Traditional Thai dishes are a must try. The best Thai dishes: recipes and cooking features

Thai cuisine is a prime example of a cuisine that does not travel. This means that you can only get acquainted with it in your homeland - in Thailand, where there is an abundance of fresh fruit, coconuts, fish and spices. It is, of course, possible to repeat Thai dishes in cold Russia using canned, dried or frozen products, but it will be impossible to achieve the real taste. For vivid culinary experiences, it is better to go to Thailand. Better yet, visit cooking courses and master classes, which are organized in large numbers in this hospitable country for tourists.

It is said that there is no word for "hunger" in the Thai language. Eternal summer and mild climate make it possible to grow two or even three crops a year here. Fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs are never a problem, and the proximity of the sea means an abundance of fish, shrimp, algae and other seafood at any time of the year. The Thais' love for grasshoppers, beetles, ants, larvae, scorpions and other unappetizing creatures is not explained by a lack of meat, but by the interesting taste and ease of preparation of these exotic raw materials. For picky Europeans, Thailand also has meat - many domestic animals and birds are raised here.

Interestingly, traditional Thai cuisine appeared long before the formation of Thailand. The ancestors of the Thais lived in the southwestern provinces of China, and their traditions, including culinary ones, were strongly influenced by Chinese culture. Thai cuisine has borrowed a lot from its powerful neighbors: the type of hearth and utensils (open fire and wok), basic culinary techniques ( fine cutting ingredients) and methods heat treatment(quick frying, boiling, steaming), traditional combinations of flavors (sweet, sour, spicy, salty and bitter), numerous sauces and, of course, a love for rice. From another neighbor - India - Thailand borrowed numerous mixtures of spices, curry sauce and various dishes with it.

The spiciness of many Thai dishes, which is unusual for Europeans, is caused by necessity: in a hot tropical climate, this is the best way to avoid infections, retain moisture in the body and increase overall tone. Raw garlic and small red peppers are sometimes served separately, in case someone doesn’t have enough spiciness in their dishes. Those who are tired of spicy food will be saved by fresh cucumber - it is often served as a side dish. Guests in Thailand will find dishes for every taste, because in addition to red pepper, there are many spices in Thai cuisine, and not all of them are hot. Recipes for some dishes may contain up to 40 flavoring and aromatic additives: spices, herbs, leaves, juices.

Many Thai dishes Chinese tradition cooked in a wok - high frying pan with rounded walls. In this cookware, food is cooked very quickly, which allows you to preserve food in maximum amount useful substances. Meat dishes are often prepared in a wok: ginger, pepper and other spices are fried in hot oil, then pieces of meat and vegetables are quickly fried to form a crispy crust and served immediately. If the fried ingredients are poured with broth and simmered over low heat, the result is a stew or thick soup. The wok is also used to steam fish and vegetables. To do this, the food is wrapped in banana leaves, a variety of aromatic herbs and spices are added and placed in bamboo baskets over boiling water in a wok. Disposable plates and packaging for street food are often made from banana leaves - exotic, cheap and environmentally friendly.

The staple of an everyday Thai meal is rice. It occupies the same place in Thai cuisine as in Chinese. Rice is always present on the table, like bread in Russia, and is complemented by meat, fish, vegetable dishes depending on the season, family wealth and the degree of solemnity of the dinner. In addition to rice, the festive table can contain more than 20 small cups with various snacks and sauces. The neutral taste of steamed rice allows it to be combined with any taste. Typically, rice is served with curry or other very spicy sauces based on garlic, lime juice and herbs. In Thailand, two types of rice are especially loved: long-grain aromatic (jasmine) and round-grain glutinous. Glutinous rice is often used to make desserts.

Soup can also play the role of the main dish. The simplest Thai soup is made from noodles with meat and vegetables. Thai cuisine has noodles made from wheat, rice and bean flour. The shape of Thai noodles can resemble Italian fettuccine and linguine (flat strips) or spaghetti (round and thin). Mung beans are used to make very thin, transparent “cellophane” noodles. Thai cuisine also knows an analogue of Italian “fresh pasta” - noodles that contain eggs and therefore cannot be stored for a long time.

Most famous soup Thai cuisine - tom yum. It is both sour and spicy, aromatic, refreshing and very filling. Its name means "soup and salad with spices." Making tom yum is very easy if you have lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, fresh coconut and fish sauce. In Thailand, a paste for tom yum soup is produced, making life easier for those who can no longer imagine their lives without this dish. It consists of herbal ingredients and spices fried in oil. Just don't try to make this wonderful soup from dry mixes - disappointment is inevitable.

There are many varieties of tom yum soup depending on the main ingredient: a tourist favorite - with shrimp, traditional “pre-tourist” tom yum paa- with fish and rice, tom yum guy- with chicken, t om yam tal- with fish and other marine life, tom yum ka mu - so pork feet. By the way, real Thai Tom Yam ranks 8th in the ranking of the 50 most delicious dishes in the world according to CNN.

It is impossible to imagine Thai cuisine without fish sauces. They are very bright: salty, spicy, sour, with a distinct aroma of fish, shrimp and spices. Almost all traditional dishes are prepared with them, they are served as dips, as salad dressings or as liquid seasonings instead of salt, such as the popular Thai seasoning freak us pla, made from fish sauce, lime juice and finely chopped chili peppers. They love it in Thailand thick paste from shrimp - capi. Entire villages are engaged in its production: shrimp are crushed, mixed with salt, fermented, fish and other flavorings are added. Kapi is used to make curries, served with fish and vegetables, or eaten with unripe mango.

In addition to fish and shrimp sauces exotic taste and the aroma of Thai dishes are due to the use of spices unknown to Europeans. For example, the sour flavor and citrusy freshness of many Thai soups is achieved using kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass. The most unusual dishes of Thai cuisine are prepared using palm sugar and coconut products: milk, juice and vinegar. The pungent flavor comes from several local ginger species and galangal root. Thai basil is not like the spice we are used to - it has a bright anise aroma and a pungent taste. Even the spices we are familiar with - cloves, turmeric, coriander, cilantro, dill, parsley, mint, red pepper, turmeric, garlic, onion - have a completely different taste in Thailand. Perhaps this is due to the different climate and soil, or perhaps due to the exceptional freshness and abundant use.

