How to dry whole pears. Drying pears in the oven is a delicate matter ...

Procurement of products for the winter is a necessary stage of preparation for the cold season for each housewife. This topic is especially relevant for those who have their own garden. Some products are frozen, others canned, from the third they make jam or compote, and the fourth is dried. And in order for the harvest to please the whole winter, you need to responsibly approach the process of harvesting products. How to dry the pears properly will be discussed below.

There are some simple rules, following which you will get a delicious result.

  • For drying, summer pears are best suited. Late fruits, as well as fruits with an astringent taste, are not recommended to be dried.
  • Choose whole slightly unripe fruits. They should be strong, resilient and not too juicy.
  • Small or medium sized fruits are suitable in size. It is desirable that the seeds be as small as possible.
  • Do not try to dry overripe, rotten, wormy pears.
  • If the fruit meets all the requirements, but has slight damage, just remove them in preparation for drying.

Preparing fruits for drying

First, select the unripe fruits and rinse them with water. Dry the washed fruit, remove the stem and tail. Dip the pears in boiling water and cook them for about 10 minutes. If you want to sweeten a little, add a little sugar.

After the specified time, drain the water and cool the fruit. At this stage, they move over again: damaged places need to be cut out, and fruits unsuitable for drying should be removed altogether. Next, cut the pears: small fruits into 2 or 4 parts, large fruits - in pieces, on average, 1-1.5 centimeters. Remove the seeds.

However, this procedure is not suitable for all types of pears. If you decide to dry the wilds, then the fruits must first be collected from the ground and allowed to lie down until the skin darkens. After that, they also need to be washed and cut into slices. The blanching and seed removal step is skipped. Many people prefer to dry whole fruits.

Methods of drying pears at home

There are different options for drying pears. When deciding in favor of one of them, be based on factors such as home conditions (for example, not everyone can dry fruits on the street), the availability of kitchen devices and the simplicity of the process for you personally.

In the oven

This method is suitable for almost everyone, since few of the housewives do not have an oven. Put the prepared fruit in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment. You need to start drying fruits at a temperature of no higher than 60 degrees. After 2 hours of such yearning, increase the heating of the oven to 80 degrees, and when the pieces are reduced in size, reduce to 55 degrees and simmer until done. This is easily verified: if the pears do not release juice when pressed, then they are ready.

Do not forget to periodically change the position of the fruit, turn them over so that the drying is more uniform. In time, the process will take 12-15 hours if you have chopped fruits, and up to a day if you dry the pears whole.

There are no special requirements for the technical characteristics of the oven: both an electric and a gas stove are suitable. The main thing is to regulate the temperature. It is better to place a baking sheet at an average level. The disadvantage of this drying method is the loss of part of the vitamins in the cooking process.

In the microwave

This is perhaps the fastest way to dry pears. But one must carefully control everything in order to do it right. In the microwave, there is a great chance to get coal instead of dried fruits.

Put the prepared fruits on a flat dish covered with parchment. As in the previous case, lay them in one layer. Set the microwave power to 200 watts and send the pears to dry for 2.5 minutes. If time is short, continue the process by checking the fruit is ready every 30 seconds.

Thus, one serving is done no more than 5 minutes. Do not leave the process of preparing dried fruits without control, so that you do not have to throw out spoiled fruits.

In the electric dryer

Fill the fruit in one layer on pallets so that there is a small distance between the pieces. Set the temperature of the device to 70 degrees.

Periodically swap pallets so that the fruit is evenly dried.

On average, the process of making pears with an electric dryer will take 12 hours. The exact time depends on the specific model and whether you are drying whole fruits or not, as well as the size of the slices (if the pears are sliced). You do not need to turn the fruit over with this cooking method.

Air drying

If time and place permit, you can dry the pears in the air. This process is long, but this is how the maximum amount of vitamins is preserved in fruits. You will need a dense thread (ideally kapron). Just pass it through the pieces of fruit and hang it in a convenient place, like a garland.

Make sure that fruits do not touch each other.

The room where the pears will be dried in this way should be dry and ventilated. It is good if the sun's rays fall there. The term of transformation into dried fruits in the air is not less than a week. A more accurate time depends on the thickness of the slices - the thicker the longer. When the pears slightly change color and spring when pressed, you can remove them.

