Why is alcohol harmful? Why alcohol is harmful to the body of men, women and adolescents - its effect on organs, psyche and socialization.

Most of us have heard such phrases about alcoholic drinks: “drink, it will make you feel better”, “this amount won’t do anything” and the like. For the most part, we agree - okay, I’ll drink, I agree, nothing will happen. Some of us are against it. Some of the principles, in connection with the conscious refusal of alcohol. Others - because they are coded or, according to the instructions of doctors, live with a categorical ban on drinking alcohol. In the latter case, we are dealing with people who have fully experienced the harm of alcohol.

What exactly are the harmful effects of alcohol? Many people have heard the words “alcohol is harmful to your health,” but what is it based on? Strong drinks Do they really only cause harm, or can there be some benefit? Does the effect of alcohol on a person depend on his age, gender, or anything else? It is advisable to understand all this. It’s best before drinking alcohol leads to any serious consequences.

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Medicine or poison?

Alcohol is a toxin, narcologists and other medical specialists insist. There are always those who like to object: what about the use of ethyl alcohol in medicine and disinfection? A alcohol tinctures? How many are there in any pharmacy? Listen to such arguments and thoughts about the dangers of alcohol begin to seem ridiculous.

This is very easy to answer. There are many poisons in nature that, in tiny doses, can have therapeutic effect. The simplest example is the venom of some snakes. In certain quantities it is a medicine. And if a person is bitten by the “mistress”, the dose of toxic substances will be many times higher, and in the worst case, the victim will die.

The same can be said about alcohol. Alcohol-based drugs with their dosage in fractions of a milliliter are medicine. A glass of wine, a glass of vodka/cognac, and so on - this is real poison, only slow-acting. Although anything can happen here: death can come quite quickly afterwards.

The harm of alcohol on the human body has been studied in medicine for many years. To explain the toxic nature of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to study in detail exactly how they act.

The path of alcohol in the body

What happens to us when we drink alcohol? Let's follow this. Of course, all calculations are approximate: each of us has a different degree of sensitivity, general condition of the body, constitution.
However, under periodic and even more so under the constant influence of alcohol, the consequences are inevitable, the only question is time. Since strong alcohol acts more clearly, we will consider it. So:

The described scheme is quite primitive. Any doctor will describe the harm of alcohol in much more detail and colorfully. But even without delving into specific medical topics, it is important to remember the main thing: alcohol toxins affect the entire body, every organ and every system. Even the lungs, since as a result of intoxication, respiratory functions are often suppressed.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

What happens in the end? At first, everything seems to be fine: the mood improves, the eyes sparkle, the face perks up, and becomes flushed. It becomes so easy! So what is next? Thoughts and consciousness are confused, and legs too. There is simply a monstrous release of emotions - uncontrollable laughter, tears, aggression. Many reactions become inadequate, actions become thoughtless. To confirm this, it is enough to study the statistics of drunk crimes (it is different in each city, but it is striking in any case).

What about the long-term consequences? The most expected thing is the formation of alcoholism, that is, physical and mental dependence on alcohol. This disease bears its fruits.

Permanent damage to the mucous membranes results in ulcers and cancerous tumors - the esophagus, stomach, and intestinal tract. The colon can “give” a person hemorrhoids. The overloaded liver, pancreas and kidneys fail and react accordingly with cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and nephropathies. Depletion of nerve and brain cells leads to gradual degradation of personality, in which only the most primitive instincts and reactions are preserved. It is no coincidence that many drinking people suffer from mental illnesses. And the circulatory system “takes revenge” by forming blood clots, even leading to a stroke. Plus tired of intoxication and changes blood pressure the heart has problems, including a heart attack. And that is not all.


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Alcohol and children

This problem is divided into three parts. The first is the undoubted harm of alcohol to the human reproductive system. For example, in male alcoholics, due to constant libations, the production of female hormones increases, corresponding fat deposition begins (on the stomach and thighs), and decreases male power up to complete impotence. Another very likely consequence is infertility, male and female. And this is also a relatively easy option.