Perhaps the most attractive feature of Thai cuisine is the abundance of exotic plants, which can only be truly enjoyed here. Thai cuisine widely uses banana flowers and other plants that we know exclusively as decorative. They are added to salads and deep-fried. People eat here sprouted beans, acacia and bamboo shoots, and lotus root. In Thailand you can try several varieties of small eggplants: purple, white, green and even striped. Instead of the usual cabbage, there are many varieties of green leafy cabbage, and instead of potatoes there are sweet potatoes. If you see broccoli in a Thai recipe, know that it is a Western adaptation. In Thailand there is actually no broccoli, but kailan - kale, the so-called Chinese broccoli.

And of course, the most exotic side of Thai cuisine is fruit. There are almost no apples, pears, strawberries and grapes here, but such delicacies grow freely that outside Thailand can only be found in pictures: papaya, rambutan, tamarind, jackfruit, durian, mango, mangosteen, rose apple, langsat, longan, lychee. Fresh juicy fruits usually do not require cooking and play a role ready-made desserts and snacks, however, Thai cuisine can offer gourmets more refined sweets. The most popular of them: chaokukai- jelly from special type mint; khanom chan- layered dessert from rice flour and coconut milk; khanom mo kaeng- pudding made from coconut milk, palm sugar and sweet fried onions; tacos- coconut pudding with jasmine aroma; sarim- colorful noodles in sweet coconut milk with ice, as well as numerous variations on the theme of pies and puddings with fruit and rice.

The wealth of fruits, vegetables and seafood in Thailand allows you to forget about difficult meat dishes oh, especially since they are quite rare in the diet of the local population. But if you want meat, you won't have any problems finding it. Boiled or fried rice is often accompanied by meat. For example, khao mann kai - steam rice With boiled chicken; kao fat- fried rice with chicken, beef, pork or seafood; khao fat mu - fried rice with pork; Khao phat nem - fried rice with sausage. They also prepare large main courses of meat in Thailand: kai fat king- chicken fried with ginger; ken kiao vann- coconut curry with meat or fish balls, one of the spiciest Thai dishes; ken fanaen- mild coconut curry with beef, pork or chicken; fat krafao- beef, pork, chicken or shrimp fried with Thai basil; poo cha- several types of meat fried in a crab shell.

For those looking for something exotic, Thai cuisine has an ancient dish kanom chin nam ngyao- Pig's blood tofu, usually served with rice noodles, soybeans and cottonwood flowers.

In Thailand, it is customary to wash down all this splendor with iced tea or coffee. Thai tea - cha yeon- this is a close relative Indian masala, sweet strong black tea with milk and aromatics: anise, tamarind, orange blossom, mint and lime. Thai coffee - Oleng is a mixture of coffee beans with soybeans, corn and sesame. Coffee, like tea, is served cold, with syrup or condensed milk. For those who prefer stronger drinks, Thailand has various variations on the theme of rice wine.

According to the rules of Thai etiquette, many dishes can be eaten with your hands, or more precisely, with your right hand. Even sticky rice is sometimes eaten with hands, formed into balls and dipped in sauces. The main cutlery is a spoon and a fork, and the fork is usually held in the left hand and used only to fill the spoon. It is not customary to bring a fork to your mouth. Chopsticks are rarely used in Thailand - mainly for soups and noodles or in Chinese restaurants. The knife is never used for dining table, its use is limited to the kitchen.

As in many Asian countries, the skill of a cook in Thailand is assessed by his ability to work with a knife: not only depends on the method of cutting ingredients appearance and taste dishes, but also the cooking time, which means the preservation of nutrients in the finished dish. The mastery of Thai chefs with a knife is expressed in carving - a separate direction of culinary art. In Thailand you can see orchids (the symbol of the country) and other flowers, animals and entire sculptural compositions carved with pinpoint precision from watermelons, melons and other fruits.

Today Thailand is the main trendsetter in the art of carving. “Carving fruits and vegetables” in Thai cuisine looks very harmonious. This is not just decoration, but important element festive table, balancing and complementing the bright taste and aroma of dishes. Note that in no other cuisine in the world, except Thai and Chinese (its ancestors), has there been a need for the art of carving. Only Thai and Chinese dishes are so bright in taste and aroma that they can not get lost against the backdrop of skillful sculptures. This is exactly how Thai cuisine appears - bright, beautiful and amazing - to anyone who begins to get acquainted with it.

The most popular Thai dishes. Some of them are known all over the world, others are more mysterious...

But it’s worth trying them all and having an idea: “What should I order?”

Too spicy Thai food? No, spicy, please... and they will prepare it for you without chili pepper, which makes the dish deadly hot for European tastes.

Some dishes will seem “family” to you and you may be surprised to note: “My grandmother makes this kind of cabbage soup” or “I eat this kind of omelette for breakfast before university.” Well, let's compare.

Tom Yum Gung

A masterpiece of Thai culinary art - soup with a huge amount shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, kolgan and lime leaves (kaffir).

All this is boiled in coconut milk and served in two versions: with coconut cream - Tom Yum Kung Nam Kon soup (tom yum gung nam kohn) or without it - Tom Yum Kung Nam Sai (tom yum gung nam sai). The second version is a little more sour and lighter.

Tom Yam truly combines many flavors: salty, sour, spicy and sweet in one dish. This is a true favorite of Thai cuisine known all over the world.

Som Tam

Som Tam is perhaps the most famous salad in Thailand.

Garlic and chili pepper are first crushed in a mortar. Tamarind juice, fish sauce, peanuts, dried shrimp, tomatoes, lime juice, sugar cane, beans and a handful of green papaya follow in the mortar.

Sweet, salty and spicy aromas paired with green crispy papaya.

Som Tam has many offered options: with crabs - som tam boo, with fermented fish sauce - som tam plah lah.

Fermented fish sauce is a frequent guest in Thai cuisine. (Fermented fish is left to stand for 2-3 years with chopped lemongrass stems and lime leaves. The strained broth is fermented fish sauce).

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is probably the best famous dish outside of Thailand.

