Drinking alcohol removes excess cholesterol. How do cholesterol and alcohol interact?

If there is an increased amount of cholesterol, a person is advised to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Let's look at how alcohol affects cholesterol (lipoproteins) in the blood.

High cholesterol and alcohol can only be a safe combination if you drink in moderation. Studies looking at how alcohol affects cholesterol conclude that cholesterol levels increase slightly with moderate drinking.

general information

Alcohol consumption and high cholesterol are incompatible if a person is taking medications. They can make him drowsy and other side effects.

If you have high cholesterol, drinking alcohol is allowed if the person follows the limit. In this case, the effect of alcohol on cholesterol is positive, because it prevents the development of severe cardiovascular pathologies. The risk of their occurrence with moderate drinking of alcohol and cholesterol in the blood can be reduced by even 40%.

Large doses of alcohol do not increase the amount of lipoproteins, but can increase the level of triglycerides. This contributes to the development of heart and brain disorders. To avoid complications, it is recommended to take no more than 2 servings of alcoholic beverages per day. If the patient does not control the amount of alcohol consumed, then he should completely avoid strong drinks.

One serving contains:

  1. 150 ml wine.
  2. 300 ml.
  3. 40 ml vodka.

Features of the effect of alcohol on cholesterol levels

There is a connection between the amount of alcohol consumed and lipoprotein levels. Of course, alcohol affects the level of these substances in the body: the more alcohol you drink, the higher the amount of lipoproteins in the body will be.

But why can you find recommendations to drink alcohol if you have high cholesterol? The fact is that the positive effect of alcohol on lipoproteins varies depending on the dose. LDL levels in the blood can increase if you drink a lot of alcohol.

Its effect on the body changes depending on the dose. IN Not large quantities it has lowering properties because it dissolves cholesterol plaques. But regular use Ethanol does not lower cholesterol, but, on the contrary, increases it. Moreover, with excessive consumption of alcoholic products, a person develops a painful addiction to it.

How do certain types of alcohol affect cholesterol levels? Different types Alcoholic drinks have different effects on the body with high cholesterol. This is due to the amount of pure ethanol in them, the raw materials from which they are produced:

  • Whiskey – this alcoholic drink is made from grain. To give it certain taste qualities it is aged in oak barrels. Moderate amounts of whiskey help protect blood vessels and the heart due to the presence of ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant. This product is able to resist the damaging effects of cholesterol on blood vessels and the heart. It has been proven that this antioxidant can prevent the appearance of malignant cells in the body.
  • Cognac is made from white wine, which contributes to the presence of ethyl esters, tannins, and organic acids in its composition. It has been proven that cognac increases the body's need for vitamin C. Cognac contains a certain amount of antioxidants. They can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, if, of course, this drink is consumed in reasonable doses
  • Wine - this drink can be dry, dessert, white, red, dry, sparkling. Dry red wine is most beneficial for the body. It contains a large number of antioxidants, vitamins and organic substances that can reduce the level of harmful substances in the blood. All of them are found in grapes. That is why it is recommended for high cholesterol. You should not drink fortified wines because they can negatively affect your blood cholesterol levels. This drink must be natural: only it can reduce the amount of this substance.
  • Vodka - this traditional alcoholic drink for our country is not prohibited for high cholesterol. Vodka has a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels only if consumed in moderation. You can also drink vodka infused with berries or herbs.

Provided that these drinks are made well, they provide some benefits. Some bitters reduce the amount of cholesterol and can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. But even when taking such alcohol, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and never exceed the dose.

Is it possible to lower cholesterol with alcohol?

The positive effect of alcohol on the body with high cholesterol does not mean at all that you can drink alcohol to cleanse blood vessels. Medical examinations indicate that cholesterol cannot be reduced by alcohol alone. If you don't follow the rules healthy way life, the content of this substance in the blood may increase.

The so-called drinking culture cannot be recommended to reduce lipoproteins. Content of antioxidants, tannins, etc. useful components does not compensate potential harm for vessels excessive use alcohol.