In the oven

This drying method practically does not differ from drying pears in an electric dryer. True, you do not need to turn the fruit over, do something with them until completely dried. In contrast to the electric dryer, where the air is supplied mainly from below, in the drying cabinet its flow is vertical, which allows you to evenly dry all pallets.

The drying time of fruits depends on the size of the fruit, it usually takes from 10 to 15 hours.

In the sun

Owners of a private house can dry pears in a natural way. Put the prepared fruit on a tray and place it in the place where the sun's rays fall as long as possible throughout the day. Cover the fruit with any thin cloth at night and bring it into the room whenever possible. Some housewives even cover the fruit with gauze during the day to protect them from dirt and insects. Be sure to turn the pieces over during the day.

When you notice that the pears have dried, place them in a dry, well-ventilated area and continue drying for a few more days. On average, it may take another 3 days.

Dried Fruit Storage

It is not enough just to dry the fruits, you also need to store them correctly. A dry, dark room is best suited for this. Place dried fruits in bags made of natural fabric or in a glass jar, be sure to close it with an airtight lid. Shelf life should not exceed 1 year. Do not store dried fruit near heaters or a battery - this may ruin them. And be sure to periodically check the pieces for mold, midges and other troubles.

The most useful drink is, of course, one that is made with fruits and berries in one's own hand. In the summer, such good is enough, but what to do in the winter, when it all ends? Buy juices from the store at an exorbitant price or prepare dried fruits since the summer? Naturally, the second option will be the best, as a compote of dried fruit will come out useful, tasty and inexpensive. Therefore, today we will consider how to dry pears in the oven and electric dryer, so that they turn out beautiful, not overdried and have a long shelf life.

What fruits should be chosen for drying?

For this process, you need ripened fruits, but not ripened. Winter varieties will not work, you must choose summer or autumn fruits. Pears should be juicy and, of course, sweet, as for the pulp, it is desirable that it is soft. The best varieties for drying are considered such varieties: "Lemon", "Forest Beauty", "Zaporizhzhya". Now we learn how to dry pears in an electric dryer.

The first way to prepare pears for winter (if you have the right electrical appliance)

If you have an electric dryer, then you can use it to prepare fruits for the winter.

1. Wash fruits under cold running water. To the question: "How to dry the pears whole and can they not be cut?" The answer is yes. But! Only if the fruit is small. If it is large, then it should be cut into slices 1 cm thick. It is advisable to remove the core in this case, because no one will eat bones anyway.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Dip the prepared fruits in boiling water for 5 seconds, then remove them and quickly determine in cold water. This process is necessary so that at the time of drying the pears do not darken.

3. Arrange the fruits on a wide plate and allow excess water to drain. After all the liquid has gone, you can put the fruits in an electric dryer.

4. Set the temperature of the appliance to 70 degrees (not more) and turn the fruit from time to time. Pears will dry for a long time - from 15 to 24 hours. It is important to ensure that you do not spoil the fruit at the end. Therefore, when they turn brown, and when pressed are soft and elastic, it's time to turn off the electric dryer. But if your pears break when bent, then there is only one conclusion - you overexposed them.

An electric dryer is, of course, a good thing, but what if there is none? Now we learn how to dry pears in the oven, especially since such a technique can be found in every home.

The second way to prepare fruits is with an oven

1. Wash each fruit under cold water, and then cut in half. Remove the peel as well as the core.

2. In a large pot, draw water and set on fire. When the liquid boils, drop 2 cups of sugar and stir the contents of the container. Then put prepared pears in a pan and boil them for 15 minutes until soft.

3. Remove the fruit with a colander and place it on a paper towel so that it cools and dries. Then cut each half into thin strips or circles.

4. Open the oven and remove the pan, on which you put the prepared fruit, and turn on the cabinet. Pears need to be arranged so that the distance between them is minimal. Put the baking sheet in the oven and select a temperature not higher than 70 degrees, and it is better if it will be 60 degrees. After 2 hours, increase the temperature to 80 degrees and dry until the fruit stops releasing juice when pressed on them. Every 2 hours, you need to turn the pieces over and change their position. Usually this process takes 12 hours, but if the fruits begin to darken earlier, then it is necessary to reduce the fire.

