Bakery and pastry baking technology. Modern technology for the production of bread

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
Federal state, budgetary,
educational institution
higher professional education
"Khakass State University named after N.F. Katanova "

Agricultural Institute
Department of "Crop production"
Specialty 110201.65 "Agronomy"

by discipline:<<технология хранения и переработки продукции растениеводства>>.

Topic: bread production technology on the example of a mini-bakery.

Is done by a student
West Federal District 5 course
Denisov E.A.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Bessonova A.V.

Abakan, 2011

1 Goals and objectives
1.1 Relevance
1.2 Literature review
2 Characteristics of a mini-bakery
2.1 Equipment
3 Raw materials used
3.1 Reception and storage of raw materials
4 The main technological stages of bakery production
4.1 Kneading and shaping, loosening and fermentation of dough

4.4 Cutting the finished dough
4.3 Baking bread
4.4 Determining the doneness of bread
4.5 Storage and transportation of bread
5 Purchase of raw materials, sales market for finished products
6 Cost-effectiveness
7 Conclusion.
8 List of used literature

Have we often wondered how and from what bread is baked? In general, for many centuries, the technology of baking bread has remained unchanged. Flour, water, salt, yeast, sometimes fat and sugar. Even less often - additives: bran, cereals and others. These ingredients are mixed to form a dough from which bread is baked. The difference between the factory technology of bread production and home baking - in scale, volume and technical equipment of production processes
Bread and bakery products play a huge role in our lives. Bread occupies an important place in the human diet, especially in our country, where bread production is associated with deep and long-standing traditions. Russian bread has long been famous for its rich taste, aroma, nutritional value, and a variety of assortments. The range of products produced by the enterprises of our city is huge. Now you can buy not only various types of pan and hearth bread, but also a large number of loaf-shaped products, confectionery products, as well as the whole range of products of the bakery industry.

Bread is a useful biological product that contains a large amount of substances necessary for the human body. These are proteins, protein compounds, high molecular weight fats, starch, and vitamins. Especially, bread contains a lot of B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the human nervous system.

The bread production process is flexible enough, complex and time consuming. In my work, I will try to tell you about the main technological stages of production.

The technological process for the production of bread and bakery products consists of the following six stages: reception and storage of raw materials; preparation of raw materials for launching into production; dough preparation; dough cutting; baking and storage of baked products and sending them to the retail network.

1 Goals and objectives

When writing my term paper, I pursued the goal - to show the feasibility of the decision to open a family business for the production of bakery products.
Having studied the demand of the population of our sleeping area, I came to the conclusion that the most optimal type of activity is the production of bread. In our unstable time, the organization of this production is the most profitable investment of money, because no matter what difficulties there are, a person always needs bread.
Unfortunately, the mini-bakery at the specified address in the coursework has not existed for a long time. Now is not a stable time, but< лихие 90-е >concealed in themselves also a danger due to the looseness of the crime. The private mini-bakery was doing well, the bread was sold out, the population was satisfied with its taste - this haunted the bandits, competitors, etc. Parents could not stand the bullying.
Therefore, given the demand for bread in our residential area, and it will remain at its best for a long time. The territory is voluminous, shops are mainly located in one place, forming a kind of trading network, and not everyone wants to go for food from one edge of the district to another, especially when it comes to bread. The bread on our table is the most frequently purchased product in the house. Considering the success of my parents in the past in the production and sale of bread. I can also cite as an example the words of a local entrepreneur - the owner of the campaign<Премьер>, this gray-haired man, wise for years and experience, told me this: our market will never be full, it is only important to decide what you want, what you need, and go forward to your goal.
I have given several examples and the initial goal disappears by itself, everything seems to me so clearly. If this is given to you at all, because not everyone can be an entrepreneur, everything is far from so simple. If you have been given this, then please - this solution will be the most expedient: opening a family business for the production of bakery products.
Without deviating from my subject:<<технология хранения и переработки продукции растениеводства>> towards marketing, business, entrepreneurship, management. I set simple goals and objectives: to reveal the main technological stages of bakery production using the example of a mini-bakery.

1.1 Relevance

Bread production occupies an important place in the economy of our country. The food industry is one of the most promising sectors of the economy. Respected economists predict rapid industrial growth in the near future.
It is necessary to develop the activities of small bakeries, they can provide higher quality products, because with relatively small production volumes it is easier to produce high quality products.
Small bakeries have more prospects than large bakeries. They are more mobile and easily adapt to the needs of the market.
With small production volumes, it is easier to track down to all the smallest details the technological stages of bakery production. This makes it possible to improve production, reduce the loss of raw materials, and prevent the appearance of rejects. And what is important is to bring the taste and presentation to the peak of perfection.

1.2 Literature review

Currently, not only large specialized enterprises are engaged in the production of bread and bakery products, but also mini - bakeries and mini - shops. But despite this, large enterprises remain the main producers of bread, since mass production of bread is more profitable than its production in small quantities.
The production of bread and bakery products is a long, labor-consuming process and requires a lot of manual labor. The price of bread is relatively low compared to the unit cost, since prices for bakery products are regulated by the state. But despite this, bread production is almost always profitable, which attracts entrepreneurs to this area.
At the enterprises of the bakery industry, several methods of bread production are used. The technology is chosen by the enterprise depending on the volume of production and its production area.
Bread making technology can include sponge or unpaired methods. The sponge method, which is more time-consuming and laborious, is often used at high-power enterprises, it includes two stages:
1. Cooking dough. Dough can be: small thick, large thick, liquid. Differences according to this principle are due to the moisture and flour content in the dough. Dough is prepared from water, yeast, flour and sometimes salt, which reduces foaming. These components are placed in accordance with the recipe for any type of dough. Dough fermentation time depends on its type and is 1.5 - 3 hours. The degree of readiness of the dough is determined visually. The dough is ready when it starts to settle.
2. Kneading the dough. When kneading the dough, the rest of the components and additional raw materials, which are provided for by the recipe, are added to the prepared dough. Then the dough is sent to fermentation for 1 - 2 hours.
The use of sponge technology increases the time for making bread, but allows you to improve the quality of products. With this technology, the bread has a uniform porosity, a pronounced aroma, no yeast odor and normal crumb acidity.
The dough-free method of preparing the dough takes place in one stage. With this method, the dough is prepared immediately from all the components provided for in the recipe. This method requires less time to prepare a dough, and is more often used in small businesses. Bread prepared using this technology may have minor disadvantages, such as: uneven porosity, increased or decreased acidity, yeast odor. The listed disadvantages can be avoided only with strict adherence to the entire technology and its modes.
To increase profits and reduce the cost of production and increase the profitability of enterprises producing bread and bakery products, it is necessary to improve the technical and technological base.
The marketing department notes a significant increase in demand for devices that reduce the labor intensity of bread production.
Participation in recent exhibitions has proved that the devices for lubricating bread molds by BIKOM and RUSSKIY BAKELS have taken a leading position in the Russian market. This is not surprising, these devices are quite compact, easy to operate and maintain, reliable and greatly simplify the technological process.
Automatic lubricator АС -50
Automatic device for the lubrication of bread and pastry molds, sheets. It is installed both on an existing conveyor and is developed as a set with a conveyor. The use of an auto-lubricator allows reducing the consumption of the emulsion (vegetable oil) to 0.6 - 0.8 g per one bread mold # 7. Simultaneous lubrication of one to sixteen forms is possible.
Manual lubricator RS - 50
A device for lubricating bread and confectionery forms, sheets, hearth. It is advisable to use a manual auto-lubricator where dough pieces are placed in molds manually, as well as in technological lines with a proofing - oven unit in front of the divider, a stacker.
The use of the PC - 50 lubricator allows to reduce the consumption of the emulsion to 0.9 - 1.0 per one bread pan # 7. Labor productivity increases 3 - 5 times. The lubrication process becomes less tedious.
Lubricators operate both in stand-alone mode (air is supplied from the compressor) and when air is taken from the air line.

