Seasoning from crocus name. Contraindications

Saffron is used to add flavor to the dishes, as well as to strengthen the body.

In the wild, this spice does not occur. It is grown in countries such as Pakistan, Turkey, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan and France. More than 80 percent of saffron is grown in Iran, but seasoning grown in the Indian province of Kashmir is considered the most valuable.

Saffron is deservedly considered the king among seasonings. For example, in the East, its flowers served as a distinctive sign of a noble family. Chinese emperors used the coloring properties of saffron while wearing yellow-orange clothes and shoes.

Buddhists still consider this plant sacred, actively use it as a medicine, dye, incense and, of course, spices.

Saffron has an extremely rich composition. It owes its pleasant spicy aroma to saffron essential oil. This plant reduces perspiration, relieves spasms and pain, strengthens and rejuvenates the body. Saffron is also known to help fight cancer cells.

Saffron is a healthy spice that combines a host of medicinal properties

Saffron has a restorative effect on the body. It rejuvenates cells, normalizes the genitourinary and nervous systems, cleanses the kidneys and improves blood composition. In addition, regular use of saffron helps to avoid loss of vision in old age.

This seasoning is especially useful for women. It normalizes the menstrual cycle, cures diseases of the reproductive system, increases libido. Saffron is also used to enhance labor and to cleanse the female body after childbirth.

This amazing spice restores brain cells, improves intellectual abilities. The use of saffron is recommended for atherosclerosis, coronary disease, angina pectoris and hypertension.

Seasoning has an excellent diuretic effect, due to which it is used in the treatment of cystitis, urethritis and urolithiasis. Saffron treats childhood respiratory diseases because it has an antiseptic and expectorant effect.

Externally, the plant is used to treat eye diseases, with inflammation of the mammary glands, testicles and hemorrhoids, nail fungus. In addition, saffron improves appetite and improves the digestive process.

Harm and contraindications

Avoid excessive consumption of saffron, so as not to harm your health

Saffron contains a huge amount of active elements and, therefore, is a potent tool. That is why it should be used with caution. There are a number of contraindications.

So, you can not use saffron:

  • children under the age of 3;
  • suffering from diabetes, hypertension and heart disease;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

However, the rest also need to know the measure. The fact is that an overdose of saffron increases the risk of nervous overstrain and can even cause poisoning. It is undesirable to use dishes with the seasoning king on the menu for a romantic dinner.

How to take saffron

How to apply this amazing spice?

  1. Seasoning is widely used in cosmetology. To revitalize tired skin, prepare a mask with saffron, honey and sour cream (1 teaspoon of each component). Mix everything and apply on a cleansed face for half an hour. Wash with warm water afterwards.
  2. To prepare the infusion, take 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 15 dry spice threads and brew in a teapot. In this case, first rinse the kettle with boiling water, then put the threads, pour a glass of boiling water, mix and heat over low heat for 5 minutes. After that, add 2 more glasses of water and after a while remove from the heat so that the liquid does not boil. Tea will be ready when saffron strands sink to the bottom. Drink it three times a day in a glass half an hour before a meal. It is permissible to brew threads twice.
  3. For bronchitis, take the following infusion: pour 2 teaspoons of saffron stigmas with a glass of boiling water, infuse and take 2 tablespoons strained three times a day. By the way, with urolithiasis, they take the same infusion, only 1 tablespoon.
  4. For kidney stone disease, the following recipe is suitable: melt 100 g of honey in a water bath, pour powder from 50 dried saffron threads, mix well and take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening before meals.
  5. For eye diseases, take 5 dried saffron threads, rub them into powder and mix with rose water. Wipe the eyes with the resulting mixture, then rinse them with clean water.
  6. And finally: the legendary spice can be added to all kinds of dishes, especially in pastries and desserts. But keep in mind that no more than 1 gram of saffron can be consumed per year.

Thus, buy royal seasoning in small quantities and use it wisely. She will lift the mood and strengthen her health.

Saffron is a representative of the genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the iris family. The same plant is often called crocus. Its fruits are represented by angular small seeds. Leaves are linear and basal. They appear only during the flowering period of the plant or after that. The stem does not develop, but the column is endowed with 3 stigmas. The flowers of the plant are solitary and surrounded by scales. The diameter of corms is about 3 cm. They are also dressed with scales, and their shape is oblate or rounded. Note that both the structure and the color of corms directly depend on the type of plant. The perianth of the crocus is quite large and stamens are attached to its pharynx, the filaments of which are very short. Anthers linear and upright. You can see the plant blooming in spring or autumn. Due to the color of the flowers, the species were divided into 2 groups. The first group includes species with yellow flowers, but the second - with blue flowers.

Distribution and ecology

Saffron is a unique plant and the most expensive spice, which grows mainly in Central Europe, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, as well as in the Middle East. This plant can be found both in forests and in the steppes, as well as in meadows, including highlands. A favorite place for its growth is permeable soil, which is open to direct sunlight. To date, about 80 species of this plant are known. Among them, spring saffron, Adams, Pallas, narrow-leaved, mesh, beautiful, light yellow, etc.