5. When the pears are ready, turn off the oven, remove the pan and place it on the table so that the fruit cools at room temperature. Then take out the usual jar and pour the finished fruits into it, while closing the container with a tight lid.

Now you know how to dry the pears in the oven so that they retain all their beneficial properties.

From such fruit tasty compotes and jelly are obtained.

Pros and cons of drying fruits in the oven

The strength of this method of preparation is that the production time of dried fruits is significantly reduced. If you dry the pears in a natural way, that is, in the sun, you have to wait about a week, so that the fruits turn out to be suitable for the subsequent preparation of compote.

The weakness of the method is the elimination of some vitamins after drying the pears in the oven. And if you overdid it and turned on the oven 90 degrees, then there are no useful elements in future dried fruits. By the way, their appearance can be spoiled, as elevated temperatures lead to the darkening of this beneficial fruit.

How to store dried fruit?

How to dry the pears - you already know, but now how to save them so that they do not deteriorate in a month? You can save the fruits in a box, jar or pan. This dried fruit should not be stored for more than 1 year, and maybe even less, because it all depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. Heat in the room and dampness is a real paradise for the reproduction of various bacteria. Therefore, in such conditions it is impossible to keep fruit. Very important: if you notice mold on the fruit, then immediately discard the damaged piece. Because such a raid can be deadly, it’s better to get rid of worthless pears. The optimal shelf life of dried fruits is from 6 to 12 months.

From the article, you learned how to dry pears in the oven and electric dryer correctly, so that the final product turns out to be flexible, beautiful and tastes great. They gathered important information for themselves regarding the proper storage of dried fruits, and also learned what to look for when choosing fruits.

What is the benefit or harm to the body of dried pears? The benefits of a pear can be judged from the data on its constituent vitamins and minerals:

The benefits of pears (both fresh and dried) have been known since ancient times. Greatest value  manifested in their healing properties. So, for example, dried fruit has a fixing, disinfecting, antipyretic and diuretic effect. In addition, the pear is considered an excellent antitussive.

Dried pear broth or compote  rich in tannins - substances that have an astringent effect, which are very useful for various disorders of the digestive system. The broth has an antibacterial property, which helps to cure tonsillitis and colds. A large dose of potassium, which contains a dried fruit, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Another pear value is considered high fiber content, which positively affects the functional abilities of the intestine. Due to the fact that the pear contains fewer sugars than an apple, for example (although due to the very sweet taste it is hard to believe), this product is widely used in dietetics.

If we compare this fruit with other fruits, then we can note it superiorityin the content of folic acid (even more than in currants). As for vitamin C, in this pear is slightly inferior to other berries and fruits.

The active participation of substances contained in dried pear in body cleansing  human from toxins and heavy metals.

Rich in dried pears and iron, which makes it indispensable in cases where a person feels fatigue, tachycardia, dizziness. The acceleration of tissue regeneration also occurs due to iron.

Interestingly, the brighter the aroma of fresh pear, the more usefulit is dried.

Dried Pears: Benefit or Harm? ABOUT harmfew think of dried pears, and rightly so. After all, this fruit has practically no contraindications to use. The only thing to remember is that eating this dried fruit must be observed moderation.

The combination of the product with whole fresh milk is also not recommended due to the risk of strong intestinal relaxation.

But, negative reactions of the body can be avoided by changing fresh milk to dairy products, such as cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir.

Energy jewelthe product is such that 100 g of dried pear contains:

  • fat - about 6 g (~ 4 kcal);
  • proteins - 2.3 g (~ 6 kcal);
  • carbohydrates - 62.6 g (~ 240 kcal);
  • calorie content - 260 kcal (10-13% of the daily requirement).

Rules for the preparation of dried fruits

How to dry pears? Consider the basic rules for drying pears in the winter.

