Is it healthy to drink? What are the benefits of high-proof drinks for the human body? Correct doses and frequency of drinking alcohol

Humanity perceives drinking alcoholic beverages as a colossal problem, a scourge of our time. The harm of alcohol is obvious, but not all people are able to admit this fact and choose the path of healing and sobriety.

The harm of alcoholism

The harm of alcohol on the human body is beyond doubt, and this fact has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

To understand the essence of what has been said, you need to understand how ethyl alcohol acts on the body after:

  1. Brain activity is impaired due to the death of brain cells. An alcoholic is unable to adequately and quickly respond to what is happening; there are inhibited psychomotor reactions.
  2. After drinking alcohol, the performance of the central nervous system decreases. Drinking alcohol causes spontaneous destruction of nerve cells. Over time, a person becomes weak in spirit, unable to resist addiction, and experiences symptoms of neurosis or hidden depression.
  3. Alcohol disrupts cellular metabolism. As a result of this pathology, increased swelling of the skin predominates, signs of pigmentation and foci of necrosis appear, and appearance the alcoholic leaves much to be desired.
  4. The activity of the alcoholic’s reproductive system decreases, and after systematic drinking, the chances of procreation for women and men are minimized.
  5. Under the influence of ethanol, the previous performance of internal organs and systems is disrupted; as an option, the kidneys, liver, lungs, myocardium, and gastrointestinal tract organs suffer. In this case we are talking about even moderate portions of alcohol.
  6. Increased risk of strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, bronchial asthma, malignant tumors, paralysis with subsequent disability, death cannot be ruled out.
  7. Rapid weight gain can also occur due to progressive alcoholism, since metabolism at the cellular level is disrupted. A person does not control food consumption, as a result - one of the forms of obesity, cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes.

Psychological dependence on alcohol

Qualified specialists remind you not only of the threat of internal imbalance, but also of emotional dependence, which one day becomes a bad habit. A person, without realizing it, reaches for a new dose of alcohol, and hangover syndrome perceives as by-effect your sober state. Therefore, he cannot independently determine the problem; he can only count on the help and timely response of relatives and medical participation.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Alcoholism is dangerous not only because of its destructive effects ethyl alcohol, but also long-term intoxication of the body.

Against the background of psychological addiction, the patient’s health gradually deteriorates, and due to the systemic effect of ethyl alcohol, all internal organs, systems. To stop this process, the alcoholic first needs psychological help and complete isolation to avoid further drinking.

Benefits of drinking alcohol

Many patients seriously believe in the benefits of alcohol. At first glance, such reasoning may seem inadequate, but modern medicine contains information on the beneficial effects of alcoholic beverages. The benefits of alcohol are as follows:

  1. Prevention diabetes mellitus. After consumption alcoholic drinks insulin sensitivity increases.
  2. The benefits of alcohol in the form of wine and wine drinks obvious to the body. This drink contains tocopherols in sufficient quantities, which increase the elasticity of vascular walls and provide reliable prevention of atherosclerotic plaques.
  3. The beneficial properties of alcohol are also expressed in antiseptic capabilities, since it is vodka that is used to treat wounds and affected areas in “field” conditions. In addition, this antiseptic has an anti-inflammatory effect, which may also be urgently needed.
  4. Analgesic effect of alcoholic drinks. After drinking a certain portion of alcohol, the pain sensitivity threshold decreases sharply.
  5. Hot wine containing ethyl alcohol acts as an analgesic. Antipyretic properties are noticeable within 10-12 minutes after administration and last for several hours.
  6. Drinking alcohol weakens a person mentally. It is very important to maintain the edge of sobriety and not go into a state of strong alcohol intoxication, otherwise such portions will soon lead to chronic alcoholism.

The health benefits of alcohol are a shaky concept, but they still exist in medical practice and have been officially confirmed. Even professional psychologists recommend taking a little alcohol for courage.

This information has been verified and is considered to be as reliable as possible. However, qualified specialists remind that the beneficial properties of ethanol in the human body appear only if daily doses are limited to a minimum, making them an absolute necessity. Also great importance has what kind of alcoholic drink is used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Myths and truth about alcoholism

Since the benefits of alcohol for the body still exist, many experienced alcoholics, as an excuse for their cowardice, came up with the idea of ​​healing the body in such an accessible and time-tested way. Below are the most common myths:

  1. Alcohol is a food product. In fact, alcoholic beverages should not be in your daily diet.
  2. Drinking alcohol reduces the risk of colds and viral diseases significantly. This is not so, since the warming effect is short-term, and the bactericidal effect is insignificant, imperceptible to the body.
  3. Drinking alcoholic beverages relieves internal fears and complexes. This is not true, since ethanol causes a noticeable blow to nerve cells, causing them to become disorientated. For some nerve endings this is a temporary phenomenon, while for others it is final destruction followed by the formation of foci of necrosis.
  4. Drinking alcoholic beverages is useful for hypertensive patients to stabilize blood pressure. This is a mistake, since the heart rate increases rapidly under the influence of ethanol, and accordingly, the blood pressure level increases, followed by symptoms.
  5. High-quality alcohol is not harmful to health. The composition of alcoholic beverages matters, reducing the level of toxic poisoning and increased stress on the liver. But this is not the determining factor and criterion for assessing overall well-being; the amount of alcohol consumed is more important.

In any case, narcologists strongly recommend treatment for alcoholism, and the sooner the better.

Everyone knows that alcohol is harmful to health. In this case, it cannot be useful. But this is a controversial issue. If we do not take into account external alcohol solutions, then in what cases is alcohol good for health?

