What to drink for the New Year: cold, hot and strong drinks. And what do you drink for the New Year: is champagne necessary? Alcohol for the new year

When thinking about the upcoming main holiday of the year, a vivid picture arises before my eyes: an elegant Christmas tree, tangerines, a beautiful, rich festive table and, of course, sparkling champagne in glasses. And also this is a great opportunity to experiment and prepare a variety of delicious New Year's alcoholic drinks. After all, you already have almost the entire set of necessary ingredients on the table.

In addition to the usual traditional drinks - champagne for the chiming clock, wines for hot and ice-cold vodka under the herring “under a fur coat” - you can prepare many different drinks for the festive table. For example, bright cocktails that will be very appropriate for this New Year's Eve (after all, it is known that the word “cocktail” translates as “cock's tail”). For those who don’t sit in front of the TV and go to launch fireworks and wish balls on the frost, the hot New Year 2018 drinks will come in handy. Alcoholic cocktails based on champagne will be appreciated by lovers of magic bubbles.

Let's start with champagne-based drinks. By the way, champagne glasses can be very simply decorated. Thin colored ribbons can be tied to the legs of the glasses, repeating the colors and style of table and Christmas tree decorations. The edges of the glasses can be dipped in water and dipped in granulated sugar or icing - you get frost.

Winter punch

  750 ml of champagne
  750 ml dry red wine,
  200 g of frozen cherry (seedless),
  200 ml of orange juice
  100 g of sugar.

  Fill the cherry with sugar, pour orange juice and 1 glass of wine. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour. In a large jug, combine cherries with juice and wine with the remaining wine. Stir the drink, pour it into the glasses and add champagne.

New Year Blush Cocktail

  60 ml of champagne
  40 ml of vodka
  20 ml lime juice
  15 ml sugar syrup,
  1 tsp cherry puree
  mint leaves,

  Put the mint leaves and ice in a shaker, then add vodka, lime juice and sugar syrup, mix for 10-15 seconds. Put the cherry puree in the glass and fill it with the contents of the shaker. Stir slightly, add champagne.

Of course, we will not ignore our dear men. 2018 New Year drinks based on cognac and other strong drinks will appeal to connoisseurs of everything unusual and new.

African New Year Cocktail

  30 ml cognac
  300 ml cola
  1 tsp black instant coffee.

  Pour chilled cognac into a large tall glass with a volume of 0.5 l, then gently pour chilled cola along the edge. Pour the coffee gradually, while vigorously whipping the liquid with a fork until a thick foam forms. We draw your attention to the fact that this cocktail should be done immediately before serving.

Cocktail "New Year in Russian"

  45 ml of vodka
  60 ml grapefruit juice
  60 l of lemonade

  Mix all the ingredients in a glass, the edges of which are pre-glazed with salt or sugar. Add ice to the cocktail, slowly stir and serve to the guests.

Russian cocktail with honey

  70 ml of vodka
  30 g honey
  200 ml of light beer.

  Mix vodka and liquid honey with ice chips. Pour in chilled beer and add ice cubes. Ready cocktail serve immediately to the table. If desired, add ½ cinnamon sticks to the cocktail.

One important note: do not try to replace vodka in whiskey cocktails. There are recipes for this noble drink.

Hot alcoholic New Year's drinks will help to warm up quickly after a fun walk on the Christmas tree. For serving, use special glasses with a handle (for Irish coffee).

Mulled wine with lemon

  500 ml dry red wine,
  75 g sugar
  1 cinnamon stick
  150 ml of brandy or rum,
  1 lemon
  12 buds of cloves.

  Wash the lemon thoroughly, wipe it dry and stick the clove buds into it. Then put the lemon in a large pot with wine, sugar and a cinnamon stick broken into pieces. Heat the resulting mixture over medium heat for 10 minutes without boiling. Then remove from heat, add cognac or rum and leave for 5 minutes. Remove lemon, cinnamon and serve mulled wine hot.

Before the New Year, there is still time for making all kinds of liquors and tinctures. Do not miss the opportunity! Moreover, there is nothing exotic in our recipes.

Ginger Cranberry New Year Punch

Ingredients (for 12 servings):
  500 ml cognac
  600 ml cranberry juice
  500 ml of orange juice
  150 ml of water
  ½ tbsp. l ground cinnamon
  ¼ Art. l ground ginger.
  To decorate:
  slices of lime, lemon or orange.