The truly scary part is the second part - these are studies about the dangers of alcohol during the development of the fetus in the womb. Many pregnant women hear that drinking “nothing will happen” during pregnancy. early stages until the umbilical cord is formed. And if toxicosis makes you want to drink beer, then it’s not scary. Not true - scary. One of the most severe consequences is incompatible with life. It may simply not develop at all. To understand what it looks like, just type the word “acephaly” into the search. Because images will inevitably appear in the results, you need to know that they are horrifying and may cause shock.

Alcohol does not always kill the fetus. In this case, what does the child face in the future? Here are some likely consequences:

  • small height, weight;
  • pathologies of the sensory organs;
  • heart defects;
  • underdevelopment internal organs, systems, joints;
  • defectiveness of the nervous system;
  • many physical and mental abnormalities.

And the third part of the problem: children drinking alcohol. It’s a simple terrifying fact: for some children, exposure to alcohol begins literally from birth. “Caring” parents believe that after a teaspoon or tablespoon of a drink with degrees, the child will sleep better. And indeed, the child is sleeping! In some cases, the tiny creature is no longer destined to wake up, because death occurs as a result of alcohol intoxication.

Children who survive under the influence of alcohol begin to lag behind in development and suffer from various mental disorders. Teenagers are inactive, have low ability to work, and are practically untrainable. Most of them grow into completely asocial individuals and become criminals. It is easy to understand how dangerous alcohol is for minors, how harmful it is in any childhood and adolescence.

Many of us agree that we cannot eradicate our bad habits, alcohol being one of them. But it’s one thing to drum your fingers on the table when excited (such a bad habit often irritates others), and quite another thing to periodically or regularly torture your body with a fair amount of toxins. It's time to realize the harm of alcoholic beverages and give up alcohol.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Consult your healthcare provider.

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about the dangers of alcohol and list the risks that people suffering from chronic alcoholism have.

What is alcohol?

Alcohol - this is, simply put, ethanol. Other types of alcohols are also classified as alcohol: isopropyl, methyl, etc... However, when talking about alcoholic beverages, as a rule, they mean ethyl alcohol, which is an intoxicating substance. In production, alcohol is produced by fermentation of yeast, sugar and starches.

In the human body harmful influence Alcohol affects almost every organ. However, people usually use it as a kind of sedative.

Alcohol goes through the stages of digestion very quickly from oral cavity before absorption into the blood and is then “attacked” by liver enzymes. However, the liver can't handle it in one go with a lot of alcohol, so the alcohol travels through the bloodstream for some time.

The extent of the harm caused by alcohol directly depends on the amount a person drinks.

Why is alcohol harmful?

You all know very well that alcoholism can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and is the most common cause of car accidents. But did you know that chronic drinking could also lead to cancer and heart attack? Keep reading to know the consequences of alcoholism.

People who abuse alcohol may be exposed to various types of risks. Let's briefly list these same dangers!

Risk No. 1 - Cirrhosis

Alcohol can cause inflammation of the liver, and chronic alcoholism can cause deterioration of liver tissue, which leads to liver cirrhosis , This is a potentially fatal condition where the liver is so damaged that it can no longer function.

It is worth noting that women have a greater risk of developing cirrhosis than men.

Risk No. 2 - Cancer

Chronic alcohol use may increase disease risks cancer. In our body, alcohol turns into acetaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen (a substance that causes cancer).

Cancers that are common in alcoholics often involve places such as the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, breast, and colorectal area (large intestine). Many alcoholics also smoke, which further increases their risk of cancer.

Risk #3 - Dementia

Alcoholism can affect certain areas of the brain, which in turn can lead to memory loss and some symptoms dementia.

Such dementia leads to the fact that a person cannot reason adequately and quickly and encounters difficulty making certain decisions.

