How to cook meat wild goat recipes. Hunting kitchen

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


The main problem in the preparation of the wild goat meat is its rigidity and a specific smell. To eliminate both problems, this meat is usually marinate, or in a mixture of wine and table vinegar with the addition of pepper and garlic, or in breast.

Kozdyatina, although it is not popular meat, has a pleasant taste and is easily absorbed by the body. Next, we will give several recipes for delicious and useful dishes that can be prepared from wild grooves.

How to cook a wild goat? Hunting kitchen recipes

To prepare this dish we will need:

  • 0.8 kilograms of wild kglyatin;
  • 0.2 kilograms of wheat bread;
  • 300 milliliters of fresh milk;
  • 150 grams of butter;
  • 100 grams of superstars;
  • 100 grams of beef fat;
  • 200 grams of fresh mushrooms;
  • 100 grams sour cream;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

We take the goat meat (born) and skip it through the meat grinder. Then mix it with a pre-divesed bread in milk, add salt and pepper to taste, and scroll again.

Mix the resulting mass with a pre-softened oil and divide on the pellets (the thickness of each is one centimeter).

Then proceed to cooking the filling. To do this, we bore mushrooms in a slightly salted water, then press them, finely rub and roast. The cooked mushroom semi-finished product is poured sour cream and boil until the thickening. After that, add pepper and salt.

The resulting stuffing is wrapped in cooked "cakes", and then pack them in breadcrumbs.

Next, fry the cutlets and bring them until readiness with the heating cabinet.
Before serving the dish, the cutlets should be poured with meat juice and melted oil. A vegetable mixture or potatoes (boiled or puree) are well suited as a side dish.

Kozdyatina on Sunday

As ingredients, you need to take (at the rate of six portions):

  • the blade and shoulder part of the goat carcass;
  • 25 grams of foam oil:
  • 275 milliliters of red wine;
  • the same amount of broth;
  • half a teaspoon of tomato ketchup;
  • one teaspoon of mushroom sauce (composition - pickled mushrooms and walnuts);
  • salt and pepper (ordinary and red burning).

Before starting cooking weighing meat. It is necessary in order to correctly calculate the baked time (20 minutes for every 450 grams of meat plus for another 20 minutes on the whole piece).

Preheated oil we water the groove and put it either on the grill, either in the oven, and withstand half the calculated in advance at 180 degrees.

Then heal the mixture of wine, spices, ketchup, mushroom sauce and broth.
Let me drag out of meat fat and water a piece of heated sauce, rehabilcing some of your own meat juice. After that, again put meat back and cook until the end of the calculated time. Meat periodically should be poured by juice.

Fried potatoes are well suitable as a side dish.

This recipe is a slightly processed method of cooking, known since the XIX century.

To make four portions:

Meat are chosen to the desired consistency and put on a baking sheet. On each chop to put a spoonful of marmalade. All other ingredients are a ginger sauce. We mix them all, with the exception of corn flour, and pour out the slices of meat with marmalade obtained sauce. After that, we leave for an hour (meat should be soaked). Then cover the foil chops and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees about an hour.

Immediately before serving on the table, we take corn flour and add to the gravy to thicken it.

The authorship of this recipe belongs to the cheats of the Scottish hotel called "Beachwood Country", located in the town of Moffat. This town itself is in a place with a very exotic name - next to Lohan Different beef and a waterfall called the tails of gray mares. In the old days in these places, the Scots hid cattle, vigorous from the British.

Baked at the sauce meatballs from Kozdyatina

For this dish is taken (based on the bottom of the portion):

  • 75 grams of goat meat;
  • 15 grams of wheat bread;
  • 25 milliliters of milk (can be replaced with water);
  • 10 grams of the replied onion;
  • 150 grams of bean puree;
  • 10 grams of fused oil;
  • 100 grams of sauce;
  • 5 grams of cheese;
  • as many crawls;
  • to taste - salt, pepper and greens.

The pulp of the grooves together with the bread scroll in water or milk or milk on the meat grinder, then salt, add finely chopped raw onions, pepper (ground) and water at the rate of 10 percent of the total weight of meat. Then the resulting mixture is mixed well.
If the krozyatin is not fat, you need to add either pork spike, or the Kurdnyny fat (at the rate of 10-12 percent of the weight of a meat piece).

The resulting mass is divided into balls weighing 10-12 grams each.

