Beef heart - benefits and harm. Beef heart: calorie content in boiled and stewed form

This product belongs to the dietary group and has low calorie content, high nutritional value and the whole set useful substances for the life of the body. Contains proteins – 16g, fats – 3.5 g, carbohydrates – 2 g, saturated fatty acids – 0.8 g, cholesterol – 140 mg. Macro- and microelements: potassium (260 mg), sulfur (160 mg), phosphorus (210 mg), sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, chromium, tin, etc. Vitamins: PP , A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, N.

How it affects the body

Veal heart is a source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. The use of this product is beneficial for of cardio-vascular system. Tones immune system, improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure, restores strength after suffering infectious diseases. Strengthens the nervous system, stimulates the production of gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

How to choose correctly

When buying a chilled heart, you need to pay attention to the smell. It should be the same as fresh veal. It is desirable that it be “purified”. In this case, an incision is visible on it, through which blood clots were removed. You should choose a product that has less fat.

An indicator of a low-quality product is the color of the fat layer: greenish-grayish shades, in this case it is better to refuse the purchase.

Storage methods

When chilled, it can be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Boiled product – 2 days, frozen – 6-8 months.

What does it go with in cooking?

Heart is a popular product among meat eaters. It is subjected to any type of processing: it is boiled, stewed, baked, fried, stuffed. For cooking, use any type: cut into pieces, slices or used whole.

Boiled heart serves as an ingredient for creating various meat salads. It is used to prepare fillings for pies, pancakes, casseroles, rolls and navy-style pasta. Shredded raw product used for pates. Delicious sauces are prepared using the broth.

Goes well with potatoes, eggs, pasta, sour cream, butter, mayonnaise, cheese, mushrooms, spices.

You need to know that veal heart is tastier than pork and beef. Cooks less (1 hour). To prevent it from becoming covered with a dry crust after cooking, it must be left in the broth until it cools completely.

Healthy combination of products

Veal heart is good for those who want to lose weight. It is lower in calories than pork or lamb, and helps to quickly fill you up. Included in weight loss programs.

During diets, by reducing daily caloric intake and reducing the dose of animal products, weight loss is achieved. Also, the body of those losing weight receives vitamins, amino acids and microelements, which contributes to normal functioning.

Pairs well with rosemary, tarragon, thyme, thyme and other spices. You can add it to dishes from the heart olive oil, lemon juice, Apple vinegar. For the “correct” side dish, fresh and boiled vegetables, root vegetables, cereals, leafy greens.

It is important to know that when using the heart during diets, the consumption rate is: 2 times a week, 100-200 grams.


Application in medicine and cosmetology

Consumption of veal heart is recommended for people with increased physical activity, to restore strength, strengthen nervous system. Used as a prophylactic against heart attack. Effective for stimulating the immune system, lowering sugar levels, normalizing blood pressure, increasing hemoglobin and improving blood composition. Beneficial for weakness and exhaustion.

The vitamins included in the product have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin, teeth and nails.

Beef heart belongs to 1 category of offal, which differ high content biologically active substances, is actively used in the diet for cooking as independent dishes, and in the form of side dishes and additives to others. By nutritional value quite a bit inferior to meat; consists of dense muscle tissue with very fine fibers. Value, taste and quality depend on age - young is better in all respects.


The rich vitamin and mineral composition is useful for a healthy balanced diet and for those who suffer from:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Anemia.

Included in nutrition to improve blood composition during the recovery period after injuries, infectious diseases and operations. It has average calorie content, and the composition of vitamins from group B is almost six times greater than in beef meat. It is recommended by nutritionists for elderly people and people experiencing great physical and mental stress. Dietary valuable product- with a budget price (available to everyone).

The high content of chromium compounds helps glucose penetrate into cells (GTP factor), and if there is not enough chromium, then the level of sugar and cholesterol in the body increases, and vitamin B6 has the same property. The biological properties of such compounds: regulation of blood glucose levels, early and ulcer healing, improving sexual function, anti-sclerotic and many others.