Heavy drinking sessions that last for a long time, can lead to Korsakoff's syndrome, a form of amnesia characterized by short-term memory loss. In addition, alcoholism can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can also lead to symptoms of dementia.

Risk #4 - Anemia

Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect the hematological system, which includes the blood, spleen, Bone marrow and liver.

This can cause your red blood cell count to drop significantly below normal, which can lead to anemia. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, shortness of breath and lightheadedness.

Risk No. 5 - Cardiovascular diseases

Systematic drinking increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases , and can also lead to a heart attack. Also, people who drink alcohol can often experience cardiomyopathy (weakening of the heart muscle), abnormal heart rhythms, and much more.

Risk #6 - Depression

Alcohol abuse is often accompanied by depression. In some cases, people become depressed by certain life situations and begin to turn to alcohol to “cure” their depression. However, as practice shows, this only aggravates the situation!

Risk No. 7 - Epilepsy attacks

Continuous drunkenness, as well as sudden abstinence from alcohol, can lead to acute attacks epilepsy in people suffering from this disease.

In special cases, drinking too much alcohol can cause epilepsy in some people who have never had a seizure before.

Risk No. 8 - Pancreatitis

Alcoholism can lead to pancreatitis , which is dangerous disease, characterized as inflammation of the pancreas.

Signs may include severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Chronic pancreatitis caused by constant overeating can lead to diabetes.

Risk #9 - Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. This can be very painful. Alcohol consumption may increase the risk of developing gout, especially in men.

However, beer appears to carry a much greater risk of gout than other types of alcohol. If you already have gout, then alcohol is simply contraindicated for you.

Risk #10 - High Blood Pressure

Alcohol can cause high blood pressure. The more alcohol a person drinks, the more likely they are to develop high blood pressure.

Hypertension can become chronic, and can lead to other diseases including heart disease, kidney disease, etc...

Risk #11 - Damage to nerve cells

Alcoholic neuropathy is a form of nerve damage caused by alcoholism. A combination of alcohol, which is toxic to nerve cells, and cheap alcohol. junk food(for example, trans fats) leads to this condition.

Signs usually include tingling and pain in the lower extremities, muscle weakness in the extremities, leg muscle cramps, impotence, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, or constipation.

Risk #12 - Infectious diseases

Drinking alcohol can weaken the immune system, meaning that a person becomes more vulnerable to various infections.

Chronic alcoholics are at risk for diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Just one heavy drinking session can reduce the protective function of the body’s immune system the next day!


Chronic alcoholism can have many harmful effects on the body. If you suffer from alcoholism, be sure to talk to your doctor about possible ways reducing the amount of alcohol consumed, or stopping it completely, in order to somehow reduce the likelihood of the risks described above.

Bad habits are harmful because they cause irreparable harm human health. The report on the topic “The Harm of Alcohol” will tell you about the harmful effects of alcohol on individual organs and on the whole human body generally.

Harm of alcohol to the human body report

A drinking person slowly destroys his physical and mental health. Sometimes he may not even think about it. But in vain.

How does alcohol affect the liver?

The liver is the organ that is responsible for excretion from the body toxic substances. Alcohol gradually destroys it - ethyl alcohol, which penetrates the liver, oxidizes and forms a harmful toxin - acetaldehyde. It modifies and disrupts the functioning of the organ.

As a result, liver cells die and are replaced by scar or fatty tissue. The organ can no longer normally remove toxins and they, accumulating, poison the body. The blood vessels also suffer greatly from this: by contracting, the pressure in them increases and the blood stagnates. The result is rupture of the vessel walls and bleeding.

How does alcohol affect the brain?

The state of intoxication leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex, its individual parts gradually become numb, and then die. The brain becomes “pockmarked” with ulcers, scars, and swelling. Various cysts appear on its dead areas.

How does alcohol affect the nervous system and human psyche?

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to complete destruction of the psyche. A person’s behavior completely changes, moral and mental degradation occurs. Alcohol destroys a person's personality. It causes insomnia. In addition, alcohol is harmful to memory, it deprives you of concentration and reduces the level of coordination of movements.

