How to brine chicken breast. Dried breast is an affordable and healthy delicacy

Dried meat is a delicacy that has never been considered a cheap product. As a rule, the initial “raw material” for it is high-quality beef. But at home you can try to make dried chicken fillet– it will turn out no less tasty, but much more “budgetary”. This ordinary culinary miracle has already been popularly nicknamed “chicken balyk”.

Cooking such chicken fillet with your own hands is not a hassle at all. In addition, your guests will be pleasantly surprised to learn that such delicious, aromatic meat is prepared at home and not bought in a store. An undoubted advantage of this product can be attributed to its “ecological cleanliness”: instead of preservatives, alcohol (or vodka) is used and natural spices– ground hot peppers, french herbs, garlic, salt and sugar.

Chicken meat does not have to be cooked at all. Raw meat will become edible due to contact with vodka.

  • 1 chicken breast(or 2 fillets);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt (without top)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar (without top)
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon dried French herbs;
  • 0.25 teaspoon ground red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

    Preparation. Pour all the listed seasonings and salt into a plate.

    Stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

    Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and be sure to dry thoroughly. It is better to buy a larger gudka or fillet; the recipe proportions are designed for 2 chicken fillets weighing 500-600 g.

    Spread the chicken fillets on all sides with a mixture of seasonings and vodka, thoroughly rubbing it into the surface of the chicken fillets. Place them in a resealable container (plastic container). Leave for 6 hours at room temperature. During this time, turn the fillet pieces over to the other side 3-4 times.

    After 6 hours, quite a lot of liquid will have collected in the container.

    The liquid needs to be drained and all the spices washed off under the tap so that nothing remains. You will notice that the chicken is a little firmer. Dry the pieces paper towels, grate with chopped garlic and place on clean gauze folded in several layers. Wrap the fillet tightly in gauze, tie it with thread and hang it by the battery pipe for 24 hours.

    After a day, put the dried chicken fillet in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then unwrap the gauze.

    And now the dried chicken fillet, prepared at home in 1.5 days, can finally be served.

    P.S.: If this master class was useful for you, you can say “thank you” to its author by writing a comment or clicking your favorite button social network under the publication.

    In the design of the master class, the author's photos of Elena Selyun were used. Copying is prohibited!

    The drying process is a very delicate technology that requires strict adherence to dosage and holding time. finished product. If you want to pamper your family delicious dish family menu, prepare them dried chicken fillet. Any poultry fillet is suitable for cooking, including duck, turkey or goose breast. The only requirement is that the meat must be boneless and skinless. So today on the site preparing dried chicken fillet. Join us!

    Dried chicken fillet recipe

    Ingredients for 1 kg of chicken fillet:

    1. Dry the defrosted meat so that it is not wet, place it on a scale and weigh it. Exact weight necessary to know to calculate salt and seasonings. If you can choose from spices, then salts should be used strictly according to the recipe, otherwise the meat will simply disappear during the drying process.

    2. Required quantity measure salt and seasonings and place in a bowl.

    3. Mix the pickling mixture well and distribute evenly in the bowl.

    4. Take half the fillet and carefully roll it in salt and spices on all sides. Don’t forget about the hidden folds of the meat; try to ensure that the entire piece “drowns” in the pickling mixture. Don’t be afraid to over-salt, the meat will absorb exactly as much as it should.

    5. After this, you need to leave the poultry meat in the saucepan for 1 day so that it absorbs the salt and is imbued with the aroma of the seasonings. Place bay leaves on top. If liquid appears under the fillet during the day, it must be drained, otherwise the meat will sour.

    6. After 24 hours, remove the fillet without wiping the pickling mixture, wrap it in gauze or put it in a culinary net (you can use a medical bandage instead of a net).

    7. Tie with twine and hang in a cool place for 2 days. If there is no balcony or it is glazed and well insulated, you should use a refrigerator, in which case the meat can be hung on a stick or knitting needle between the pans, and tied to the top rack.

    8. After 2 days the jerky will be ready. It can be removed from the shell, cut thin slices. Thanks to this drying recipe, the meat becomes soft, tender, and has rich taste and aroma. If you want to make the jerky firmer, refrigerate for 7 days., then the fiber structure will become more rigid, the meat can be cut into slices 1 mm thick. Dried poultry is suitable for making sandwiches, omelettes, and can be served with a side dish. The taste is salty, aromatic and spicy. Men love to eat jerky with beer. There are many options, use your imagination family menu Every day will be varied and interesting.