2 Characteristics of a mini-bakery

Mini-bakery LLC "Karavai" is located in the Republic of Khakassia, Chernogorsk, on Oktyabrskaya street 69 on the area owned by the founder - 100 sq. m. (55 sq. m. - production area + 30 sq. m. - warehouse and 15 sq. m. - for a store). The premise is in excellent condition, it does not need repairs, access roads are connected to it, there is lighting, hot and cold water, ventilation.

The founder of the company LLC "Karavai" is a citizen of the Russian Federation, an individual - Denisova Galina Nikolaevna.
1. Baker;
2. Baker;
3. Baker;
4. Baker;
6. Auxiliary worker;

The assortment of bakery products offered by the "Karavai" company:
- Bread of the 1st grade;
- Bread of the 2nd grade;
- The loaf is special;
- Bun with poppy seeds;
- Loafs;

The bakery always strives to produce bakery products from high-grade flour, which differ:
1 good taste
2 high calorie
3 ease of absorption
4 implementation in packaging form
5 slowly stale.

Mini-bakery productivity is up to 500kg. per day, 4 workers working in 2 shifts are enough for this.

2.1 Equipment

List of equipment for a small universal bakery:
1. Machine for sifting flour
2. Water heater
3. Production table
4. Dial scales
5. Kneading machine complete with bowls
6.Racking cabinet SHTR-18-01
7.PHP bakery printing
8.Storage trolley
9 pastry leaf
10 bread tins

PCP bakery printing

Pastry baker at work

3 Raw materials used

The main raw materials of bakery production are wheat and rye flour, water, yeast, salt. Additional raw materials include all other products used in baking, namely vegetable and animal oil, margarine, milk and dairy products, malt, molasses, etc. Currently, new types of additional raw materials and improvers (surfactants , enzyme preparations, modified starch, whey, whey concentrates, etc.

3.1 Reception and storage of raw materials

Any bakery has a raw material warehouse, where a certain stock of basic and additional raw materials is stored. The bulk method of delivery and storage of many types of raw materials (flour, sugar, yeast milk, liquid fats, salt, whey, molasses, vegetable oil) has become widespread. With bulk delivery and storage of raw materials, the number of workers in the warehouse sharply decreases, the sanitary condition of warehouses improves, the culture of production increases, the loss of raw materials is reduced, a significant economic effect is achieved in comparison with container storage of raw materials

Raw materials that are stored in the warehouse must undergo a certain preparation before mixing semi-finished products, as a result of which their sanitary condition and technological properties are improved. In this case, the raw materials are cleaned of impurities, the fats are melted, yeast, salt and sugar are dissolved in water.

The flour delivered to the mini-bakery from the base is stored in a warehouse, it holds a seven-day supply of it, which will allow it to be timely prepared for launching into production.

Flour arrives in separate batches (batch - a certain amount of flour of the same type and grade, made at the same time and received under one invoice and with one quality certificate.

Flour is delivered in containers (in bags). Net weight (product weight without container) of high-quality flour in a bag is 50 kg, wallpaper - 65 kg (the weight is set when flour is removed). Each bag of flour has a label, which indicates the milling enterprise, type and grade of flour, net weight, date of production.

If substandard grain was added during grinding, a corresponding mark is made on the label.

Storage and preparation of additional raw materials.

Yeast. In the bakery industry, pressed yeast is used, as well as dried, liquid yeast, and yeast milk.

Compressed yeast is an accumulation of yeast cells isolated from the culture medium, washed and compressed. A culture medium is a liquid culture medium in which microorganisms are grown.
It is recommended to store compressed yeast at 0-4 ° C. The guaranteed shelf life of yeast under such conditions is 12 days.
When preparing pressed yeast for mixing semi-finished products, they are diluted with water at a temperature of 29-32 ° C in tanks with stirrers in a ratio of 1: (2-4).
Frozen yeast is stored at a temperature of 0 - 4 ° С, it should be thawed slowly at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° С.

Dried yeast is obtained by drying the crushed pressed yeast with warm air to a residual moisture content of 8-9%. Dried yeast is packed and stored in cans, paper bags or boxes lined with parchment at temperatures above 15 ° C. The guaranteed shelf life of the highest grade yeast is 12 months, and the first grade is 6 months. The premium yeast is packaged hermetically. When packed in non-hermetic containers, their shelf life is halved. During storage, a monthly decrease in lifting force of 5% is allowed. Dried yeast should be soaked in warm water before use until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
Salt and sugar. Salt comes in bags and is stored in a separate room in bulk or in chests. Due to its hygroscopicity, salt should not be stored together with other products. Salt is added to the dough in the form of a solution with a concentration of 23-26% by weight.

Granulated sugar delivered in bags is stored in a clean dry room with a relative humidity of 70%. Sugar is hygroscopic, so it is humidified in a damp room.

Fats. In the bakery industry, the most widely used are butter, margarine, special baking fats and vegetable oil.

Margarine is a specially prepared fat that resembles butter in chemical composition, energy value and digestibility. Margarine is prepared from an appropriate fat base (set of fats), fermented milk, emulsifiers, dyes, flavorings and other auxiliary materials.

The fatty base of margarine consists of salomas (65-75%) and natural fats (vegetable and animal).

The following periods are set for storing solid margarine:

Liquid margarine is stored in oval-shaped stainless steel tanks with a water jacket at a temperature of 35-48 ° C for no more than 2 days. Each tank is equipped with propeller stirrers, whose periodic rotation prevents delamination of the margarine emulsion.

