In simple language about the beer column. The principle of operation of the mash column in a moonshine still

Progress never stands still. And even in the production of strong alcoholic drinks at home, technologies are improved every year. Primitive distillers were replaced by distillers with steam chambers, and they, in turn, are gradually being replaced by mash and distillation columns. indicate that the mash column makes it possible to obtain a product of a higher degree of purification than when using a distiller with a steamer. This article is dedicated to mash (or film) columns.

The principle of operation of the mash column

The operation of any moonshine still is based on the principle of distillation - the evaporation of liquid followed by its condensation. Thus, a mixture of liquids with different temperatures boiling is successfully separated into separate fractions. However, it is the quality of separation of these fractions that ultimately determines the quality of the resulting drink.

The mash column (film column, reinforced distiller) is more complex in structure than the steamer. Whereas the steamer simply comes into contact with the air environment, the column is equipped with an additional (strengthening) refrigerator, in addition to the usual (condensing) one.
Thanks to the supply of cold water to the strengthening column, the vapors rising from the cube are partially condensed, forming the so-called phlegm. This thick liquid, forming a film on the walls of the column, flows back into the distillation cube. That is why the mash column is often called a film column.
The flowing phlegm is enriched with high-boiling impurities rising towards it and carries these impurities with it into the cube. The remaining non-condensed alcohol vapors become stronger and take away the rising alcohol fractions with them. It turns out that in the column there is a more accurate separation of fractions than in the distillation cube. Thus, both the strength of the distillate at the outlet and its purification from tail fractions increases significantly.

When distilling using a column, there is no need to talk about such a thing as “splash carryover”, since all unnecessary components flow back into the cube. An important point Another factor is that the mash column has its own thermometer, which allows you to monitor the temperature of the vapor and accurately cut off fractions. This happens by adjusting the water supply to the reflux condenser (strengthening the refrigerator). The less cooling water, the less strengthening occurs, and the greater the distillate flow reaches the outlet of the cooling refrigerator. If you want to get a distillate of higher strength and purity, then more water is supplied to cool the reflux condenser. But distillation in this case will take a lot of time.

As you can see, the operating principle mash column V moonshine still not that complicated. It is only important to get used to adjusting the water supply: visible temperature changes do not occur immediately. The system is inertial, so you need to regulate the water slowly, pausing for 20-30 seconds to establish a new equilibrium in the column. But it is precisely thanks to the precise regulation of the temperature regime due to the refrigerator that more precise selection heads Yes, and tails too.

As for, there are absolutely no restrictions here. The mash column is especially well suited for producing drinks that imply the absence of the flavoring and aromatic properties of the raw materials used for the mash.

Fundamental difference from a dry steamer

In an apparatus with a steam steamer, some of the heads (and this is acetone, ethers, methanol - in a word, everything that boils at a temperature lower than alcohol) inevitably “slips” into the product. The steamer is in contact with the air in the room, and the temperature of this air is usually constant throughout the entire process and is high enough (for the comfort of the distiller himself). And since in this case it is difficult to create a more significant temperature difference, ethers and alcohols with a boiling point close to the boiling point of alcohol will inevitably end up in the product. The column allows you to accurately verify desired temperature vapors and maintain it for a long time.

In the case of tailings (fusel oils and heavy esters), cooling is even more preferable than reheating the steam (as happens in a steam boiler). And when working on a column with reinforcement, it is better to lower the temperature and not add a little alcohol than to let a “bouquet of tails” into the product, which will ruin the drink. It turns out that when working with a mash column, we have a choice: either maximum strengthening (here we regulate the temperature regime), or the maximum possible speed (we do not regulate anything, and we get the result as when working with a dry steamer).

Continuous mash column - what is the difference

There is also the concept of a continuous mash column. This unit allows you to distill large quantities of mash. The principle of operation of a continuous mash column is that the distillation process is ongoing, portions of mash are continuously fed into the system, and a pump is included in the package. The operation of such a column implies large production volumes (from 100 liters of mash) and the production of only liquids with a low boiling point (up to 76-78°C). Thus, there is no question of separating the head fraction here, and a second distillation will definitely be required. Whether such a unit is necessary at home is a controversial issue.

Advantages of using a mash column

The film (mash) column allows you to strictly adhere to the production technology strong alcohol at home, as well as carry out high-quality purification of the distillate from harmful impurities and fusel oils. Precise adjustment of the distillation temperature allows you to achieve high strength and purity of the drink, which is important when using it in. When working correctly, a film column allows you to obtain a higher quality distillate than when using a dry steamer. Well, in the case of using additional attachments (tsargs), such a column completely turns into a rectification column.

