Chicken legs in a slow cooker. Pasta with chicken in a multicooker hips with pasta in a slow cooker

This recipe - pasta with chicken in a slow cooker (Panasonic, Redmond, Polanis, etc.) is suitable for cooking fast breakfast or dinner. Especially this dish will like children. Syly, simple and tasty. Even no less simple recipes :,

Ingredients for macaroni with chicken in a slow cooker:

  • 350 g of chicken;
  • ½ packaging macaroni;
  • 1 onions;
  • 1 carrot (small);
  • vegetable oil for roasting;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Delicious pasta with chicken in a slow cooker: a cooking recipe

How to cook a chicken with pasta in a slow cooker? You can take any parts of the chicken carcass (wings, fillets, cervixes, legs). Onions, carrots clean and chop finely. Prepare a chicken - wash it and cut it on the portion pieces.

In what mode (program) and how much is prepared in a multicooker chicken with pasta

Choosing the Baking Program, click "Start". Pour vegetable oil into the bowl. Put chicken meat into a multicooker and fry it together with onions and carrots until half-ready. Space. During frying, interfere with a special multicooker or silicone spoon.

Pasta (horns or spirals) must be produced from solid wheat varieties. Put pasta to a chicken in a slow cooker. Pour hot water so much so that its level is higher than the level of macaroni with a chicken for 1 cm.

Close the multicooker cap. Select the "Pilaf" mode. Do not install time. Click "Start". When you hear a beep, pasta with chicken in a slow cooker. Bon Appetit!

Pasta with chicken in a slow cooker video recipe

Hello, dear readers of the site! Happy Multividual owners have already rated the convenience and multifunctionality of this wonderful device. Very quickly and just you can cook a delicious duet dish and feed your seven with a wonderful dinner or dinner. Today I want to offer a cooking option with chicken in a slow cooker. Pasta are obtained very tasty, chicken-soaked with aroma and juice, do not merge, are separated from one another. Chicken It turns out a roasted, juicy and soft.


  • Chicken - 1 kg (I have chicken fences)
  • Makaroni solid varieties - 450 gr.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper, seasoning
  • Garlic

How to cook a chicken with pasta in a slow cooker:

I prepared pasta with chicken in a multicooker Panasonic 18 (a bowl of 4.5 liters, power 670 W).

If you have time, then the chicken is preferably pre-pickled (I was picky at night in soybean sauce (3 tbsp.) And garlic), but you can simply salt, delivered, put in the bowl of multicookers with vegetable oil and fry on each side 10 -15 minutes in the "Baking" or "frying" mode.

On the meat, put a lagged on the middle grater of carrots and cut onions into the dice.

From above, put dry pasta, season and pour hot water so that it would cover pasta (separate parts can hang out of the water). Mix pasta a little with vegetables without affecting the chicken.

Install the "Pilaf" mode.

Delicious pasta with chicken in a slow cooker!

Bon Appetit!

For viewing I propose a video recipe for macaroni macaroni in a nourishing native Redmond

Recipes for multicookers.

Chicken legs in a slow cooker are one of the many available and simple dishes, which can save any hostess the precious moments of time, which is given to the cooking dinner or dinner. All additional ingredients that are necessary for the preparation of legs are available and inexpensive, and the chicken legs themselves can be found on any market or in the store.

This meat dish is combined with many other products. They can be prepared with vegetables, in marinade, in sauce, with a filling or without it. And thanks to a slow cooker, the whole process does not take strength, since our assistant will prepare everything without our participation. To the table, ready-made chicken legs are served both on their own dish and with loved ones a side dish: porridge, potato mashed potatoes, pasta, etc.

Chicken legs in a slow cooker are prepared in different ways. They are fried, booed, extinguished or cook for a couple. But still, from all the abundance of recipes, most often most of the hosts stop their choice when the legs are prepared simultaneously with the side dish. Thanks to this after 30-40 minutes, food will be ready, and it will be possible to feed the whole family.