Confectionery, bakery and culinary fats are anhydrous fats, mainly consisting of salomas with (or without) a small amount of natural fats and emulsifiers. In bakery, fat with frsfatids (solid consistency) and liquid fat with a mobile consistency are used at a temperature of 15-20 ° C.
Confectionery and bakery fats are stored for 1-9 months, depending on the temperature (from -10 to +15 ° C) and the presence of antioxidants (antioxidant) in the recipe.
During preparation, solid fats are freed from containers, examined, and the surface is cleaned from contamination. Then the fats are cut into pieces and the internal state of the fat is checked.

Vegetable oils are obtained from the seeds of oil plants by pressing and extraction, and more often by a combined method.
Vegetable oils are stored in a dark cool room in a closed container (barrels or tanks) at a temperature of 4-6 ° C. Under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, light and high temperature, vegetable oils deteriorate.

4 The main technological stages of bakery production

The technological process of making bread consists of the following stages: sifting flour, kneading dough and other semi-finished products, fermentation of semi-finished products, dividing the dough into pieces of a certain mass, forming and proving dough pieces, baking, cooling and storing bread products.
Flour should be free of foreign smell, excessive acidity, high humidity. The moisture content of flour according to the standard is 14.5%, the moisture content of which is higher than that established by the standard, quickly deteriorates during storage, in addition, products from it have a reduced yield.
The quantity and quality of gluten in flour is of great importance in making the dough. It affects the structure of the dough and products made from it, therefore, for the preparation of various types of dough, flour with a strong gluten content of at least 40% is necessary.
Before kneading the dough, the flour is sieved and the lumps and impurities are removed, the flour is enriched with air, which makes it easier to knead the dough and contributes to its better rise ..
Dough preparation is the most important and the longest operation in the production of bread, which takes about 70% of the production cycle time. When choosing a specific method of dough preparation, first of all, the assortment of products produced, as well as other production data, are taken into account.
It is customary to distinguish between traditional methods of making dough and new, progressive ones. Traditional technology provides for long-term fermentation of semi-finished products, for a total of 4.5-7 hours. For progressive (accelerated) technology, a reduction in the dough preparation cycle is characteristic. At present, about 70% of the total mass of products is prepared using progressive technology, which is simpler and more economical.
The list and ratio of certain types of raw materials used in the process of making a certain type of bread is called a recipe.
The recipe, which indicates the type of flour and the amount of additional raw materials, except for water, is approved by higher organizations (department, ministry). In recipes, the amount of basic and additional raw materials is usually expressed in kg. for 100 kg of flour.
Together with the recipe, a technological instruction is approved, which indicates the method of preparing the dough and the technological regime (fermentation duration, acidity of semi-finished products, baking conditions, etc.)
Taking into account these and other production conditions, the laboratory of the enterprise draws up specific production recipes. The production recipe indicates the mass of flour, water, salt solution and the mass of other components necessary for kneading each semi-finished product (dough, dough, etc.). The consumption of raw materials for kneading the dough according to the production recipe must strictly comply with the approved data.
With continuous kneading of the dough, the production recipe is made based on the minute operation of the kneading machine, with periodic kneading, based on one portion of the dough (bowl).
The calculation of the recipe in both cases is fundamentally the same. First, the total amount of flour for kneading the dough is calculated, and then the amount of flour required for the preparation of other semi-finished products (dough, sourdough, etc.). After that, the recipe for the dough or sourdough is made, and then the recipe for the dough.
When composing a recipe, it must be remembered that the amount of each type of raw material (yeast, salt, etc.) is calculated for the total flour content in the dough, regardless of which semi-finished product (dough, sourdough) this raw material will be added to. Flour used for making liquid yeast, tea leaves and other semi-finished products is included in the total flour mass.

There are currently two main methods of making wheat dough. This is a sparse (two-phase) and unpaired (single-phase) method.

4.1 Kneading and forming the dough, loosening and fermenting the dough

Dough kneading is the most important technological operation, on which the further course of the technological process and the quality of bread largely depend. When dough is kneaded from flour, water, yeast, salt and other components, a homogeneous mass with a specific structure and physical properties is obtained.

To make the baked product porous and easy to digest, the dough must be loosened before baking. This is a prerequisite for good baking of the dough.

The dough under the influence of carbon dioxide begins to ferment, which allows you to get bread with a well-loosened porous crumb. The purpose of fermentation of dough and dough is to bring the dough into a state in which it will be best prepared for cutting and baking in terms of gas-forming ability and structural and mechanical properties. At the same time, the accumulation of substances in the dough that determine the taste and aroma characteristic of bread made from well-fermented dough is equally important.

4.2 Preparation of dough on dough

The most common dough preparation method, in which the dough is the first phase of dough preparation. Dough is a semi-finished product obtained from flour, water and yeast by kneading and fermentation. The finished dough is completely consumed in the preparation of the dough.
To prepare the dough, take a part of the total mass of flour (30-70%), most of the water and the entire amount of yeast. After 3-5 hours of fermentation on the dough, knead the dough, which ferments for 30-120 minutes.
The dough preparation technology depends on the type of flour, its baking properties, product recipes and many other factors.
In the production of wheat bread, the moisture content of the dough should be 41-47%, bakery products - 44-46%, which is explained by the different moisture content of the dough for these products. When processing weak flour, the moisture content of the dough is reduced in order to delay the relaxation of the gluten. If the flour gluten is short-growing, the moisture content of the dough is increased by 2-3%.
The amount of compressed yeast for making dough (according to the recipe) is 0.5-4%. The highest dose of yeast in dough for butter dough is 2-4%, for bread dough - 0.5-0.7%.
The temperature of the dough, as a rule, is slightly lower than the temperature of the dough (28-29 ° C). This temperature is most favorable for the multiplication of yeast cells.

Salt and fats are not added to the dough, since these substances negatively affect the yeast. The moisture content of the dough is 1-3% higher than the moisture content of the dough, which improves metabolism in the yeast cell, activates enzymes and accelerates the swelling of gluten. Long-term fermentation of the dough (3-5 hours) ensures sufficient yeast multiplication and the accumulation of ripening products.