To perfection, coming up with new designs, shapes and trying to achieve the purity of the final product. One of the relatively recently invented devices is the mash column for home use.

The “invention” of the mash column is based on industrial production of alcohol. That is, the industrial installation was “reduced” to small sizes. But it turned out that not everything is so simple.

As in other installations, a simple proportional reduction does not bring the desired result: either the speed is low or the quality is poor. But problem analysis and ingenuity make you move forward and achieve your goals. How it all happened:

  1. At first, someone thought of attaching a drawer to the moonshine still. At first, they tried to solve the splash problem with its help. But then they discovered that because of this device, the final product partially loses its peculiar fusel smell and becomes somewhat stronger. The idea was picked up by amateur distillers and those who make moonshine stills on an industrial scale.
  2. But there was no complete satisfaction with the result. And the experiments continued. The drawer was lengthened, turning it into a film (also known as a reinforcing) column. It became better and more productive, but shortcomings were revealed again.
  3. Then a water jacket was placed on the film in the upper part and a mash column appeared.
  4. And the invention of direct-flow and shell-and-tube refrigerators solved another problem: it increased the speed of distillation.
  5. Another type of mash is a continuous column. But it is structured somewhat differently and more complicated. More on this below.

What gives?

With the help of this particular superstructure over the distillation cube, it is possible to obtain moonshine with a strength of 80-90°. Almost alcohol, but not devoid of the aroma of the raw materials, as when using. There is some debate regarding the purity of the distillate.

There are also allegations that someone once carried out research that revealed monstrous excesses in fusel oils and other impurities. But not a single specific fact (place, time, appearance, names) was presented to the public. Which casts doubt on the very fact of such a study, and not just its results.

But experienced moonshiners already know: even in a rectifier, they select the head fractions separately and separate the “tails”. Therefore, with proper double distillation on a mash column, the product will meet quality requirements, remaining with the organoleptic properties inherent in mash (taste, smell of raw materials: fruit, grain, etc.). And the strength is almost adequate.


The mash column is copper or stainless steel pipe, installed vertically above the cube. Consists of segments:

  1. A hollow high pipe with a diameter of 23-50 cm. Its height is equal to thirty times the diameter. That is, for 23 cm the height is 69 cm, for 50 mm – 1.5 meters.

Attention. On sale there are mash columns of a different ratio (usually in the direction of decrease). But practice has proven that they cope with their task worse. Which makes me think about making it myself.

  1. On the pipe in the upper part, occupying approximately 25% of the length, but not reaching the very top, a primary refrigerator is mounted under running water. Its purpose is to cool the vapors leaving the distillation cube when heated.
  2. A thermometer is mounted on top of the refrigerator in the column. It is better if it is electronic, since the temperature needs to be precise, and not approximate, as with distillation. A Chinese bimetallic thermometer can also perform this task, but it is better not to place it in the column.

Important. The mash column requires two electronic thermometers, calibrated, with the same readings. One is built into the distillation cube, the other is on a column.

  1. From the mash column there is an adapter tube made of the same metal as the pipe, but 8-10 mm thick, to a coil placed in a cooler with a water jacket.
  2. In a refrigerator with running water, the vapors finally condense, flowing into a receiving container as a strong distillate.

Types of mash columns

The column is described above film. Another variety - continuous, has high performance, although it is structurally more complex and requires large quantity mash (from 70 liters to 100-120). Let's look at the features of these two designs.

Disadvantages of film

Although its advantage is the relative simplicity of the design, which does not deprive it of its disadvantages:

  1. Insufficient purity of the distillate from fusel oils at high strength. It was found that when diluted with water to drinking conditions (40-50°), the fusel smell intensifies. To get rid of this drawback, distillers resort to selection more heads than with conventional distillation.
  2. A rare need for such a strong product. The question is not trivial: why first distill almost alcohol by strength, if in order to drink it, you need to dilute it.
  3. Sensitivity to changes in pressure when water is supplied. Someone opened the tap in the bathroom, the pressure dropped, which immediately caused fusel to leak into the final distillate. Distillers solve this problem in the following ways:
  • stabilize the pressure by releasing water through an intermediate tank mounted under the ceiling;
  • supply water from a large saucepan using an aquarium pump;
  • install a pressure regulator for radiators, etc. on the cooler inlet pipe.
  1. Insufficient separation capacity for reflux and ethanol.