By affecting nerve fibers, alcohol impairs their conductivity, causing polyneuritis. The person to some extent loses the sensation of sensitivity to pain and changes in temperature, the legs and arms become numb, and a feeling of weakness arises.

By affecting the Central Nervous System, alcohol leads to the following diseases:

1. Delirium tremens, accompanied by hallucinations, fever, delirium, fever, and suicidal tendencies

2. Encephalopathy, accompanied by problems with vision and vestibular apparatus

3. Alcoholic dementia syndrome, accompanied by loss mental abilities, problems arise with speech, counting, perception, memory, concentration

4. Alcoholic epilepsy, accompanied by convulsions and seizures

5. Korsakoff psychosis, accompanied by loss of sensitivity of the limbs in combination with memory disorders

How does alcohol affect the cardiovascular system?

Alcohol leads to an increase in heart volume and arrhythmia - an increased risk of developing hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and ischemic damage to the heart muscle.

How does alcohol affect the kidneys?

The kidneys are excreted excess liquid from the body, cleanse the blood of toxins, and participate in metabolic processes. Drinking alcohol causes these organs to work in turbo mode. In turn, this leads to dehydration of the body, disruption of metabolic processes, inflammation of the urinary tract, the appearance of stones, intoxication, the development of kidney failure and even cancer.

How does alcohol affect the digestive tract?

Alcohol affects the walls of the esophagus - heartburn and a gag reflex appear, the vessels dilate and thin out, and there is a threat of rupture of the venous walls.

Alcohol damages the protective lining of the stomach. The result is aging of the stomach, gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cancer.

How does alcohol affect your appearance?

A person who is addicted to alcohol is easily recognized in a crowd. It is distinguished by:

  • bluish tint to the nose
  • puffy, red face
  • presence of bags under the eyes
  • bruises
  • tousled hair
  • swollen face or other parts of the body
  • vision very often deteriorates and rapidly declines over time

How does alcohol affect the spleen?

The spleen acts as a disposer of damaged and aged blood cells. It is considered a reserve storage of blood, which supplies the vessels when necessary.

As a result of drinking alcohol, the size of the spleen increases and a heart attack is possible.

We hope the information provided about the dangers of alcohol has helped you. And you can leave your story about the dangers of alcohol through the comment form.

Briefly: Even in small quantities, alcohol harms the liver, brain and other organs. It can cause allergies and provoke an attack of an existing disease. Alcohol does not mix with some medications. You need to know the possible risks when drinking alcohol and try to minimize them by following your limit.

How alcohol destroys the liver

The liver takes the brunt of the impact, because it processes 90% of the alcohol that enters the body. At the same time, the liver also needs to perform about a dozen other vital functions, any of which can be disrupted due to excessive drinking.

Alcohol and its breakdown products have a toxic effect on liver cells, destroying their membrane. In addition, bile flow is disrupted, and most bile acids can destroy liver cells. Also the immune system a person begins to mistake dilapidated cells for foreign ones and destroy them with special zeal - thus, drinking triggers the mechanism of self-destruction of the liver. You can read more about the work of the liver and ways to protect it in the article “Hepatoprotectors”, dedicated to the benefits of drugs for the liver and their diversity.

Does drinking harm the pancreas?

Stagnation of bile in the liver leads to complications in the pancreas. This causes harmful microorganisms to multiply in the intestines, and a large amount of toxic bile acids enter the blood from the intestines.

Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to pancreatic disease - pancreatitis. In combination with a heavy snack, you can get pancreatic necrosis - an extremely painful and dangerous condition. To learn how to restore the pancreas after drinking, and how you can protect it in advance, read the special article “Pancreas and Alcohol. Alcohol for pancreatitis." Also read the article “Alcohol and the intestines” to find out how to maintain the functioning of the intestines before and after drinking, what to do with intestinal upset during a hangover and after binge drinking, as well as many other interesting and useful information about this theme.