Like any other meat, before cooking in a slow cooker, chicken legs can be chopped. This will give the dish not only a stunning taste, but also the fragrance. Marinade is prepared from the following list of mutually replaceable and complementary ingredients: sour cream, kefir, mayonnaise, ketchup, garlic, honey, spices, etc. If you have the experience of marinating kebabs, then boldly apply your skills to today's recipes.

When it comes to the preparation of chicken legs in a slow cooker, the selection of cooking mode depends solely on the result you want to obtain in the end. If briefly, in the "frying" and "baking" mode, you will have a rosy crust, and with "quenching" the softness and juiciness of the bird will continue. If you are preparing chicken legs with a side dish, then it is advisable to stop your choice on the program "Plov".

With experience you can unmistakably select programs not only when you prepare legs, but also the other bird dishes and meat. The main thing is not be afraid to try and everything will turn out.

Chicken legs with potatoes in a slow cooker

I am sure that among my readers-myxedes, it is unlikely to find such that indifferently go past the chicken legs prepared with potatoes. In addition, as a result, you will have more tasty jiffs. By the way, in a slow cooker, you can put frozen legs, so that time saving on the face.


  • 800 g. Chicken legs
  • 800 g. Potato
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 1 carrot
  • 8 Zubkov garlic
  • 100 ml. water
  • Salt to taste
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  1. To begin with, chicken legs need to rinse.
  2. We shift them into a deep bowl and add salt and spices for chicken.
  3. Potatoes clean, rinse and cut into cubes.
  4. Carrots clean and three on a large grater. Garlic teeth skip through the press.
  5. Mix carrots and garlic with each other
  6. Vegetables put in a bowl of multicooker and a little salt.
  7. Sleep sour cream and well mix all the ingredients.
  8. We put the chicken legs and mix all the time.
  9. Pour water into the bowl.
  10. We close the lid and exhibit the "Baking" mode for 1 hour. After half an hour after the start of cooking, mix the contents of the multicooker and wait for the end of cooking.

Chicken legs with pasta in a slow cooker

If you prepare pasta in a slow cooker with chicken legs, then you will kill two hares at once with one "culinary shot." You will have not only a side dish, but also juicy chicken meat.


  • 800 g chicken legs
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • Seasoning for chicken
  • Pepper
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sunflower oil
  • 3 Handling Macaroni

Cooking method:

  1. The bulb clean, we rinse and cut into cubes.
  2. Chicken legs put in a deep bowl, add to them onions, sour cream, seasoning, salt and pepper.
  3. Mix well, and leave pickled for 15 minutes.
  4. Shoot everything in a slow cooker, having told her bowl with sunflower oil.
  5. Include "Baking" mode for 30 minutes.
  6. After half an hour, mix and add pasta. At the same time, pasta should be on top, and chicken legs from below.
  7. Top water so that it covers pasta. Another 10 minutes are prepare in the same mode.
  8. Before serving, you can sprinkle with a dish with chopped greens.

Chicken legs in soy sauce with rice in a slow cooker

A savory soy sauce will give me a sophisticated taste, thereby transforming the usual ingredients in a dish, from which everyone will lick their fingers. Before cooking in a slow cooker, leave the chicken legs for 1 hour in the marinade, which we will prepare from the ingredients from the list, from this the final taste of dishes will only increase.


  • 500 g. Chicken legs
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 4 tbsp. l. Soy Sauce.
  • 1 tsp. Terched ginger
  • 1 tsp. Honey
  • Greens
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • Pepper
  • 2 tbsp. Rice
  • 4 tbsp. water

Cooking method:

  1. The chicken legs are rinsed well, and then we dry with a paper towel.
  2. Lubricate the thicket of multicookers with olive oil.
  3. At the bottom of the bowl put the chicken legs and pour them with soy sauce.
  4. We add grated ginger, honey, chopped greens and missed across garlic garlic.
  5. Do not forget to salute and pepper.
  6. We thoroughly mix all the ingredients with each other.
  7. Pre-washed several times rice, put on top of chicken legs.
  8. Pour all the contents of a multicooker with water.
  9. We close the lid, set the "quenching" program for 25 minutes, and after graduation, I will turn on the Baking Program on a quarter of an hour.

