Which yeasts are not harmful? Is modern white flour a storehouse of vitamins and minerals? Updates by email

Hello, dear readers! Once at an appointment, a gastroenterologist told me the following phrase - to exclude yeast baked goods from your diet if possible. And after 35 years, you should completely forget what it is. And you know, by understanding this issue in more detail about the benefits and harms of yeast baked goods, I learned a lot interesting information. Maybe it will be useful for you too.

Yeast baked goods. To eat or not to eat?

To optimize the bakery industry, scientists created baker's yeast, known to all housewives. They actively reproduce and grow in a liquid and warm environment, leading to the formation of carbon dioxide and alcohol. The dough increases several times due to carbon dioxide bubbles. The more carbon dioxide the dough receives, the more fluffy and loose the finished baked goods will be.

Fragrant and tasty bakery products, for the majority of the population, are one of the important components included in daily menu. These products are not only appetizing, but also very nutritious. How beneficial or harmful is this to our health?

In recent years, there has been a particularly active debate about the dangers, and vice versa, the harmlessness of yeast baked goods and baker's yeast. How to understand whether this is another baseless horror story or a really unsafe product for human body?

How is yeast made?

Yeast-free bread in Sweden, the USA and other countries is recommended by specialists for treatment and prevention oncological diseases. For their population this is familiar product. Why is this so?

Baker's yeast is a fungus that does not exist in nature, but is created artificially from chemical starters, which indicates their dubious benefits. Modern technology for preparing this product makes the advantage rather in the negative direction.

According to the official government document GOST 171–81, 36 types of basic and 20 types of additional chemical raw materials are used to produce the product. Of the 56 components, only about 10 are harmless to health when consumed. The chemicals used to produce yeast “feed” the human body with various metals, including heavy and dangerous ones.

Any element of the periodic table is not harmful if its presence in the body is not more than permissible. Exceeding a certain norm many times over poisons tissues and leads to various diseases.

Many people have heard about the benefits of natural brewer's yeast. That they are capable of improving the functioning of the entire organism, and are biologically active substance. But what benefits can you expect from baker's yeast produced in an artificial, “intimidating” way?

Does the fungus die during baking?

It is worth noting that the topic of the health hazards of yeast baked goods remains controversial even among scientists and biologists.

Bread baking experts claim that all yeast cultures are killed when heated to +60 degrees, and when baking bread, the temperature in the middle of the crumb reaches +90 degrees. If this is so, then why is kvass prepared on crusts? store-bought bread, but homemade sourdough baking is not suitable for these purposes?

The favorite food of yeast cells is everything sweet - maltose, fructose, sucrose and glucose. To confirm this, you can conduct an experiment: throw a piece into water with sugar. white bread and monitor further reactions.

Adherents of proper nutrition, as well as many nutritionists and gastroenterologists, recommend avoiding eating foods containing yeast. They assure that people who eliminate the usual baking, due to illness or for personal reasons, feel positive changes in their health.

Live fungi are tricky. If they do not die at the temperature of baking bread, then how can this affect humans?

  1. Disturbance of intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis)

Along with fresh baked goods, aggressive yeast fungi enter the body, which very quickly begin to grow and multiply. This process contributes to the development of putrefactive dyspepsia. When the normal balance in the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the immune defense is significantly weakened. And the basis of good immunity is a healthy intestine.

Antibiotics, which form yeast (like all other fungi), have a negative effect on the microflora. All useful substances - microelements and vitamins supplied with food - begin to be absorbed worse.

Often, after eating a pie or bun, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. All flour products themselves are difficult to digest. And in combination with yeast they cause digestive disorders and disorders.

  1. Development of acidosis

All yeast baked goods based on refined flour (which has no beneficial substances, but only starch) are characterized as an acidifying product that disrupts the acid-base balance - the road to good health And ideal weight. With acidosis, people begin to complain of muscle pain (from excess acid), rapid mental and physical fatigue. As well as a gray coating on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth and nausea. Fighting this disease, the body begins to consume calcium - an alkaline element, resisting imbalance. A constant lack of calcium can cause the development of osteoporosis (bone disease).

  1. Theft of important microelements in the body's vital functions

Baker's yeast is a fast-growing fungus. For him, the digestive organs department is an excellent nutritional environment. What does yeast need to function? In minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins that come with food. The result is a lack of microelements in the body.

  1. Harmful fermentation processes

People who have a special love for yeast baked goods often experience: fairly rapid fatigue of both the body and brain, decreased immunity and low body resistance to various infections. Yeast fermentation causes a number of negative consequences. As a result of excessive gas formation, the organs of the digestive tract begin to tighten. It is not uncommon for the gallbladder to leave its “bed” and change shape.