A few words from the story

The word "saffron" comes from the word " azafran", Which is translated from Arabic means" yellow". The first information about this plant is found in Mesopotamia for 3000 years BC. During the Middle Ages, the price of one pound of this spice was equal to the price of an Arabian horse. The spice was originally used as a dye. In the 10th century BC, the Persians used saffron threads for the manufacture of fabrics, aromatic oils and perfumes. The Chinese and Romans discerned the healing properties of this plant and began to use it as a medicine. Europeans considered him a sign of a high position in society and wealth. As for the Spaniards, they became the first nation that guessed to start growing and producing this spice for export. Crocus is the only spice the price of which is the same as it was in the Middle Ages. The high price of spices is due to two reasons - a very laborious production and a huge number of useful properties. To get only 1 gram of this spice you need about 100 flowers, which must be plucked strictly from 10 to 11 am, manually and in dry weather. The complexity of the collection lies in the fact that the flowers of this plant bloom only 2 to 3 days a year. To date, this spice is widely used both in cooking and in cosmetology, medicine, as well as perfumes.

Legends and myths

There are many interesting legends and myths about crocus. One of the myths is dedicated to Crocus and Nymph, who loved each other so much that they could not part for a second. The time has come and the Gods are tired of looking at such a strong passion. This prompted them to turn the Nymph into a bush, but the young man into a crocus flower. According to legend, which was folded in ancient Greece, Hermes, who is the winged messenger of the Olympic gods, metal disk and accidentally killed his friend named Crocus. In the place where his blood was shed, very beautiful flowers appeared with yellow-orange pestles. It was a crocus.

Stigma or powder - what to choose?

Experts are of the opinion that a more complete spice is not powder, but dried stigmas ( threads) and all because they have a more pronounced aroma that persists for a long time ( up to 24 months) The stigmas of this plant are soft and endowed with a dark red or red-brown color with yellow spots. To give the dish a sweet, spicy-bitter taste and delicate aroma, one such thread will suffice. The aroma of spices resembles a metal-honey aroma with hints of fresh hay.

Healing composition

The composition of the crocus includes numerous useful components. Among them are fatty and essential oils, colorants, glycosides, nitrogenous substances, calcium and potassium, pinene and cineole, carotenoids. Flavonoids, water, sugar, and vitamins are also contained in this spice. IN 1 , AT 2 , AT 6 , R   and PP .

Medicinal properties

Saffron has numerous medicinal properties, with which you can get rid of more than 100 pathologies, namely:
  • Tonic effect;
  • Powerful antioxidant effect;
  • Cholagogue and diuretic effect;
  • Blood purification;
  • Improved erection;
  • Therapy of allergic diseases;
  • Antispasmodic and carminative property;
  • The strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Treatment of anemia and neurosis;
  • Getting rid of insomnia and migraine;
  • Recovery of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Alcohol addiction treatment;
  • Cancer prevention;
  • Improving brain activity;
  • Treatment of various forms of tumors and burns;
  • The acceleration of the dissolution of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • Memory improvement;
  • Anesthetic and anti-aging effect;
  • Retrieval and retinal therapy;
  • Minimizing radiation levels in the body.

Saffron treatment

Crocus is used in both folk and traditional medicine. With its help, various blood pathologies, functional heart diseases, cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, as well as inflammatory eye diseases and purulent wounds on the skin are treated. Often this spice is prescribed for patients with epilepsy in order to prevent and stop convulsive conditions.

  Since ancient times, this spice was famous for its ability to relieve melancholy, pain, depressive states and all because it tends to enhance the synthesis of serotonin, i.e. hormones of joy. It follows that saffron is an easy psychotropic drug that is not addictive. Influencing the body, this seasoning helps to remove blood stasis in blood vessels, cleanse lymph, restore the digestive process, strengthen the respiratory and sensory organs, and significantly improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver. With its help, you can increase potency, maintain youthful skin and improve complexion. In pharmacies, you can also purchase special eye drops, which include crocus.

This plant is contained in a very diverse medicinal tinctures, which are endowed with a general strengthening effect. Saffron along with milk enhances the growth of brain tissue. The same combination of components improves memory. Today, scientists also know that this spice is a powerful antioxidant, which tends to destroy all the harmful substances produced in the human body. Their destruction is carried out by carotenoids, which are abundant in spices. If you need to get rid of the hangover syndrome, reduce hunger or cure ear inflammation, then you should also seek help from this spice. The same spice contributes to an increase in secretion by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It is considered to be the strongest stimulator of the immune system.

With cardiovascular pathologies

In the fight against these diseases, an aqueous extract of crocus is used, which is prepared according to the following recipe: in one glass of boiled water, steam for 15 to 20 minutes 1 tsp. stigma. Then we infuse the infusion through 2 - 3 layers of gauze, let it cool, and take 1 tbsp. l three times a day before meals. With this tool, you can treat both angina pectoris and any functional pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

For inflammation of the bladder

If your bladder becomes inflamed, then prepare the following water infusion: take 1 tbsp. l mix the same amount of crocus, daisy and cornflower flowers and pour the raw materials with 2 cups boiling water. Cover the infusion with a blanket and let it brew for half an hour. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l every 90 to 120 minutes. During such treatment, it is strictly forbidden to eat any spicy dishes.