We put them in one layer on the baking sheet (pre-lubricated with fat), and put 5-6 minutes in a hot cabinet for frying.

Then, on a lubricated fat portion frying pan, we put the finished bean puree (the beans are suitable, chick or peas), and we lay the cooked meatballs on top of this slide. The whole design is pouring a thick red sauce with the addition of chopped mushrooms and onions, sprinkled with grated cheese mixed with breadcrumbs, splashing a little oil and put again into the hot wardrobe.

It is served a dish on the same pans on which it was baked. Before feeding them with oil and sprinkle with greens.

Fried wild goat

To prepare one portion of this dish, we will need:

  • 150 grams of wild groats;
  • 75 milliliters marinada;
  • 20 grams of scraping;
  • 5 grams of pork sala;
  • 150 garnira;
  • 75 milliliters of sauce;
  • to taste - salt and pepper.

For frying it is best to take the renal and spinal pieces of carcasses and large pieces of meat from the rear legs. We clean meat from the tendons and films, put in the marinade and withstand in the cold room for two or three days. Vinegar in the marinade can be replaced with dry wine (without any difference - white or red, the main thing is grape).

Frame-free meat is in pork lard, after which it fry it either in the closet for frying, or on a spit before readiness.

Cooked meat cut across the fibers slices. On the pouring comes meat juice.

Serve this dish is best with fried in the form of slices of potatoes.
In a separate sauce, a hunting or red pepper sauce is served.

For the preparation of such kebab, we take (for four to five servings):

  • 0.6-0.7 kilogram of wild goat meat;
  • 2 Luke Head (Reflied);
  • 2 tablespoons lingers;
  • the same number of blackberries;
  • one small pine paw;
  • 10 pieces of fungi;
  • 2 glasses of dry wine;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 ripe tomatoes (can be replaced with one teaspoon of tomato paste);
  • salt;
  • red pepper;
  • greens (parsley, celery, mint).

Kozdyatina is a delicate, although not very popular meat. It is not so easy to get it, but in order to prepare a gathering properly and tasty, you need to have some knowledge. Incorrectly cooked meat has a specific smell of old fat than scare away gourmets.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the preparation of the goat. It is only necessary to choose the optimal recipe and strictly adhere to the instructions for cooking meat. Mandatory Rule: Adult Kozdynoy must be pre-marked in white wine, otherwise it will be tough!

The young goat is almost always soft and does not require soaking. The result is a rich in vitamin dish with a delicate structure. Let's start with a descendent of Kozdyatin in the fragrant sauce of Beshamel. To reduce caloric content, it is possible to replace cream on low fat milk.


Dressing meat recipe in Beshamel sauce

Wash fillet under running water, remove visible fat. Place meat into a saucepan with water and cook 30 minutes from the bottom of the boiling. Then strain and cut medium strips.

Leek Clear from husks and cut into semirings. Heat the butter in a deep pan and introduce flour, constantly stirring the mixture so that it acquires a pasty state.

Then a thin flowing pour into a mixture of cream, vigorously kneading a whisk to prevent the formation of lumps. Salt and add spices. Add to sauce Bezamel sliced \u200b\u200bgoat meat, cover with a lid and swipe one minute.

Recipe Cutlet from Kozdyatina "Gentle"

Soft cutlets with spicy taste. Unlike other types of meat, Kozdyatina is recommended to richly pierce, emphasizing the unusual taste of meat.

First you need to pick up meat. To do this, rinse it under running water and cut into several parts. In a separate bowl, mix wine vinegar, wine and spices. Stir. Fill the marinade meat, cover the food film and put marinated in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Bread Fill with milk and spray slightly. Leek Clean the husks and cut into several parts. Flashing meat along with a bow scroll in a meat grinder with a large grille. Add spices. Press the bread and add to the mince. Mix thoroughly.

At the flat plate, pour breadcrumbs. In the pan strongly warm the vegetable oil. Wet hands form from the minced meal slightly flameled cutlets of oval shape, cut break in breadcrumbs and lay out in the pan.

Fry cutlets to light brown, or 4-5 minutes on each side. Finished cutlets lay out on double paper napkins to absorb excess oil.

Craised meat recipe with prunes

Delicious meat with the original flavor of smoked prunes. If the goat is pre-chopped up all night in mineral carbonated water, it will be soft and gentle.

