Sauer cabbage in a jar, with a sweet taste. Quiet-sweet fast food cappusion without vinegar

How to cook a sweet cabbage for the winter

Sweet cabbage for winter - vitamin Salad. fast cooking. Will be delicious snack In the cold period, both on the festive table and on weekdays. Ideal as a supplement to various garniram. and main dishes. Can serve refueling into soups.

Recipe sweet cabbage

The recipe is easy to prepare, which is due to the availability of ingredients at any time of the year. Salad is obtained with a spicy sweet taste and a crispy structure. And it is stored for quite a long time, without loss of initial characteristics.

Source: Depositphotos.

Sweet cabbage for winter - tasty and fragrant snack

Grocery set:

  • 2-2.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 500 g of carrots;
  • 450-500 g of sweet bell pepper;
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 150 g sugar sand;
  • 30-40 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Salt.

Calculation of 20 servings. Cooking time - 100 min.

Method of Marination:

  1. The cabbage coach remove the top leaves and the numor, otherwise the entire salad ruptures from it. Pump the cabbage narrow ribbons.
  2. Pepper sweet cut off stripes.
  3. FROM onions and carrots do similar manipulations.
  4. All components are mixed, carefully remember with your hands. Pour sugar and salt, pour vinegar and oil. Stir again.
  5. Leave it to appease room temperature, 40-45 min. You can and longer until the juice is allocated.
  6. Salad ready. Spread it on sterilized banks, close and remove storage in cold.

Remove the first sample after 1 day.

Like any pickled cabbage, sweet feed to different garniram. and meat dishes. Use as an independent salad that improves digestion and increases appetite.

Marinated sweet cabbage

The essence of the method is the preparation of a separate marinade, which is poured vegetable billets. The uniqueness is that the dish is ready to use in 30-40 minutes.

Ingredient composition:

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrot - 1.5-2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml;
  • salt - 25-30 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • acetic essence - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

Quantity - 20 servings. Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking order:

  1. Vegetables make arbitrary configuration, but better narrow stripes.
  2. Garlic squeeze either chop finely.
  3. All components mix.
  4. Weld the marinade: dissolve bulk components in water, sunflower oil. How boils, pour vinegar.
  5. Pour the liquid vegetable assorted. Start gradually tamping. First, the utility tool, then with your hands.
  6. Cover the lid, and at the top install the press.

Send the resulting mixture to cold for 3-4 days. After that, lay out the harvested container and close.

Salad prepare simply, and he is eaten faster than standard blanks. In connection with the availability of ingredients, such reserves in winter can be replenished regularly.

Snack will become a pleasant vitamin supplement, which is important for maintaining immunity. Suitable for fast and light dinner, it is enough to boil potatoes. Bon Appetit!

Every year, when autumn comes, I always make a sweet sauer cauldron. Oh, just do not think that she is still sweet! This is normal sauerkrautwhich is not in taste not sour, and sweetering. It is such a cappist's plan that we love, however, I want to say that I was looking for her recipe for a very long time. For example, last year, I tried more than five different recipesThey were all excellent, but the cabbage was all the time acidic.

You can make a cabbage not only in the bank, but also in an ordinary bowl or a saucepan, the main thing is to put on top of some cargo. I also want to notice that this recipe You can do in two ways, more precisely, the cabbage will get crispy or not. In order for cabbage to work out crisp, you need to cool marinade, and then pour the chopped vegetables. In case you want the cabbage to be, on the contrary, not crispy, it is necessary to pour it almost boiling marinade, mix and be sure to cover the lid.

500 grams of cabbage,

A couple of pieces of garlic

Liter of filtered water,

40 grams of stone salt,

200 gram Glass Sahara,

Vinegar (scales showed - 125 milliliters),

170 milliliters of vegetable oil

So, if you like the cabbage to be crisp, then the cooking process start with the fact that pour water into a bowl.

