Homemade sourdough bread is the correct and complete recipe. Sourdough rye bread in a bread machine Recipe for making sourdough bread in a bread machine

Sourdough rye bread prepared in a bread machine is a healthier and more nutritious product than its yeast counterpart. It is practically not affected by mold fungi, since the sour starter destroys pathogenic microflora. Bread without yeast is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which are easily absorbed by the body, unlike bread made with yeast.

This is a simple version of sourdough rye bread that does not require any specific or expensive ingredients. Sourdough itself is also not complicated and is prepared exclusively from rye flour and water.

Sourdough ingredients:

  • 400 g water
  • 400 g flour

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 300 g rye sourdough
  • 200 g wheat flour 1st or 2nd grade
  • 130 gr. rye flour
  • 1.5-2 tsp. salt
  • 230 ml water (plus/minus depending on the type of dough)
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. dark honey or molasses

How to make sourdough rye bread (without yeast) in a bread machine:

1) Preparing sourdough.

The entire amount of water and flour is calculated for the initial mixture and three “feedings”. First, mix 100 g of flour and 100 ml of water and feed this mixture with the same amount of water and flour every day (if you plan to bake a lot of bread at once, you can make more starter using the same principle). The starter should stand open in a dark place (you can cover it with gauze).

Theoretically, the starter will be ready on the 4th day, but it can ripen earlier - in this case, there is a sharp increase in volume and the appearance of an alcoholic smell.

2) Making bread.

Add all other ingredients to the freshly ripened starter. If the honey is very thick, heat it in a water bath.

If the dough is prepared not from fresh sourdough, but from a starter, then you need to feed it in advance by adding 150 ml of water and 150 g of flour to 3 tablespoons of starter. Leave the fed starter to ferment for 8-12 hours.

3) Knead the dough and knead it thoroughly for five minutes. It’s better not to pour in all the water at once, but add it as needed to ultimately get the dough of the desired consistency. For rye bread, it should be sticky and slightly spreadable.

4) Transfer the dough into the mold and leave to rise in a warm place until its height is double the original height.

5) You can bake this bread in the oven or in a bread machine using the “Baking” mode, which does not require kneading (turn on the mode for an hour and a half).

If the bread is baked in the oven, then preheat it to 200 o C, place the molds with dough and reduce the temperature to 150. Bake for about an hour.

We offer a recipe for sourdough rye bread in a bread machine. By following simple recommendations, you will get a fragrant, golden-brown and undeniably healthy product with a crispy, appetizing crust. The absence of yeast in its composition and the predominance of rye flour gives reason to consider such bread dietary and low-calorie, which will be especially appreciated by supporters of a healthy diet and those who watch their weight.

Rye yeast-free sourdough bread in a bread machine - recipe


  • rye flour – 480 g;
  • wheat flour – 220 g;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil without aroma – 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 65 g;
  • rock salt – 25 g;
  • suitable yeast-free starter – 200 g;
  • cumin or (optional) - to taste;


To prepare bread according to this recipe, we will need rye sourdough for bread without yeast. You can find a lot of options for preparing it, you can use absolutely any. As you have already noticed, the ingredients include wheat flour in addition to rye flour. This is necessary so that the bread machine can handle the kneading on its own. After all, if you prepare 100% rye bread, the dough during kneading turns out to be too viscous, and the device will not be able to collect it into a solid lump. You can either help the device during kneading, picking up the mass from the sides using a spatula, or prepare rye-wheat bread in a sourdough bread machine, replacing part of the rye flour with wheat. In the latter case, the device will handle the kneading on its own and your help will not be needed. When making bread only from rye flour, the amount of starter must be increased by about one and a half times, reducing the amount of water accordingly.

We also note that to prepare sourdough bread you need one that allows you to customize the mode individually, since standard programs are only suitable for classic yeast baking.

Pour purified water, vegetable oil and suitable sourdough into the bucket of the bread machine. Now sift two types of flour, add salt, granulated sugar and, if desired, cumin or coriander. Add the dry ingredients to the liquid ones and place the container in the device. As we mentioned above, we will choose an individual mode. To do this, set the first kneading time to 15 minutes, the rising time to 4-4.5 hours (without kneading) and the baking time to 1.5 hours. Now we turn on the bread maker and wait for it to prepare us a ruddy, fragrant bread.

Immediately after the signal, remove the product from the device and from the bucket and let it cool.

White sourdough bread is different from rye bread. This is obvious in terms of taste and texture, but the cooking method also varies. Thus, white bread requires careful kneading in order to remove or minimize the characteristic sourness inherent in all sourdough breads, despite all the advantages of sourdough.

In order for white bread to turn out non-sour, a smaller percentage of flour is fermented than if you were preparing rye bread. So, for wheat bread this is usually about 20-25% of the total mass of flour in the recipe, while in rye bread this percentage can reach 50%.

Also, if you see a small amount of yeast in a sourdough bread recipe, don't be surprised. This technique is used to slightly speed up the fermentation process of the dough. This way the dough will not have time to oxidize much in taste, but will have time to become aromatic and very airy.

