To how many degrees to distill Braga. Temperature regime and technology of process fermentation

Support for optimal distillation temperature gives crystal clear moonshine without odorless and harmful impurities. This is one of the most important stages of moonshine, not knowing the foundations of which cannot be counting on a good result. Without compliance with the technology of distillation, even the best marriage is a bad moonshine.

Theoretical aspects

Boiling and volatility temperature

The most common misconception among novice moonshoes is that impurities evaporate in proportion to its boiling point. In fact, this is fundamentally wrong: volatility of impurities, that is, their ability to leave the boiling fluid, is in no way connected with the temperatures of the boiling of these impurities.

Consider a classic example of methanol and isoamilole. Let the raw material of the following (see table).

We bring the mixture to a boil (the temperature in Cuba is about 92 ° C) and save a small amount of distillate so that the composition of boiling raw materials has not changed. What will be the composition of the selected distillate? For water and ethyl alcohol, the change in concentrations can be easily found on the equilibrium curve or tables: the concentration of alcohol will increase from 12 to 59%.

Water and ethyl alcohol equilibrium curve

To determine the change in the concentration of impurities, we use the schedule of rectification coefficients (a percentage of the volume on the upper horizontal axis).

With a raw material fortress, a 12% distillation coefficient (CR) of methyl alcohol is 0.67, and the Kri isoamilola is 2.1. It means that the content of methanol in the selection will decrease, and isoamyllol - will increase twice. As a result, it turns out.

The second table proves the independence of the evaporation rate of impurities from the temperature of their boiling. Methanol with a boiling point of 65 ° C slower leaves the cube than isoamylol with a boiling point of 132 degrees.

This is because the concentration of these impurities is small. If the amount of methanol and isoamilola was comparable to alcohol and water, these substances would have declared their right to evaporate in the amount corresponding to the difference of their boiling temperatures, and would become the full components of the solution.

The evaporation of impurities at a concentration of less than 2% depends entirely on which the force of their single molecules are held with an aqueous-alcohol solution (predominant in the composition of substances). This can be compared with how dad and mom do not ask the child at what speed to run to the bus - they took hands and gallop.

So with impurities. When in solution, one small methanol molecule surrounds the crowd of water molecules, they easily hold it next to them. Since the methanol molecule is less ethanol, then the water to hold it is much easier. But isoamilol, on the contrary, poorly dissolved in water, having very weak connections with it. When boiling, isoamylol flies out of water faster than methanol, although its boiling temperature is 2 times higher.

The study of the evaporation or volatility coefficients of various substances and their solutions devoted a lot of their works of Sorel. It compiled tables and graphs for which it is possible to know how much the content of substances in pairs relative to the initial solution change. However, it is inconvenient to use the charts and tables to be protected by charts and tables, so Barbe suggested a new calculated coefficient called the coefficient of rectification (CR), to obtain which it is necessary to divide the evaporation coefficient to the evaporation of ethyl alcohol at a given strength of the solution.

The rectification coefficient is simultaneously the purification coefficient, as it shows the actual change in the content of impurities relative to ethyl alcohol:

  • Kr \u003d 1 - you can not get rid of impurities, they will be present in the distillate in the same quantity;
  • KR\u003e 1 - in the selection of impurities will be greater than in the initial raw materials, these are the head fractions;
  • Kr<1 – в полученном в результате перегонки дистилляте количество примесей будет меньше, чем в исходном сырье, произойдет очистка, это хвостовые фракции.

If impurities at high alcohol concentrations have kr<1, а при низких Кр>1 is intermediate impurities. Such an absolute majority. There are also end impurities that, on the contrary, cr\u003e 1 at high alcohol concentration, and at low - kr<1.

In fact, absolutely head or tail impurities are not so much, more often the binders are dealing with intermediate. However, if we talk about distillation of Braga, then its fortress is changing during the process from 12% and lower. At such concentrations of alcohol, almost all impurities are head, regardless of the temperature of their boiling: isoamylol - 132 ° C, acetaldehyde - 20 ° C, etc.

Impurities showing tail properties, with distillation of Braga quite a bit: methanol with a boiling point of 65 degrees and Furfurol - 162 ° C. As you can see, and here the boiling point does not affect anything.

The main theoretical output. The impurities are not built to the output from the cube in accordance with the temperatures of their boiling, but evaporate in the composition of alcohol steam in quantities depending only on their initial concentration and distillation coefficient.

Heating power and boiling point

The heating power affects only the amount of steam formed and does not change the boiling point of the contents of the cube. In turn, the boiling point of the solution depends on the concentration of alcohol in the cube dump and atmospheric pressure (see table).

The smaller the fortress, the higher the boiling point of the cube nut. The more power supplied, the more the steam is formed.

Fractional distillation

If, when the mixture is boiled along the way to the refrigerator, its pairs are not condensed on the lid and the walls of the cube, or this value is negligible, then selecting the pore consistently according to different banks, we obtain different fortress and the composition of the distillate.

This is a simple fractional distillation, which can only be controlled by changing the proportions of the selected fractions. No cleaning or strengthening method provides.

If the device is perfectly insulated, it is regardless of the speed of selection and heating power, the output will distillate the same composition and fortress.

