Gooseberry and walnut jam. Gooseberry jam: Tsarskoe, with orange, cherry leaf, walnut

Step 1: Prepare the walnuts.

Place the frying pan on medium heat and heat it well. Immediately after this, add the walnuts here and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, fry until tender. golden color. Attention: To prevent the component from burning, you can reduce the heat. At the end, turn off the burner and set the pan aside. Let the walnuts cool to room temperature.

Step 2: prepare the gooseberries.

To make the jam tasty, you need to make it from green, hard berries. Therefore, first we sort out the gooseberries. Now pour it into a deep bowl and fill it with warm water. We thoroughly wash each berry and then transfer it to a colander.

Leave aside for a while to remove excess liquid from the glass component.
Then, using kitchen scissors, we cut off the tails from each berry. That's not all! The process of preparing gooseberries is labor-intensive, but the end result is unforgettable jam. So it's worth it! Now, using a pin or a new hairdressing pin, remove the seeds from each berry. We try to do this so as not to touch the pulp. Place the prepared gooseberries back into the deep bowl and leave aside for a while.

Step 3: prepare gooseberry jam with walnuts - the first stage.

Stuff the gooseberries with a piece of walnut and put them back in a deep bowl. Attention: if the last component big size, cut it into two parts using a knife on a cutting board.
Pour clean water into a medium saucepan cold water and put it on low heat. When the liquid becomes warm, add sugar. Stirring occasionally with a tablespoon, bring the mixture to a boil. Cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Immediately after this, turn off the burner, and using oven mitts, pour the contents of the pan into a bowl with stuffed gooseberries. Mix everything carefully with a tablespoon. When the mixture becomes warm, pour it back into the pan. Cover the container with a lid and place at least for a day in the refrigerator. The future jam must be infused.

Step 4: sterilize the jars.

Pour plain cold water into a small saucepan and place on high heat. To make the liquid boil faster, cover the container with a lid. Meanwhile, rinse thoroughly half liter jars under running water. Immediately after the contents in the pan boil, reduce the heat to low. Remove the lid and cover the container with a sieve. Place a half-liter jar on it upside down and sterilize for 10–15 minutes until steam begins to flow down the inside walls of the container. Using oven mitts, place the jar on a clean cloth towel, also upside down. We repeat the procedure from start to finish with the second container. At the end, remove the sieve and place the metal lids in the pan. We also sterilize them within 10–15 minutes and then take it out using kitchen tongs. That's it, the container is ready, you can start making jam.

Step 5: prepare gooseberry jam with walnuts - the second stage.

We take the pan with the gooseberry and syrup mixture out of the refrigerator and put it on low heat. Add star anise here and, stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula, bring everything to a boil. When the jam is well cooked for 7–10 minutes, turn off the burner and start preserving.

Using a ladle, pour the mixture into half-liter jars, close the containers with metal lids and tighten tightly with a can opener. We put the jam upside down in some secluded place and wrap it in a warm blanket. Leave it in this position until it cools completely. Then we hide it until the right moment. Since such jam contains a lot of vitamins and useful microelements, I store several jars until the cold weather, and then treat my household with tea. To be honest, we always open one jar to try and then barely restrain ourselves so as not to waste the next one.

Step 6: serve gooseberry jam with walnuts.

Using a can opener, open the jar of jam and pour a tablespoon into a deep bowl. Serve this delicacy to dessert table along with crackers and tea.
Enjoy your tea!

Before sterilizing jars, they must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. To do this, it is best to use a kitchen sponge, a special dishwashing detergent, or regular baking soda;

You don’t have to preserve the jam, but simply close it tightly with special screw-on lids and store it in the refrigerator;

In addition to green gooseberries, you can also use pink ones for cooking. The main thing is that it is fresh and dense.

If you think that it is impossible to surprise a modern person, including you, with homemade jam, prepare “royal” jam for the winter. gooseberry jam. Whole berries, floating in transparent malachite syrup, contain a surprise. And which one - you will find out from this article.