Scientists have proven that if a man, he will consume 50 grams once a week. alcohol, the risk of developing heart disease is reduced by 7%, and in the case of daily intake - by 40%. As for women, the same amount of alcohol, regardless of the frequency of consumption, reduces the development of coronary heart disease by 30%. The numbers are impressive. Is this really true and is alcohol good for health or not? Let's figure it out.

The effect of alcohol on blood pressure

Alcohol-containing drinks can increase arterial pressure blood. In this case, small doses of alcohol (1-2 tablespoons of cognac) will help people with low blood pressure(hypotonics). Doctors, however, are in no hurry to recommend such drinks as a replacement for medicine. Research shows that in 20 cases out of 100, people who abuse alcohol suffer from hypertension. In rare cases, hypotensive people can afford a little cognac, but you should not abuse it. It is much safer to increase your blood pressure by drinking a cup aromatic coffee or eating a piece of dark chocolate. Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus can also help with hypotension.

Natural dry wines

Why, given the negative attitude towards alcohol, in principle, do red natural dry wines avoid this fate? This is partly true. Red grape varieties contain resveratrol, a natural phytoalexin that has anti-inflammatory, antitumor effects and can lower blood sugar. White grapes also contain it, but in smaller quantities. It does not lose its properties in wine either. Resveratrol normalizes work of cardio-vascular system, hinders development oncological diseases, prolongs youth, delaying age-related changes in the body.

Consumption in moderate doses prevents cholesterol from depositing on the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.

Drinking alcohol in large quantities leads to heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, mental disorders and a number of related diseases. And red wine, in this case, is no exception. Its beneficial properties do not tip the scales. In addition, resveratrol is also found in other fruits, nuts and cocoa. Cholesterol can be reduced through diet and exercise.

As you can see, dry wine has its pros and cons.

Safe dose of alcohol

Is there a figure at which alcohol consumed will be considered safe dose? It turns out there is. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the following amount of alcohol: a man can drink no more than 30 ml of pure alcohol per day, which is 75 ml of vodka or 1.5 bottles of beer. For a woman, this figure is lower - 20 ml of pure alcohol (50 ml of vodka or 1 bottle of beer).

Alcohol relieves stress

To say that alcohol relieves stress would be wrong; rather, alcohol has a relaxing effect. Therefore, when pouring libations, many are ready to pour out their souls to the first person they meet. Narcologists say that you can just as successfully relieve stress in the gym - there is also a release of energy, and this is much more beneficial for the body.

White wine doesn't give you headaches

Well, it depends how much you drink! Very often, red wines really give you a headache and your face can become very red. This is due to the fact that according to the technology for preparing red wine, for its more long storage, sulfur dioxide is added to the composition. Intolerance to this substance by some people can cause such reactions. According to the technology for preparing white wines, this substance is not included in the composition, and therefore there may not be a headache.

Low alcohol drinks are safe for health

Basically, young people love to drink low-alcohol drinks, considering them harmless and safe. Let's do a simple calculation. If you take a small jar of this drink (0.33 l), most of which contain 8% alcohol, you get approximately 27 ml of pure alcohol. As mentioned above, for the fair sex, this is already exceeding the daily norm. But one jar is often not enough, and this is already alcohol poisoning. Carbon dioxide, which often accompanies such drinks, promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood. Harm from energy drinks can be doubled or even tripled. Caffeine, which is part of alcohol, makes this drink simply an explosive mixture, which affects the liver, pancreas and the entire nervous system.

Rules for proper drinking

There are only three rules that will help you stay on your feet and not fall face first into the salad.

  • Make it a rule not to drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the blood, which leads to very strong intoxication and an uncontrollable state. It’s best if you not only eat something before a glass or two, but this “something” will be fatty - a sandwich with butter, a piece of lard...
  • You shouldn’t start your feast with strong drinks; it’s best to start with an aperitif. There is an explanation for this - the appetite will wake up and the body’s enzymatic system will work better.
  • Do not reduce the level of alcoholic beverages you drink (unless your goal is to quickly and severe intoxication, which will be accompanied by headache, vomiting and the desire to remember at least something the next day).

Like any food product, alcohol can be beneficial and harmful. A reasonable approach and measure are the rules that should be followed when drinking any alcohol.

Alcohol is one of the most ancient products. Some say it is harmful. Others say that alcohol in moderation is beneficial. But no one gives convincing arguments to support their theory.

Find out what happens to the brain when excessive consumption alcohol, and what alcohol helps with high vascular pressure.

Benefit: in what quantities alcoholic drinks do not harm the body

The World Health Organization has developed safe drinking standards for men and women. A man can drink 75 ml of vodka or 750 ml of beer per day. Women are allowed 50 ml of vodka or 500 ml of beer. This amount does not cause habit or health problems. But only in cases where drinking does not turn into a ritual. If a person cannot do without alcohol every day, at the same time, then we can talk about addiction. Therefore, drinking even small doses of alcoholic beverages should not be daily.

The fact that alcohol is harmful to health is undeniable. But there is evidence that it can also be beneficial. For example, if you drink alcoholic beverages in small quantities, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and even prolongs youth. But it is recommended to drink only natural and high-quality drinks.

Winemakers can talk for a long time about the benefits of wine. Indeed, grapes contain many vitamins, microelements, and flavins. Even from grape seeds, many beneficial biologically active substances are obtained. nutrients. They are used in folk medicine.

