Raspberry liqueur recipe. Raspberry liqueur recipes

Residents of Western Europe prefer liqueurs to all other sweet alcoholic drinks. In Eastern Europe, of which we are a part, they do not refuse liqueurs, but prefer to make them from their own berries and fruits. sweet liqueurs, including those without the addition of alcohol. In this sense, raspberries take first place in popularity. Raspberry liqueur, prepared at home, can be found in every farmer who cultivates raspberry trees. Important technological moment In making raspberry liqueur, common to other drinks from this series is the use of ceramics at home as the necessary containers. The technological process will also require glassware, and ceramics, in extreme cases, can be replaced with enamel.

How to make raspberry liqueur at home

The main concern of the raspberry liqueur manufacturer is the quality of the raw materials. Berries, jam, alcohol-containing drinks, water - everything must meet the standards and be used in clean containers.

Preparing the berries

IN classic version When raspberries are going to be used right away, they are carefully sorted, cleared of any debris. Then the berries are slightly mashed and poured into a glass container. But there are other possibilities when the liqueur is going to be made from raspberry jam or from frozen berries, which is also quite easy at home.

Did you know? Raspberries should be frozen no later than two hours after picking.

How to make raspberry liqueur at home (without adding alcohol)

A liqueur that is prepared without adding vodka, alcohol or other strong drinks, can very loosely be called liqueur. It would be more correct to talk about raspberry wine, since the technology is quite consistent with making homemade wine using the traditional method of fermentation. The advantage (or disadvantage, as you like) of raspberry liqueur made according to the “wine” recipe is its low alcohol content. Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 0.2 liters of water.
First, raspberries and sugar are placed in glass jar(3 l) in layers, after adding water, crumple the whole thing with a wooden spoon (you can use a rolling pin). When placed in a warm place (where, for example, there is more sun), the container should be closed with a lid that has a water seal. If this is not the case, you can pull on an ordinary rubber glove by making a puncture in it. When the mixture has fermented, the resulting liqueur is carefully filtered and, after pouring into a clean container, is left closed in a cellar or other place where it is dark and cool. After two or three days, you can make the final bottling for subsequent storage at a low temperature or use it immediately for its intended purpose.

Recipe for making alcohol-based raspberry liqueur

Raspberries already in a glass container are poured with vodka (or food alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees) so that they are about 3 cm below the liquid level. After this, the bottle, closed with a thick cloth, should be kept warm for a week.

Then the resulting liquid is drained, and the sediment is squeezed out, moved to another container suitable for heating, and mixed with water and sugar. The resulting substance is brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes over low heat, freeing itself from the occasional foam. After thick syrup reaches room temperature, it is mixed with the previously drained raspberry tincture.

The final stage consists of straining through cheesecloth, pouring into a prepared glass container and simmering for a month to achieve final ripeness, in cool and dark conditions. The process is completed by filtration and bottling (or other preferred containers). Optimal conditions storing raspberry liqueur with vodka, the recipe for which has just been described, is considered to be at a positive temperature of 6 to 16 degrees. The quantitative proportions of the ingredients used are as follows: raspberries/sugar = 5 kg/1 kg, vodka/water = 1.5 l/1 l.

Raspberry liqueur is not necessarily made with regular government vodka. Owners who prefer natural products, can use homemade vodka, that is, moonshine, to make it. For this there is wonderful recipe frozen raspberry liqueurs. You will need 2.5 kg per quarter kilogram of sugar and half a liter of 45-50 degree moonshine. Raspberry liqueur according to this recipe is prepared as follows:

  • thawed in a bowl raspberry berries covered with sugar and topped with homemade vodka;
  • after an hour, the ingredients are mixed (the berries are wrinkled) until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • the resulting mixture is preserved (you can simply close it very tightly) in jars, which are then kept in the dark for a month;
  • After a month, the finished liqueur is filtered and poured into suitable containers for subsequent use.

Important! Make sure that homemade vodka was well cleaned.

For lovers of ancient exotics, we can recommend a recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka, practiced in noble rural estates 1.5-3 centuries ago. Summer residents and villagers can use a stove for this, if available, while others will have to be content with an oven.

