What does the color of the fruits and vegetables we use indicate. What are the useful fruits and vegetables of different colors

For health and well-being, a person needs to eat at least 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day. In this article, we will examine the impact on our health of the color of fruits and vegetables.

Red fruits and vegetables

They have great health benefits, including preventing cardiovascular disease and lowering the risk of cancer. Red color is associated with strength, health and passion. Vegetables and fruits from the red group are rich in iron and potassium. They also contain phytochemicals, such as lycopene and anthocyanins, which help the body fight many diseases. These phytochemicals have exceptional anti-aging and anti-cancer features. Red fruits and vegetables are good for the immune system and can help when a person is weak, anemic, and vulnerable to viruses.

The red color of these fruits and vegetables comes from the content of lycopene in them. Lycopene is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the body. It is known for helping memory and reducing the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Examples of fruits and vegetables that are rich in lycopene: tomatoes, watermelons, pink grapefruit. Lycopene becomes even stronger when cooking. Foods high in lycopene are: tomato soup, tomato sauce, tomato paste, spaghetti sauce, etc.

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables

They are full of carotene, contain vitamin C and many other nutrients that have a role in protecting the nervous system, for eye health and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin, as well as strengthening the immune system. Together with magnesium and calcium, it helps build strong bones.

Citrus fruits, which are mostly orange or yellow in color, also contain various phytochemicals that can help protect against cancer. Some of them act as antioxidants and can actually prevent carcinogens from entering your body.

Green fruits and vegetables

Green fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, folic acid, lutein, calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin C. Lutein, a natural antioxidant found in green vegetables and fruits, helps maintain eye health and reduce the risk of macular degeneration. In addition, green leafy vegetables contain folic acid, which is very important for pregnant women, as it reduces the risk of congenital diseases of the child. The essential nutrients found in green vegetables and fruits protect against cancer and reduce high levels of bad cholesterol, regulate digestion and improve the functioning of the immune system.

Blue fruits and vegetables

Besides looking great, blue fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. Blue fruits and vegetables contain high levels of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that prevent many diseases. Anthocyanins protect cells from oxidative damage, prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer. These fruits and vegetables are very important for memory and healthy aging. And the best part is that blue and purple fruits and vegetables are available all year round!

White fruits and vegetables

Despite the lack of color, white fruits and vegetables have no less impact on health than their relatives. In fact, some nutrients are not found in their fruits and vegetables. White fruits and vegetables contain a substance called allicin, which is known to help lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. They are also very good for strengthening the immune system. The nutrients that contain these fruits and vegetables stimulate B and T cells, the main regulators of immune defense. They also reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, prostate and breast.

Dutch researchers found that consuming white fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of stroke than consuming other types of fruits and vegetables. Consuming 25 g of white fruits and vegetables a day can bring up to 9% less risk of stroke. According to the study, apples and pears are the most commonly consumed white fruits.
Study author Linda Ude Grape from the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, shares the view that stroke risk is 52% lower in people who consume large amounts of white fruits and vegetables than people who consume low foods. The author admits that her statement does not mean that people should stop consuming other non-white fruits and vegetables. Other fruit and vegetable groups can protect against other chronic diseases. She points out that, according to modern research, a higher intake of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of stroke. Her research is based on data collected from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. For this purpose, more than 20,000 people aged 20 to 65 years were studied over 10 years.

The study found that the only group in which there is a significant reduction in the risk of stroke is the group that consumed the most white fruits and vegetables. Linda claims that consumption of dietary fiber and flavonoids plays a role in limiting the risk of stroke. According to most researchers, not only white fruits and vegetables, but also fruits and vegetables in general, significantly improve people's health and protect against the development of many diseases.

Green vegetables are often recommended by healthcare professionals as invaluable sources of beneficial micronutrients. At the same time, white vegetables such as turnips, cauliflower remain ignored. That's why scientists at Purdue University in Indiana decided to shed a little more light on the benefits of these delicious foods from nature.

White vegetables like radishes, mushrooms, onions, cauliflower and potatoes are a good source of fiber, potassium and magnesium. Fiber increases the feeling of satiety after eating and, in addition, improves the digestive system. Potassium is important for muscles and the cardiovascular system. Magnesium does not help with depression and bad mood, and also contributes to heart health.

However, these are far from the only benefits of white vegetables. Most of them contain moderate doses of vitamin C, which makes them powerful antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, prevent cell aging and fight against a heart tumor. Moreover, many white vegetables contain starch, which contributes to the activity of the digestive system and reduces the risk of colon cancer and high cholesterol.

In this article about the benefits of phytochemicals:

Do you think the color of vegetables affects their usefulness? And how important is it to have not only a variety of fruits and vegetables on your table, but also colorful ones?