Kozdyatina is thoroughly washed under running water, dry with paper napkins. Cut meat across the fibers of medium slices. On tomatoes, make cuts with a knife and quiet with cool boiling water. Remove the skin and finely cut the flesh.

Print pour boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Then drain the liquid and finely cut prunes. White onion clean and cut into rings. In the skeleton or deep pan heat the vegetable oil. Add onions and prunes, stew 7-10 minutes.

Pour into the bow with prunes of flour, carefully wash. Then add honey and vinegar. As soon as the mass become brown, add meat. Stir and on medium fire fry for 8 minutes. Add tomatoes, salt, spices, cover with a lid and stew on low heat for 45 minutes.

Kebab Pevlyatina Recipe

The meat of the goat as a whole is very similar to lamb, so the taste of Kababa lyuly from kabab is also exquisite. The best lully kebab is preparing from the dairy goat meat.

Meat and fat wash, dry and cut into large pieces. Leek clean and cut into several parts. Grind meat, fat and onions with meat grinder. Finished minced meal, add quinent, coriander and other spices to taste.

Puffs beat 5 minutes as follows: take the whole mince in hand and with power to throw it into a bowl or on the board. It is necessary for filling the minced air bubbles and obtaining a delicate structure after cooking. Wet hands form about 6-7 cm in length and 2.5-3 cm with a wet hands in a length and 2.5-3 cm with a diameter.

Put stuff on wooden spanks. Heat the frying pan with a non-stick coating, fry kebabs on medium heat under the lid to light brown. The frying pan does not need to be lubricated with oil, because in the process of frying a large amount of fat is distinguished. Finished lula-kebabs immediately serve to the table.

Recipe for a festive rut from Kozdyatina

Handsome roll with crisp crust to a festive table. Stuffing you can vary your taste. There are many spices in the roll - so it turns out aromatic and unusual.

Meat washed, cut into large pieces. Leek clean from husk and cut into four parts. Scroll into the meat grinder meat with onions (twice). Add two raw chicken eggs and wash thoroughly. Throw bread in milk. Squeeze and add to the mince.

Add to mince spices: cumin, coriander, white pepper, zira and missed through press garlic. Salt. To carefully wash the stuffing hands to a homogeneous state. Three eggs to boil to a solid state, quench the water and clean. Cut eggs with small pieces.

Petrushka and green onions wash and finely chop the knife. Cut off a small piece of food film or foil, spread it on the table, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put meat minced meat. Roll out minced thin layer. Top lay parsley, green onions and eggs. Salt and pepper.

Gently roll mince to a dense roll. Remove the food film. Put the roll on the baking sheet and bake in the oven 50 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. Periodically turn over. The finished roll is cool and cut into portion slices.

Goat meat Basturma Recipe

In Armenia, Basturma from the old goat is still considered a delicacy. The fact is that the goat meat has a specific smell and extreme rigidity, so its preparation requires considerable knowledge and effort. The main condition - Basturma is preparing from low-fat meat.

Cut cut into two long parts, rinse and dry with a paper towel. High alcohol for disinfection, vigorously rub and blot with a napkin. At the bottom of a large and deep glass beam, pour a little salt. Put meat. From above, pour out the rest of the salt so that it completely covered the meat.

Without covering meat, put it in the refrigerator for 4 days. Turn over meat every day. From the real clipping, wash the salt and pour the meat with clean water for two hours. Dry water, dry meat with a towel. Clean the clipping into several layers of gauze and put under a heavy blowing in a cool place.

Four days later, prepare spices for the coating of the Basturma. In a large mortar, the Cumin seeds, Coriander, Cayenne and Black Pepper. In the scenery boil 400 ml of water, add bay leaf and fragrant pepper. Turn off the fire, cover with a lid and insist 1 hour.
Sign of finished Basturma - hardened spices to remove the bay leaf and pepper. Add to the resulting broth gripped spices. Pour cognac and mix thoroughly. There should be fragrant thick paste. Tightly cover the spices with a lid and put in the refrigerator for one day.

Get the goat and richly deceive its paste from spices. Stay on the grille to filure overnight. In the resulting cracks dose with spices. C wind the meat with two layers of gauze, to bandage the rope along the entire length.

Hang the Basturm ride in a well-ventilated place for 10 days. After the specified time, remove the Basturma, remove the gauze. If the spices are thoroughly hardening, then Basturma is completely ready.