Have a great influence on the body:

  1. Climate.
  2. The presence or absence of physical activity.
  3. Food consumed.
  4. The presence of greens in the diet.
  5. Vitamin content in everyday food.
  6. Emotional condition person.
  7. Ecological situation.

So relying on alcohol to lower cholesterol is both stupid and harmful. Alcohol abuse often causes a person's LDL levels in the blood to rise. And it will increase further depending on the lifestyle the patient leads. And if he consumes a lot of fatty, fried food along with alcohol, then even the highest quality whiskey, cognac or wine will not be of any benefit.

It is possible for a person to reduce the amount of harmful substances in the blood only by following the principles healthy eating, adequate physical activity.

Video: how are alcohol and plasma cholesterol levels related to each other?

It is impossible to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood without eradicating smoking. This bad habit helps to increase it. The constant flow of nicotine into the blood leads to the fact that the blood vessels are predominantly in a narrowed state. Without getting rid of nicotine, it is impossible to talk about preserving vascular health.

The combination of nicotine and alcohol has an extremely detrimental effect on the condition of blood vessels and heart function in a person with high LDL levels. His risk of developing dangerous pathologies – heart attack, stroke – increases many times over. So, if you have hypercholesterolemia, you should adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, lifestyle and never abuse alcoholic beverages.

An increase or decrease in cholesterol in the blood often indicates the development of various pathological processes. In case of deviations, patients are prescribed a diet that excludes all foods that can raise or lower blood lipid levels. Experts have different opinions about whether cholesterol and alcohol combine.

Some people think that consumption strong drinks has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels. You can find a lot of advice on drinking alcohol every day to lower your lipid levels. There are also those people who claim that alcohol causes irreparable harm human health.

In case of deviations

If there is a high level of cholesterol in the blood, doctors do not prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages, but they strongly recommend not to abuse them. Otherwise, against the background of increased lipid concentrations, a person will develop complications such as:

  1. Increased blood pressure.
  2. Pathologies of the digestive organs.
  3. Increased amount of insulin in the blood.
  4. Myocardial damage.
  5. Calcium deficiency due to its active leaching.

With normal indicators

If a person does not have problems with blood vessels, then alcohol is not prohibited. Alcohol does not particularly affect the level of fats in the blood. But even a healthy person is recommended to drink alcohol in minimal quantities and as rarely as possible, since its effects can be detrimental to the body.

Safe doses for consumption

The following doses of alcohol with high cholesterol will not cause harm to health:

  • 100 ml red wine.
  • 250 ml white wine.
  • 300 ml beer.
  • 30-40 ml of liqueur.

Despite the safety of these dosages, they should not be consumed daily.

Harm of alcohol to blood vessels and internal organs

Alcohol in small doses can and is capable of normalizing cholesterol levels in the blood, but during its action it occurs Negative influence on internal organs. Alcohol begins its action immediately after entering the blood.

It actively narrows and expands the walls of blood vessels. As a result of this, they lose their density, elasticity, and become fragile, which often leads to damage and ruptures, causing bleeding. The narrowing and expansion of the vascular walls occurs until the alcohol is completely eliminated from the body.

During the action of alcohol, the heart begins to work several times harder. If a person suffers from heart disease, this can lead to severe damage and even death.

Drinking also causes damage to the liver. After all, it is in this organ that its metabolism takes place. Alcohol can damage liver cells called hepatocytes. With regular consumption of strong drinks or the development of alcoholism, organ tissues undergo gradual necrosis and the development of serious diseases.

Alcohol is harmful and gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammatory processes, digestive disorders, ulcers, and hemorrhoids. These diseases will interfere with the full absorption of nutrients into the blood.

Impact of different drinks

There are many types of drinks that differ in their composition and the effect of alcohol on cholesterol levels.


This is the most common product. It contains alcohol and water. It doesn't do any good. It is not recommended to combine high cholesterol and alcohol of this type in any quantity.


Fortress of this drink varies between 9-25 degrees. Wine made from grapes is considered the most beneficial. It has many valuable components, for example, antioxidants and vitamins.

Red is the most beneficial grape wine. It is recommended to take it if you have high cholesterol levels. Such wine can reduce the amount of lipids only in moderate dosage.