Dough dough is prepared in the following ways: traditional dough containing 50% flour from its total weight in the dough; a large dough containing 65-70% of the total amount of flour, its total mass in the dough; liquid dough containing 27-30% of flour from its total weight in the dough.
The traditional method of making dough on dough is used in the production of various bread, bakery and pastry products.
The dough is prepared from 45-50% flour, most of the water and the entire amount of yeast relying on the recipe. The dough preparation technology depends on the baking properties of flour and other reasons. If the flour is weak, the moisture and temperature of the dough are reduced in comparison with the norms, the flour content in the dough is increased to 60%. The dosage of compressed yeast for bakery products is 0.5-1.5% by weight of flour, liquid-20-25%.
When preparing dough in machines with rolling bowls, the required amount of water is measured into an empty bowl, the yeast suspension is added, the kneading machine is turned on, and flour is added with continuous stirring. Kneading the dough to obtain a homogeneous mass is carried out on a "Standard" machine for 6-5 minutes. ...
When kneading dough (and dough), the bowl should be closed with a lid. The mixed dough is sprinkled on top (sprinkled) with flour to prevent winding, and left to ferment for 3-5 hours. The readiness of the dough is determined organoleptically and by acidity. The fermented dough has a pungent alcoholic odor and a uniformly mesh structure, which indicates the formation of a normal gluten framework in it. The volume of the dough at the end of fermentation increases by 2-2.5 times, with a slight pressure on the surface of the dough, it falls off. The fall of the dough coincides with the formation of the greatest amount of yeast in it and their greatest activity.
The dough on the dough is kneaded for 6-8 minutes. When kneading, water, a solution of salt, sugar, fat and other raw materials are added to the finished dough, and then flour is poured while stirring the mass. The flour should be added gradually, but in one step. It is not recommended to add flour or water to the kneaded dough. During the initial kneading, the gluten has already swollen, so the new portion of water is poorly absorbed (the dough becomes sticky). Adding flour to the resulting dough can cause a mess at the bottom of the bowl. The quality of the flour and the room temperature affect the initial temperature of the dough, which can be 29-32 ° C. The dough on the dough ferments for 1-2 hours, depending on the type of product, the quality of flour and other factors.
During the fermentation process, it is recommended to crush the dough from flour I and the highest grade (especially strong flour). Kneading is the repeated mixing of the dough for 1-2 minutes during the fermentation period in order to remove fermentation products and improve the structure. The kneading is carried out 50-60 minutes after kneading the dough.

4.3 Cooking wheat dough without steam

The one-phase method consists in the fact that the dough is kneaded in one step from the entire amount of raw materials and water, put according to the recipe, without adding any fermented semi-finished products (dough, sourdough).

The dough is prepared with a high consumption of yeast (1.5-2.5% of the total flour). The increase in yeast consumption is explained by the fact that for their life in the dough, worse conditions are created than in the dough (thick environment, the presence of salt, etc.).

An increase in the dose of yeast is also necessary to loosen the dough in a relatively short period of time (2-3 hours).

To reduce the consumption of yeast and improve the taste of the product, the yeast is usually activated before kneading the unpaired dough. The initial temperature of the dough is 29-31 ° C, the duration of fermentation is 2.5-3 hours. It is recommended to crush the dough 50-60 minutes after kneading. The kneading in the preparation of the dough without steam is of greater technological importance than for the dough cooked in dough. It should be noted that the dough prepared in a safe way contains less acids, aromatics and flavoring substances than in the dough prepared with dough. Fermentative, colloidal and biochemical processes in a dough-free dough are less intensive due to the thick consistency of the dough and the shortened fermentation cycle.
The bezoparny method is often used in the production of bakery and pastry products from wheat flour of I and the highest grades.

4.4 Cutting the finished dough

In the production of wheat bread and bakery products, dough cutting includes the following operations: dividing the dough into pieces, rounding, preliminary proofing, shaping and final proofing of dough pieces.
The dough is divided into pieces manually. The mass of a piece of dough is set based on a given mass of a piece of bread or bakery products, taking into account the loss in the mass of a piece of dough during baking (pack) and a piece of bread during cooling and storage (shrinkage).
The dough is rounded. After that, the dough piece should lie down for 3-8 minutes to restore the gluten carcass, after which it is given a certain shape (loaves, rolls, etc.).

4.5 Baking bread

Baking is the final stage in the preparation of bread products, which ultimately forms the quality of the bread. During the baking process, microbiological, biochemical, physical and colloidal processes occur simultaneously inside the dough piece.
All changes and processes that turn the dough into finished bread occur as a result of heating the dough piece.

Bread products are baked in the baking chamber of baking ovens at an air-vapor temperature of 200-280 ° C. For baking 1 kg of bread, about 293-544 kJ is required. This heat is spent mainly on the evaporation of moisture from the dough piece and on heating it to a temperature (96-97 ° C in the center), at which the dough turns into bread. A large proportion of heat (80-85%) is transferred to the dough by radiation from the hot walls and arches of the baking chamber.
The dough pieces are heated gradually, starting from the surface, so all the processes typical for baking bread do not take place simultaneously in its entire mass, but layer by layer, first in the outer and then in the inner layers. The speed of heating the dough, bread in general, and, consequently, the duration of baking depends on a number of factors. As the temperature in the baking chamber rises (within certain limits), the heating of the workpieces is accelerated and the baking time is shortened.
The formation of a hard bread crust occurs as a result of dehydration of the outer layers of the dough piece. A hard crust stops the increase in the volume of dough and bread, so the crust should not form immediately, but 6-8 minutes after the start of baking, when the maximum volume of the workpiece has already been reached.
Biochemical processes take place in the surface layer of the workpiece and in the crust: gelatinization and dextrinization of starch, denaturation of proteins, formation of aromatic and dark-colored substances and removal of moisture. In the first minutes of baking, as a result of steam condensation, the starch on the surface of the workpiece is gelatinized, partially passing into soluble starch and dextrins. A liquid mass of soluble starch and dextrins fills the pores on the surface of the workpiece, smoothes small irregularities and, after dehydration, gives the crust a shine and gloss.
Denaturation (coagulation) of protein substances on the surface of the product occurs at a temperature of 70-90 ° C. Protein coagulation, along with dehydration of the upper layer, contributes to the formation of a dense, inelastic crust.
Coloring of the peel in a light brown or brown "color is explained by the following processes:
Caramelization of dough sugars, in which brown products (caramel) are formed; a reaction between amino acids and sugars, in which aromatic and dark-colored substances (melanoidins) accumulate.

The color of the crust depends on the sugar and amino acid content of the dough, the baking time and the temperature in the baking chamber. For normal coloring of the crust in the dough (at the time of baking) there should be at least 2-3% sugar by weight of flour. Aromatic substances (mainly aldehydes) from the crust penetrate into the crumb, improving the taste of the product. If the above processes are carried out properly, the baked bread crust is smooth, shiny, evenly colored in a light brown color. The specific content of crusts (in% by weight of the product) is 20-40%. The lower the weight of the product, the higher the percentage of crusts.