Colorful phytochemicals

Now many scientists confirm that the natural chemicals (phytochemicals) contained in various fruits, and responsible for their bright color, help us in the fight against ailments. Vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of multi-colored phytochemicals, acting as antioxidants to help destroy potentially dangerous molecules - free radicals, before they damage healthy cells.

Therefore, fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants help to successfully deal with many problems and diseases, such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, cataracts and even premature aging.

Studies show that the effects of the effects of phytochemicals of fruits of different colors are different. Thus, if nutritionists used to say that a person should eat 5 different types of fruits and vegetables a day, now they insist that they all be of different colors. And this means that every day on your plate should be vegetables of all colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

All these colorful vegetables will make your dishes not only healthier, but also more fragrant, tastier, more original.

So what effect does color have on health benefits? Consider the main advantages of the fruits of each color group.

Phytochemicals of red fruits

Red vegetables and fruits:
raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, cherries and cherries, pomegranates, apples, grapes, rhubarb, pink grapefruit, watermelon, guava, tomato, red pepper, radish, red potatoes.

lycopene (carotenoid) and anthocyanin (flavonoid) are the two main pigments that give fruits and vegetables a red color. Contain Vitamin C.

What are useful:
tomatoes, watermelons, guavas and pink grapefruits are a powerful source of lycopene, which helps protect against cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene is easier to absorb if we eat hot food, so tomatoes are much more healthy to eat cooked than raw. Fats, such as olive oil or cheese, also accelerate absorption.

Anthocyanidins found in red vegetables prevent the formation of cancer cells, maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, improve vision and memory, and also reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.

Phytochemicals of green vegetables and fruits

Green vegetables and fruits:
asparagus, avocado, spinach, lettuce, watercress, cucumber, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, dill, parsley, green beans, peas, sugar peas, watercress, zucchini, pepper, fresh onion, leek, apples, grapes, kiwi.

The beneficial substances they contain:
green vegetables and fruits get their color thanks to a pigment called chlorophyll. Many green vegetables contain carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin, as well as trace elements such as beta-carotene, folate, iron, and calcium.

The benefits of their use:
the antioxidants found in green vegetables serve as natural “sunglasses” for us, helping us protect ourselves from harmful ultraviolet rays that damage our eyes. Adequate intake will prevent macular degeneration leading to blindness and protect against cataracts. Green vegetables also help prevent certain types of cancer.

Phytochemicals of blue and purple fruits

Blue and purple vegetables and fruits:
blackberries, blueberries, grapes, black currants, plums, prunes, raisins, red cabbage, red onions and eggplant.

The beneficial substances they contain:
blue and purple fruits and vegetables get their color thanks to anthocyanidins. Most of these fruits and vegetables contain ellagic acid and proanthocyanidins.

How can they help:
anthocyanidins strengthen the heart muscle and reduce the risk of stroke, and ellagic acid protects against the appearance and development of almost all types of cancer. Adequate consumption of anthocyanidin also guarantees emotional stability, normal vision, coordination of movements and good RAM in the elderly.

Many studies also confirm that anthocyanidins help prevent infection by urinary tract infections.

Phytochemicals in yellow and orange fruits

Yellow and Orange Vegetables and Fruits:
apricot, melon, mango, peach, papaya, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, pineapple, nectarine, carrots, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, yellow pepper, corn.

The beneficial substances they contain:
yellow and orange vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamin C, and also contain carotenoids: beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin.

The colorfulness of vegetables and fruits is not only pleasing to the eye, but also is important for our health.
  They can tell a lot about their beneficial properties. Each color performs its special function in our body. What do the colors of fruits and vegetables mean for health, read with us.

Is the color of fruits and vegetables important?

Yes, the presence of natural dyes in vegetables and fruits is extremely important. Doctors and nutritionists already many years ago proved that each color has its own special properties, which have different effects on the human body and conditionally divided vegetables and fruits into five main color groups.

  Yellow and Orange Vegetables and Fruits

Yellow pepper, lemon, carrot, pumpkin, orange, papaya, etc. All of them contain a large amount of beta-carotene, which, as you know, is the best prophylactic against cancer, and also enhances our immunity. Beta-carotene is also a beauty product. Eat more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables if you want to have smooth and beautiful skin, thick and healthy hair, strong nails and a firm body.

This group of fruits and vegetables is also very important for the health of our eyes - it helps to maintain acute vision for many years.

Green vegetables and fruits

Spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, broccoli, kiwi, green onions, leeks, zucchini, cucumber. The natural pigment contained in them - chlorophyll - is often called the "living blood" of plants, and its main molecule in its structure is almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule. The value of fruits and vegetables rich in chlorophyll is that they cleanse the human digestive tract and excretory system, that is, they cleanse the blood and lymphatic fluid, and also contribute to weight loss. Purified, as you know, better assimilates all the substances necessary for life, making its owner full of strength and energy.

