Where is soy sauce used? Soy sauce

I have found my “champion” among universal gas stations for a long time, and since that time the treasured glass bowl has always stood on the kitchen shelf.

The scope of soy sauce - namely, it is in question - is so wide that I manage to add it to almost every dish I create. It has already become a tradition in my family to put it on the table whenever we sit down to eat, and in country trips it becomes our constant companion.

A bit of culinary history

It turns out that this product has a long history, measured not even by hundreds, but by thousands of years. It was then that the Chinese monks, because of religious beliefs refused to use dairy products, were forced to look for an adequate replacement for them. And imagine, they succeeded, and how! The result of culinary experiments was tofu cheese and, of course, soy sauce recipe.

A little later, practical Japanese adopted the technology of their neighbors, and later improved it. Thus, by the heyday of the Iyasu Tokugawa dynasty (circa 17-19 centuries BC), this wonderful dressing already tasted about the same as the one that decorates our tables today. And its most skilled manufacturers lived in the area of \u200b\u200bpresent-day Osaka - their sauces were known far beyond the borders of their homeland.

And for the penetration of this product into the kitchens of European housewives, we must say “Thank you!” To the Dutch sailors, who since 1668 began to export soy sauce from Nagasaki. Apparently, they were so struck by his piquant, slightly salty taste that they even figured out how to transport it so that it would not lose its wonderful properties. You see, there were no refrigerators then, and they had to do the almost impossible so that the valuable qualities of this product would not be lost somewhere in the vast seas and oceans on the way to Europe.

What is the use of soy sauce?

According to what I found as a result of my research, this gas station is practically a Klondike for everyone who cares about their health. The list of positive qualities and recommendations for use is so long that I just don’t know where to start. Nevertheless, I will try to put in order the blockages of information in my head and systematize them - for you and for yourself.

  • It is amazing, but true: this seasoning can slow down the inexorable course of our biological clock and make it almost impossible to slow down the aging process.
  • But it acts on the circulatory system with the exact opposite: the constant use of soy sauce in food stimulates the blood circulation process.
  • This product is also useful for those who care about their appearance and waist size. One hundred grams contains only fifty-five calories, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by fans of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Now compare the above figures with the calorie content of dressings such as mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetable oil. The results are impressive, aren't they? So, if the number on the scale deviates from the usual mark, you should not run to the pharmacy for pills, but introduce the use of soy sauce in the daily menu!
  • This product is recommended for people recovering from a heart attack, as well as suffering from other heart diseases. Just give preference to the low sodium option.
  • Refueling is also ideal for “happy” animal squirrel allergy owners. The sauce is not inferior to meat in the amount of protein.
  • It has a beneficial effect on sleep problems and headaches. and note: again, no chemistry or medicine.
  • This soy product will also help those for whom swelling is a common occurrence. Perhaps this is due to the high content of gluatomines, which will allow you to easily abandon excessive salt intake.
  • Soy sauce is able to reduce the amount of free radicals, so it is a good tool for the prevention of cancer.

This list can be extended by a dozen more points, but we will not go into too much detail. Who wants - he will certainly find additional information on the network. I think that all of the above is already enough to run to the store or start searching on the net for recipes for soy sauce cooked at home (yes, it is also possible!).

Small fly in the ointment: harm soy sauce

As in any product, I just can’t do without a few small “buts” - you must admit that I would be wary if there weren’t even a minor flaw with such a list of advantages. Therefore, I will say a few words about the dangers of soy sauce - namely, this side of the coin opens if you use it in huge quantities constantly. I don’t know about you, but I decided nevertheless to reduce its dosage for my family - quite a bit, just a little.

  • Excessive enthusiasm for this dressing can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
  • Soya, from which it consists of sauce, sometimes provokes endocrine diseases, so be careful.
  • Girls who are expecting an addition in the family should limit their use of this product to food to avoid possible complications in the development of the fetus.
  • And finally, let's remember about allergies - where would it be without it? Like any other food consumed in shock doses, soy sauce can cause allergies.

I repeat that we are talking only about the use of seasoning not limited by common sense. As they say, in small doses, medicine, in large doses - poison.

What you need to remember when choosing a gas station?