A ceramic (clay) pot is placed in it, in which a kilogram of raspberries is pre-filled with a quarter of vodka. The neck of the pot should be tied with paper with thin holes pierced (a fork is enough for this). When heated slowly, the berries should turn brown. The resulting composition, after passing through a colander, is mixed with another quarter of vodka and sugar (from 100 to 300 g). This liqueur may be a bit strong for unprepared people.(you need to try it right away), which is eliminated by adding squeezed juice from the berries remaining in the colander.

Did you know? The liqueurs, which in the old days were prepared in the oven, were called casseroles.

Finally quick recipe preparing the liqueur, which will be ready within a day:
  • High-temperature-resistant, sealed containers with berries are placed on the fire in a bowl of cold water;
  • after boiling, the potion simmers on low heat for 1.5 hours;
  • the juice, well strained after this procedure, is mixed with vodka and sugar (all ingredients are used in proportions corresponding to real circumstances with an eye to the classic version);
  • The bottled drink takes another 24 hours to reach the required maturity.

How to make raspberry jam liqueur

Fresh raspberry liqueurs harvested It may not be enough for the entire autumn-winter period. This is where the technology of how to make raspberry liqueur will come in handy when fresh berries not anymore. Moreover jam will replace fresh berries in both preparation options - with and without alcohol.

Recipe for making liqueur without alcohol

No matter how much you would like to make a raspberry drink without the use of strong drinks, you cannot do without the natural fermentation process. A very good interesting recipe that involves using it as one of the ingredients ( wild yeast) fresh raisins(0.1 kg). Instead, you can use unwashed grapes, strawberries or simply wine yeast. The other two components are traditional: a liter of jam and a liter of water.

Important! The sugar content of the water-jam mixture should not be higher than 30% and not less than 20%.

The cooking technology is as follows:
  • Store the liqueur for a month and a half in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25 degrees;
  • filter the liquid through gauze, pour it into another, hermetically sealed container and keep it in a cold place for 3-4 months;
  • pour into bottles or other containers that can be sealed tightly.
If you prepare a lot of such liqueur, the strength of which reaches 12 degrees, then you can enjoy it for up to 3 years, maintaining the tightness of the container and temperature regime– from 6 to 16 degrees.

Homemade jam with alcohol or vodka

The proposed method for making raspberry liqueur from jam is, in fact, universal in nature, that is, it can also be used when the jam is made from other berries. After preparing the usual sugar syrup(100 g of water and sugar) add it to 0.4 liters of jam and cook over low heat for up to half an hour after boiling. A liter of vodka (diluted alcohol) is added when the temperature of the future liqueur has dropped to +20 degrees. Infusion takes at least a week, during which the container with the drink is shaken from time to time. It is advisable to drain the sediment as many times as necessary so that there is no sediment left at all, and the last infusion, lasting a month and a half, takes place in the dark and cold in a tightly closed container.

Among traditional Russians alcoholic drinks homemade raspberry liqueur occupies a special place - both tasty and healthy. There are two basic recipe preparation: by infusion in vodka and by natural fermentation. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. We will look at both methods.

The most important thing is to first carefully sort out the raspberries, leaving only unspoiled, juicy berries for pouring. Just a few rotten or moldy berries can irreparably spoil the taste of the drink.

Raspberry liqueur with vodka

A simpler and stronger option. Any alcohol base will do: vodka, well-purified moonshine, alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees or cognac.


  • raspberries – 4 kg;
  • vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol) – 1.5 liters;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Sugar can be replaced with 600 grams of liquid honey, do not bring the syrup to a boil at the 5th stage, but only heat to 40°C and stir until the honey is completely dissolved, then heat will not destroy beneficial substances.


1. Place raspberries lightly crushed with a wooden rolling pin into a jar or glass bottle.

2. Pour in vodka, the level of alcohol should overlap the berries by at least 2-3 cm, if necessary, add more alcohol.

3. Seal the container tightly and leave to infuse for a week in a warm, dark place. Shake once a day.

4. Received raspberry infusion filter through cheesecloth.

5. Squeeze out the pulp, mix the resulting cake with water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Remove the finished syrup from the stove and cool.