Pour cranberry and orange juices, water into the punch bowl, add spices. Bring to a boil and, removing from heat, add cognac. Pour the finished punch into mugs and garnish with slices of citrus.

Fairytale Night Cocktail

  400 ml of port
  50 g icing sugar
  1 tbsp. l flour
  ½ bar of dark chocolate.

  Pour port wine into a saucepan, add flour and powdered sugar, smash the chocolate into pieces and send it to the other ingredients in a saucepan. Boil its contents, cool and pour into glasses.

Cranberry Liqueur

  1 liter of vodka
  800 g cranberries
  750 g of sugar.

  Crush the washed cranberries with a crush, transfer to a jar and pour vodka. Close the jar with a lid and place in a dark, cool place for a week. Then strain the contents of the jar into the pan, add sugar and heat the drink until the sugar dissolves. Then cool and bottle.

Coffee-orange tincture

  500 ml of vodka
  350 ml of water
  200 g sugar
  2 tsp instant coffee
  peel of 1 orange,
  1.5 tsp citric acid
  vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

  In cold boiled water, add sugar, citric acid, instant coffee and a little vanillin. Bring the mixture to a boil, dip the orange peels in it, remove from heat and let cool for 2 hours. When time runs out, strain the tincture and pour vodka into it. Refrigerate before serving.

Home "Spotkach"

  500 ml of vodka
  500 g frozen cherries
  15 pcs. prunes
  300 g of sugar.

  Sprinkle cherries with sugar and leave overnight. Then put the berries on the fire and heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Rinse the prunes (if it is too dry, soak briefly in boiling water). Add prunes to dishes with cherries, remove from heat and cool. Transfer the berry mass to a bottle, pour vodka and insist 2 weeks in a sealed container. Filter the finished "Spotkach" and store in the refrigerator until use.

Homemade lemon tincture “For the company of soul”

  500 ml of vodka
  3 lemons
  120 g of sugar.

  Wash the lemons. Cut, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass into a jar, add sugar, pour vodka, mix and let stand for 8-12 hours (the more, the better: a richer taste will turn out). Then strain the tincture through cheesecloth and drink chilled.

This is not all 2018 New Year drinks. You can find even more drinks and how to serve them, as well as what and how to use them in the Enotek section.

Happy New Year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

New Year's holidays traditionally involve a series of feasts and heavy drinking. We talked about how to spend the winter holidays cheerfully and without prejudice to our health, with Dmitry Vashkin, the head doctor of the Marshak Clinic. The expert kindly answered our questions.

How to start the New Year's Eve and not get drunk until the first chime of a chime?

Most importantly, do not drink on an empty stomach. Light snacks and fruits 2-3 hours before the start of the feast will help to avoid rapid intoxication. Start with drinks with the smallest degree and switch to stronger ones gradually, controlling your condition. If possible, go out into the fresh air, move more. Buy quality drinks, not succumbing to the temptation of promotional cheapness. The ideal option to stay sober is to drink one drink all night and in small sips, not forgetting to have a snack.

  He ignored the first tip.

How not to get drunk and spend the winter holidays to good use?

The best option is not to drink at all, if this option does not fit, plan your weekend so that meetings with friends alternate with days of complete rest from drinking. Sports, shopping and recreation with children require attention, alternate feasts with outdoor activities, give the body time to recover. Do not bring yourself to the hospital ward and contacting specialist narcologists.

How to quickly recover in the morning after the New Year?

More rest and peace. Spend the first half of the day in bed, get enough sleep, do not invite guests in the morning and do not rush to eat all the salads that you did not have time to try at night. If you have a headache, heaviness in your stomach and thirst drive out of bed into the kitchen, do not rush to eat fatty salads and meat. Drink juices, dried fruit compotes, natural pickles without vinegar, herbal teas. Take a short walk in the park or around the house, breathe in the fresh air. If in the evening the condition has not improved, I recommend that you consult a doctor, nausea and headaches can be a sign of poisoning of the body with low-quality alcohol.

How to drink alcohol on holidays, with minimal damage to health?

Do not start celebrating on an empty stomach. Most people do not eat until the first glass, immediately pour the second and only then begin to eat. So getting drunk is very easy. Start with a light vegetable salad, fruit. After each toast, do not forget to have a snack and do not alternate alcoholic beverages. It is better to choose one, but high-quality and enjoy the quality of the product, and not brag about the amount of alcohol consumed. Eat fish, lean meat, do not lean on mayonnaise dressings. The amino acids contained in bananas, oranges, increase hormones of joy, and the mood improves naturally, without alcoholic irritant. Look for fun and pleasure in communication, not in a bottle.