When baking inside the dough piece, the fermenting microflora is suppressed, the activity of enzymes changes, starch gelatinization and thermal denaturation of proteins occur, the humidity and temperature of the inner layers of the dough-bread change.
The vital activity of the fermenting microflora of the dough (yeast cells and acid-forming bacteria) changes as a piece of dough-bread heats up during the baking process.
When the dough is heated to about 35 ° C, yeast cells accelerate the fermentation and gas formation process to a maximum. Up to about 40 ° C, the yeast activity in the baked piece of dough is still very intense. When the dough is heated above 45 ° C, gas formation caused by the yeast

Decreases sharply. At a dough temperature of about 50 ° C, the yeast dies off.
The vital activity of the acid-forming microflora of the dough, as the dough warms up, is first forced, after reaching a temperature above the optimum for their vital activity, it slows down, and then completely stops.
The moisture content of the crumb of hot bread (as a whole) rises in comparison with the moisture content of the dough due to the moisture transferred from the upper layer - the workpiece. Due to a lack of moisture, starch gelatinization is slow and ends only when the central layer of dough-bread is heated to a temperature of 96-98 ° C. Above this value, the temperature in the central layers of the crumb does not rise, since the crumb contains a lot of moisture and the heat supplied to it will be spent on its evaporation, and not on heating the mass. When baking rye bread, not only gelatinization occurs, but also acid hydrolysis of a certain amount of starch, which increases the content of dextrins and sugars in dough bread. Moderate hydrolysis of starch improves the quality of the bread.
The change in the state of protein substances begins at a temperature of 50-75 ° C and ends at a temperature of about 90 ° C. Protein substances undergo thermal denaturation (coagulation) during baking. At the same time, they become denser and release the moisture absorbed by them during the formation of the dough. Curdled proteins fix (fix) the porous structure of the crumb and the shape of the product. In the product, a protein framework is formed, in which grains of swollen starch are interspersed. After thermal denaturation of proteins in the outer layers of the product, the increase in the volume of the workpiece stops.
The volume of the baked product is 10-30% more than the volume of the dough piece before planting it in the oven. The increase in volume occurs mainly in the first minutes of baking as a result of residual alcoholic fermentation, the transition of alcohol to a vapor state at a temperature of 79 ° C, as well as thermal expansion of vapors and gases in the dough piece. An increase in the volume of dough bread improves the appearance, porosity and digestibility of the product.
Currently, the most widely used dead-end cradle-bottom furnaces with channel heating (FTL-2, FTL-20, HPP, etc.).

The temperature in the baking chamber is regulated by changing the rate of combustion of the fuel. In gas-fired ovens, the supply of gas and air to the burners is increased to raise the temperature. When burning coal, the blast is intensified and more often fuel is thrown onto the grate. In duct-heated ovens, gates are installed in the gas ducts to control the temperature in certain areas of the baking chamber. The gate is used to change the amount of hot fuel combustion products entering the corresponding channel. The easiest way to control the temperature in electrically heated ovens is to turn on or off some of the electric heaters located above and below the oven floor.

4.4 Determining the doneness of bread

The correct determination of the readiness of the bread during the baking process is of great importance. The quality of the bread depends on the correct determination of the bread's readiness: the thickness and color of the crust and the physical properties of the crumb - elasticity and dryness to the touch. Excessive baking time increases the bale, reduces productivity, and causes excessive consumption of fuel. An objective indicator of the readiness of bread and bakery products is the temperature in the center of the crumb, which at the end of baking should be 96-97 ° C.
In production, the readiness of products is still organoleptically determined according to the following criteria:
peel color (color should be light brown);
the state of the crumb (the crumb of the finished bread should be relatively dry and elastic). Determining the state of the crumb, the hot bread is broken (avoiding creasing) and lightly caught with your fingers on the crumb in the central part. The state of the crumb is the main sign of bread readiness;
relative mass (the mass of the baked product is less than the mass of the unfinished product, due to the difference in packing).
The doneness of the bread can also be determined by the temperature in the center of the crumb when the bread comes out of the oven using a thermometer.
In order to avoid breakage of the thermometer when it is introduced into bread, it is recommended to first make a puncture in the crust with some sharp object, the diameter of which would not exceed the diameter of the thermometer.

The length of the end of the thermometer inserted into the bread should be set in advance. The point of introduction of the thermometer into the bread is specified with each determination.
To measure the temperature of the bread, the thermometer must first be warmed up to a temperature 5-7 ° C lower than the expected temperature of the bread (heating can be done in another loaf of bread). This is done to prevent the crumb from cooling and to overcome the meter's inertia. It is necessary that the rise of mercury in the thermometer occurs within no more than 1 min.
Before checking the baked bread by its temperature, you should experimentally set the temperature of the crumb of the bread, corresponding to the baked bread in this enterprise.
Typically, the temperature of the center of the crumb, which characterizes the readiness of rye pan bread, should be about 96 ° C, wheat - about 97 ° C.
The experimentally set bread temperature, which characterizes its readiness, can be used to control the readiness of the bread and the size of the bale.

4.5 Storage and transportation of bread

During storage, baked bread cools down and loses in mass due to shrinkage and staleness. These two processes are independent, but they are somewhat dependent on each other, since the crumb of bread, which has lost a certain amount of moisture, partially loses its softness, not only due to the process

Baking of tin bread consists of several technological processes. Among them, five main ones can be noted. The very first is, of course, the delivery to the bakery of the very raw materials for baking tin bread. Ingredients such as yeast, flour and others are delivered to the production site either in flour trucks or in bags. Raw materials are stored until use in special bunkers. And just before baking bread, it undergoes numerous laboratory tests. The purpose of such procedures is to determine the conformity of flour, as well as other food ingredients, to certain standards, which allow the baking of tin bread to be allowed.

The next step is the dough preparation process. To do this, first mix different types of flour. Then the flour is sieved, and the emulsions and solutions are filtered. After, at the same time with the yeast activation process, sugar, salt and other substances are dissolved. The dough is kneaded in special kneading machines. A certain amount of water, yeast and flour is served there. This lasts about 5 minutes. Then the dough machine starts to knead the dough mixture. It takes another 7-8 minutes. After this mixture is left for the fermentation process for 3-5 hours. After fermentation, put the dough back into the kneader and add sugar and salt. Then the kneaded dough is fed into the fermentation device for 20-30 minutes. There, alcoholic fermentation takes place, which allows the dough mass to increase in volume. The most optimal conditions for such fermentation are temperatures from 30 to 32 degrees and relative humidity of 75-80%. This is achieved and maintained with special conditioners.

The third step in baking pan bread is cutting the ready-made dough. Most often, when baking tin bread, aluminum molds are used, which have different sizes. To do this, the dough is cut into pieces, which are given a certain shape. Depending on the required shape of the products, either a rounding machine or a seamer is used to shape the loaf. The dough, which has already been shaped, is sent to the final proofing cabinet. This is necessary to give the dough the desired friability. After this procedure, the cutter begins his work. Notches on the workpieces are necessary for better baking.