    Have you tried making jerky from chicken breast fillet? Share in the comments!

    Culinary recipes and photo recipes

    Homemade dried chicken fillet

    Meat delicacies are an integral part have a nice feast. Today, stores offer a huge selection of meat delicacies, but not everyone can afford to buy them. Jerky - unusual snack, which can replace store-bought sausages. We offer you a recipe for dried chicken fillet, which is quite possible to prepare yourself at home. Since the dried meat is quite salty, it can serve great snack in a friendly company with a bottle of beer.

    In this case, there are no specific conditions for seasonings, the main thing is that they are to your taste. This snack can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. And it will help you out at any time if an unplanned feast takes place.

    Ingredients To prepare dried chicken fillet:

    • chicken fillet – 1 pc.
    • red pepper – 1 tsp.
    • salt – 1 dessert spoon
    • dry paprika – 1 tsp.
    • black ground pepper– 1 tsp.
    • garlic – 2 cloves
    • food container with lid
    • gauze and thick thread

    Recipe dried chicken fillet at home:

    Rinse fresh chicken fillet with water and pat dry with a paper towel to absorb all excess liquid.

    Pour salt, two types of pepper and paprika into one container and mix well.

    Place the chicken fillet in a container and coat with the prepared spicy mixture on all sides.

    Close the container tightly with a lid and place it on the refrigerator shelf for one day.

    After the specified time, rinse the fillet with water, thoroughly rinsing off all the marinade. After a day in the refrigerator, the meat should become firm. Grind the garlic, squeeze it out with a special press, coat the chicken fillet with it.

    Then wrap the chicken tightly in gauze and tie it with thick thread, as shown in the photo. In this form, place the chicken fillet in the refrigerator for another day.

    At the end of the second day, dried chicken fillet at home is ready! Remove the gauze and cut into portions.

    If you like firmer jerky, you need to hang it in a ventilated place for another day without removing the gauze.

    Failed basturma or chicken jerky

    Today I'm serving randomly cooked chicken jerky as an appetizer. This is exactly what happened because I never planned to cook it on purpose.

    I have always liked basturma. I often bought it at the market or in a store, and always preparing this spicy delicacy seemed so incredibly difficult to me that I never tried to make it myself or even find out the recipe.

    On the Internet I came across lively discussions about the correctness of this or that recipe; it became clear which of the independent states, the former republics of Transcaucasia - Armenia or Azerbaijan, is the cradle of this dish. Disputes sometimes went very far from cooking, moving on to clarifying interethnic relations and grievances. All this, of course, expanded my horizons, but did not bring me closer to basturma. What stopped me was that the meat was not cooked.

    Studying a balyk recipe on a popular internet forum put an end to my doubts. In the recipe text, for some reason, the taste of fish was compared to chicken fillet. I looked at the chicken fillet lying nearby, from which I was going to make chops, and decided to salt it according to the balyk recipe, but add some available spices and herbs, and then coat it with a mixture of spices for basturma.

    It didn’t get to the stage of coating with spices - there weren’t all the ingredients needed for this - namely chamana. While I bought the chaman, the dried chicken breast was safely eaten without coating.

    I received an order to prepare a new batch jerky, and basturma will probably have to be cooked later traditional recipe from beef tenderloin.

    Chicken jerky

    • Chicken fillet – 800 g
    • Salt – 1 cup (non-iodized, coarse)
    • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Ground paprika – 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Ground bay leaf – 1 tsp
    • Rosemary – 1 tsp
    • Thyme – 1 tsp
    • Ground black pepper – 1 tsp.
    • Cognac – 60-70 g

    Dried chicken breast (preparation):

    Mix salt, sugar, pepper and all the spices in a container in which we will brine the fillet.

    Add cognac and mix everything thoroughly.

    The result will be a paste-like mass (my son said it looks like sand on the beach after rain:), so what about the paste-likeness, I got excited) red-brown in color and peppery - salty in taste, with the aroma of spices and cognac. I would say that the smell of cognac prevailed, but not for long. We distribute one third of our cognac marinade at the bottom of the container, and thoroughly coat the chicken fillet on all sides with the remaining mass.