We already know the positive and negative sides, as well as the use of soy sauce, now it's time to move on to the procedure for its purchase. How to choose a quality product and not run into a fake, of which, by the way, there is a huge amount on sale?

At the sight of the low cost of the product, many buyers (including myself, I repent) even forget to check the expiration date, not to mention checking other important characteristics. But judge for yourself: soy sauce, the fermentation process of which sometimes takes months, cannot cost three copecks! Therefore, before grabbing the coveted bottle with dark liquid from the counter, pay attention to a few points.

  • You should not take this product in a market tent or in dubious places. There, the storage conditions leave much to be desired, and the manufacturer is unlikely to be checked.
  • Real soy sauce is made from soybeans, wheat, salt, sugar, sometimes even from vinegar. All. No chemical additives, no peanuts, anise and all that often dishonest businessmen sin. The bottle must be marked “natural fermentation”.
  • Speaking of capacity: this gas station is stored in glass, and nothing else!
  • The color of the liquid should be brown, visible when the container is brought to light. All kinds of precipitation and turbidity indicate a low quality product.
  • It is best to store the bottle in the refrigerator - there is just the temperature regime suitable for this liquid.

I hope that you, like me, have discovered something new, and will continue to be more thorough in your choice of this gas station.

Homemade Soy Sauce Recipes

For those who want to be sure of quality, I propose to cook homemade soy sauce.

As you know, if you want to do something well, take it for yourself. After all, even an expensive product with all the branded “insignia” can be faked, so I offer you some home-made recipes, which, with some effort and availability of products, can be reproduced in your own kitchen.

Recipe 1

Real Japanese sauce - for lovers of authentic products.


  • Natural soy sauce - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup
  • Dessert wine - ½ cup
  • Onions - ½ head
  • Ginger Root - 2 cm
  • Anise - 1-2 stars
  • Dried orange peel - 15 g.


We mix all the components in one large container and simmer over low heat until a third of the composition evaporates. We filter our future dressing through several layers of gauze and cool.

And that’s all. The main task of the hostess is to buy everything you need, but the benefit of soy sauce according to this recipe is undeniable. Still - the manufacturer is precisely responsible for the quality!

Recipe 2

Of portabello mushrooms - for those who love culinary experiments.


  • Portabello Mushroom - 1 pc.
  • Sea salt - 1 tbsp. l
  • Water - 2 cups


We cut the mushrooms in pieces and place them in a blender, pouring half a glass of water. Beat, then add the remaining liquid. If someone does not like portabello pieces in the resulting product, you can strain it. The use of soy sauce on this technology will be similar to the use of a store analog.

Recipe 3

Variations on the theme - for those who decide to optimize Japanese technology for Russian realities.


  • Soybeans - 100 g
  • Bouillon - 2 tbsp. l
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. .l.


Cook the beans until cooked, grind into gruel and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Bring everything to a boil, stirring constantly.

Recipe 4

Spicy sushi sauce - for those who want something hot.


  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi - to taste


Mix in the blender all of the above components. Serve in a small bowl in tandem with sushi. Just try Japanese pepper before adding it to the sauce - so you determine the optimal amount for yourself.

I hope my long story did not bore you. It just took me so long to dig the Internet in search of reliable and normal language information about the benefits of soy sauce, its use and recipes for this product, that I decided to collect all the valuable information in one place.

Now you will at least know where to look for the necessary materials when you need them.

Sauce. Its widespread use began only in the nineties of the last century.

Product History

The homeland of soy sauce is China. The first mention of this product is found in the 2nd century BC. There are many assumptions about the reason for its creation. Someone speaks of the shortage of salt at that time and the desire of people to use it most economically. Others argue that this was due to the desire of the ancient monks who, for religious purposes, tried to force people to eat only vegetarian food and completely abandon dairy and meat products. One way or another, it was then that an unknown soy sauce appeared. Its use in food has become mandatory and quite familiar. Very soon, this product crossed the borders of its country and began to spread rapidly around the world. The Japanese were the first to fall in love with an unusual sauce, and with the help of Dutch sailors they learned about it in many countries of Europe. Chefs gladly used this unusual Asian seasoning to give a new taste to long-known dishes.