Now you know how to cook chicken legs stewed in a slow cooker. Bon Appetit!

Chicken legs in a slow cooker will like many. And not only for their taste, but also for the time spent on cooking. Even people who do not have practically no experience in culinary business, can easily prepare chicken legs in a slow cooker to taste from the proposed recipes. And I, as always, finally want to give a couple of tips:
  • Camefully approach the choice of chicken legs. The pledge of a delicious dish, lies in the choice of meat;
  • Experiment with the choice of seasonings. The spicy and unforgettable taste of chicken legs in a slow cooker gives precisely successfully selected spices;
  • If you prefer the chicken legs in a slow cooker with a ruddy crust, then fry them in a cup of about 15 minutes separately from other products;
  • So that the meat was more juicy, add to the chicken legs in a slow cooker of your favorite fresh vegetables.

From the 18th century, pasta, the brainchild of the Italians, began to actively spread and take care of the territory of the Russian Empire. Today, we cannot present our diet without pasta, inventing all new and interesting, but always simple recipes, how to cook pasta with chicken in a slow cooker. In general, there are a lot of dishes with different types of Italian noodles, they are prepared in the oven, and in a pan, and in a saucepan, and even the multipeth here is indispensable.

As you know, in any multicooker there are all the necessary modes of cooking: cooking, frying, quenching, baking and cooking for a couple. So in pasta-chicken kitchen, such a robot saucepan is an assistant number 1.

And our pasta excursion will begin, of course, the step-by-step recipe for Macaron - Italy.

Makarona Bolognese with chicken fillet in a slow cooker


  • - 300 g + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • - 2 slices + -
  • - 3 fruit + -
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 30 ml + -
  • - taste + -
  • Blend of Italian herbs - 1 pinch + -
  • Spaghetti - 1/2 pack + -

How to cook pasta with chicken in a slow cooker

The classic pasta of bolognese is prepared from spaghetti and tomato sauce based on minced meat, which we will make chicken fillets, twisting it in a blender.

  • The onion bulb is shining very finely cubic slices and send a mixing room in the "Baking" mode on the "Baking" mode, with oil pillioned into it.
  • Stirring, fry the bow for about 5. Time depends on the power of the unit, the main indicator of the availability of the vegetable is its transparency.
  • In the meantime, garlic is cleaning, on every teeth, we put the blade of the knife on each teeth and press the palm with a little effort so that the slices are flattened and crackled.
  • Now only it remains finely cutting a fragrant vegetable and shield it to the bow. Everybody is bothering and cooking a couple of minutes.
  • Tomatoes cut the cross, but not breaking completely, but only making cuts on the skirt. After that, we pour vegetables with boiling water for 20 seconds, removed from the water and easily remove the separated peel from them.
  • The flesh of the tomato cut into small cubes and shifted in a multicooker's bowl, where we mix it with the other ingredients and cook, stirring, 2-3 minutes.
  • Then send chicken minced into the container, mix it well with a tomato mass, breaking meat lumps, and, having spilled and putting spices, to the ready-made meat.

If you want the sauce to be more liquid, add water into it, approximately ½ cup.

  • The finished sauce is shifted in a sauce, and my multicooker's bowl and filled with half water.
  • In the "Baking" or "Cooking" mode, we bring water before boiling, we simulate and immerse spaghetti in it. Under the closed lid, cook the paste is 15-20 minutes.
  • Finished pasta we learn on the colander, and when the whole liquid is strokes, sprinkle them with olive oil.