Fruit preparation

What kind varieties of pears  suitable for drying? If dried cultivars of pears, then for harvesting it is necessary to use those fruits that contain a minimum number of "stony" cells, have a thin skin, dense pulp and small size seed chambers. These varieties include Forest beauty, Bergamot, Zaporizhzhya, Talgar beauty, Lemon  and so forth

How to dry pears? In order to begin the process of drying pears, they must first be prepared. To do this, sort the available fruits by maturity.

Fruits taken from a tree are suitable for drying. immatureand matured for up to 3 days for full maturation.

Sorted pears are thoroughly washed, cut into 2/4 parts, and seed chambers are removed. You can pre-peel the fruit from the skin.

For accelerationdirectly the drying process, the fruits can be treated with heat. For this, prepared whole pears should be placed in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The degree of desired readiness is determined by the softness of the pear.

After the specified time, the pears are taken out of boiling water and placed in a colander (so that the glass is excess liquid).

The next batch of fruits is sent to the container with boiling water and the cooking process is repeated.

There is another heat treatment method in which cut fruit blanch for 5-7 minutes.

In order to pulp pears not darkened  slices can be soaked in a solution of tartaric or citric acid (1%).

On compote

How to make pear drying on compote? For the manufacture of dried fruit for compote, it is especially important to choose the "right" fruit. They must be ripe, juicy and fragrant. Watery, overly soft pears should be discarded - they do not tolerate heat treatment. An excellent choice would be the so-called "sand varieties", with dense impregnations resembling sand.

How to cut pears for drying? The preparation process is standard, however, it is necessary to cut the fruits along, adhering to the previously specified thickness of the slices - no more than 1 cm.

After cutting the pears, spread on a baking sheet in one layer and place in an oven warmed up to 60 ° C ... 65 ° C (the fire in the oven must be extinguished!). Soak the fruit in a tightly closed oven for 2-2.5 hours, after which raise temperature  up to 80 ° C.

As the chopped product cools reheat the oven again and again  to the required temperature.


How to dry whole pears? If the fruits are not large, then they can be dried whole, as with an oven, by placing the fruits on a baking sheet upright, and in the air, hanging pears on a thread, or also placing in an upright position. After standard preparation, it is necessary to remove the stalks of the fruit and begin the process of harvesting. In this case, the drying will take a bit more time.


Wild Dried Pear - Photo:

How to dry wild game pears? Drying of the fruits of a wild pear is somewhat different. First, wild pears should not be removed from the plant. It is necessary to wait until the fruits themselves fall to the ground, then collect them and wait for the time until the pear skin acquires brown tintand the fruits themselves will not darken.

Such events are held so that the bitter and tart taste of the wild pear disappears, and it becomes fragrant and slightly sweet. The following is a preparation and drying process similar to cultivars, with one difference - they whole dried.

Noteworthydrying of such pears also lies in the fact that there is no need to eliminate the seed boxes and peel, as well as subject to heat treatment.

Ready-made pears become soft, elastic and have a great taste and aroma.


How to dry pears for the winter? There are several ways to dry pears for the winter. Initially, the process was carried out. outdoors in the sun. More about this in our article. The most popular and fastest to date is drying with ovens and modern appliances, more about which can be found in the articles and.


How to dry pears for the winter? Dried pears recipe: cut the prepared pears into slices and boil in sweetened water for 5-7 minutes. In preheated up to 60 ° C  place the baking sheet with the sliced ​​pears on it.

After 20-30 minutes, when the fruits are soft, they can be removed from the oven, allowed to cool and string. The resulting "pear necklace" can be hung on the balcony (with good ventilation). The degree of drying of the fruit  determined by the absence of secreted juice during compression.

Tip: if fruit are dry(sometimes this happens) - do not get upset. From dried pears, you can make pear powder, which will give the first and second courses a unique taste.

To prepare such a powder, dried fruits need to be broken into small pieces. Add to the chopped pears granulated sugar  (1 part sugar to 9 parts dried fruit) and slightly ground cinnamon. The resulting mixture can be ground in a coffee grinder.

Dried Pears - Photo:

Properly prepared dried fruits can please you for a long time with their excellent taste and healthy qualities. Shelf life  This product is up to 24 months! How to store dried pears in an apartment? In cloth bags in a cool, dark place. Observing storage rules 2 yearsat your fingertips you will have a delicious treat and natural remedy for many ailments.