The technology of manufacturing sauce and its varieties

Nowadays, soy sauce is prepared differently. However, in any case, the technology of its production is associated with the fermentation of a mixture of fried wheat and boiled beans in the presence of certain types of fungi and its subsequent fermentation and pasteurization. This is how real soy sauce is made. Its use in cooking has practically no restrictions with the exception of desserts. It is used as a piquant flavoring additive for meat and fish dishes, as well as for the preparation of various dressings and marinades. In addition, it is used as the basis for the preparation of other mustard, shrimp and others. Three types of soy sauce are distinguished depending on the aging and duration of fermentation of the product and the field of its application:

  • light coloured,
  • dark,
  • sweet.

Each of them has its own characteristic features in the recipe and cooking technology, and this in turn affects how the product is used. Take, for example, dark soy sauce. Its use is limited to meat dishes and all kinds of marinades. The reason is that this sauce is thick, concentrated, aromatic and almost not salty. The light type of sauce is less aromatic, but more salty and therefore used for the preparation of various salads. A sweet contains and is able not only to decorate a dessert, but also beneficial to emphasize the taste of any meat or vegetable dishes.

How to use soy sauce

Many people like soy sauce. Application, recipes and methods for its manufacture are constantly expanding and improving. Adding lime, tomato paste, sesame oil or honey to it allows you to cook completely new sauces. And the use of cinnamon, ginger, anise, mustard or garlic as an additive gives the dishes a completely unique flavor. Soy sauce can even make a real delicacy out of the most unsightly plants. For example, the classic "teriyaki". It can be easily done at home, measuring out the components with tablespoons. To do this, you only need:

3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 spoon of ground ginger and 3 tablespoons of Mirin wine (if it doesn’t turn out, you can use sake, dry vermouth or any

Teriyaki is being prepared in one go:

  1. In a small saucepan, combine all the components, mix, and then warm for 6-8 minutes over low heat.

Teriyaki is ready. Now it remains only to cool. This is best done in the refrigerator. After that, the aromatic mixture can be used as a dressing for all kinds of salads, as well as fish dishes and various seafood. The main role in this spicy mass is soy sauce. The use, recipes and choice of products depend on additional ingredients.

Meat in spicy sauce

Asian cuisine is given special attention. Among them, there are many different recipes that necessarily use soy sauce. Applying this aromatic additive to meat allows you to radically change its taste. Take, for example, the recipe for spicy sweet and sour chicken. First you need to prepare the following products:

half a kilogram of chicken fillet (or legs) 6 cloves of garlic, 130 grams of fried cashew nuts, a tablespoon of starch, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper and a little green onion.

Cooking should be done as follows:

  1. Roll the chicken fillet (or legs) in starch, salt, sprinkle with pepper, and then fry for 5-6 minutes in oil in a hot frying pan.
  2. Put the meat in a bowl and set aside, and lightly fry chopped garlic with chopped onions in the same pan for 30 seconds.
  3. Put the meat back into the pan, add the sauce and half a glass of water. Simmer for 1 minute, and then put the products still hot on a plate and sprinkle with onions and nuts.

Such a dish to taste will be in good harmony with pasta.

Rice abundance

Where only soy sauce is not used? Application with rice, for example, is not limited to the combination of "main course + side dish". Both of these components can be easily combined and get completely new recipes from already known products. For example, rice with vegetables. You will need:

250 grams of rice (it is better to take "Basmati"), 1 piece of carrot, sweet bell pepper, onion and cucumber, a tablespoon of sunflower oil and soy sauce.

Process technology:

  1. Boil the washed rice for 10 minutes in boiling water, rinse and let stand under the lid for another 10-15 minutes.
  2. At this time, fry the chopped onion in oil for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the grated carrots and continue to fry the same amount.
  4. Then remove from heat and pour a couple of tablespoons of sauce into the pan.
  5. Transfer rice, pepper, cucumber into the pan and mix well.

Now the dish can be eaten, and fans can pour it in a bowl with soy sauce in addition.

Fragrant addition to dishes

Quite often, recipes have recently come across that use soy sauce. Application for sauces and dressings does not limit the scope of its use. Often it acts as a “dip sauce”, that is, the liquid in which the cooked product is dipped. A good taste is obtained by a mixture prepared from the following products:

2 tablespoons of soy white sauce and white rice vinegar, 1 spoon of sugar and chili oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and ½ teaspoon of sodium glutamate.