Fermentation is the main cause of stagnation in the head, lower extremities and pelvis. Such pathologies can provoke the formation of blood clots, further reducing immune defense and varicose veins.

  1. Poor effect on the regeneration process

One of the features of the body is the ability to restore cells. Yeast provokes fermentation, which interferes with the successful renewal of the structural units of a living organism.

  1. Development of tumors

Scientists have put forward the opinion that fermentation provoked by yeast is directly related to the manifestation and growth of cancer cells in the human body. An experiment was conducted: a malignant tumor was grown in a vessel with a solution of yeast fungus for three years. By the end of each week it increased several times. But when the yeast was removed from the vessel, the tumor died!

Is modern white flour a storehouse of vitamins and minerals?

Our ancestors used only whole grain flour to make bread, and were much stronger and healthier. It is better absorbed, gives energy, does not adversely affect metabolism and activates proper intestinal function. The grain shell contains enzymes, vitamins, amino acids - almost all the necessary substances for the benefit of the body.

Today, store shelves are filled with products that are far from being of high quality. of dubious benefit. This also applies to white refined flour. Why is it called a “dead” product? For its production, carefully ground grain core without germ is used. And these are practically pure carbohydrates, with which the body is generously filled, spoiling the figure and leading to metabolic disorders. Almost all vitamins and microelements are lost along with the shell. Yes, it is ideal for biscuits, muffins, buns - butter yeast dough, very airy and tender. It's hard to argue with that.

In production, such flour is bleached, and the removed live vitamins are compensated by adding artificial ones. It also includes antioxidants and flavors. Refining kills natural strength grains And for what? To extend the shelf life of the product and protect it from spoilage.

Refined flour has the property of slagging the body. It lies in a lump at the bottom of the stomach, turning into a mucus-forming product.

Say no to yeast baked goods

Whether or not to exclude products made from yeast dough from your menu is a personal right and a conscious choice of everyone. More and more people are thinking about their health, trying to change their diet, wondering what is harmful and what is beneficial.

Having given up yeast baked goods, many begin to notice positive changes in the body. Namely:

  • Heaviness in the stomach and heartburn - a burning sensation in the esophagus - disappear;
  • Gas formation and bloating are reduced. Fermentation processes are not as active;
  • Blood pressure normalizes;
  • Extra pounds go away;
  • Internal organs begin to work better;
  • Improves complexion;
  • Inflammatory skin diseases on the face, back and chest disappear.

Harm and contraindications to eating yeast baked goods

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Individual intolerance;
  3. Kidney diseases;
  4. Intestinal dysbiosis;
  5. Gout;
  6. Endocrine disorders.

What do you think about this, dear readers? Have you ever been concerned about the benefits and harms of yeast baking?

There are two types of yeast: natural (pressed) and dry.

Natural yeast and now you can find them in any supermarket, they are sold in bars and cost 10 rubles. They can only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than 2 weeks. This yeast can be used to bake bread, make kvass, and even make beer if you're into brewing at home! This is the yeast that our grandmothers used, it is alive, real!

The choice dry yeast much more to the store! They work quickly, an hour and the dough is ready! But how useful are they? And are they useful at all?

I'll start with some background. I for a long time, namely, for 5 years she treated her gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract). I was poisoned every other day, picked up intestinal infections, gastritis, pancreatitis and other misfortunes simply haunted me! Allopathic medicine could not help me, moreover, side effects developed from the medications I was taking. Then I found a naturopathic doctor. A naturopath also has a medical education, and in my case, he was a candidate of medical sciences, only he uses gentle, natural, as natural as possible treatment methods. The first thing my naturopath looked at was my diet. I was prescribed what I should eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in what quantity. So yeast and yeast bread were excluded from this list!

And now I want to return to the topic of the post, and talk a little more about the dangers of consuming dry yeast.

Yeasts that enter the body begin to destroy beneficial microflora in the stomach and intestines, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the fermentation processes launched in the body by dry yeast cause rapid fatigue of the brain and body, disrupt sleep, and reduce work performance. immune system, which entails the development of infectious diseases.

Some scientists even believe that fermentation processes can have a beneficial effect on the development of cancer cells and other tumors!

What happens in the body due to yeast fermentation?

Do you know what bloating is? This is when the diaphragm cannot perform its natural functions, it is in a “compressed” position, affecting the lower lobes of the lungs. Fermentation promotes the formation of excess gas, which is why the gallbladder can change its shape, forming a bend. I know this from myself, I saw my gallbladder on an ultrasound.

Yeast fermentation can also lead to varicose veins, blood clots, congestion in the lower extremities, pelvis and head!

What should a person do who wants to maintain his health?

When I announced to my husband that we would not eat bread at all, since it contained yeast, my husband immediately found a way out of the situation. He bought yeast-free bread! If you take a closer look, you will find a large selection of yeast-free bread. I wrote a review about one such copy.