A drunk aggressor has appeared in the company, what to do in this case?

The kindest and sweetest person in ordinary life, in a drunken state, can become aggressive and interfere with the rest of others. If possible, calm him down and do not let him drink anymore. If possible, take the exuberant away from the company and the children, put him to bed, or call him a taxi. If these methods do not help, and you see a direct threat to others, immediately call the police, do not expect trouble.

How to have fun in the company of drinkers?

The main thing is not to focus on this. Drink juices, water, raise glasses with everyone at the table, say toasts. New Year is a holiday for everyone and you should not refuse fun just because you do not drink alcohol. Your advantages are that you can try all the cooked dishes and appreciate their taste, participate in all contests and entertainments, talk with interesting people and the next day remember what the conversation was about. If you have been addicted to alcohol in the past and are not sure you can resist, it’s better not to provoke yourself and prefer a less noisy company, non-drinker and quiet.

What medicines to arm in order to save yourself from alcohol poisoning?

Digestion-enhancing enzymes containing pancreatin, activated carbon, mineral water, and succinic acid preparations. After drinking a few tablets of coal before the feast, you thereby reduce the intoxication of the body, do not get intoxicated longer and can control yourself. If you overeat and feel heavy in your stomach, drink enzymes and try not to eat heavy food all day, restrict yourself to non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks and clean water.

Finally, I want to wish the readers of Alcofan and their loved ones good health, emotional closeness and warmth! Rest with benefit and pleasure!

The New Year is perhaps the most long-awaited, beloved family holiday, but a plentiful feast, overeating and alcohol abuse can overshadow his meeting. How to choose alcohol for a celebration, how to avoid a hangover in the morning, and what to do if food poisoning occurs?

How to avoid a hangover on January 1?

A hangover or alcohol syndrome occurs after alcohol abuse and is manifested by the following symptoms:, headache, weakness, delayed reactions, memory loss. Usually a hangover develops:

  • overdose
  • when drinking alcohol without a snack, on an empty stomach
  • when combining alcohol with certain drugs
  • when combining various types of alcoholic beverages
  • after drinking a low-quality drink with a high content of isoamyl alcohol, fusel oils
  • the most severe hangover occurs after the abuse of sparkling wines, as well as strong drinks (brandy, cognac, whiskey) obtained by long exposure, and after red wine, because of the high content of tyramine, it often causes a severe headache
  • a hangover in non-drinkers is ethanol poisoning, in drinkers - withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms), when alcohol is no longer delivered.

The reason for the hangover is the reaction of the cells and blood vessels of the brain at the moment when alcohol ceases to flow, since some time is needed for the adjustment and the ability to do without it. Therefore, in order to avoid a hangover syndrome in the morning, you need to drink so that the brain reaches as little alcohol as possible, i.e. you need to drink more slowly. 5% of alcohol is absorbed in a person’s mouth, 25% in the stomach, and the rest is absorbed into the blood from the intestines, so a good snack softens intoxication and in the morning the hangover is less pronounced in those who had a tight snack on the eve.

Many of us know several rules that do not allow us to quickly get drunk and avoid a hangover the next day, but it will not be superfluous to recall them:

It is possible to mix different alcoholic drinks, but made from the same raw materials

The basic rule is not to mix cereal and berry drinks, the more diverse the composition of alcoholic drinks during the evening, the greater the burden on the liver and the more difficult it is to cope with toxic substances:

  • whiskey and beer (barley) - you can mix
  • wine and cognac (grapes) - a combination is also possible
  • do not mix the following drinks: vodka (wheat), bourbon (corn), rum (reed), tequila (agave), sake (rice)
  • however, if you have to mix, then a combination such as vodka + beer or whiskey + beer will be better than beer + wine, vodka + cognac, vodka + wine

Begin with Mild Alcohol

This is also a well-known rule, when a weak drink is used after a strong drink, the action of ethyl alcohol will be stronger and will manifest itself faster. And if you increase the degree of drinking an alcoholic drink, then the absorption of alcohol slows down and intoxication occurs later when the drink passes into the intestines (after 1-2 hours). To avoid intoxication, it is better not to drink carbonated drinks, lemonade, mineral carbonated water, since they accelerate the movement of alcohol molecules and it is absorbed more actively and faster. But the New Year is not possible without champagne, which is a sparkling (carbonated) drink! To avoid consequences - do not abuse them!