Serve bolognese paste follows: to the center of the plate (handout) put a portion of spaghetti, we put meat tomato sauce from above and for decoration use olives, cherry tomatoes and leaflets of green.

Stewed chicken with pasta in a slow cooker

Stew pasta with chicken and vegetables are nothing like the original parody of traditional Uzbek pilaf.

To make such a treat with your own hands, even the one who cannot "make friends" with the pilaf will be able, because all cooking more than simple (thanks to the Multicooker) and fast (thanks to "shells", or how they sound in Italian, mini conquer regatta ).


  • Pasta seashells or horns - 2 tbsp.;
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • Onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrot - 2 fetus;
  • Garlic - 4-5 poles;
  • Sunflower oil without smell - 1 stack;
  • Salt - 1-2 ch. L.;
  • The list is 0.5 tsp.

How to cook pasta with chicken in a slow cooker

  1. Immediately exhibit the mode of operation of the multicooker "Baking" and pour oil into a dry bowl.
  2. While the oil heats up, we are bubbling with thin quarters of the onion head and spend the cutting into the container.
  3. In the meantime, chicken breasts cut into cubes and immediately shift meat into the bowl. Now it is frying it together with a bow until the crisp crisp on the chicken and the brownish shade of Luke.
  4. While everything hits and fries, we must clean the carrot and cut it into small oblong stalls, 2 cm long and 5 mm thick.
  5. Carrot lumps fall asleep in multiple follows only when the chicken and onions will get the desired color. All components mix and continue the frying already with a carrot of 5-7 minutes.
  6. Next, we pour into the capacity of 1 tbsp. Water and carcass all the components before the softness of the carrot. At the same stage, the dish needs to be satisfied with pepper.
  7. After 4-5 minutes, we pour pasta to a multicooker, pour them 3 tbsp. Water, throw garlic slices and rearrange the cooking program for "Pilaf".
  8. Under the cover, prepare pasta with chicken will be 30 minutes, before evaporation of liquid and the readiness of the "shells".

Chicken fillet in a multicooker with pasta

Pasta horns with a fiddle like a senior, and the younger generation. The dish is saturated, tasty, and the recipe is uncomplicated.

But if you cook not at home, and for example, in a student hostel, then in a slow cooker to make such a treat can be even faster, without separate beating of pasta.


  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Friendship cheese - 2 lumps;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Carrot - ½ pcs.;
  • Pasta horns - 0.5 packs;
  • Bay leaf - 2 sheets;
  • Pepper pepper - ½ tsp;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Gray oil - 3 tbsp.

How to do pasta with chicken in a slow cooker

  1. We set the "frying" or "baking" mode on the control panel of the multicooker, and we send 2 tbsp into the bowl. Sheet oil and wait until it melts and heats up.
  2. Finely chopped onion onions We ship fried for 5 minutes. Then they suck the chicken-chopped chicken, and after another 10 minutes - the timing is a large carrot. We are preparing a passer with meat for another 5-7 minutes, told the chipping salt.
  3. After the specified time, the raw cubes are cut into vegetables and chickens, we pour a stack of water and, periodically stirring, we wait until the raw materials are melted, and it will be a creamy-cheese gravy.
  4. Then we fill in the capacity of the water, about 2-3 tanks, also add salt, spices and heat the sauce to boil.
  5. We spend the pasta to the bowl of the pasta, we close the capacitance with a lid and prepare the dish by changing the program to "quenching" or "pilaf", until the macaroni is ready for 20-30 minutes.

As you were able to make sure, pasta with chicken in a slow cooker are preparing easier than simple, absolutely short and very comfortable. Dishes You can prepare different, for every taste, but one thing remains unchanged is always on top of the altitude.

A simple dinner dish - chicken wings, which very quickly cook in a slow cooker, in sauce, with spices.

One of the most universal meat products is considered to be chicken. Any part of the chicken carcass is very simple and there is always a lot of options for using various additions to it in the form of spices, side disk, sauce.