6. Add the previously drained syrup to the warm (room temperature) syrup. raspberry vodka, mix.

7. Strain the drink through cheesecloth, then pour into a clean container for further infusion. Close tightly.

8. Transfer homemade raspberry liqueur to a cool, dark place and leave for 30 days to mature.

9. Filter through cotton wool, pour into bottles for storage, and close with lids. In the refrigerator or basement the shelf life is 12-14 months. Strength - 14-16 degrees.

Filtered liqueur with vodka

Raspberry liqueur without vodka

Classic recipe natural drink, the strength will come from fermentation - the conversion of sugar into alcohol by yeast. The technology is reminiscent of making wine.


  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 800 grams;
  • raspberries – 2 kg.


1. Add raspberries and sugar to a three-liter jar, pouring in layers.

Attention! It is advisable not to wash raspberries so that wild ones remain on the surface. wine yeast, and pre-sterilize the jar.

2. Pour in water. There should be at least 2-3 cm of free space left in the jar, which is needed for foam during fermentation.

3. Gently mash the berries using a wooden rolling pin.

4. Place a water seal on the neck of the jar (medical glove with a hole in the finger). Place the container in a warm, sunny place, for example, on a windowsill.

Active fermentation phase - the glove “votes”

5. First, foam will appear and the glove will inflate, and after 20-45 days, when the raspberry liqueur is ready, the glove will fall off (the water seal will stop blowing bubbles).

Making berry liqueurs can be a method of either self-fermentation or with the addition of alcohol. Raspberry liqueur, in my opinion, is best prepared with the addition of alcohol or moonshine, especially if it is a grain distillate. In this article I will outline a simple and proven one that works well, as in pure form and for cocktails.

Raspberry liqueur recipe

  • raspberries - 1.3 kg.,
  • alcohol 96% - 0.6 l., or vodka - 1 l.,
  • water - 400 and 300 ml.,
  • sugar - 400-600 g.

Making raspberry liqueur with vodka

Place the raspberries in a colander and rinse well under running water, allow the water to drain. If the raspberries are already wrinkled and have released juice, then it is better not to rinse them, but to use them that way. Next, pour the berries into a jar and crush them into porridge using a rolling pin. Add alcohol and water to the container and mix well. You need to leave it in the sun for 8-10 days, stirring the contents of the jar from time to time.

Afterwards, the infusion must be filtered through several layers of gauze, and the cake must be squeezed out well. Add syrup to the aromatic raspberry infusion, which you prepare in advance from sugar and 200-300 ml of water, mix and let rest for 2-3 weeks. If after a while a sediment forms, the liqueur can be drained or filtered. The raspberry liqueur according to this recipe is quite strong, there is no alcohol note in the taste, the taste and aroma of raspberries hides it well, you need to be careful when using it, it is very simple and easy to overdo this liqueur.

After making raspberry liqueur you will be left with aromatic cake, if you pour it with vodka or purified moonshine, then in a couple of weeks it will be delicious raspberry tincture. I especially recommend that you familiarize yourself with the preparation

The nobles especially loved raspberry liqueur. The berry grows both in the garden and in the forest, and today it is possible to buy it in markets and supermarkets. If earlier moonshine was used in recipes, then after supplying retail chains with vodka, they began to use alcohol from stores. An old grandmother shared a raspberry recipe, and grandma’s recipes are always the most delicious.

How grandmothers made raspberry liqueur


  • 0.5 kg raspberries
  • 0.5 l vodka
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 100 ml of water from a filter or spring, i.e. purified
  1. Pour raspberries into a jar, add sugar, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and add water.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and close plastic cover and put it in the refrigerator for 2 months. If you live in a private house, place the jar in the basement.
  3. After the expiration date, filter the contents first through a fine sieve, then through 3-4 layers of gauze or loose, loose cotton wool, which we place in a funnel. This will make the drink lighter. However, if you know other ways to filter, use your options.
  4. Next, pour the liqueur into bottles and leave it in the refrigerator or cupboard. If raspberry liqueur you will keep at room temperature, then the aroma of fresh berries will be more pronounced.