Important. IN modern conditions this problem was solved by filling the hollow column with Panchenkov packings, which ensure liquid selection.

Operating principle of continuous

The continuous column contains a pump that pumps the mash and a steam generator.

  • Heat the steam generator to boiling temperature.
  • The mash is in a separate container with a pump.
  • Pump the mash into the column so that it flows from top to bottom onto special plates that separate it into multiple streams.
  • The rising steam instantly heats the mash.
  • Ethanol evaporates from it, and impurities with more high temperature The boiling water does not have time to evaporate and goes into the receiving container, and then into the sewer.

The essence of the process is that heat and mass transfer occurs almost instantly, since the path from the top of the column to the intake tank is covered in 13-15 seconds. This is enough for the alcohol to evaporate and carry away along with the water vapor to the cooler. Heavy impurities do not have time to evaporate and go to waste.

Attention. Only filtered liquid mash without foreign inclusions can be distilled in this way.

The column is called continuous because works continuously until the mash runs out. These systems are applicable for industrial scale. At home, you need to “have in stock” at least 100 liters of prepared mash. Which is difficult to do.

That's why mash column continuous action is rarely seen in a home distillery, and only a couple of enterprises produce household devices of this type. They are in demand mainly in coastal and tourist regions, where there is a lot of fruit, and the “processed product” is readily bought by vacationers.

How to work on a mash column correctly?

Methods of working with a mash column differ depending on its type.

For a film column, we apply the following algorithm:

  • Pour mash into the cube, install all components of attachments.
  • Turn up the heat and keep an eye on the thermometer on the still.
  • At around 68-70°C, light fractions (ethers, aldehydes, etc.) will begin to evaporate.
  • When the temperature on the upper thermometer (above the reflux condenser) rises to 51-55°C, this is an indication that the head fractions have completed condensation. They are removed into a separate container.

Reference. When using BC, about 0.5 liters of head fractions are removed from 10 liters of moonshine.

  • Gradually, the temperature on the reflux condenser rises to 77°C - the main fraction is coming in - the body of the moonshine.
  • At 81-83°C, stop sampling the body and collect the tails, which you will add during the next distillation to increase the alcohol yield.


Necessary keep an eye on temperature conditions , it is extremely important for high-quality separation into fractions.

Attention. The temperature on the thermometer installed in the distillation cube should not rise above 87-89°C. The mash should not be allowed to boil.

If the rules of distillation on BC are strictly followed, the strength of the distillate reaches 88-90°, with acceptable values ​​for fusel oils and other impurities.

Can I do it myself?

The mash column is not such a complex structure that a true master, who has metalworking and welding skills, was unable to create it with his own hands. For film BC you will need:

  • A drawing that still needs to be adapted to your conditions.
  • Pipe made of food grade stainless steel or copper. Inner diameter - no less than 23 mm, and no more than 50 mm, length 1.5-2 m.
  • Primary cooler (water reflux condenser at 25% of the column height).

Advice. A ready-made reflux condenser can be purchased via the Internet, because creating it yourself is not so easy. It is best to connect it to the column using a clamp.

  • Clamp connections.
  • Panchenkov mesh attachment and (optional) spring attachments.
  • Silicone tubes.
  • Flow refrigerator ( self-made or purchased).
  • Two calibrated thermometers and sockets for them on the cube and column.
  • Distillation cube - ready-made or created independently.

How to add the modules and get a full-fledged BC can be seen from numerous images on the Internet.

It is even more difficult to create a continuous mash column.

Attention. A pipe for continuous action BC needs an internal diameter of 50-100 mm.

In addition to the components already indicated, it will require:

  • Container for steam generator.
  • A container with mash with a volume of 100 liters or more and a fountain or peristaltic pump.
  • Heating element with voltage (temperature) regulator.
  • 8-10 partition filters for filling the column.
  • Flow-through refrigerator or materials for making it yourself.

Peculiarities. Finding an exact drawing of the NSC is almost impossible. There are only schemes that need to be “finished” independently.

In addition, the NBK is on sale (without additional equipment) at a price of 8,100 rubles. For it, even if you manufacture the remaining components yourself, you need to buy a pump (3,500 rubles).

What is preferable - a mash column or a high-quality moonshine still?

Industrial moonshine still and correct distillation provide sufficient purity during double or triple distillation with separation into fractions if present in the design. And if you provide it with two modules: a steamer with a bubbler (or several), then the distillate will not be inferior to BC in organoleptics.