Eat a piece of butter before a feast

So that alcohol is absorbed more slowly and drunkenness is not rapid, you can eat a piece of butter or any other fatty food before the feast. Fat envelops the walls of the stomach, which does not allow alcohol to be rapidly absorbed, so intoxication will not be too harsh. In general, you need to eat a little before drinking so that alcohol is more slowly absorbed.

Drink some alcohol 5 hours before the feast.

4-5 hours before the proposed feast, you can drink a small amount of an alcoholic drink and have a bite (50 g of vodka or an equivalent amount of other alcohol).

Take activated charcoal, drink strong tea with lemon

To neutralize the effect of alcohol, you can drink a cup of strong tea with lemon, mint, black coffee, since the lemon in coffee or tea neutralizes alcohol a little. Activated carbon, Polysorb, Filtrum STI also adsorbs alcohol well.

How is alcohol excreted from the body? Only 5-7% is excreted in urine, respiration and sweat, and 90% is destroyed by oxidation in the liver. In women, the breakdown of alcohol is slower, as the body of women has more fat and a smaller liver. Usually, alcohol is eliminated within 15-90 minutes after it is taken; alcohol is best utilized with 20-30% alcohol, but its higher concentration slows down the processing time and irritates the stomach more.

Hangover - what to do?

  • Quenching thirst - in the morning, the loss of fluid in the body is about 1.5 liters, so it is very important to fill its deficit and accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body. To avoid vomiting, do not drink plenty of fluids in one gulp, you should drink these 1.5 liters during the first 1.5-2 hours.
  • The loss of electrolytes is also worth making up for.   (magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus). They are rich in such folk remedies for a hangover as bread kvass, cucumber pickle, dried apricots, sauerkraut. You can take medication - Magne B6,.
  • Vitamin C   - since with a hangover the pH of the blood shifts to the alkaline side, acid intake is necessary. Within 3 hours, you can drink 3-4 g of vitamin C.
  • Glycine and vitamins B6, B1   - to improve the condition of the nervous system, you can take a nootropic as well as vitamins B6 and B1 (you can drink a solution from ampoules), Limontar, see.
  • Enterobrents and alkaline mineral water. Sweating, weakness, nausea are the consequences of intoxication of the body, Borjomi, Essentuki mineral water or just water with baking soda (3-5 gr) helps well to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, it is also worth taking some enterosorbent -, activated carbon, Enterosgel, white coal.
  • Take a shower - a hot shower will improve sweating and metabolic processes.

Strong alcohol selection


Whiskey, Tequila, Cognac

As the growth in demand for high-quality imported alcohol increases every year, the quantity of counterfeit products in Russia is also growing. As a rule, such drinks do not contain toxic and harmful substances, these are normal alcoholic drinks, but significantly inferior to the original brand alcohol - according to the recipe and, accordingly, in taste, smell, etc.

When using falsified expensive alcoholic beverages, the risk of allergic reactions increases, since fraudsters add various chemical additives and impurities to them to give color, aroma and taste. Basically, all counterfeit goods are produced on the territory of the North Caucasus, Voronezh, Moscow Regions, and wholesalers act openly and do not hide the illegal origin of the goods.

Since a fake is usually recognized after opening the bottle, when it is not possible to return the goods, it is important to know some signs that can distinguish falsified cognac, tequila or whiskey at the stage of purchase.

Whiskey Jack Daniel’s

You buy a fake if:

  • The bottle has a metal cap - the original Jack Daniel’s is made only with a plastic cap with a plastic shell
  • The bottle has round and smooth “shoulders” - the original has a new look since 2011, on the “shoulders” of the bottle there is a relief inscription “Jack Daniel’s” on four sides
  • The “Curve” bottle has a label - the original label is glued evenly.

Whiskey Jack Daniel’s

Recently, Jack Daniel’s fakes in new bottles, which are difficult to distinguish from the original, are widespread, but there are signs of falsification:

  • The bottle does not have the “Registered trade-mark” badge on the neck, on the original bottle it is
  • The bottle has a nasty neck - the original has edges along its entire length.