Why is it called “royal”?

Initially, “royal” or “royal” jam was prepared in the Caucasus, but thanks to its exquisite original taste quickly gained fame. It got its name because of its rich malachite hue and incredible combination nuts and gooseberries. To be more precise, the berries are stuffed with nut pieces.

It is also important that it takes a lot of effort and time to prepare the dish, and therefore they treat it to especially dear people. Those who want to show respect, predisposition.

Despite the fact that making “royal” jam is a rather troublesome process, the jam is worth preparing. It has unusual taste qualities And great benefit for the body. You can fill each jam berry with a nut, or you can fill only part of them. Then tea drinking will turn into an exciting game - who will get the gooseberry with the “secret”.

Preparing the berries

To prepare berries, you should take only ripe, still firm berries. Then, during cooking, they will not boil over and “spread” into porridge. You cannot use completely unripe and hard berries, the jam will turn out sour, and the gooseberries, no matter how much you cook them, will turn out “rubbery”.

It is also unacceptable to use berries that are too soft, rotten with burst skins or other integrity problems. Fermentation processes have already begun in them, which will negatively affect not only the taste of the dessert, but also the duration of its storage.

Before using, the berries should be sorted and washed. Usually a colander is used for this, in small portions gooseberries are poured. If it is too dirty, you can put it in a basin with cold water and leave for a few minutes.

The washed gooseberries should be dried by spreading them in one layer on a clean towel. Then, armed with nail scissors, cut off the “tails” on both sides of the berries.

Popular recipes

There are several recipes for preparing the dish. IN classic recipe Walnuts and cherry leaves are used, the latter helping to preserve the dessert's precious transparent green hue. Instead of dye, you can add spinach juice.

There is one more trick that will help maintain a beautiful color. ready-made jam– after each stage of cooking (and in most cases, “royal” jam is prepared in several stages), a hot bowl of jam should be placed in cold water and left until it cools.

Traditionally, the ratio of berries and sugar is the same, but you should also focus on the taste of gooseberries. If it is quite sour, then it is not forbidden to add another 150-300 g of sweetener. Fructose can also act as the latter. Its relationship with gooseberries remains the same.

Classic recipe


  • 1 kg gooseberries;
  • 200 g walnuts(seedless kernels);
  • 1100 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 g cherry leaves;
  • 150 ml water.

Chop the nuts until you get small pieces less berries. You don’t need to make them too small, otherwise the nuts will fall out of the gooseberries.

Cut the prepared gooseberries, carefully remove some of the pulp and seeds, and instead stuff the berries with pieces of nuts.

The pulp with seeds does not need to be thrown away. It should be placed in a saucepan and boiled for 5-7 minutes, adding water. Then cool the pulp slightly and grind through a sieve. Mix the resulting mixture with sugar and boil for 10 minutes. You will get syrup.

Add berries and nuts to the boiling syrup and bring the jam to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat (don’t forget the secret - place the basin in cold water). Cool the composition and leave it for 8-10 hours.

Repeat the cooking process 2 more times, after each “five minutes”, cooling the bowl of jam first in cold water, and then letting it brew for at least 8 hours. After the last cooking, the composition does not need to be cooled; while hot, distribute it into jars.

"Royal" jam with peanuts

Walnuts in this recipe are replaced with peanuts, and the slight piquancy of the gooseberries is emphasized by lemon.


  • 1 kg gooseberries;
  • 1300 g sugar;
  • 600 g peanuts;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 150 g cherry leaves;
  • vanilla - to taste.

Peel the peanuts and fry them in a dry hot frying pan. As in previous recipe, stuff the berries with nuts. Cut the lemon together with the peel into slices, rinse the cherry leaves under water.

Place “nut berries”, lemon slices and half a portion of cherry leaves in sterile jars in layers. Pour boiling water over the jars and let stand for 6-8 hours.