Pad Thai gained extraordinary popularity thanks to ravers who put it at the pinnacle of the glory of Thai cuisine. Their assessment was supported by numerous tourists and a stir began.

Medium rice noodles stir-fried with shrimp and a variety of ingredients - nuts, tofu, bean sprouts, green onions, garlic, pepper, lime juice and fish sauce. Everything is poured with egg and cooked until the dish becomes thicker - this will give it a delicious taste.

Squeeze lime onto the finished Pad Thai and sprinkle with peanuts. And again, some people add a few spoons of sugar, dried chili pepper and a small spoon of vinegar to it. Therefore, this set is served as a condiment for the famous Pad Thai salad.

Gang Som Pak Ruam

Just like Thai - a fusion of sweet, sour and spicy in another ultra-vibrant soup.

Its basis was vegetable stew– carrots, cabbage and green beans (Pak Ruam). It can be served with omelette and Thai acacia leaves, then it is called Kung Som Cha Om Kai (gang som cha om kai).

Easy vegetable soup in meat broth, with fresh herbs and, of course, chili pepper. All ingredients of Thai cuisine are beneficial for health, beauty and youth. Chili pepper included.

Gang Keow Wan

One of the most famous and popular dishes national cuisine- Thai green curry.

Green curry paste, coconut milk, bamboo shoots, chicken, Thai holy basil, Thai eggplant and, as is tradition, galangal, lemongrass, lime and other greens and leaves fill this dish with an unforgettable combination of delights.

It is cooked quite thick and served with a cup of rice, which will soak up every drop of the curry.

Panang Gai

Chicken fried in red curry paste then topped with coconut cream making the curry juicy, spicy and flavourful.

The dish is served with finely chopped lemongrass leaves. If the dish is prepared correctly, then the dynamic (or demonic?) pungent taste is felt from the first touch. Lemongrass really refreshes the dish.

This Thai dish also combines all Thai flavors. One of the top dishes.

Kung Massaman

Massaman is a sweet curry native to southern Thailand and is a halal dish.

Curry sauce is made from coconut milk, which is mixed with curia paste, and a little peanuts, nutmeg and cinnamon are added to the mixture for flavor.

Traditional massaman is served with potatoes as a side dish, which absorbs Coconut oil like a sponge.

Massaman is one of the most popular dishes in Thai cuisine. Potatoes and soft taste make it popular among Europeans.

Gai Pad Pongali

Chicken, onions, tomatoes and peppers in yellow Thai curry paste and the main ingredient of the dish is an egg, which is poured over and mixed with it all. Fry until done and sprinkle with a good portion of parsley.

Very similar to scrambled eggs with tomatoes and... bacon, the same chicken, sausage and whatever you want or have in the refrigerator.

A quick breakfast before classes or work has been prepared so many times, thinking it was scrambled eggs with tomatoes and chicken, but it turns out it is Gai Pad Pongali.

Gang Jued

Kung Jude is considered one of the lightest soups in Thai cuisine.

Chopped pork, tofu and glass noodles. Be sure to have parsley on top.

Almost like our fresh cabbage soup, only instead of Thai noodles and tofu we have potatoes and tomatoes.

Kung Jude is a medley of garden vegetables, a soup that gets compliments from other Thai dishes and offsets their heat.

Jim Jum

A fantastic way to relax over dinner is to enjoy Jim Jan with a few friends.

A small clay pot filled with rich meat broth sits on burning coals.

The waiter brings an assortment of different herbs, cabbage, meat (usually pork or liver), beaten eggs, glass noodles and, of course, Thai holy basil.

Vegetables and meat are thrown into the cauldron, where they are slowly stewed. This makes it nutritious and hearty soup... for dinner.

Kao Na Phet

Roast duck is recognized throughout Asia for being fattier and more flavorful than chicken.

Thai dish Khao Na Phet served on a plate with rice. Select pieces of duck are placed on the rice and poured on top duck broth with acacia leaves.

Khao Na Phet is easy to see - street food carts have ducks hanging in a glass cabinet.

A simple and nutritious duck broth with duck meat and rice.

Kai Jiew Moo Saap

Authentic Thai food that anyone can make for themselves - again omelet style.

Beat eggs with fish and soy sauce, then add minced pork. The resulting mixture is poured over hot boiled rice.

The omelette is served with chili sauce (sauce prik) and fresh herbs.

Thai-style casserole with rice and meat - very filling and quick to prepare - comfort food.

Kao Niew Moo Yang

Pork shish kebab, with rice, noodles or french fries as a side dish if you like. What to add to this? In terms of information - nothing, in terms of gourmet - everything from fresh vegetables and fruits to Coca Cola and red wine.

All grilled meats in Thailand, like all Thai food - street food and in restaurants, are prepared very tasty and are not expensive. You can buy Khao Nii Mu Yang anywhere, at any time of the day.

Moo Dad Diew

Pork marinated in weak vinegar and fried with soy sauce.

Juicy and flavorful pieces of pork served with hot chili sauce (jim jao) and green onions. The side dish, of course, is rice or noodles.

Fresh greens, herbs and traditional vegetables - cucumbers and tomatoes will give this dish a familiar summer taste and, perhaps, will remind you of trips out of town for barbecues with friends.

Yam Khor Moo Yang

Very tasty meat salad Thai cuisine is made from pork, grilled and cut into pieces. They are sprinkled with lemon juice and mixed with herbs - parsley, sweet onions and a lot of fiery chili peppers.

This Thai salad Isaan has the same holiday attribute as Olivier does for us. It is eaten with rice, which is dipped in the sauce served.

If you want a lighter version, then it is appropriate to order it without chili pepper. “No spice, please” is understood everywhere in Thailand and Thais know that Europeans are not ready for such “hot” dishes.

Gai Yang

Gai Yang is grilled chicken, like grilled pork - moo yang, a very popular dish in Thai cuisine, so it is sold everywhere from street food carts to restaurants.

Grilled chicken is accompanied by rice and delicious spicy Som Tam (green papaya salad).

A whole grilled chicken costs 120-130 baht, half a chicken or breast costs 50 baht.

On street food carts, from different vendors, it is prepared according to different recipes, but always delicious.

It is worth trying several and choosing the one that suits your taste.