What damage can alcohol do to the brain and psyche?

When does an erection get better after drinking and when does it get worse?

How alcohol harms the heart and blood vessels

There is such a disease as cardiomyopathy - a disease of the heart muscle leading to heart failure. There is no cure; the disease can only be slowed down, but not cured. Frequent drinking causes a type of this disease, which is called “alcoholic cardiomyopathy.”

Also, the ability of alcohol, being in an aqueous environment, to dissolve fats ultimately causes increased fat deposition at the organ level during periods between intensive intake of alcoholic beverages, which leads to the formation of such pathological conditions as fatty liver and fatty degeneration of the heart (myocardium).

Cardioschool for doctors also indicates hypertension (arterial hypertension). Research led by scientists Pearce and Furberg (Pearce K.A., Furberg C.D., 1994) showed that drinking alcohol in itself is a risk factor for the development of hypertension. Starting from a dose of 60 ml pure alcohol in a day, arterial pressure increases in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol. Moreover, again, the more often you drink, the worse the consequences.

For information on what to do if your blood pressure rises after drinking, also see this diagram:

How other organs suffer from alcoholic drinks

Also, due to drinking, the kidneys, stomach, lungs, and retina of the eye suffer (in the retina, ethanol reduces the sensitivity of light pigments, as well as trophism on the part of the optic nerve; and the retina begins to suffer first, when the slightest doses alcohol). However, the effect of alcohol on these organs is reversible, and in order to damage these organs with alcohol, you need to drink very much and very often - more than 170 grams of pure ethanol weekly.

If you are especially concerned about the condition of your heart, or kidneys, or pancreas, or anything else, read the advice of a toxicologist in the article “How to restore the body after alcohol”, and you will learn how to improve your health during a hangover and how to prevent damage problem organs next time.

How does alcohol harm children?

It is extremely undesirable for children and adolescents to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol before organs and tissues stop growing young man, can negatively affect his physical development.

At the same time, age here is an unclear indicator, since the rate of growth and development is individual for everyone: someone can grow up to 25 years, and someone stops at 16 (this can be determined by x-rays of articular cartilage). About how to raise a child’s correct attitude towards alcohol and how much heredity plays a role here. Also read the article “Why children and teenagers should not drink alcohol” to find out whether children can drink kvass and non-alcoholic beer, whether it is possible to rub a child with vodka if they have a cold, as well as answers to other questions that concern parents.

Can alcohol cause allergies?

Recently, people are becoming more and more allergic to alcohol. An allergic reaction to a drink can range from mild and local (for example, a rash) to deadly (bronchospastic syndrome, Quincke's edema).

To be precise, it is not the alcohol itself that causes an allergic reaction, because an allergy can only be to protein, but it happens that it all starts with alcoholic drinks.

Undesirable reactions can be caused by impurities and additives that are present in wine, beer, cognac, and liqueur. “Pure” alcoholic drinks (vodka or diluted alcohol) can also cause allergies, but for a different reason: alcohol increases the percentage of toxins and underdigested proteins from the intestines entering the bloodstream, and these are classic allergens.

For more information about the causes and symptoms of an allergy to alcohol, as well as what to do when it appears, read the article “”. About alcoholic beverages, most often causing allergies, and about the most harmless drinks for allergy sufferers, as well as about anti-hangover remedies and hepatoprotectors, with which allergy sufferers should be careful, read the article “Alcohol for allergies”. To learn how to recognize an allergic reaction and what to do about it, see this illustration:

Does alcohol interfere with the effects of medications?

If you have taken any medicine and plan to drink alcohol, first check the instructions for your medicine to rule out the following options:

  • the medicine is incompatible with alcohol and has very serious side effects, even deadly;
  • the medicine is poorly compatible with alcohol. For example, the damage to the body that alcohol usually causes may be significantly worsened by the drug. Or vice versa, alcohol will increase the risk of unwanted side effects. side effects medicines;
  • even if the combination of medicine and alcohol does not cause much harm, then in the presence of alcohol the medicine may not show its effects useful properties, that is, you may be left without treatment.