If you prefer healthier types of bread to white bread, flavor your baked goods with natural fiber.

Cooking time: about 15 hours / Yield: 2 small loaves


  • active starter 5 g
  • white wheat flour 500 g
  • whey 200 g
  • water 100 g
  • wheat bran 20 g
  • vegetable oil 12 g
  • salt 8 g
  • honey 1 tbsp. spoon
  • dry yeast 0.5 tsp


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    4-5 hours before placing the dough, feed the starter. She must be active.

    Dissolve the required amount of starter in water.

    Then pour 100 grams of flour into the water.

    Stir the dough until smooth so that there is no unmixed flour left.

    Cover the container with the dough with cling film and leave it alone for 8-9 hours.
    During this time, the dough will become fluffy and bubbly.

    Mix the whey with the dough.

    Then add the remaining flour and bran to the mixture.

    Pour yeast into the dough.

    Stir the dough until smooth.

    Cover the dough with film and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, gluten will begin to develop in the dough.
    After 20 minutes, add salt and honey to the dough.

    Knead into a smooth dough. Kneading can be done in any way convenient for you: by hand, with a mixer, in a bread machine or food processor.

    Add vegetable oil to the kneaded dough and knead it a little more so that the oil is absorbed into the dough.

    Form the dough into a ball and place in a bowl.

    Now the dough needs to be sent to a quiet place for fermentation, covered with film. Fermentation will last 1.5-2 hours. The dough will rise well during this time.

    Inside it will be very lush, permeated with millions of bubbles.

    Place the finished dough on a floured work surface and divide into 2 parts. Roll each piece into a ball.

    Then slightly flatten each ball and seal it with a pie.

    Place the dough in a proofing pan lined with a clean towel generously dusted with flour.

    Cover the dough to prevent it from drying out.
    Leave the bread pieces to proof for 1 hour until the volume doubles.

    Carefully turn the bread out onto a sheet of parchment and make a cut with a sharp knife.

    Place the bread in an oven preheated to 250 degrees along with a baking sheet. Bake the loaves for the first 15 minutes with steam, after which the temperature should be reduced to 210 degrees and bake the bread for another 15-20 minutes.

The bread turns out simply gorgeous!!! People have forgotten the taste of real bread. What we eat from stores is just ugly and has no taste, incredible taste when bread can be eaten simply by itself, without adding it to soup or porridge.

In this recipe, I show the process of baking wheat sourdough bread in full and with all the stages. It may seem long and laborious. Not really! If you have a bread machine, this is 10 minutes maximum of your personal time. This wasted time consists of two processes:

  1. add 3 ingredients to the starter;
  2. After 1-1.5 hours, put the products into the bread maker.

But there will be a lot of photos so that a beginner can bake delicious bread the first time.

And of course one more thing: of course you should already have sourdough!!!

Stage No. 1 – revitalizing the sourdough

Since the starter is stored in the refrigerator, it needs to be revived before baking bread. To do this, take the starter from the refrigerator. I got the leaven from a friend who got it from the monastery. She's real drunk.

sourdough from the refrigerator

Pour it into a non-metallic container and add:

  • 1 dessert spoon of honey.

You can add a spoonful of sugar, but honey has excellent fermentation properties, and this is what we need. BUT you will succeed with sugar too.

add a dessert spoon of honey

Add 5-6 tablespoons of RYE flour. You won't succeed with wheat flour. You will add wheat flour to the bread and it will be white, but you only need to add rye flour to the sourdough.

add rye flour

And lastly, pour 1 glass of warm water. The water should be warm, not hot.

pour a glass of warm water

Mix everything well with a wooden spoon. Why wooden? This is what was written in the recipe from the monastery and this is what I do. Apparently so as not to damage the bacteria...

Now the starter should stand for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place. There is no need to place it specifically near the oven, just in a cool place. During this time it will ferment and rise a little. This is what it looks like after 1.5 hours. It may not be very visible in the photo, but it is so foamy.

ready-made starter

Stage No. 2 - placing products in the bread machine

Now that the starter is ready, put the ingredients in the bread machine.

For our bread you need:

  1. sourdough – 1 cup (250 grams),
  2. wheat flour – 4 cups (610 grams),
  3. warm water – 1 glass,
  4. deodorized sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons,
  5. salt – 1 teaspoon,
  6. sugar – 1 tablespoon.

Pour/pour all this into the bread machine and turn on the “bread baking” mode. I didn’t take a photo of the bookmark because it’s all simple and not very visible at the bottom of the bread pan.

After 3.5 hours we have ready bread. You see a hole at the bottom of the bread - this is from the bread machine knife. The weight of the finished bread is 750 grams. If you want a looser bread, add a little more starter – 1 cup + 1/4 cup….

The bread in the photo is not quite snow-white. This is because I added 3 cups of wheat flour and 1 cup of rye flour. I like this better. The bread fits perfectly, soft, fluffy and very tasty!!!

If you have any questions, write in the comments and I will definitely answer.

hop sourdough bread recipe