    We pre-wash it, dry it with napkins or a kitchen towel, and remove any films.

    Chicken fillet in cognac-pepper-laurel dressing before refrigeration

    The salting container can be a metal or plastic container. Place the meat in it, cover with cling film and press down with slight pressure. In my case, I used a 2 kg weight. Place the meat in the refrigerator for 24 hours. During this time, turn over 2-3 times.

    A day later we take our dried meat out of the refrigerator. It will look a little different than when it was bookmarked. The meat will become very dense, give off liquid, and will “float” in liquid marinade. The smell of cognac is present, but weaker than the day before. The meat tastes quite salty.

    Now we rinse the meat to remove excess salt (the recipe said that it should be rinsed under running water, but I decided to soak it in pre-boiled and cooled water for 20 minutes).

    After this, thoroughly dry the chicken fillet, wrap it in a linen napkin or 2-3 layers of gauze and again put it in the refrigerator for at least two days, ideally for a week.

    Apparently, due to the fact that paprika is included in the spice mixture, the finished jerky has a slightly smoked appearance.

    The smell is very pleasant, but not intrusive.

    Store dried chicken breast in linen or gauze on the middle shelf of the refrigerator.

    This jerky goes very well with beer. You can make sandwiches from it on the road or take it with you to work.

    And such a sandwich or just sliced ​​dried meat can be taken on the road

    Looks great as a snack if served in the form of small sandwiches on skewers:

    Cut white bread into small squares or circles, grease butter or soft cheese (such as Philadelphia).

    Dried chicken breast goes into the freezer 30 minutes before slicing.

    The photo shows what a delicious appetizer plate it turns out to be:

    Well, the preparation of basturma will have to be postponed indefinitely.

    Bon appetit, enjoy cooking and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates.

    In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in middle lane Russia.

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    Most people will answer yes to this question. It is very difficult to refuse such a delicacy. But if you don’t yet know what raw chicken breast is and how to cook it at home, then this article is for you.

    This great option cold snack, which can be served at the festive table and surprise guests. Dried chicken breast can be like independent dish, and the basis for sandwiches. Spices and herbs added during the cooking process will give it a delicate aroma and a slightly piquant taste.

    What is necessary

    It is very easy to prepare at home. Few ingredients are required, but the same cannot be said about time. You need to start preparing the dish a few days before the celebration. You will definitely need gauze or a towel (can be replaced with regular ones, but not thin ones). Choose spices to your taste. The main thing is that they are expressive and fragrant. If you want to make the taste spicy, add pepper. If you need bright saturated color, then use paprika. It all depends on your imagination and preferences.

    Delicate garlic aroma

    Garlic adds to any dish amazing aroma. Therefore, it is advisable to use it to get a tasty dried product that is simple and requires minimum quantity ingredients.

    So, you will need two medium-sized chicken breasts, 4 small spoons of black pepper, a large spoon of paprika, two spoons of coarse salt and two cloves of garlic. We select only quality products. Chicken breast should be fresh, chilled and not frozen. The final result depends on this.

    First stage: marinating

    Before preparing the dried chicken breast, mix salt, paprika and ground pepper. This will be a mixture for marinating meat. Next, rinse the breast under running water and dry thoroughly. Great for this paper will do towel. Then rub it with a mixture of pepper and salt.

    We do it efficiently, from every side. Place the breast in a container and cover it with cling film. Place in the refrigerator for a day. During the process, the meat will release the juice necessary for marinating. Don’t forget to turn the pieces several times a day so that they are soaked in the mixture of juice and spices.

    The final stage

    Remove the chicken breast from the refrigerator and rinse thoroughly. Dry it with a paper towel. There should be no spices left on the meat, and its consistency should be dense. Chop the garlic and coat the breasts with it. Wrap each piece in a clean cloth or gauze.

    Place in the refrigerator for at least another day. Then we take it out and, tying it with thread, hang it to dry. It is better if the room is ventilated. The longer the meat is dried, the harder it will be. As a result, you will get chicken breast pastrami - a dried, delicious snack with delicate aroma garlic This is the easiest recipe to prepare.

