Marinade for pork steaks. How to marinate marbled beef and cook a great steak

Yesterday our barbecue season finally opened. My husband and I have birthdays at the end of April, the difference is only 3 days. And according to tradition, always on one of these days, our loved ones gather and we fry meat.

Everyone is looking forward to this day. They are already starting to inquire about the date of the event in advance. And we cannot let anyone down, this has already become a tradition.

When the weather is warm, we gather on the open veranda. And when it’s cool, we go indoors. But when meat is fried on the grill, everyone comes out and watches the process, no matter what the weather.

When preparing kebabs, and we do this quite often, we like to experiment with marinades. In a note on the topic of cooking, I talked about several of the most interesting and popular ones. She also shared the secrets of cooking delicious and tender meat.

This note describes how to choose meat, how to properly prepare the marinade, and how to fry the meat. In general, a lot useful information, which you can use. I won't repeat myself. I will focus on a specific topic.

Everyone knows that steaks are made from beef. They are prepared with blood, without blood... But today we decided to deviate from the rules and cook them from pork.

And there were several reasons for this. Firstly, meat for pork steak much easier to find. Secondly, it is easier and faster to prepare. And thirdly, the meat turns out very tender, aromatic, and of course tasty.

The rules are the same for both beef and pork. But today we will marinate the meat differently. This option can be equally used for cooking steak and barbecue. It all depends on what kind of meat you buy.

My preparation began with a trip to the market and shopping. Having walked around nearby butcher shops and compared where what kind of meat was sold, I chose a two-kilogram piece pork loin. The meat was fresh, just delivered, a pleasant pale pink color, with small marbled fatty streaks. Just what you need!

I decided to marinate in kefir and sour cream. Since the pork turned out to be completely lean, I took kefir 3.2% fat and sour cream 20%. I always have a set of necessary spices at home.

I also took freshly harvested zucchini and potatoes. We will bake them on the grill and serve them with meat. Well, cucumbers with tomatoes and herbs won’t hurt either. You can make a salad from them - a salad made from fresh vegetables goes very well with pork steak.

Now you can start cooking. The first thing to do is cut the meat and marinate it.

Marinade for steak with kefir and sour cream

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • sour cream - 0.5 cups
  • onion - 1 kg
  • spices - rosemary, paprika, oregano, coriander, cumin (can be used ready set spices for pork)
  • khmeli-suneli - 2 tablespoons
  • ground red and black pepper
  • ginger powder - 2 tablespoons
  • dried herbs - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon

For the steak:

  • pork meat - 2 kg.


1. First you need to prepare the meat. Rinse a piece of meat under running water. Let drain excess water. And wipe paper towel.

2. Cut the meat into pieces of equal thickness. Usually I cut the loin along the bone, and the pieces are 2.5-3 cm thick. But today I couldn’t cut it like that. The piece of pork turned out to be large, and on one side I could cut pieces of the thickness I needed, but on the other, the ribs were thick, and the pieces would have turned out thicker than necessary. They would be more difficult to fry.

To ensure that all the pieces were the same thickness, I had to cut off the bone. And no matter how much I wanted it, there was no choice. Steaks of different thicknesses did not suit me.

3. Mix the prepared spices, suneli hops, a mixture of peppers, ginger and dried herbs. First crush the coriander and cumin in a mortar. Rub each steak with the spice mixture.

No need to add salt yet. The salt will draw out all the juice from the meat and it will turn out dry.

4. Cut the onion into half rings.

5. Mix sour cream, kefir and vegetable oil. Add vegetable oil to retain the juice in the meat. After all, we remember that our pork is completely lean. If you have pork with big amount fat, then there is no need to add oil.

6. Prepare a bowl. Layer the meat in layers, alternating it with onions and a mixture of sour cream and kefir.

7. Leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.

Cooking pork steak

1. Prepare the grill, coals and grill. You will also need a water bottle.

2. Light the coals. We need some good heat from them. When the coals burn out, you can fry the meat.

3. Place the steaks on the grill and carefully remove the onions. The onion must be removed so that it does not burn when frying. This will give a bitter taste and bad smell meat. Add salt.

4. Fry, turning occasionally, but not often. To retain juice in the meat. Fry for about 10-12 minutes on each side. It is not recommended to fry longer; the meat will turn out dry. You can check the readiness of the meat by lightly cutting it with a knife. If light juice comes out, the meat is ready.

5. If a fire appears on the coals, it must be extinguished a small amount water from a bottle. So as not to extinguish the heat from the coals.

6. When ready, remove the steaks from the heat and serve immediately, piping hot.

Before you cook the meat, you also need to bake the vegetables in the oven. Vegetables can be used according to the season - almost any. Eggplants, bell peppers, and tomatoes are very tasty. Today we have freshly harvested potatoes and zucchini, which are also very tasty!

Baked vegetables in the oven

1. Peel the potatoes. If the skin is young, scrape it with a knife, or simply wash it with a brush and bake with the skin. Cut large potatoes into two parts.

2. Wash the zucchini and cut into 6-8 pieces. You can leave the skin on.

3. Salt the vegetables and place on the grill.

4. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until potatoes are done. Readiness can be checked with a knife. Vegetables will bake for 40-50 minutes. If the potatoes are old, they can bake for one hour.

While the vegetables are roasting, I chop cucumbers and tomatoes to garnish the steak dish. I cut a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh herbs. And I pickle onions, we really like them with meat. Especially with kebab.