Grind, using a special press for garlic. Put it into the water.

Add salt, sugar into it, pour vegetable oil.

Bring the marinade almost to full boil, pour vinegar, mix and retain while the saucepan from the fire aside.

Patch cabbage and soda carrots.

All connect, pour marinade.

If you want the sauer cabbage to do not crisp, then first lie all the vegetables, then the hot marinade will fill them, not giving him a droplet to cool. Well, and for granted, cover the container in which you plan to pick up cabbage with a lid.

I want to note that such a cabbage you can eat immediately after the marinade will cool. Therefore, this recipe can be attributed to rapid not only by the method of cooking, but also cabbage willingness.

Sweet Sweet Cabbage, Recipe With Photo

Before such a cabbage will not stand any of the guest guests. Serve it necessarily in several glasses, to then do not run into the kitchen and add it yet.

Sweet cabbage sweet

Basic Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrots, Cashar

Sweet cabbage sweet It turns out crispy and very tasty. Unfortunately, this cabbage is not kept for a long time, so I suggest cooking it all winter from time to time. It is especially good for the holiday, as it is the taste of many familiar from childhood, and the properties of the cabbage will help your stomachs to cope with the abundance of heavy food, which there are always many on the holidays.

Cabbage cooking ingredients:

  1. Cabbage white 1 kilogram
  2. Sweet carrot 1 kilogram
  3. Salt 2 teaspoons
  4. Sugar 2 tablespoons

Do not fit the products? Choose similar recipe From others!

Glass jar, wooden wand, saucer, cup, knife kitchen, grater for bubbling vegetables, knife for cleaning vegetables, deep bowl, tablespoon, march.

Cabbage Cabbage Sweet:

Step 1: Prepare vegetables.

Vegetables need to be cleaned and rinsed, with cabbage to remove the upper leaves, and with carrots remove the peel. Rinse everything and grind with a special grater for bubbling vegetables.

Attention: Do not forget to remove the cabbage to the cabbage so that it does not spoil the entire salad.

If there is no special grater, then the carrots are grinding using usual, and cut the cabbage with thin strips.

Step 2: Quasim cabbage.

In a big bowl or basin mix vegetables. Add salt to them and carefully, but thoroughly mix. You don't need to press and put pressure, on the contrary, try to stir so carefully so that the juice does not stand out at all.

Lay the resulting salad in glass jar. Now you already need very tightly tampering vegetables to spoke brine. Cover the can of clean and dense gauze, and in from above, put a saucer with a cargo, which can perform, for example, a small cup, filled clean water. Leave cabbage to quas for 2 - 3 days. At the same time, every day, and better several times a day, from the bank you need to produce gases. For this cabbage pushing a wooden stick. Plot in several places and until the bottom.

Step 3: Production Saw Sweet Cabbage.

As soon as cabbage gets clogged, you need to get it out of the bank, squeeze the brine from it (but not just, in the sink, and in a deep plate, it will still need it). Purchase cabbage with carrots to a clean glass jar.

Pressed earlier brine mix with sugar to homogeneity. The resulting liquid pour into a can with cabbage. Close the lid and leave another 12 hours. After that quashen sweet cabbage will be ready. Keep it in a cool place, but not long, but it is better to eat it in the near future.

Step 4: Send sauer-sweet cabbage.

Finished sauer cabbage is very tasty snack salad. It turns out a crispy and incredibly appetizing. Serve it in a separate saucer, decorating pieces sour-sweet apples, dried plum, cranberry or green grapes And do not forget to pour it with fragrant sunflower oil.

Recipe tips:

- I'm not just so in the list of ingredients noted that carrots should be sweet. The fact is that the sweeter and delicious carrotsThe more delicious and sweeter it turns out cabbage with it.

- If you are uncomfortable to pick a cabbage in a jar or you quasite immediately a large number of Vegetables, take a large enameled bowl or special tub.