Other options are also possible. To find out more, read the articles:

How drinking and chronic illness are linked

Drinking can contribute to the development of chronic diseases, and here's why:

  1. alcohol can provoke an acute attack of an existing chronic disease;
  2. It also happens that a condition that has not manifested itself first bothers a person during a feast.

After drinking alcohol, complications may arise from:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • pancreas;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory organs;
  • hearts;
  • and other vital organs.

How to distinguish a real threat to life from standard ones hangover symptoms, and in what cases urgent medical attention is needed, read the article “When to call ambulance for a hangover."

Why should alcoholics check their mercury levels?

For those who regularly and for many years drink beer or strong alcohol from grain alcohol, doctors recommend monitoring the level of mercury in the body. These drinks are made from grains, and to grow them, mercury-containing pesticides are often used to control plant pests and diseases. Pesticides are also used when growing other grains, so pesticide residues also enter our bodies along with bread and porridge. They will not harm non-drinkers, but mercury is easily restored from these low-active compounds with the help of biogenic amines, aldehydes and ketones, the content of which is always elevated in the blood of alcoholics.

For the same reason, it is better for alcohol lovers not to indulge in sea ​​fish and seafood, as well as river fish that hunts near the shore (for example, pike). In marine coastal areas and in shallow rivers, more mercury accumulates in fish. And if mercury accumulates in the human body because of this, such a development of events threatens mercury poisoning.

Can alcohol cause cancer?

The World Health Organization notes that the main risk factors for cancer worldwide are alcohol and tobacco use, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. People who drink regularly have a markedly increased risk of developing cancer. gastrointestinal tract. For example, 22% of all oral cancers in men (and 9% - in women) are caused by alcohol, that is, in these cases sober image life would help avoid illness.

The results of several Japanese studies showed that in people who drank alcoholic beverages in a dose equivalent to 100 g pure alcohol (in terms of vodka this is 316 ml) per day, the risk of developing esophageal cancer increases in 11.71 times compared to people who have never drank alcohol.

The risk of developing cancer directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. The risk of certain types of cancer (such as the mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus) in heavy drinkers increases significantly if they are also heavy smokers.

Drinking can contribute to the development of cancer not only directly, but also indirectly. For example, alcohol can cause hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), and hepatitis in some cases leads to liver cancer. In women who abuse alcohol, the level of estrogen in the blood increases, which increases the risk of breast cancer.

Is it harmful to not drink at all?

Paradoxically, being a total teetotaler may not be as undeniably beneficial as it might seem. Texas researchers observed more than one and a half thousand people for 20 years and concluded that non-drinkers, on average, die earlier than drinkers. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that most non-drinkers are obviously unhealthy people who are afraid to drink.

Lifestyle may play a role, as drinkers often have more friends and lower stress levels. In any case, remember: at the table you need to know and observe your limits, because the harm from excessive drinking very quickly and irrevocably outweighs all its possible benefits.

Article last updated: 2018-10-31

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Disputes about why alcohol is harmful and whether it is beneficial for the human body have been going on for a long time. Scientists are still conducting research to answer this question absolutely accurately. As a result of such tests, the benefits of drinking alcohol-containing drinks were identified.

By studying ethanol, it was possible to identify how alcohol is beneficial for the human body. Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption increases levels of HDL, a high-density lipoprotein, as well as “good” cholesterol. Additional benefits moderate consumption alcohol benefits include increased insulin sensitivity and a reduced risk of blood clotting.

These changes tend to prevent the formation of small blood clots, which in turn can clog arteries. Thus, the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases are reduced.

Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can add several years to life. And it doesn’t matter what kind of drink it is, the main thing is that it is of high quality. It turns out that no more than 2 glasses of wine a day can increase life expectancy by up to 18% in both men and women.