  Red fruits and vegetables

Tomatoes, beets, red peppers, cherries, pomegranates, cherries, radishes, strawberries, watermelon. All of them contain lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on the heart: strengthens it and improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that lowers cholesterol and has a proven anti-cancer effect. Red fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which is also known as a friend of the human heart - it regulates the rhythm of its work and blood pressure.

  White fruits and vegetables

Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, chicory, garlic, onions. They are also called enemies of the infection. This group of vegetables is rich in flavonoids (antioxidants) and allicin, which has antibacterial properties. White vegetables, especially with a characteristic odor, can rightly be called "natural antibiotics." They strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Flavonoids also act as an antispasmodic and diuretic. White plants also contain sulfur, which helps lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

  Purple (blue) fruits and vegetables

Blueberries, dark grapes, eggplant, plums, blackcurrant, chokeberry, dark red cranberries. They will help us live to a very old age, because they contain powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins slow down the aging process, protect us from infections, and also help prevent inflammation of the digestive system and urinary tract. In chronic diseases of the bladder, the best prophylactic and therapeutic agent is cranberries.

Each color group is important.

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in preventing our health. And each color is important in its own way, and they bring the best results together, and not separately. Therefore, in order to be healthy and enjoy the beauty, we must eat fruits and vegetables from each color group daily.

Bright saturated colors of fruits and vegetables on our plates are not only pleasing to the eye, but can also tell a lot about their beneficial properties. Do you know that every color in our body performs its special function to promote health? What do the colors of fruits and vegetables mean for health, read with us.


1. Is the color of fruits and vegetables important?

Yes, the presence of natural dyes in vegetables and fruits is extremely important. Doctors and nutritionists already many years ago proved that each color has its own special properties, which have different effects on the human body and conditionally divided vegetables and fruits into five main color groups. (Photo: Shutterstock).

  2. Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits.

Yellow pepper, lemon, carrot, pumpkin, orange, papaya, etc. All of them contain a large amount of beta-carotene, which, as you know, is the best prophylactic against cancer, and also enhances our immunity. Beta-carotene is also a beauty product. Eat more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables if you want to have smooth and beautiful skin, thick and healthy hair, strong nails and a firm body.

This group of fruits and vegetables is also very important for the health of our eyes - it helps to maintain acute vision for many years. (Photo: Shutterstock).

  3. Green vegetables and fruits.

Spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, broccoli, kiwi, green onions, leeks, zucchini, cucumber. The natural pigment contained in them - chlorophyll - is often called the "living blood" of plants, and its main molecule in its structure is almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule. The value of fruits and vegetables rich in chlorophyll is that they cleanse the human digestive tract and excretory system, that is, they cleanse the blood and lymphatic fluid, and also contribute to weight loss. A purified body, as you know, better assimilates all the substances necessary for life, making its owner full of strength and energy. (Photo: Shutterstock).

  4. Red fruits and vegetables.

Tomatoes, beets, red peppers, cherries, pomegranates, cherries, radishes, strawberries, watermelon. All of them contain lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on the heart: strengthens it and improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that lowers cholesterol and has a proven anti-cancer effect. Red fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which is also known as a friend of the human heart - it regulates the rhythm of its work and blood pressure. (Photo: Shutterstock).

  5. White fruits and vegetables.

Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, chicory, garlic, onions. They are also called enemies of the infection. This group of vegetables is rich in flavonoids (antioxidants) and allicin, which has antibacterial properties. White vegetables, especially with a characteristic odor, can rightly be called "natural antibiotics." They strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Flavonoids also act as an antispasmodic and diuretic. White plants also contain sulfur, which helps lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. (Photo: Shutterstock).

  6. Purple (blue) fruits and vegetables.

Blueberries, dark grapes, eggplant, plums, blackcurrant, chokeberry, dark red cranberries. They will help us live to a very old age, because they contain powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins slow down the aging process, protect us from infections, and also help prevent inflammation of the digestive system and urinary tract. In chronic diseases of the bladder, the best prophylactic and therapeutic agent is cranberries. (Photo: Shutterstock).

  7. Each color group is important.

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in preventing our health. And each color is important in its own way, and they bring the best results together, and not separately. Therefore, in order to be healthy and enjoy the beauty, we must eat fruits and vegetables from each color group daily. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Nowadays, from nutritionists you can increasingly hear a strange, at first glance, advice: "Eat more colorful." No, of course, it’s not about lollipops, but about vegetables and fruits of different colors! It has been established that plant-based vegan foods contain chemicals called phytonutrients - they are not only extremely healthy and protect against many diseases, but also give the products a bright color.