You can also bake your own bread using live pressed yeast or a starter that you can make yourself. But this is a topic for a separate post.

Rye is not a new product at all; it was known in ancient times, when they were used to make bread. They were officially patented by the microbiologist Pasteur in the 19th century. Even then they started talking about two sides of the coin, i.e. that yeast is beneficial and harmful, but then they began to use it even more actively. Today for cooking in industrial scale Several types of yeast are used: baker's, food, brewer's, dairy, pressed, dry, and so on.

What is yeast?

Yeasts are essentially fungi, or more precisely, about 15 hundred different single-celled fungi. They are often located in nature on the surfaces of fruits, fruits or berries. They adapt well to different conditions environment, can even maintain vital functions in the complete absence of oxygen.

The main feature of such mushrooms is their incredibly high rate of reproduction and growth. This is why they have earned their popularity in the food industry. Today, four types of yeast are used - beer, dairy, wine, bakery, which are divided into three classes - pressed, dry and yeast starters.

Dry yeast is most often used due to its convenient form and relatively long term storage But it is worth understanding that none of the listed types are real, natural and beneficial yeast. These types were obtained specifically to speed up the preparation process and increase the volume of production of products that contain this ingredient. How can such yeast be beneficial? - One harm.

Natural yeast was used in ancient times by our ancestors. Previously, preparing bread was equated to a certain ceremony. For this purpose we took only best products- whole grain flour highest quality and natural sourdough: malt, wheat, hop, rye, which was prepared from completely natural products. Such a product not only had amazing taste qualities, but also contained a number of useful substances. Real yeast, prepared independently using ancient technology, remains useful today, unlike popular ones.

Yeast damage

Today there is a fairly widespread opinion that yeast does much more harm than it contains benefits. Most of all, this applies to the class of baker’s, or so-called “thermophilic” yeast. This concept implies that this artificially bred yeast is highly resistant to high temperatures and does not die during the cooking process.

People have already nicknamed these small mushrooms killers, because when they get inside the body, they have negative impact and poison healthy cells of the body from the inside, which leads to their death. Use thermophilic yeast and products containing them can lead to serious health problems.

That's what it's all about yeast harm:

  1. Yeasts have a debilitating effect on the body. This happens for the following reason. When ingested into the intestines, the process of active reproduction of fungi begins, and for growth and existence they need nutrition. They feed on useful and necessary microelements and vitamins that enter the human body with food products. Thus, they deprive a person of useful substances that are necessary for healthy life, as a result of which the immune system weakens and serious diseases can develop.
  2. The combination of thermophilic yeast and flour leads to a change in the acid-base balance. The presence of such products in the daily diet is fraught with the formation of an acidic environment, and as a result, ulcers, gastritis and chronic constipation develop.
  3. Due to the way yeast is produced, it contains great amount harmful chemical elements and heavy metals. This is not surprising: after all, even technical potassium carbonate and building lime are used in their production. Completely unnecessary harm to our body.
  4. Yeasts contribute to the development of liver, heart and lung diseases.
  5. These fungi can cause blood clots to form as they disrupt the blood circulation.
  6. The intestinal microflora is under attack. Due to excessively active reproduction and growth of fungi, putrefactive flora is formed in the intestines, in which beneficial microorganisms are unable to survive. The result is a weakening of the immune system.
  7. Fungal and microbial flora can gradually change the composition of the blood, significantly reducing the amount of calcium in the blood. Today this figure has decreased from 12 normal to 3 acceptable units.
  8. The harm of yeast also lies in the fact that these fungi create a favorable environment for the appearance and active growth of malignant neoplasms.

Yeast: benefits and harms

If we consider the known useful and harmful properties baker's yeast, then the list contains more harmful points than useful ones. All this is due to the technology of product production.

Our great-grandmothers baked healthy baked goods made from wheat, malt, oats, raisins or sprouted rye. Here's what yeast harm No. And the baked goods made from them were more aromatic, tasty and healthy.

Nowadays harmful thermophilic yeasts are widely used on an industrial scale. For their production, artificial chemical starters called Saccharomycetes are used. Consumption of such products causes a powerful blow to the intestines, harms the gallbladder and liver, and the pancreas also suffers. Thus, yeast, previously considered beneficial, causes immeasurable harm to the body.

A variety of milk yeast, unlike thermophilic baker's yeast, is considered a rather useful product. They contain enzymes necessary for health. Fermented milk products are rich in milk yeast content. If consumed dairy products regularly, but in moderation, you can significantly strengthen the immune system and recharge the body useful substances.

It is worth noting that when preparing dishes you cannot do without yeast completely. It is important to give preference to the “correct” yeast, for example, natural starters - yeast substitutes that were previously used in home cooking.