Whiskey Jim Beam

  • Cover - for the original Jim Beam, the top of the cover is smooth, has no edges
  • The lower part of the lid - this whiskey has 2 golden stripes above the inscription of the Jim Beam trademark
  • Bottle neck - the original has faces only on the lower part of the neck, and a fake faceted along the entire length of the neck
  • Bottle shoulders - the real drink has the inscription “Jim Beam” embossed on 4 sides on the shoulders of the bottle.

Whiskey Jameson

  • The fake has a plastic shell on the cover - the original only has a metal cover without a shell
  • The fake has no embossed inscriptions on the bottle - the original has 2 inscriptions: the bottom of the front of the bottle is Product of Ireland and the bottom of the back is John Jameson
  • Mostly fake bottles with a capacity of 0.7 liters, if in doubt, buy a liter bottle.

Tequila Olmeca

  • The fake has ribs at the top of the lid - the original has a smooth top lid
  • The falsification has a smooth bottle - the original one feels the corrugation of the bottle, especially on the “shoulders”. The glass of the bottle on the original should not be smooth.

Whiskey Johnnie Walker Black Label, Red Label

The most frequently counterfeited whiskeys are Johnnie Walker Black Label, to identify the fake one should look at the embossing on the label and on the lid. Click on the picture to see the differences.

Hennessy X.O.

It is believed that Hennessy brandy sales are 3-4 times higher than its production, which suggests that only every 3-4 bottles are original, the rest is fake. Signs of fake Hennessy XO:

  • The original drink is made only in volumes of 0.7 and 0.3 liters, if on the counter 0.5 liter cognac is a fake.
  • Cork shell - the fake lid is like cheap domestic wines. In the original case, the shell fits snugly against the glass, and the cork and the shell are made using special technology, with laser engraving and a Holosleeve hologram.

Hennessy V.S.O.P.

Most of the counterfeit products are in 0.5 liter bottles in the shape of a flask, so if in doubt, it is better to buy cognac in a round bottle. If there is no alternative, then you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Lid - it resembles vodka in a fake, but the manufacturer Hennessy takes care of protecting its product and pays a lot of attention to the production of corks and shells (engraving, hologram).
  • The original at the top of the front of the bottle has a relief image of a hand with a halberd.

Champagne selection

  • Study the label of the purchased drink well, because when buying in a hurry you can buy either fizzy wine or just a flavored fizzy drink (alcohol, sugar, water, flavoring) that is specially saturated with carbon dioxide. In the latter case, the drink guarantees heartburn and has absolutely nothing to do with champagne and the label may indicate that it is “Soviet semisweet”, “Sparkling” instead of “Sparkling”, “Semisweet carbonated wine”.
  • Cork can talk about the quality of champagne - it is better to give preference to wine corked with a cork rather than a plastic cork. Cork does not have a strong effect on the quality of the drink, but indicates not the seriousness and dishonesty of the manufacturer, causing suspicion of the quality of the contents of the bottle.
  • The drink should not have inscriptions indicating the presence of extraneous aromas and tastes - this is no longer champagne.
  • At the bottom of the bottle there should be no flakes, cloudy sediment, which can indicate either a poor-quality drink or a violation of storage conditions.
  • Champagne should not be cheap, if the price of a particular bottle is much lower than prices of other manufacturers, it is better not to buy it.
  • Champagne should only be bottled with dark glass; if champagne is in a light container, do not purchase this drink.

The quality of champagne can be estimated by the following criteria:

  • Pouring a drink into a glass, a thick foam forms, it quickly settles and then leaves a small ring of foam.
  • If you leave the drink in the glass for a while, it does not “run out of steam”. Champagne is good if sparkling persists for 10 hours. The best brands of wine remain sparkling in a day.

If you have purchased real champagne, then you should know:

How to uncork champagne?

  • Cool the bottle to 8-10C
  • Remove the foil, grip the cork with your hand
  • Do not remove the wire from the cork, but only loosen
  • Hold the cork in the wire firmly in your hand and turn the bottle (but not the cork!)

Real champagne is produced in the Champagne region (France) from Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier grapes using a sophisticated technology that has been developed for centuries. Only until 2022, Russian winemakers have the right to produce sparkling wines under the name “Champagne”, then this will be called the drink produced only in the province of Champagne, the rest is simply “Sparkling wine”. Ripening of real champagne takes place within 9 months or more directly in bottles. And in the production of Russian champagne grape varieties are not regulated, fermentation takes place in large tanks using accelerated technology in 1 month, and sparkling is achieved by the addition of carbon dioxide.