After this time, drain the liquid and, adding sugar to it, cook the syrup. When the sweetener is completely dissolved, add the contents of the cans to the syrup and bring to a boil. Remove lemon and cherry leaves from the jam, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. 3 minutes before readiness, add a portion of fresh cherry leaves and vanillin.

Distribute the jam among the jars, removing the leaves. Ready dish will have a thick clear syrup and juicy berries filled with nuts.

Instead of vanilla, you can use cloves and cardamom, then the taste of the jam will be more spicy, “winter”.

"Lazy Tsar's" jam

If you don’t have the time or desire to stuff berries with nuts, you can prepare a “lazy” version of the famous treat. Flavor combinations will turn out to be very close, only the “secret” will disappear.


  • 1.5 kg gooseberries;
  • 800 g peeled walnuts;
  • 1600 g sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • a handful of cherry leaves.

Boil syrup from sugar and water, dip the prepared berries into it as soon as the syrup begins to boil. Wait until it boils again, reduce the heat and simmer the berries for 10 minutes.

Remove from heat, lower the basin into cold water. Cool the jam and leave to infuse for 8-10 hours (overnight is possible). Re-boil the berries in the syrup, again waiting for it to boil and boiling for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure with cooling and infusion.

During the third cooking, add washed cherry leaves and chopped walnuts to the syrup. Cook for 20-30 minutes, focusing on the viscosity of the syrup. It should become quite thick. Remove the jam from the heat, remove the leaves and pack into jars.

The best cookware for cooking gooseberry dessert - a wide enamel basin. Thanks to the thick and large bottom, the jam heats up evenly. However, you still have to stir it to avoid burning.

During the cooking process, foam forms, which must be skimmed off. If it gets into the jar, it will cause cloudiness in the dessert and negatively affect its taste and shelf life.

It is recommended to store gooseberry and nut jam in a cool, dark place, for example, in a cellar. Optimal temperature+10.15°C. It is important to avoid sudden temperature changes, freezing jam and high humidity. All this will lead to damage to the workpieces. Preservation of drops of water and steam on the inner walls of the jar is unacceptable.

Instead of sealing the dish with metal lids, you can use thick paper. The part that comes into contact with the dessert is moistened with alcohol. Then the neck of the jar is covered with such paper and tied with twine. Dessert should only be stored in the refrigerator.

If you are preparing a dessert with a cinnamon stick, star anise or cloves, then they, like cherry leaves, should be removed from ready dessert, before transferring it to the jar. Do nutty taste Roasting the nuts on a dry surface will help make them more pronounced. hot frying pan. For peanuts that are sold in shells, this process is not only recommended, but mandatory.

For the recipe for making gooseberry jam with walnuts, see the following video.

Summer is a wonderful time when we can enjoy the gifts of nature and replenish our bodies with vitamins, amino acids and minerals. We enjoy eating in the summer fresh berries and fruits, but we must not forget about preparations for the winter. I just recently published, and today I want to talk to you about gooseberry jam, which is rightfully one of the most healthy and vitamin-rich.

Since gooseberries are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, etc., its benefits are obvious for the human body. Gooseberries help with diseases such as anemia, hypertension, eczema, and various inflammations respiratory tract and constipation. Gooseberries are considered a good preventive remedy oncological diseases, cardiovascular ailments, it will help with low hemoglobin. Gooseberries have a choleretic effect, increase immunity, and give energy to a person. And with all this, due to its low calorie content, it is an excellent means for losing weight. Women are recommended to consume this wonderful berry to normalize hormonal levels during menopause, and for men at risk of cardiovascular diseases to strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle. Gooseberry in fresh regulates and normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood, but at the same time daily norm should not exceed 100 g.

But gooseberries can also be harmful to health. It is not advisable to use it for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and duodenum and pancreatitis.

I definitely recommend preparing gooseberries for the winter. You can freeze the berries, then the vitamins will be preserved. at its best, you can even dry them, although this will not be easy to do due to the fact that the berries are quite large. But traditional preparation It's still jam.