- A cappist can be picked up not only with a wooden stick, but also a long knife if his blade pulls out to the bottom of the container.

- Do not use for cooking sauerkraut iodized saltSince she can give bitterness.

Sweet cabbage sweet

Cabbage sauerful sweet turns crisp and very tasty. Unfortunately, this cabbage is not kept for a long time, so I suggest cooking it all winter from time to time. It is especially good for the holiday, as it is the taste of many familiar from childhood, and the properties of the cabbage will help your stomachs to cope with the abundance of heavy food, which there are always many on the holidays.

Sweet cabbage

Most hosters make the workpiece for the winter, but in the warm season it is nice to get a jar from the storeroom and please yourself with delicious marinated vegetables. Look at how to cook a sweet cabbage.


  • Cabbage 2 kilograms
  • Carrots 2 kilograms
  • Garlic 2 pieces
  • Water 1 liter
  • Salt 2 Art. Spoons
  • Sunflower oil 1/2 cup
  • Sugar Sand 1 Glass
  • Vinegar 70% 1 Art. the spoon

1. My cabbage and shining fine, shift into a deep saucepan or a bowl to conveniently mix. Carrots clean and mine, rub on large grater And shift into the cabbage tank. Garlic clean and finely rub, all mix.

2. Make the marinade: in a deep pan we pour water, after boiling we fall asleep there in salt and sugar, pour sunflower oil, bring to a boil, and then pour vinegar. After the marinade stops throwing out, turn off the fire.

3. Pour a hot marinade cabbage with carrots. Mix well and begin to varieve and tarnish vegetables. It is convenient to make it pinch for potatoes. When the marinade will cool, you can mive vegetables with your hands.

4. Cover the blank with a lid and send it to the cold place, you can put under the press. Hold everything in the cold three days. Now our sweet cabbage is ready to use.

Sweet cabbage - step-by-step recipe With Photo by

Most hosters make the workpiece for the winter, but in the warm season it is nice to get a jar from the storeroom and please yourself with delicious marinated vegetables. Look at how to cook a sweet cabbage.

Sauer cabbage in sour sweet sauce

Time for preparing: Not indicated

My husband constantly asks me to pickle her cabbage to him. He eats her literally by banks. You will not believe, he even takes her job in Sudiechki. I do not know what caused such love for this vegetable.

You know, I rustily upset because I have to pick up cabbage almost every weekend.

The thing is that sauerkraut, which I use the recipe for recently, after two hours is ready for use. Therefore, when I have a puncture in the sense that this appetizer unexpectedly ends, I quickly stick it out and wait just a couple of hours, and then I apply to the table.

Of all the recipes that I have already managed to prepare a recipe for sauerkraut in sweet Sweet Sauce, I think the most successful. Cabbage really goes to moderate acidic and a little sweet, I recommend that you definitely prepare this goody, believe me. She will definitely have to taste.

- carrot (you can not add it),

- glass of vegetable oil,

- 1 tablespoon of liquid honey (I forgot to take pictures),

- dining room spoon salt,

- Pol Liter Bank itself ordinary water,

– 1 bay leaf.

To do this, in the tank of the Nalme water.

In it will add a bay leaf and salt.

Nallem vegetable oil and vinegar, add honey.

We will bring marinade to full boil.

With cabbage remove upper layer Leaves. I will put the cabbage with a sharp knife.

Carrots clean and squeeze.

Connect all the ingredients and add marinade to them.

Two hours later, the cabbage is completely soaked in hot marinade and cool, it can be safely served to the table.

Sweet Sweet Cabbage: Recipe With Photo

The sour-sweet sauerkraut prepared according to our recipe with a photo is obtained by a juicy, crispy and very tasty. Great to K. fried meat. See our website.

Tell me please, well, who does not like a sauer or pickled cabbage? Probably it will be difficult to find such a person! Perhaps, of all the billets that we try to cook are some of the most beloved and popular!

