Cook pork loin in the oven with potatoes. Pork loin in the oven

For a family dinner, I offer a delicious and simple recipe for pork belly with potatoes in the oven. The meat is excellent! Juicy, tender, with the aroma of spices, it is easily cut into portions and served with potatoes.

And due to the fact that the meat is pre-marinated, part of the marinade during baking is transferred to the potatoes along with fatty meat juice.

Preparation time: 2 hours
Cooking time: 1-1.5 hours


  • Pork belly on the bone - 600 g
  • Large onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Suneli hops - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Pumpkin or carrot optional
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Parsley
  • Dill

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Recipe for pork belly with potatoes in the oven

1. Use bone-in pork belly with lard for this dish. Pork will release fatty juice, in which potatoes will be stewed. You can leave the skin on the sternum, after baking it will become soft.

2. Cut the brisket into portions and transfer to a deep container.

3. On a coarse grater, chop the onion along with the garlic. Pour a handful of salt into the bowl to the resulting mass and knead well with your hand until the juices appear. Then add this mass to the meat.

4. Thoroughly coat the pork belly with onion and garlic. For flavor, add suneli hops, black pepper, bay leaf to the meat. You can use any other spices for meat: rosemary, marjoram, sage, paprika. Just do not overdo it with spices, otherwise they will overshadow the natural taste of meat.

Stir the pieces of brisket, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for an hour. You can reduce the marinating time of meat by placing a load on top. For example, a water bottle.

5. At the next stage of cooking, it is necessary to peel and coarsely chop the potatoes. You can add pumpkin or carrots to it for a change. With them, the dish will look brighter and more attractive.

Cut all vegetables into large cubes, like potatoes. If you cut the vegetables finely, they can simply burn during the cooking process.

Set the oven to warm up to 200 degrees. As a baking dish, take a duckling or other heat-resistant form with a tight-fitting lid. If there is no lid, you can tightly cover the form with a layer of foil. Be sure to cover the dishes, otherwise the vegetables will not bake well and will be dry and tough. It is convenient to use a baking bag in this recipe.

As you can see in the photo, I use a heat-resistant glass duckling. Send pieces of brisket, potatoes and pumpkin into it, add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Salt everything on top.

6. Mix the ingredients so that the marinade also gets on the potatoes and pumpkin (or carrots). Leave the pork belly on top, it will be baked on a “cushion” of vegetables.

7. Bake the dish with the lid closed for about 1 hour until the potatoes are soft. Then open the lid. As you can see in the photo, the meat is already ready, but there is practically no crust. To form a delicious golden crust, brush the top of the brisket with a mixture of honey and soy sauce with a brush.

Sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley, add half a chopped garlic clove. Put in the oven for another 5-7 minutes. This time, do not cover the dishes with a lid so that the meat grabs on top with a crust.

8. Turn off the oven, take out the roaster. Cover it with a lid and let it brew for another 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can prepare some simple salad for a small family feast.

9. Delicious and fragrant pork belly with potatoes in the oven is ready! You can serve the dish to the table. Bon Appetit!

The author of the home recipe: Elbi.

Pork loin stewed in the oven is the easiest and safest cooking option. No need to rush, no need to turn on the fire to the maximum, put the pieces of meat in the pan and worry that it will turn out to be tough as a sole. And then tell everyone that they bought bad pork. This is not bad meat, it just needs to be cooked in the oven.

Juicy pork with thyme and basil in the oven

For 4 servings you will need:

Marinade Ingredients:

  • small lemon - 1 piece;
  • fresh basil sprigs - 1 small bunch;
  • thyme - 5 branches;
  • a pinch of ground pepper;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 2 pinches;
  • refined oil (olive) - 40 g.

It will take 1 hour and 20 minutes to cook, in total you get 4 servings, 410 kcal each.

  1. Grate the lemon zest, squeeze the juice from the pulp of the fruit itself. For the marinade, wash the basil sprigs, lay them on a paper towel, let them dry a little, then tear them;
  2. Make a marinade: in a bowl, mix olive oil, 50 ml of juice squeezed from a lemon, grated zest, thyme (leaves), basil. Season all this with salt, pepper and mix;
  3. Put the pieces of meat in the finished marinade, mix well and leave for half an hour to soak it;
  4. Preheat the pan and fry the loin a little on all sides so that a golden crust appears. Transfer it to a mold, add the broth and send it to the oven for 60 minutes;
  5. Bake until cooked at 200 degrees. Periodically baste the meat with the stewing liquid.