The penultimate stage consists in direct baking of tin bread from the prepared dough. For this, special ovens are used that have two temperature zones. The temperature regime of the first zone is 260-280 degrees, and the second - 190-200 degrees. Baking times may vary depending on the type of flour used to make the dough. For example, rye bread is baked for 55-60 minutes, while wheat bread is ready in 52-55 minutes. Such ovens can be heated with electricity or gas. The stoves used are designed in such a way that the heat from them does not get into the environment. This is achieved by their isothermal insulation, which saves fuel for baking tin bread. A smoke exhauster is installed inside the furnace, which allows you to remove all unnecessary gases from the combustion products. When the baking process is over, the bread must be moistened. For this, there are special steam humidifiers - special tubes that resemble externally nozzles. They supply low pressure water vapor. It does not contain condensation and therefore does not weigh the bread down with excess moisture.

The final stage in baking pan bread is when the finished products come out of the oven and are removed from the molds. How much bread is baked and ready to eat can be found out by measuring the temperature in the middle of the crumb. This value should correspond to 96-97 degrees. It should also be noted that the mass of finished bread will always be less than the mass of the dough supplied for its production. Due to the fact that the shelf life of bread is limited, the bread-making enterprises try to deliver the still warm and fresh bread to the shops as quickly as possible.

Bakery and confectionery products are always in demand, these products are regularly bought by all segments of the population. If you draw up a competent business plan and organize the business correctly, a bakery, even in a mini-format, can become a highly profitable business.

Mini bakery at home

A bakery from scratch can be opened in several formats:

  • full cycle workshop;
  • specially equipped part of the kitchen.

The choice should depend on the expected production technology, scale and desired assortment. A mini-bakery at home can work in full (includes all stages of bread production) or incomplete cycle (when products are baked from frozen semi-finished products). If the first option is chosen, then a minimum of 80-90 m² of area will be required. Bakeries of this format, as a rule, produce branded confectionery products, form a wide range of bakery products with a capacity of 120-150 kg / hour. Owners get the opportunity to control the production process, independently form an assortment.

If you open a bakery operating in an incomplete cycle format, you can easily create a wide range of products, they are characterized by zero waste, clean production. Even 35-40 m² will be enough for work. The capacity of such a small enterprise will be enough to produce 0.2-5.0 tons of bread per day. The advantage of such an organization of work is that there is no need to purchase raw materials for making dough. It is simple and convenient to use the equipment; no additional complex technical devices are required. The influence of the human factor is also significantly reduced, the amount of finished products is much easier to control.

Advice: there is no pronounced difference in taste between semi-finished baked goods and fresh dough, because baked goods are usually prepared from natural ingredients, without flavor enhancers.

Mini-bakeries opened at home from scratch have many benefits:

  • do not require huge capital investments;
  • they can even be opened in the home kitchen;
  • allow you to work without dependence on intermediaries, which allows you to form favorable prices for clients and achieve high business profitability;
  • conclude direct contracts with suppliers of certain raw materials;
  • the owner gets more opportunities to attract potential buyers (promotions, organize demonstrations of the baking process for advertising purposes);
  • you can freely vary the assortment depending on the interests of the buyer and resources.

The owners, referring to their experience, emphasize that in order to ensure a high profitability of the business, it is important to choose the right location of the outlet in advance (the traffic of people should be high). Even if there is no start-up capital, you can organize, for example, do dropshipping, writing custom texts, making gifts, decorative soap, confectionery (cakes, cupcakes) to order.

How to start a mini bakery from scratch?

Before opening mini-bakeries from scratch at home, it is important to resolve the issue of selling finished products and the prospects for countering competitors (and there will always be at least 2 of them - mass producers, for example, bakeries and retailers). It is also important to choose the right or LLC. The best option for choosing a taxation system is UTII, the alternative is STS 6% or 15%.

You will also need a quality certificate and a permit for production activities, a conclusion on the compliance of the premises and equipment with fire safety requirements, and a permit from the environmental inspection. It will also be necessary to submit samples of baked goods for analysis to the laboratory. It is important to remember that every mini-bakery worker is required to have a medical record. will be held no more than once every 3 years. The inspection plan can be found on the website of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation or on the website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor.

An important issue is the formation of the assortment. It should be varied and interested in buyers. To maintain their interest, it is necessary to focus not only on quality, price, but also on the formation of new tastes, fillings, baked goods. The mass product of ordinary stores will never be able to compete on equal terms with the quality branded products of mini-bakeries.

Advice: According to bakers, you can create new flavors using natural bakery mixes. For example, a culinary additive made from rye flour and thermally processed malt gives baked goods a dark color, special taste and aroma. Also, the mixtures extend the shelf life, improve the quality of products and allow you to optimize the production technology (dry sourdough helps the bread rise not in 3, but in 1 hour). In addition, their consumption is very small.

How to open a personal mini-bakery? The algorithm of actions looks like this: registration of a mini-bakery, search and preparation of premises, selection and purchase of equipment, personnel search, registration of permits, purchase of raw materials, start of work. For that, you will also need permits and careful preparation of all stages. One of the most important aspects is the choice of a place with good traffic, a comfortable position of the room.

What advantages should the owners of mini-bakeries operate in the competition:

  1. Product quality and freshness.
  2. Range.
  3. Better price.
  4. Quality of service.
  5. Design of the point of sale (this can be done by hand without large financial costs).

To open a profitable business, you should pay special attention to some common mistakes:

  • lack of a clear strategy for business development, inconsistency in actions;
  • insufficient funding;
  • the sales market is not prepared at the start-up stage;
  • lack of competitive offers for the buyer.

What equipment do you need for a bakery?

It is possible to open a successful full-cycle bakery only if you have high-quality equipment: pastry tables, trolleys, flour sifter, kneading machine, dough divider, molding machine for croissants and baguettes, proofing cabinet and oven (hearth, rotary), pallets, stainless steel trays steel, culinary tools (knives, brushes, scrapers, special dishes). You will also need various additional units, for example, a lift with a bowl tipper, a seaming machine.

Fewer equipment is sufficient for part-cycle bakeries. The main thing is that there is a proofing cabinet for defrosting semi-finished products, an oven, a refrigerator for storing blanks.

Mini bakery equipment - ready-made kits

Before starting a bakery, it is important to choose quality mini bakery equipment from scratch. It is not necessary to buy it by the piece, there are ready-made kits for sale. Average price - 2800000-5666768 rubles. Turnkey mini-bakeries are produced on the basis of a gas, electric or diesel oven. They include the following equipment:

  • oven (rotary gas, electric or diesel);
  • proofing cabinet;
  • rack trolley;
  • sifter for bulk products;
  • kneading machine;
  • movable bowl;
  • additional (baking sheet, cassette of bread forms) and auxiliary - production table with a table top, table, floor scales, tray trolley, bread tray.