Using such starters, you will get 100% healthy and useful product and you will definitely be confident in its composition. Today, in small villages, traditions and recipes for such starter cultures are still preserved. Such natural yeast starters were beneficial to the body; with their help, the body was nourished with useful substances - fiber, microelements, vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants and others.

It contains only bacteria that are friendly and beneficial to the body, lactic acid. Stimulation of the immune system is possible thanks to natural fermentation, which eliminates carcinogenic compounds caused by lactic acid bacteria. Proper nutrition involves switching to homemade sourdough for baking.

Natural homemade sourdough consists of the following components:

  • bacteria that are responsible for the formation of lactic acid;
  • beneficial bacteria, living together with the first;
  • wild yeast - they are similar to the usual ones, but do not have a harmful effect.

But still Is yeast good or bad? As you can see, conventional yeast has little benefit, and its harm is quite real. If you want to stay healthy and young, avoid consuming yeast products or prepare them yourself using proper and natural starters.

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For the sixth year now, now dying down, now again becoming the subject of lively discussions, a story about some insidious conspiracy has been circulating on the Internet. Its goal is to destroy the population of Russia with the help of so-called “thermophilic yeast”, which to the uninitiated, gullible man in the street seems quite harmless. This spring this topic has become relevant again. Mostly, the dangers of yeast are discussed on the forums of Orthodox groups in Odnoklassniki, but I have come across discussions on other platforms. So what is this killer yeast, why are they dangerous, and what harm do they cause to the human body?

One of the most common claims made by conspiracy supporters is: “Saccharomyces yeast (thermophilic yeast), varieties of which are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and bakery, are not found in nature (and, therefore, are genetically modified - prot. A. E). Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more resistant than tissue cells. They are not destroyed either during the cooking process or by saliva in the human body. Yeast killer cells, killer cells, kill sensitive, less protected cells of the body by releasing toxic substances of small molecular weight into them.” The following describes what is used in the production of yeast: sulfuric acid and even human bones! After such a convincing description of the yeast production technology using unfamiliar, sophisticated words, you don’t even want to eat bread - you’re just afraid of getting poisoned.

What is true in this statement? Surprisingly, upon closer examination it turns out that there is absolutely no truth here.

Let's start with the fact that thermophilic yeast does not exist not only in nature, but also in chemists' laboratories. There are thermophilic bacteria, but they have nothing to do with yeast, which are fungi. By the way, thermophilic bacteria are also safe. Both yeast fungi and thermophilic bacteria exist in nature and are not a genetically modified product. Of course, it can be assumed that someone is producing genetically modified “thermophilic” baker’s yeast, but in this case this should be indicated on the packaging. Exceptions to this rule, when the manufacturer, contrary to established rules, hides such information, can be only isolated.

Another “conspiracy” argument goes as follows: “Scientists who were studying this issue came across sources from Hitler’s Germany in the Lenin Library, which said that this yeast was grown on human bones, that if Russia did not die in the war, then it would die from the yeast. Our specialists were not allowed to make links to sources or copy them. The documents were classified..." This statement is repeated from article to article, while the impression is created that the “experts” were sent by the authors of the articles to the library literally on a first-come, first-served basis, but there, after showing them all the sources, copying (again to everyone) was strictly prohibited. Why didn’t the “specialists” use a simple mobile phone with a camera and didn’t even remember the document numbers? Perhaps there were no specialists, because not only their names are not mentioned, but also the literal copying of this text allows us to assert that we're talking about nothing more than another piece of gossip moving from publication to publication, from site to site.

Note also that in the 1940s, when, according to conspiracy supporters, “thermophilic yeast” was developed, genetic engineering did not exist. Why exactly does the yeast production technology laid down in those days cause such fear?

As for Saccharomycetes, they are always present in the human body, regardless of whether he has ever consumed bread with commercial yeast or not. They are natural components of the intestinal microflora; Apart from the rarest cases of allergies, they do not cause any harm and, of course, contrary to the statements of supporters of the “yeast conspiracy”, they do not destroy the cells of the human body. As for “poisonous substances of small molecular weight,” science simply does not know about them, and this term is used only on the websites of “conspirators.”

“The inside of the stomach is covered with a special mucous membrane that is resistant to acid. However, if a person abuses yeast products and acid-forming foods, then the stomach cannot resist this for long. The burn will lead to the formation of ulcers, pain and a common symptom such as heartburn.” This statement is not based on anything. “Acid-forming” foods are indicated for low stomach acidity. As for yeast, they are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, having only one contraindication - hypersensitivity.