Dried pears, like fresh ones, are very beneficial for our body. True, you need to consider that the calorie content of 100 grams of pear drying is much higher than the calorie content of fresh fruits. She is 270 kcal. Drying pears at home is not difficult, because they can easily be dried in the sun, using an oven, an electric dryer. Even a microwave. Choose any of the methods and harvest pear drying for the winter. It does not take a very long time.

Drying pears at home

With any method, the initial step is to prepare the fruits themselves. For drying, it is recommended to take ripe (but not overripe!) Pears of summer and autumn varieties. Fruits with a small number of stony cells, juicy, dense, sweet pulp are chosen. Tart use is not worth it. After collection, they are not stored for more than 2 days. The collected fruits are thoroughly washed and dried. Small ones are dried whole, large are cut, seeds are removed. Then cut into slices or slices to dry faster.

The dryer is stored in a dry, dark place, using cloth bags, as well as glass jars (tightly closed). Dried fruits do not lose their taste all year.

Drying pears in an electric dryer - temperature and time

At home, it is easiest to dry fruits with an electric dryer. This is convenient because:

  • You can immediately dry a fairly large amount.
  • There is a choice of temperature conditions.
  • There is no need to closely monitor the process.

On the pallets of the dryer, the prepared fruits are laid out so that there are small distances between the pieces. So they are uniformly blown by air currents. Preferred are electric dryers with air supply from the sides rather than from below. With this design, all tiers are heated equally, so the fruits dry out more evenly.

Drying is carried out at a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees. Periodically mix, swap pallets, so that the process goes faster. Drying time of pears in an electric dryer is from 8 to 20 hours. Readiness is checked by touch - the pieces should not stick to the fingers. It is also important not to overdry - the slices should become brown, but remain elastic, and not brittle.

My favorite way is drying the pears in the oven.

Unfortunately, I don’t have electric dryers. I don’t like to dry fruits in the sun because of insects, therefore, I also dry other fruits and berries using an oven. In this way, drying pears at home in a gas oven is simple. True, quite long. But the result is excellent. The finished product saves all-all useful substances. It tastes great!

  Pears are oven dried with the door fully open with minimal heat.
  1. I cut the washed and dried fruits into 4 parts. Cut out the middle with the seeds. I remove broken, damaged pulp, wormholes to improve quality. Then cut in half every quarter.
  2. I place the octopuses on baking sheets in one layer (skin down).
  3. I light the gas, set the minimum fire - if only it would not go out.
  4. I leave the oven door completely open so that the pears do not bake.
  5. Periodically bake swap places. When the slices dry out a bit - mix.

Of course, you can dry the pears in the oven with the door closed. Therefore, it will be necessary to control the process (temperature, time) more carefully:

  1. The first 2 hours are dried at a temperature of 50-60 degrees.
  2. Then mix, increase the temperature to 80. Withstand until the fruits dry out, reduce the size.
  3. Mix again. Reduce the temperature to the original, stand until ready.

In the electric oven, the process is carried out at the same temperature. An electric oven, as a rule, has lower and upper heating, so drying is a little more even and faster. The total drying time using the oven, as in any other way, directly depends on the size of the dried fruit. To dry whole pears (small size) will take more time, about 18 - 24 hours. Pieces or slices dry faster, after 12 - 16 hours.

Drying pears in the sun

With stable sunny weather can be dried in natural conditions. Trays or trays with the layers laid out in one layer for 2 - 3 days are exposed to the open sun. Periodically turn over. In the evening, clean the room so as not to dampen overnight. Dry in the shade with good airing for another 2 to 3 days.

As you can see, drying pears at home is a simple matter. In winter, such a product is very useful as a treat. Dried fruit, besides excellent raw materials for fragrant compotes, fillings for pies, cakes, puddings.

Pears washed and peeled from the skin and the core. Cut into 5 mm slices and laid out on trays.

From 5 kg it turned out:
  3.62 kg (72%) - purified product
  1.38 kg (28%) - waste.