A glass of dry red wine reduces the risk of vascular damage, blood clots and acts as a good antioxidant.

In small doses, a person does not feel intoxicated, he calms down and relieves stress. Alcohol is the best stress-relieving adapter. There is no such antidepressant, tranquilizer, sedative, which is stronger than alcohol, which is why people drink strong drinks.

But it all depends on the quantity. Salt, for example, can be called poison if you eat a packet. That is, the rule works in everything: dose - result. In every matter, the main thing is moderation. For example, 30 grams of cognac helps relieve vasospasm: they expand and blood pressure decreases. There is no intoxication from such a dose, the person maintains control over himself. Even in modern pharmacology, herbal tinctures made with alcohol are used. They are taken not in glasses, but in drops, minimizing the negative effects of alcohol.

The benefits of alcohol are not as great as those who support strong drinks say.

In small quantities, alcoholic drinks can act as:




But in all these cases, you can choose other drugs and methods that will not cause addiction, compared to strong drinks.

Harm of strong drinks to human health

Alcohol is a foreign substance and a polyvalent poison. It affects the intestines, heart, vision, brain, gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas and reproductive system. Scientists have not yet figured out which specific receptor is responsible for alcohol. Any alcoholic drink causes a number of unhealthy chemical reactions that disrupt the functioning of internal organs and functional systems. There is no part of the human body that is resistant to the pathological effects of alcohol. The liver is especially affected. Regular use strong drinks leads to cirrhosis and cancer.

Alcohol is a good solvent; it destroys various membranes, including brain cells.

It doesn't matter what type of alcohol a person drinks. The body's reaction is the same. At first there is a slight relaxation, and with increasing dosage comes a state of euphoria. At the physiological level, this is numbness of the cerebral cortex, followed by the death of individual areas. The cell cemetery increases with each alcohol intake. The popular saying is true: “if you drink a lot, you’ll drink your brains away.”

There are not many adherents of absolute sobriety, and this is good. Because the benefits of alcohol in small doses have long been irrefutably proven.

If alcohol were absolutely harmful, then there would be no medical supplies alcohol based - various medicinal tinctures and balms. That is, the debate about the dangers of alcohol is meaningless.

Allow yourself to drink a little and infrequently when you are away absolute contraindications– simply necessary: ​​for physical and mental health, maintaining connections with others and just a good mood. But the key words here are - little and infrequently.

Scientists' opinion

In the Dutch town of Zutphen, a group of doctors monitored 1,373 residents of this town for 40 years, born from 1900 to the 1920s. All these people are no longer among the living. But a group of scientists came to interesting conclusions:

  • the mortality index under 70 years of age was 36% lower for those who drank alcohol in moderation compared with those who were completely abstainers;

Reference. Moderate drinkers are those who drank no more than 20 g of absolute alcohol per day. Which is comparable to 40-45 g of vodka or a glass of wine.

  • death as a result of cardiovascular diseases among those who drink no more than the specified amount is recorded less often than among non-drinkers by as much as 34%;
  • It is curious that, on average, those who drank not strong drinks, but grape wines, lived 3.8 years longer than others.

Let us present one more fact. Scientists from a serious institution, the University of Texas at Austin, conducted their own twenty-year study, where more than 2,000 people agreed to act as “test subjects.” The conclusion is even cooler: alcohol in small doses is not only beneficial, but can double the number of years of life.

What is a small and permissible dose?

Research in different countries show that it is better to drink in small doses, providing beneficial influence to your health. But even here there is no unanimity. In the UK the norm is 8 ml pure alcohol in a day. Which corresponds to 16-18 ml of vodka or up to 40 ml of dry grape wine.

Who would drink that much? In the USA, the permissible daily dose was calculated at 14 ml. That is, 30 grams of their bourbon or ours, 60–70 grams of wine. In Japan, the norm is 20 ml of pure alcohol.

Note. This is a daily calculation. But drinking alcohol every day is strictly not recommended. Maximum – 3 times a week for women and 4 times for men.

Let's talk about a “moderate” or “permissible” dose for Russians, which also brings certain benefits to the heart and blood vessels without causing significant harm to the liver.

Let's go back to the notorious 20 ml of absolute alcohol per day. For Russia, let’s convert it into a week, that is, 7 x 20 = 140. This will already be, translated into alcohol that is familiar to us:

  • 350 g of vodka or other 40-degree drink: cognac, etc.;
  • 1 liter of wine;
  • 3.5 liters.

Not all together, but either one or the other, or the third. This is how much you can afford to drink per week. Whether you divide it into two or three times or drink it during the day is up to you.

However, experts suggest dividing it at least twice so as not to overload the organs for processing and removing alcohol from the body. After all, with a large simultaneous dose, they have to work under load, which leads to problems with the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.


If you want to live long with good health, do not deny yourself alcohol, but drink only in moderate doses. Also consider the load on the body. You can, of course, not drink for a month, and then “break away” for the entire period in a day, without exceeding the monthly norm.

And it’s difficult to drink 1.4 liters of vodka in one day, even for a strong man. But still, one-time, but excessive consumption of alcohol will have a strong impact on the body, so do not test its strength.

What are the benefits of cognac?