“Using foods prepared with thermophilic yeast promotes the formation of sand clots and then stones in gallbladder, liver, pancreas, formation of constipation and tumors. In the intestines, rotting processes increase, pathogenic microflora develops, and the brush border is injured. The evacuation of toxic masses from the body slows down, gas pockets are formed where fecal stones stagnate. Gradually they grow into the mucous and submucosal layers of the intestine. The secretion of the digestive organs loses its protective function and reduces digestive function. Vitamins are not adequately absorbed and synthesized, microelements are not properly absorbed, and the most important of them is calcium.” All this is nothing more than the imagination of the authors. Yes, excessive consumption of bread made from white refined flour can cause problems in the intestines, but yeast has nothing to do with this. In general, attempts to create myths using near-medical terminology will always be popular in society, especially in connection with the catastrophic environmental situation, but are doomed to failure in the light of medical sciences. And you can only believe that all doctors are malicious murderers of the nation if you completely lose all common sense.

What do the fighters against the “yeast conspiracy” offer? If you carefully look through their articles on natural starter cultures, it turns out that for baking wheat bread it is proposed to use the same yeast fungi - with the only difference that their production is more natural, but also more expensive. Making wort at home, of course, is not difficult, but in mass production such a culture does not retain its viability for a long time. It is very difficult to buy such a starter in a store, because it requires special conditions for storage. And the extract content of the sourdough is much lower than that of regular yeast. And if for a villager this does not matter of great importance, then in the conditions of busy urban life this factor is still important, just as it is important for mass production. A bakery that starts preparing bread using the old technology will either go bankrupt due to the high cost of its products, or will be forced to sell bread at inflated prices, and selling expensive bread is always more difficult. This is where a “conspiracy theory” can help. After all, the most reliable way eliminate competitors - announce that their products are worse than your own. Of course, this would have to be proven, but it’s easier not to officially prove anything, but to simply write carbon-copy articles on a dozen visited sites - and make a profit.

It should also be taken into account that yeast starter used only in making wheat bread. Rye bread prepared by the process of fermented milk fermentation (or combined). So the statement about the widespread use of yeast in modern baking is still exaggerated.

If we were talking only about the ordinary homemade bread, then it is unlikely that the issue would be so pressing. But through the efforts of some priests, primarily Abbot Mitrofan (Lavrentyev), the problem acquired a religious character. Hegumen Mitrofan declared prosphora baked with yeast canonically unacceptable. And his main thesis is that animal products are used in the production of yeast. However, this is not true - after all, the initial experiments using animal materials have long since sunk into oblivion. At the same time, the “technology” of making sourdough at home requires the use of hops or raisins and sugar - otherwise the dough simply will not work. So in any case, whether the starter is made with yeast or with hop products, it is allowed to use not only flour and water, but also other components in prosphora. Statements about that , that only “our method” is correct is dangerous because in this way a certain “spiritual elite” is formed and, if you follow the words of the same Fr. Mitrofan, you can only receive communion from them, while in other parishes blasphemy is allegedly committed. Although in reality it is precisely the statement about the inferiority of the Sacrament (which is either performed or not, it cannot be otherwise) in parishes that have not followed the practice of preparing hop leaven that is blasphemy.

I myself prefer hop starter. Bread made from it is indeed more aromatic, tastier (primarily due to longer fermentation) and, undoubtedly, more nutritious. What is important is that I have time to prepare this sourdough. However, on occasion, I can buy bread in a store and I don’t see anything wrong with that. But I perceive calls to refuse store-bought bread because it is “spoiled” as groundless and not at all harmless. After all, not every family has the opportunity to bake their own bread. And a person who believes in a “conspiracy” may fall into deep despondency and even despair from the inability to “eat properly.” What about Communion? Should we start finding out what kind of leaven the parish prosphora is baked with? What if by leaps and bounds? Then you will have to change the parish, look for the “right” priest. Such a search often leads to spiritual disaster, for which those who created temptation in the minds of gullible brothers in Christ will have to answer. And we must be more careful in this difficult age of lies and deception, and not succumb to the provocations of “caring” citizens of the conspiracy world.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Yeast in bread - is it harmful to humans?

Recently, a number of publications (obviously ordered) have appeared in the press about allegedly existing harm baker's yeast and great benefit"hop bread". Without disputing the benefits of bread made with hop starters, we will dwell on individual points of these publications.

We believe that it is pointless to explain to some authors of such publications that yeast does not “devour intestinal microflora”, and “yeast bacteria” cannot exist in principle, just as there cannot be a feathered pike or a winged sheep. Such statements only indicate a lack of basic knowledge in the field of biology. Let's focus on more meaningful statements.

In particular, the authors of this kind of publications claim that in “hop bread” all yeast cells die during baking, but not all in ordinary bread. This statement is also simply absurd. Without going into physical and chemical details, the death of yeast when heated depends mainly on its type and temperature. During the baking process, the temperature in the center of the crumb reaches 95-97°C, regardless of the technology used to prepare the dough. As for the type of yeast, hop starters, as is known, contain mainly the same S. Cerevisiae as in pressed or dried yeast, which was proven back in 1937 by V.A. Nikolaev.