The pears were dried for 13 hours at + 55 ° C in an Ezidri Ultra dryer on 8 trays. During this time, the electric dryer consumed 6.85 kW of electricity. It turned out 518 grams of dried product. Shrinking 7 times.

Dried pears promote the excretion of toxins, toxins and heavy metals from the body. Wellness affect the activity of the pancreas. The presence of a larger amount of iron in dried pears helps to heal wounds quickly, energizes the body and good appetite. A decoction of drying pears contributes to the rapid recovery from a strong cough, cold and sore throat. The recipe for cooking broth: 1 cup of dried pears cook for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Let it infuse for 4 hours in a warm place, then strain. Drink ½ cup 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day.


  Due to the combination of taste and useful properties, the pear managed to gain popularity around the world. It is believed that the discoverers of pears were residents of Western China. They love this sweet, juicy fruit in our country. Even in “Domostroi” you can find information about the pear tree and the proper care of it.

New ways to cook pears began to be discovered by Europeans in the 18th century, which took the time to cultivate a plant and actively use fruits in cooking. Then it became clear that dried pears are no less tasty than fresh ones. Although in some countries it was previously considered that dried and boiled fruits, and not raw, are edible. Drying the fruit can significantly extend its shelf life. After drying, if the entire process is correct, the pear retains most of its beneficial properties.

  Sweet and large varieties with a small seed chamber are ideal for drying: Limonka, Bessemyanka, Bergamot, Tonkovetka, Ilyinka. Also for these purposes are often used and wild fruits - wilderness. Before you dry the pear, you must select the appropriate fruit, they must be sufficiently mature (but not overripe) and strong.

The benefits of dried fruit

  . The content of vitamins PP, E, C, B1 and B2;
  . the content of micro-and macro-elements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium;
  . calorie - 249 kcal per 100 g, so modern medicine often uses it as part of the diet menu;
  . despite the relatively low calorie content, dried pear is quite nutritious and can be used as a good snack;
  . Dried fruits are included in the composition of decoctions, which are used as a diuretic, antipyretic, disinfectant or antitussive. Due to the low calorie content, dried fruit can be part of the diet. Dried pears do not have sugar syrup, they have a natural sweetness, so they are excellent as an alternative to desserts. Also dried fruit can be used for disorders of the pancreas. The product promotes the elimination of toxins, heavy metals from the body. A decoction of pear dick helps to cope with kidney problems and cystitis.

Compotes are often made from dried fruits. This drink is rich in tannins, which have an astringent effect. Therefore, a compote of pears is recommended to drink with intestinal upset. Due to the antibacterial effect of pear broth, it is recommended as a prophylactic against colds.

Potassium contained in the product in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels and the heart. Therefore, the product is shown to people with cardiovascular diseases. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, constant dizziness, loss of appetite - all these are signs of iron deficiency. By eating dried fruit daily, this shortage can be quickly replenished.

Dried pears in cooking

  Pears can be used as an independent dish. Proper drying in an electric dryer will ensure the preservation of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A small handful of dried fruit will satisfy your hunger, recharge your batteries and continue working again. Pear goes well with fermented milk products such as cottage cheese. But with milk, it can cause a laxative effect. Dried fruits are added to cereals, especially the fruit is combined with oatmeal.

In winter, pears are added to decoctions, compotes, teas, jelly, coffee drinks. Moreover, you can make a drink exclusively from pears, and you can combine this product with other dried fruits, berries and herbs.

There is a huge amount of desserts with the addition of dried pears. Especially popular is baking. For example, even the most inexperienced hostess can cook a simple charlotte. But in order to bake a pie with dried pears, it is recommended to soak the dried fruits in water. The fruit is ideally combined with dried apples, bananas, wild berries, pulp and zest of citrus.

Many housewives chop dried pear slices into small pieces or even to the state of flour. Such preparations for the winter are added to cereals, drinks, cottage cheese or yogurt. Pear flour can be added not only to the filling, but also to the dough for pies. If desired, powder from dried fruits can be mixed with sugar and cinnamon.

Dried pear - a simple and affordable way to saturate your body with vitamins, which is especially important in winter and springtime. In addition, dishes with the addition of fruit give a great opportunity to remember a warm and cozy summer.