In our drinking culture, strong alcoholic drinks play a dominant role. Let us recall, for example, the hero Nikulin from The Diamond Arm, pouring himself a glass of cognac in the middle of the night: “Doctors recommend.” And why? We read:

  1. Cognac dilates blood vessels, thereby supporting heart function and reducing blood pressure. At sharp jump pressure (stress, overwork, etc.) or an attack of angina pectoris, people have a technique that helps stabilize the condition. Drink 30-50 g of cognac (no more, otherwise the effect may be the opposite) and lie down for an hour or two. The heart will “calm down” and the blood pressure will return to normal.
  2. The tannins that cognac absorbed from the oak barrel Help the body absorb vitamin C, which is very important when a cold begins. After a long stay outside in chilly weather, feeling the unpleasant symptoms of an approaching illness, take the following measures:
  • if you are at work, try a proven method: brew yourself coffee or tea and add it to hot drink 20-30 g cognac. Snack on a lemon or eat a couple of ascorbic acids;
  • at home in the evening before going to bed, steam your feet, drink a glass of cognac - and go straight to a warm bed. By morning you will be “like a cucumber”;
  • added to hot milk, helps fight bronchitis and even pneumonia, soothing cough;
  • heated cognac, to which honey and lemon are added, “works” no worse than pharmaceutical antipyretics.
  1. A small glass will help for stomach cramps, decreased appetite, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice.
  2. Conducted research French cognac it has been proven that he is also improves memory, reducing the risk of developing senile dementia and improving hearing.

Attention. The daily dose of cognac for health improvement should not exceed 30 ml. This is the amount doctors recommend.

It works in much the same way homemade cognac, if this is not an imitation of a drink using spices, but wine spirit, aged in oak barrel.

Vodka, moonshine, and other drinks whose strength exceeds 30° also have vasodilating properties, stimulate appetite and gastrointestinal function. And they also have a positive effect on colds, although weaker than cognac. Honey vodka (moonshine) is considered the best for this purpose.

About the benefits of balms

Today, pharmacies sell many balms, both general strengthening and “narrow focused.” Who is not familiar with the Riga balsam in a ceramic bottle, Bitner's balsam. You should know that a balm is not the same as a herbal tincture. It is created in several stages:

  • First, alcohol is infused with herbs and other medicinal drugs;
  • then the tincture is distilled;
  • add herbs, roots, berries again and infuse separately;
  • after which various tinctures are mixed in certain proportions so that the components do not “clog” each other, but complement each other, increasing the healing effect;
  • The almost finished balm is kept in ceramics or dark glass and only after that is sent to the consumer.

Their main task is stimulating energy and increasing body tone. Balms should be used for:

  • overwork and loss of strength;
  • mental overstrain;
  • to improve appetite;
  • getting rid of sand and gallstones;
  • to improve immunity;
  • for colds - to relieve symptoms and remove mucus from the bronchi;
  • stabilization of kidney function.

Based on their composition, they can often be used to reduce sugar levels in type 2 diabetes.

WITH therapeutic purpose The balm is consumed after meals as a digestif (digestive stimulant) 30 ml.

And during the cold and cold season, add a couple of teaspoons of balm to your tea, thereby “stimulating” your immunity to resist viruses.

Beneficial properties of wine and beer

Red wine is considered the healthiest of alcoholic drinks. It contains flavonoids that have a positive effect on the human body because:

  • Reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and increase the amount of good cholesterol. Thereby reducing the risk of blood clots;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevent cancer;
  • contribute to the normalization of metabolism and weight loss;
  • increase sexual activity.

And, as noted above, a glass of natural red wine a day can prolong life.

Beer has its own positive sides. It is rich in B vitamins, selenium, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Helps the heart function and calms you down nervous system, will slow down the proliferation of viruses and microbes.

Beer ( with moderate consumption) prevents the appearance of acne and boils due to its disinfecting properties, makes the skin more elastic and younger. Used in the composition.

Socialization and mentality of the people

And how difficult it can be to “join” a team of complete strangers if you’ve been invited to a big celebration. But then people sat down on the tables, made a couple of toasts - and already there was a conversation, jokes, jokes, as if they had known each other for a hundred years.

And our mentality is such that a non-drinker arouses suspicion and the thought “What’s wrong with him? Is he sick or a coded drunk? Therefore, to maintain the image of a normal person and an excellent conversationalist, you have to drink alcohol from time to time.

To get pleasure and benefits from drinking alcohol, do not show your “coolness” in competitions to see who can outdrink whom, know when to stop. And since there is no guarantee that a bottle of even elite alcohol purchased in a store is not counterfeit, prepare it yourself.

Red wine from one's own hand harvested grapes, created by natural fermentation under a water seal without “fixing” with alcohol - the path to a healthy heart, blood vessels, digestive organs And good mood. High-quality moonshine, double-triple distilled and divided into fractions, will replace the “coolest” vodka.

Cognac better than that, what is in the store will come out of grape mash

According to estimates by the World Health Organization, Uganda is recognized as the drinkingiest country in the world. This is due to the fact that in Africa many drinks based on the fermentation of plant materials are consumed, also considered alcoholic.
Luxembourg is in second place, Ireland is in third, followed by Hungary and Moldova. To Russia's credit, it should be said that it occupies only 22nd place in the ranking of the most drinking countries, and Ukraine is in 61st place. Everything is fair in the calculations. Pure alcohol consumption per capita was calculated, including infants and old people.


The main parameter for classification is the strength of the drink.
Therefore, according to the indicator, all drinks are divided into:
  • Strong. Includes more than 38% vol. alcohol This is cognac, vodka, whiskey,
  • Average. Include alcohol from 20 to 38% vol. – liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures,
  • Weak. Include alcohol no more than 20% vol. - beer, wine.