Gooseberry jam recipes for the winter:

Royal gooseberry jam - recipe with cherry leaves

Gooseberry jam was called royal because it was favorite treat Catherine the Great, at least I like this version. And many housewives have long loved this recipe, since the jam turns out to be amazingly beautiful, transparent and tasty. It will take a little tinkering, but I highly recommend giving it a try.

We will need:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 1.5 cups
  • cherry leaves
  1. Preparing gooseberries. First, we wash the berries and select only whole, healthy berries. To do this, remove the tails and stalks of each berry.

2. We cut the berries at the spout with a knife and a hairpin, carefully remove the pulp with a pin or paper clip. After this, we rinse the berries with cold water to free them from the remaining seeds. We drain the water.

3. Place the gooseberries in a bowl and alternate with the washed cherry leaves. Fill everything with cold water and leave the gooseberries in the bowl for 5-6 hours.

4. Place the gooseberries in a colander and drain the water.

5. Cook the syrup - boil 1.5 - 2 glasses of water, add sugar, stir until the grains dissolve, remove the dishes from the heat. IN hot syrup add the gooseberries, stir carefully so that all the berries are covered with syrup, and leave for 3-4 hours alone.

6. After the time has passed, put the jam on the fire again, bring to a boil, cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring and skimming. Remove the jam from the heat and leave it alone again for 5-6 hours. We repeat this 2-3 times.

When cooling the jam, do not cover the container with a lid!

7. After the 3rd cooking, the berries acquire a beautiful amber color. To quickly cool the jam, remove the container with the jam from the heat and place it in a bowl of cold water.

8. Royally put the gooseberry jam into pre-sterilized jars.

Five minutes - a simple recipe for gooseberry jam for the winter

If you don't want to spend a lot of time making jam, this recipe is for you. Jam cooks quickly, and we all know that the less heat treatment, the more vitamins are preserved.

We will need:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water or any freshly squeezed fruit juice- 1 glass
  1. We wash the gooseberries and remove (if you want) the stems and stalks.

3. But I prefer to cook the syrup first. To do this, boil water or juice, add sugar, stir, and after the sugar has dissolved, add the berries. Then cook for 5 minutes.

4. Cool the jam and put it into dry, sterilized jars.

Royal gooseberry jam with walnuts - recipe with photo

Recently, many jam recipes have appeared with various tasty additives. Walnuts are perhaps one of the most useful and unusual additions to any jam. It turns out very tasty, but the jam according to this recipe is labor-intensive. If you have enough patience, then prepare it, you won’t regret it. After all, a jar of such jam can even be given as a gift to friends or family.

We will need:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • walnuts - 1/2 cup
  • cherry leaves
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 0.5 liters

Tsar's jam It’s better to cook from unripe berries, or the berries should be elastic.

  1. Fry the walnuts in a frying pan until golden brown. Let cool and chop into smaller pieces.

2. Cherry leaves fill with water, bring to a boil and turn off. Let the broth cool.

3. We sort the gooseberries, remove the stems, rinse and drain in a colander.

4. Cut each berry with a knife and remove the pulp using a hairpin, pin or small spoon. We stuff each berry with a piece of walnut. It’s a lot of work, of course, but what a delicious meal it will turn out to be.

5. Stuffed berries put it in a saucepan or basin in which we will cook the jam.

6. Strain the decoction of cherry leaves, remove the leaves, add sugar. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, stir and cook the syrup. The cherry leaves will give the decoction and jam a beautiful amber color.

7. Pour gooseberries stuffed with nuts with this syrup. Let this mass cool and leave in a cool place for a day. The next day the jam is well soaked, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes over low heat.

8. After the jam has cooled, put it into sterilized jars.

Gooseberry jam with orange without cooking

And this is my favorite recipe, it’s ready in 5 minutes, the vitamins are kept intact, and the taste is extraordinary.

We will need:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • oranges - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  1. Wash the oranges and gooseberries, remove the stems from the berries.
  2. Using a blender or meat grinder, first grind the oranges along with the peel.