BC is an intermediate link between the rectifier and the direct-flow apparatus. Exactly the same as a device equipped with a steam steamer/bubbler. Perhaps a little ahead of him when filling the column with nozzles (copper spirals).

Therefore, you decide what is more necessary for your needs: a high-quality moonshine still that is fairly easy to assemble and operate, or a complex mash column that requires special skills.

Small bookmaker rating

Modern mash columns are often represented design devices. Their huge advantage is that during the first distillation you can use the structure as a distiller. We offer several bookmakers worthy of your attention.

  1. Chancellor with distillation cubes of 12,20, 30 liters. Price from 12990 to 14990 rubles. The design is collapsible, on clamps. Makes it possible to obtain alcohol up to 95°.
  2. Wein 3– a completely dismountable device, operated in various modes. Among the modules is a mash column. Included in the TOP sales. Cubes: 12, 20, 30, 50 liters. Cost: 10990 – 17990.
  3. Luxstal 3, equipped with a mash column. This is not a transformer, but an attachment with clamps, which makes it possible for disassembly and high-quality washing. Cubes for 12, 20, 30, 50 liters. Price 10,690 – 13,690 rubles, depending on the cube.
  4. Good heat Profi Plus. Some sellers position the device as distillation column. In fact, it has a BC installed. Cubes: 12-60 liters. Cost: 12300 – 21200 rubles.
  5. Phoenix Crystal with a mash column. Not collapsible. Cubes: 12-30 liters. Cost: 8600 - 12100 rubles.

With this product you can buy:

Changing connection type (additional to price)


Moonshine still VIP. Continuous mash column HD/3 - 60.

The presented column is the flagship column of the entire NBK line. The column is made of high-quality quartz glass, which is reliably protected by a metal case from mechanical damage. The column has the maximum performance and stability of the entire NBK series.

In addition to its main purpose - operating in the NSC mode, this column can be used for the secondary distillation of CC at high quality product credit up to 95% (underrectification). And when using automation in this mode, the process will take place practically without your presence. In addition, the use of automation will allow you to make drinks in a wide range: from 88 to 95%, depending on your taste preferences.

The operating principle of the NBK is quite simple. The mash is fed into the upper part of the column, then it flows by gravity down the plates installed in the column. Steam is supplied from the bottom of the column, which, when it meets the mash, evaporates the alcohol-containing base from it. The alcohol vapors respectively go up the column and enter the distiller installed on the column, condensing into a receiving container. The stillage, passing along the column to its base, is discharged out through the stillage drain into the sewer.

As can be seen from the photographs, the column consists of two parts.

  • The first is a distillation device on which a column is installed to operate in NSC mode. Through this device, the spent stillage is drained into the sewer.
  • The second is a direct plate column. If the column is removed from the distiller, then it can be placed directly on the cube using a DU40 milk coupling and used as a disc column for the second fractional distillation. For this purpose, the column comes complete with all fastenings (clamps and milk coupling DU40)

For a complete set, this column requires either a reflux condenser of the HD/3 series for operation in the second fractional distillation mode, or a distiller with preheating of the mash of the HD/3 series for operation in the NBK mode (see below in “related products”).

Brass columns are very common among amateurs strong drink. If you decide to make such a design yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with the technology for carrying out the work and find out what features the device should have.

Preparatory work

The best mash column must have a certain height. You can choose this parameter yourself, but ideally it should be 50 diameters. According to experts, this is not so important; the equipment owner himself must decide what strength the product will have, and also decide how good the separation will be. However, there is a certain objective criterion that determines the smallest height of the manufactured column. You must avoid the possibility of splashing. Based on this, mash columns are not made below 30 centimeters. Otherwise, carrying out the work will be inappropriate.

Work technology

When manufacturing the described structure, it must be equipped with a controlled reflux condenser. The design features of this element may vary depending on your preferences. The element can be created based on a shirt or dimrot. The main condition is the fact that the dephlegmator must have the ability to extinguish the power that is planned to be supplied. This element can be installed not in one quantity, but in quantity 2 or 3. In this case, the element will be primary or secondary. This structure allows for more stable operation of the column. You must understand that such additions are only possible on tall structures.

Work methodology

The mash columns must be able to adjust the cooling of the reflux condenser; this component must be quite thin. To do this, you should stock up on a tap that will allow you to use the liquid as accurately as possible. Experts recommend using the needle type, but you should avoid using a ball valve, as it is completely unsuitable. If we consider the available household solutions, the most the best option To carry out this adjustment work, a radiator tap will be used, which is used when installing a heating system.