Strong alcohol

The main difference in spirits is the raw materials from which they are made.
If in European southern countries This raw material is grapes, then in more northern latitudes it is potatoes or grain. For example, in Ireland and Scotland it is whiskey, in France and Spain it is brandy, in Russia and Poland it is vodka, in the Scandinavian countries they prepare aquavit from potatoes.
In the Caribbean, the basis for alcohol is sugar cane. Therefore, in Latin America, rum is made from it.
The abundance of agave in Mexico gave rise to the production of tequila, which was formerly called agave whiskey.
IN North America the history of spirits began with rum from sugar cane. However, after some time, settlers from northern Europe discovered that instead of the usual barley, they could use corn or, in the north of the country, rye. Therefore, Canadian and American whiskey prepared from rye and corn.

Another parameter for classification is exposure. Over time, people developed technology for aging strong alcoholic beverages. Canadian or American whiskey, for example, should be aged for at least two years, cognac for at least two and a half years, and scotch whiskey stand for at least three years.
Not all alcoholic drinks last. Vodka, grappa and gin are not aged. Therefore, these drinks are colorless and completely transparent.
At the same time, there are drinks, for example, tequila, rum, brandy and aquavita, the production of which involves both aged and unaged types.

In trade, the classification of alcohol is simplified: all strong drinks are divided into white and brown.

The most consumed strong alcoholic drinks in the world are:

  • Vodka,
  • Whiskey,
  • Brandy,
  • Gin.
Alcohol can also be classified according to the complexity of production. Then it will turn out:
1. Pure alcohols prepared without any improvers from any types of raw materials ( vodka, grappa, whiskey),
2. Flavored spirits from a wide variety of raw materials ( aquavit, gin),
3. Drinks based on alcohol with a mass of various additives, including sugar ( tinctures, liqueurs, creams).

Calorie content

Without a doubt, liqueurs break records for calorie content. The calorie content of 100 ml of the product is more than 300 kcal.
Vodka contains a little more than 280 kcal per 100 ml.
Liqueur wines and whiskey contain about 220 kcal per 100 ml.
Dessert and fortified wines contain from 150 to 170 kcal per 100 ml.
Vermouths - about 120 kcal.
Sweet wines and sweet champagne are around 100 kcal.
Semi-sweet wines 80 – 90 kcal.
Dry wines – 60 – 70 kcal.
Beer 35 – 50 kcal.
Non-alcoholic beer – 33 kcal.

Degrees and blood alcohol content

Without a doubt, the higher the amount of drink consumed, the greater the “degree” that will enter the blood.
But it’s not just the quantity that affects the level of alcohol in the blood.

1. Alcohol strength. The stronger the drink, the more alcohol in the blood. But due to the fact that drinks with a strength of 40% irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, the work of the pyloric valve is inhibited. Therefore, the contents of the stomach do not enter the intestines so quickly and thereby delay the entry of alcohol into the blood. Drinks with a strength of 15–20% penetrate the blood most quickly. Due to the fact that there is quite a lot of water in beer, alcohol from it also does not immediately enter the bloodstream. But aperitifs with a strength of 15–20% penetrate the blood the fastest, which is why they increase appetite, causing acceleration of blood circulation. Gas present in champagne and mineral waters ( they are used to make cocktails) accelerates the penetration of alcohol into the blood.

2. Speed ​​of use. If you drink a lot and quickly, your blood alcohol level will be higher than if you drink the same amount, but slowly, little by little. During the time that the next portion of alcohol enters the blood, the liver manages to process part of what has already been received. The liver processes the alcohol contained in 25 ml of vodka or 250 ml of beer in an hour. Therefore, if you drink at this rate, your blood alcohol level will remain constant.

3. Presence of food in the stomach. If there is no solid food in the stomach or intestines, alcohol penetrates the walls and blood faster. If a person eats fatty foods, alcohol is absorbed 6 times slower than on an empty stomach. Therefore, before the first drink, it is better to eat a thick, fatty and warm meal.

4. Body mass . The “bigger” a person is, the more fluid his body contains. Thus, at tall man the level of alcohol in the blood will be lower, all other things being equal, than at a low level. Since there is less water in fat cells, an obese person's alcohol level will rise faster than a lean person who has consumed the same amount. In any case, women have less water in their bodies than men. That's why they get drunk faster.

Myths about the dangers of alcohol

Myth 1. Alcohol is a food product
Scientists knew that alcohol is a narcotic poison back in the early twentieth century. And in the mid-70s, the World Health Organization officially recognized alcohol as a drug that undermines public health. To this day, not a single scientist has been able to reliably refute these assertions.

Myth 2. If you drink a little, there will be no harm
The refutation of this is that all alcoholics began to drink little by little. But like any other drug, alcohol is addictive. The dose can only increase. Even small amounts of alcohol give a person a feeling of euphoria, which is often very dangerous.
According to research by academician Pavlova, reflexes disappear after drinking small doses of alcohol and return to normal only after 7–11 days. According to modern data, even people who drink moderately after 4 years have an 85% chance of brain shrinkage. The more complex the brain function, the more severe the consequences of small doses of alcoholic beverages. A person’s desire to work disappears. Small doses of alcohol poison the liver, as well as brain cells and reproductive systems. Even small doses increase the likelihood of diabetes and cancer, as well as hypertension.