This drink is quite strong - over 40 degrees. It is produced by distilling wine white variety and aging in barrels made of wood. In addition to alcohol, it contains useful tannins and tannin.

Thanks to this composition, it is able to suppress the inflammatory process and provide the body with vitamin C. The drink also has antioxidant properties. Cognac has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, but only in a minimal proportion.


This drink is also high in strength. It is made from grain crops and kept for a long period of time in oak barrels. This drink has a beneficial effect because it contains ellagic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant that performs a protective function for the heart, blood vessels, skin. But for a beneficial effect, a minimum dose is again required.


It is not recommended to drink this drink to lower cholesterol. Even healthy people It is not recommended to use it in any quantities. The presence of bubbles in champagne only exacerbates the negative effects of alcohol.

Is it possible to get rid of cholesterol with alcohol?

Opinions vary regarding the use of alcoholic beverages to reduce cholesterol levels. Scientists have conducted many studies on this topic. The result shows that patients can consume alcohol-containing products, but the dosage should be moderate and only allowed to drink once a week.

Drinking alcoholic beverages with a high lipid content is permitted because they have the ability to remove excess cholesterol from the body. Alcohol penetrates the blood, dilates blood vessels, which leads to increased blood circulation and washing out plaques formed on the vascular walls.

When alcohol stops working, the lumen of the blood vessels narrows, but the blood flow does not become worse, because all obstacles in the path of blood have been removed. This effect can be achieved not only moderate consumption intoxicating products, but also dietary nutrition and sports activities. This will be much more beneficial for the entire body as a whole.

Doctors' opinion

Experts are generally against the use of alcohol-containing products for cholesterol problems, even in small doses. Some doctors believe that you can drink a little wine throughout the day. The effect of such alcohol on cholesterol is positive. It is impossible to say which of them is right and which is wrong.

Doctors identify only a few reasons for which the effect of wine is needed. These include the body’s need for antioxidants, tannins, flavonoids, and increased production of nitrous oxide.

Thus, cholesterol and alcohol combine with each other only with moderate consumption of drinks. If you drink regularly and in large doses, the body will suffer enormous damage.

In the materials of the magazine "Health", cholesterol is defined as an organic compound, a natural fatty (lipophilic) alcohol contained in the cell membranes of all living organisms, with the exception of nuclear-free ones. When this term is uttered, most people associate it with the words “harm” or “danger.” Really, increased content Such a component can indicate the presence of pathological processes in the human body. Increased cholesterol values ​​on a biochemical blood test form often indicate problems with blood vessels and the heart, the development of atherosclerosis and its complications.

Some patients believe that drug or surgical treatment against the formation of cholesterol plaques can be replaced folk remedies and even regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Is alcohol acceptable if you have high cholesterol? Is there a useful dosage?

When a patient announces to his family that the doctor advised him to use alcohol to get rid of high cholesterol, one should find out what dose and regularity of drinking alcoholic beverages will have a good therapeutic effect and will not lead to alcoholism. The main conditions for treatment are moderation and the absence of pathological conditions incompatible with drinking alcohol.

Each of the alcoholic drinks has different way preparation and differs significantly in strength. It is she who determines the permissible daily dosage of the “medicine”:

When using this method of treatment, you should take into account the interaction of alcohol and other medications prescribed by your doctor. Some of them may increase side effects, which is dangerous for the patient's health.


The use of strong (40–45 degrees) whiskey is justified by the qualities obtained during its production. To produce the drink, grain raw materials are used: wheat, rye, barley. The mechanism for making whiskey is complex and consists of several stages: before adding raw materials for fermentation, the seeds are germinated and then hot-dried. It is this operation that allows grains to be fermented, endowing them with valuable components. The next steps in whiskey production are the fermentation and distillation processes. Healing properties whiskey acquires due to its long stay in oak barrels.

The natural malt drink contains many antioxidants that can improve the condition of blood vessels and thin the blood. The most useful substance contained in whiskey in decent doses is ellagic acid. It is this component that resists the formation of cholesterol plaques on blood vessels and stimulates cardiac function.