You can prepare the drawing of the mash column yourself. The column must be equipped with a place for installing a thermometer, which is mounted in front of the condenser entrance. This statement is true for structures that will operate according to a steam extraction scheme. If a liquid withdrawal dephlegmator is used on a film column, the location of the thermometer will be determined by the specific design of the system. The mash columns are equipped with a refrigerator-condenser, which will be responsible for condensing and cooling the supplied steam. If the design has liquid extraction, then a refrigerator will be required that will lower the temperature of the finished product.

It is important to take into account during manufacturing that the supply of liquid to the reflux condenser or to each of them, as well as to the refrigerator, must be done separately. The tubes that will be used for the outlet of the refrigerator and reflux condenser must be used exclusively on a silicone basis. This statement is true for products hot water. If we're talking about O cold water, then you can use polyvinyl chloride based tubes. The copper mash column must be made taking into account the above technical requirements, for which different design solutions are suitable. However, you can not limit yourself and come up with your own modification. The main condition for this is that in the end you will be able to get your drinks, which will have different qualities and organoleptic characteristics. However, in the end it will not be possible to get pure alcohol. The final product will not smell like moonshine, but it will not be pharmaceutical alcohol either. But for making vodka, this design is quite suitable; the master will be able to make the base for high-quality distillates.

Description of the manufacture of a column with a jacket reflux condenser

A continuous mash column can be made on the basis of a jacket reflux condenser. To carry out the work, you will need copper tubes, the length of which should be 500, 2000, 1000 and 300 millimeters. Each of them should have dimensions of 28 x 1.22 x 1.1 x 1.8 x 1 millimeters, respectively. Among other things, you will need a transitional double-socket coupling in the amount of 2 pieces, another transition coupling should have slightly different parameters, equal to 22 x 15 millimeters, 3 such elements will be needed. The master must prepare a single-socket corner, the dimensions of which are equal to 22 millimeters. It will be impossible to carry out the work without a tee, the dimensions of which are 15 millimeters. Be sure to make sure you have an adapter for a 1/2-inch external thread. You will need an adapter for 3/4" internal thread. The element will be required to attach to the cube, however in each specific case There may be other sizes. If you make a continuous mash column using the elements described above, you will end up with a product with a maximum temperature of 92 degrees.

Features of manufacturing an air-cooled device

A piece of copper pipe will be used to make a coil. A roll of aluminum-based wire will be used without insulation. You can use a computer cooler, superglue and a 500-watt boiler during the work. The power may turn out to be less impressive.

First you need to take a copper tube, bending it to connect to the body of the device. That part of this workpiece that will go down must be included in the spiral. should be wound onto the tube from above, leaving some distance between the turns. In order to reduce thermal resistance, the turns should be as dense as possible. This will increase the heat exchange area and the efficiency of the coil.

When making a mash column with your own hands, at the next stage you need to use any cone-shaped object, the diameter of which should be compared with the dimensions of the selected fan. You need to wind a moonshine coil onto this item. In this example, we will consider a regular beer bottle, the capacity of which is 0.5 liters. The coil must be bent so that it evenly covers the cross section of the fan. You need to try the element on the selected case and make sure that everything is in order. This concludes the work with the coil for now.

Now it’s time to move on to the lid of the device. To do this, you can use a regular polyethylene-based lid. The brass coupling must be heated to half an inch before fusing into the polyethylene cap. The structure must cool down; you can cool it in water. After the coupling is removed, it should be cleaned of adhering polyethylene, and the resulting burrs should be carefully cut off. You need to wrap a fluoroplastic tape around the coupling, which is essential for making a moonshine still. This way you will be able to get something like a gasket. When you make a mash column with your own hands, the next step is to install the coupling in a hole made in advance in the lid. The fluoroplastic should be between the coupling and the cover. The nut should be tightened from the inside without applying excessive force.

At the next stage, you can work on the heating element of the entire device. For this you can use a regular boiler. Having retreated some distance from the end of the wire, so that it is enough to reach the device, you need to cut off a part, you will have to screw everything back afterwards. The ends of the cord from the boiler must be threaded so that when the lid is closed, the element is inside the body. After stripping the wires, they need to be connected back. It is important to take care of high-quality insulation.

The boiler should not touch the bottom; it is advisable that it be completely covered with liquid during operation. Into the same hole through which the boiler cord passes, you need to insert the long end of the coil for the apparatus. The remaining gaps between the tube and the cord must be filled with pieces of cotton wool, making it quite tight. It is important to achieve the best sealing possible.