Capper is still too early. No cold came to keep it. Is that getting out, and stored in the refrigerator ... But to prepare pickled cabbage is the time. Cabbage has already gained strength and all laid vitamins, and therefore it turns out a delicious, crispy and useful.

You can marinate cabbage and harvest it for the winter, spinning with covers. But today we will prepare marinated white cabbage Quick cooking, which is not necessary to roll in banks. As a rule, a cooked snack can already be eaten the next day. And it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for a month, at all without losing his taste.

Such a snack is very convenient to cook ahead of time, before some holiday. She is always welcome on a festive table on any occasion. Whether birthday, or New Year!

I have accumulated a lot interesting recipes Marinated cabbage. And one of them I was already shared with you. It is very tasty, which is preparing with beet and carrots. And today I will share a few more delicious recipesI think you will like you. It will be at all simple recipes, and recipes a little more. And everyone can choose a recipe for themselves.

Delicious marinated cabbage

A very simple preparation recipe so bibers cooking such cabbage quite often. Quickly preparing, quickly and tasty is eaten.

We need:

  • cabbage - 1 forks for 2 kg
  • carrot - 1 pc
  • garlic - 4 teeth

For marinada:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. Spoons
  • pepper fragrant - 4-5 pcs
  • pepper peas - 10 pcs
  • carnation - 5 pcs
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml (or apple 6% - 150 ml, or Essence 1 incomplete h. spoon)


1. Cabbage to chop thin straw. You can use special graters, knives or food processor. Or just cut it conventional knife. But it is necessary to cut as thinner as possible.

To pickled cabbage to be crisp Choose a tight plug for her cooking.

2. Clear carrots and rub on the grater for korean carrots.

3. Stir cabbage with carrots in a large capacity, good for these purposes to use a pelvis. Not need to mive.

4. Garlic cut into thin plates.

5. Prepare marinade. Boil water, add all ingredients except vinegar. Give to get drunk on slow fire 5-7 minutes. Turn off the fire.

6. Add vinegar and garlic.

7. Get a bay leaf. And immediately, hot, pour into cabbage with carrots. Mix gently. Give to stand up to completely cooled. Periodically mixing the contents.

8. Transfer in three lithuanian bank Together with Marinada. I do not need to report to the top. Remove in the refrigerator for the night. The next day, the cabbage can already eat.

9. But the most tasty it will be 2-3 days.

When applying for a table finished cabbage You can pour olive or other. It can be served as a snack or salad by adding a sliced \u200b\u200bonion to it, or fresh greens. From it you can make vinaigrette, it turns out very tasty and fragrant.

Cabbage itself has a sour-sweet-salty taste, it is pleasantly crumb, and it turns out very tasty! And although now pickled cabbage can round year Buy and in the store, but so tasty, as your home, still will not be.

And as you can see, it is not absolutely difficult to prepare it, and this will take it from half an hour.

Marinated Fast Cabbage with Bulgarian Pepper

Cabbage prepared on this recipe can be considered early. She very quickly gains taste, and it can be eaten the next day.

We need:

  • cabbage - 1 forks (2 kg)
  • carrot - 2 pcs (medium)
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc (medium)
  • cucumber - 1 pc (medium)
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 1 tbsp. Spoon with slid
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • vinegar 70% - 1 dessert spoon, or 1 tbsp. Incomplete spoon


1. Machine cabbage with a combine, grater or knife.

2. Carrot and cucumber grate for Korean carrots. Try so that the straw is obtained long and neat. So the salad will look very beautiful.

3. Bulgarian pepper clean and cut a long thin straw.

4. Stir all the ingredients in high capacity, use well for these purposes a pelvis or a large saucepan.

Mix better handsSo that the vegetables do not get marked, and did not let juice. There is no need to mive!

5. Share vegetables into clean and covered boiling water a three-liter can with a sufficiently thick layer. Slightly tamping them with hand or spoon. It is not necessary to lay banks to the very edge. Leave a place for marinade.