Product selection

  • The very first item is the choice of a product with an expired shelf life, in a hurry and with a large list of purchased products, often the hostess does not have time or forgets to carefully consider the labeling, buy the freshest products, especially for confectionery, fish, meat, cheese, sausages products.
  • You can not buy products with an atypical, unpleasant, pungent odor, with a wet sticky coating on the surface of the product.
  • Do not eat canned foods if gas is released during opening (can bombing)
  • Quality smoked sausage should be dry, slightly wrinkled, firm.
  • Red caviar - choose glass jars so that you can see the caviar, it should be crumbly, the grains are uniform, elastic, easily separated from each other. Color: pink salmon caviar - light orange, keta - orange, dark color indicates that the caviar is not fresh, pale - evidence of overripe products. Good caviar - without orange liquid, tightly fills the jar.
  • Red fish - if you buy a piece in a vacuum package, check the manufacturing date, do not buy if the numbers are erased or a store sticker is glued on top. Feel the fish, while denting should not occur, there should be no air bubbles in the package, and it should fit snugly against the substrate and the fish. Fish should be stored at a temperature of -4 to 2 ° C in the refrigerator, otherwise it is dangerous to consume it. When fat is oxidized, the color becomes a touch of rust. The fillet should not be with bones, and the surface of the fish should be clean, without bruising, pollution.
  • Never eat fruit (citrus fruits) if there is even a minimum amount of mold on the surface of the peel, signs of decay begin even in a small area, since the whole fruit is already considered infected and eating it is dangerous to health.

Signs of Food Poisoning

  • Before the ambulance arrives, gastric lavage should be done to reduce the absorption of toxins and remove pathogens from the stomach. Use 1 liter of pure water with a pinch of baking soda or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The victim drinks liquid and immediately induces vomiting, such a procedure should be performed 3-4 times. Between water intake and vomiting, the break should be minimal.
  • If there is no diarrhea to cleanse the intestines, it is better to take in order to remove toxins from the intestines. If diarrhea has begun, then no one should be taken first, it is necessary that the intestines become clear, and then the use of antidiarrheal drugs and.
  • After washing it is necessary to drink enterobrent: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smectu, Filtrum Sti, activated carbon, White coal, etc.
  • You should drink a lot - non-carbonated mineral water, cold strong tea, with the beginning of dehydration, preparations for rehydration are shown: Oralit, Litrozole, Regidron, Chlorazole.
  • Poisoned should observe bed rest, the need for hospitalization will be determined by the doctor.

And what kind of a festive table does without drinks, and even more so if it is also New Year's.

Drinks for the New Year 2019 is the topic of this article. Recently, they, like the rest of the treat, are served, taking into account the peculiarities of the eastern calendar. And no matter what our future talisman may be, the table should be set especially carefully.

The most necessary, natural drink for any animal is water, therefore, it can be put on the table. As always, juices and fruit drinks will be appropriate and beneficial. They can be prepared, both from natural fruits and vegetables, or simply diluted homemade jam cooked in the summer. Serve them in glasses decorated with a serpentine of multi-colored foil.

Try to prepare for yourself slightly alcoholic cocktails with champagne, juices and liquors. Such cocktails are served in tall, chilled glasses, and champagne is poured last and not mixed with the lower layers. Here are some recipes for such drinks.

  • 40 g of orange juice
  • 60 g chilled champagne

Pour orange juice into a chilled wine glass and add cold champagne.

  • 200 ml peach juice
  • a bottle of any champagne
  • peaches

Preparation: pour peach juice and champagne in glasses in a proportion of 1/1. Garnish with thin slices of peaches.

In a thin glass, combine lemon juice with a piece of sugar, pour chilled champagne on top. Garnish a glass with a slice of lemon.

  • powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • orange liquor - 10 ml
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • 200 ml champagne
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • ice cubes

Preparation: beat egg yolk with powdered sugar. Squeeze juice from an orange. Beat orange juice well with yolk, liquor and a few ice cubes. Strain the drink into the glass and gently pour champagne. You can add more ice cubes.

But, if according to the established tradition, you still decide not to be limited to just champagne and juices, remember that these should be the best, high-quality drinks that we will treat our guests with. Otherwise, the tips are the same as for soft drinks - naturalness and quality.