Roast Recipe With Vegetables

Raw and delicious dish, excellent option for a full lunch or dinner. Ideally, roast is preparing in pots and on coals, but the meat out of the oven is not less tasty. A set of vegetables can be expanded by your desire. Performidors

Rinse meat, dry and cut into medium slices. Clear garlic and chop the knife finely. Wash the zucchini and cut into large cubes. Bulgarian pepper rinse with water, remove the fruits with seeds and cut into large stripes. Carrot wash, clean and grate on a large grater.

Leek clean from husk and cut into four parts. Potatoes wash, clean and cut into thick plates or large cubes. Petrushka rinse with water and crumble a knife large. Tomatoes wash under running water. One tomato cut into a sharp knife into small pieces.

The remaining two tomatoes should be boiling water, remove the skin and grind to the state of the puree in a blender bowl. Add tomato paste, salt, spices and thoroughly mix. To the high ceramic form for the baking, laying the meat and vegetables layers, alternating them among themselves and adding salt and spices to each layer.

Meat is thoroughly rinsed under running water. Follow the fact that there is no fragments from the bone. Leek Clear from husks and grate on a shallow grater or crushed with a blender.

In a bowl, mix onion puree, lemon juice, soy sauce, sugar and spices. To stir thoroughly. Pour the marinas marinade, cover with a film and put to pickle on the fridge for 12 hours.

Faming meat to get from the sauce, put on the grid to bake in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. In the process of baking several times turn the meat.

The meat contains nutritious and useful elements, but we love it for first-class taste and aroma. Who will refuse a fatty piece of meat with a crispy crust? To enjoy this product, it must be prepared correctly. And if with most of the "grades" of meat, everything is extremely clear, then cook the goat on the shoulder is not every cook.

As many people could guess, the whole thing lies in the unpleasant smell of "freschatin" of goats, often, will get rid of which neither onions or strong spices do not help.

The note! You have no such problems with such problems. The meat of the goat has a pleasant aroma and a sweet taste, which is not in any other "grade" of meat.

What do you think in this case? It is necessary to choose the right recipe and the preparation method used and the majority of the mountain peoples of the world, whose goat has become an integral attribute of food life.

It is worth starting from the simplest, of soups. Such a dish will not force for a long time to stand at the stove, and the result will delight your friends and loved ones.


All dishes from Kozdyatina are very simple, but at the same time they are able to give an unforgettable sensation from the meal.

We need: we need:

  1. Kozdyatina (the best flew) - 450
  2. Carrots - 100-150 g.
  3. Lukovitsa - 100-150 g.
  4. Potatoes - 400 g
  5. Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Salt, spices, sunflower oil.

Such products are almost every mistress at hand.

  1. You need to weld the broth from goat meat. The product's readiness is checked with wooden toothpick: the meat should be started.
  2. Give a kid and cut it into small cubes, for further processing.
  3. Grind carrots and onions for cooking roasted.
  4. Heat the frying pan, pour oil into it and start to fry the godlyatin to a golden crust.
  5. When the meat acquires the necessary color, add tomato paste and crushed vegetables to taste.
  6. Pierced boils. It is poured into the broth and the potatoes also crumble.
  7. While the potatoes are brewed in the shurpa. It is necessary to add salt and pepper to taste.

After half an hour, a delicious soup will be ready. It can be decorated with parsley whether dill. After double heat treatment, pepper and tomato paste dish, the dish is carried out gentle, tasty and absolutely odorless inherent in these animals.

Outdoor fire

It does not matter whether you grow goats at home or the wild goat came to your table, the meat of these animals has a specific smell with which only open fire can cope with. Of course, no one will give up a tasty kebab.

The note! For dishes take meat of young animals, but if you got a goat meat or an old goat, it is for starters, it is necessary to interform in the cheese, in order to soften meat.

What will take:

  1. Kozdyatina - 1 kg (best young).
  2. Onion - 2 pcs.
  3. Dried crushed basil - 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Red, black pepper and salt - to taste, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Step-by-step recipe for marinovka meat:

  1. First, rinse the grooves under running water.
  2. Eliminate excess fat, films and grind it to the rather slices.
  3. Rubem onions on small cubes: For kids, this is the best option than rings.
  4. We smash the pepper to the powder-shaped state.

Important! Do not take ground ready pepper from the store, it is better to take in a peas and smolden yourself. In this case, the spice will not lose its fragrance and fragrance.