How to pickle onions for barbecue

  • Cut the onion into half rings. Pour it cold boiled water, and add 9% vinegar to taste. Leave for 30-60 minutes. The marinade should taste sour, but not too much.
  • Then drain the water and serve with the meat.

Now you can set the table. In a separate plate - baked vegetables, in a dish - steaks with vegetables. Lettuce - in a salad bowl, pickled onions in another salad bowl.

The sauce is not necessary; it overpowers the taste of the meat. But everyone demands my signature sauce “Ogonyok”. I take out the jar, open it and also serve it on the table. The sauce is spicy, tasty, men simply adore it. I make this sauce in August - September, as a preparation for the winter. When the season comes, I will also share the recipe.

Now let's try what we got. Was the experiment a success or not?! But here are the first reviews - “Delicious!”, “Very Tasty!...” And the final verdict - empty dishes and plates! What could be better than this? When the whole family is gathered, several generations, around a big table! Smell delicious meat, fresh vegetables.

And everyone is already making arrangements for a new meeting with barbecue during the May holidays! Well, let's experiment again and try new recipes.

Bon appetit!

Steak is a hefty and fried piece of meat that no man will refuse. Although, many women would also not mind trying it. Steaks being cooked different ways, but most often made from pork and grilled.

Grilled pork steak - general principles preparations

Meat. Used pork tenderloin, neck, lumbar cut, rib, sirloin. In general, any piece without veins, bones, there are a lot of options, in fact there are about 100 types and this a whole science, but for homemade food It is not necessary to master it and delve into all the intricacies. Pork is always cut across the grain, about 1-2 cm thick. There is no need to make thin steaks, as they will turn out to be dry chops.

Spices. Full scope for creativity. You can add any seasonings and even aromatic herbs; pork loves it all.

Marinades. They are prepared on the basis of spices with the addition of soy sauces, honey, citrus fruits and other juices. But they are not always used. Often a natural piece of meat is prepared, lightly seasoned with spices.

Grill. Extensive topic. Steak can be cooked on a natural grill - barbecue with coals. Or use an alternative electrical device. There are also grill pans. The oven also has a grill that you can use. All recipes with different cooking methods are below.

Grilled pork steak with lemon

A simple steak recipe that you will need: minimum set products. The meat is cooked on a regular grill, but you can use an electric grill. In the second case, we follow the instructions based on the power of the device. Typically, steak is cooked at 200 degrees for 5 minutes. Then the temperature is reduced to 150 and the meat is kept for another 5-7 minutes so that it is cooked inside.


1 kg pork;

1 spoon of olive oil;

4 sprigs of thyme;

Salt, seasoning for meat.


1. Rinse a piece of pork and be sure to dry it with napkins. You can leave it for a while to let the meat dry.

2. Take a large and sharp knife, cut the pork across the grain to make thick pieces about 2 cm. Do not make thin steaks.

3. Squeeze the juice from one medium lemon. Add a teaspoon of seasoning for meat or shish kebab, stir, add a little olive oil and salt the marinade.

4. Rub the steaks with the prepared mixture on all sides.

5. Wrinkle the thyme sprigs in your hands so that they release their juice and aroma. Toss steaks with thyme.

6. Pour the rest on top lemon marinade, if they are. Place cling film over the bowl and leave for a couple of hours. If you marinate the pork longer, put it in the refrigerator.

7. Now all that remains is to remove the meat from the bowl, shake off the marinade and place on a wire rack. Place over the coals and fry until crusty on both sides. Or we use an electric grill.

Grilled pork steak in the oven

A recipe for amazing grilled steaks in the oven, which are in no way inferior to meat on the grill. But for this to really be the case, you need to know something about cooking technology. Georgian adjika is used for the sauce; you can simply take chopped chili pepper in the same quantity.


1 kg pork;

1 tsp. hops-suneli and paprika;

A pinch of hot pepper;

Coarse salt;

4 tablespoons of tomato paste;

3 cloves of garlic;

0.25 tsp natural adjika.


1. Cut the meat into steak pieces, but not very thick. 1 cm is enough.

2. Mix paprika with hot pepper and khmeli-suneli.

3. Rub the meat first with coarse salt, then with a mixture of spices. You can leave it to marinate for the whole day or cook it right away, but the meat still needs to sit for an hour, otherwise it will not be tasty and salty.

4. Heat the oven to 220 degrees.

5. Prepare a baking sheet and boiling water. Place the marinated meat on the grill. Place a baking tray with boiling water on the bottom.

6. Cook steaks on the second level from above for 20 minutes. Then we turn it over. Cook on the second side for another 25-30 minutes, looking at the meat. If the water in the pan runs out, add more boiling water.

7. Prepare the sauce. Mix tomato paste with a few tablespoons of water to give it consistency thick ketchup. Refueling Georgian adjika and chopped garlic, salt to taste. Or dilute the paste with soy sauce, it will also be delicious.

8. Place the hot pork on plates and baste tomato sauce which will soften the meat.

Grilled pork steak with soy sauce

A variation on the famous and simply amazing steak marinade on an electric grill. But you can also cook it over coals in the oven.


600 g pork;

150 ml soy sauce;

1 tsp. sweet ground paprika;

3 cloves of garlic;

A pinch of black pepper.


1. This amount of meat makes 2 large steaks. Actually, let's cut it.

2. Since soy sauce is salty, just add paprika and black pepper to it. Nothing more is needed. Stir.

3. Peel the garlic, cut each clove into several parts and carefully, so that the pieces do not peek out, stuff the meat.

4. Now pour soy sauce and spices on top of the steaks. Leave for at least 2 hours. Of course, you can marinate less, but it’s better to withstand this time, it will be much tastier.