6. Cook marinade. To do this boil the water. Add salt, sugar. When they dissolve, turn off the gas and add vinegar. Mix.

7. Pour vegetables with boiling marinade. Give cool.

8. Remove in the refrigerator. Store there.

Cabbage is ready the next day. It is tasty, crisp. It can also be served with a chopped onion and watering with oil.

Pickled cabbage with beet - Cabbage in Guriyski

Cabbage on this recipe is a delicious, crispy, moderately acute and very beautiful. Good for any festive table and for ordinary dinner from boiled potatoes, or to any other dish. Very good and is kept for a long time in the refrigerator. The only flaw is very quickly! But there is another advantage that did not indicate above - quickly and prepares!

We need:

  • cabbage - 1 forks (2 kg)
  • carrot - 1 pc (medium)
  • beets - 1 piece (large)
  • garlic - 7-8 teeth
  • red Podpick Pepper - 1 pc (or 1 tbsp. Spoon of red ground)
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • apple vinegar - 1 cup
  • pepper peas - 6-8 pieces
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces
  • vegetable oil -0.5 cup


1. Cut the cabbage quite large pieces. You can cut the forks first to 4 parts directly along with the knockerel. Then every part cut another 4 parts.

So that the cabbage turns out the crisp choose a tight, dense forks. In this case, the marinade lashes the surface well and does not "discovers" the leaves.

2. Beets and carrots cut into round-headeds with a thickness of O.5 cm. If the beet is large, then each round of the head can also be cut into two halves.

3. Clear garlic and cut into long thin plates.

4. At Gorky pillary pepper Clean the seeds and cut into long stripes. When working with pepper, it is better to use gloves.

5. We prepare suitable saucepan. We lay out the layers alternately all prepared ingredients, we repeat the layers several times.

6. Preparing marinade. Boil the water, add salt and sugar, pepper peas and bay leaf. Boiling 5 - 7 minutes, we remove the bay leaf.

7. Add vinegar and oil.

8. Pour the contents of the pans prepared by boiling marinade.

9. Cover the flat plate, which is slightly applied, so that the brine is from above, and all the contents of the pan was hidden under it.

10. We give cool and remove to the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

11. Apply as a snack.

Such a snack is very colorful and bright, can decorate any festive table. You can cook it up, as it is well stored. We often prepare such a snack for the new year! And she always falls on this day to the place!

Since the snack is acute, it is very loved by a man. You can make it and even more acute, adding an additional pod of red pepper, or a ground red.

Marinated Cabbage Piquant with Ginger

Useful properties in combination with his unique qualities Perhaps perhaps everyone. Have you tried to cook marinated cabbage with ginger? Not? You lost a lot! Prepare once, and then everyone will give a recipe!

We need:

  • cabbage - 1 forks (2 kg)
  • carrot - 1 pc
  • pepper Bulgarian - 1 pc
  • ginger - 70 gr
  • garlic - 4-5 teeth

For marinada:

  • water - 1.5 liters
  • salt -3 Art. Spoons
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. span
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. span
  • pepper black ground - 0.5 h. spoons
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • apple vinegar - 150 ml


1. Cabbage to chop thin straw. Carrot to lose on the grater for Korean carrots. Bulgarian pepper cut into a long thin straw.

2. Garlic cut out long thin stripes.

3. Ginger clean and cut into very thin, translucent circles.

4. Fold all in the saucepan of the appropriate size and mix gently. Not need to mive.

5. Prepare marinade. Boil water, add all ingredients except vinegar. Boil 5-7 minutes, pull out the bay leaf and add vinegar.

6. Pour boiling marinade the contents of the pan. Put a flat plate tightly, which we use as the oppression. Brine must completely cover all vegetables.

7. Cover the lid and leave until complete cooling. Then put in the refrigerator. 24 hours a tasty and beautiful snack Ready!