Grandma made raspberry liqueur using moonshine. It’s just that for many lovers of homemade drinks, vodka is easier to get.

How to make raspberry liqueur using moonshine in 2 weeks


Raspberries - 2/3 of a three-liter jar

Moonshine – 1.5 liters (volume may change)

Sugar – 100 g

Step-by-step recipe for raspberry liqueur

  1. We take two-thirds of a three-liter jar of fresh raspberries.
  2. Knead with a masher.
  3. Fill the berries with moonshine to the top of the jar, i.e. complete. The crushed raspberries have decreased in volume, so you will need 1.5 liters of moonshine. The volume is not exact, it is important to fill the jar to the top.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Closing plastic cover and remove to infuse. The liqueur is infused for 2 to 6 weeks. The longer the infusion period, the richer and brighter the taste of the drink will be. We don’t touch the jar, there’s no need to shake it.
  6. Place in a dark place, away from sunlight. During infusion, the raspberry porridge rises to the surface.
  7. We will strain through four layers of gauze. If the raspberry porridge is dense, then raspberry juice It will be difficult to get out. Remove the mixture with a spoon. Strain the drink, and then carefully squeeze the porridge in gauze, because splashes fly.
  8. Pour the clean liqueur back into the jar.
  9. Now add sugar to taste. On average, 100-200 g of product is taken. Stir the sugar.
  10. Let the raspberry liqueur sit for 3 days for sediment to settle.
  11. The top of the liqueur is carefully poured into the bottle.
  12. We drain the second part of the drink with the sediment using a silicone tube. More often, a pharmacy IV tube is taken (it is not expensive). The obligatory condition of the jar with the liqueur is placed higher than the bottle into which the drink is poured. Air is sucked out of the tube with your mouth until the liquid moves. Condition - the tube does not touch the sediment. For convenience, tie a stick to the tube that will be longer than the dropper and rest against the bottom. This method will create stability for the tube. The bottled liquor will still be cloudy. Let it sit for a couple more days to gain transparency.

It is recommended to drink raspberry liqueur before bed. 30 g to relieve stress and blood flow, then the hands and feet quickly warm up. Don’t forget to snack on alcohol with fruit, candy or a sandwich. The alcohol content may be a stomach irritant.

If you are interested in the recipes and don’t have the patience to wait for the summer harvest, try making liqueur

Raspberry liqueur is the most aromatic, most... delicious drink, which can be done at home. Less common is raspberry wine, sung in a famous song, because few lovers are ready to take on the multi-stage technological process. However, making raspberry wine is not difficult if you follow it exactly this recipe, proven over two decades home winemaking.

Secrets of winemaking at home

There are many similar recipes published online on how to make wine from raspberries. It turns out that it couldn’t be easier: I mixed the berries with sugar, let them sit, drained the mash, poured them into bottles, plugged them with a cork - and in a month the wine was ready with a strength of 16–18 degrees. These recipes are copied from the 1990 booklet “Making Alcoholic Drinks at Home.” Author V.D. Saker Saker, apparently, is a great inventor and a lover of splurging. Not everything is so simple. The ripening wine will have to be looked after and inspected. Any violation of technology, missed deadlines for draining the sediment, or the ingress of oxygen during fermentation can lead to the fact that instead of a unique aromatic drink you will receive an analogue of the fruit and berry mixture, which is sold for one hundred rubles in liter bags. To make Home wine from raspberries we will need:

  • the best juicer of the most common centrifugal type;
  • glass or plastic bottle, 5–10 liters;
  • hose for draining PVA with a diameter of 1–1.2 cm and a length of one and a half meters
  • water seal (water seal).