Kao Ka Moo

The pork is simmered for an hour in soy sauce with anise and cinnamon, which gives the dish its characteristic flavor.

A piece of fatty pork on the bone literally slides into a plate of rice.

Khao Ka Mu can be salty or sweet and served with rice and sauce.

On the street stalls you can easily recognize Khao Ka Mu - in large cauldrons there are large pieces of pork legs with a characteristic golden color, which gives the dish soy sauce.

Kao Mok Gai

Another Muslim dish in Thai cuisine, which is very similar to biryani (biryani is rice, usually basmati, cooked with spices and herbs), served as a side dish for meat, fish, pickles, eggs.

Khao Mok Gai is rice cooked in chicken broth with saffron, turmeric, cardamom and bay leaf. Chicken and rice have a recognizable yellow. The dish is sprinkled with cilantro and fried onions.

Kao Moo Dang

A very tasty and satisfying dish of Thai cuisine, which is on restaurant menus and on street stalls.

Khao Mu Dang is a bowl of rice and a large mound of thinly sliced ​​pork and Thai sausage, with boiled egg(or covered in egg) and a thick layer of barbecue sauce.

When the dish is ready, sprinkle cilantro and green onions on top. The result is a not spicy, but sweet taste of the dish, which is enjoyed with pleasure at night while walking.

Kao Man Gai

Chicken rice from Thailand is perhaps more popular than Singaporean.

In Russia we call it chicken broth with rice (meaning chicken in it, as usual).

Thai chicken Khao Man Gai is prepared in the same way - pieces of chicken are placed in a plate with rice and filled with chicken broth. That's it - the Thai dish Khao Man Gai is ready.

In Thailand, they offer it as a seasoning, of course, with chili and garlic; without them, the dish is a dietary dish, not Thai...

The broth can be served with fried chicken if you wish...

Nam Tok Moo

Nam Tok literally means waterfall in Thai.

Lightly grilled pork is tossed with a good dose of lemon juice, green onions, chili peppers, a sprig of mint, fish sauce and toasted rice. The meat's blood and sauce inspired someone to call this dish a "waterfall of meat to eat," and rightly so.

The pork in this dish is very tender and soft.

Lab Moo

The famous Isaan dish is made from minced pork and liver, seasoned with lime juice and fish sauce. Mint, onion, and pepper leaves are slightly overcooked with rice.

All the ingredients in another Thai meat salad are extremely important - their juice becomes a sauce for the rice. In addition, the method of preparing all Thai dishes, including Lab Mu, preserves all the beneficial properties of the products.

Pad Gai Pow, Moo, Kai, Dow

If a Thai doesn't know what to order, his choice will probably come down to Pad Gai Poo.

Fried chicken, meat or mince dishes you can trust. They always turn out tasty and satisfying at any time and in almost every eatery.

Chicken (gai), pork (mu) or minced meat (kai) fried in oil with garlic, chili and small vegetables - green beans and bright basil which impart a unique taste to the dish.

Typically it is served with rice and a fried egg.

Gai Pad Met Ma Muang

Another Gai Pad is chicken fried in a greased wok (a traditional Chinese wok) with onions, dried chillies and crunchy cashews.

Oyster sauce, fish sauce, sugar and various spices make the dish delicious.

Gai Pad is served with rice, of course. A very tasty and popular Thai dish. Chili pepper gives the dish a spicy kick.

Since, as a rule, Thai food is prepared in front of you, you can skip the pepper and replace it with chili paste, a less hot ingredient.

Plah Kah Pung Neung Manow

Whole perch in a pool of steam hot sauce.

Lime juice is poured into a metal mold in which the dish is served. A candle burns at the bottom of the mold to keep the fish steamed all the time. Cloves of garlic and green chilies poke through the cilantro and lime zest for a hint of spice, while the sweet steamed fish melts in your mouth.

If you order the dish at home and leave it until the morning, the cold version of the fish remains just as tasty.

Gang Som Plah Chon

Well-fried, bright fish with the head of a snake is drowning in a stunning spicy sweet and sour sauce.

Typically, the fish is served in a metal form with a large pile of greens and vegetables on top.

A wonderful combination of tastes and aromas of Thai dishes. Without a doubt, you will become the envy of all restaurant visitors when the fragrant fish appears from the kitchen.

Plah Plow

A popular dish to eat with Som Tam and sticky rice is the regular salt fried fish. But.

First, the fish is stuffed with lemongrass, lime leaves and other aromatic ingredients, secondly, it is thickly sprinkled with salt.

That's why, never overcooked, it's grilled to succulent perfection.

The result is soft, sweetish, white fish meat that literally melts in your mouth.

Pla Plu in Thailand is prepared from all types of fish.

Yam Plah Duk Foo

A treasured favorite among Thais is Yam Pla Duk Phu.

First of all, the deep-fried catfish pieces seem fluffy and airy.

However, when sour mango, sweet sugar, tart lime, tangy red onion, earthy cilantro, shrimp, squid, peanut sauce and vinegar become the sauce, the fluff transforms into crunchy pieces of fish that incorporate all the Thai flavors and textures at the same time.

Kanom Jeen

Delicate, delicate taste of very soft fermented rice noodles. It is placed in a small ladle and passed through boiling water.

Next, curry of your choice: Kanom jeen nam ya - fish balls with red curry, Kanom Jeen Nam Ya Prik - with sweet chili paste (kanom jeen nam prik), Kanom Jeen Gang Keo Wan Gai - chicken with green curry (kanom jeen gang keow wan gai).

And as a fresh side dish, cabbage and cucumbers are on top.

Gai Pad King

Ginger is king in this great recipe.

A huge amount of grated ginger, chicken fillet, various mushrooms, chili peppers and onions fried in oyster sauce. Guy Pad King is probably on every menu of any restaurant in Thailand.

About 400 types of ginger are grown in the country. It is one of the main ingredients of Thai cuisine.

The national cuisine of Thailand is one of the main advantages of the local culture.

Thai cuisine is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. Unusual dishes, exquisite appearance, delicate balance of flavors - this is what distinguishes the dishes of this amazing country.

