinks, he said that he smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past two years.


Doctors cured the man, and he got better. The patient was discharged from the hospital after two days. He said he would quit smoking and drinking energy. As mentioned above, huge volumes of caffeine and other harmful substances reduced the blood flow in the coronary artery, which led to the formation of a blood clot, which led to a heart attack. But in addition to the effects of the drink, constant smoking has narrowed the coronary artery. The man had no other risk factors other than smoking and energy use. However, if there is only one case, you must proceed with caution. The experience of this patient alone does not prove that there is a direct connection between their use and heart attack. Since this was only one case, it is difficult to identify the cause with one hundred percent probability. It is possible that the heart attack was caused by energy, but to prove this will require more data, that is, more incidents.

Other cases

However, there are other unrelated cases where heart attacks may have been caused by the use of energy drinks. In addition, it was repeatedly noted that they also cause arrhythmia. Thus, there is a high probability that they adversely affect the functionality of blood vessels, and also increase the likelihood of blood coagulation. But even these cases do not prove a causal relationship. Further, more serious studies are needed to confirm it. At the moment, several reports are being investigated at once about the influence of power engineers on heart activity. But even if the effect on the heart has not yet been proven, it is difficult to deny that they are not healthy.

Other methods

There are other ways that can make people feel more energetic. If you want to be constantly full of energy, then you always need to get enough sleep and eat right. For example, it has been scientifically proven that beets have a positive effect on the mitochondria, which are responsible for the production of energy for the functioning of internal organs. Thus, you do not need to poison your body to recharge with enough energy