5. Preheat the grill to 200 degrees. Or we’ll prepare a grill.

6. Take out the steaks. Place on the grill and cover with the top lid. Hold for five or six minutes.

7. Now the temperature needs to be reduced to 150-160 degrees.

8. Bring the meat to the desired readiness. If you like your steak rare, 3-4 minutes is enough. If you want the meat to cook through, cook for at least another 5-7 minutes.

Grilled pork steak (in a frying pan)

A recipe for the simplest grilled pork steaks, which are cooked in a special frying pan. But you can take the simplest one if you don’t have a vessel with a shaped bottom.


2 steaks;

1 spoon of oil;

Salt, pepper or other dry seasonings.


1. grease the pieces with oil. You don’t need much, just to moisten the surface and “seal” the juices inside.

2. Rub the meat with the spices you like. For natural option We use only salt and black pepper.

3. Prepare the frying pan. There is no need to lubricate it with anything. Place on the highest heat and heat until the dropped drop of water instantly evaporates.

4. Now is the time to lay out the pork. Fry the steaks over maximum heat for 4 minutes. Then reduce to medium and cook for another 5 minutes on each side.

5. Lay out the meat, quickly decorate with herbs and serve.

Grilled pork steak with rosemary

This meat can be cooked on any grill. The pork turns out incredibly flavorful and juicy. The marinade is also suitable for veal.


800 g pork;

0.5 cups of balsamic vinegar;

3 cloves of garlic;

Salt and black pepper;

2 tbsp. l. brown sugar;

1 spoon of chopped rosemary.


1. Connect balsamic vinegar with sugar, pepper and salt.

2. Peel the garlic cloves, chop and add to the marinade.

3. Chop the rosemary and rub it a little so that it gives out the maximum aroma. If you use dried rosemary, use a little less than a teaspoon. Combine with marinade.

4. Cut the pork, coat it with sauce, put the pieces in a ziplock bag.

5. Pour the remaining marinade on top, if any.

6. Close the package. Leave for 2 hours. Every 30 minutes we approach and shake vigorously.

7. Cook steaks on any grill!

Grilled pork steak with honey

Another a win-win marinade for pork steaks. We cook on any grill, but we make the marinade according to all the rules.


4 spoons of soy sauce;

2 steaks;

1 spoon of honey;

1 spoon of grainy mustard;

1 clove of garlic;

0.5 tsp. seasonings for barbecue.


1. Carefully stuff the steaks with pieces of garlic. It can also be added to the marinade, but during grilling the particles will burn and spoil the appearance.

2. Mix honey with mustard and spices. If the honey is thick and candied, it is better to melt it immediately.

3. Dilute with soy sauce. If there is no salt in the spices, then add a small pinch.

4. Rub the stuffed pork with the prepared mixture and marinate for an hour. You can leave it longer.

5. Remove the pork and shake off any excess marinade.

6. Place the steaks on the grill and cook until done.

Grilled pork steak in original marinade

Another variation of the marinade for a juicy and golden-brown steak on the grill. If not sesame oil, then you can use olive oil.


1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice;

2 steaks;

3 tablespoons of sesame oil;

Black and red pepper to taste;

3 tablespoons of tomato paste;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 sprigs of dill.


1. Dissolve salt in lemon juice. About 2/3 teaspoon for two large steaks. Add sesame oil.

2. Rub the meat with this mixture, put it in a bag, pour the rest on top, and tie it. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

3. Mix all other ingredients except dill. Chop the garlic.

4. Take out the meat and rub it again tomato marinade, leave in a warm place for an hour.

5. Take out the steaks and shake them off the surface. tomato juice, send the pork to the grill.

6. Bring to readiness. Transfer to plates, garnish with dill sprigs and immediately serve.

Grilled pork steak - useful tips and tricks

Steaks should be eaten immediately after cooking, “piping hot.” This dish cannot be stored or reheated.

If the pork is dry, the piece is left on the fire, it should be immediately poured with ketchup or other tomato sauce while the meat is hot. It will come off a little, become saturated, and become softer.

Not everyone likes rare steaks. If the piece is not cooked through inside, do not try to cook it in the microwave. You'll just ruin everything. Heat a frying pan until smoking, brush the pork with a drop of oil and heat for a few minutes on each side.

Greetings, my dear gourmets. Do you want to arrange an unforgettable romantic dinner to your chosen one or chosen one? Then cook the beef steak. You can fry it in a frying pan or on the grill. In both the first and second cases it will turn out amazingly delicious. The main thing here is to choose the right marinade for beef steak. Let's figure out which one is better.

Before cooking meat, you need to let it come to room temperature. This means that 1-1.5 hours before frying, you need to remove it from the package and leave it on the table. If the meat doesn't come to room temperature, you'll just ruin the dish. The steak will be seared on the outside and cold in the middle.

If the beef is frozen, I advise you to defrost it in the refrigerator first. This is a long process that can take a day depending on the size of the piece. In principle, you can defrost meat in cold water. Only in this case the beef cannot be removed from the packaging. And the result will not be the same. Don’t even try to defrost it in the microwave - you’ll ruin everything and get a tasteless result.

In my experience, if the meat is good, you can even marinate it. All you need is salt + pepper. If desired, drizzle over pieces before grilling. olive oil or Worcestershire sauce.