An indicative table of utility costs for bakeries operating on the basis of ready-made sets of equipment:

Costs directly depend on the configuration of the equipment and its capacity.

How much does it cost to open a bakery?

On average, to open a full-cycle mini-bakery from scratch, you will need 1,500,000 rubles. with a production volume of 45,000 kg per month. To increase sales, you may need assistants (main workers - 4, specialists - 2, office workers - 2, auxiliary workers - 4), which makes the costs high. It is also important to be guided by the prices of equipment, the average price:

  • oven (900 thousand rubles);
  • dough mixing machine (380 thousand rubles);
  • proofing cabinet (60 thousand rubles);
  • dough sheeter (30 thousand rubles);
  • baking cart (15-19 thousand rubles);
  • dough cutting table (60 thousand rubles);
  • flour sifter (14-15 thousand rubles).

Electricity costs are on average 75 thousand rubles. (18,000 kW) per month. Also, monthly expenses include renting premises - in the region of 10-15 thousand and the purchase of raw materials (with a volume of 1500 kg of products, about 500 thousand rubles will be needed). It is important to take into account the cost of auxiliary materials (packaging film, labels) - about 40 thousand. The net profit under such a project will be about 125 thousand rubles. and it will pay off on average in 12 months. The higher the permeability of the outlet, the more profit will be.

If you open a bakery in your home kitchen, the costs, of course, will be lower, the purchases of raw materials are made in lower volumes, but the productivity will also decrease, and the payback period will increase.

The bakery business is considered one of the most highly profitable. Experts say that with any forecast of market development, its profitability cannot fall below 25%. The largest segment of this market is occupied by mass products (bread, bagels, rusks, confectionery), in second place are non-traditional offers (lavash), followed by dietary baked goods and 5% of the market belongs to elite products. It is in the latter segment that a mini-bakery can make itself known best of all by offering a customer a unique product and reasonably form a high mark-up. On average, investments can be recouped within a period from several months to 1.5-2 years, depending on the scale of production and its resources. Home bakeries, in which a minimum of capital is invested, will pay off a little longer.

Bakery as a business - reviews

The bakery has been operating for the seventh year. And, despite the difficulties, I am satisfied. During the work, it was necessary to transfer production 3 times and change the location of the outlet. Most of the items in the assortment are baked pastry pies with different fillings, puff pastry products. I can easily sell about 2500 units through several dozen stores.

Several years ago, I managed to open a mini-bakery at home, but it did not work out. Disappointed and was already counting the losses. But on the advice of a friend, he closed for a while, together with the specialists he drew up a business plan, corrected the mistakes and restarted production. For a year now I have been working for myself and I consider opening a mini-bakery a profitable business (if you approach it competently and form a sales market in advance).

Its own mini-bakery at home has been operating for the second year, but the problem of sales remains urgent. It seems that she thought over and calculated everything, but this moment is still not fully resolved. Probably, it was worth giving it more attention at the start and working according to the business plan, and not blindly. But I am still happy with the earnings, there are many regular buyers who even come to the house.

Here is a full story about the production of bread with photographs. Finished products. Bread production can be divided into the following main stages: dough making and dough kneading, dough dividing and shaping, baking.

Dough preparation and dough kneading

Dough is a liquid leaven for dough, consisting of yeast and flour. The more the flour absorbs water, the more tender and longer the bread will retain its freshness. Dough keeping is a classic way to improve the quality of bread. This process is quite long and costly and significantly increases the production cycle of production, but the end result is a completely natural product. This equipment allows for the preparation of dough in a closed way, which is a rarity for Russian bakeries. This stage is fully automated and lasts at least 14 hours.
The finished dough is poured into a bowl - a large mobile bowl.
According to the recipe and according to the program set by the computer, the specialists add the necessary ingredients to the dough.
The weight of the added components is checked on an electronic scale with an accuracy of one gram. To bake each type of product, it is necessary to mix a number of ingredients precisely and in the correct sequence.

Then the bowl is rolled under the kneader. Its lid does not completely cover the bowl, and components can be added through the resulting hole while mixing. Correct mixing and processing of components is the key to a beautiful appearance of the product after baking. Only with a certain content of sugars and starch inside the dough does the crust turn out fried and uneven in color. The more shades of color there are in the crust, the more beautiful the product looks. With the growing influence of chemistry on our modern world, special components (improvers) are being created in order to reduce labor costs and the cost of bread production. To reduce the time from the moment the raw materials enter the finished product, a substance is often used that absorbs water better and faster than flour. When adding such a substance to the batch, the stage of maintaining the dough can be excluded. The bread baked with this technology also turns out to be soft and fluffy, but it turns stale much faster and loses its taste. The resulting dough, depending on the variety, costs another 14 to 28 hours. At low temperatures, a natural fermentation process takes place in it, the dough matures, enriched with taste and smell.
If this stage is also shortened in time, then the bread needs to be saturated with taste and aroma in a different way - using a variety of flavors, improvers and additives with a taste identical to natural. The use of these additives causes the bread to become moldy after several days of storage. Real bread, produced in the classic dough method, never gets moldy. This combi steamer prepares the filling for future buns. High-speed mixer for whipping fillings and light dough.

We look in Arabic from right to left: equipment for maintaining the dough, weighing and adding components to the dough, devices for mixing and whipping. On the left side of the frame - machines for dividing the dough.

Dividing and shaping the dough

This bakery uses three lines, each of which is sharpened for specific actions. The first line is a Japanese machine, one of a kind.

Its main advantage is the ability to work with batter up to 85% moisture content, which is almost impossible to pick up by hand.
Operators are ready to go. The beginning of the conveyor. The required workpiece length is tracked with a laser.
All cutting parameters are controlled via the control unit.
The line is used to divide the dough for ciabatta and some baguette types. The machine ensures a constant shape (square or rectangular) and an accurate piece weight.
It is better not to stick your fingers into it.
The second line is called the "divider-rounder".
It is designed to work with tighter doughs.
The dough bowl is installed on a special lift. He lifts and tilts the bowl, the dough is loaded into the machine.
Next, the first part of the conveyor, the divider, is launched. The operator adjusts the weight of the received pieces ... ... and checks the workpieces on an electronic scale. It is at this stage that the weight of the future product is determined. Due to the fact that part of the water evaporates during baking, the dough pieces weigh about 10% more than the finished product.
After setting the division, the conveyor is ready for operation. Depending on the type of product, the dough can be either simply cut into pieces, or additionally rounded or rolled into a cylinder. For these operations, additional conveyor belts are connected. Due to the different speed of movement of the upper conveyor belts, the workpiece slowly rolls up and, twisting, acquires a round shape.
The output is a round piece of dough. If you connect the lower conveyor, the dough will roll into a cylindrical shape. Depending on the type of product, the dough can be dipped in various types of dressings, for example, in sunflower seeds.
The third line is baguette.
It does not perform division operations and uses pre-cut pieces of dough. By scrolling these pieces through special rollers, blanks for the baguette are obtained.
The length of the workpiece is checked using a tape measure.
In the case of making a batch of baguette, the resulting "sausages" are spread on a baking sheet.
Also, the sliced ​​dough can be put in special molds for laying ...