Partial condensation

If, along the way from Cuba to the refrigerator, a noticeable part of the pair is condensed - it is partial condensation.

Cube walls, lid and steam pipe continuously lose heat. These heat loss dependes not from the size of heating or selection, but only on the temperature difference between the cubic content (liquid and steam) and the ambient air.

The consequence of this useful during the distillation of the process is the partial condensation of the pair, when the least volatile components fall into phlegm, which then flow into the cube.

The same part of the steam that reaches the refrigerator contains the volatile components more than it was in the starting pairs. This allows you to create conditions for a more concentrated selection of "heads" and strengthen the selection.

The ratio of the weight of phlegm to the weight of the selected alcohol is called a phlegm. The higher the phlegm number, the greater the strengthening and enrichment of the abnormal components of the selection.

It is also important to note that flowing into the cube phlegm warms up, causing additional steam condensation, but it does not have time to boil.


If phlegm flows into the cube for so long that steam has time to warm it up to the boiling point, there is another process - heat and mass transfer, in which the molecules of hardests are condensed from the steam, and volatile diseases are evaporated from phlegm. Always equal to the amount of molecules evaporates and condensed. This process underlies the rectification technology.

How to drive moonshine on the usual apparatus

Having become acquainted with some issues of the theory, you can proceed to the question of managing the distillation process.

Classic distillation devices are built according to the Cube refrigerator scheme. The addition of the drill facilitates the selection of "body" at high speeds, as it hinders the splashes. Cube and steam pipes do not inspire, and as we find out later, it is not by chance. Distillers can be different (see photo).

In principle, these devices differ only by the degree of partial condensation. With its insignificant share, the device is suitable only for distillation of Braga, with a large partial condensation suitable for the production of noble distillates.

Distillation of Braga

Braga need to drive quickly. The main task is to separate all evapoable components from not evaporated. Reducing power at the beginning or at the end of heating is not required. With the first distillation of Braga on Alambic, it is advisable to cover it with a rag.

Conventional Sugar Briah can be selected to "dryness" (minimum fortress in the jet). In the case of fruit marriages, which are planned to withstand in barrels, it is advisable to chant to the middle of the strength of the fortress of 25%. If finished the process earlier, acids and heavy alcohols will be lost, which form new esters in the barrel.

Second distillation

Fortress of the nut. The optimal fortress of the cubic fluid for the second air is 25-30%. With this concentration of Syvuha alcohol, it is well strengthened and is derived as part of the head fraction. In the "Tails", a small proportion of alcohol will be acceptable, but when the "body" selection, Sivuhu in Cuba will not be able to retain or need a phlegm number of more than 3, which will seriously delay the distillation process, and not each device can operate in this mode.

The smaller source fortress of the nut will allow Sivukhe during the selection of "heads" to go out with a concentration above a cube more than twice, but the selection of the "body" will begin with a too small firm of the nut, as a result, almost half of the alcohol will fall into the "tails" to begin Select with a liquid strength in Cuba 5-10%.

If you increase the Fortress of the Cube Navalka to 35-40% and more, then the strengthening of Syuchi at small phlegm numbers will not happen. In the "heads" there will be as many Sivuhi as in the cubic residue, and at drip selection (increasing phlegm numbers) Syvuha will remain in Cuba.

The selection of the "body" will pass with less losses of alcohol in the "tails", but the entire Sivucha remaining in Cuba falls into the "body". Due to the fact that the volume of alcohol in the selection will decrease, the concentration of Syuchi will be even greater than in the dump.

Selection of "goals". Consider what is happening in the selection of "heads" on the classic moonshine. For example, a cubic nutrition with a fortress of 25-30% boiled, and the vinocur reduced the heating power to 600 W. In this case, the heat loss of the steam zone is 300 watts (heat loss in the liquid zone neglect for the simplicity of calculations). As a result, a smooth half is condensed from the pair formed in Cuba. The amount of selection will be equal to the amount of phlegm, it means that the phlegm number is equal to one. The increase in the heating power will lead to a decrease in the phlegm number and, on the contrary, the further reduction in power will increase it.

When organizing driving "heads", the system goes to the maximum phlegm number, which gives strengthening and enriching the selection of vagnetant impurities.

During distillation, the navalka has a low fortress, and almost all impurities are head. Therefore, the selection of "heads" is extremely important, it is necessary to create conditions for its successful implementation:

  • always leave a fairly large steam area in Cuba, and not chase in the volume of the nut.
  • do not insulate a cube with a lid and a steam tube of the distiller.

Getting a "body". The selection rate of the "body" with the second fractional distillation should be moderate in order not to reduce the phlegm number to a minimum.

Most domestic classical apparatuses do not have sufficient partial condensation capabilities, so you can get an acceptable cleaning of the "body" in two ways: to withdraw impurities with "heads" or cut them with "tails".

When collecting "tails". The widespread belief that the moment for the transition to the selection of "tails" occurs when the fortress in the stream is 40%, has a solid soil.

