The benefits and harms of fresh cucumbers for the body, healing potential straight from the garden. Cucumber

Did you know that cucumbers are the oldest vegetable crop?

They look so ordinary, but like many vegetables, cucumbers have unique beneficial and medicinal properties.

There's probably no such thing garden plot, no matter where they are grown - cucumbers are distributed all over the world, they are used for food regardless of nationality and religion, cucumbers are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, dietetics and of course in cooking, they save wild animals from hunger and thirst - and that’s all The cucumber we all know so well!

A little history

India is considered the homeland of cucumbers, or rather the foothills of the Himalayas, where they grow safely in natural conditions to this day. Multi-meter cucumber loops entangle the trees like a giant web, creating impenetrable jungle. Wild species of cucumbers can reach a height of up to 20 meters, and are as large in diameter as trees. An unripe fruit (green) of such a cucumber tree can weigh about 5 kilograms. Local residents often use natural properties wild cucumbers for making hedges, densely planting them in fences woven from bamboo in the form of a lattice. Such hedges grow well over time and become excellent protection from the scorching sun.

As I already wrote at the beginning of the article, cucumber is the oldest vegetable crop and the first mentions of it date back to approximately the 4th century BC. Of course, cucumbers could not be limited to the foothills of the Himalayas. The clever ancient Greeks immediately recognized the benefits of such a multifunctional plant and immediately began growing cucumbers in their homeland. Then the Greeks told the Romans about it, and the Romans, in turn, told middle Europe, and Europe has already spilled the beans to the whole world.

Such an interesting story happened with a cucumber and everyone was happy :)

Useful properties of cucumbers

The difference between cucumber and other vegetables is that it consists of 95% water and therefore beneficial features At first glance, they may not seem so powerful and useful. But Mother Nature did not reward cucumbers with moisture so generously for nothing. During the growth of fruits, the water in them undergoes a unique purification system and this is what main secret cucumber We ourselves are 80% water and replenishing our body with water is vital, but everyone understands what kind of water we drink. Therefore, eat fresh cucumbers more often!

In addition to water, cucumber contains potassium and silicon; these substances help our skin look healthy and also give strength and shine to our hair. It would not be superfluous to say that you will not find useful iodine compounds in such quantities in any other vegetable, and as you know, iodine helps strengthen vascular system and is useful for thyroid disease.

Cucumbers also contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and phosphorus, are rich in healthy organic acids, essential vitamins such as carotene, B2, B1, PP, B6, C and others. I won't go further into chemical composition this already indisputably tells us about the benefits of cucumber for our body.

I have already mentioned my grandfather and here are some of his cucumber-based recipes.

Medicinal properties of cucumbers. Traditional medicine recipes

Liver cleansing- Pour 100 g of finely chopped cucumbers with boiling water - 0.5 liters. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, then strain. Take 100 ml of the decoction three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment for burns - If you are burned with boiling water or steam, apply a compress of cucumber pulp to the damaged area of ​​the skin and change it every 10 minutes; the burn heals much faster. You can also rub cucumber on your skin for sunburn.

For stomach pain - Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile with 1 tbsp. spoon of yarrow, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Dilute before use herbal infusion fresh cucumber juice (for 50 ml of infusion, 50 ml of cucumber juice - 1 serving). Take 4 times a day and soon the pain will go away.

Athypertension - Pour 100 g of grated cucumbers into 200 ml of boiling water. Place the solution in water bath and hold for 5 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day, 100 ml.

In the 16th century, the cucumber came to Rus' and since then the people have loved it and ranked it among their favorite foods. And traditional medicine has classified cucumber as a general tonic. Ancient authors wrote that cucumber can quench thirst.

The cucumber has long been important product, as evidenced by both folk wisdom, traditional medicine, and traditional holidays dedicated to the cucumber, taking place in different Russian places.

There are almost no allergies to cucumbers, since they contain no harmful impurities, so they can be used even by people suffering from various allergic reactions.

Cucumbers: beneficial properties

The first thing I wanted to note is that cucumber is delicious vegetable. In addition, it is not heavy on the stomach, and also allows a person to regulate his own diet. Cucumbers contain 95% water, so the pancreas is not overloaded from such food. Consequently, cucumbers form an easy and healthy dietary food. And if you want to unload the pancreas, it will be enough to get hooked on oatmeal and cucumbers.

You should talk about the water contained in cucumbers in more detail. We just found out that cucumber satisfies hunger well (with its volume it stretches the walls of the stomach, thereby giving a feeling of fullness), but this is far from the most valuable thing in the “water power” of cucumber. Idea for reset extra pounds simple: this minimal amount calories and also a feeling of satiety. However, cucumber water has greater benefit than it might seem at first glance.