Only the liver produces heparin - doctors use it to normalize blood clotting: to prevent and combat thrombosis and varicose veins.

In the energy balance - 61.9% is protein. Vitamins and minerals help strengthen and improve hair, nails, and facial skin. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of complex enzymes, which then renew and build cellular structures and tissues of the body. Protein strengthens the immune system and increases defenses.


In order to diversify your diet with inexpensive and low-calorie dishes, they cook from the heart various salads– with vegetables and spices, stews, pates; stewed, baked, fried. Serve as a separate dish or as a side dish. You should choose something that is elastic, has a fresh “meaty” smell, and must be tested by sanitary and epidemiological inspection services.


At proper diet, when there is no excess protein, there are no contraindications; it is possible for pregnant women, children, sick and healthy people. The high cholesterol content (140 mg/100 grams) should also be taken into account when creating a menu. Cholesterol can damage the lining of blood vessels from the inside, forming plaques that gradually calcify and block the vessels. And atherosclerosis is known to impair cardiac function and cause other diseases.

But if the product is used in large quantities– the result is an unbalanced diet and protein is supplied in excess. In this case, there may be poisoning by decay products - ketosis, the digestive system and kidneys will be overloaded.

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation.

The nutritional value

Amount of valuable substances per 100 grams of product and % of daily requirement

Vitamins and minerals

The tables reflect their content in 100 grams and their % ratio to the daily norm.


Name Content in 100 grams in mg
A(RE) 20.0 mcg 2. 2
B1 (thiamine) 0.36 mg 24. 0
B2 (riboflavin) 0.75 mg 41. 7
B5 (pantothenic acid) 2.5 mg 50. 0
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.3 mg 15. 0
B9 (folic acid) 2.5 mcg 0. 6
B12(cobalamins) 10.0 mcg 333. 0
C (ascorbic acid) 4.0 mg 4. 4
H (biotin) 8.0 mcg 16. 0
PP (niacin equivalent) 8.7 mg 43. 5

Minerals (macro- and microelements):

Name Amount (mg, mcg)

% ratio to daily requirement

MacroelementsCa (calcium) 7.0 mg 0. 7
Mg (magnesium) 23.0 mg 5. 8
Na (sodium) 100.0 mg 7. 7
K (potassium) 260.0 mg 10. 4
Ph (phosphorus) 210.0 mg 26. 3
S (sulfur) 160.0 mg 16. 0
Microelements Fe (iron) 4.8 mg 26. 7
Zn (zinc) 2. 12 mg 17. 7
I (iodine) 7. 3 mcg 4. 9
Cu (copper) 380.0 mcg 38. 0
Mn (manganese) 0.059 mg 2. 9
Se (selenium) 21.8 mcg 39. 6
Cr (chromium) 29.0 mcg 58. 0
F (fluorine) 50.0µg 1. 3
Mo (molybdenum) 19.0 mcg 27. 1
Co (cobalt) 5.0 mcg 50. 0

Beef heart is a valuable product very rich in vitamins and minerals, so its quantity and portion must be regulated. Only with rational inclusion of it in food can you be sure that it will be beneficial.

Among beef by-products The first group includes an organ such as the heart. This is a clot of thin muscle fibers with a total mass of 1.5-2 kg. The thickest part of the heart is covered with a fatty layer, and this is also where the large blood vessels. But these parts are usually removed during cutting.

This product is highly valued for its nutritional quality inferior, perhaps, to pure beef. With the right heat treatment can be achieved delicate taste dishes. What are the benefits of beef heart?

Calorie content of beef heart

The offal is often included in the menu of dietary, therapeutic and therapeutic-and-prophylactic diets. It is especially recommended for use by teenagers and the elderly, as well as people suffering from excess weight. A special diet is provided for professional athletes and pregnant women. The calorie content of beef heart is only 87-96 kcal, boiled - 75 kcal, fried - 86.4 kcal.

Among the advantages of the offal are its high energy value (more than 60% proteins), as well as the presence of a number of useful substances.