Myth 3. Alcohol helps prevent colds and warms you up
Alcoholic drinks are actually a source of calories, which means they can theoretically warm you up. But their processing by the body is more complex than other types of energy ( sugars or fats), and the damage done to the body is higher. An imaginary sensation of warmth arises from the fact that under the influence of alcohol paralysis of the blood vessels of the skin occurs, they become wider and the blood flow to the skin increases. The amount of heat that is given off by the body increases, so there is no benefit from this “warming”.
The maximum amount of strong alcohol that can really “get the blood going” a little is 50 grams. Large amounts only have a negative effect.
According to the French Academy of Sciences, alcohol does not in any way affect any influenza viruses. Therefore, use it for acute respiratory diseases(ORZ) is useless. It’s even harmful, because when alcohol enters the body, it weakens it. Drinking people more susceptible to infections, this was proven back in the nineteenth century. 100 grams of good red wine, warm, can slightly stimulate the immune system, but you shouldn’t drink more.

Myth 4. Alcohol relaxes and makes you happy
Drinking small amounts of alcohol actually reduces inhibitions and loosens people up. But the reason for this is paralysis of the cells of the cerebral cortex. In this regard, people who drink have less control over their actions and words. This kind of fun is the result of the drug. After some time, a person loses the ability to concentrate, becomes tactless, and his actions often interfere with others.
Drinking alcohol should also not be used to relieve stress. After all, the effects of alcohol on the body are similar to the effects of stress itself. The narcotic effect of alcohol is that it reduces the feeling of fatigue and other unpleasant sensations. However, after the alcohol is removed from the body, all these feelings will come back with a vengeance.
As a last resort, if there is no other method of distraction, you can drink no more than 30 grams of strong drink or 40 grams. guilt.

Myth 5. Alcohol improves appetite
When alcohol enters the gastrointestinal tract, the glands begin to intensively produce digestive juice. This is a false feeling of hunger. Gradually, the glands atrophy and digestive function deteriorates, the walls of the stomach are destroyed, and an ulcer appears.
If the amount of alcohol consumed is not so large, a person’s cravings for food increase, body weight increases, and intestinal function is disrupted. It turns out that the feeling of increased appetite is just a deception. In fact, alcohol disrupts the functioning of the glands digestive system, impairs the functioning of protective mechanisms.
Those who stubbornly try to whet their appetite with alcohol can be advised to drink no more than 20 grams of strong alcoholic beverage. The effect will be noticeable in about 15 minutes. But drinking alcohol like this on an empty stomach entails the complications described above.

Myth 6. Wine contains many beneficial substances
According to research, during the wine making process, most of the beneficial substances found in grapes are processed or destroyed.

Myth 7. Alcohol increases performance
According to many people, it is easier to work when slightly drunk. In no way is it implied average degree intoxication. According to Australian researchers, the speed of reactions in slightly inebriated people is actually slightly higher. However, their reactions are not always correct. But the ability to concentrate and think clearly decreases. It turns out that even if things move faster, there will be mistakes in the work.

Myth 8. Alcohol reduces blood pressure
Most people suffering from high blood pressure are convinced that alcohol increases the lumen of blood vessels and thereby reduces pressure. This is not a completely wrong opinion. Indeed, in small quantities, alcohol relaxes the tension of the vascular walls. But it immediately increases the heart rate. And the amount of blood pressure is affected by the volume of blood passed through the heart. Thus, when the heart rate increases, more blood is pushed out and the pressure increases. In addition, alcoholic drinks contain active ingredients, which most often negatively affect blood pressure readings.

Myth 9. High-quality alcohol is not harmful
In fact, even the most expensive and high-quality alcohol is a toxic poison for the body. This is due to the fact that when ethyl alcohol decomposes in the body, acetaldehyde is released, a toxic substance. At the same time, of course, low-quality alcohol is even more harmful, since it initially contains harmful fusel oils, which aggravate the effect of acetaldehyde.

Is there any benefit?

The benefits of small doses of alcohol have been talked about for a long time and in many countries around the world.
Are these claims really based on science or is it just a ploy by the liquor industry?
After all, if everyone unanimously refuses alcoholic beverages, recognizing them as a soft drug, this will cause huge losses to both producers and the state itself, which receives huge profits from taxes on alcohol. Therefore, everyone chooses the answer to this question for themselves.

In the meantime, there is an opinion that:

  • Drinking small doses of alcohol reduces the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease, as it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and increases the amount of “good cholesterol” in the blood,
  • Moderate drinking reduces the likelihood of developing arthritis,
  • Under the influence of small doses of alcohol, areas of the brain that are dormant in a sober state are activated,
  • Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer from kidney tumors, intermittent claudication, colds, angina, lymphoma, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes,
  • Moderate alcohol drinkers have several times lower risk fatal outcome from a sudden heart attack,
  • Moderate drinkers earn wages 20% higher than non-drinkers.
  • Even in the Old Testament, in 191 places, the benefits of wine are spoken of ( It should be borne in mind that in those days they drank only natural grape wine, and even well diluted with water).
The overwhelming number of researchers studying this topic believe that the benefits of drinking even small doses of alcohol are so small that all of the above arguments should not be taken seriously. And any dose of alcohol brings a lot of harm to the body. Facilities mass media they're just trying to justify bad habits society, acting rather irresponsibly.

Treatment with alcohol

The medicinal traditions of many countries include the use of alcoholic beverages. Thus, in Rus', vodka was used for rubbing, treating coughs and inflammation of the middle ear. And in southern countries, wine was used for treatment against diarrhea, cough, anemia, and weakness. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.
Alcohol and vodka by themselves are no good medicinal benefits Dont Have. However, they pull out great useful material from herbs. Vodka and alcohol have historically been used to make various tinctures.