How to cook such a sauce? To do this:

  1. Chili pepper cut into thin rings and passaged in a small amount of oil.
  2. Transfer it to the bowl and add the crushed garlic in the press.
  3. Then, alternately add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Add chili oil to taste.

Now you can serve ready-made fish, meat and all kinds of vegetables. It is equally good both in hot and in cold form.

Where is soy sauce used?

In many countries, this unique product is called the real king among the variety of sauces. And this is quite fair. Why is soy sauce so good? Its use in cooking is quite extensive. This product can simultaneously perform four different functions:

  • marinade,
  • gas station
  • component,
  • independent dish.

As a marinade, it not only gives a special flavor to the main product, but also significantly reduces the period of its preparation. And if special aromatic and flavoring additives are added to the main recipe, then you can get many different unique dressings. In addition, the use of soy sauce as an ingredient makes it possible to exclude salt from the recipe, and this helps to make any dish more useful for the human body. As a separate dish, soy sauce will never be superfluous on the table. There is always a product for which it is simply necessary. You only need to carefully think through the menu and add a couple of strokes in time.

There are two types of natural soy sauce - light and dark. It takes a lot of time to cook it - from several months for a light sauce to two to three years for a dark sauce. Not only color, but also the palatability of soy sauce, and accordingly its use in cooking, depend on aging and fermentation time.

Dark soy sauce is a longer-aging product, it has a thick consistency, a pronounced, rich aroma, but at the same time it is less salty than light-colored sauce. Dark sauce is used mainly as a seasoning for meat dishes and for the preparation of meat marinades. Light sauce does not have a characteristic aroma, it has a salty taste, lighter consistency and this makes it a great salad dressing. Its use in cooking is broader than that of dark sauce - the rich taste and dark color can spoil the appearance of the finished dish and its taste. Each of the two types of soy sauce is good in its own way, and it is desirable to have both sauces at home.

Most often, in cooking, soy sauce is used as the basis for the preparation of other famous sauces.  - shrimp, fish, mustard, mushroom. Additives are a variety of spices and spices - ginger, cinnamon, mustard, garlic, anise. Sesame oil, honey, tomato paste, lime and lemon juice, powdered sugar are added to soy sauce. Soy sauce can also act as an independent seasoning  to prepared dishes, for example, at the last moment it is added to chicken or meat cooked in a wok pan.

What can be cooked with soy sauce? It is used as a marinade for cooking chicken fillet, pork or beef previously sliced \u200b\u200bin small narrow strips. The meat is marinated in soy sauce with the addition of wine and spices and then fried with onions, carrots and peppers. Soy sauce is mixed with ketchup, chicken wings or chicken stomachs are pickled in it (they need to be cleaned) and then fried over high heat or stewed with broth or water. If you add a little honey to the dark soy sauce, you get an excellent marinade for shrimp or salmon.

With the addition of soy sauce, the original Shanghai pork dish is prepared.  A piece of pork is boiled with seasonings, then fried over high heat to a dark brown crust and then stewed with the addition of soy sauce, sugar and garlic. For cooking duck, there is also a recipe for an unusual sauce. Soy sauce and vodka are added to the dill broth and duck is cooked in this broth. Soy sauce improves the taste of soups, it is recommended to add to mushroom and meat soups. Soy sauce will make the taste of familiar cabbage or bell pepper salads more spicy, it will tone the taste of fish cakes, various types of noodles.

Soy sauce is considered a fully balanced product that combines beneficial properties and excellent taste. Of course, if it is prepared in a natural way and from natural products. A surrogate product cannot be useful, it contains a minimum of natural components and a maximum of all kinds of chemical additives.

Soy sauce  appeared in the arsenal of Ukrainian culinary specialists relatively recently. At first, everyone perceived it solely as part of the recipe for sushi, a Japanese seafood dish that has been rapidly gaining popularity all over the world in recent years. Over time, it turned out that soy sauce also goes well with other fish, meat dishes, side dishes and vegetables. The issue of quality of soy sauce has become urgent, since in the traditional way it has not been made for a long time.