Read how to cook delicious fried fish in sour cream - this recipe is suitable for almost all types of sea or river fish. Try, experiment, cook with us!

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How to cook spicy bone-in meat in foil

A festive dinner is always the preparation of some complex dishes. How to deal with it? We offer to bake pork loin on the bone wrapped in foil in the oven. This is the most perfect pork dish for a festive feast.

  • 4 pieces of pork loin on the bone, 200 g each;
  • cherry - 2 handfuls;
  • 60 g refined oil;
  • dill seed - 2 pinches;
  • fresh dill - 1 small bunch;
  • garlic (clove) - 2 pieces;
  • Season to taste with ground pepper and salt.

To cook, you need 1 hour 35 minutes. A serving (100 g) contains 405 kcal.

How to cook pork loin on the bone in the oven in foil:

Step 1. In a mortar or bowl, grind the dill seed. Finely chop fresh dill, garlic, send everything to a bowl with seeds, pour in half the oil, add salt and ground pepper.

Step 2. Grate the pieces of meat with the prepared mixture, put in the cold for an hour.

Step 3. Cut out two squares from the foil. Then put one square on the other, lay the pork loin on them.

Step 4. Put cherry tomatoes around the meat pieces, add the rest of the oil and connect the ends of the foil.

Step 5. Bake meat with tomatoes for about 40 minutes. Oven temperature 250 degrees.

Pork loin with potatoes in the oven

To prepare this dish, choose fresh but firm potatoes that hold their shape after baking.

  • 500 g pork loin;
  • 2 red onions (small);
  • 2 pinches of cumin;
  • 4 large potatoes;
  • 60 ml of refined oil;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • broth - 200 ml;
  • 3 sprigs of leaf parsley;
  • salt - to taste.

The whole process will take 2 hours. In the finished dish for 100 grams, there are 420 kcal.

Recipe for pork loin with potatoes in the oven step by step:

  1. Wash the boneless loin, dry a little and cut into slices, lightly beat off;
  2. Chop the garlic, chop the onion into rings;
  3. Place the loin slices in layers in a bowl. Sprinkle each layer with cumin, chopped garlic, put onion rings (leave half of the chopped onion). Close the dishes and put them in the cold for an hour;
  4. While the meat is marinating, peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the potato pieces in batches. Put on a plate. In the same pan, brown the onion;
  5. Add meat, chopped parsley to the onion and potatoes, pour in the broth, season and simmer in the oven at medium temperature for 50 minutes.

Cooking meat with vegetables in the oven in the sleeve

Such meat with vegetables can be cooked without any tricks. Just place the prepared ingredients in the sleeve and bake in the oven.

  • 0.5 kg of meat (pork loin);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tomato;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 300 g cabbage (white);
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 red pod;
  • 60 g vegetable oil;
  • add salt to taste;
  • 2 pinches of pepper.

It takes 1 hour 15 minutes to cook. 100 g serving - 405 kcal.

  1. Cut the pork pulp into pieces, at the rate of 2 pieces per 1 serving. Beat off, season with spices;
  2. Cut carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers into large pieces;
  3. Coarsely chop the cabbage, grease each piece with butter;
  4. Put the cooking sleeve on a baking sheet. Put meat in it first, on it a layer of vegetables, whole sprigs of parsley;
  5. Simmer in oven until tender, about 55 minutes;
  6. Before serving, transfer the dish to a large plate, decorate with chopped herbs.