Scientists have found a relationship between color and the beneficial properties of phytonutrients. Surely you would be curious to know what is the meaning and what benefit lies behind each specific color - today we will share this information with you. But until we get down to scientific facts, it’s worth noting: it’s proved that colorful, beautiful, vibrant food is useful simply due to its attractive appearance, because stimulates a healthy appetite! This is especially important in baby food - because children are sometimes naughty and do not want to eat. But who will refuse a plate of delicious "rainbow"? After all, all of us, both children and adults, eat first with “eyes.” Food should bring not only benefits, but also joy: to nourish, including mentally.

And now about the ratio of the colors of fruits and vegetables and the beneficial substances contained in them.

1. Red

Vegan red foods contain large amounts of beta-carotene (vitamin A), fiber and antioxidants: vitamin C, flavonol quercetin, lycopene. These substances protect the body from the effects of free radicals, from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and also provide tangible support to the digestive system.

Red fruits (by the way, they are not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful!): Watermelon, cranberries, raspberries, red grapefruit, strawberries, cherries, pomegranates, red varieties of apples.
   Vegetables: beets, red peppers (both cayenne and paprika), tomatoes, radishes, red potatoes, red onions, chicory, rhubarb.

2. Orange

Orange fruits and vegetables are very healthy because They contain many antioxidants, including beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene (which in the body turns into vitamin A). They strengthen the health of the eyes, skin and respiratory system, help with arthritis, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. These antioxidants also enhance immunity.

Fruits: oranges (naturally!), Tangerines, nectarines, apricots, cantaloupe (cantaloupe), mango, papaya, peaches.
   Vegetables: butternut squash ("nut" or "musky" pumpkin), carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes.

3. Yellow

Yellow foods are rich in carotenoids (antioxidants that protect against cancer, retinal diseases and cardiovascular diseases) and a bioflavonoid that positively affects collagen production (and it is responsible for beauty!), Tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Yellow fruits and vegetables always contain vitamin C (which has an anti-inflammatory effect), as well as vitamin A, potassium and lycopene.

Fruits: lemon, palm citron ("Buddha's hand"), pineapple, yellow pear, yellow figs.
Vegetables: yellow pumpkin, yellow tomatoes, yellow pepper, corn (scientifically, this is not a vegetable, but a grain crop), and yellow ("golden") beets.

4. Green

It is not surprising that green vegetables and fruits are traditionally considered extremely useful, because they contain vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, as well as chlorophyll, lutein, zeaxanthin and folic acid. Green vegetables help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and the risk of cancer, normalize high blood pressure. They are also good for the eyes, strengthen immunity, improve digestion (due to the high fiber content) and give the body calcium, which is important for bones and teeth.

Fruits: kiwi, green tomatoes, zucchini, sweet green pepper, pear, avocado, green grapes, green apples, round "
   Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, asparagus, celery, peas, green beans, artichokes, okra, and all dark green leafy greens (different types of spinach, kale, and other varieties).

5. Blue and purple

Scientists had to combine blue and purple vegetables and fruits into one group, because chemically impossible to separate them. Products look blue or purple due to their content of substances such as anthocyanin and resveratrol. The final color will depend on the acid-base balance of the product.

Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects, help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, are useful in the fight against obesity and overweight. Resveratrol is a substance that prevents aging, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Blue and violet products contain lutein (it is important for good vision), vitamin C, quercetin, and generally beneficial for health and longevity.

Fruits: blueberries, blackberries, figs (figs), dark grapes, currants, plums, olives, prunes, elderberries, acai berries, poppies, raisins.
   Vegetables: eggplant, purple asparagus, red cabbage, lilac carrots, potatoes with purple flesh.

6. White \\ brown

You can be so carried away by eating delicious colorful vegetables and fruits that you completely forget about ... white! And this will be a big mistake, because they contain useful antioxidant substances (which help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure), as well as sulfur (it cleanses the liver of toxins, is useful for the protein structure and skin health), allicin (it has an anti-cancer property ) and quercetin (anti-inflammatory effect).

White fruits and vegetables strengthen the immune system and help control weight. The most useful of them are dark (brown) on the outside and white inside (for example, like a pear or
   Other healthy white foods include cauliflower and cabbage, onions, garlic, mushrooms, ginger, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, kohlrabi, turnips, potatoes, fennel and white (sugar) corn.

7. Black

Another color that you don’t think about at first, imagining a fruit and vegetable “rainbow”! But you can’t lose sight of it, because many black fruits and vegetables are recognized as superfoods. Usually it is black vegan foods that contain the most antioxidants, so their color is so intense. This is a great source of anthocyanins - powerful phytonutrients that fight against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and some types of cancer!

Black foods (not only fruits and vegetables are listed): black lentils, black or wild rice, black garlic, shiitake mushrooms, black beans and black chia seeds.

Here is such a wonderful fruit and vegetable palette. As a useful experiment, try eating a new color every day for seven days - and on the weekend you can say that you ate a rainbow in a week!