By drinking cucumber juice daily, you will reduce the number of stones in the bile ducts and gallbladder. Only here it is very important not to overdo it, since an excessive amount of cucumber juice can provoke the movement of stones, which is fraught with complications!

An important factor is the presence of sodium and potassium ions in cucumbers, which further strengthens its detoxification (cleansing from poisons) ability. Cucumbers contain much more potassium than sodium (17:1), which causes a persistent but mild diuretic effect.

Thanks to cucumber, they are removed from the body harmful substances, because the water contained in cucumbers dilutes poisons (reduces their concentration), and thanks to the diuretic effect they are intensively removed from the body. In addition, cucumber fiber adsorbs well (that is, absorbs) poisons that have accumulated in the intestines.

All of the above, the mild diuretic effect and potassium content makes cucumbers an indispensable product nutrition for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema.

The composition of cucumbers large quantities includes B vitamins, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), many valuable minerals - iron, phosphorus, calcium. Cucumber is an excellent general tonic, therefore it is very useful for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis.

The effect of cucumber on tuberculosis is reinforced by the fact that thanks to cucumbers, proteins from food are better absorbed, therefore cucumber salad is the best and most healthy side dish to fish or meat.

100 grams of cucumbers contain 3 micrograms of iodine, which is certainly not enough, but the thyroid gland almost completely absorbs the iodine contained in cucumbers, which in turn prevents thyroid diseases.

In addition, cucumbers have properties that can help improve metabolic processes in the body.

This vegetable is low in calories and contains folic acid, which reduces appetite. Cucumbers contain insulin-like substances that help normalize blood sugar levels and prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, which is why cucumbers are actively used to combat extra pounds and in the fight against diabetes.

But that's not all healing properties, which cucumbers have.

Cucumber puree contains a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal motility and gently soothes inflammation, so consuming cucumbers is very useful for colitis.

Cosmetic properties of cucumbers

Cucumber juice:

  • perfectly moisturizes the skin;

  • cools the skin;

  • whitens skin;

  • tightens pores;

  • protects from the sun.

If your skin is prone to the formation of acne and pimples, then you should eat one medium-sized cucumber with peel and without salt three times a day half an hour before meals.

For swelling of the periocular tissue (or, in simple terms, bags under the eyes), applications should be made (applications should be made to the entire surface located near the eyes) from fresh juice cucumber for 15 minutes, and then the swelling will disappear, unless, of course, the cause of its appearance is serious illness.


Over the course of several thousand years, the cucumber has become so a familiar product nutrition that few people think about: what are the benefits of cucumbers? After all, this vegetable is practically eaten all year round both fresh and in canned, many salads cannot do without it. IN national cuisines Many nations have a large number of cold soups that are great for the hot season.


Despite the fact that cucumbers consist of 97% water, they are a source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. And the water included in the vegetable is pure and natural. It has a beneficial effect on the body, the condition of the kidneys, and skin.
In 100 grams fresh cucumbers tiny amount nutrients: proteins 0.8 g; fat 0.1 g (in seeds); carbohydrates - 1.2 g (sugars and starch). Thanks to this composition, the benefits of cucumbers are: dietary nutrition invaluable. Cucumbers of this mass contain only 11 kcal, and the peeled vegetable contains even less calories. It also contains about a gram of fiber and dietary fiber. Due to their small quantity, they practically do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, but have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.
For vitamins and minerals accounts for 3% of the total weight of the cucumber. Since all the substances contained are dissolved in water and are completely absorbed by the body, cucumbers are useful at any age. First of all, this applies to vitamin C, PP, K, B6.
The high potassium content in vegetables has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and heart function. Presence even in minimal doses copper, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine promotes the absorption of food and regulates metabolism in the body.


The most healthy cucumbers- fresh, grown in open ground. In many dishes they are used without heat treatment, so all the vitamins in them are completely preserved. A freshly picked cucumber is healthier than one stored in the refrigerator. Low calorie content explains the benefits of cucumbers in daily menu for weight problems.
Grated cucumbers and low-fat kefir make an excellent diet drink which is suitable for both fasting days, and for daily use. Body cleansing drinks can be prepared from greens, cucumbers and mineral water. You can drink them regularly overweight.
Cucumbers are also beneficial for people who are underweight. In this case, lightly salted or pickled cucumbers are used, as they are an excellent appetite stimulant and promote weight gain. Pickled cucumbers are eaten in meat salads, hot soups and pickles.