Surrounded by countries with rich cuisines, Thailand has adopted many of their cooking methods. Borrowing recipes and improving them to suit one’s own tastes allowed it to soon become a country whose dishes all gourmets want to try.

Many types of Thai dishes were influenced by Chinese, Japanese and, believe it or not, European cuisine. Back in the 17th century, Portuguese missionaries brought chili peppers to this country. Since then, chili has become one of the most commonly used spices in Thai cooking.

Main Products

1. Fig. The main Asian agricultural crop, it is the basis for most dishes.

Recipes include the use of only two types of this grain: white fluffy rice and glutinous rice. As a side dish, the first type is eaten with a spoon, into which the rice is placed with a fork. And from the second they roll small balls, which are completely stuffed into the mouth.

Rice is the main component of many dishes.

Sweet and sour rice, stir-fry with rice and spices, liquid rice soup are just a small part of what is prepared from this product.

2. Noodles and pasta. It is not difficult to guess that the popularity of noodles came to Thailand from China. But in this country, noodles have turned from a side dish into a completely independent dish.

3. Meat. Many Thai recipes include meat. But because of its high cost, residents of this country do not eat such dishes very often. The most popular are duck and chicken meat.

4. Seafood. Thailand is a country with access to the sea. It is not surprising that this has influenced the cuisine of this country. Seafood is the main product after rice in the Thai diet.

5. Sauces. Sweet, sour, spicy - they can give new taste any dish. The chefs of this country know hundreds of recipes. original sauces. The most original salad here is seasoned with fermented fish sauce, vegetables and rice - khao yam.

6. Seasonings. The leader among the seasonings of Thai cuisine is yellow curry. Incredibly spicy, it has gained incredible popularity in this country and is the basis for many sauces. The abundance of spices and herbs is a characteristic feature of the dishes of this country.

7. Vegetables and fruits. Thailand has a tropical climate huge variety incredible fruits. There are more than 20 types of bananas alone.

In addition to all the famous pineapples, eggplants, papaya, exotic fruits such as lychee, guava, durian, tangerini, sapodilla, mangosteen, rambutan and others grow here.

Fruits of Thailand.

A European will be able to try most of these species only upon arrival in this hospitable country. The peculiarity of the Thais is that they prefer to eat fruits as part of some dishes rather than as a separate product.

Principles of Thai cuisine

An interesting feature of Thai cuisine is that recipes are not always clear cut. Even professional chefs often cook by eye. The main secret delicious dish Thais consider the perfect balance between five tastes: sour, bitter, salty, spicy and sweet.

A variety of seasonings and sauces are used to give a specific flavor to a dish. For example, chili or curry will make the dish incredibly spicy, bitter cucumber will make the food taste bitter, and sugar cane or ripe pineapple will add sweetness.

Lemon and lime are used to add sourness to the taste.

Thais prefer small portions, but eat often. Therefore, you should not be surprised if it seems to you that the waiter brought too little food on your plate. The use of knives is not common in Thailand. Thais prefer dishes where all food is cut into small pieces.

Thais prefer dishes where all food is cut into small pieces.

At the end of the meal there is fruit. Thailand has many species various drinks, but the most common is naam yen, plain cold water without any flavoring.

Cooking features

Speed ​​of cooking is a characteristic feature of Thai cuisine.

The Thai wok, a special utensil for frying, has gained great popularity. open fire. Thick walls and a special shape speed up the cooking process significantly compared to a frying pan. The cook needs no more than 5 minutes to fry the vegetables until done.

Thai wok is a special utensil for frying over an open fire.

Vegetables are often fried for salad, which surprises many Europeans.

Serving the dish

Thai cuisine is different sophisticated look food served. Not a single respected chef will bring a dish that is not beautifully served. Interesting presentation, sculptures from vegetables, decoration with herbs allow you to enjoy not only taste sensations, but also the aesthetics of the dish.

Dish of Thai cuisine.

A salad will always surprise you with its neat arrangement of vegetables, and a meat dish with additional serving elements.

Main dishes of Thai cuisine

There are hundreds of Thai recipes. And in order to try these delicious dishes, you should definitely visit this wonderful country. Yes, many restaurants of this cuisine are opening in the world, which give their customers a chance to get acquainted with the cuisine of Thailand.

But they can offer you to try only a couple of dozen dishes. True gourmets should visit this country and enjoy exotic dishes.

Salad is an integral part of the Thai diet. Their recipes surprise them with their simplicity and ease of execution. The most popular salad in the country is Som Tam. More than 10 ingredients are included in its composition. These include peanuts, fish sauce, sugar cane paste, and much more.

An unforgettable taste, a balance of simultaneous sour, salty, sweet and spicy, brought this salad to the pinnacle of Thai culinary excellence.

A salad with the curious name “Morning Glory” or Pad Pak Bung Fai Daeng intrigues many. A mixture of vegetables, basil, herbs and impomea is fried in oyster sauce, with a clove of garlic and a small amount of chili.

Morning Glory Salad is served hot.

No less famous is the Tom Yang Kung soup ( Tom Yum Kung). Its peculiarity is that all ingredients are prepared in coconut milk. Shrimp, tomatoes, mushrooms, kolgan, a little lemongrass and a couple of lime leaves - that's all that's needed for it. The dish is served either with or without coconut milk. Therefore, there are two types of this dish: Nam Kom and Nam Sai.

Thai recipes include hundreds of meat dishes. But the main one is Panang Gai. Chicken fried in the Thai favorite curry and served in coconut cream is loved by many fans of Thai cuisine. The spiciness of the dish is refreshed by lemongrass leaves.

The unusual balance of sour and spicy sets Panang Gai apart from other dishes.

It is also worth noting:

  • Po Pia Sod - buns with sausage, omelette and vegetable salad.
  • Mi Krop or "Crispy Noodles" - well-fried pasta with sweet and sour sauce.
  • Yum Nua - grilled meat, cucumber, onion with pepper and lime juice.
  • Larb Gai - chicken with chopped onions, lime juice and pepper.
  • Pad Thai - rice noodles in a special sauce, eggs, shrimp, bean sprouts and green onions.

For dessert, Thais prefer to eat jelly or fruit pudding. Pancakes with banana are a favorite delicacy of many. Of course, this is just a small list of dishes that you can try in Thailand.