Juicy and delicious chicken wings can roast, stew, baked, and cope with the creation of a dish will help such unique kitchen equipment like a multicooker.

  • chicken wings 0.4 kg
  • mayonnaise light 50 g
  • ketchup 50 g
  • spices for chicken 10 g
  • salt 10 g
  • lean oil 20 ml

Initially, any meat product is required to rinse and the wings are not exception.

Then they should dry them, removing unnecessary moisture with the help of paper towels, and cut into three parts (as desired, you can retain the extreme part, which contains little meat).

After cook marinade, mixing mayonnaise, ketchup, spices and salt.

To the wings of adding the resulting fragrant mixture, everything is well mixed and put to soak meat for a time constituting one hour.

After the expiration of this time, the bottom of the bowl in a slow cooker lubricate the oil and tightly to each other to lay wings (preferably one layer).

Include on the hardware "Baking" function on ninety minutes.

In twenty minutes, open the lid and the highlighted juice hide the top of the wings.

Twenty-five minutes again open the lid and turn the wings to the other side.

A beep will inform the fulware of the dish.

Baked, fragrant and terribly delicious chicken wings can be served with greens, fresh vegetables and various favorite sauces, ketchups.

Recipe 2: how to cook chicken wings in a slow cooker

Today we will tell you how to prepare chicken wings in a slow cooker.

Many people like this part of the chicken. It can be prepared on the grill, in the oven and yes in a frying pan. In the best way, cold beer is suitable for such a wing. After all, preparing in our recipe, you will get a rather sharp snack. If you do not like too sharp dishes or, they do not tolerate your stomach, you can reduce the number of spices.

  • 1,000 kg of chicken wings chilled
  • 1 tbsp. l. Mustard
  • 0.5 h. L. Chile pepper
  • 0.5 h. L. Black Ground Pepper
  • To taste salt
  • 5-6 tooth. Garlic
  • 0,350 kg of tomatoes
  • 0.5 Multi Art. Soyua Socus
  • For frying vegetable oil

We will proceed to the preparation of marinade for chicken wings. To do this, take tomatoes, wash them. Cut tomatoes in small cubes. Now take chili pepper. It must be cut as much as possible. Now take 5 - 6 cloves of garlic. Clean it, wash. Garlic can finely cut, and you can skip through garlic press. We decided to cut garlic. It is a little longer, but the larger amount of juice is saved.

Take a comfortable bowl with high fields. Put the garlic in her, chili pepper, tomatoes. There, add soy sauce, mustard, black pepper and some salt. All ingredients are pretty mixed to homogeneity.

Now prepare chicken wings. Pre-rinse them and dry. Wings need to be cut across the joints. You can easily throw away the most extreme part, there are practically no meat on it. The wings need to be folded into a comfortable container and make a pretty grease marinade. Now all this is hiding in the refrigerator so that the wings do not have marinade. It will take about two hours.

Remove the multicooker, lubricate the bowl of oil (vegetable or butter). Put on the bottom of the wings.

Install the Baking Program for 40 to 45 minutes. Bake the wings under the closed lid. Turn them several times for all the time so that they are twisted on both sides.

After the specified time, pour the marinade multicooker in the bowl. Close the device cover. Let the chicken wings prepare are still a bit in the "Baking" mode. About 20 - 25 minutes. Now you can turn off the multicooker and enjoy the incredible taste and excellent aroma of sharp chicken wings that we so diligently prepared with you.

Recipe 3, step-by-step: chicken wings in a multicooker sauce

To prepare baked chicken wings in a slow cooker, you need to use the "Baking" or "Multiprob" mode. If manual programs are not available in each model, then the ability to bake in automatic mode is in all multi units. This recipe is carried out by multicooced Redmond 4502. Its capacity is 860 W. Changes with the preparation of baked chicken, this model is very good.

  • chicken wings - 6 pcs.
  • soy sauce - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • garlic - 1-2 tooth.
  • salt - if necessary

Rinse chicken wings and dried. Then cut for convenience into two parts in the joint area. The tips of the wings are also cutting and removed to the side.