I also recommend chopping the peppercorns yourself before cooking. This way it will reveal its aroma more strongly. All you need is a mortar or rolling pin. There is no need to make it completely dusty; 1 mm pieces of pepper are ideal. They should stay on the steak. I recommend salting and peppering the meat a minute before frying. Simply coat both sides of the beef with spices and start cooking. But sauces will add flavor to the steaks. I have selected 3 options, which I will talk about a little later.

You need to cook the steak on a very hot surface - on a grill pan, on a wire rack or a good thick-walled frying pan. This will seal the meat juices inside the piece. And the meat will not stick to the surface on which you cook. Fry the piece until the bottom changes its color by a third. It's easier to navigate by looking at the end of the steak. Then turn the piece over to the other side. And wait again. Each side usually takes 2-3 minutes.

Additional secrets

Remember, my friends, poking steak with a fork is prohibited. This one has cutlery sharp teeth. And before you know it, you’ll pierce a piece and all the meat juice will flow out. Use tongs or a spatula to turn the piece over.

If you are cooking a thick steak (more than 3 cm), bring it to full readiness possible in 2 ways. Or, after frying, place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes. Or fry the ends of the piece. Here you can’t do without tongs, holding the meat at the end.

After cooking the steak, you need to give it time to “rest”. Place the piece on a plate and leave it for 15 minutes. This time is enough for the meat juice to be evenly distributed inside the steak. I recommend placing a piece on top of the steak. butter. Believe me, it will be very tasty.

Serve cooked beef I recommend it with sauce. Choose an option to suit your taste - béarnaise, lingonberry or Spanish with tomato paste. Want to make these sauces yourself? Then be sure to watch this video

Below I offer you three original recipes how to marinate beef. Be sure to write down in the comments which option you think is the best.

Lime Marinated Steak Dinner Recipe

This dish is very easy to prepare. You can cook the steak on the grill or in a frying pan. For it you will need:

  • 1 piece of steak (ribeye);
  • 1 lime;
  • 1 tbsp. oyster sauce(you can replace 1 tbsp balsamic thick sauce or 1 tsp. sesame oil);
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • 6 cherry tomatoes + 1 larger tomato;
  • 1 shallot;
  • a few tbsp. olive oil;
  • salt + pepper;
  • herbs – oregano, thyme and rosemary;
  • 5 potatoes.

Squeeze the juice out exotic fruit and mix it with the sauce. We cut the garlic into slices and add it to the marinade. Mix all the ingredients well and roll the meat into them. Keep each side for 3 minutes and then turn over (do 3 circles).

While the beef is soaking in the spices, we switch to the tomatoes. We cut each cherry into 4 parts. And the larger tomato (you can take black or yellow) - into 8 parts. Then chop the onion - preferably cut it into small cubes.

In a heatproof dish, mix the onions and tomatoes. Add a couple of tbsp here. olive oil. Salt the mixture, season and season with herbs.

Then we put these two dishes into the oven, heated to 205 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. If cooking on the grill, wrap the tomatoes and potatoes in foil.

Next we move on to cooking the beef. We take the meat out of the marinade, remove the pieces of garlic from it and wipe it with a dry towel. Heat up the grill pan and place a piece on it. Fry each side for 3-4 minutes. I indicate this time for a ribeye steak 3 cm thick. If you have a thinner or thicker piece, adjust the time yourself. Serve beef with baked tomatoes and potatoes.

Wine marinade

We will cook on the grill. Red wine creates a delicate and unique bouquet. And juniper will add piquancy to the meat.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 6 pcs. beef tenderloin medallions, 3-5 cm high;
  • 6 slices of fatty bacon;
  • culinary twine;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 tsp thyme;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a handful of juniper berries (if available)
  • 400 ml red wine;
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 3 tsp peppercorns.

The first thing to do is wrap the medallions in bacon. Secure it to the meat with twine, wrapping it around it and tying it in a knot. Do this with each piece.

Next, prepare the marinade. Finely chop the onion, carrots, and celery. Combine chopped vegetables and all other ingredients in a large bowl. Pour wine and oil over everything. Place the medallions in a mold and pour the marinade over them. Leave the meat in the refrigerator overnight.

Then remove the steaks from the refrigerator, drain the marinade, and pat the meat dry with a paper towel. Brush the pieces on both sides with olive oil. Season and add salt on top.

Grease a clean, heated grill with vegetable oil and place the steaks on it. If the pieces are large, cook for 6 minutes on each side. Focus on their color. After a couple of minutes, turn the pieces. This will create a pattern on the meat in the form of a lattice from hot rods. Cook until golden brown.

When the meat is browned on one side, turn it over to the other. To lightly brown the bacon you wrapped the meat in, sear the sides of the steaks. Simply turn them over using tongs on all sides.

Afterwards, remove the medallions from the heat and remove the twine. Brush each piece with butter. After cooking a steak in wine, your friends will elevate you to the rank of a grill chef :) For clarity, watch another video recipe.

Preparing marinade with soy sauce

For a delicacy take:

  • 0.5 kilos of marbled beef;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 5 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. wine vinegar;
  • 5 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp coarse salt;
  • ½ tsp. crushed black pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. honey

Divide the meat into 5 equal portions. Make shallow cuts in each of them. Pass the garlic through the garlic press. Mix this paste with oil, honey, vinegar, sauce and pepper. Pour the prepared marinade over the meat and leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours. If time permits, you can leave it longer - for example, overnight.