ENT organs

  • To treat sore throat, bronchitis, and colds, you need to irrigate your throat and mouth with the mixture alcohol tincture eucalyptus or calendula and water in the proportion: per 200 ml of water 1 tsp. tinctures.
  • For follicular sore throat, you should irrigate your throat and mouth with 10% tincture of Kalanchoe with vodka.
  • If you have ARVI or flu, it will be useful to drink before bed warm drink: 50 ml dry red wine, 50 ml mineral water, 1 tbsp. honey, a little cinnamon.
  • For pneumonia it will be useful: heat 200 ml of red wine, 1 tbsp. honey, a little lemon balm and thyme. Drink in small sips and immediately wrap yourself in a blanket.
  • To reduce the temperature during ARVI: 200 ml of dry white wine, 1 tbsp. linden honey, a little nutmeg, 1 tbsp. lemon juice Leave for 60 minutes to infuse. Take a teaspoon 4 times a day,
  • For chills: 200 ml wine, 1 tbsp. honey, juice from 12 lemons and 3 cloves, heat over a fire, leave covered for 30 minutes, drink a little,
  • For the treatment of rhinitis: 1 tbsp. dilute alcohol tincture of propolis with 2 tbsp. beet juice Drip 4 times a day, 3 drops into each nasal passage,
  • For the treatment of cough, bronchitis: 1 tbsp. olive oil, cognac, honey, warm slightly and consume immediately before bed,
  • To strengthen the body during colds, combine equal amounts of Cahors, honey, and aloe juice. Drink 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
Heart and blood vessels
  • 100 gr. dry red wine, 8 ml cinnamon tincture, 6 ml lemon balm tincture, 30 ml honey. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day,
  • For chronic heart failure: 500 ml of dry red wine, 2 handfuls of rose petals, keep in a warm, dark place for 15 days. Drink 50 ml once a day after meals,
  • At high blood pressure: 300 gr. dry red wine, 150 gr. honey, 100 gr. crushed aloe leaves. Leave for 24 hours to infuse. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 6 weeks,
  • For high blood pressure: 250 ml of vodka, 250 g. honey, lemon juice, 300 ml cranberry juice. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day between meals,
  • For vegetative-vascular dystonia, you should drink a glass of good red wine every day.
Varicose veins
  • Mix some acacia flowers with 150 ml of vodka. Cover the bottle and leave in the dark for ten days. Use to rub affected areas,
  • Chop 6 chestnuts, add 500 ml of vodka. Keep in the dark for 14 days. Pass through gauze and drink 30 drops 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Duration of therapy 4 weeks,
  • For hemorrhoids 50 gr. pour 500 ml of vodka over chestnut flowers and leave for 14 days. Take 40 drops 3 times a day after meals.


  • For gastritis with reduced acid production: drink 75 ml of dry red wine twice a day for 21 days. Drink 30 minutes before meals
  • For diarrhea: 1 liter of red wine, 30 g. mixture of herbs in equal quantities (oak bark, underground parts of galangal, marshmallow), consume warm, 1 tsp. once every 60 minutes.
Choleretic and diuretic disorders
  • 500 ml of alcohol and 25 g. Birch buds should be kept in the dark for 14 days. Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals,
  • For gallbladder atony, take 2 tbsp per 100 ml of vodka. barberry leaves. Leave for 15 days. Take 30 drops in a small amount of water 3 times a day for 14 days,
  • For stomach ulcers: 200 gr. vodka and 50 gr. Veselka mushroom. Soak for 15 days in a cold place. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after meals.
Joint diseases
  • For swelling and pain: mix vodka and honey in equal proportions. Apply lotions at night with a warm composition,
  • Before breakfast, drink 200 ml of milk with a dessert spoon of alcohol,
  • 20 gr. leave bitterweed herbs and 500 ml of alcohol in the pantry for 14 days. Drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day after meals.
Chop one immortelle bulb and add 5 parts of alcohol. Keep in the pantry for 14 days, treat the affected joints.

100 gr. Mix propolis with 500 ml of alcohol. Keep in the pantry for three days. Use internally, diluting 1 tsp. tinctures in 100 ml of water 3 times a day.

Excess weight and alcohol

Excessive addiction to alcohol is one of the first reasons for the appearance of excess weight. First of all, any alcohol contains quite a lot of calories. In addition, alcohol penetrates the bloodstream in a matter of minutes and is quickly absorbed by the body. Once in the stomach, alcohol activates the production of gastric juice, speeds up the digestion of food and thereby increases appetite.

Even small amounts of alcohol reduce the ability to monitor the amount you eat. If you drink it often enough, you can increase your body weight in a short period of time. This applies most of all to beer. This is not to say that this alcoholic drink has a lot of calories, but you can eat a lot of it with beer. high-calorie food. The same goes for aperitifs. Thus, if there is alcohol at the table, more will definitely be eaten. Higher calorie foods are also chosen as snacks.

Those who want to watch their weight should pay attention to red wine. Which in small quantities accelerates metabolic processes, the movement of blood through the vessels, and causes the walls of the vessels to expand. The formation of atherosclerotic growths is reduced, the tone of the heart and blood vessels increases. White dry wine also useful in small quantities, improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart, blood vessels and alcohol

According to some reports, a study was conducted in the USA on the effect of alcohol on the condition of cardio-vascular system. It turned out that small amounts of alcohol have a beneficial effect on these organs. Thus, the likelihood of developing senile dementia, stroke and heart attack decreases.

Doctors from the American Heart Association conducted a study for 3.5 years, which involved more than 2,000 volunteers suffering from vascular and heart diseases.