2. Now we pass the gooseberries through a meat grinder. It is very convenient to grind using a blender.

3. Add sugar and stir everything until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Laying raw jam into plastic containers and freeze.

5. Before serving, let it defrost a little. And frozen jam is very tasty, especially on hot days, and is quite suitable as a dessert as fruit ice cream.

Jam - gooseberry jam

Gooseberry jam is another one great option jam preparations. It can be used both as jam and as a filling for pies.

Summer, of course, is wonderful, but it is also a troublesome time. After all, we must take care of ourselves and our loved ones, prepare many different delicious preparations. But in the fall and winter, how nice it is to take a jar of fragrant jam off the shelf, which will remind us of summer days.

So let's work with our sleeves rolled up.

Well, your comments and remarks will confirm to me that the work done was not in vain.

Gooseberries have been one of the favorite berries of Russians since time immemorial. Only recently it became known that it helps remove radiation from the body, effectively fights the aging process, excellent remedy for the prevention of cancer. It also contains many vitamins, as well as calcium and potassium.

There are a great many recipes for gooseberry jam. But there are several basic rules that apply to all cooking methods:

1. Thoroughly rinse and sort through all the berries, sorting out the wrinkled ones, those with rotten barrels, those affected powdery mildew.

2. Trim the ponytails.

3. As a rule, all recipes for gooseberry jam are similar in the method of preparation: boil briefly, remove from the stove, cool, boil again, cool (there may be more stages).

4. Try to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, as unauthorized debris may appear on top.

We will not write the phrase “wash, sort, cut off the tails” in every recipe. We look forward to your responsibility.

Tsar's gooseberry jam, which Stalin loved

In one of his programs on Radio “KP”, our favorite expert and presenter Andrei Tumanov (listen to him every Saturday from 10.05 on wave 97.2 FM in Moscow) spoke very tasty about gooseberries, recommending that all summer residents get rid of prickly old varieties and plant modern ones - they do not suffer from powdery mildew, and are almost without thorns.

In general, gooseberries were one of the favorite crops in Russia. In Moscow there is Bersenevskaya embankment. And once upon a time the Moscow River was even called Bersenevka. Bersen in Slavic means gooseberry. I recommend making royal jam, which Comrade Stalin loved very much. Royal jam is when you open still unripe gooseberries, preferably larger ones, take out the seeds and fill the berry itself walnuts, not ground, but finely chopped. And then make jam from this. It turns out very beautiful and very tasty green jam with walnut flavor.

Detailed recipe:

You will need 1 kg of gooseberries, 1.5 kg of sugar and 150-200 grams of walnuts.

We thoroughly wash the berries, removing their stems. Lightly cut the skin and squeeze out the contents. It is advisable to rub this gooseberry mass through a sieve to get rid of the seeds (they are too dense).

Add sugar to the resulting mass and place it on the stove. water bath. Heat the puree until all the sugar has dissolved.

At this time, carefully pack the neatly chopped pieces of walnuts into the remaining skins. Dip the “stuffed” gooseberries into the prepared puree, place on the stove and bring to a boil for five minutes. Remove and cool. We repeat the procedure 4-5 more times. Gooseberries with nuts become almost translucent, and the jam takes on an emerald color. If you take a red gooseberry variety, the jam will be a very rich amber color.

Emerald gooseberry jam

Some also call this recipe “royal”, but it does not use walnuts.

You only need green variety gooseberries 1 kg, sugar 1 kg, water 1.5 cups.

It is better to take larger, dense, strong berries. Pin it. Boil water with sugar, pour the still boiling syrup over the berries, leave to steep for 5 hours. Drain the syrup again, boil, and pour boiling syrup over the berries again. After five hours, boil the jam with the berries for 10-15 minutes. Pour hot into jars.

Gooseberry with orange

You will need 900 grams of gooseberries, 1.2 kg of sugar, 2 oranges.

We take out the seeds from the orange, twist them together with the zest and gooseberries in a blender or pass them through a meat grinder. Then stir this mixture with sugar, put it on the fire, and boil for 7-10 minutes. Set aside for 5-6 hours. Boil again for 7-10 minutes. Pour into jars. Very delicious jam with citrus aroma.