Heat the grill pan. Sprinkle the beef on both sides with salt and place in the pan. Cooking time depends on how done you want it to be. And besides, the thickness of the pieces plays an important role here. So navigate on your own. It turns out amazingly delicious :)

Good day, my wonderful readers. Agree that sometimes you really want to cook something tasty and unusual. In this case, marinades often help me out. It's one thing when you just fry a piece of meat. And, believe me, pork that has been marinated beforehand has a completely different taste and aroma. heat treatment. Today I’ll tell you my favorite recipes for making pork marinade for frying in a pan.

Naturally, tastier dishes made from chilled pork. But if you purchased frozen meat, do not despair. A vinegar marinade will help save the situation, but more on that later.

But if it seems to you that such frying is not enough for the chops, put them in the oven. At a temperature of 170-180 degrees, bake the chops for 10-15 minutes. By the way, the article about pork in the oven describes all the subtleties of such heat treatment.

You can fry pork in a regular thick-bottomed frying pan or on a grill pan. The dishes should be as hot as possible.

For pork steaks, both vegetable oil and butter can be used. But remember, if you decide to cook with butter, the pan should not be too hot. Otherwise, the oil will start to burn and ruin the dish. Chefs believe that it is better to fry in vegetable oil.

Recipes with marinade

Below I present to your attention 5 options for cooking with marinating. Cook, and then write in the comments about the results of your culinary exploits. And to whet your appetite, catch delicious photos. They certainly won’t leave anyone indifferent :)

Steak marinade with soy sauce

For a kilo of pork take:

  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • head of a large onions(or a couple of medium ones);
  • 1 tsp French grain mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. liquid honey;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • salt+pepper+spices (to your taste).

Mix the sauce with mustard, butter and honey. Puree the peeled onion in a blender and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Add it to the marinade. We chop the garlic using a garlic press and also add it to the aromatic mass. Mix all components thoroughly. Then heat the marinade - it should become transparent.

Dip the steaks in the marinade and transfer them to a bowl. Cover the top of the dishes cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Next, take the marinated pieces out of the refrigerator and fry them. Frying time depends on the thickness of the steak. On average, one side needs to be fried for 2-3 minutes. Then you need to turn the pork over and fry the other side of the piece. If the meat seems a little raw, turn it over again and fry each side again.

Remove the finished steak from the heat and hamster it on both cheeks :) If you did everything correctly, it should turn out juicy and melt in your mouth. I recommend serving this delicacy with a salad or fresh vegetables. You can use the same amount of marinade for half a kilo of steaks.

How to marinate pork with vinegar

As I already said, this option is good for frozen meat. It is better to defrost it in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than +5 degrees. The slower it melts, the more it will retain its taste qualities. If you defrost in a microwave or at room temperature, the pork will become tough and dry. I think that in this case, even the best meat tenderizers will not be able to correct the situation.

For marinade for 700 g of pulp, take:

  • 2 onions;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 100 ml 9% vinegar;
  • laurel;
  • ½ tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • ½ tsp. crushed pepper + 4 black peppercorns;
  • vegetable oil (for frying).

Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. Dissolve salt and sugar in water and enrich this mixture with vinegar. And then add bay leaf to the brine.

Cut the meat into pieces (they should be the same size as for kebab). Mix the pork with onions, season and pour in the marinade. Next, put the meat in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Then put the marinated pieces in a frying pan with heated oil and fry them. At first the fire should be above medium. Then, when the pieces are browned, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for another 20-25 minutes. Remember to carefully turn the pork.

Found another one interesting option marinating pork in cognac. This great option make meat tender

Do you want to cook delicious kebab from pork? In a separate article, I described recipes for preparing marinades, after which the meat will be tender and tasty.

Preparing marinade with mayonnaise

The recipe for this dish is:

  • kilo of pork;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 100 ml mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil for marinade;
  • salt+pepper+dried dill.

Cut the meat into small pieces like shish kebab. We salt it, pepper it and season it with dill. Add the onion, chopped into small cubes, to the pork. We enrich the mixture with mayonnaise and oil. Mix everything thoroughly.

Cover the top of the bowl with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Next, take out the marinated kebab and fry it in hot oil until cooked. The meat turns out very tender and aromatic.

Marinade with mineral water and lemon

Turns out, mineral water can work real miracles - it perfectly softens meat. Lemon helps enhance its effect. For this marinade take:

  • kilo of pork fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 500-600 ml of highly carbonated mineral water;
  • salt + pepper mixture;
  • vegetable oil.

Pour boiling water over the citrus fruit, cut it into 2 parts and squeeze out the juice. Mix lemon juice with mineral water.

Slice the pork in portioned pieces. Place the meat layer in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and a mixture of peppers. Then follows the onion, chopped into half rings. And so we alternate the meat layer (salt and pepper) - onion, etc. Fill it all with lemon solution. Marinate the pieces for no more than an hour.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the pork here. Fry for the first few minutes high fire(a golden brown crust should appear on all sides). Next, reduce the heat to low and continue frying until done.

Pork in lemon marinade

The recipe for this dish is:

  • 300 g tenderloin;
  • ½ large lemon;
  • a couple of pinches of crushed red (hot) pepper;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp chili sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil;
  • a little refined sunflower oil for frying;
  • salt+pepper.

Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruit and grate the zest (you need 1 tbsp.) Mix olive oil with lemon juice and zest. Add garlic crushed using a garlic press, sauce, pepper and salt. The marinade is ready.

We wash the pork and dry it with a paper towel. Next, cut it into cubes (5 cm in size). We immerse these pieces in the aromatic mixture and cover the top of the bowl with cling film. Next, place the container in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours. It’s even better to leave it overnight - this way the meat will be better saturated with spices.