Intermediate impurities increase their rectification coefficient to values \u200b\u200bexceeding the unit, and become easily volatile the pair, it means that no longer go into phlegm, but continue the path to selection. It is mainly condensed by water and typical tailing impurities. Partial condensation ceases to clean the alcohol pair from Syvuha, and on the contrary, it is rising.

At the time of the selection of "tailings", the cubic temperature is about 96 ° C, which corresponds to the cubic fortress of about 5%. "Tails" can be selected up to 98-99 degrees in Cuba, it is not necessary to completely before dry, too many impurities and water will appear.

Distillation on the marriage and distillation columns

Working with the penis and distillation columns is radically different from the classic distillation process, as it is possible to adjust the amount of reflux of phlegm returned to the column in very wide limits. The processes are based on thermal mass exchange. In order to raise the effectiveness of the process, a nozzle is poured into the column, a significantly increasing area of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of steam and phlegm.

The process of partial condensation, in which the wild phlegm is formed, becomes an undesirable phenomenon, worsening the accuracy of regulating a phlegm number and separation into fractions at the height of the column. Therefore, partial condensation is trying to minimize the insulation of cube and columns.

The behavior of impurities during the rectification is subject to their rectification coefficients, but the technology has features, the main of which is a multiple evaporation and condensation of a couple along the way from Cuba to the refrigerator.

Each such a stirring occurs on a specific area of \u200b\u200ba column height, called the theoretical plate. In the first 20-30 cm of the planting part of the column due to a repeated change of steam, it turns out the strengthening to magnitude above 90%. In this case, the impurities flying out of the cube in the composition of the steam, when passing each subsequent theoretical plate, they will change its Kri in accordance with the FLEGRA Fortress or the steam in which they are located.

Therefore, the sigh oils that have more units at the entrance to the KR column, as you move up the column, the Kyrgyz Republic is less than a single unit, and everything is rebuffed in smaller quantities, and at a certain stage are completely stopped. The accumulation of the seawous oils occurs in the part of the column where their kr \u003d 1. Above Sivuhu does not allow the alcohol, for which it, with this fortress, is a "tail", and below the sigh oils exhibit head properties, and when a stirring is raised above. Approximately, all intermediate impurities behave.

1-head; 2 - intermediate; 3 -shore; 4 - end.

Head impurities as moving up the column fall into increasingly fortified couples, as a result of their kr increases. This allows head impurities with acceleration to fall into the selection zone.

The tail impurities are strictly the opposite, hitting the column, with each new theoretical plate sharply reduce its kr and rather quickly together with phlegm turn out to be at the bottom of the columns, where they accumulate.

End impurities behave like: at the low fortress of their kr<1, но с ростом крепости Кр становится больше 1, поэтому они не застревают в колонне, а в зависимости от крепости идут вверх или вниз отбора.

The column control is reduced to a simple rule: it is impossible to select a fraction at a speed exceeding the speed of its arrival in the column. Methods for determining the moment when this speed begins to be exceeded, varied. The main thing is to understand as soon as possible that the balance is violated, and by reducing the selection rate, restore it.

In the simplest version, control is possible on two thermometers:

  • cuba, showing the moment of boiling raw alcohol in Cuba, transition to the selection of "tailings" and the end of the process;
  • the thermometer in 20 cm from the nose nozzle. In this zone, all transition processes are completed, the temperature is more or less stable and reflects the processes occurring in the column with maximum absorption relative to the selection zone. Increasing the temperature even by 0.1 degrees says that too much alcohol is selected - more than it enters the column, so it is necessary to reduce the selection rate. If you do not reduce the selection, the separation on the fractions in the column will deteriorate, and impurities from the equilibrium position installed for them will be advanced above the column, closer to the selection.

During the rectification, due to the compulsory deflective and clear control of a phlegm number at the output, the volatile fractions are obtained, which can be selected sequentially. In addition, the competent control of the column allows you to stop the promotion of unnecessary impurities into the selection zone, accumulate them to a certain time in the column or return to the cube.

The distillation column is not so much accurate, but rather a powerful tool for total cleaning of alcohol from impurities. To obtain noble distillates, it is weakly applicable because it requires special technologies and methods. The grouping of impurities in volatility and the high concentration of alcohol in the column create the azeotrops of them without parsing to the necessary and unnecessary, divided them will not succeed.

When obtaining noble distillates, the goal is not complete cleaning of alcohol from all impurities, but a balanced decrease in their concentrations with partial removal of some of the most unnecessary. Requires a device with partial condensation, working on which vinocur divides distillate on the part, and then collects a masterpiece from this mosaic.

With all the external difference, the presence of distillation and distillation is based on the most important properties of impurities - their volatility and related rectification coefficients. By driving a phlegm number in a very limited (during distillation) or, on the contrary, a very wide (during rectification) bands, a very different product can be obtained: from a distillate balanced to pure alcohol. The main thing is to understand the principles of management and use in each case a suitable tool.

According to many experienced moonshoes - double distillation is the optimal way to get an excellent quality moonshine, even without additional mechanical and chemical cleaning. It is this way of obtaining a mogon we will consider in this article.

It is important to remember that the distillation process requires constant attention and process control. To obtain a guaranteed good result, it is necessary to clearly comply with all the stages and the rules of the distillation of the mogon. To obtain a high-quality final product, you will need knowledge of theory and do not prevent some simple. Such as a thermometer, aareometer, alcoholometer. And of course you can not do without.