Or you don’t have to cook this fragrant mass. Just put it in jars and freeze. In winter, such gooseberry sorbet will become a real vitamin bomb.

Gooseberry with cherry leaves

You will need 1 kg of gooseberries, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1.5 glasses of water, 20-25 cherry leaves.

We pierce the gooseberries with a needle or toothpick and fill them with the required volume of water. We insist for 8-9 hours. Drain the water from the gooseberries, add cherry leaves and sugar, and bring to a boil. We take out the leaves, filter the syrup, and let it cool. Bring the syrup to a boil again, add the berries, bring to high fire to a boil. Remove from the stove and cool. Then boil for another 10 minutes and pour into jars. It turns out very beautiful jam with cherry flavor.

Gooseberry jam with fructose

You will need 1 kg of gooseberries, 1 kg of fructose.

Prick each berry with a fork to release the juice, cover with fructose for 2 hours, then add 50 ml of boiling water for every 1 kg of berries, put on the lowest heat, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off, cool, cover with paper (to excess water evaporated). Then repeat the process three times. Pour into sterile jars and close. Can be stored at room temperature.

Classic gooseberry jam

You will need 1 kg of gooseberries, 1 kg of sugar, half a glass of water.

If you want the berries to remain whole, pierce them before cooking.

Pour water over the berries and let it boil, add sugar, stir and boil for half an hour. Turn off the heat and leave for 2-3 hours, boil again for another half hour. Pour into a jar and screw.

Five-minute gooseberry jam

You will need 900 grams of gooseberries, 1-1.1 kg of sugar.

Simplified version classic recipe. To avoid cooking gooseberries for so long, you need to soak them overnight. After cutting off the tails, pour two glasses of water over the berries for 8-9 hours.

In the morning, mix with sugar and boil for five minutes at maximum heat. Pour into jars.

Gooseberries are a popular shrub crop among gardeners and grow mainly in regions with temperate climates. Gooseberries are wonderfully tasty and healthy, they are excellent fresh, they are used to make wine, make jelly, compotes, marmalades, and preserves.

Gooseberry jam with nuts is especially tasty and delicious. Slightly unripe gooseberries of any variety and peeled walnut kernels of normal ripeness are suitable for its preparation.

with seeds and walnuts


  • gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • domestically produced granulated sugar – 1-1.5 kg;
  • walnut kernels – about 100-150 g;
  • water – about 300 ml.


We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the stems and stems with scissors, and pierce each berry with a toothpick. Some people remove the seeds from the berries, but there is an opinion that it is better not to do this for three reasons:

  • seeds from gooseberries also contain useful material;
  • such a technique is quite labor-intensive;
  • the fruits will be deformed.

We prepare sugar syrup from boiling water with sugar in a separate ladle; you can boil 10-20 cherry and blackcurrant leaves in it, this will give the syrup special shades of color, additional flavor and aroma tones.

Place the prepared berries in enamel pan and fill sugar syrup. Place the container over low heat and bring to a boil, carefully skimming off the foam if necessary. After boiling, boil the jam for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Cover the container and leave until completely cool.

We chop the nuts not too finely with a knife (however, you don’t have to chop the kernels, just remove the partitions and break them into 4 parts) and lightly heat them in a dry frying pan over low heat, stirring with a wooden spatula.

Place the prepared nuts in a container with jam, put it on low heat, bring to a boil again and boil for another 5 minutes. Some repeat the cycle again. The jam is made with whole fruits, not only tasty, but also looks beautiful.

Place jam in sterilized glass jars. Full cans can be rolled sterilized in boiling water tin lids, turn over and cover (let them cool like that) or put on jars plastic lids. Store prepared jam in jars in a room with a low positive temperature (glazed veranda, balcony).

Gooseberry jam with nuts is served with tea, you can also use it in cooking sweet pastries and confectionery products.