For headache

To get rid of the headache, you need to take the protein of a fresh egg and put it in a cup. Then add a little crocus and rose water to it. Whip everything, and then moisten in the resulting mixture a piece of red material the width of the forehead. Put the moistened material on the forehead and hold until it dries. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times.

As a tonic and aphrodisiac

All these properties are inherent in the water extract of the stigmas of this plant in combination with black pepper or ginger.

With conjunctivitis

We mix in equal quantities the flowers of rose, cornflower, saffron and calendula, as well as the grass of snapdragons. 1 tbsp. l the resulting mixture of herbs is brewed in 1 cup boiling water. As soon as the broth cools down, we use it to apply lotions.

With purulent non-healing wounds

1 tbsp. l a mixture of an equal number of lilac and violet leaves, as well as crocus and calendula flowers, pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. We leave the broth for 20 minutes to insist, filter it and use it to wash the wounds or apply lotions. Such lotions can be kept on the affected areas for 20 to 30 minutes.

Other recipes from the people

Recipe number 1:   we make a mixture of an equal number of crocus and rose flowers, lilac and ivy leaves, as well as any part of the fragrant violet. 2 tbsp. l the resulting mixture is brewed for 15 minutes in 2 liters of boiling water. The broth is infused, filtered and drunk throughout the day in the fight against kidney stone disease.

Recipe number 2:   prepare a water extract of the stigmas of crocus ( his recipe is available above) At 1 dose, take a quarter cup of infusion and add a quarter tsp to it. lemon juice. This remedy must be drunk with angina attacks every 2 to 3 hours for one day.

Recipe number 3:   to cure bronchitis you need to steam for a quarter of an hour 2 tsp. stigmas in 1 cup boiled water. The resulting product is filtered and taken orally for 2 tbsp. l 3 times a day.

Recipe number 4:   put in warm milk 5 - 7 strands of the plant and drink it. This tool will help stop internal bleeding.

Recipe number 5:   if there is a risk of miscarriage, place 2 to 3 veins of spice in 1 cup of warm milk and drink it.

Recipe number 6:   3 to 4 veins and 10 berries of the plant are filled with half a glass of ordinary water. After 8 hours, filter the infusion and take it in a quarter cup 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 to 2 months. An infusion is used to treat various pathologies of the liver and blood.

Recipe number 7:   in 5 cups of milk we place 5-10 veins and drink it. With this tool, you can adjust the menstrual cycle, minimize pain during menstruation, and also get rid of depression and thrush.

Saffron will help cure liver cancer!

Scientists from Cairo University and the University of the United Arab Emirates conducted a study, the results of which confirmed that this spice has quite powerful anti-cancer properties in relation to liver cancer. Liver cancer is a fairly common form of malignant neoplasms, which is the third most common cause of death for cancer patients.

  There are plenty of reasons for the development of this ailment. These are external factors, and hepatitis, and the use of a large number of alcoholic beverages, etc. All experiments during the study were conducted on rats with liver cancer. After the introduction of saffron for 22 weeks, experts noted a significant slowdown in the process of reproduction of cancer cells. In addition, a decrease in inflammatory processes was noted. This spice will be investigated further, but now it is clear to everyone that it is not able to destroy healthy cells of the body, which is already important.


Since saffron belongs to the category of very strong spices, experts do not recommend using this spice in the presence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. From its use should be abandoned and all future mothers. Do not give this spice to very young children.

Attention!   A large amount of spice can cause a very strong overstrain of the senses, as well as nervous tension. If you take it with wine, there is a significant increase in intoxication. Excessive amounts of spice cause severe poisoning, which can lead to death, so be careful and eat saffron rationally.

Saffron eco-oil in soft capsules

The soft capsules of this medicine contain an extract of Tibetan crocus oil, which has an amazing healing effect. Clinical studies have shown that this drug improves immunity, fights against cancer of the breast, prostate, lung, liver, ovary and colon, eliminates blood fat, relieves bad mood and cleanses blood vessels.

There are other useful properties of this medication, namely:

  • Lowers sugar levels;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Enhances cell activity;
  • Improves the appearance of the skin;
  • Reduces total body weight.

Saffron essential oil

The oil of this plant is obtained by hydrodistillation of its leaves. It contains numerous useful substances in the face of cineole, pinene, etc. The oil is endowed with both astringent and anti-inflammatory, as well as a calming effect. It can be used as sleeping pills, as well as in the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis and liver diseases. Often found in the composition and various cosmetics.

Use in cosmetology

Crocus has been widely used in cosmetology. This plant is used to make a huge number of cosmetic products, mainly creams for the body and face. In addition, crocus is part of shampoos, balms, masks, gels and other products. Note that this spice is included in the composition of both decorative and medicinal cosmetics, and all because it is enriched with numerous healing components. The use of creams containing this spice allows you to improve complexion, soften, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, get rid of spots, scars, acne, wrinkles and other irregularities. The components that make up the crocus have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes that occur inside the cells. They also have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. Such cosmetics, of course, are not cheap, but it is worth it.

You can prepare a healing potion for the skin at home. To do this, carefully mix 1 tsp. spices with 1 tsp sour cream and the same amount of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and after 20 to 30 minutes, wash it off with warm water. Such a mask will have an amazing anti-aging effect on the skin.