Therefore, in both cases, the yeast almost completely dies off and is viable when baking both “hopped” and regular bread only single yeast cells may remain. This fact is well known and has long been included in textbooks.

In addition, the number of yeast cells entering the human body from bakery products it is simply not comparable with the amount that enters a person with other food products. It is known that yeast of the genus Saccharomyces is secreted from the surface of grapes, plums, apples, raspberries, strawberries, and currants. For the production of wine, in the production of beer and kvass, strains of Saсharomyсes serevisiae (previously called S.vini, S. Carlsbergensis, etc.) are also used. kefir grains", in others fermented milk drinks and cheeses also often contain yeast of the species S. serevisiae.

Thus, it is obvious that yeast will still enter the consumer’s body, even if he completely refuses to eat bread and bakery products. Now let's look at what effect they have on the human body?

Yeast is not at all some kind of exotic, “bred through the efforts of geneticists” (as stated in one of the publications). They are permanent integral part normal human microflora. About 25-30 species of yeast are regularly found in the body, which do not cause clinical infection. The number of yeast in the intestines ranges from hundreds of cells to millions per gram. content.

As for publications about the longevity of Abkhazians, who “do not bake bread, but are distinguished by their longevity,” the following facts can be cited: in the study of the normal microflora of the intestinal tract of centenarians of Abkhazia and members of their families, carried out in 1978-1981, yeast was detected almost constantly ( in 75-100% of cases). Among other yeasts, S. cerevisiae was also isolated from centenarians, and these strains were found to have strong antigonistic properties against various pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The literature describes other facts of inhibition of bacterial growth by protein substances isolated from baker's yeast.

Thus, the statements of the authors of such newspaper publications about the dangers of baker's yeast for human health are unfounded. They wouldn't deserve it special attention on the part of specialists, if they did not mislead the consumer, sowing unjustified panic among the population.

Department of Microbiology of the State Research Institute of Bakery Industry

Rice. from the "We Are Awakened" website

For Russian people, bread was associated with life and bread was the head of everything. Why then have some of our compatriots been giving up bread in recent years?
There are two reasons given. First, bread is harmful because it is rich in carbohydrates, and its usual combination with protein and fat-containing products is extremely undesirable. This version is actively promoted by supporters of the so-called separate nutrition. Secondly, modern yeast, which is the main component of bread, is a terribly harmful product.
Wrong yeast?

Recently, compressed yeast, the production of which was established in the mid-twentieth century, began to be contrasted with yeast based on vegetable starters, which have been used since ancient times in baking. Modern yeast became the object of severe criticism. Here's what, for example, you can read about yeast in one of the articles:

“Scientists in Canada and England have established the killing ability of yeast. Yeast cells kill sensitive, less protected cells of the body by secreting poisonous proteins of small molecular weight into them. The toxic protein acts on plasma membranes, increasing their permeability to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Yeast first enters the cells of the digestive tract, and then into the bloodstream. Thus, they become that “Trojan horse”, with the help of which the enemy enters our body and contributes to undermining its health? Once in the body, they begin their destructive activities. Finding ourselves in our digestive tract, and then entering the bloodstream, they destroy cell membranes, contributing to cancer.”

It is argued that the consequence of yeast fermentation in the body is a decrease in performance, immunity, resistance to infectious diseases, and an increased risk of diabetes, Negative influence it also affects the activity of the heart. Particular concern was caused by publications on the results of the following experiments: malignant tumors placed in yeast base, begin to grow exponentially and disappear completely when removed from the yeast medium. But, oddly enough, the greatest negative regarding pressed thermophilic yeast was caused by the message that in modern technologies yeast is even extracted from the bones of animals, mainly pigs.

The attack on compressed yeast has been going on for several years. A recent TV story about an orphanage at one of the Orthodox monasteries added fuel to the fire. Former tramps and street children, children from disadvantaged families lived in this shelter. Despite good living conditions and constant care from adults, the children’s weakened health did not return to normal, and the children were constantly sick. And so two nuns, biologists by training, arrived at the monastery and needed practical material for a dissertation on bread leaven. First of all, the learned nuns changed the bread component of baby food: they completely excluded yeast-based bread from the diet and began to prepare yeast-free bread themselves according to ancient recipes. To everyone’s surprise, these simple restrictions soon led to the fact that the children practically stopped getting sick. If we add to this the reports that in the West doctors recommend yeast-free bread to patients with heart failure, then the material becomes harmful yeast bread plenty.