Preparation for pasture and how to determine the readiness of the Braga to distillation

Before pouring the braga to the cube, it is necessary to check whether it is completely sejected.
To do this, use the range. Immersing the device into liquid, the indicator on it should not exceed 1.00, the best indicator is 0.98. In the event that the percentage of sugar exceeds the figure "1" then such a brow is not worth using, because the output from it will not be maximum. It is better to add yeast to her and leave to ate.
If your braga is fine, then you need to pour it into the cube. Pouring watching the cube to be filled in no more than 2/3 of the volume, such a belling will help to avoid the brightened masses in a serpentine and a dangerous high pressure in Cuba.
Ideally, if your moonshine apparatus is equipped with a thermometer, with the help of it you can control the whole process. It would not be bad if the refrigerator had the ability to regulate the cooling, for the maximum distillation effect.

By the way: before sending Bragu to a distillation cube, it is desirable to clean it with a bentonite from dense suspension and yeast residues.

Theory of distillation

Let's figure it out how to distinguish between Braga. When heating the braga in Cuba, different components evaporate, from which it consists. Among these components and and alcohol. All of these components of the boiling point are different, and therefore they evaporate at different times and at different temperatures. This is the main principle of distillation, which is why the temperature during distillation must be kept under non-primary control.
The boiling point of water is +100 degrees, alcohol +78.4, most hazardous substances evaporate at temperatures above 100 degrees. From here, we can conclude that controlling distillation, we must ensure that the temperature in Cuba has been from 78.4 to 98.5. It is important not to bring the temperature up to 100 degrees. Though at her Sivuha and so much will not start evaporate, but we also do not need water in pairs, as it will reduce the fortress of the moonshine.

First distillation of braga in moonshine

  1. We transfix your brawl into a distillation cube, close it with a lid and well tighten the cover with screws for sealing. Install the moonshine apparatus on the stove and turn on the heating at full power. Under the yield of the cooler cooler, we put the container, preferably for 3 liters. A smaller volume will be quickly filled, especially when the first distillation. We turn on the flow of cold water through the coil to cool the outgoing product. It is better to do it right away, so as not to forget.
  2. By the thermometer, follow the temperature in the tank. We continue to heat up to a temperature of 65-67 degrees (at this time the first drops from the yoke's outlet) begin to appear. Then we reduce the heating power so that the temperature grew is not too fast - 1 ... 2 degrees per minute.
  3. Heat further and at a temperature of 73 degrees begins active droplets from the serpentine, it is starting to leave the so-called "heads" - substances and impurities, which have a boiling point lower than the boiling point of ethyl alcohol (78.4 degrees). These include light spirits, including methyl alcohol, volatile ethers, acetone and other harmful and dangerous connections. The smell of the head is sufficiently specific: sharp, acetone. Many dumb triggers with experience easily determine the heads by smell, but it does not yet allow the lack of experience.

  4. By the way: if you make a moonshine on sugar braga, then know that the methyl alcohol in the self-made sugar brady is practically no.

    Separation of heads The most responsible moment in distillation, here the main thing is not to speed up the process. It is possible to separate the heads right only if this process takes place very slowly. The rule should be followed: no more than 2 drops per second. If you neglect this rule and speed up the process (and this is possible only by raising the temperature), then ethyl alcohol will leave at this stage, and the part of the head remains and will come out when you start selecting the body. There is a generally accepted rule: 50 ml of heads are taken by one kilogram of sugar. Or 8-10% of the total alcohol in the product obtained after this distillation.
    Remember: heads and their irregular selection is the main cause of headaches the next morning after the feast (of course we are talking about a reasonable amount of use). In the process of separating the head, the temperature in Cuba continues to slowly rise. Usually heads finish selecting somewhere at 80 ... 82 degrees.

    By the way: the heads are not necessarily pouring into the plumbing. Their fortress is approximately 80-85%. And they can also be used, for example, for the ignition of the hive when cooking a kebab.

  5. As soon as they finished the selection of the heads, we increase the power of heating so that the drops began to move into a thin jet. At this time there is a process of evaporation and exit of ethyl alcohol - then for which we have conceived all this. The temperature of the product exiting product must be maintained in the 19-20 degree area through the change in water pressure in the cooler. This temperature will give the smallest error in measuring the percentage of alcohol using the area.
  6. The temperature in distillation Cuba continues to slowly rise, the main thing is not to lift it above 100 degrees. At this stage, with regular constancy, we select a little product for controlling the fortress using the area. For convenience, measurements are better to purchase a glass flask, it is high and narrow, which allows you to take a small amount of product for measurement. We finish the process of body selection at 40% of alcohol in the output product. On this, the distillation process can be completed, with further distillation, I begin to go out the so-called "tails" - the fusion oils. But if you want to eat a little, we continue to distinguish the tails in a separate container until the moment when a 20% alcohol is in the exit stream. In the future, these tails can be overtaken, but let's talk about it in a separate article.
  7. After the end of distillation, you need to give the remaining bard to cool and then recycle. Drop Cube rinse, if necessary, also rinse the coil system.
  8. The resulting product of the first distillation is called raw alcohol (SS is often reduced on the forums on the Internet).