Pork loin is the most versatile cut and the most sought after. How to cook it and what is the best way to cook it, you will learn from our tips:

  1. One of the safest cooking methods is frying. You just need to lightly fry it, and until ready to stew in an already preheated oven;
  2. The layer of fat that is on the pieces of loin is lard, which melts easily. No need to cut it, and then fry on it. At any temperature, lard quickly melts and begins to burn. Of course, there was a time when pork fat was drowned and then used. But now it is difficult to imagine that the housewives will do this;
  3. It is necessary to cook only on refined vegetable oil. How much to add it when frying? If you just pour in oil, that puddle of oil will burn and release dangerous carcinogens. It will be nice if you rub the meat with oil so that it is saturated with it, and just wipe the inside of the pan with oil using a paper towel;
  4. It is best to prepare a dish from a piece on the costal bone. Such meat is usually thickly sliced ​​along the width of the bone. And in the process of cooking, this rib bone will give the meat a good taste, and the fact that the piece of loin is thick ensures that the meat will turn out juicy;
  5. To beat meat or not is a matter of taste. I want a juicy loin, then don’t beat it off. Love thin and soft pieces, cut the meat thinly and beat.

Dishes such as pork belly baked in the oven with potatoes are what I call rustic dishes. After all, only in the village you can see how the grandmother takes out the finished village delicacies from the stove, putting them right on the table. Any tomato sauce or adjika can be served with such a special tasty baked brisket, and if you cooked them yourself, then this bouquet of dishes will conquer all tasters. Today I offer my recipe for preparing such a dish, with step-by-step photos taken. Cook properly, help yourself and treat your family and friends deliciously!

  • 850 grams of brisket with bone;
  • 6/7 pieces of fresh potatoes;
  • A couple of sprigs of fresh dill.

Spices for brisket:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/3 tsp cumin;
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt;
  • 3/4 pieces of black pepper.

Spices for potatoes:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric;
  • a pinch of rosemary

How to deliciously bake pork belly in the oven with potatoes

We wash the brisket and dry it with a disposable towel. We do not remove the skin. We make transverse incisions on the skin, as in the photo. We cut each clove of garlic into four parts, roll in salt, make a deepening in the brisket between the bones with a sharp knife and push a clove of garlic into it. Then we grind all the dry spices from the list of ingredients in a mortar, enjoy the aroma that has spread throughout the kitchen. Pour half of the spices onto a cutting board and put the pork belly on top.

Sprinkle the second part of the spices on top and rub the piece well on all sides.

In a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and over high heat, fry the brisket on one side and the other.

Peeled potato tubers cut into oblong slices. Add all the spices to it and mix.

Arrange the potato wedges on the sides of the brisket directly into the skillet and lightly drizzle with olive oil.

We put in the oven for baking (t = 180 degrees; 60 minutes). Periodically pour the brisket with the liquid formed in the pan. This will help the dish to get ruddy and not dry out at the time of baking.

Remove the baked brisket with potatoes from the oven and serve directly on the table. Sprinkle the finished dish with dill, cut the meat while it has not cooled down and treat.

Baked potatoes with brisket in the oven according to this simple step-by-step recipe with a photo will appeal to everyone. Since preparing the dish is very simple, everyone can make it for a festive or Sunday dinner.

Feed your family a delicious and flavorful dinner cooked in the oven. Pork loin with bacon-stuffed potato accordion will satisfy even the fussy eater. It's worth cooking.

You will need

  • 800 grams of pork loin,
  • salt to taste
  • 600 grams of potatoes,
  • 150 grams of bacon
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • red bell pepper optional.

For marinade:

  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon dry spices
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of liquid honey,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of soy sauce.


  1. Rinse the pork loin, dry with paper towels, peel off the films, cut the fat crosswise.
  2. Combine honey with soy sauce, vegetable oil, salt and spices in a bowl, stir well. Lubricate the loin with the resulting marinade, then put it in a bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least two hours (or overnight). Half an hour before baking, remove the loin and leave at room temperature to warm up.
  3. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Transfer the loin to the mold, warm in the oven for 15 minutes. Then take out the form with meat, wrap in foil and bake for an hour and a half at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. Clean the potatoes. Cut each potato with an accordion (no need to cut all the way through). Put the potatoes in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water. Cool potatoes on a plate.
  5. Cut the bacon into slices that are the size of the slits on the potatoes. Stuff potato accordion with bacon, season with salt and ground black pepper.
  6. After an hour, remove the form with meat from the oven, remove the foil. Arrange the potatoes around the loin. Brush each potato with oil. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 190 degrees.
  7. Cover the finished dish with foil for five minutes, let stand at room temperature, then decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs and serve.