The offal is a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements. For example, the content of B-group vitamins is 6 times higher than in meat itself, and iron (Fe) is 1.5 times higher. The content of magnesium (Mg) is high, it contains potassium (K), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), etc. Vitamins, in addition to the B-group, include:

  • carotene (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • phylloquinones (K);
  • biotin (H);
  • nicotinamide (PP).

The important components of a product of animal origin remain: protein, fats, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, ash, amino acids.


The beneficial qualities of the product are manifested due to such a rich composition. Thus, thanks to protein, the body’s protective functions are stimulated and strengthened. The vitamin and mineral “cocktail” of beef heart has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin. The product is recommended as low-calorie healthy eating for diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, anemia.

It is noted that dietary ration With the inclusion of this by-product in the menu, it will allow the patient to quickly restore strength after operations, injuries, and infectious diseases. Chromium in combination with pyridoxine (B6) helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stimulates the metabolism of brain cells, enhances the regenerative properties of tissues, and has a wound-healing and anti-sclerotic effect.

Amino acids participate in the formation of enzymes necessary for the formation of structural bonds of cells and tissues. What else is good for beef heart?

At regular use(2-3 times a week) work intensifies digestive tract and maintains a normal level of acid-base balance. The product’s contribution to restoring strength and replenishing the body’s energy reserves is invaluable.


But even with such extensive positive effects, eating beef heart can be negative. Thus, due to purine bases, uric acid accumulates in the body. As a consequence - weakening of capillary permeability, development of osteochondrosis, gout.

Excessive love for protein foods puts a significant burden on the kidneys. Excess protein leads to weakening of bone tissue, since more energy (more calcium) is expended in the digestion process. Cholesterol, which can accumulate, will subsequently lead to the formation of atherosclerosis and other problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Pork heart is a category 1 meat by-product, recommended as a dietary product for people with various diseases nervous system, with anemia, as well as for those who are daily exposed to severe physical activity. Today we will talk about the benefits pork heart and harm, as well as calorie content, and we will provide recipes for preparing the offal.

What is the calorie and nutritional value of a pork heart??

Pork heart is dense muscle tissue, its weight, on average, is 350-500 grams. It contains very little fat - only 4 grams per hundred gram serving of meat. There are 2.6 g of carbohydrates, but this by-product contains about 16 g of protein. This composition makes pork heart useful for teenagers, the elderly and athletes. Calorie content of pork heart – 101 kcal per 100 g

Pork heart - benefits

The composition of the by-product is rich in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. This meat is especially useful for the nervous system, since it contains wide range B vitamins are presented. Essential amino acids contained in the by-product are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine and others. The body does not synthesize these substances itself; they can only be obtained through food. IN small quantity Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are also present here, as well as arachidonic and linoleic acids. Micro- and macroelements that make up the pig heart are potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, chlorine, copper, zinc and others. Selenium is also present here, a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancer cells. It is useful to include pork heart in your diet to lose weight, recover faster from illnesses and surgeries, build muscle mass, and improve blood composition.

Pork heart damage

Pork heart has no contraindications. The only thing that readers of Popular Health need to know is that this offal is rich in protein, and its excess in the body is harmful. If you constantly consume a lot of protein foods, a large load is created on the kidneys, gout develops, and the risk of developing diabetes increases. The diet should be varied, so everything is good in moderation.

Recipes with pork heart

The most popular products are prepared from this by-product. various snacks and dishes - salads, pies, cutlets, goulash, casseroles, pates. Today we will share with you several recipes.


Ingredients: pork heart – 2 pcs.; carrots – 3; bulbs – 3; bell pepper – 1; laurel leaf – 2; ground pepper, salt.

First, prepare the offal - wash it, soak it in cold water for at least 2 hours, then clean off fatty growths and films, remove blood vessels. Cut the meat into small cubes and fry in a frying pan. Peel the carrots and chop into strips. Finely chop the onion, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into strips. When the meat is slightly browned, add vegetables to it and saute them over the fire. Salt and add spices. Now you will need a thick-walled saucepan or duck pot. Place all the ingredients into it and pour in 2 cups of water. Goulash needs to be simmered for at least an hour and a half. The heart of a piglet cooks faster, while that of an adult pig takes longer. Test the meat for doneness after an hour. When it becomes soft, turn off the heat. To obtain a thick gravy, you can add a little flour shortly before the end of stewing.