Cooking Application

In various parts of the globe, this spice is added to a wide variety of dishes. So, for example, Americans and Europeans use it to flavor pastries, namely buns, fruit creams, muffins, mousses, etc. Residents of the East use it for cooking meat, vegetables and rice dishes. In Azerbaijan, this spice is added to all bean and eggplant dishes.

In all cases, dishes acquire a spicy taste, golden color and delicate aroma. Spice can be added to various drinks to give them a tonic effect. Spice goes well with various dairy products, while enhancing the assimilation of the latter. The main thing to remember is that about 1 gram of this spice can be eaten per year, as it is strong and in large quantities can harm your health. 1.   When choosing stigmas, make sure that they are soft and dark red or red-brown;
2.   Do not opt ​​for spices in the form of a powder, as it can be a fake;
3.   Do not buy a lot of spices at a time, as it dries out during aging, and also loses its flavor and pleasant color;
4.   Spice should be added to all hot dishes 5 minutes before their readiness;
5.   Saffron is best placed in the dough when kneading;
6.   If the spices have a sweet taste, then it is best not to buy it. This taste is most often due to the presence of glycerin, which the stigmas are coated to increase.


1. Saffron tincture:   prevent 1 tbsp. l saffron powder in a small jar or bottle and pour 200 g. vodka. Close the vessel tightly with a lid and leave it in a dark place. After a month, shake the tincture thoroughly and leave for another 7 days. Pour the tincture into another container so that the powder does not fall into the bottom. Natural dye is ready. It can be added to both confectionery and cream, potatoes, meat and other dishes.

2. Marseille soup:   fry 1 finely chopped onion and dip it in a pan with warmed olive or vegetable oil in an amount of 6 tbsp. l There we put 2 - 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 6 pieces of chopped tomatoes and 2 tbsp. l a mixture of dill, bay leaf, saffron, parsley and thyme. Stew everything together with small slices of potatoes in an amount of 6 pieces. After that we pour boiled water into the pan, bring everything to a boil and boil for 15 to 20 minutes. We put in the pan 1.5 kilograms of sea fish, fried flour and broth. Put the fish in a plate, add the potatoes and a piece of bread grated with garlic. Everything remaining in the pan must be crushed and pour fish over it.

3. Saffron meat in sour cream sauce: for the preparation of this dish you will need lean pork, 1 tsp. spices, a little pepper and salt, 2 large bulbs and pepper, and salt to taste. Sliced ​​onion fry in vegetable oil. Small pieces of meat mode and fry it with onions for no more than 2 minutes. Add sour cream, pepper and salt to the dish and simmer everything for about half an hour. Serving this meat is best with buckwheat or rice. Crocus should be added at the very end.

4. wieners , 1 tbsp. l olive oil, 2 - 3 saffron threads, 1 clove of garlic, 50 gr. green peas. In addition, 2 potatoes, 200 gr. chicken broth, 100 gr. onions, as well as a little salt and pepper. Saffron threads soak in 1 tbsp. l warm water. Wieners mode and fry on low heat. We shift them to a plate, then fry the onion for 2 - 3 minutes and garlic for 1 minute. Fry the potatoes for no more than 5 minutes, then add to the whole broth and saffron infusion. Bring everything to a boil and simmer on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Add sausages, salt, pepper, peas to the dish and simmer another 2 minutes.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

In this article you will find interesting information about what is seasoning saffron, its useful properties and methods of use, why it is so expensive and why it is so valued

Saffron in the East is called "royal spice".

Since ancient times, this very unusual spice has been sung in its poems by eastern poets. This seasoning was devoted to many legends.

One of them, the most beautiful, says that there once lived a young man named Saffron.

Somehow he angered the gods and they turned him into a beautiful flower.

She was valued for her weight in gold and was used not only as a culinary supplement to dishes, to make their taste richer and brighter. Seasoning saffron was used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases.

The healing abilities of this spice were respected by Hippocrates.

And oriental beauties used it in their beauty recipes for skin, hair and body.


Saffron is a spice and food coloring of orange color, obtained from dried stigmas of saffron flowers ( Crocus sativus).

First of all, it must be said that saffron is really a flower.

Another name mistakenly refers to a whole range of orange-red spices, including inexpensive turmeric (“Indian saffron”), marigolds (“Imeretinsky saffron”) and safflower (“Mexican saffron”).

Translated from the Arabic word "saffron" is translated as "yellow."


It is prepared from dried crocus flowers. Or rather, from the stigmas of this flower, which is collected exclusively in dry weather, just one hour a day - from 10 am to 11 am, by hand.

It is grown specifically on the plantations, as in the wild nature of these flowers are no longer found. The most famous plantations of this spice are in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, India, Italy, France, Spain, Japan, the Caucasus and the Crimea.

The most popular varieties are Turkish and Indian saffron.


It is very expensive. Cultivation, manual harvesting under special conditions and much more determined its high cost. They say that in the old days in the East for 300-400 grams of this seasoning it was possible to buy a chic thoroughbred horse.

Now you can buy saffron in bulk for 3,000 euros, and in retail this spice costs about 10 dollars for 1 gram.

Of course, this is a good quality spice.


Saffron seasoning is used in cooking, traditional medicine, in everyday life and in industrial production (as a dye), as well as in traditional beauty recipes.