Another strong alcoholic drink - cognac - is also aged for several years in oak barrels, the raw material for its production is grapes. After pressing, the juice without added sugar is left for long-term (up to three weeks) fermentation, then the raw material is distilled several times. The method of preparing this alcohol gives it exceptional medicinal qualities. Low dose cognac may be beneficial in the fight against high cholesterol. The drink can improve a person’s well-being, significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol, improve blood flow and the condition of blood vessels. This type of alcohol acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, stimulates the body to absorb vitamins and minerals, necessary for the high-quality occurrence of exchange reactions.


The history of winemaking goes back thousands of years. During this period, people learned to produce different kinds this drink. It can be low alcohol and strong, white, red, pink, dry or sweet. Grapes are used to make the drink different varieties, pomegranate, fruits and berries.

Wine can improve blood composition and reduce cholesterol levels. It is real red grape wine that can help with problematic cholesterol levels. Moderate doses of the drink supply the body with antioxidants and vitamins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic, which prevents the accumulation of plaques.


One of the most common types of alcohol is forty proof vodka. The components for its production are alcohol (grain) and water. To improve the taste of the product, manufacturers add plant components: fruits, berries, herbs, oak bark, birch leaves, linden flowers, spices or synthesized aromatic substances. The presence of natural components in vodka determines its choice for medical procedures. Small doses of this alcohol can dilate blood vessels, stimulate blood flow, and relieve manifestations of atherosclerosis. Vodka and cholesterol are directly related: if a person increases its dose and frequency of intake, the level of the dangerous component in the blood will increase significantly, leading to deterioration of health. The combination of beer and cholesterol is subject to similar proportional characteristics: a high-calorie malt drink in large quantities stimulates the accumulation of fat, leading to vasoconstriction due to growths of the “bad” type of substance.

Drinking Alcohol Safely to Lower Cholesterol

What dose of alcohol should you drink in order not to harm the body, prevent the development of addiction and at the same time reduce cholesterol? As noted above, each type of drink has a different recommended intake per day - more than 30 ml for strong wines and 150 ml for low-proof wines.

Experts believe that in order to safely dissolve cholesterol and remove it from the blood vessels, the specified dose of alcohol is required, but taken once a week. This medicine should be taken before bed; it is not advisable to eat it. Therapeutic effect is based on the action of a small amount of alcohol: it affects blood vessels, dilates them, increases the heart rate and increases blood flow. Intense circulation in the vessels can start the process of washing out cholesterol build-ups. Then natural compression of the blood vessels occurs, and blood circulation returns to normal. This kind of exercise trains vascular system, makes arteries elastic and smooth.

Many patients cannot limit themselves, significantly exceeding the recommended treatment regimens. Such therapy will not bring results, in addition, it will be accompanied by negative consequences.

Should you get rid of cholesterol with alcohol?

In order to understand how alcohol affects cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to consider and evaluate the processes occurring in the body when it is taken. After a person has emptied a glass and the alcohol in the drink gets into oral cavity, and then into the esophagus, a reaction is triggered in which there is an active secretion of juice in the stomach, a large amount of which stimulates appetite and causes an increased need to eat food. The incoming food is not able to neutralize such an aggressive environment. Unused during digestion hydrochloric acid remains in the stomach, causing irritation of its mucous membrane. Regular alcohol consumption contributes to the development of gastritis and its complications.

The further process of digestion against the background of alcohol intake is characterized by an increasing danger of changes in the intestinal mucous membranes and the formation of inflammatory processes in it. Such phenomena cause stool disorders, a person experiences constipation and diarrhea, and thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node develops.

If the patient develops alcohol addiction, there is a high probability of other pathological transformations:

  • damage to cardiac tissue;
  • development of arterial hypertension;
  • changes in liver function, onset of cirrhosis;
  • the occurrence of pancreatitis;
  • increased symptoms of diabetes.

There is an opinion that alcoholic drinks help reduce cholesterol in the blood, and that under the influence of alcohol cholesterol is removed from the body. Some even claim that when daily use small portions Alcohol can normalize cholesterol levels. But it is known that drinking alcohol every day is dangerous for your health. irreparable consequences. So which of the opinions is the most reliable and worthy of attention?