The beneficial properties of cucumbers are used in folk medicine and in home cosmetology. The cucumbers themselves, their seeds, leaves, and shoots are used.
Alcohol infusions from fresh cucumbers clean well oily skin. Masks made from them whiten freckles and age spots, help against acne, restore water balance.
A vodka infusion from the seeds of an overripe cucumber - the testis - will help heal trophic ulcers. To do this, you need to infuse 50 grams of seeds in 100 grams of vodka for 10 days. After which the infusion can be applied in the form of lotions to the affected areas.
Infusion from fresh cucumber will help reduce arterial pressure, and its pulp will be useful for constipation, as it has laxative properties.
In the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, cucumber pulp alleviates the course of the disease, but it is used with caution during exacerbation of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
A decoction of cucumber leaves and shoots helps with various bleeding. This is facilitated by the vitamin K they contain, which increases blood clotting.
Everyone knows the benefits cucumber pickle, which alleviates hangovers. Brine restores water well - salt balance impaired by drinking large amounts of alcohol.



Using the beneficial properties of cucumber for various diseases, do not forget that it does not replace the main treatment recommended by the doctor.
Although the chemical composition of fresh cucumbers does not have significant contraindications, very rarely individual intolerance to this vegetable may occur, and in this case, care must be taken when consuming it.
People suffering from heart and kidney diseases can consume pickled cucumbers in small quantities. Enterocolitis and colitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers, some chronic and acute kidney diseases are contraindications for eating fresh cucumber. In this case, the beneficial properties of the vegetable can be used externally.

Cucumber - healthy vegetable with a subtle nature. It consists of 97% water, the properties of which are successfully used by cosmetologists, cooks and devotees proper nutrition. Garden dweller is beneficial for the body, but can also cause harm to human health.

Characteristics and composition

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. It has been cultivated for food for more than 6 thousand years. Today, a representative of the Pumpkin family is grown on almost all continents. The cucumber arrived on the territory of modern Russia around the 16th century. He has adapted well to the climate middle zone and southern regions. The light and pleasant-tasting vegetable won culinary honors wherever it appeared.

There is an opinion that fresh cucumber cannot be too healthy, since it consists almost entirely of water. In fact, one 100-gram fruit contains approximately 15 kcal, 0.8 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 2.5-2.8 carbohydrates.

Cucumber is good for both children and adults

Cucumbers contain potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, calcium, and magnesium in fairly large quantities. There are other macro- and microelements, vitamins, saccharides. The remaining 97-98% is water. The bulk of the beneficial properties of the vegetable are associated with it, but not all.

Attention! One of characteristic properties cucumber - neutral interaction with allergens. It is suitable for almost all people who are allergic to a particular substance.

Useful properties of cucumber

Fresh cucumber has many beneficial properties for the human body.

  • The fruit is an excellent moisturizer. The abundance of water in the composition is supported by the properties of potassium to positively influence the supply of moisture to organs and tissues.
  • Cucumber has a mild and persistent diuretic effect, which helps get rid of swelling and excess fat in the body tissues.
  • The vegetable is a natural absorbent. It actively removes poisons and other harmful substances during intoxication.
  • Tatronic acids, which are contained in cucumber, process carbohydrates and prevent the accumulation of fat mass in the body. This property is actively used by nutritionists. In addition, with a minimum of calories, cucumber can stretch the abdominal walls and cause a feeling of fullness, which is very useful during diets.
  • The salts in cucumber even out the acid-base balance and metabolic process, neutralize and remove excess acidic compounds from the body. Therefore the vegetable is an excellent remedy against kidney stones.
  • The fruits contain large volume fiber. According to this indicator, cucumbers are the leaders among vegetables. Therefore, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, and prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.
  • The iodine contained in the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland.
  • The vegetable breaks down sucrose.
  • Tender alimentary fiber cucumbers cleanse the intestines, favorably affecting their motility and peristalsis.
  • Cucumber is rich in vitamin C. This helps strengthen the immune system.

Attention! It has been scientifically proven that small vegetables contain the most vitamin C.

The use of cucumbers in cosmetology

Long proven and tested in practice cosmetic properties cucumber Women actively use the vegetable to maintain good skin condition, keep it youthful and fresh. Ladies use decoctions, infusions, masks. The latter are perhaps the most popular in home cosmetology.

Cucumber is actively used in cosmetology

Fruits cut into rings have the following effect on the skin:

  • moisturize;
  • relieve swelling;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • draw out harmful substances, cleanse dirt;
  • fight inflammation;
  • whitens and improves complexion;
  • relieve swelling from tired eyes.