    Tender meat

    The following recipe is original, but the dish only benefits from it. Tender and tasty meat will be yours culinary masterpiece. You will need two or three chicken breasts (600 grams), 200 grams of salt (about two large spoons), 2 tablespoons of black pepper, 1.5 tablespoons of red hot pepper and 50 grams of cognac (can be replaced with any alcoholic drink). For cooking we use coarse and non-iodized salt. Its quantity can be adjusted in the future. Use this recipe as a base, but if the meat seems salty, reduce the amount of this ingredient next time.

    Let's move on to cooking

    First, wash the breasts and remove all films and bones. It is advisable that the fillet be fresh, then you will get a very tasty dried chicken breast. Separately mix all the spices, salt and cognac. Alcohol gives meat unusual aroma and acts as a good preservative. Rub the breast thoroughly with the prepared mixture. It is necessary for the spices to saturate the meat well, so rub it in vigorously. Then place the breast in a suitable container and cover with cling film, which will protect it from chapping.

    We send the workpiece to a cool place for a day. During this time, it will marinate well and absorb all the aroma of the spices. To ensure the marinade is evenly distributed, turn the meat several times a day. After 24 hours, take out the breast and wash it well. The meat was salted and extra salt need not. Then we also wipe it thoroughly with a paper towel, since moisture will also be excess. As a result of salting, the meat will become very dense. Then rub the surface with chopped garlic and pepper. We also use paprika to create a beautiful dried chicken breast. The recipe is not complicated, but it does require some time to prepare. Wrap the meat in cheesecloth and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. But it’s better if the breast stays there longer. Then we hang each piece to dry.

    Extraordinary aromas

    As you know, each spice or seasoning gives the dish its unusual taste and aroma. Let's prepare a delicious dried breast using several spices. Take two chicken fillets, 7-8 tablespoons of coarse salt, a small spoon of juniper, the same amount of black pepper, star anise, half an orange, allspice, a pinch of dry fennel, a large spoon of sugar, bay leaf and a little adjika. Prepare the breast by removing the membranes and bones. Then squeeze the juice of half an orange onto it.

    Grind all the spicy spices in a mortar, and mix salt and sugar in a separate container. There should be enough salt to cover the entire surface of the meat. Take a suitable container and pour some spices and salt into the bottom. Place chicken breast in it and sprinkle spices and salt on top. We leave some of the spices. You can roll the meat in them a little, rubbing them into the surface. Now cover the bowl with a lid or film and leave for a day, or a little longer, for salting. During this time, the salt will absorb all the moisture and make the meat dense. Then we take the breast out of the container and rinse it very thoroughly, rinsing off the salt and spices. Then dry the meat well. Sprinkle with the remaining spices and rub with dry adjika. Cover the meat with gauze and hang it to dry. Dried chicken breast at home is very flavorful due to large quantity spices

    Asian cuisine

    It's no secret that jerky is one of the main dishes asian cuisine. Here it is prepared with special care and various spices are used. Basturma, or dried chicken breast, is delicious, delicious snack. To prepare, you will need 800 grams of chicken fillet, 400 grams of salt, several bay leaves and allspice peas, half a small spoon of cumin and nutmeg, as well as any spices of your choice. The more aromatic the spices, the tastier the dried chicken breast will be.

    The cooking process is similar previous recipes. Rub the prepared meat with spices and send it to a cold place for at least a day. Then remove the remaining salt and rub the breast with spices again. After this, we send the meat to dry. This can be done in several ways. Firstly, simply hang it in a ventilated area, covering it with gauze. Secondly, use a special dryer. Thirdly, you can place the meat in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 degrees with the door slightly open. But remember, the meat should be dried, not baked. Ready dish cut into thin slices and place on a plate.

    You can serve chicken breasts with these two products complement each other perfectly. Thinly sliced ​​meat is also used to make sandwiches. Dried chicken breast is combined with vegetables and herbs. You can also use it to prepare salads and other dishes. But dried breast in itself is already a delicacy and a decoration for any festive table. Remember, a product prepared at home is always better than a store-bought one.

    Everyone loves gourmet snacks, especially if they are homemade with love. Such a treat as chicken basturma came to us from the Caucasus, where they love meat in any form. Although you can buy jerk chicken at the store, it is better to prepare it yourself from available products. How to make chicken basturma? They will come to the rescue following recipes with photo.