8. You can store such cabbage during the month in the refrigerator. Well, if you follow, of course!

Such a snack as well as the previous ones will like everyone without exception. And ginger will give her a completely new one, nothing like spicy taste. You know how tasty marinated ginger is happening. And here also in combination with cabbage. Recipe - just "Hold your fingers"!

Marinated cabbage with carrots and garlic - Ukrainian krying

A long time ago, our neighbor shared this recipe. I liked him and taste, and original title. Already after some time, with the coming to my life of the Internet, I learned what interesting name - "Kryke" happened from the word "kryzh", that is, a cross. And everything turned out to be very simple, because it was on 4 parts that we cut the cabbage when we want to pickle it on this recipe.

We need:

  • cabbage - (small forks, kilogram with small)
  • carrot - 2 pcs (medium)
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc (optional)
  • garlic - 4-5 pieces
  • cumin - 0.5 h. spoons

For marinada:

  • water - 1 liter
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • salt - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • apple 6% vinegar - 150 ml (or 9% - 100 ml, or incomplete teaspoon of essence)
  • pepper fragrant -4 pcs
  • pepper peas - 5-6 pcs
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 glasses


1. Cabbage cut into 4 parts, leaving the bare.

2. Boil the water in a large saucepan. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage there and cook on medium fire for 10 minutes.

3. Get part of the cabbage with noise and place in cold waterSo that they cooled as quickly as possible. As soon as the water becomes warm, it will have to change it again to the cold. And so as long as the cabbage does not completely cool.

4. Garlic is crushed as much as possible, you can use the garlic dust.

5. Carrot to rub on the grater for Korean carrots. If you add the Bulgarian pepper, then cut it with a thin straw.

6. Preparing marinade. To do this, boil water, add sugar, salt and peppers to it. Boiling 5-7 minutes. Add vinegar, butter and carrots. Immediately turn off the fire.

7. In the appropriate pan, spread cabbage, sprinkle with Tmin and garlic. And fill with marinade with carrots.

8. We cover the plate so that the marinade is completely covered with cabbage and cover the lid.

9. We leave until complete cooling. Then put in the refrigerator for a day. Store there.

10. When applying cutting cabbage to smaller pieces, we water marinade with carrots. Optionally, you can pour oil and pour out fresh greens, fresh garlic or onions.

Marinated cabbage with vegetables and apples - a very tasty recipe

We need:

  • cabbage - 1 forks (2 kg)
  • carrot -3-4 pcs (medium)
  • bulgarian pepper - 3-4 pcs
  • apples Sweet-Sweet - 3-4 pieces
  • garlic - 1 head
  • bitter Pepper - 1 Pod

For marinada:

  • water -2 liters
  • salt -4 Art. Spoons
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • apple Vinegar 6% - 3/4 cup
  • pepper peas - 15 pieces
  • pepper scented -5-6 pieces
  • carnation -5-6 pieces
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces


1. Cabbage to cut at first to 4 parts, and then each of the parts once again in half at least along, albeit across, who likes more. Kochementa can not be removed, so the leaves will be better to stay.

2. Bulgarian pepper clean and also cut on 8 parts long feathers. Acute peppers - two halves. Seeds better remove (use gloves at the same time).

3. Carrot cut into circles with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm.

4. Garlic cut into long thin plates.

5. Apple we cut on 4-6 parts depending on the size, but immediately before laying into the container so that they do not darke it.

6. Marine cabbage with vegetables and apples can be both in a large saucepan and in banks. I am Marina in a saucepan. Therefore, I spread it at the beginning of the cabbage, I spoke a little garlic. Then carrots, pepper, hot peppers And again garlic. And the latter will go apples.