There is still time until the New Year 2019, you can cook something yourself. Cedar liquor infused with nuts or homemade liquor made from any fruit and berries has a very pleasant taste.

And, of course, traditional New Year drinks, for example, champagne, of course, you can buy. Nevertheless, let's try to cook it on our own. And, suddenly, it will turn out better than from the store.

  • 1 liter of water
  • 150 g of honey
  • 150 g sugar
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 5 g of cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg

Preparation: boil water, add spices, honey, sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Let it brew, bottle, add a few raisins to each, seal tightly and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Do you know if you will still buy it, and not cook it yourself? You can even determine the quality of champagne by sight. A quality drink has a straw color with a golden tint. After it has been poured into a glass, a long release of small bubbles occurs and a so-called girdle forms after the disappearance of the foam.

To prevent champagne from splashing when opening, hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle. According to etiquette, champagne is drunk from crystal glasses. Champagne “Brut”, as well as dry wine, is served with not very sharp meat and fish dishes. And for dessert is semi-dry and semi-sweet, served with mild cheese, fruits, chocolate, nuts, ice cream.

Among the drinks on the New Year's table 2019, as always, strong alcohol will be present. Here is the recipe for homemade cognac.

  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 35 rosehip berries
  • 6-7 peas of black pepper
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark
  • 6 leaves of hypericum
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of black tea (leaves)

Preparation: mix all ingredients, add vodka and leave for 45 days to infuse in a cool room. Strain and bottle.

The age of cognac can be determined by its shade. The youngest has light straw, then goes straw yellow, amber, gold and the oldest is fiery red.

  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 1 orange
  • 40 tsp sugar
  • 40 coffee beans

Preparation: in an orange, make cuts and put inside the coffee beans. Pour sugar and vodka. Insist on a month.

Have a rich New Year's table for 2019, good mood, good luck and happiness in the coming year!

Our traditions are such that for the holiday many different drinks are served, including alcoholic ones. Most people are connoisseurs of a particular type of alcohol, however, sometimes you still want a certain variety, especially on New Year's Eve. It is on this special holiday that I want to try something unusual, original.

The tradition dictates the rules: to see off the old year, you need to meet the new one with a glass of champagne in your hand, to express congratulations, wishes to friends and family members, it is appropriate to take a sip of the corresponding drink. So why not prepare this drink original, colorful, to match the holiday. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails for the New Year are no less important part of the festive New Year's table than hot dishes and all kinds of salads. New Year's drinks perfectly decorate the table, and at the same time they can become an occasion for experiments and joint creativity of guests.

What kind of New Year's cocktails did not come up with the chefs. They learned to mix different drinks among themselves, as well as with water, juices, herbs, herbs, spices. Cocktails for the New Year 2019 are also being prepared, in addition, they are decorated with fruit slices, mint leaves, umbrellas, straws, etc. The edges of the glasses can be decorated with “snow”: lower the inverted glass into water, and then into salt or sugar.

The 2019 New Year cocktail will certainly be approved by the patron of 2019, the Pig. Make sure that you and your guests enjoy and remember New Year's cocktails, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, so that they are not overshadowed by unforeseen incidents and troubles.

The recipes for New Year's cocktails are so varied that repeating something twice can be very difficult. The basis of many of the New Year's options is champagne. This is not surprising, because the New Year’s cocktail with champagne is distinguished by its exquisite taste, beautiful New Year’s bubbles, it is beautiful and elegant.

Alcoholic cocktails are as insidious as pure alcoholic drinks, especially when sparkling water is introduced into their composition. Keep this in mind and do not abuse such drinks;

You can offer guests entertainment - a cocktail party, when everyone will prepare a cocktail for himself. Everyone will like the fun of novice bartenders and the creativity of creative guests on the New Year;

For such cocktails, you need to specially prepare suitable dishes. Burning cocktails are small in volume, because they contain any strong alcohol, prepare small glasses with thick glass;

Before setting fire to a cocktail, warm the glasses in the oven, otherwise they will crack. Heated glasses on an open fire will darken the glass due to soot;

After mixing the cocktails, before lighting the drink, close all the bottles and place them away from you;

When planning New Year's cocktails, make sure that you have the necessary drinks and ingredients in your bar so that the preparation of the cocktails does not come down to the banal mixing of vodka with champagne.