    How to cook basturma from chicken breast

    Before you learn how to cook chicken breast basturma, you need to purchase all the ingredients. You should buy light pink fillets, with shiny skin and no foreign odor. The size of the product is not important, but larger breasts will take a little longer to cook. You will definitely need a grinder to grind spices, cling film, clean gauze for wrapping, strong threads for hanging, bowl.

    The preparation process is simple: preparation will take only 15 minutes, but wait full readiness snacks will take at least two days. First you need to prepare the marinade (there are several different ways), then keep the bird in it for a day, then remove it, rinse it and again thoroughly coat it with a mixture of spices and garlic (depending on the chosen recipe). It is very important to dry the meat in a ventilated area to prevent it from becoming airy. After a day, you will be able to enjoy your own prepared snack.

    Chicken basturma - recipe

    There are many ways to prepare this dish; each housewife can decide for herself which chicken basturma recipe suits her. Please note that you will need to be patient because the meat needs to be thoroughly cured before serving. Some leave it in the air for up to a week so that it becomes dense, like beef jerky, but this is a matter of taste.

    Chicken breast basturma is easy to prepare at home, but you must first become familiar with all the intricacies of the process. Prepare the fillet - rinse it well, remove films and dry thoroughly on a paper towel so that the fibers can better absorb the marinade. To jerk chicken was fragrant, you need to lubricate it with a spicy mixture. Add spices with a bright smell and taste to the marinade: garlic, nutmeg, basil, coriander. The fillet should lie in the mixture for at least 12 hours, and then it can be dried.

    After marinating chicken basturma should be dried at home. Chefs recommend lubricating the meat with vodka or cognac to prevent the development of bacteria. The fillet is well wrapped in gauze and hung on a hook in a well-ventilated area. It is very important that the chicken breast basturma is in a draft, in a place with good air circulation. The readiness of the snack can be adjusted independently: if you like drier meat, then dry the chicken for 7-8 days, if more soft fillet– 5-6 is enough.

    Chicken breast basturma at home

    • Prep time: 72 hours (15 minutes prep time).
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content: 220 kcal.
    • Purpose: snack.
    • Cuisine: Armenian cuisine.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    Chicken breast basturma is easy to prepare at home. To do this, you will need fillet, spices, salt and a little cognac to give a special flavor to the appetizer and protect yourself from bacteria. The prepared snack can be served with beer, red wine, or simply served as an addition to sandwiches. It is best to cut it into thin, almost transparent slices. Then you can feel refined taste the entire dish you have prepared.


    • chicken breast – 3 pcs.;
    • ground pepper – 1/2 tsp;
    • ground paprika – 1/2 tsp;
    • sugar – 1 tsp;
    • seasoning for meat - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • cognac – 25 ml;
    • garlic – 2 medium cloves.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the meat well and dry on a paper towel.
    2. Mix salt, pepper, paprika, sugar and add cognac.
    3. Coat the chicken with the mixture and place in a bowl. They should lie tightly.
    4. After 36 hours, remove the chicken and rinse with water and dry with a towel.
    5. Chop the garlic and mix with seasonings.
    6. Coat the chicken with the spicy mixture and wrap with gauze.
    7. Hang in a ventilated area for two days.

    Chicken fillet basturma

    • Preparation time: 48 hours (15 minutes prep time).
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content: 220 kcal.
    • Purpose: snack.
    • Cuisine: Azerbaijani cuisine.

    If you prefer spicy snack, then you can add chili pepper to the spicy mixture, but you need to do this carefully so as not to overdo it. If you overdid it a little and the crust turned out to be too spicy, then it is recommended to rinse the fillet under water and let it dry for another day. Serve spicy basturma with beer, red and white wine.


    • chicken breasts – 3 pcs.;
    • salt coarse grind– 1 tbsp. l.;
    • chili pepper – 1/2 tsp;
    • ground paprika – 1/2 tsp;
    • sugar – 1 tsp;
    • hops-suneli - 1 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. The meat must be washed and then dried.
    2. Mix all the ingredients except the chili pepper and brush the chicken (you need to rub it well). Put it in the refrigerator.
    3. After a day, rinse the chicken and dry with a towel.
    4. Coat with chili pepper and wrap in gauze.
    5. Hang in a ventilated area for a day, then check: if the meat is not completely dried, then leave for another day.
    6. You should get a spicy snack with a pleasant, appetizing crust.