... or simply transfer the dough to the donor.
The planter is a special frame with which the blanks are laid out in the oven.
After the dough has been divided, it must be allowed to rest, otherwise the crumb of the bread will turn out to be "glued". The stay can take place both in a regular room and in a special "rack".
Due to the high humidity and temperature inside the dough, the dough is saturated with moisture and swells due to the growth of yeast.
The final preparation of the dough is carried out before baking. It is laid out from the molds on a baking sheet or a baking sheet, ... ... make incisions ...

... or grease. And then they bake it.
The first option is a rotary oven Hot air is blown over the bread and, thanks to the rotation of the trolley, it is evenly baked on all sides. Wheat loaves and various buns are prepared in such ovens.
Some types of bread are baked directly in tins ...
... and taken out after baking.
The second option is hearth ovens (the name comes from the oven design element - "hearth", on which products for baking are located). These ovens are used to bake large rye-wheat and wheat products.
Natural stone is used as a hearth, inside of which there are air channels with heated air.
With the help of the clever design of the positioner, the products are in the oven in a couple of seconds.

Such stoves transfer heat not by convection, but by radiant (can be compared using the example of an air heater, which drives air through the room, and a cast-iron battery, which emits heat).
This method is more gentle and does not dry out the air.
In such an oven, bread is baked longer, but it inflates well, it gets a thick, dense crust and a more tender crumb.
The finished bread is taken out using a special wide shovel.

After each baking, the underneath is thoroughly vacuumed.
Finished products are used for packaging.

Shake off excess flour from the bread ...
... and put in boxes for transport to shops. Such bread is never sealed in a plastic bag.
Storing bread in a plastic bag prolongs its shelf life, but at the same time, the bread "suffocates". Its crust becomes moist and soft, and the crumb becomes flabby. This is due to the fact that the moisture contained inside the bread, gradually evaporating, is retained inside the bag and absorbed into the crust of the bread, which makes it soak. It is better to use paper for storing bread - this will help to preserve its taste and the ratio of crispy crust and tender crumb.
Then empty boxes are returned from the shops. They are washed ...
... and stored in anticipation of fresh bread.
With such production, the output is an absolutely natural product with a unique appearance and exceptional taste. The disadvantage of such bread is its high cost compared to ordinary bread.

For those who understand, Tartine Bakery in San Francisco is an iconic place. The croissants, cakes and breads baked at Tartine keep San Franciscans in line with long queues, and the unconventional approach to recipes captivates home baking enthusiasts around the world. Tartine co-founder Chad Robertson's books have outright become something of a must-read for budding hobbyists. And when I told one connoisseur that I have long dreamed of a proven sourdough bread recipe that will always turn out well, he recommended Tartine Bread to me.

The bread according to this recipe turned out to be a masterpiece, and even I myself was surprised at how flawless it turned out. Crispy crust, soft porous crumb, perfect balance of taste - slight sourness from sourdough, but nothing more. Among the disadvantages of the recipe, you can add some protractedness of the process of making bread. However, it takes a lot of time, but the effort is minimal, so if you are going to spend a weekend at home, baking this bread is almost the best thing to do.

Tartine sourdough bread

The sourdough bread made by the Tartine bakery turns out to be a masterpiece, and this is no exaggeration. Crispy crust, soft porous crumb, perfect balance of taste. Bread takes a lot of time, but a little effort, and most importantly, you can prepare everything in advance and bake it as soon as you get home.
Alexey Onegin

On the Internet, you will find many recipes for a la Tartine bread, and I also brought out my own - one that fit my usual loaf volume and my schedule. If you want to bake a large loaf - feel free to multiply all the proportions by two, if you want to bake several loaves - also multiply the amount of all the ingredients to the desired volume. The sequence of all actions will remain unchanged.

First stage

Before baking bread, make sure yours is in full strength and healthy. If you are unsure about this, do several feeding cycles, mixing 20 grams of starter culture, 40 grams of flour, and 40 grams of room temperature water every 8 hours. The sourdough is ready when it bubbles and doubles in volume 4 hours after mixing.

At the first stage, it is necessary to put a liquid dough, which is also called "pulish". Mix the ingredients of the dough in a bowl until relatively smooth, cover it with cling film and leave on the table at room temperature for 12 hours. After this time, you will find that the sourdough has become liquid, bubbled and increased in volume - much the same as the sourdough behaves.

Second phase

Combine the dough, flour and lukewarm water (temperature about 32 degrees) and stir so that the ingredients just mix. Cover and let sit for 20 minutes - this will give the flour time to evenly saturate with water without your participation.

Third stage

Sprinkle the dough with salt, sprinkle with water and use your fingers to stir the water into the dough. When the moisture content of the dough becomes homogeneous, stop kneading it, in total it should take no more than 1-2 minutes.

Read also:

The next step is folding. Wet your hands slightly to make it easier to handle the dough and fold the dough in half, stretching and folding the edge closest to you, then the left edge to the right, then the far edge toward you, then the right edge to the left. Stretching and folding, and then resting, will allow the dough to strengthen its gluten bonds, making the crumb feel porous and airy.

Cover the dough, repeat folding after 30 minutes, cover again, and so on. In total, you must do 6 "approaches to the apparatus", letting the dough rest for 30 minutes after each of them. After the last rest, place the dough on the table, sprinkle with flour, and turn over so that the floured side is at the bottom. Again (this is the last time, I promise!) Fold the dough in the same way as described above, turn it over again and, rotating the dough with both hands, give it a round shape. Transfer the dough to a floured proofing basket, or if you don't have one, into a bread pan. Cover the basket or mold and put the dough in the refrigerator.

Proofing and raising the dough in the refrigerator will take 6-8 hours, but if you wish, you can increase this period up to 48 hours, and you can bake it right away without heating it to room temperature. This is what I like most about this recipe, because you can bake bread right away when you come home! Preheat the oven to 250 degrees (if there is a stone - great, but in this case it will take at least an hour to heat it), remove the basket from the refrigerator and gently turn the bread onto a board lined with baking paper. Use a sharp knife or razor to cut the bread to rise better in the oven. One of the simplest ways is Roman III, as in the photo: three parallel cuts, one in the middle, two along the edges. 0