How to make quality soy sauce

Ideally soy sauce is prepared in the following way. Soybeans are evaporated, mixed with fried wheat grains, then poured with water and salted. The resulting mass is left to roam in the sun in special containers. And this mass reaches the required "condition" in at least one year.

High quality soy sauce in addition to the ingredients mentioned above, it may contain other natural extracts in various combinations, for example, garlic, dill, for a variety of tastes. Undoubtedly, such a combination of products is not only palatable, but also very useful. Therefore, it is very natural that Europeans began to consume soy sauce in huge quantities.

And then the classic laws of the market worked: the high demand for soy sauce stimulated the high ingenuity of producers. The pursuit of profit is often accompanied by damage to quality. The only safe way to speed up the preparation of soy sauce is to add special microorganisms to the fermenting mass. This gives the sauce a characteristic sweetish flavor and accelerates its "ripening" by about 12 times.

Quality Soy Sauce Prices  not everyone can afford it: from 3 to 9 dollars per bottle. Much cheaper - 1-2 dollars per bottle - there is a sauce prepared in an original way: soybeans are boiled with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, and then quenched with alkali. And it's all. The technology is simple, like five cents, the time spent is scanty. For a month of work of such production, you can fill up all markets with cheap soy sauce. This is what happens. And it’s even easier to dilute soybean concentrate with water, bottle and - on the shelves. It is as cheap as in the previous method, but at least not dangerous. ABOUT the benefits of soy sauce  in this case, there can be no question.

How to choose soy sauce

Quality soy sauce you can choosejudging by his bottle. Any quality sauce is sold exclusively in glass bottles. In plastic, the taste and aromatic originality of the product is lost. Soy sauce should contain only natural ingredients, no dyes or flavors. In a good sauce, approximately 8% protein.

Typically, decent manufacturers write on the label: "made on the basis of natural fermentation", because this refers to the category of advantages of the product. Those who breed soybean concentrate with water usually simply modestly add the word "artificial." But lovers of poisoning consumers with acids usually do not indicate anything, because this is not in their interests.

AT soy sauce soybeans, wheat, sugar, salt, vinegar should be indicated. Additional ingredients (e.g. garlic, peanuts) may be present, but in very small quantities. A quality sauce (even dark) has a pronounced brownish tint, and in the light it looks transparent, dull, without sediment. If the soy sauce is light brown, then there is no doubt - it is natural. But artificial and made with the help of acid is usually dark brown right down to black.

The benefits of soy sauce and its use

Soy sauce  - This is the only product from all soya that nutritionists unanimously recommend. Because it does not contain cholesterol, it simultaneously replaces salt, seasonings, oil, mayonnaise. Soy sauce low-calorie: 100 g only 70 kcal per 100 g. And those who are on a diet, you need to choose soy sauce with a low sodium content. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish, albeit relatively inexpensive, but a good sauce from a clear and crude fake.

There is evidence that by blocking free radicals soy sauce slows down cell aging  the human body. Along with antioxidant properties, soy sauce improves blood circulation. In Chinese cooking, two main types of soy sauces are used: light and dark. Dark soy sauce can withstand significantly longer than light, so that it acquires a brownish-black color and becomes thicker. As the name implies, the light sauce is noticeably lighter, in addition, it is more salty. It is most often used in cooking, as the strong aroma and color of dark sauce can spoil the appearance and taste of the dish (dark sauce is used in dark dishes, as well as marinated meat).

The benefits of soy sauce  in its balanced taste and high amino acid content. This wonderful product is not only good on its own, it is a basic product for making on its basis many wonderful homemade sauces that can decorate absolutely any dish you cook. Using a variety of supplements, based on soy sauce can be prepared  mustard, mushroom, fish, shrimp sauce. Adding anise, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, wine to your homemade sauces, you will prepare amazing culinary works that have not only a wonderful taste, but also the exceptional benefits of soy sauce. The healing properties of the sauce are used as a sedative for insomnia, headaches, muscle cramps, sprains, swelling, and dermatitis.