Second distillation (raw alcohol distillation)

  1. Before the start of the second drift, the raw alcohol is diluted with water for the best separation of head and tail fractions. It is believed that with a larger dilution, the head is better separated, and with a smaller dilution - tails. The optimal solution will choose the average degree of dilution, i.e. up to 20 ... 30% alcohol.
  2. After adding water to the rolling alcohol, they pour it into a distillation cube (do not forget that you can fill out a cube not more than 2/3 volumes), we put on the stove and begin the heating. Further produce all the same actions as when the first time is the ferment, including the separation of the finished product on the head, body and tails. The only one on the second run is recommended to complete the body selection process at 50%, since With this percentage of alcohol, tails can appear in the product obtained.
  3. So, after a second run, it has a finished product with a fortress of 68-70%. We dilute it with clean, drinking water to the desired fortress. So that the moonshine does not climb after dilution, it is recommended to pour alcohol into water, and not vice versa.

On this, everything is ready for our own cooking, and if we did everything right, it should get excellent quality. In the future, the moonshine can be mitigated, additional cleaning, aromatization, but "these are themes for a separate conversation.

The boiling point of alcohol in Brage is different, but do not think that maintaining the optimal mode does not matter. Compliance with the temperature regime is considered one of the important components of the process of obtaining a high-quality moonshine.

In the process of ripening of Braga, the temperature plays almost the main role, this rule concerns distillation. When Braga is wandering, it highlights heat, while maintaining one or another temperature level will directly affect the process of fermentation and the quality of raw materials.

Boiling point of alcohol in Braga

In the process of distinguishing, degrees are also measured not for the sake of interest - they help with cut off "tails" and "heads".

Brozh fermentation temperature for moonshine depends on several factors, an indicator of 25-28 degrees is optimal. But do not forget that yeast in the process of vital activity, that is, when absorbing sugar and turning it into alcohol, they allocate heat.

Braga for Moonshine is prepared, relying on several rules. But even a high-quality marriage will not turn into a moonshine, which will differ in high characteristics, if the temperature is non-compliance with the temperature regime.

So, tips for maintaining temperature, or the rules for the manufacture of high-quality wort:

  • "Right" brow is wandering at a temperature of 25-26 degrees. If the temperature rises to 30 degrees, then there is nothing terrible.
  • Reducing the temperature to 17-18 degrees can lead to the fact that the yeast is "falling asleep." The fermentation process will stop, but it can be resumed.
  • With increasing temperature, microorganisms stop working, they simply die, to resume the fermentation process. Braga will have to pour out and put a new one.

To keep track of degrees in the pebbles, equip the container for the radius by thermometers and follow the mode. However, it is worth paying attention not only to the temperature indoors, but also at the time of year.

Moon skaters advise:

  1. If the street is cool, indoors, too, then it is best to add a little more yeast to the maiden - it will help speed up the process of ferment. But instead, the drink will appear a characteristic fragrance, which can be considered a visiting card of the moonshine.
  2. When there is a stable temperature, warmth and no drafts, then you can change the proportions slightly, add a little less yeast. This will not significantly affect the process of ferment, but improve product quality.
  3. You can affect the moonshine using the heater for the aquarium, but should not overheat the perishand, as it will not lead to anything good. With an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, microorganisms die, this process is irreversible. If fungi simply "fell into a hibernation", the increase in temperature will help to revive them.

Temperature table

Temperature table that will help in the process of preparing the braga.

Problems begin when the temperature in the container rises above 30 degrees. For this reason, it is worth carefully follow the mode and, if necessary, lower or increase degrees. This will ultimately get a high quality product that, with the correct distillation, will turn into a pleasant, soft alcohol.

Distillation of Braga: process and maintenance of the mode

Braga distillation temperature is direct value. The indicator is controlled using a conventional thermometer. The distiller is equipped with various devices, the temperature in Cuba is tracked by removing the testimony from the distillation cube. The degrees help to conduct a fractional distillation and finish the selection of a particular fraction in time.

The evaporation process is divided into several stages. Water evaporates at one temperature, alcohol - with the other, and the seaw oil begin to boil at the third temperature.

To get a high quality product, separate the alcohol from Sivuhi and get a good moonshine, will help control the indicators.

The process can be divided into several stages:

  1. First stage: Hold an indicator at 63-68 degrees.
  2. We increase degrees to 78.
  3. 85 degrees - begin the selection of the "tail" part.

If the distiller and braga, which is filled into a distillation cube, heat up to 65-67 degrees, then evaporating the fusion oils and alcohol. The first drops of cherished fiery water will appear. But it is not recommended to drink it. In the people, such a moonshine is called Pervak \u200b\u200band consider it high-quality and strong. In fact, this mixture is difficult to call a moonshine.

The Pervak \u200b\u200bcontains a huge number of impurities starting with methyl alcohol and ending with acetone. This drink is quickly intoxicates, it causes severe poisoning, heavily "beats" on the kidneys and liver. It is not necessary to drink Pervak, it is collected in separate container and used only for technical needs.