Pork heart in a sleeve with potatoes and vegetables

Ingredients: pork heart – 2 pcs.; potatoes – 600 g; bulbs – 2; carrots – 2; salt, sour cream – 100 g; mayonnaise – 50 g; parsley and dill (several sprigs each); ground pepper, garlic.

Cooking pork heart. After soaking in cold water, cut the offal into circles, like sausage, beat with a hammer on both sides, rub each piece with spices and salt and leave to marinate for about an hour. In the meantime, you can peel the potatoes and vegetables. Cut the potatoes thin slices, carrots - in circles, onions - in rings. Finely chop the greens and chop the garlic in a convenient way.

Mix garlic, herbs, sour cream and mayonnaise. Salt the potato slices and add them to it sour cream sauce, mix. Take a medium baking pan and line it with foil. Place vegetables on the bottom, sliced ​​potatoes in sauce on top, and place a heart on the surface. Now you need to properly seal everything with foil in several layers so that the steam remains inside. We send the form with the products to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for one and a half hours. When the time is up, it is recommended to cut the foil to allow the heart to brown when exposed. This dish will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. It is juicy, aromatic, tasty, satisfying and beautiful. It can be served even for a holiday; guests will be delighted.

We talked about the beneficial properties of pork heart and preparation. The product can not only be stewed and baked, but also fried and boiled. By the way, many people like to eat heart boiled in water with spices. It will replace any sausage; in addition, boiled offal contains maximum benefits and a minimum of calories. You can cook from it delicious salads With various vegetables. Protein foods go best with vegetables. So if you have not yet used this offal in your menu, we recommend doing so, because it is much more healthier than meat, but costs less.

Beef heart is food product of animal origin, belonging to the first category of by-products. In terms of nutritional value, it is almost equal to meat, and its taste qualities highly valued in cooking. Beef heart has a thick red-brown color, consists of muscle and has a very elastic consistency. Its widest part is covered with a thick layer of fat. The widespread use of beef heart in cooking is explained by its benefits for the body, but abuse of this product can also cause harm.

In ancient times, people believed that eating beef heart could cure heart disease. And they were not far from the truth: despite the skeptical attitude of modern man towards alternative medicine, his positive properties widely used to improve health. But what exactly is the benefit of beef heart, and what harm can cause abuse of this product?

Beef heart contains a lot of protein, which makes it great source building material for the body. For children, teenagers and athletes, especially those who strive to build muscle mass, it is advisable to include it in your diet.

This product is a real storehouse of useful substances: the iron content in it is twice as high as in beef itself. It also contains a lot of copper, magnesium and zinc, which help strengthen blood vessels. This is very important for older people who often suffer from problems with the circulatory system.

Another good quality beef heart - high content of B vitamins, which help the body cope with stress and fatigue and are involved in the regulation hormonal levels. This offal contains several times more B vitamins than beef.

Finally, beef heart is ideal for people who are watching their weight or want to lose weight. excess weight: It is relatively low in calories and contains no carbohydrates. This allows those losing weight not to give up eating meat while dieting.

Important: Beef heart is very useful for pregnant and lactating women. It allows you to fill the gap necessary substances in the body and prevent vitamin deficiency and anemia, which young mothers often encounter while carrying a child.


The benefits of beef heart for humans are entirely determined by its rich composition.

Calorie content of beef heart and content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 grams of product:

Name of vitamin/group of vitamins Content in mg/mcg
A 0.36 mg
IN 1 0.75 mg
AT 2 2.5 mg
AT 5 0.3 mg
AT 6 0.3 mg
AT 9 2.5 mcg
AT 12 10 mcg
WITH 4 mg
H 8 mcg

9 Health Benefits of Beef Heart

  1. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

    Improvement in the functioning of the circulatory system occurs due to the high content of zinc and magnesium: zinc helps strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls, and magnesium is necessary in the intracellular mechanisms of regulation of heart contractions.