This seasoning has a long list of beneficial properties for the body. First of all, this ability:

  • improve digestion
  • remove various pains
  • prevent depression, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness
  • purify blood
  • normalize the menstrual cycle

If you regularly use this spice in cooking, you can get rid of many blood diseases in a fairly short time. When consumed inside, the blood, liver, bile ducts are purified, the complexion becomes fresher, strength and energy are added, the mood becomes joyful.

This seasoning is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential oils, fatty acids, dietary fiber, fatty oils and many others, which is valuable for the human body.

Studies have shown that by eating this spice for food, you can contribute to a more rapid recovery from many serious diseases, speeding up the process from 5 to 8 times !!!

  • There are widely known cases of healing even cancer tumors in the last stages!
  • Heart and vascular diseases are amenable to treatment in the most advanced cases.
  • Well affects the processes of the brain, stimulates tissue growth, renews the skin, nails, hair, blood, nerve endings.
  • Recovers the liver, kidney, spleen.
  • Weight is well reduced due to the ability to reduce appetite.
  • Allergies, alcohol dependence, spasms disappear, gas formation decreases. Pass skin diseases, endocrine.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system are cured: impotence, infertility, menstrual disorders
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: cough, asthma
  • Nerve diseases are healed: hysteria, depression and neuralgia

This royal spice has recently been recognized even by modern scientific medicine. And she confirmed that with the help of this spice almost 4 out of 5 diseases can really be cured !!!

Moreover, it can be used both independently and as an aid in complex therapy.

The main thing is to use it regularly, then the disease will really recede.


According to Ayurveda, saffron is useful to everyone without exception. It nourishes all the cells of the body and mainly the blood.


A glass of hot milk with saffron shavings is useful for sexual weakness, bronchitis and chest pain.


Healing tea is widely used, which strengthens the liver, chest, respiratory organs, strengthens the heart and nervous system.

It is prepared this way: for 0.5 liters of boiling water, they literally take a pinch of dry threads of saffron, brewed in a glass teapot or porcelain. Drink 1 glass 30 minutes before meals at least three times a day.

It is possible to make threads two times.

At one time you can not eat more than 1 gram of saffron !!!


For liver and kidney diseases, it is good to take saffron honey.

Make it at the rate of 50 dry threads of saffron per 100 grams of honey. Pre-heat the honey in a water bath and then stir the powdered threads into it.

Take 1 teaspoon three times a day one hour before meals.

The duration of admission is not limited.

If the disease is running, the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon.


The ability of this seasoning to improve the appearance will be appreciated by women seeking to always look young.

Many industrial cosmetics contain this spice.

These are face and body creams, lotions, tonics, serums, balms, shampoos and hair conditioners, masks for skin and hair.

All these cosmetics are not cheap, if the composition is high-quality spice.

Remarkably improves the structure of the skin, softens, moisturizes, nourishes, makes its tone smoother.

The skin becomes more elastic, light, as if saturated from the inside.

At home, seasoning saffron is added to the mask for the face, hair, scrubs are made with its addition.

An important condition is to use quite a bit, at the tip of the knife will be enough. It has the peculiarity of coloring everything it touches in a bright orange color.

But for those who want to give the skin a beautiful shade of tan or shade an existing tan, give it depth, then this spice will help just the way.


  • Mix a teaspoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of honey and saffron. Apply to well cleansed face for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.
  • This mask will bring back tired skin to life, imbues it with moisture.


  • Add a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of ground coffee on an oatmeal grinder, a pinch of this spice, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of dry ginger powder in a sufficient amount of corn grits. To drip essential oil of fennel, lemon, orange.
  • Stir.
  • After steaming the body in a bath or in a hot shower, apply a scrub generously on wet skin and massage the body thoroughly with circular movements. To do before the sensation of strong warming, pulsation, light redness. It will say that the procedure is carried out effectively.
  • Such scrubbing will noticeably reduce cellulite manifestations, even out skin tone, improve its texture, and contribute to the removal of toxins and excess water from the skin. The body will become more toned and elastic.
  • Do at least 1-2 times a week until the desired result.


In the culinary world, this spice is used in almost all dishes. It all depends on taste preferences.

Especially popular is the seasoning of saffron in the Middle East, Southern Europe and Mediterranean cuisine.

Saffron has a strong peculiar aroma and bitter-pyaran taste.

Perfectly cook with it pilaf, vegetables, beans, meat dishes, poultry dishes. It is added to sauces, soups and rice.

Drinks are divinely delicious with it, especially coffee with saffron, pastries for every taste, creams for cakes, pastries.

It is necessary to add only a small pinch of saffron to the dough or dish, as it will turn a beautiful yellow-golden color and acquire a peculiar smell.

Saffron is not only a very beautiful and unusual flower, but also the most expensive seasoning in the world, which has an indescribable taste and aroma. In addition, the flower boasts a large number of useful properties, thanks to which it is used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine.

Saffron (crocus) is a perennial bulbous bulb plant belonging to the Iris family. The very first mention of it can be found even 3,000 years before our era. In the wild, this flower grows in the Mediterranean, Europe, Asia Minor and Central Asia and the Middle East.