Interesting facts about soy sauce

The first mention of soybeans appeared about 5 thousand years ago in China. Already in those days, people highly appreciated soy, not without reason Emperor Ta Teou proclaimed soybeans as one of the five sacred plants (along with rice, wheat, barley and millet). Soybeans were also known in Japan. Soybeans came to Europe in the early 18th century, when the German traveler Engelbert Kempfer returned from his Japanese expedition. Soybeans were brought to the New World (USA) only at the beginning of the 19th century, where in a short time soy products became the most popular culinary ingredients. Currently, there are several thousand varieties of soybeans, but in the wild this plant can no longer be found. Farm soybean fields occupy vast areas around the world, and the amount of money employed in the production and sale of soy products is second only to the oil business.

It is shown for sure that in Japan soy sauce appeared about 2000 years agoalthough it is not known whether he was already known by then in China. Unfortunately, the name of the discoverer of soy sauce is likely to forever remain a secret story, but the recipe for "natural fermentation" is still considered the benchmark for making soy sauce.

Interestingly, soy sauce is used instead of salt.. Scientists attribute this to the fact that representatives of the eastern peoples are much less likely (30 times!) To suffer from cardiovascular and oncological diseases in comparison with Europeans and Americans.

Based on materials from getway.info, gotovim.ru

For religious reasons, the monks of ancient China replaced dairy products and meat with soy. As a result, vegetarian cheese (from soy milk) and soy sauce. The exact date of appearance cannot be indicated, but soon the Japanese borrowed the cooking method. Almost all Japanese dishes have this product, which gives piquancy and sophistication to culinary recipes.

The product of the cuisine of Asian peoples, has a transparent composition and dark brown color, a characteristic smell and taste. For its high useful and taste qualities it was called the “king” in Japanese cuisine. Applied when marinating seafood, meat, fish.
  Add to the second and first courses. Use for fish, mushroom, shrimp, meat seasonings. They replace salt, seasonings, mayonnaise, oil.

What the product is made of

The manufacturing technology has been unchanged for several centuries and consists in the fermentation of stripped beans, fried wheat and salt in the sun. The process takes about a year.

The resulting mass is filtered, bottled and stored for two years. Modern technologies add Aspergillius bacteria to the fermentation process, accelerating fermentation up to one month.

Did you know? Real soy sauce contains only three products - wheat, salt, and soy.

If there is yeast, vinegar, sugar, and other ingredients, then such a product can no longer be natural.

The composition of the sauce is extremely simple - it is water, dietary fiber, ash. There is practically no fat. But soy seasoning is enriched with minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Of the essential amino acids, we list histidine.
  The list of essential amino acids includes aspartic acid, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid (a natural flavor enhancer), proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine. All amino acids contribute to the preservation of youth and health.

The advantages of the product include a low content of saturated fats, the absence of cholesterol, a significant amount, B3, a high content,. By cons - the presence of a very significant dose (more than 200% of the daily norm).


Particularly stand out. This is - B2, B3, B6, B9. The content of vitamin PP is high. Vitamins are directly involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of substances, in energy production, in the struggle for the health of the childbearing organs and good mood.

Minerals are represented by many macro- and microelements. Macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, sodium. Trace elements: iron, manganese,. Minerals manage the nervous system, water-salt metabolism, increase hemoglobin, improve the quality of teeth, hair, nails, skin, strengthen the skeletal system.

Calorie content

Nutritional value consists in the content of a large number of elements of the periodic table, the absence of fats, exquisite taste and the ability to enhance the palatability of other products.

The composition of the BJU

The amount of protein is 7%, and carbohydrates in the product is 8.1%. There is no fat. The product is low in calories. Rich in vital elements.

Is there any benefit

No doubt the benefits are great. First of all, we note the presence of a significant amount of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. It is a prophylactic against the occurrence of cancer cells, reducing the number of free radicals. Replaces meat in the menu of vegetarians, since the presence of proteins is close to meat products.

Allows you to abandon salt due to the abundance of glutamines. It has the ability to delay the aging process and improves hemodynamics.

Due to the large number of useful elements, this product improves blood circulation. But with the use of an excessive amount of soy products (proved by Harvard scientists), the characteristics and concentration (accumulation) of sperm in men is reduced.
  This feature is associated with the presence of female hormones in the composition of soy and products from it. Therefore, the measure in use should be observed.