Alcohol can affect cholesterol levels, scientists say, but for this it is enough to drink alcohol once a week, for example 30 ml. alcohol or 300 ml. beer, 150 ml. any wine. These dosages can reduce the risk of heart attack by 35%. But if you take cholesterol-lowering drugs at the same time, then alcohol, on the contrary, will provoke an exacerbation adverse reactions. Also, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited for people with gastrointestinal pathologies and high cholesterol.

Yes, alcoholic drinks are able to remove cholesterol, but when ethanol penetrates into the bloodstream, it begins to have a destructive effect on the vascular walls, activating the processes of formation and further development of atherosclerotic deposits. Since alcohol is often consumed with fatty and junk food, then this destruction effect intensifies.

But ethanol causes even greater harm to the coronary vascular network of the myocardium, namely for those vessels in which signs of cholesterol deposits and atherosclerotic process are already present. When alcohol penetrates into the myocardium, increased degeneration of the coronary vessels occurs, the processes of blockage and thrombus formation are stimulated, and the likelihood of cardiac infarction increases. And these are only cardiovascular lesions, in addition to which alcohol affects and destroys the structure of other organs.

What you need to know about cholesterol

Why does our body need cholesterol if it only causes harm? It turns out that it is needed. Cholesterol is a white, viscous and oily substance that performs an important function in our body.

  • when a person gets into extreme conditions existence, cholesterol acts as an additional source of energy and calories;
  • Normally, cholesterol is a building block for fats, hormones and glucidic compounds. The cholesterol component is present in every cellular structure of the human body.

Those who believe that cholesterol molecules enter the body only with food are mistaken. If there is not enough of this component in food, then the body begins to produce it independently. If there is not enough cholesterol, then hypocholesterolemia develops, which is dangerous for mental disorders and an increased risk of developing malignant oncological processes. Under the influence of low cholesterol, vascular elasticity and serotonin receptor activity are impaired, intestinal permeability increases, vitamin D production ceases normally, the risk of obesity and infertility increases, hyperthyroidism develops, etc.

Low cholesterol is as dangerous as it is high content, which creates favorable conditions for the development of atherosclerosis. High cholesterol levels provoke blood clots and vascular congestion, which lead to insufficient supply to the heart. nutrients and oxygen. As a result, necrosis appears in certain areas of the heart muscle, then the dead tissue becomes scarred and a heart attack occurs. And because of cholesterol deposits, the vessels become fragile, narrow, blood flow is disrupted, large blood clots form, which interfere with the normal flow of blood and can stop it altogether, which leads to death.

Causes of high cholesterol

Experts say that healthy cholesterol is unable to provoke cardiovascular disorders. They develop due to its excess content, which can arise due to many factors.

  1. Heredity. If there is a family history of pathological conditions such as hypercholesterolemia, dysbetalipoproteinemia or hyperlipidemia.
  2. Specific pathologies. It has been proven that kidney pathologies such as nephroptosis or kidney failure lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. Hypercholesterolemia is also caused by hypertension, pancreatic pathologies (pancreatitis or cancer), hypothyroidism or diabetes, liver pathologies (cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis), etc.
  3. Smoking. Can provoke the accumulation of cholesterol deposits nicotine addiction and passive smoking.
  4. The presence of chronic pathological processes over the age of 50 years.
  5. The pregnancy period is characterized by the accumulation of bad cholesterol and a decrease in the level of good cholesterol.
  6. Some medications. Taking diuretic, hormonal and contraceptive drugs leads to an increase in cholesterol levels.
  7. Metabolic disorders or obesity.
  8. Alcohol addiction or frequent abuse of alcohol also contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol reserves in the body.
  9. Physical inactivity, inactivity, rare forays into fresh air and lack of physical activity, abuse of junk food - all this also causes an increase in cholesterol levels.

An interesting fact is that in men, cholesterol in the blood can increase after the age of 35, while in the female population, normal levels remain until the menopausal period.