In Wednesday, the Pervak \u200b\u200bis called "heads", they are cut and not used, it is impossible to use them. From the total volume in percentage ratio, the perswaca is about 8-10%.

When the indicator rises to 63 degrees, heating goes at the maximum temperature, then the degrees are reduced, at this time the temperature should be about 64-68 degrees. If the indicator does not reduce, then problems arise: Braga will fall into the refrigerator and other parts of the distiller, and the moonshine will eventually acquire a characteristic smell of Syuchuha and a muddy color. Even if the distiller is used with a surfactant, it will not help save alcohol from the deterioration of taste and smell.

Re-distillation will help to correct the situation: it will significantly improve the quality of the moonshine, will have an impact on its taste and aroma.

Then proceed to the new stage - the collection of the main moonshine. It is advisable to replace the height. You can simply remove it and rinse in cold water, and then substitute the container for collecting the main product. At the same time, the temperature is maintained at 78 degrees, it is at that moment that alcohol begins to actively evaporate. When condensate (collision of cold water and alcohol vapor), the distillate isolation process begins.

When the indicator reaches 78 degrees, the selection of the so-called "body" will begin, which can be used to use insufficient.

Gradually, the temperature will increase, parallel to this product output decreases. When the liquid heats up to 85 degrees, the fusion oils begin to stand out. Syvuhuhi getting into the main product changes its quality: the color of the moonshine becomes muddy, it will have an unpleasant, sharp smell.

However, the distillation process does not end. We proceed with the third stage, which is called the selection of "tails".

At a temperature of 85 degrees and above, a certain amount of alcohol is preserved. But it is so small that it is no longer possible to get a product in pure or relatively pure form. For this reason, the moonshoes are proceeding to the selection of the last part.

The faction entitled "Tails" has a low fortress and a sharp smell. Such a moonshine will be muddy, which also testifies to his dubious quality.

The distiller issues "tails" until the fortress in the jet falls to 20 degrees. Then the collection of this fraction is stopped and distillation finish. On this, the process of moonshine can be considered completed.

There is an alternative to distillation - it is freezing. The process of time consuming, but quite interesting. The thing is that water freezes at one temperature, and the alcohol - with the other. The effect of freezing is not enough, but for the sake of interest you can try.

Distillation without thermometer

Often, at hand, it simply does not turn out to be the desired device. If for one reason or another, there is no possibility to measure the temperature, then you can use the experience of vinokurov and stop the selection of the main product when some signs appear.

When it is worth stopping the "body" selection:

  • High-quality moonshine is well lit, the flame is smooth, differs in the color. When paper moistened in alcohol or napkin burns badly or flies, it is worth stopping the picking of the moonshine.
  • When the temperature reaches 83 degrees, the distillate output is not simply reduced, but drops to zero mark, that is, completely stops.
  • Many moonshits are known that as soon as the fortress in the jet falls below 40 degrees or is about this range, then the collection of the main fraction is stopped and begin to select "tails".
  • You can use in another way - just sniff the moonshine. As "heads" and "tails" have a rather sharp smell, which cannot be said about the main part.

In some cases, the first distillation is carried out without separation on the fraction, then the temperature of the Braga during distillation does not play a special role. But when reworking for degrees will have to be monitored, otherwise this will affect the quality of the moonshine, its taste characteristics, etc.

In the production of alcohol at home, it is worth keeping track of all the nuances, control the process. If you lose something, then you can get the product as a result that will have low quality. However, almost any error can be corrected.

For a long time, people noticed that fluids begin to evaporate with different temperatures. After time, this property was learned to use. What do you use this knowledge? How does the technique apply? What is the boiling point of pure alcohol? The article will answer these questions.

The moonshine was once fishery, but now it's not more passion than a hobby. And, the masters of his hobby rise to unimaginable levels. How does this work and which side approached this not the most simple hobby?

Alcohol, has a different density density, and, therefore, and the temperature of his evaporation will be different. Use this knowledge is wider than the distillation of Braga.

Downting compote or jam is distilled, getting moonshine at the output. This is not the magic of the conversion of water in wine, it is a common physical phenomenon. When you heated the brody, the most volatile alcohols begin to evaporate, which are the most poisonous to the body. The next ethyl alcohol evaporates, and behind it is heavy alcohols, the use of which also often brings to death with small doses.

Before starting to run away, you need to know:

  1. Boiling points alcohols. For each fraction, its degrees.
  2. The cleaner it turns out the final product, the more qualitatively performed a distillation.
  3. The main guarantee of the quality of the final product consists as an initial braga.

Relying on this knowledge and the distillation process is based. Thus, from sugar, berry, grain, fruit and any other braga distillate alcohol. First you need to figure it out at what temperature are the moonshine drive?

Boiling temperatures alcohol

Pure idealized alcohol has a degree of boiling equal to seventy eight.

As soon as Braga heats up to a certain temperature , the most volatile parts are beginning to evaporate. First of all, methanol, acetic aldehyde and other particularly dangerous poisons are evaporated. This happens already at a boiling point of 64-67 degrees.