Then place the pieces in hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the pork over high heat until golden brown crust. Then you need to reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking the pork for another 15 minutes. Do not forget to periodically turn the meat.

Additional Tricks

I recommend adding dried herbs to marinades. You can use the following spices: thyme, oregano, cumin, etc. Or just use the mixture for frying meat.

If you want the pork to marinate faster, prick it with a fork or cut it into small pieces. And also, if the meat is aromatic mixture It will marinate for more than an hour, put it in the refrigerator.

How do you marinate pork before roasting it? Share your recipes. And so as not to miss anything, subscribe to updates. That’s all I have for today: bye-bye.

The article offers you several delicious recipes Cooking pork steak in different ways.

Marinade for pork steak, steak with soy, pomegranate, sour cream, honey mustard, mushroom sauce: recipe

INTERESTING: The stack is a fairly large and thick piece fried meat. The steak can be made from beef or pork (less often from chicken, fried breast sometimes called " chicken steak"). This dish has big story. It is believed that in Ancient Greece doused with fire on braziers big pieces meat, presenting them “as a sacrifice” to the Gods. IN this moment steak is the best popular dish in the USA, where culinary experts came up with hundreds of ways to fry and bake meat and elevated it to a real cult. We can say that steak is a significant contribution to world cooking American people.

A delicious steak is not just a piece of meat that has been exposed to high temperatures. It is important to know that in addition to the fact that you need to choose the “right” and tasty piece ripened meat (aging helps the meat fibers become softer), it should be thoroughly marinated. Depending on preferences, you can make spicy, mustard, honey, spicy, berry marinade, which will give “special” notes of taste to the meat.

You can serve steak with potatoes, vegetables, pickles and fermentations, pasta, and legumes. To prevent the meat from being dry, it is important not to overcook it, and also serve it with sauce. Pork meat goes well with different sauces: sweet, salty, spicy, berry, fruit, creamy, vegetable. You should choose the sauce according to your tastes and the side dish.

Steak marinades (the most delicious and popular):

  • "Soy" marinade. To do this, you need to use any soy sauce: classic, garlic or ginger. No additional salt is needed as the sauce is already very salty. As an additive, you can squeeze out a clove of garlic or cover or sprinkle the meat with “fragrant” herbs: bay, rosemary, basil and other types.
  • "Pomegranate" marinade. The juice of the berries perfectly complements the taste of meat; the acid of the berries breaks down the fibers and makes them softer. Perfect option– natural pomegranate juice, which can be squeezed or purchased in a store (not nectar, but 100% sugar-free juice). The juice can be combined with soy sauce, wine, mustard or aromatic spices, salt or a mixture of peppers.
  • "Wine" marinade. Wine softens the meat and gives it a pleasant rich aroma, taste. You can use any wine (red or white, rose), but only dry wine. It can also be combined with other additives in the form of soy sauce or vinegar.
  • "Honey" marinade. Natural honey will help meat gain " caramel crust"and a pleasant sweetish flavor. It is important to know that honey in the marinade is not the main ingredient and should not be added too much, 1 tbsp. will be quite enough. Combine honey with soy sauce, spices, oil, vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise.
  • "Mustard" marinade. One of the best for juicy and fatty cuts of pork. Mustard goes perfectly with honey and soy sauce, and together you get a spicy and rich marinade for steak.
  • "Mayonnaise" marinade. The simplest marinade that will add flavor. Juiciness and golden brownness to the steak. Do not combine a large number of mayonnaise with soy sauce, aromatic herbs, spicy spices, vegetable oil and salt.
  • "Tomato" marinade. You can use ketchup, crushed tomato pulp and even tomato paste as a base. It must be supplemented with any aromatic spices, vinegar or soy sauce, wine and salt.

Steak sauces (the most delicious and popular):