Professor V. G. Zhdanov visiting Academician V. M. Savelov-Deryabin. A conversation about the dangers of yeast bread

Yeast is still such a nasty thing. There is a huge amount of real evidence of this. My wife is a doctor, and she often comes across documents that yeast greatly helps in the development of cystitis, prostatitis and urethritis. Opportunistic flora, which is present in small quantities, multiplies very well when yeast enters... and they don’t completely die during baking.
Lately we have begun to eat more bread with hops...
To restore the health of the nation, we propose to return to baking bread using yeast, which exists naturally in hops and malt. Our like-minded people have been practicing for over 20 years homemade cakes bread according to old recipes. This helped them get rid of many pathologies. For three years, an experiment was conducted at the “school of the future,” a school of health. In this school for weakened children, there were 2,724 diseases per 713 students. With the introduction of unleavened bread into the diet, that is, not made with thermophilic yeast, an improvement in the health of 74% of children was registered, 133 diagnoses were removed, and many children moved into a more favorable health group. An improvement in blood biochemical parameters, including calcium levels, was recorded.

Hop sourdough bread contains everything essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins: B1, B2, PP, minerals: salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, as well as trace elements - gold, cobalt, copper, which are involved in the formation of unique respiratory enzymes. Apparently, it is no coincidence that ears of grain are called golden.
Bread with hop sourdough gives the maximum juice effect, that is, it actively extracts from the pancreas, liver, gall bladder enzymes and other substances necessary for complete digestion, improves intestinal motility, absorption and disinfection of food contents.

There is another alternative to baking bread without the use of thermophilic yeast - baking unleavened flatbreads and buns on mineral water. This is the most economical method: it saves time, there is no need to prepare a starter or make a dough, it is simple and accessible to everyone. You can prepare sparkling water in a siphon or buy Borjomi or other alkaline mineral water.

Bake unleavened flatbread faster than going to the bakery for bread, because for this you only need to sift the calcined flour, dilute mineral water and place the formed flat cake or bun in a preheated oven. That's all.

Unleavened bread additionally receives many vital micro and macroelements, as well as carbon dioxide, which our body needs almost more than oxygen.

Now cardboard-thin breads from Armenian, Georgian, Jewish cuisine, but many of them contain yeast, albeit in small quantities, for example, pita bread. But the very release of such bread indicates that there is a consumer for these bread products. You can start a small-scale production of both unleavened buns and flatbreads - after all, the costs for them are minimal, it is highly profitable, and the benefits of such bread are great, and people are willing to pay money for their health.

This question cannot be ignored either. Where did the flour go? whole grain, from which our ancestors baked bread? Only whole grain flour contains B vitamins, macro- and microelements and germ, which has fantastic healing properties. Refined flour is devoid of both the germ and the shell - instead of these healing parts of the grain created by nature, all kinds of food additives are added to the flour, chemically created substitutes that can never make up for what is created by nature itself. Refined flour becomes a mucus-forming product, which forms a lump at the bottom of the stomach and pollutes our body. Refining is an expensive, costly process and at the same time kills the vitality of the grain. And it is needed only to preserve the flour from spoilage for as long as possible. Whole flour cannot be stored for a long time, but this is not required. Let the grain be stored, and flour can be prepared from it as needed. It has always been this way. And isn’t it time, in the name of the convenience of trade, to stop the vicious practice of turning God-given healing product nutrition into a dead mucus-forming mass that has an attractive taste due to sugar, salt, fats, heat-treated at high temperatures and become carcinogenic.

Yeast is now even used to make dried goods. Fewer and fewer cookies are being baked with minimum quantity fat And all these fatty, sweet cookies are eaten by our children, and then they suffer from diabetes and osteoporosis at a very young age. Gastroenterologists are sounding the alarm because children's hospitals cannot accommodate everyone who needs hospitalization.
In the Bible, “Book of Books”, in Exodus (chapter 12, verse 20) a direct instruction is given to the Jews who left Egypt: “You shall not eat anything leavened; throughout your entire stay you shall eat unleavened bread.” Apparently, such bread is healthier, especially for those who are on the road and do not lead a sedentary lifestyle. The fact that such bread does not cause fermentation, and as a result of this fermentation does not shift the blood pH to the acidic side, is the most important recommendation for its use for all of us, because, as numerous studies have shown, modern humanity, in terms of pH indicators, is steadily moving towards acidosis . And if at the beginning of the century the pH norm was 7.5, now, focusing on the actual state of things, it is 7.35-7.45. But in fact, for many these indicators are within 7.25. It should be noted that a pH of 7.18 causes death. You can see where we are going, chemicalizing food, housing, clothing, Agriculture. Isn't it time to stop at the edge of the abyss and turn back to nature?