Let's squeeze garlic. Chicken with him will be very fragrant and tasty.

We add soy sauce, black ground pepper or a mixture of peppers, and if necessary, a little salt.

Wings mix and give them to marvel 1-3 hours in the refrigerator. Only be sure to cover with a film or tightly cover the dishes so that the flavors do not spread throughout the refrigerator.

We pour vegetative oil into the bowl of the multicooker and put the parts of the wings along with the marinade. Turn on the "Baking" mode, cooking time 50 minutes. We close the lid and set the time to return to the unit in 25 minutes.

After the specified time, we look at how much the wings prepared from below. Look ready for half ready.

I turn them over them, and leave for another 25 minutes. We are waiting for a multicooker signal about the end of the cooking dish. Let you not frighten the presence of a brown crust at the bottom of the bowl. It bumps soy sauce. But the wings themselves in a slow cooker prepared canceled, not a burgy.

In order not to hook a crust when serving, the most convenient to remove the wings with culinary tongs. Feed the dish of chicken hot with vegetables. Choose a barr at your discretion and enjoy the extraordinary taste and aroma of baked wings.

Recipe 4: Chicken wings in a slow cooker with potatoes

Chicken wings in a multicooker with a savory sweet taste will give potatoes unique flavor. At the same time, by the way, it is stealing for a couple, which makes it especially useful. Tastier everything will turn out. Fresh young potatoes. But when not the season and do not have to choose, anyone will suit. Thus, by cooking chicken wings with potatoes in a slow cooker, we get a full-fledged dish, meat and side dish. And in just 40 minutes of cooking.

True, it will take time for marinating wings in a medical and soy sauce. And the longer the time of marination will be, the better. However, the sauce can be any loved.

  • chicken wings 900-1000 g
  • potatoes small 5-7 pcs.
  • vegetable oil 50 g
  • For sauce: soy sauce 2.5-3 century
  • curry 1 tsp.
  • natural honey 1 tsp
  • salt 1/3 tsp

Prepare ingredients for the preparation of fragrant chicken wings with potatoes.

Chicken wings are rinsed with cold water and dry the napkin.

We are preparing marinade for the preparation of chicken wings: mix soy sauce and honey, add salt and seasoning curry. We water the wings marinade, mix and leave for a couple of hours.

When the time of marination of the wings will be on the outcome, you can be taken for cleaning potatoes. My cleaned potato is cut in half. We lay out halves to the bottom of the cooking container for a pair into one layer.

At the bottom of the Multivarka bowl, we pour vegetable oil, better olive. The oil must close the bottom completely. After laying out pickled wings on the bottom. Insert the bowl with the wings into the multicooker housing. Top of installing a container with potatoes. Select the "Baking" mode with a cooking time for 20 minutes. Start.

After 20 minutes from the start of the preparation, we get a container with potatoes, turn the wings in order to grab them on both sides. After re-establish a container with potatoes and continue cooking for another 20 minutes until readiness.

Recipe 5: How in a slow cooker Tasty bake chicken wings

Chicken wings can be prepared in a variety of ways, among them: in honey sauce, kefir, in soy sauce, in the beer klyar, in mustard.

We will pump them in honey marinade. It will give chicken meat a unique taste with a certain note of sweetness and saturation by seasoning. A multicooker will become the multifunctional kitchen appliance that will prepare our dish very quickly and simply.

The Multivarka made the cooking process is much easier and more comfortable, thereby saving time to our housewives and keeping the unsurpassed taste of dishes. And today we have chicken wings in a slow cooker. All pleasant cooking!

  • Chicken wings 5-7 pcs.
  • Pepper black ground to taste
  • Sunflower oil DES. the spoon
  • Seasoning to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Honey 2 tbsp. the spoon

The chicken wings are well rinsed under running water, dry with a paper towel. Put them in comfortable dishes, where they will marinate. To the wings add the required amount of honey (if honey is not liquid, it is necessary to melt it on a steam bath or using a microwave). Also add seasoning for meat, salt, some black pepper.