  • Mushroom. One of the best and delicious sauces that goes perfectly with pork. The basis of the sauce is cream of any fat content. You should take the most “fragrant” mushrooms that you can find (white, wild mushrooms); in extreme cases, champignons will do. Chop the mushrooms very finely and fry in oil (add onions if desired) until golden brown, then pour in the cream and add a piece of butter, as well as salt and any spices that you like. Simmer the sauce for about 5 minutes; if it is liquid and you don’t like its consistency, you can add 0.5-1 tbsp. flour. After stewing the mushrooms, grind the whole mass well with a blender until smooth. Pour into a gravy boat and serve with finely chopped dill.
  • Pomegranate. It's very simple and delicious sauce for pork steak. It should be prepared from fresh pomegranate juice, which is squeezed out of fruits (available on sale and 100% natural juice no additives or sugar). It should be poured into a saucepan, salt and spicy spices (nutmeg, pepper, bay, rosemary, basil, thyme, oregano and others) added to the juice, as well as 1 tbsp of starch (potato starch is better, corn starch will give sweetness). Brew the sauce over low heat, whisking thoroughly to prevent the formation of lumps of starch.
  • Cranberry. The sour taste of the berry, combined with a small amount of sugar and spicy spices, will allow you to prepare an original and incredibly tasty sauce for pork. Cranberry juice without pulp (squeeze and strain) should be heated and brewed with 1 tsp - 1 tbsp. corn or any other starch. Add 1 tsp. sugar, a couple of pinches of pepper mixture, 1 tsp. soy sauce.
  • Berry. You can brew any aromatic or sweet and sour sauce into the sauce. berry juice: raspberry, strawberry, lingonberry. To steep, add a little starch or flour to the juice (this will make the sauce thicker and thicker), and sugar, salt and pepper will make it piquant.
  • Orange. Pairs perfectly with fatty cuts of meat (neck steaks, for example). In order for the sauce to be tasty and “correct”, it is important to take freshly squeezed orange juice (make it yourself). The sauce thickens with flour or starch. Do not add sugar, but you can add pepper, horseradish or mustard to taste to make it sharper and more piquant. Salt or soy sauce can be added to taste for saltiness.
  • Sour cream. Saturated sour cream sauce Makes the pork taste soft and creamy. This sauce cannot be called exotic or spicy at all, but it is easy to prepare. You will need any sour cream, preferably “medium” fat content (15%). Chop the herbs (dill and others) into the sour cream, squeeze out a clove of garlic, and add spices according to your preferences.
  • Soy. The sauce is easy to make and always turns out delicious. Mix in equal proportions soy sauce and mayonnaise, squeeze out a clove of garlic and chop the herbs. Serve with potatoes and spicy marinated steak.
  • Honey mustard. This sweetish sauce, along with its spiciness, will complement juicy meat, even lean meat (such as pork tenderloin). Mix one to one: honey, mustard and soy sauce. Add garlic to taste.
  • Tomato. Several tomatoes should be peeled and chopped, placed in a frying pan and simmered, evaporating the liquid. Half a sweet or bell pepper chop and puree with a blender, pour the puree into the tomatoes. 5-7 minutes before readiness, squeeze a clove of garlic into the mass, add any spices and a little vegetable oil, as well as greens.
  • Garlic. As a base, you can use sour cream and mayonnaise in equal quantities. Add a few cloves of crushed garlic and chopped dill. If desired, add any other aromatic spices and greens.

How to marinate pork steak in kefir: recipe

Kefir will allow the meat to become softer. It will not change the taste and will not add sourness, but it will add juiciness to the steak.

What you will need:

  • Neck steak – up to 1 kg. (or any other, but “fat” part).
  • Kefir - 0.5-0.7 l. ( steak is better just “drown” a little in kefir; kefir can be taken at any fat content).
  • Salt and pepper - a few pinches

How to do:

  • Prepare the meat for marinating: clean it of films (if any), wash it, and dry it.
  • Cut a large piece into steaks, which should be approximately 2.5-3.5 cm thick.
  • Dip the meat in kefir and let it “sour” for a while. It's best to leave it overnight.
  • Kefir will help break down meat fibers and make soft steak, preserve its juiciness.
  • Salt and pepper should be added to this steak during the frying process or before serving.
  • Determine the amount of spices yourself

How to cook neck steak, pork loin in a frying pan in soy sauce: recipe

IMPORTANT: The best spices and meat additives are, of course, salt and pepper. But if you want to improve the taste ready-made dish, try adding regular soy sauce to the marinade, which you can now buy in stores without any problems.

What you need to have:

  • Steak (one or several weighing 250 g at once) – preferably from “fatty” meat (neck is ideal).
  • Fruit vinegar – a few tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil - a few tbsp.
  • Pepper mixture - a few pinches
  • Soy sauce - about 50-60 ml (determined by eye)
  • Dried garlic - 1 tsp (can be replaced with fresh)
  • Ground dried ginger - 1 tsp (you can exclude or add fresh).
  • Honey (any natural) – 0.5-1 tsp. (liquid)

IMPORTANT: Salt in this recipe not necessary, since soy sauce is already salty.

How to do:

  • Without any spices, just in the sauce, marinate the steaks (the desired marinating time is to leave overnight or at least for several hours).
  • First, mix the sauce and vinegar (apple juice is best) evenly.
  • Then stir the ginger, garlic and pepper into the warm oil and mix the oil with the sauce.
  • Pour in honey and dissolve it thoroughly
  • Dip the steak into the resulting marinade and let it sit for a long time.
  • When frying, you can sprinkle a little extra salt on the steak.

IMPORTANT: Soy sauce will add not only piquant flavor to the meat, but rich taste, but will also allow you to roast over the fire with a ruddy, caramel crust.

How to cook pork steak on the bone with thyme and rosemary in a frying pan: recipe

IMPORTANT: Why should steak be grilled on the bone? This is the secret to the juiciness of the meat. This steak will be very tender, and if you do spicy marinade, you will get an incredibly tasty dish.

What you will need:

  • Steak meat– several servings (pieces of meat) 250 grams each. approximately.
  • Sunflower or olive oil – a few tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - a few tbsp.
  • Mix of hot peppers - 0.5 tsp
  • Paprika (not hot) – 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - a few pinches
  • Thyme – 0.5 tsp
  • Rosemary – a few twigs

PRE-MARINATED: The steak should be coated with spices and dipped in a mixture of juice and oil (preferably warm). Place a sprig of rosemary on top and bottom of the steak. Keep in the marinade for at least several hours.

How to cook:

  • Remove the rosemary sprigs from the marinated piece.
  • Heat the frying pan well, it is advisable to use one that has a Teflon coating or a grill pan (grease with oil using a brush).
  • Place a piece of meat on a hot frying pan and hold until the meat turns white and becomes “elastic” on both sides (you can check with a toothpick).

How long to fry a pork steak in a frying pan?

Frying meat in a frying pan should last from 6 to 8 minutes on each side. If the meat is exposed to fire (on the grill, for example), less time will be required.