The resulting structure made of cotton wool must be filled with superglue, which is made on a cyanoacrylic base. This will allow you to obtain the most airtight connection using composite materials. After the glue hardens, you will be able to get a tight, strong connection. All that remains is to make something like a casing for the fan so that the air washes over the fins of the heat exchanger, represented by a coil.

To make the casing, you can use Tetra-Pak packaging. If you are making a moonshine still, then you can use the technology presented in the article. You need to cut a rectangle from the packaging, the width of which will correspond to the dimensions of the fan. These elements will be used to cover the fan on 3 sides. The end of the coil needs to be brought to the fourth side in order to drain the moonshine. In the remaining side wall you need to make a hole for this part of the tube and glue it with the superglue used earlier. The walls can be glued together with tape. When it is necessary to ensure maximum safety, it should be covered with a transparent protective screen.

At this point we can assume that the mash column is ready. You can use a computer power supply as a power source for the fan. To turn it on without using the motherboard, you need to connect the black wire with the green one. Experts use more compact 12-volt sources, which you can find yourself.

Deviation from the above requirements

If you are making a mash column with your own hands, the drawings of which you must complete in advance, then it is important to think about deviations from the mentioned requirements. The main one is an uncontrolled reflux condenser. If we are talking about the Malyutka column, then uncontrollability is sacrificed for compactness. To do this, the condenser and reflux condenser are located in a single container with running water. If you decide to use this scheme, then you will not be able to regulate the process using a reflux condenser, therefore, separation will not be achieved. If you are making a mash column with your own hands, you can borrow the drawings of this design from the article. It should also be remembered that the reflux condenser has low utilization capacity. You may encounter the problem of low column height. Some craftsmen cannot refuse to place the structure on gas stove under the hood. In this case, separation will be quite difficult to achieve, which is especially true for tall columns.

The Rectify beer column has proven itself among lovers of strong drink. However, if you decide to manufacture such a design yourself, then it is best to use stainless steel-based parts. The fittings must be welded to the pipe, while an internal thread is installed on them on both sides, to which the necks of the kegs are fixed. Using fluoroplastic, you can machine a sleeve-coupling, which will be equipped with a gasket for the clamp. All this will form a single whole. The mash column “Baby” must be equipped with insulating material, which is first cut along the length, then put on the pipe, on which it is glued. You should put a dephlegmator stick on the top cover and secure everything with a clamp clamp. The liquid will be fed into a tube through which the phlegm returns. You should put a piece on it that will prevent splashing to the level of the top plate.


If you cannot decide what you will make - a mash column or then you can make the first of them. It is easier to make and will also allow you to immediately start preparing a strong drink. As an alternative solution, you can try to purchase this device. Home craftsmen today sell them in completely different configurations and at different prices. From the available assortment you will choose something for yourself.

Continuous mash column NBK 6 kW (updated version) intended for production in large volumes high-quality moonshine or raw alcohol for rectification. The column's productivity is more than thirteen liters of moonshine with a strength of 50-55% vol. per hour, which is very high rate compared to still distillation. Compared to the NSC, some changes have been made to its design to improve the reliability and stability of the NSC.

NBK equipment

  • Cube 93 liters
  • Brass column 80 mm
  • Bardootvodchik
  • Mash heater
  • Direct flow refrigerator
  • Parrot
  • Alcohol meters ASP-3

Technical characteristics of NSC 6 kW

NSC design 6 kW

This NSC is a vertical pipe with a diameter of 80 and a height of 1500 mm, in which twelve trays are placed, occupying approximately 1200 mm of the bottom part of the column. The mash is fed not from the top point of the column, but directly onto the top plate, having previously passed through a heater through which the steam coming out of the NSC is passed. The design of this continuous mash column uses two identical ones from the Optimum Prime construction set, one of which (the upper one) is used to heat the mash entering the column, and the second (the lower one) is used to condense and cool the resulting raw alcohol. In the design of this column, we abandoned the reheating of the mash with distilled stillage, which made it possible to significantly simplify and unify its design. At the bottom of the NSC there is a mash drainage unit, the design of which allows you to regulate the pressure in the NSC by changing the overflow level. The NSC does not need automation; a stabilized power regulator, for example, is sufficient, which, among other things, allows you to measure the pressure in the cube and the temperature at the required points of the NSC. All connections of the NSC are made on clamps, which speeds up and facilitates its disassembly, assembly and maintenance.

Video of NSC 6 kW operation (updated version)