  1. We shift the crushed meat, bow, basil in a bowl and add pepper and salt to taste.
  2. Mix the goat while it and onions will not give juice, in which the kebab will be marinated.
  3. We put on a day in the refrigerator and everything is ready, it is time to break the mangal and fry the kebab until full readiness.

There are other recipes, how deliciously prepare kebabs from this animal, but this simplest and most popular among many goats and hunters.

From simple recipes it is worth moving to dishes more complicated. This is a roast goat. It is preparing in the oven in the culinary sleeve.

What will you need?

  1. Kozdyatin - 2 kg (absolutely anyone will suit, but ideally - it should be flew).
  2. 3 bulbs - 250-300 g.
  3. 1 head garlic.
  4. 2 Carrots - 200-250
  5. Lavrushka.
  6. Salt, black pepper.

And, in fact, the sleeve itself for baking. Now you need to properly prepare our meat before shipping in the oven.

  1. Slezhatyn is cut into the rather slices, in each piece there is a hole and marinate every piece of garlic teeth.
  2. Onions and carrots shining on small rings.
  3. We now turn to the preparation of "marine injection":
  • we prepare the marinade itself, 100 g of a pomegranate juice mix with soy sauce to taste;
  • we recruit the marinade into the syringe and gently introduces the substance into each piece of the groove.
  1. We lay out the meat into the sleeve moves with vegetables, so that the kid is more in contact with them than with other pieces of the goat.
  2. Top places some laurel sheets and basil (optional).
  3. The pinch of salt, pepper and dish can be sent to the oven.

Stewed dish is necessary for three hours, with low temperature indicators: 160-180 degrees. The taste of such a dish is difficult to convey words, each stewed piece, and melts in the mouth.

Important! Do not cook in a slow cooker. Due to the hermetic cover, the meat suffers, which will give him not very pleasant fragrance. The best goat is cooking on a fire, a frying pan or in the oven.

We are talking about smoking. This is the most versatile method to get rid of the unpleasant smell, not only the grooves, but also any other animal.

We need:

  1. Cold smokehouse.
  2. Salt, red and black pepper.
  3. Cinnamon, carnation and coriander.

Meat cut into thin portion pieces and pickled garlic. We mix crushed spices and herbs and rub it all into the goat. We leave to pick up about 2 days, then immerse in the smokehouse. The cooking process will take about 3-4 weeks. After cooking, such meat is capable of long months and delight their aroma and taste of your friends and loved ones.

4 weeks - long period? Then it is necessary to turn to the recipe for hot smoking. This method is considerably more consulted, but it is capable of raising you with a delicious product after 6 hours. To begin with, you need to pickle a goat.

We need:

  1. Water is 1 liter.
  2. Salt - 30 g
  3. Sugar - 10-15 g.
  4. 9% -Procerant vinegar - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  5. Lavrushka - 3-4 pcs.
  6. Ginger - 0.5 teaspoon.
  7. Garlic - 5-7 teeth.
  8. Cinnamon - 0.5 kg.
  9. Juniper - 5-10 berries.
  10. Black pepper - 10-15 peas.

The resulting brine should be covered with the whole mass of meat, if it is not enough, you can prepare more brine, in proportion to the above ingredients.

  1. Boil water and cool it up to 4 degrees (this will allow you to kill all microorganisms and bacteria in water).
  2. Add all the above ingredients to it and mix well.
  3. Meat in the brine is withstanding 4-7 days, time-from-time turning it out.
  4. Kozdyatnaya gets from the brine and it is stupid with garlic.
  5. The meat is placed between two wooden boards and fell into a hammer, crushing the bones and cartilage (otherwise liquid, which will evaporate from these fabrics will not give the meat to the bones).
  6. Now Kozdyatina is suspended and immersed in smokehouse.

The product will be ready after 6-7 hours. For half an hour before the product is ready, 5-6 twigs of juniper are thrown into heat. The smoke of this plant has strong antiseptic properties, smoking will be stored for a long time in any conditions.

Now you know what to prepare from the kid and how to get rid of the unpleasant, specific smell of these animals.

If you do not have a game now - use meat of pets with success.
And the result will exceed all the expectations!
Dish from small and large game - Wild goat
Wild goat dishes

Hunting Cutlets

At 800 g of game (roe, wild goat, hare): 200 g of wheat bread, 300 ml of milk, 150 g of butter creamy, 100 g of superstars, 100 g of beef fat, 200 g of fresh mushrooms, 100 g sour cream, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:
Skip the flesh through the meat grinder, combine with bread, pre-closed in milk, salt, pepper and grind over.
Mass to wash with softened oil and separated on cakes with a thickness of 1 cm (2 for a portion).