In order to fall in love with Thai cuisine, you don’t have to be in Thailand for a very long time; just try a few dishes, and it will immediately become clear that the taste and smell of lemon grass, galangal, cardamom, coconut milk and chili pepper will remain deep in your memory. long, but taste buds in the language from time to time they will insistently demand to please them at least once more :)

all spring, and got hooked on Thai food quite thoroughly. Even where we had a kitchen in our rented accommodation and could cook anything, we preferred to have lunch and dinner in cafes in order to enjoy the incredibly delicious soups, curries and salads to the maximum.

Of course, we have friends who cook their own famous Thai dishes, and we are sure that they are no less tasty than the original ones. Perhaps someday we will take a few lessons and learn how to cook them ourselves, but for now we present 10 of our favorite Thai dishes.

Almost each of these dishes (except salads) can be either vegetarian or with chicken, pork, fish or seafood.

Top 10 Thai dishes

1. Tom Kha
Sweetish soup made with coconut milk. Of all the Thai cuisines, we liked it the most - not too hot, spicy and very tasty.

2. Tom Yum
This is perhaps the most famous dish in Thai cuisine, and even if you have not been to Thailand yet, you have probably at least heard of this hot and sour soup with lemon grass, galangal and lime leaves. Due to the abundance of spices, the soup has a very specific and memorable taste. True, soup in the Thai sense is significantly different from what is familiar to Russian people - in Tom Yam you can eat almost only the broth (well, and meat/fish if you have any), everything else is added to create flavor and is not edible.
Since Tom Yam is very Hot soup, then rice is offered as an addition to it, more often than to other dishes.

3. Green Curry.Red and yellow curry are also popular.
The basis of this dish is a special paste that consists of chili peppers, lemongrass, lime leaves, basil, shrimp paste and coconut milk.

Green, red and yellow curry are three dishes that are similar in structure and consistency, but differ in the composition of spices and spiciness. Green is the hottest, red and yellow are slightly less spicy. But it’s worth keeping in mind that “less” in this case is a very relative concept, which is why curry is most often eaten with rice (although Thais generally eat everything with rice).

3. Massaman Curry
One of our favorite curries is made with coconut milk, roasted peanuts (or cashews), cardamom, tamarind and fish sauce. Has a spicy and distinct taste and aroma

4. Phanaeng Curry
A bit like massaman, but it has less peanuts and additional shrimp paste.

6. Green Papaya/mango Salad, Som Tum
Green papaya salad (or green mango), with crushed peanuts, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, dried shrimp, fish sauce and, of course, chili peppers. Distinguish by taste green papaya We didn't get any results from green mango in the salad. Both salads are tasty, but very spicy - it’s almost impossible to eat them without tears :)

7. Pad Thai
Fried noodles with egg, soybean sprouts, fish (or oyster) sauce, peanuts and assorted toppings. Quite a simple, but tasty and very popular dish in Thailand - it can be found both in street eateries and in decent restaurants. Padtai varies in type and composition of noodles, so there can be a huge number of variations.

8. Fried Rice (Khau Phat)
Fried rice with egg and vegetables is one of the most favorite dishes among backpackers, as it is sold on every corner and is cheap. We're not big rice fans, so we only liked one variation of this dish called Khau Phat Sapparot - pineapple fried rice.

9. Sen Khao Soi
This dish is popular in northern Thailand, it is a soup with deep-fried egg noodles. The soup is also served with lime, onion, chili pepper and cabbage pickle.

10. Roti – pancakes with various fillings(egg, chicken, as well as chocolate, banana and other fruits)
Pancakes are not baked from batter, as in Russia, but from kneaded and mashed to a thin, almost transparent state. We are not sure that this is a native Thai dish, but it is prepared in many places and pancakes are very popular among both tourists and locals.

Of course, Thai cuisine is not limited to a set of 10 dishes; in order to list all the dishes, you would have to write a whole book. For example, in addition to the most popular Tom Yam and Tom Kha soups, there are many other soups - very tasty and for everyone

In the south of Thailand, especially in the maritime regions, fresh fish and seafood dishes are very popular

Salads often use not only papaya and mango, but also other vegetables and fruits, such as grapefruit, pomelo, corn and tofu

In addition, there are often situations when in a Thai cafe without an English menu, you have to order dishes whose composition is only approximately understood (but this does not make them any less tasty)

And, of course, you can’t ignore the evening markets, where you can try something unusual - for example, grilled shrimp, kebabs on skewers, as well as all kinds of caterpillars, grasshoppers and other insects, which are, however, mainly eaten by tourists =) We will write about evening markets separately, but for now you can read about.

Chili sauce recipe

Well, as a bonus, some homemade Thai cuisine, namely a recipe for chili sauce, which we learned to cook in Kanchanaburi under the guidance of our Thai friend Adisak.

Adisak’s family has Chinese roots, so for the first dinner he treated us to Chinese-Thai dishes, and having learned about ours, he offered to cook the next dinner together, in Thai style.

We exchanged recipes and told Adisak about our culinary experiments in Bali, and he taught us how to make chili sauce, without which, in his opinion, Thai cuisine would not be Thai (the clever iPad persistently suggests replacing the word “Thai” with “heavenly” - what to say about people, even if technology understands in Thai cuisine :)

So, the recipe is quite simple, for preparation we will need the following ingredients:

  • Green chili pepper – 7 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 7 pcs.
  • Garlic – 7 cloves
  • Lime – 1 pc.
  • Shrimp paste 1/2 tsp.
  • Fish sauce 1 tbsp.
  • Cane sugar 1 tsp.

By the way, we thought that only in street cafes In Thailand (and in Asia in general), cooks do not wash vegetables, but it turned out that this is not accepted in their culture at all - even in such a decent house, no one even thought of washing vegetables before cooking. This is why in Asia it is better to avoid uncooked food.