Crocus corms are not large, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, have a rounded or slightly flattened shape. The presence of protective scales. At the bottom is a bunch of uriciform roots, the color of which depends on the specific type and variety.

Linear, straight leaves of rich green color grow straight out of the ground, at the base, they are also like corms, covered with scales.

Depending on the variety, saffron may bloom in both spring and autumn.   Most often, the flowers are arranged singly, it is extremely rare to see that 2 or 3 flowers grew from one corm.

The perianth crocus is made in the form of a long funnel, consisting of six folded lobes, which smoothly flow into the tube, performing the role of peduncle. The stamens attach to the throat of the perianth, the anthers of such a plant have a linear, upright shape. Also on each flower there are three orange stigmas. Petals can be painted yellow, orange, or mauve

The saffron stigmas of the saffron are used as raw materials for the famous spice. Other types of this culture are not suitable for such purposes.

Crocus fruit is a small box consisting of three lobes. Seeds are small, slightly angular.

Unfortunately, not all types of crocus are available. Many varieties of this plant are listed in the Red Book and are on the verge of extinction.

Useful properties of the flower

About the beneficial properties of this plant has been known since ancient times. It was used as the main ingredient in the manufacture of ointments and other skin products. They also made a seasoning from it and took it inside as infusions, decoctions, etc ..

Regular use of a flower has a beneficial effect on many human organs and systems:

  • improves the condition of the nervous system;
  • brain activity increases;
  • normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • the urogenital system is improving in women;
  • men have an erection;
  • the heart muscle is strengthened, the work of the entire cardiovascular system is also improved;
  • to some extent, this spice helps to stop the negative trend of loss of vision;
  • acts as an aphrodisiac, greatly increasing sexual desire;
  • helps to improve metabolism;
  • activates the regeneration of skin cells, making it more healthy and young.

It also has many other useful properties:

  1. This spice acts as an effective natural antioxidant that removes toxins from the body. This remedy is especially popular for alcohol poisoning. It can clear the kidneys, bladder and gallbladder;
  2. By taking the flower inside you can get rid of muscle spasm;
  3. Preparations based on this plant help to cope with depression and depression;
  4. Saffron can act as an analgesic, with which you can get rid of various types of pain;
  5. Crocus essential oil is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases;
  6. Modern scientists use this expensive spice as a means to help stop the growth of cancer cells;
  7. With this flower you can protect the body from the effects of carcinogens and other harmful substances.

Crocus is not only an aromatic and savory spice, but also a universal remedy for many diseases.

However, it is worth remembering that the use of a flower is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women,   Children up to 2 years, as well as people suffering from diabetes and hypertension.

The use of saffron in traditional medicine

In pharmacies, you can also see drugs made on the basis of crocus. These include eye drops, which eliminate barley and treat catarrh, and firming tinctures.

In folk medicine, this spice is used more widely.

Application area Recipe
General strengthening of the body, improving immunity, improving memory and brain activity 15 stigmas pour a glass of boiling water and insist 3-5 minutes. Then the infusion is heated on the stove, another 1.5 sakana of water is added and removed before the mixture boils. After the veins settle to the bottom, the infusion is taken 200 milliliters before meals.
The presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Also, this tool will help to remove bile from the body. Once a day, before a meal, take 25 grams of a mixture prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of spice.

Also effective effect has an infusion made from saffron, ivy, lilac leaves, tea rose and violet petals. For the manufacture of infusion take 1 tablespoon of each ingredient and pour the mixture of liter of boiling water.

Cystitis 2-3 veins of stigmas of crocus pour 100 milliliters of cranberry juice and the same amount of warm water. The received means is accepted on half of glass before food, surely washing down with a large amount of water.
Normalization of the menstrual cycle, relief of female pain 25 grams of boron uterus mixed with 25 grams of saffron, pour 500 ml of water, and then insist 2-3 hours. Infusion take 100 milliliters 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
General cleansing of the body For 2 months, 2 times a day take an infusion made from 3 veins of saffron, 10 light raisins and 100 milliliters of cold, boiled water.
Increased potency and increased sexual desire Saffron, ginger and black pepper should be added to meat, vegetable and other dishes.
Asthma and other upper respiratory diseases Saffron oil is used as an inhalation agent.
Headache and insomnia You can make lotions on the basis of saffron or rub into the nostrils a mixture prepared from powdered 3 veins with the addition of 3 drops of ghee.
Skin rashes and purulent wounds 2 tablespoons chopped leaves of saffron pour 500 ml of water. From this infusion, you can make good gadgets.
Conjunctivitis, barley and other eye diseases 5 ground veins are combined with infusion of rose water. Compresses are made of the obtained product and applied for 15 minutes.
Aging skin, not healthy complexion For 20 minutes, there is a mask, made from 1 teaspoon of spice, a teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of sour cream.

Means of traditional medicine are an auxiliary tool in the treatment of various diseases. It is not necessary to self-medicate, and when the ailments appear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

The use of saffron in cooking

Saffron is called the “Spice King” or “Spice # 1”. This spice has received such fame for its inexpressible taste and aroma. Its production is a very complex and lengthy process, during which all operations are performed manually. With 1 hectare of landings you can get only 10 kilograms of finished material.