6. Preparing marinade. To boil water. IN hot water Put all ingredients for marinade, except vinegar.

7. Boiling marinade 5-7 minutes, then add vinegar. Wait while it boils back and turn off the gas.

8. Cut apples, you can right with seeds. And immediately pour boiling marinade. Remove the bay leaf.

9. Cover the large flat plate of suitable size. So that vegetables and apples do not float. Cover the lid and leave to the complete cooling.

10. Then remove into the refrigerator. After 2-3 days, a delicious pickled cabbage with vegetables and apples are ready.

Cabbage is delicious and crisp. All vegetables are also very tasty and of course apples.

Marinated cabbage in Georgian

I also offer to watch a video recipe. I will not describe it, since it is very similar to the recipe, which has already been mentioned above. There are only small additions in the recipe, and so everything is preparing almost the same.

Here, admire what beauty it turns out!

Features of the preparation of delicious marinated cabbage
  • you can marinate not only white cabbage. For this, almost all varieties are suitable. Marinate and blocked, and Beijing (Korean Chim Chim, or Chamcha), and color.
  • for marinization, you should choose tight tight forks. From such kochanov snack always turns out crispy and tasty.
  • cut the plugs can be straw, large or small piecesand then at all quotaopters
  • you can marinate only cabbage, and you can with other vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers, beets, apples, plums, berries Lowrs or cranberries

  • it is almost always added garlic, the onions are less often added. If you add a bow, then the cabbage will appear "onion" taste.
  • a variety of peppers, coriander, cumin, rosemary, bay leaf, carnation are used as spices
  • sometimes instead of a mixture of spices, ready-made spices for the preparation of Korean carrots are added, and in one of the recipes we even used ginger
  • the bay leaf is desirable to remove after boiling marinade so that he does not give bitterness. Although someone does not remove. But me, when I studied, taught to clean.
  • vinegar can use apple, grape, table 9%, essence. You can replace all this with lemon juice or even kiwi.

And all this variety will help you cook perfectly. various options Marinated cabbage. Change the spices a little - and the taste will be completely new. Add one or other vegetables, and the snack will acquire a new color and new taste notes. And manipulating the peppers, we get a snack sharp, not too sharp and not at all.

I really like to "play" all these paints from this rich palette. Because thanks to this, you feel like an artist every time, and you can draw an absolutely any "delicious" picture called "pickled cabbage". And let the name is not quite poetic, but it is very culinary!

Bon Appetit!

The unusual of the recipe for cabbage saunas in banks is that as a result of cabbage, it turns out sweetly taste.

Sauerkraut in the bank, with sweetish taste Immediately I really liked and I decided that this recipe should be in my culinary cap. Perhaps you have such a cabbage to taste.

Cabbage sauerful sweet turns crisp and very tasty. Unfortunately, this cabbage is not kept for a long time, so I suggest cooking it all winter from time to time. Especially it is good for the holiday.

On the 3-liter bank


  • 2 kg cabbage
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of salt
    3 tbsp. Spoons of sugar
  • seeds of cumin, dill (optional)
  • 1 l cold boiled water
  • Cooking:

I wash the cabbage, finely shinku. Carrot clean, rinse and three on a coarse grater. Cabbage we combine with carrots, mix well, slightly crimping. Who loves cumin or dill add them.

The prepared cabbage is tightly stored in three-liter banks. Salt salt and pour cold boiled water. In this state, we leave cabbage to the 3rd day, at room temperature. During this time, they pierce the cabbage to go bark. When fermentation will be distinguished and juice will be distinguished and it may be possible to flow out of the cans, so we first put the banks in any containers, for example, in deep bowls. Juice, which is selected from cans, do not pour.

After 3 days, we add sugar, we add allocated juice from above, we shake the banks, so that the sugar is dissolved, and you can merge part of the brine, add sugar, stir up to dissolving sugar and pour the cabbage brine. Then we close the cans with polyethylene lids and immediately in the refrigerator or in any cold place. The next day the cabbage is ready. Refuel it vegetable oiladd thin sliced onion And the snack is ready. Oh, what is it tasty !!!