    Chicken basturma in the oven

    • Cooking time: 48 hours.
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content: 250 kcal.
    • Purpose: snack.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    The recipe for basturma from chicken fillet is designed for those gourmets who do not really like to eat dried meat, but prefer to subject it to prolonged cooking. heat treatment. The cooking principle is as follows: the prepared meat is marinated in a mixture of herbs and spices for several hours, and then baked at a minimum temperature. It turns out very tasty flavorful snack, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away.


    • chicken fillet – 4 pieces;
    • water – 500 ml;
    • peppercorns – 1 tsp;
    • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp;
    • Bay leaf;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • paprika;
    • garlic – 2-3 cloves.

    Cooking method:

    1. You need to start cooking by preparing the meat: rinse and dry it.
    2. In a bowl, mix water, salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf.
    3. Place the chicken in the solution and place the container in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
    4. The next day, rinse the breasts again and pat dry.
    5. Prepare a glaze of honey, olive oil, soy sauce, paprika, pepper and garlic.
    6. Grease the fillet well and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.
    7. Tie tightly and refrigerate overnight.
    8. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. It is better to cover the frying surface of the baking sheet with foil.
    9. Place the meat in the oven for about 1 hour.
    10. Then ready-made snack remove from the oven and let it cool.

    Chicken basturma - cooking secrets

    Any cookbook contains many great recipes delicious snack from chicken. But every housewife can come to the aid of some professional secrets for preparing chicken basturma:

    • The fillet must be dried before marinating - it will absorb the spicy mixture faster.
    • Drying meat must be done exclusively in a ventilated area or on the balcony.
    • The chicken will marinate better if you put a press on top. To make the process faster, the fillet can be cut.
    • Do not overcook (infuse) tender chicken meat for longer than the specified time - it will become dry.
    • You can make the appetizer not only tasty, but also beautiful, if you sprinkle the meat with spices a day before serving. Then a dense crust will form on it, which will give it a special, appetizing look.
    • Don't be afraid to experiment. – add new spices, herbs, herbs. Prepare a snack from other types of meat: you can use, for example, beef tenderloin.

    Video: Chicken basturma

    Dried meat is a delicacy that has never been considered a cheap product. As a rule, the initial “raw material” for it is high-quality beef. But at home, you can try to make dried chicken fillet - it will turn out no less tasty, but much more “budgetary”. This ordinary culinary miracle has already been popularly nicknamed “chicken balyk”.

    Cooking such chicken fillet with your own hands is not a hassle at all. In addition, your guests will be pleasantly surprised to learn that such delicious, aromatic meat is prepared at home and not bought in a store. An undoubted advantage of this product can be attributed to its “ecological cleanliness”: instead of preservatives, it uses alcohol (or vodka) and natural spices - ground hot peppers, French herbs, garlic, salt and sugar.

    Chicken meat does not have to be cooked at all. Raw meat will become edible due to contact with vodka.


    Preparation. Pour all the listed seasonings and salt into a plate.

    Pour in vodka.

    Stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

    Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and be sure to dry thoroughly. It is better to buy a larger gudka or fillet; the recipe proportions are designed for 2 chicken fillets weighing 500-600 g.

    Spread the chicken fillets on all sides with a mixture of seasonings and vodka, thoroughly rubbing it into the surface of the chicken fillets. Place them in a resealable container (plastic container). Leave for 6 hours at room temperature. During this time, turn the fillet pieces over to the other side 3-4 times.

    After 6 hours, quite a lot of liquid will have collected in the container.

    The liquid needs to be drained and all the spices washed off under the tap so that nothing remains. You will notice that the chicken is a little firmer. Dry the pieces with paper towels, rub with chopped garlic and place on clean gauze folded in several layers. Wrap the fillet tightly in gauze, tie it with thread and hang it by the battery pipe for 24 hours.

    After a day, put the dried chicken fillet in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then unwrap the gauze.

    And now the dried chicken fillet, prepared at home in 1.5 days, can finally be served.

    P.S.: If this master class was useful to you, you can say “thank you” to its author by writing a comment or clicking the button of your favorite social network under the publication.

    In the design of the master class, the author's photos of Elena Selyun were used. Copying is prohibited!

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