Second phase - Ethyl alcohol is separated - the heat of heating is reduced to the minimum. Thus, the temperature is maintained about 62-64 degrees. It is this temperature that needs to be maintained throughout the distillation. However, the temperature of the distillation of the moonshine in the capacity is gradually growing as alcohol evaporates.

When the temperature rises to 85 degrees, the third stage begins. Now the entire possible ethyl alcohol has already separated, and the sevoyous oils are evaporated. These are also poisonous substances that do not use for drinking purposes.

It is impossible to raise the temperature to 95 degrees and above. Such overheating will result in the ejection of the braga to the cooling element of the moonshine. It will noticeably worsen the quality of the final drink, its color and taste.

The process of distillation

The most popular property of liquids evaporate at different temperatures is in self-rich art. There it opens in all its glory. Its applications are to evaporate all alcohols unnecessary in the final product and at the output get pure alcohol.

That's just the art of moonshine on the art that in this area has learned to make many very interesting things. The use of moonshine art is not limited to a muddy smelly moonshine. At home, some passionate people have learned to drive real works. But, starting with Azov, what are the main stages of distillation? And how to drive a mogon from the Braga?

Some of the most useful devices for moonshine suitable meters will be:

  1. Thermometer for moonshine.
  2. Alcoholometer.

Throughout the process, it is necessary to maintain the right degree in the tank and carefully monitor the squeeze. Distillation is carried out at relatively low temperatures.

At the first stage There is a process of evaporation of the most volatile fractions, including dangerous poisons: acetone, methanol. Remove the so-called head cut. At this stage, the methyl alcohol is separated. The boiling point of methanol is 64.7 degrees Celsius.

Initially, the tank with Braga put on the maximum fire, and it gradually heats up to this temperature. The fact that the distillation of Braga began to be judged by the smell, brightly released when the first seal appears. "Pervak" (as the people call the extinction from the first tap of distillation), has a sharp not too pleasant smell, the reason for it methanol and its boiling.

Some very long time it was "Pervak" considered the best moonshine. From him faster drunk, and for this its quality it has become such popular for use. However, the head cut is drunk faster not because it has a higher degree, but because contains poisonous substances.

When the product at the exit ceases to sharply smell like alcohol, then we can say that the sinking process has moved to the second stage.

Here, the desired distillation of Braga in Moonshine begins. Ethyl alcohol begins to stand out as the final product at the second stage. The boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 78.37 degrees Celsius.

At the end of the first stage, the fire under the container is reduced to a minimum, and the evaporation will slow down. Nevertheless, the temperature continues to rise and the separation of a fraction containing ethyl alcohol begins. After that, the temperature rises more, and begin to go "tails".

"Tails" - The people are the last fraction of the department containing fusion oils. The boiling point of the fusion oil is the highest, since this is the most definite fraction. Last squeezing is also unsuitable for use.

After all ethyl alcohol has been evaporated, the distillation must be finished. If there is no possibility to determine the content of alcohol using a alcoholometer, then you can come and otherwise. Moching a piece of paper in a liquid, which is obtained at the output of the moonshine and carefully set up. If the alcohol content in the liquid is high, then the paper flashes in a blue fire. If this did not happen, it is necessary to conclude that the content of alcohol in the liquid is small and the fusion oils are already dominated.

How to drive a moonshine from Braga

How to overtake the braga in the moonshine, the principle is already understandable, and how does this happen in practice?

As the basis, practically any braga will suit. The difference will be that the moonshine obtained from various products will have different taste.

Braga is one of the key elements to obtain a high-quality finite drink. The degree of the fortress of the foundation should be ten - eighteen percent.

Many requirements and criteria are presented to the technology of preparation of Braga.

Laying comes N.and the basis of the wort of yeast and sugar at room temperature. It is best if the fermentation process will occur in a glass container.

The neck is overlapped and installed the tube for gases. The end of the tube is better to put into the water. This is done for reasons of the isolation of fermentation from the air. It is necessary to regularly shake the braga in the fermentation process without opening the air access.

Distillation is carried out only from the finished braga. It is possible to determine its readiness in the absence of a characteristic hissing, stopping the release of gases and the precipitated precipitate.

The finished base is neatly overflowing into the tank for heating through the tube, along the way, filtering from the sediment. Heat on the highest possible heat, until the boiling and evaporation process becomes.

After receiving the desired squeeze, the most pure alcohol can be filtered again. Cleaning is performed by mechanical way. Clean the product through activated carbon, manganese or household filters. After this cleaning requires repeated distillation.

From the outlined, you can sum up that the concerting process implies the following actions:

  1. Preparation of source material - Braga.
  2. Distillation and primary separation on the fraction. Separation of harmful substances such as methanol, fusion oils and others.
  3. Mechanical filtering.
  4. Repeated distillation.

Obtaining pure ethyl alcohol

As a rule, the process in which Braga becomes a moonshine, produced through a surfactant. The location is carried out in the usual way. How to drive?

The boiling point of alcohols remains the same. A significant difference is another. Arykharnik - a kind of filter. At the time when the concerting process without an amar park is a rather laborious occupation that requires careful tracking, then such a filter greatly facilitates the task.