The danger of “treatment” with alcohol

Removing cholesterol reserves with the help of alcoholic drinks can be dangerous, because ethanol has a destructive effect on all organic structures. As soon as alcohol enters the mouth, an instant reaction occurs, which consists of the active production of gastric juice, causing a feeling of severe hunger. But this juice will contain an increased content of the hydrochloric acid component, which threatens the development of gastric catarrh or gastritis.

In addition, alcohol can provoke the development of inflammation in the gastrointestinal organs, which is often combined with diarrhea and constipation. And regular consumption of alcohol is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and stomach ulcer. But the liver, which metabolizes it, receives an even more noticeable blow from alcohol. Even small doses of alcohol provoke damage to hepatocyte cellular structures, which is dangerous due to cirrhosis, hepatitis and sclerotic processes in the liver. It follows that alcohol and cholesterol are substances that cannot be combined in any way. And even more so, you shouldn’t even try to lower your cholesterol levels by drinking alcohol.

To reduce cholesterol deposits, it is not at all necessary to take a lot of different drugs; sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of some adjustments in the diet. Only 25% of cholesterol enters the body with food, and the remaining 75% is produced by our liver. To reduce this substance, it is recommended to limit its intake from foods. During a diet for cholesterol, he recommends eliminating or minimizing the consumption of foods like:

  • fatty meat;
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, cheeses) and butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • offal (heart, beef brain, kidneys or liver);
  • fast food;
  • sausage products;
  • confectionery products containing margarine;
  • coconut and palm oil.

Nutritionists say that there are foods that help lower cholesterol levels. These include fresh fruits(grapefruit, avocado, apples, grapes) and bran, vegetables (tomatoes and carrots or pumpkin and beets) and legumes. Drinks recommended green tea, grape juice. For the normal course of lipid metabolism processes, the body needs polyunsaturated acids, which are contained in unrefined oils like flaxseed, sunflower, corn or olive.

What we have. Alcohol can help reduce cholesterol deposits, but only if consumed once a week and every minimum quantities. If you abuse alcohol daily, the results will be disastrous. That's why the best way normalization of cholesterol levels is active life and healthy eating.

Now, when you drink alcohol, imagine your body, which is slowly but surely dying under the influence of ethanol, and you are having fun. Remember, ethanol slowly suffocates your cells, the brain has no other way out as salvation, it blocks many brain centers, as a result of which incoherent speech occurs, memory lapses occur, etc. Alcohol thickens your blood, forming deadly blood clots, your blood sugar goes through the roof, your brain dies, alcohol also destroys the walls of your stomach, which is why incurable ulcers form. Generalized health recommendations may not apply equally to every individual. It has been proven that in the presence of alcohol, LDL cholesterol levels (often called bad cholesterol) increase in everyone.

Alcohol consumption contributes to an increase in all indicators of the cholesterol scale, including the level of triglycerides in the blood. But, as you know, with an increase in triglyceride levels, the amount of the most dangerous bad cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), certainly increases.

Thus, a person who has obvious signs of any disease should stop drinking alcohol. Cholesterol is considered important and necessary substance in organism. It is similar to beeswax. It plays an important role in metabolism. It is present in the membranes of nerves, cells, and the brain. Hormones are obtained from this substance, including the male sex hormone testosterone. Cholesterol is transported through the blood to all parts of the body. If the level of cholesterol in the body exceeds normal levels, this can lead to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the vascular walls. Prevention
Do not underestimate the danger of cholesterol, just as you should not underestimate prevention, which allows you to keep cholesterol at a completely acceptable and normal level, and can also answer the question of how to lower cholesterol in the blood?

First of all, you should refuse bad habits, this applies to smoking, overeating, and alcohol consumption.

It is definitely worth doing physical education. It doesn't have to be a professional sport, but staying physically active proper nutrition- the main condition for lowering cholesterol, lifestyle should become the norm, as well as maintaining normal body weight.

You definitely need to start eating right. It should be a diet that is easy enough to follow.

With these simple preventative steps, anyone can prevent high blood cholesterol levels.

In some cases high level cholesterol indicates certain genetic problems and can manifest itself already at a young age. That is why cardiologists often recommend that all people who reach the age of 20 donate blood several times a year to determine their cholesterol levels.