Saffron is well suited for vegetable, meat and fish dishes. It is also added to the composition of cheeses, sausages, oils, desserts and pastries.

Saffron has a rather sharp taste and aroma, so if you overdo it and add too many spices, you can not only spoil the dish, but also achieve serious poisoning. Experts estimate that the annual rate of consumption of saffron is 400 veins.

For home use, the following rules apply:

  1. 15-20 minutes before applying 1 gram of spices pour half a glass of warm water or milk. In this case, its flavor is much wider;
  2. In hot dishes, saffron is added for 3-5 minutes until cooked;
  3. When cooking pastries, spices are kneaded into the dough just before baking. On average, 0.1 grams of spice is used per kilogram of dough;
  4. The flowers in no way combine with other spices.

Saffron crocus is a versatile spice that has many beneficial properties and incredible taste. The only disadvantage of this spice is its price.

And how to collect saffron, see in this small video:

The only spice, the price of which has not decreased since the Middle Ages, when a pound of saffron could be exchanged for an Arabian horse. The name of this spice in almost all languages ​​comes from the Arabic word “za’faran”, meaning “yellow”, which indicates that saffron was valued primarily as a dye. Although saffron in the modern world has lost its former significance and is used only in cooking, it is valued on a par with gold. Only 300 tons of saffron are produced annually in the world.

Saffron is known to mankind as a spice for over 4000 years., although paint based on saffron was used in the Neolithic rock art. The first traces of its use in food were found in Mesopotamia, and the first written references refer to the Sumerian civilization. Persians in the 10th c. BC. they wove saffron threads into sacrifice fabrics and made perfumes and aromatic oils based on saffron, used as strong aphrodisiacs. In the army of Alexander the Great, saffron was used to heal wounds. In the Old Testament, saffron is mentioned as an element of sacrifice, dye and incense. In ancient Chinese sources, saffron is referred to as medicine. In the east, the color of saffron became the color of clothing of Buddhist monks, and in Europe - a sign of wealth and high position in society. Roman know used saffron as a medicine, a dye for fabric and leather and as an aromatic seasoning.

Interest in saffron, as well as in other spices and luxury goods, declined with the fall of the Roman Empire and reappeared only in the Middle Ages during the plague epidemic. The piracy of a ship with a valuable cargo even led to a small “saffron war”. In the courts of European monarchs, saffron-colored clothing and shoes were very popular. Saffron flowers were used in Bourbon heraldry. In the English county of Essex there is the town of Safron, named after the saffron fields, which brought considerable income to the treasury. Henry VIII valued saffron so much that he forbade his court to tint his hair and clothing with saffron in order to look favorably against their background.

The first to grow crocus and produce saffron for export guessed the Spaniards. Until now, the largest saffron plantations are located in Andalusia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. At present, saffron is produced in Greece, Iran, France, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, New Zealand, USA, China, Japan and the Transcaucasian states. The inhabitants of these regions, which use saffron widely in cooking, do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, despite the fact that their traditional cuisine may be rich in fats. Spanish saffron is sold at the highest price, as it has a rich aroma and rich taste. Italian saffron has a very strong smell and strong taste; Saffron of Greek, Iranian and Indian origin is stored longer than others.

The high price of saffron is due to two reasons.   Firstly, its production is very laborious, and secondly, the aroma, taste and healing properties of saffron have no equal among spices. Saffron is the dried stigmas of the pistils of the purple crocus (Crocus sativus), which blooms massively only 10-15 days a year, and the duration of each flower bloom is only 2-3 days. Only manual labor is used to collect flowers and process crocus pestles. Stigmas should be cut on the first day of flower opening. The quality of saffron depends on the speed of collection and drying. To get a kilo of saffron, you need at dawn, until the sun has dried pistils, collect about 150,000 flowers. A one-acre field yields a crop of 4-5 kg ​​of saffron, depending on the weather and the professionalism of the pickers.

Wild-growing crocus (Crocus cartwrightianus) is not used for the production of saffron, it was replaced by the sterile form (Crocus sativus), derived from Crete. The “cultivated” crocus has longer pistils and cannot be propagated by seeds. New plants are formed from bulbs, which are divided into several parts and planted in a new place. Crocuses live only 3-4 years, after which the plantation needs to be updated. Growing crocuses is the same time-consuming task as picking wild flowers, but thanks to the breeders, the wild crocus is not threatened with extinction. It can be found in warm and bright places, protected from the wind.

Since ancient times, it is known that saffron has unique properties. It is able to relieve from pain, depression and melancholia, as it contributes to the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy. Thus, saffron is a light, addictive psychotropic substance. Ayurveda attributes to saffron the ability to improve digestion, strengthen the senses and respiratory organs, clean the lymph, kidneys and liver, relieve cramps, remove blood stasis in blood vessels, improve complexion and increase potency. In ancient times, noble women drank saffron tincture before childbirth to relieve pain. Cleopatra took saffron baths to keep her skin young.

In modern medicine, saffron is used   for the preparation of eye drops and various medicinal and restorative tinctures. It has been proven that saffron has anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties. Hot milk saffron promotes the growth of brain tissue and improves memory. Saffron with honey helps break up kidney stones. Crocus rye tincture contains carotene, thiamine, riboflamin, flavonoids, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. Over 4000 years of using saffron, its efficacy with 90 diseases was found.