Information about the dangers of consuming yeast bread products is slowly but surely entering people's consciousness. Many people bake their own bread, and mini-bakeries are starting to open. This non-yeast bread is still expensive, but disappears instantly. Needs outpace supply. In Ryazan, a bakery began to operate under a new scheme; the same production is available in Noginsk. It's time to turn our attention to the health of our fellow citizens. We are confident that we will find understanding among baking industry specialists. After all, the new that we offer is a well-forgotten old.

About preparing a special starter that replaces yeast. The recipe is known and has always been used in Russia. Disadvantages of conventional yeast (forced introduced since 1947), distributed in the commercial system (and usually used in enterprises for the production of bread): Yeast creates the most fertile environment for a cancer cell, the cancer cell multiplies in this yeast 2-2.5 times faster than usual (a cancer cell in a yeast solution increases its volume by 2-3 times in 1 week). There is a process of fermentation and accumulation of alcohols (and, as you know, alcohol is a protoplasmic drug) in the body. The growth of viruses and microbes increases thousands and thousands of times, that is, it is a pathogenic environment for our body.
Yeast alternative: make bread with hop alum, or use sourdough bread. How to make bread sourdough: take 200-300 grams of grain (fodder, available, for example, at any bread mill, etc.), pour in 0.5 liters of water so that the grain germinates, cover with a towel. Wait a day, drain excess water, and stand for another 2 days. When small sprouts appear, grind through a meat grinder, place in a non-stick bowl, and add flour in a ratio of 2:1 grain: wheat (wheat or Rye flour), add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, cook for up to 1 hour, stirring, over low heat. Leave the resulting slurry in a warm place for a day; it begins to sour. Then store in the refrigerator. When you have the sourdough, add flour 1:10 sourdough:flour, add water to turn into dough, leave this slurry for 3-5 hours (rye flour ferments faster), then add flour and water again, leave for several hours again. Leavened bread does not mold, but the yeast is covered with very harmful and unpleasant mold. Place the dough in the mold (1/3 - 1/2 of the mold), wait until it rises to the edges, bake over low heat, baking time is about an hour. When baking, grease the pan a small amount sunflower oil, when baking on a baking sheet, sprinkle the baking sheet with bran or flour, not butter, because When evaporated, the oil turns into a film and carcinogenic substances are formed.

Different variations of baking: rye flour, wheat flour, a mixture of them 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, etc.; adding raisins, nuts; change in baking time and temperature, time for making sourdough (that is, several thousand various recipes of bread).

Thus, baked bread is very healthy; the acidic environment kills all harmful bacteria and does not kill useful ones.

How to bake bread with hop yeast at home. Practical advice.
1. Yeast preparation
1.1. Pour dry hops with double (by volume) amount of water and boil until the water is reduced by half.
1.2. Leave the broth for 8 hours, strain and squeeze.
1. 3. Pour one glass of the resulting broth into a half-liter jar, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of sugar, 0.5 cups of wheat flour (stir until the lumps disappear).
1.4. Place the resulting solution in a warm place (30-35 degrees), covering it with a cloth for two days. A sign that the yeast is ready: the amount of solution in the jar will approximately double.
1.5. For two to three kilograms of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast (2 spoons).
2. Number of components.
2.1. To bake 650-700 g of bread you need: water - 1 glass (0.2 liters); For each glass of water you need: flour - 3 glasses (400-450 gr.); salt – 1 teaspoon; sugar - 1 table. spoon;
butter or margarine – 1 table. spoon; Wheat flakes – 1-2 tablefuls. spoons; yeast - 1 table. spoon (or sourdough).
3. Preparing the dough.
3.1. One glass is poured into the mixing container boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, stir 1 table in it. a spoonful of yeast or sourdough and 1 cup of flour.
3.2. The prepared solution is covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place for 2 hours until pinpoint bubbles form. The presence of bubbles means that the dough is ready for kneading dough.
4. Kneading the dough.
4.1. In clean dishes ( glass jar volume no more than 0.2 liters, with a tight-fitting lid) set aside the required amount (1-2 tablespoons) of dough, this dough will serve as a starter for next baking bread, it must be stored in the refrigerator.
4.2. Add 2 tbsp to the container with the dough. spoons of flour and other components in accordance with clause 2.1., that is, salt, sugar, butter, flakes (flakes are not required component). Knead the dough until it sticks to your hands and place it in the mold.
4.3. The form is filled with dough no more than 0.3-0.5 of its volume. If the mold is not coated with Teflon, it must be greased with vegetable oil.
4.4. Place the form with the dough in a warm place for 4-6 hours. To retain heat, it must be covered tightly. If after the specified time the dough approximately doubles in volume, it means it has loosened and is ready for baking.
5. Baking mode.
5.1. The pan should be placed in the middle of the oven on a rack.