Moreover, despite the fact that the boiling point of alcohol and other harmful impurities is different, poisons still fall into the final product. When the height in a significant amount delays impurities.

Braga, which is taken as the basis, when heated, begins to be divided into fractions, but there is no clear division. Arykharnik allows you to highlight the fraction that is the most pure alcohol.


Moonshit - an interesting processBut you can not forget about security. Work is associated with volatile flammable substances.


One of the options to improve the future drink and its taste is extract. After all the processes of distillation and cleaning are completed, the drink is ready for use. However, there is no limits to excellence.

Many connoisseurs withstand the moonshine in barrels obtained at the exit. Due to this, the drink in the root changes its taste and quality.

The most noble, respected and popular excerpt is exposure in oak barrels. Alcohol, for a long time, who stayed in such a container, changes its characteristics and value.

In the process of such storage, the drink is saturated with oxygen compounds through the pores of the tree. Moreover, alcohol changes its color, aroma, aftertaste.

Provided that good brawl was used as a raw material, the distillation was performed in all the rules and all technical requirements were complied with, and after it we were kept in oak barrel, it turns out at the exit completely indelible taste drink.

The saturation of lignin, tannins, nitrogen and protein substances changes the characteristics and taste of the drink, makes it more noble, soft and pleasant.

Final product

At the exit, it may turn out to be practically any drink. The case of tastes and fantasy. Criteria for estimating the final product A bit:

  1. Taste.
  2. Degree of cleaning.
  3. Reception (for connoisseurs).

When it became finally clear how to drive a moonshine from Braga correctly, you can proceed to experiments. Editions of the final product Great set and there are no restrictions on tastes and recipe, there would be a desire! Therefore, moonshine and call the whole art of creating strong drinks.

How time it takes time, forces and means to the masters to obtain a quality product, it is known for sure that it simply cannot. The process of creating a good moonshine from the braga takes a lot of time and effort and becomes for many real hobbies.

ATTENTION, only today!

Hello everyone!

Recently, I often ask the questions of the following plan - at what temperature to drive a moonshine? Or, how to drive a moonshine on the thermometer installed in a distilted Cuba? And the like.

Indeed, such questions appear in most novice vinokurov. Today I will try to answer these questions and tell if you need a thermometer in the moonshine device and what he gives us.

First of all, I want to pay attention to that this article is devoted to working on a classical moonshine apparatus consisting of a tank and cooler. Well, or more outdoor Between the tank and the distiller. Thermometer is installed in a distilted Cuba.

For more complex equipment there are other rules. For example, to work on the film column I have separate article.

What gives the thermometer in the moonshine

Now I will list the advantages of this device, and in the next section will explain how to implement them in practice.

  1. The ability to accurately determine the beginning of distillation, therefore, to save on the water, including its submission only when it is necessary.
  2. Determine the initial fortress of the Braga.
  3. Determine the current fortress of the moonshine at the outlet of the refrigerator, therefore there is no need to use ranges during distillation.
  4. On time to move from the selection of the body on the selection of tails.
  5. On time to finish the selection of tails and all distillation.
  6. Calculate the residue of alcohol in Cuba.

How to control the process of distillation by temperature

As is known, ethyl alcohol is boiling at a temperature of 78.4 ° C (at atmospheric pressure of 760 mm.T.T.). But Braga or the raw alcohol are a water-alcohol solution ( impurities We neglect), and consequently, the boiling point of this solution is different and depends on the content of ethanol in it. Moreover, a certain amount of alcohol in Brage corresponds to a certain amount of alcohol in pairs entering the cooler.

Below, we give a table of the dependence of the boiling point of Braga (or raw) from the content of alcohol in it.

The sign is simple, but I still explain how to use it.

  • With distillation of Braga
  1. Suppose you poured 10 liters of Braga.
  2. Braga Zakipel and the selection went at 92 degrees, therefore the fluid strength is approximately equal to 12%. Only you need to navigate not on the very first drops, and when the cheerful trickle goes and the temperature stabilizes. Yesterday, the first drops appeared on 88-89 degrees, but the temperature quickly got to 93 and then began to rise very slowly - by 0.1 degrees. Here on this figure and you need to navigate.
  3. Ranogon to 98-99 ° C, depending on your greed and patience. I usually chase to 98. Up to 100 degrees still do not advise - the product loss will be insignificant, and time will spend a lot and at the same time collect many unnecessary impurities.
  • With distillation of raw alcohol
  1. Filled, say, 20% sorting.
  2. The table determine that the booster temperature of the mixture is 88-89 degrees. Consequently, earlier than 80 ° C, the water includes the need not and it can be careful.
  3. In most techniques, and I have in article about distillationIt is recommended to select the body up to 40% in the jet (or until it burns). This corresponds to a temperature of 95-96 ° C. Those. With this heating, you can move to the selection of tailings. I want to say that I want to say that according to my latest data, go to tails better at 93-94 ° C. Yes, so we ship a large number of alcohol in the tails, but from these tails, then you can press another decent amount of good quality moonshine. Why it is necessary to complete the election of the body at 93 ° C I will tell in one of the following articles when I order the information obtained.
  4. We select tails up to 98-99 degrees.