After the experiment was completed, the scientists outlined their advice to patients. In their opinion, 2–3 servings of alcoholic beverages per day improve health. Thus, representatives of the fair sex are recommended to drink 200 ml of red wine per day, and representatives of the stronger half of humanity - 400 ml. Scientists believe that not drinking at all is worse than drinking a little. A rather strange statement from the point of view of most scientists, however, you cannot remove the words from the song.

Scientists believe that occasional drinkers small quantities drinking alcohol, the likelihood of developing a heart attack is reduced by a quarter, and the likelihood of a stroke is reduced by a fifth. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and blood circulation in the brain improves, therefore senile dementia is prevented.
Today, from the point of view of doctors from the Association of Cardiologists, small doses of alcohol are one of the secrets wellness and health. They immediately warn that the increase daily dose up to 5–6 servings significantly increases the likelihood of death from a heart attack. Scientists also warn teetotalers against immediately starting to drink alcohol “for health”, considering this an unnecessary measure.


Due to the craze for beer, it is impossible not to dwell on this drink separately.
Beer represents low alcohol drink, produced by the fermentation of malt with the addition of brewer's yeast and hops.
Regular beer contains from 3 to 6% vol.
In strong varieties from 8 to 14% vol.
This is a very common drink; at least a thousand varieties are produced. It was known to people already 10 thousand years ago! And a number of scientists believe that people began to grow grain crops only to obtain raw materials for the foamy drink.
The quality of beer is determined solely by its taste. It is wrong to believe that the higher the foam, the better the beer. Height foam cap depends only on how the drink was poured into the glass.
The Czech Republic ranks first in beer consumption per capita, followed by Germany and Austria.

The harm of beer
1. The heart that suffers the most from beer abuse is the heart. Doctors call this disorder "bull's heart." The cavities of the heart become larger, its walls thicken, and there is multiple tissue necrosis in the myocardium. Similar changes in the heart appear under the influence of cobalt, an element that is added to beer to stabilize foam. The heart muscle of beer drinkers contains 10 times more cobalt than it should. Cobalt also destroys the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. The presence of large amounts of carbon dioxide in beer, as well as large volumes of liquid consumed by beer lovers, are also bad for the heart. Penetrating into the body, beer immediately causes a rush of blood in the vessels, which sooner or later causes varicose veins, as well as an increase in the volume of the heart. Such a diseased heart is large in size, but it functions very poorly.

2. Beer contains substances that change metabolic processes in the body. For example, in the body of representatives of the stronger sex, under the influence of beer, the production of male sex hormones decreases. Such men can be recognized by an increased amount of fat on the sides and hips, enlarged mammary glands, and increased pelvic volume. Beer suppresses sexual interest. According to doctors, 15–20 years of heavy beer consumption causes impotence. Women who drink beer frequently are at greater risk of developing cancer, and may develop a deeper voice and a mustache.

Most modern scientists consider beer to be the first legalized drug. According to experts, beer causes one of the most severe forms of alcoholism. Today, every second first grade student has already tried beer. The consumption of this drink has increased 12 times over the past 10 years. None of the official sources mentions that beer contains no less fusel oils, aldehydes, ethers and methanol than moonshine and tens of times more than the permissible limit in vodka.

It is officially recognized that the possibility of developing dependence on alcohol among beer drinkers is greater than among wine or vodka drinkers.
The World Health Organization warns that people who frequently drink large quantities of beer increase their risk of developing colon cancer.

Beer contains substances that promote relaxation. This is what makes it so dangerous from an addiction point of view. Gradually, it is no longer possible to imagine a vacation without a few bottles of beer. The situation is aggravated by public opinion, which does not consider beer to be alcohol. Beer alcoholism appears and develops slowly and imperceptibly. After all, the desire to drink beer does not cause anxiety in anyone. This is not vodka! However, once developed, it is more severe than vodka alcoholism. Due to the fact that beer in large quantities is a cellular toxin, it is beer alcoholics who suffer the most severely from internal organs: the heart, liver; in addition, they usually develop decreased self-esteem and dementia. And it is more difficult to recover from this alcoholism.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely recover from beer alcoholism ( just like from anyone else) impossible. Even attempts to control the dose in alcoholics lead to inevitable binge drinking. No matter how many years have passed since the last time you drank beer, everything can start all over again.
Even non-alcoholic beer is dangerous, because it contains a minimal dose of alcohol. Therefore, for many alcoholics, binges begin with a bottle of non-alcoholic beer.

The benefits of beer
1. Body massage using this drink makes the skin silky and soft,
2. Drinking 1 – 2 servings of beer per day prevents premature aging of the body,
3. Beer removes salts of the toxic metal aluminum from cells,
4. According to Japanese scientists, this drink reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by half,
5. The presence of bitterness in the drink activates the digestive tract,
6. Hops have a sedative effect, which is also transmitted to the foamy drink,
7. For those who suffer from excessive sweating, a bath will help: pour a bottle of beer into a bath of warm water and lie down for 15 - 20 minutes,
8. For colds: a mug of warm beer and a tablespoon of honey, add a little cinnamon, cloves and one a raw egg, instead of eggs you can add lemon zest,
9. Takes excellent care of hair, making it manageable and nourishing,
10. According to American scientists, drinking a glass of beer a day reduces the likelihood of developing heart attacks by half.


This drink is banned in most European countries. In the territory of the post-Soviet space it is officially approved for sale and consumption. Refers to strong drinks, contains from 68 to 72% vol., and Swiss varieties up to 80% vol.