Harmful properties of cucumbers

The watery base of the cucumber at the same time as its usefulness is very vulnerable. It can accumulate harmful substances. Early or out-of-season cucumbers are likely to use artificial stimulants or pesticides and may be harmful to the human body. Doctors categorically do not recommend buying such vegetables. Risks: poisoning, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Nitrates may not make themselves felt immediately, but they will remain in your body for quite a long time, waiting to be replenished to a critical amount.

Other negative aspects of cucumber:

  1. Harmful for people who are not advised to drink excess water. For example, in case of kidney pathologies, vegetables are limited to 100 g per day.
  2. Dangerous due to excessive stretching of the stomach. For those who want to lose weight, this can have the opposite effect: increasing appetite instead of dulling it.
  3. Has restrictions for people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis.


Features of the effects of pickled cucumbers on the body

This vegetable is actively harvested and canned. As part of pickles, the properties of cucumber change somewhat:

  1. Pickled cucumbers are contraindicated for people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension and liver dysfunction. It is also undesirable for pregnant women to eat them.
  2. It is better to limit pickles in the diet of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. It is better not to eat cucumbers with any degree of saltiness if you have kidney disease, hepatitis and other liver diseases, obesity and other metabolic disorders.

Pickled cucumbers are just as healthy as fresh ones. They contain a lot of water, the same microelements and vitamins. However pickles warm up the appetite. In general, the popular vegetable has a lot of useful properties, while the negative ones are mainly associated with growing technology.

– a vegetable that has been cultivated culturally for only a few thousand years. The name was given to the vegetable by the Greeks. "Agouros" in Greek means unripe, not ripe.

The beneficial properties of cucumbers are known to many and are explained by their composition. However, what is so useful about it? You can’t call him a champion in terms of vitamin content, and energy value it does not represent much - only 670 J/kg of vegetable...

The taste and smell of fresh cucumber are due to high content in him essential oils and free organic acids. Its chemical composition shows the presence of iodine, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, silicon, vitamins C, B1, carotene, pantothenic acid. Thanks to them, cucumbers have medicinal properties.

Potassium is good for the heart, blood vessels and smooth muscles of the intestines, and has the ability to normalize their tone. Since the vegetable contains folic acid, it is useful for expectant mothers, because. reduces the risk of developmental abnormalities nervous system in the fetus.

Due to high content water, cucumber dissolves and removes toxins from the body. If you have high blood cholesterol, it is very useful to eat cucumbers, since it has the ability to dissolve it, removing it from the body. This medicinal property is used in various diets aimed at cleansing the body. The peel of cucumbers perfectly absorbs poisons from the intestines. Plus, it has a diuretic effect. And the fiber it contains helps women and girls to be thin and slender.

Cucumber contains practically no fat, which allows it to be used as part of various diets. Treatment of diseases in which it is necessary to enhance intestinal motility and achieve its systematic release ( chronic constipation) also cannot do without cucumber. It also contains antibactericidal components that reduce fermentation processes in the intestines.

Fresh cucumber will help in the treatment of diseases associated elevated temperature body, as it has good antipyretic properties. This is a favorite vegetable of folk healers, used by them to treat kidney and lung diseases. In addition, it effectively reduces the acidity of gastric juice. The taste and smell of fresh cucumber are due to its high content of essential oils and free organic acids. Its chemical composition shows the presence of iodine, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, silicon, vitamins C, B1, carotene, pantothenic acid.

Cucumber improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, normalizes blood pressure, removes salts and small stones from the kidneys. Gout can be easily treated with fresh cucumber, since the beneficial properties of cucumber juice dissolve uric acid crystals.

However, cucumber concentrates its medicinal properties most of all in cucumber juice. It has everything useful material and without fiber. It is good to rinse the mouth with juice to heal wounds and strengthen gums. Cucumber juice has properties that make it good for intestinal colic.

You can't do without cucumber in cosmetics either. Just look at these funny circles on the eyes, which relieve swelling of the eyelids and allow your eyes to rest after a long day of work. It contains substances that promote skin rejuvenation and act as antioxidants. Well, the properties of the cucumber mask and cream soften and refresh the skin, fight acne, and whiten freckles.

Cucumbers are rolled up as pickles for the winter, which is also good for the body. Especially during periods of lack of minerals and vitamins. Beneficial features lightly salted cucumbers can be explained by the fact that they control the growth of harmful intestinal microbes. When fermented in brine, lactic acid is formed, which lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation, burns fat in the bloodstream, and maintains normal digestion. So why not use the beneficial properties of pickled cucumbers in winter?

All these properties are good, if not for the contraindications to their use. This is an allergic reaction to preservatives or substances that are added to improve the growth and productivity of the vegetable. Besides, pickled cucumbers Do not use if you have stomach diseases or gallstones. For the rest - bon appetit!