  2. Promotes weight loss

    Small energy value makes beef heart ideal product for the diet of people who want to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, due to the zero glycemic index, it can be safely consumed if you have diabetes.

  3. Regulates the balance of minerals in the body

    Beef heart contains many micro and macroelements that are vital for the normal functioning of the body. Its use helps both maintain mineral balance and restore it after illnesses. Recommended for older people as a prevention of sclerosis and osteoporosis, which often arise due to a lack of minerals.

  4. Increases stress resistance

    The body's ability to effectively withstand stress largely depends on the presence of B vitamins. Including beef heart in the diet will prevent their deficiency and reduce fatigue, as well as prevent the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

  5. Helps improve appearance

    The amount and variety of vitamins and minerals significantly strengthens the structure outer covers. The skin stops peeling, due to increased blood circulation, the complexion improves, nails become stronger, without white spots, and hair loss decreases.

  6. Accelerates muscle recovery and growth

    A large number of Protein provides the body with a huge amount of building material, due to which muscle growth or recovery after microdamage (for example, during a hard workout) is accelerated. This is very important for athletes, children and teenagers.

  7. Increases hemoglobin

    Due to high content iron, beef heart increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. At the same time, the amount of oxygen it carries increases, which benefits the entire body. For this reason, doctors recommend consuming heart for anemia.

  8. Strengthens immunity

    The presence of vitamin C, as well as the combination of vitamin B6 and chromium, help strengthen the immune system and enhance the regenerative properties of tissues. The body becomes less vulnerable to infectious diseases and repairs damage faster.

  9. Improves digestion

    Normalizes the acid-base balance of the body, improves metabolism and stimulates the activity of the digestive tract. Helps get rid of intestinal disorders caused by weak peristalsis or lack of vitamins.

How to choose the right one

To make a beef heart dish truly tasty and healthy, you need to choose fresh and quality product. You should buy it in trusted places where they comply with sanitary standards and storage conditions. The heart of a young animal is best suited. It must have the following characteristics:

    nice smell;

    blood red-brown color without plaque or spots;

    blood clots in the chambers;

    elasticity: fabrics should immediately regain their shape when pressed.

A chilled heart is preferable to a frozen one: in this form, all of it beneficial features remain in place, but should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than two days. For more long storage The product will have to be placed in the freezer.

How to cook healthy

Beef heart doesn't appear very often in daily menu, despite the fact that you can cook with it great amount dishes. Before moving on to the cooking process, you need to cut off the fat layer and carefully remove large vessels and blood clots, if any - in some cases, the heart goes on sale already in a processed form. After cutting, it must be washed thoroughly.

The next stage of preparing the heart is soaking. You can simply leave it to soak in cold, lightly salted water for 2-3 hours, or cook it for 1.5-2 hours, changing the water every half hour. If the heart came from an older animal, the process may take much longer.

Raw beef heart can be immediately fried or stewed and makes excellent chops, gravy or goulash. To make the dish less caloric, bake it in the oven. Mushrooms or salad onion rings best highlight and enhance the taste of the heart.

Boiled beef heart has the same bright taste and preserves its useful qualities. You can use it to prepare salads, pates, make a pie filling, or serve it in pure form, pre-cut. It is most beneficial to use vegetables as a side dish: vegetable carbohydrates will balance the proteins contained in the heart and create optimal absorption digestive system combination.

Contraindications for use

Including beef heart in your diet can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Most often this happens when the product is incorrectly selected or stored. Abuse of it can also cause unpleasant consequences: the protein contained in the tissues is necessary for the body, but too large doses can cause kidney problems, digestive upset, elevated hemoglobin levels and hypertension. The body will process excess protein into toxic urea, which will begin to accumulate in cells.

The only serious contraindication for eating beef heart is individual intolerance. It should also be given to young children with caution so as not to provoke intestinal problems.

It is optimal to include beef heart in your diet 2-3 times a week with a side dish of vegetables. This way the body will receive all the substances it needs without harm to health.

What else is useful?