To prepare the sauce you will need a mortar; it is most convenient to make such sauces. In Asia, as we noticed, any housewife will definitely have a mortar in her kitchen - even those who have both a food processor and a blender still use a mortar when it comes to sauces, apparently it’s also in their blood :)

Adisak assured that the order in which ingredients are added is very important:

  • First, put the chili pepper in a mortar, after cutting off the ends, knead it.
  • Next, add sugar and garlic, previously crushed with a knife (to release the juice) and cut into small pieces, knead.
  • Then squeeze out the lime juice and add the quartered tomatoes and mash.
  • The last step is to add shrimp paste and fish sauce, mix everything thoroughly.

The sauce is ready, it is advisable to cool it before serving :)
Attention: the sauce is very spicy!

Bon appetit!

For the last month we have been incredibly happy with Indian and Tibetan dishes, and also recently discovered Korean cuisine, although we miss Thai :) What world cuisines do you prefer?

Super User

Traditional Thai dishes are a must try

In order not to bore my dear readers with long prefaces, which I love, and I'm sure you don't, let's immediately move on to listing the most basic traditional Thai dishes.

Many of our (and not only our) compatriots are delighted with how interesting Thai dishes taste. Yes, and for good reason, because for us it’s completely exotic! I warn you right away that almost all of them are sharp, and not as sharp as we are used to, but truly spicy. Therefore, if you are not a fan of “fire in the mouth,” when ordering, repeat to the waiter “No spicy!!!”

Tom Yum Gung Soup

It is the number one leader in popularity among tourists and Thais, the calling card of Thailand. This spicy Thai soup is made with shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, spices, lemongrass, kolgan and lime leaves. All this is cooked in coconut milk and there are two options for how it will be served to you - Tom Yum Gung Nam Kohn soup with coconut cream or Tom Yum Gung Nam Sai without coconut milk. The taste is impossible to describe, as it is truly unique. As for the choice, try both options. I always suffered greatly between choosing one and the other, since both of them are very tasty and are not similar to one another.

Som Tam

This salad is one of the most popular in Thailand. Som Tam is a spicy salad made with garlic and chili. Other salad ingredients: shrimp, fish sauce, peanuts, tamarind juice, tomatoes, lime juice, sugarcane paste, beans, a handful of green papaya. You understand how many flavors are combined here - sweet, spicy and sour! There are also two options for how you will be served Som Tam - with crabs Som Tam Boo, with fish sauce - Som Tam Plah lah.

Pad Thai

Thailand's favorite dish after Tom Yum! Pad Thai is a delicious dish made in a large skillet where rice noodles are stir-fried with nuts, shrimp, bean sprouts, green onions, garlic, tofu, lime juice and fish sauce. All this is filled with egg and fried again. Sugar, dried chili pepper and a little vinegar are added as a separate seasoning, but this is optional.

Fried rice (fried rice)

This is one of the main traditional dishes of Thailand, which is enjoyed not only by locals, but also by tourists. As you already understand from the name, the main ingredient of this dish is rice. Rice is fried in a huge frying pan with high edges, onions, carrots, eggs, bacon, chicken, shrimp are added (depending on what you want). If you order fried rice with chicken, only chicken and some vegetables will be added. You can order without meat at all, but only with vegetables or egg. Insanely delicious, but they cook it differently everywhere. We ate very tasty fried rice and not so much.

Gang Som Pak Ruam

This is another unusual Thai soup with a very specific taste, where sweet, sour and spicy flavors. The basis of the soup is stewed vegetables - carrots, beans and cabbage in meat broth with chili pepper. This soup can be served with omelette and Thai acacia leaves, in which case its name will change slightly to Gung Som Cha Om Kai.

Gang Keow Wan

Very popular a traditional dish In Thailand, it is loved by the local population - green curry. From experience I can say that it is impossible to eat it, even my husband, who has been eating it since childhood hot peppers bit into it, he said it was incredibly spicy! This dish is not just a fire in your mouth, but a conflagration! Ingredients – green curry paste, coconut milk, bamboo shoots, chicken, basil, Thai eggplant, galangal, lime. The dish is quite thick and served with rice. Probably, when ordering it, you should also ask for no spicy. We apparently lost sight of this.

Panang Gai.

Also one of the most popular dishes, spicy! The chicken is fried in red curry paste, coated with coconut cream and topped with lemongrass leaves.

Kung Massaman

Massaman is a sweet curry that came from southern Thailand, and everything is the same - coconut milk, curry paste, peanuts, nutmeg and cinnamon. Traditionally served with potatoes as a side dish.

Gai Pad Pongali

This dish is also prepared in a large frying pan, chicken, onions, tomatoes and peppers are fried together in yellow curry paste, then the main ingredient is added - an egg, everything is sprinkled with parsley. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of scrambled eggs and bacon, only a little better!

Kung Jut (Gang Jued)

This is such a light Thai soup that is nice to eat during the day when it is very hot. The soup is prepared at vegetable broth made from cabbage, carrots and onions, pork, tofu and glass noodles are added there. Sprinkled with parsley, very similar to our native cabbage soup, but the noodles are a significant difference.

Jim Jum

Very original dish Thai cuisine, but a little heavy, since fatty meats are used here. It is prepared as follows: a small clay pot sits on coals, inside there is a fatty broth, various herbs, pork, beaten eggs, basil and glass noodles are placed there. Vegetables in a pot are slowly stewed, the soup turns out rich and satisfying.

Kao Na Phet

Khao Na Phet is a Thai dish made from duck, so beloved in Asian countries. Served, of course, with rice. Pieces of cooked duck are placed on the rice and topped with duck broth and acacia leaves. Often sold on street food carts, be sure to try it!

Kai Jiew Moo Saap

In principle, you can cook Kai Ji Mu Sap yourself, since the base is a simple omelette. Beat the eggs with soy and fish sauce and add minced pork. Well, and to top it all with rice! Served with chili and fresh herbs. A simple and tasty dish.

Kao Niew Moo Yang

Pork shish kebab, eaten with rice, noodles or potatoes. You can do it without everything or with vegetables. You can buy it everywhere - in makashnitsa, at night markets, in stores.

Moo Dad Diew

Marinated pork is fried in vinegar and soy sauce, pieces of fried pork are served with hot sauce and green onions. Garnish with whatever you want - rice, vegetables, potatoes, noodles.