For women

The positive effect of the sauce is based on its isoflavones, the structure of which is close to the structure of estrogen in women. It is this quality that improves the general condition of the fair sex, normalizes their hormonal background.

  • allergic to animal proteins;
  • having disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, coronary disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension);
  • overweight;
  • having chronic constipation and cholecystitis;
  • possessing pathology of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diabetics.

Important! Doctors advise patients with hypertension to remove salt from the diet, changing it to soy sauce.

For children

Children under three years of age should not eat soya product, as there is a high risk of allergic reactions and disturbances in the endocrine system (thyroid gland).

But the presence of soy in baby food is justified in case of intolerance to milk components, with a lack of enzymes for the breakdown of lactose, galactose in small ones (hereditary diseases). Sometimes this is the only method of normal physical and mental formation of the baby.


Pregnant women are advised to stop using because of the negative effects on the fetal brain and the threat of miscarriage.

Lactating women need to significantly limit the use of this seasoning due to the negative effect on the baby through mother's milk.

Possible harm and contraindications

Harmful soy sauce is possible with too frequent and large amounts of its use (one or two tablespoons per day is enough for an adult). For men, it is fraught with a change in the functions of the genital area.

Important! Bean allergies are contraindicated. The cause of allergies can also be the antioxidants that make up the sauce.

If you experience nausea, pain in the abdomen, feelings of fatigue, swelling, it is better to consult a doctor and stop taking soy seasoning.

Children under three years of age should not use this product in food. At risk are also pregnant and lactating.

In the modern world, the choice of sauce is complicated by a variety of brands and types. Truly natural and healthy will necessarily be packed in glass containers, contains only soy, wheat, salt (the presence of protein about 7%) and is produced by fermentation without yeast, vinegar and other chemical additives.

It is expensive, but also brings great benefits when used properly. Natural soy product does not deteriorate for a long time and is stored for up to two years, preferably in a refrigerator and in glass packaging. The shelf life of other analogues is indicated on the label.

Slimming Soy Sauce

Use soy sauce as a way to fight overweight. After all, it regulates metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism due to amino acids and minerals, removes toxins, promotes the absorption of the necessary substances. Replacing salt with soy seasoning, you accelerate the removal of excess water and prevent swelling.

Did you know? A distinctive feature of a natural soy product is the ability to emphasize and enhance the taste of any dish, which makes you refuse additional seasonings (based on the properties of glutamic acid).

Cosmetic properties

The use of sauce is not limited only to nutrition. The presence of vitamins, amino acids, minerals makes it useful for cosmetic purposes.

Hair Mask Recipes

  1. Recipe 1. Beat with two teaspoons of soy sauce (only real) and (any). Moisten the mixture for an hour. Rinse with water at room temperature, then wash with shampoo. Do twice a week for a month.
  2. Recipe 2. Mix two tablespoons of soy sauce with a glass of water. Apply to clean, damp hair for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use as needed to improve the appearance of the hair and give a light chestnut shade.

Face masks are often used not soy sauce, but soy itself. Here are some of the simplest ones.

  1. Recipe 1. Pour crushed soybeans with boiling water. Add a couple of drops (or), yolk of a fresh egg. Stir, apply for 15 minutes, rinse. Apply any moisturizer.
  2. Recipe 2. Pour 100 g of grinded soybeans with boiling milk (100 ml). Let stand for 20 minutes. Add three drops of rosemary oil. Beat. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off. Apply with acne and skin inflammation.

How to make soy sauce more original: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Often soy seasoning is mixed with other ingredients to get your original recipe. Here is one of them.

Grocery list

Product list includes:

  • soy sauce - 90 ml .;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • garlic - 3 prongs;
  • tomato paste - 40 g;
  •   - 25 ml .;
  • black pepper, seasoning for chicken (to taste, optional).

Action list

  • Mix squeezed garlic with lemon pulp.
  • Strain.
  • Add tomato paste and honey to soy sauce.
  • Dilute with garlic lemon juice.
  • Sprinkle with black pepper. Add seasoning (optional).
  • Mix well. Use for marinating chicken. To withstand. Bake or fry.

The oldest product of mankind - soy sauce is still popular. It remains an indispensable seasoning due to its high palatability and healthy composition. But beware of a fake, it will not bring benefits, and often exclusively harm.