Prepare a filling: boil mushrooms in salted water, squeeze, finely cut and fry. Pour sour cream, boil to thickening and fill with salt, pepper. Starting to wrap in meat pellets.
Cutlers are scattered in breadcrumbs, fry and bring to readiness in the roast cabinet.

When applying to the table, polished with melted oil and meat juice prepared from the roasted bones of the game.
Next to lay potatoes or a complex vegetable side dish.

Kozdyatina on Sunday

On 6 servings: the bladeless shoulder part, 25 g of grained oil, 275 ml of red wine, 275 ml of broth, 1/2 h. Spoons of tomato ketchup, 1 tsp of mushroom ketchup (mixture of pickled mushrooms with walnuts), salt, pepper and red burning pepper.

Cooking method:
Weighed meat, calculate the baking time at the rate of 20 minutes for every 450 g plus 20 minutes to the entire piece. Heat the oil and pour them lamb, put it in the oven to the grid or grill, withstand at 180 ° half of the estimated time.
Then warm the wine with broth, ketchup and spices.
Give fat drain from meat and pour it with sauce and own juice and put it in the oven until the end of the estimated time. From time to time water meat with juice.

Serve with roasted potatoes.

Chuck from Kozdyatina

For 4 servings: 4 chops from the back, 4 dessert spoons of reservoir marmalade.

For ginger sauce to chop from Kozdyatina: 2 tbsp. Spoons of caramel sugar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. Spoon of lemon juice, 1 h. A spoon of ground ginger, a little corn flour.

Cooking method:
Place chops on a baking sheet and put on each dessert spoon of marmalade, mix all the ingredients for the sauce, except corn flour, and to cure chops. Make soak meat with sauce within an hour. Then cover the foil and bake in the oven for an hour at 180 ° C. Before serving, thickened with flour gravy.

NOTE. This is the recipe for the Scottish Bichwood Country Hotel in Moffat. The town is located in the valley r. Annan south of the waterfall of the tails of gray mares and a huge natural depression - Lohan Damn Beef, where the Scots in the Starin was hidden during border incidents in the cattle from the British.

Cancer meatballs in sauce

For one portion: 75 g of Kozdyatina, 15 g of wheat bread, 25 ml of water, 25 g of onions of the onion, 10 g of flour, 10 g of fat, 75 g sauce, 150 g garnira, greens, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:
Prepare from katilet with a cutlet mass just like from beef, but with a smaller content of bread, add chopped parserous ones or green onions and mix well.

Prepare and apply as well as beef meatballs.

Kozdyatna meatballs baked under sauce

For one portion: 75 g of krovatin, 15 g of wheat bread, 25 ml of milk or water, 10 g of onion of the replist, 150 g puree from legumes, 10 g of foam oil, 100 g sauce, 5 g cheese, 5 g of superstars, salt, pepper , greens.

Cooking method:
The pulp of oily grooves and wet in milk or water wheat bread skip through the meat grinder, salt, add raw finely chopped green or onions, ground pepper, water (10% for meat weight) and mix well.

To low-fat knzdyatin add 10-12% of raw roasted salary or pork spick.

The resulting mass to be separated by balls of 10-12 g, which is put in one layer on a greased baking tray, and put in a hot hot wardrobe for 5-6 minutes.

On the portion frying pan, lubricated with fat, put in the form of a slide ready puree from beans, peas or chickpeas, and put the finished meatballs on it, pour them with thick red sauce with chopped mushrooms and onions, sprinkle with grated cheese, mixed with breadcrumbs, sprinkle with oil and bake In the roast cabinet.

Save meatballs on the same frying pan, on which they were backed, to pour them with oil and sprinkle with greens.

Meatballs can also be prepared with potato mashed potatoes, boiled beans, rice, wheat or bias crumbling porridge, horns, vermicellus or other pasta under milk or sour cream sauce.