IMPORTANT: Pork meat should be completely cooked. Unlike beef, which can be cooked “medium” or even “raer”, this is unacceptable with pork (pigs are “sensitive” to a number of pathogens and bacteria, as well as pests, traces of which are completely destroyed under the influence of high temperatures).

How to cook pork steak in the oven with tomatoes and cheese: recipe

People often call this dish “French-style meat.” It can be baked only with tomatoes, but the cheese will add juiciness to the meat and the pork will not seem dry, and the tomatoes will set off the fatty meat with a slight sourness.

What you will need:

  • Steak meat – 200-250 gr. every piece (fatty or lean - it doesn’t matter).
  • Pepper mixture and salt (optional) – a few pinches
  • Tomatoes - 1-3 pcs. juicy and fresh, not large (you need neat, fleshy tomato rings, 2-3 for each piece of meat).
  • Cheese - about 200 gr. (depends on the number of steaks). You can choose any low-fat cheese (30-40%, which melts and browns well when baked).

How to prepare meat:

  • The steaks need to be beaten a little so that they are not dry (if you want, marinate the steak in advance in any of the marinades suggested above). Already beaten meat should be dipped into the marinade.
  • Place the steaks on the oven sheet (do not place them on the mesh, as the meat, tomatoes and cheese will release juice and it can drip to the bottom of the oven).
  • Season the steaks with spices and salt (if you think necessary)
  • Place 2-3 tomato rings on top of the meat and place a large slice of cheese.
  • Bake at 180 degrees (no more) and keep in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

How to cook pork steak with mushrooms: recipe

Mushrooms perfectly complement the taste of juicy, fatty and even dry steak. They can be used to prepare a sauce or a side dish (read how to make the sauce above).

What you need (for 1 serving):

  • Piece of meat - 250-350 gr. weight (approx.)
  • Soy marinade for meat - ingredients listed above
  • Champignon - 400-500 gr. (replaceable with any other mushrooms).
  • Onion – 1 PC. or white part of leek
  • Sour cream - a few tbsp.
  • Fresh herbs(needed for submission)

How to do:

  • A well-marinated piece of meat should be fried for 6-7 minutes on each side in a hot frying pan.
  • At the same time, finely chop the champignon and onion, fry until golden brown only in butter.
  • During frying, you can pour in the remaining marinade and wait for it to evaporate.
  • When the marinade has evaporated, add 1-2 tbsp. sour cream and simmer a little under the lid (you can do it without sour cream).
  • The steak should be served hot on the same plate with mushrooms strewn with plenty of herbs.

How to cook pork steak on the grill: recipe

Cooking pork on the grill is not difficult:

  • Rinse the meat in advance and cut it into steaks (large).
  • Let the steak marinate overnight (choose any marinade listed above).
  • Prepare the coals and oil the grill (grids) to prevent the meat from sticking.
  • Place the meat and keep it for about 5 minutes over moderate but “active” heat on each side.

How to cook pork steak in a slow cooker: recipe

Even in a slow cooker you can cook quite tasty and juicy steak. To do this, you should select the “Frying” mode and keep the oven lid open.

What you need to prepare:

  • Piece of meat - steak weighing about 300 g.
  • Soy marinade –(recipe described in the article above)

How to cook:

  • The marinated steak should be placed in the heated multicooker bowl.
  • You don't need a lot of oil, just 1-2 tsp. It will be quite enough, because the pork is already fatty, which means it will release juice.
  • Turn on the mode and “fry” with the lid closed for about 5 minutes (if the bowl has already been preheated).
  • Then open the lid and keep it in this mode for another 5 minutes (this will allow the meat to get a golden brown crust).
  • Repeat the same with the other side of the steak.

How to cook pork steak with mustard: recipe

This steak can be cooked on a grill pan. For frying, choose soft and juicy meat, such as tenderloin.

What you need to have:

  • Piece of meat - steak weighing about 250 g.
  • Mustard "Russian" - 1 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • Pepper mixture - a couple of pinches
  • Salt - a couple of pinches

How to fry and cook:

  • Rub the tenderloin pulp (large) with pepper and salt
  • Then coat with a mixture of soy sauce and mustard
  • Heat a grill pan and grease with oil
  • Place the steak in the hot pan
  • Hold for about 5 minutes on each side
  • Check doneness with a toothpick

How to cook pork steak with potatoes: recipe

Bake in oven steak you can do the same by putting meat on potatoes. This way you can cook juicy steak and delicious potatoes.

How to bake:

  • Cut the potatoes into a heatproof bowl
  • Sprinkle it with a little salt and pepper
  • Place pre-marinated meat on top of the potatoes.
  • Pour the remaining marinade over the potatoes.
  • If you wish, you can sprinkle the meat with cheese to make the dish juicier and tastier.
  • Bake at 170-180 degrees. But no more than 45-55 minutes.

How to make pork steak tasty and juicy: tips


  • Delicious steak comes from fresh meat
  • Steak meat should not be frozen or thawed.
  • Meat should be at room temperature
  • “Wet” and undried meat will “burn”
  • The steak should not be more than 4 cm thick, otherwise it simply will not cook through.
  • The meat should not be less than 2.5 cm thick, otherwise it will burn or be very dry.
  • The steak should only be brought to life in a hot frying pan.
  • Fry the steak for the first 2 minutes high temperature, and then the temperature drops.
  • For frying, it is important to choose the right frying pan: one with a Teflon coating, a thick bottom, or cast iron.
  • The longer you marinate the meat, the tastier and juicier the steak will be.

Video: “Cooking pork steak”