Yam Khor Moo Yang

This is a meat salad made from grilled pork. Pork, cut into pieces, is poured with lemon juice and mixed with herbs and chili. So-called holiday salad like our Olivier or crab. You can order it without chili.

Gai Yang

Grilled chicken is a very popular dish in Thailand, sold everywhere - on street carts, in inexpensive cafes, in restaurants, even in stores in prepared food sections. Usually eaten with rice and spicy Soy Tam salad (see above). Everywhere tastes different.

Kao Ka Moo

It takes a long time to prepare - the pork is boiled for an hour in soy sauce with cinnamon and anise, this gives the meat a specific aroma. Served with rice with sauce, the taste can be salty or sweetish. It is even sold on street stalls in large pans, you will recognize this dish by golden color meat.

Kao Mok Gai

This is a dish from Muslim Thai cuisine. Rice cooked in chicken broth with turmeric, saffron, cardamom and bay leaf. The chicken is cooked separately. The dish is sprinkled with fresh herbs - cilantro, parsley, an option is fried onions.

Kao Moo Dang

This Thai dish is prepared both in restaurants and at street stalls and cafes. Very tasty due to the spicy sauce. The rice is topped with a large portion of sliced ​​pork and Thai sausage with a boiled egg, and topped with barbecue sauce. An option is to serve it with cilantro or fried onions.

Kao Man Gai

Pieces of boiled chicken are placed on a plate with rice and filled with chicken broth - that's it, Ko Man Gai is ready! Spices, naturally, chili or chili with garlic.

Nam Tok Moo

The name of this dish is translated from Thai as “waterfall”. Grilled pork is mixed with lemon juice, green onions, hot peppers, mint, fish sauce and toasted rice. The pork in Nam Tok Mu is tender and soft.

Lam Moo

This famous dish from the Thai province of Isan is made from minced pork and liver, seasoned with fish sauce and lime juice. Mint leaves, onions and peppers are slightly fried with rice. The juice from the leaves becomes a sauce for the rice.

Pag Ga Pow Moo Kai Dow

This dish is prepared with chicken, minced meat and meat. All ingredients are fried in oil with garlic, chili and different vegetables– basil and green beans, served with rice and a fried egg.

Gai Pad Met Ma Muang

The chicken is fried in a deep frying pan with onions, cashew nuts, and dried chili. Add fish sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar and other spices. Serve with rice, be careful, hot pepper is added during cooking, so warn in advance.

Plah Kah Pung Neung Manow

Perch with spicy sauce, the dish is served in a metal form on fire, lime juice is poured into it, garlic, chili, and lime zest are added to the fish, the fish turns out a little sweetish. You can eat it cold, the taste will not change much.

Gang Som Plah Chon

Served in a spicy sweet and sour sauce Fried fish. A lot of vegetables and herbs are placed on top of the fish.

Plah Plow

A popular dish in Thailand, this is a simple fried small fish, which is stuffed with lemongrass and lime leaves, possibly other aromatic herbs, sprinkle thickly with salt. They grill it and it tastes like sweetish white fish meat that melts in your mouth. Pla Plu is prepared from any type of fish.

Yam Plah Duk Foo

Nice light soup. Pieces of catfish are deep-fried, the sauce is made from sour mango, red onion, cilantro, squid, nut sauce, limes, squid. Soup with crispy fish pieces.

Kanom Jeen

Prepared from soft rice noodles with curry, fish balls and sweet chili paste. Cabbage and fresh cucumbers are placed on top.

Gai Pad King

To prepare this dish, ginger, a favorite among Asians, is used. Chicken fillet, grated ginger, mushrooms, chili peppers, and onions - all fried in oyster sauce.

Pad Pak Bung Fai Daeng

Pad Pak is a hot salad made from legumes, herbs, basil and impomea. Everything is fried on high fire With oyster sauce and, of course, chili pepper! Despite being lightly fried, the vegetables remain fresh and crispy.

Nam Prik Kaphi

Several types of vegetables are steamed with the addition of small fish. Serve with rice and chilli shrimp paste. The thick and salty sauce combined with the fishy taste gives a complex and inexplicable taste and aroma. Just don't eat it if you don't like the aftertaste of fish or garlic in your mouth.

Pad See Eiu

This dish is large and is usually eaten for lunch. Wide rice noodles are fried in a large frying pan with pork, garlic and broccoli, soy sauce. Filled with egg. Served with sugar, vinegar and dried chili (optional, of course).

Guay Teow Rhua

Translated from Thai as "boat noodles", this dish is very popular in floating markets, where there is a lively trade from boats. Sweet broth made from pork blood, choice of noodles - sen ai (wide rice noodles), sena lek (medium rice noodles), wun sen (glass noodles). Chopped pork, beef, liver or fish balls.

Kai Teg Naa or Sen Lek (Guay Teow Nuaa, Sen Lek)

A light, delicious soup that you can find in almost any street cafe in Thailand, and even more so in a restaurant. Prepared with beef or pork and rice noodles, fish balls are added. Add bean sprouts, herbs, hot chili optional. We recommend it to everyone; once you try this soup, you will remain a fan forever!

Guay Jab

Wide noodles in a sweet brown broth, with beef or pork, fried onions, crispy pork skin, bean sprouts, fish balls, black pepper. Delicious! We loved this soup so much that we specially went to the other end of the island to eat it.

Guay Teow Lui Suan

Fresh rice is placed in a thin layer of rice noodles. vegetable filling from carrots, lettuce, basil, minced pork. In addition to this there is green sauce With sweet and sour taste. These pancakes can be different sizes and shapes.

Cha Yen

Cha Yen is a famous sweet Thai drink that can replace coffee; it is prepared with ice and a lot of condensed milk. This drink is sold everywhere - in shops, street cafes, restaurants, and on trays.

Kao Niew Ma Muang

Yellow Thai mango with sticky rice. A mango cut in half is topped with a spoonful of glutinous rice and topped with a thick layer of sweet coconut cream. During mango season, this dessert is sold everywhere.

Sang Kaya Fug Tong

Custard coconut cream is placed in a medium-sized pumpkin; when the cream hardens, the pumpkin is cut into small pieces. Candied pumpkin is placed on top and again filled with cream. It turns out to be a sweet amazing dessert!

see also