Wild goat fried

For 1 portion: 150 g of meat of a wild goat, 75 ml of marinade, 20 g of scraping, 5 g of swine sala, 150 g garnira, 75 ml of sauce, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:
The spinal and renal part of the carcass, as well as large slices of the rear legs to clean up from films and tendons, put in the marinade and withstand within 2-3 days in the cold room. In Marinade, vinegar can be replaced by white or red dry grape wine.
Meat instead of marinization can be suspended and to withstand in a dry cold room for 3-4 days, after which it is cleared of tendons.
The meat prepared in this way is polished with pork lard. Fry on a spit or on a man with a fat in a frying cabinet.

The finished meat is cut into suthers across the fibers (2-3 pieces for a portion) and pour with meat juice.
Serve with fried potatoes in the form of slices or storage.

Separately in the sauce to sue a hunting or red pepper sauce.

Wild Goat Cutlets

For 1 portion: 150 g of meat of a wild goat, 15 g of swine salary, 5 g of butter butter or 30 ml of meat juice, 150 g of a garnist, 75 ml of sauce, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:
Natural and chop cutlets (in breadcrumbs) prepare just like calf cutlets.

To fry on a swine fat, and when it is filled with a creamy butter or meat juice.

Serve with chestnuts, potatoes, fried straw, storage, chips.
Separately in a sauce to sue red sauce with tarragon or tomato.

Kabab from Kozdyatina

For 4 servings: 600-700 g of katsotny without bones, 3 heads of the reptile bow, 2 carrots, 1 chunk of celery, 5-6 mushrooms, 1 h. Spoon of mustard, 4-5 black pepper peas, 1 garlic clove, 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wine, 3-4 tomatoes, 1-2 art. Spoons of flour, bay leaf, salt.

Cooking method:
With meat, remove fat, cut into small pieces and boil in 1/2 cup of water with 1 ion head and 1 pinch of salt. To put it on the cold so that excess fat froze on the surface and easily separated.
Prepare marinade from mustard, vegetable oil, garlic, vinegar, wine, black pepper, laurel sheet and salt, in which to put sliced \u200b\u200bon large pieces of meat and crushed vegetables. To withstand within a few hours in a cool place, give a flight and stew in prepared fat at periodic stirring. Bring meat to light brown and add marinade and broth formed when cooking fat. Bring on low heat until soft meat.

The sauce can be fed with flour, divorced in broth obtained during cooking fat. Add to the dish a few minutes before removal from the fire.

Serve with boiled rice garnish.

Orman Kebab (Forest Kebab) from Kozdyatina

On 4-5 servings: 600-700 g of katsotny (without bones), 2 heads of the replist onion, 2 tbsp. Spoons lingonberry, 2 tbsp. Blackberry spoons, 1 pine foot, about 10 mushrooms, celery leaves, parsley, mint, 2 cups of dry table wines, 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 2-3 tomatoes (or 1 h. Spoon of tomato puree), red pepper, salt.

Cooking method:
Separate from meat fat, finely cut and reset together with vegetable oil. In hot fat consistently put meat, sliced \u200b\u200bon small pieces and salted, crushed bow, mushrooms and berries. Bring to softness, pour wine and coat sliced \u200b\u200bon slices of tomatoes. Sprinkle with ground red pepper and finely chopped leaves of celery, parsley and mint greens.
On top of all put a pine paw in the marage. Tightly cover with a lid and stew on low heat in a continuation of 1 hour.

Serve with Mamalyg.

The meat that went to you during the hunt (such a hunt is most often a collective, so the game is divided on all) it is necessary to soak in water for several hours, changing water to rinse from blood. For cooking we take a piece of about 800 g.

Abundant squeezed with garlic, extruded through the garbber. In the meat we will do shorts, in which we will also try to put garlic. Slice of meat to put off, squeeze spices, pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil and leave for marinency. Well, if there is an opportunity to interform the product for 8-10 hours, but if there is no such possibility, then at least 2-3 hours.

Thin plates apply fat. As already mentioned, the goat meat is rigid and dry, so fat will provide some fat.

Part of the sludge, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, can be placed in cutters on meat. The main part is to lay a piece of meat from all sides.

Today we will go goat meat in the oven in a thick-walled saucepan of refractory glass. If there is no such pan, then you can bake in aluminum molds that are sold in the store, turning on top of such a form of foil. I will lay out a little sala on the bottom of the pans, the meat, we will put a laurel leaf.

Purify some potatoes and add to the pan. Thus, we will have meat and delicious, soaked with flavors of spices and garlic, a garnish to it.

Cover the shape for baking with a lid and put in the oven for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, Salo turn into cracker, and meat, having soaked in content, will become soft and juicy.