Mix everything well so that all the marinade ingredients evenly distributed on chicken wings.

Tighten the food film and send to the refrigerator for an hour, but you can maximize two.

After the desired time, pull out the wings from the refrigerator, pour a few sunflower (or olive) oil into the bowl of a multicooker and lay out wings. Install the program "Baking" cooking time for 30 minutes.

In the cooking process, it is necessary to periodically turn the meat (at least every 10 minutes, and even the cup).

Chicken wings in a slow cooker should get a golden color. If you wish, if you want the wings to be still softer, you can install the "quenching" program after baking, adding some water to a multicooker (50-70 ml) and the remaining marinade.

Recipe 6: stew chicken wings in a slow cooker (step by step)

We prepare stewed wings with potatoes in a slow cooker.

For this dish, it is better to use potatoes of those varieties that are well welded, not only the time of its preparation depends on it, but also the end result.

  • chicken wings - 8 pcs.
  • potatoes - 8 large tubers
  • onions - 2 heads
  • sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp.
  • spices for chicken - 2 ppm
  • rosemary twig

I suggest pre-meat with potatoes to pickle in spices so that they are as impregnated with all the aromas. First of all, I my under running water wings and cut off those parts in which only some rods and no meat.

Now I'll do vegetables. I clean and cut onion rings, and potatoes are sliced-quarters.

I will prepare marinade. In a deep bowl, we combine sunflower oil, spices for chicken and rosemary.

I use spices in which a salt is present in sufficient quantities, so it is additionally not salt marinade. And also, be sure to add rosemary, it gives the finished dish a very interesting fragrant notch.

In the prepared marinade I send wings with potatoes, mix well and leave for 20-30 minutes to pickle.

After the time of the wing, together with the potatoes, I put in a multicooker's bowl, and laying on top of the bow on top.

As a rule, the program most frequently used by me is "quenching", but today I decided to change the usual technology and use the oven function to get the wings with a crust (by the way, the result of my experiments has fallen to the whole family to taste ).

I exhibit the program "Furnace" by selecting the temperature of 150 degrees, I closes the cover and first the wings with potatoes bake for 20 minutes (10 minutes after the program starts the cover, I mix the contents of the bowl and leave the cake for another 10 minutes - during this time potatoes With the chicken heaven). Then I pour some water (approximately half a cup so that the dish is not too liquid as a result) and leave it to steal in a given mode until a ready for another 10 minutes. As a result, in 30 minutes I got this result.

Finished chicken wings with potatoes in a multicooker still lay down on plates and served on the table.

Recipe 7: Chicken Wings in Multivarce Redmond (with photo)

Simple recipe for busy women. You will be required only a few minutes. At first - to pick up the wings, then - in order to lay them out in a slow cooker, and the third step is to get them from there.

  • Chicken wings
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream
  • Seasoning, salt

Lay out the wings in a large capacity, such as a dish or a saucepan, generously sprinkle, pour a little mayonnaise and sprinkle seasoning. Mix the wings thoroughly with your hands so that they are evenly covered with marinade.

How much to take seasonings - depends on your taste. If it is very acute, it is better not to overdo it, since almost the entire marinade will remain on the wings.

Leave the wings to pickle for an hour (and can be more). Then pour about 1.5 liters of water into the multicooker's bowl, put the grille for cooking to a pair and lay the pickled wings on it.

Put a multicooker in the "Crop-toile" mode for 45 minutes - and you can be free. Even if you are not in the kitchen at the time of turning off the slow cooker, the wings will remain on the heated and do not cool. In less than an hour you will have a delicious dish.

You can feed chicken wings with any garnish, be it rice, potatoes or pasta. They are obtained very gentle and juicy.