On the Mediterranean diet, drinking alcohol, mainly wine, as part of lunch or dinner can be quite beneficial. However, the rest of the day should be alcohol-free.

Carnegie Mellon University's psychology department recently found that while smokers were more susceptible to catching colds, moderate drinkers who didn't smoke experienced a reduction in cold incidence. Spanish researchers found that drinking 8-14 glasses of red wine per week can actually reduce the risk of developing a cold by as much as 60%, likely due to the antioxidant properties present in wine.

A study was conducted in which more than 365,000 people took part. It started in 1977. The Journal of Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment reported that moderate drinkers were 23% less likely to experience cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia.

Moderate amounts of alcohol can, in fact, make your brain cells more resilient. As a result, they are better able to cope with the underlying stresses that can often lead to dementia.

If you drink no more than 80 g of vodka or, you can reduce the risk of formation gallstones by 1/3. Researchers from the University of East Anglia say this.

A Dutch study found that healthy adults who drank 1-2 glasses of wine a day reduced their chances of developing type 2 diabetes compared to people who didn't drink at all. Thus, the question of whether alcohol in small doses is beneficial can be answered positively.

Composition of alcoholic beverages

Ethanol is a psychoactive substance. It negatively affects not only nervous system, but also for the entire body. Compared to other alcohols, ethanol has low toxicity. However, exceeding the dose suppresses brain function, reaction speed and coordination. An overdose of this substance can even cause death. This is the main reason why alcohol is harmful.

Alcohol-containing drinks may contain aldehydes, phenols and fusel oils. All these are poisons by which the quality of various alcoholic beverages is determined. Any poor quality drink can be very harmful. You need to carefully study the composition. Especially if you plan to use it daily. Aldehydes cause a fermentation reaction.

Food additives and colorings may be contained in the drink, but only if they are of organic origin:

  • malt;
  • hop;
  • herbs;
  • berries;
  • fruits;
  • spices.

They are necessary to give certain species drinks with a special taste, color and aroma.

If the drink is cheap, then most likely it contains harmful additives:

  • sugar;
  • artificial colors;
  • essences.

They negatively affect the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system.

Harm of ethyl alcohol

The harmful effects of alcohol on the body have long been studied. Alcohol consumption can cause both cirrhosis and hepatitis. Daily overuse contributes to increased blood pressure and damage to the heart muscle. Alcohol addiction often leads to osteoporosis, especially in young women. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, alcohol can cause cancer of the mouth, larynx, colon, esophagus, pharynx and breast. Alcohol can also cause insomnia.

Alcohol is known as a diuretic and dehydrator. This explains many of the symptoms of a hangover. This is also the cause of dull and dry skin. Blood vessels expand, especially on the face, making it look red and swollen. Some people are used to having a hangover in the morning, but in fact this is harmful and will only make the situation worse. Drinking water V large quantities will easily eliminate the problem of dehydration and restore hydration of the body.

Most of the illogical and awkward moments that drinkers experience are due to overdrinking. Most accidents of all types occur after large quantity drunk alcohol.

Excessive use

There are many serious complications of drinking. Many heavy drinkers experience suicidal thoughts and suffer from mild to severe depression. Miscarriages, elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood, and chronic pancreatitis, and poisoning. Mindless drinking of alcohol can easily develop a chronic form of alcoholism, which often leads to hyperglycemia, obesity and arthritis.

From all the research, it is obvious that the key to the question of the benefits and harms of alcohol is the “point of moderation.” Moderate drinkers can reap the benefits and avoid negative impact which brings excessive alcohol consumption.

There are, however, other factors that also play a role in how alcohol will affect a person's body. And this is a way of life.

Some of the reasons that determine the body's response to ethanol directly depend on the general physical condition health, as well as availability bad habits in humans, their activity and nutrition. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally how much alcohol is not harmful to health. Such decisions, as a rule, are individual in nature.