Inhalation of the aroma of saffron has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs and helps to sleep. Saffron lotions relieve a severe headache and help with ear inflammation. In addition, saffron reduces hunger and relieves hangover. However, saffron, taken with wine, increases intoxication. An excessive dose of saffron can lead to a strong arousal and tension of the senses. Excess saffron can not only spoil the dish, but also lead to poisoning. A few grams of fresh, high-quality saffron is a lethal dose! Such a highly tonic remedy like saffron is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Saffron is a dark red or reddish-brown soft, tangled threads with yellow splashes. Even one thread is enough to give the dish a specific delicate aroma and an exquisite sweet-sharp-bitter taste. Gourmets describe the aroma of saffron as metallic honey with hints of fresh hay. When buying saffron, try to choose whole threads, not powder. Even Pliny 2000 years ago warned that ground saffron can be a fake. Fake saffron in the Middle Ages was punished by burning at the stake. Real saffron can not be cheap. Usually under the guise of cheap saffron they sell turmeric, calendula flower powder, “Mexican saffron” or saffron, which has the same yellow pistils, but does not possess the remarkable properties of real saffron. Crocus autumn is very similar to crocus, which is very poisonous. The stigmas of real saffron from unscrupulous vendors may be coated with glycerin for weight gain. Saffron is not stored for a long time, it makes no sense to buy it for future use.

Saffron is used in cooking.   for giving thin aroma, spicy taste and beautiful golden color to soups, meat, fish, vegetable dishes and desserts. Saffron can be added to tea, coffee and soft drinks to make them tonic. Saffron is usually applied as an alcohol or water solution before the dish is ready. For 1 liter of the finished dish you need no more than 5-6 drops of saffron tincture.

Saffron Recipes

Sausages stewed with saffron

  2-3 strands of saffron,
  2 big wieners,
  2 tablespoons of olive oil
  100 g onions,
  1 clove of garlic,
  2 potatoes,
  200 g chicken broth,
  50 g green peas,
  Salt and pepper to taste.

  Soak the saffron in a spoonful of warm water. Cut the sausages, fry on low heat and put on a plate. Fry the onion for 2-3 minutes, add the garlic and fry for another minute. Add potatoes and continue frying for about 5 minutes. Add the broth and saffron infusion, bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes until potatoes are ready. Add the sausages, peas, salt and pepper and simmer another 1-2 minutes.

Halibut with Saffron Stew

  1 saffron thread,
  500-600 g fillet of halibut,
  30 grams of flour,
  30 ml of olive oil,
  2 bell peppers (yellow and red),
  1 onion,
  1 clove of garlic,
  1 tomato,
  1 tsp parsley
  salt, pepper to taste.

  Pre-cut vegetables.
Soak the saffron in a small amount of warm water. Fry the salty, pepper and halibut rolled in flour on both sides, place in a saucepan and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes.

At this time, fry the peppers, onions and garlic, add the tomatoes and parsley and sauté for 3-4 minutes. Add the saffron with the infusion and leave to simmer for 8-10 minutes. Salt, pepper and serve with halibut.

Golden cake

  1 tsp butter,
  4-5 strands of saffron
  60-70 ml of milk (used separately),
  130-140 g of flour,
  130-140 g of sugar (used separately),
  1 tsp baking powder,
  0.5 tsp soda,
  1 egg
  2 tsp. rose water
  1 tsp vanilla (applied separately),
  70 ml of water
  2-3 tsp shredded pistachios.

  Heat the oven and grease the pan with butter. In a small saucepan, cover the saffron with 2 tablespoons of milk, bring to a boil and allow to cool. In a large container, mix flour, 100 g of sugar, baking powder and soda.

Add the remaining milk to the milk with saffron, add the egg, rose water and a half spoon of vanilla. Stir and pour into the flour mixture, stirring well.

Pour the dough on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Allow the pie to cool for 5 minutes. At this time, dissolve the remaining 40 g of sugar in water, let it boil and add the remaining half-spoon of vanilla. With a wooden stick, make a few holes in the center of the cake, pour it with syrup and sprinkle with pistachios.

  Cottage Cheese Dessert with Saffron (Easter)

It is better to cook this dish at once in large quantities in 2-3 days, so that Easter will be present for the holiday.

  10 strands of saffron,
  2 kg of fat cottage cheese,
  9-10 yolks,
  200 grams of sugar
  300 grams of butter,
  50 g sour cream with high fat content,
  200 g raisins (golden and dark),
  100 g of dried fruit or candied fruit
  200 g crushed almonds,
  100 g of crushed unsalted pistachios,
  50 grams of brandy.

  Put the cottage cheese in gauze in a colander placed above the deep dishes, place the pressure on the top and leave for 10-12 hours. Raisin and dried fruits pour brandy and leave for 2-3 hours. Squeezed curd wipe through a sieve.

Beat the butter, adding sugar. When it turns white, add yolks and sour cream one at a time, without ceasing to stir. Mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese, add nuts and dried fruits, leaving a little to decorate. Pound the saffron, add the powder to the mixture and mix well. Put the Easter on a dish covered with gauze and place in the refrigerator. 1-2 hours before serving, remove the Easter from the fridge and decorate.