Good homemade wine cannot be made without a water seal - a device in the form of a glass with a curved tube. Water seals are usually sold in club stores such as Teddy Beer, and can be found in Ogorodnik stores. You can make a water seal yourself by making a hole in the cap of the bottle and threading a thin PVA hose through it so that the short end of the hose does not touch the surface of the wine. Leave the long end about 30 centimeters and place it in a bottle of water. Seal the hole with the hose with at least plasticine. The purpose of the water seal is to prevent oxygen from passing through and to release fermentation gases. In addition, the water seal is an indicator of the fermentation stage. As soon as the water stops gurgling, this is a signal for the winemaker that the young wine is ready and it’s time to drain it. Comment from Zoya Bukhteeva: during times of shortage there were no closures. The wine was made in three- and five-liter jars, and a rubber glove was put on the neck. The fermentation gases caused the glove to rise and swell.

What you need to get started: photo gallery

Bottle for the future drink

How to make raspberry wine - preparation steps

For wine, berries are taken that are not suitable for jam - crumpled, torn, with dried edges, but in no case with mold or rotten rot. There is no need to rinse and sort thoroughly, just be careful not to get caught by a forest bug, it will overwhelm the entire aroma of raspberries. Juice is squeezed out of the berries. Centrifugal juicers allow a lot of pulp into the juice, up to 30 percent, but there is no need to filter and settle the juice. Together with the pulp, the juice is poured into a bottle. Pure, unboiled water is mixed with sugar and added to the raspberries in the following proportion: 700 ml of water per 1 liter of juice. Sugar is added according to the following scheme:

  • On the first day - 290 g per 1 liter of juice
  • On the fourth day - 60 grams per 1 liter of juice
  • On the seventh day - 60 grams per 1 liter of juice
  • On the tenth day - 60 grams per 1 liter of juice

The bottle is filled to no more than three-quarters of the volume, otherwise during fermentation the foam will rise and flood the water seal. If you want to get real wine from fresh raspberries, the recipe and schedule must be strictly followed. For these ten days, the bottle is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 20–25 degrees and covered with gauze or a thin cloth. After the last load of sugar, a water seal is installed on the neck of the bottle and filled. The bottle is again put away in a shaded place so that for one and a half to two months you do not touch it, do not move it, but hear the bubbles gurgling in the water seal.

Cooking process step by step

Master class on making raspberry wine on video

Recipe for good taste

When the fermentation process ends and the water in the water seal stops gurgling, you can begin the procedures for draining and finishing the wine. The bottle must be very carefully lifted and placed on the table. If the recipe for raspberry wine is followed exactly, by this time the sediment should sink to the bottom and the wine should become relatively transparent. To remove the sediment you need to prepare:

  • Containers for ripening wine (cans, bottles, barrels);
  • A saucepan with a volume of at least 4–5 liters;
  • Colander;
  • Gauze or linen rag;
  • PVA hose for draining wine, diameter 0.8 - 1.2 mm and length 1.5 m.

The hose is carefully lowered along the wall into the wine, not reaching 3–5 cm to the sediment level. A saucepan with a colander, lined with a rag or gauze in two layers, is placed on a lower level, for example, on a stool. Using a hose, the wine material is drained into a colander, from there into a pan so that the wine is saturated with oxygen as much as possible - the end of the hose must be held quite high (but not higher than the level of the wine, of course) and pressed with your fingers so that the stream is thin. After this, the wine is bottled for maturation. What kind of container should I take for this? If plastic bottles were allowed at the fermentation stage, then at the ripening stage of raspberry wine, plastic is the enemy good taste. Can be poured over glass bottles, loosely closed until final ripening, so as not to explode, you can put it in jars, and especially advanced ones pour the wine into wooden barrels, if they can find it. In this form, the wine is placed in a cool, dark place. Raspberry wine finally ripens by spring, and then, if you have enough patience, you can fill a couple of bottles, close them with tight corks and put them in storage. Drink the rest as table wine. Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva: it is best to store young wine in ordinary three-liter jars, until bubbles stop flowing along the walls, and then pour into bottles. Further procedures: clarification, oxygenation, freezing refer to aerobatics home winemaking, this can be discussed in another article.

How does the procedure proceed?

Raspberry wine bottled for ripening