How long to cook pig legs for jellied meat. How long to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker or in the usual way

The jellied meat appeared completely by accident. People once noticed that if you cook meat broth for a very long time, it hardens in the cold. New snack The French immediately appreciated it, and gradually the dish took root in other countries. At first there was jellied meat and jelly different dishes. Jellied meat was prepared from pork or pork-beef broth with pieces of meat and poultry, and jelly was cooked exclusively from beef. Now this is practically the same dish, which is called jelly in the north and north-west of Russia and jellied meat in the southern and south-eastern regions. Jellied is a separate dish, since it is prepared differently from jellied meat and jelly. Let's talk about how to properly prepare jellied meat and aspic so that they turn out tasty, beautiful and appetizing.

How to cook jelly: choose meat and cook delicious broth

All housewives know how to properly prepare jellied meat from beef and pork so that it hardens well without gelatin - you need to take pork and beef legs, brain bones, heads, tails, pig ears and parts of the carcass that are not suitable for other dishes. Suitable sinews, cartilage, bones, skin, muscles, chicken feet, wings, necks and heads, which, due to their high collagen content, make the meat broth sticky, viscous and jelly-like.

If you prepare jelly from chicken, it should not be store-bought, but homemade - not very meaty and bony. They gel rooster broth and game perfectly. In addition, in the dish as meat base you can put pork knuckle, beef tenderloin, turkey and chicken. The meat should not be too fatty, as fat prevents the jellied meat from congealing.

Naturally, meat products They take quality and fresh ones. Legs, shanks, and paws are thoroughly washed, cleaned and soaked for at least one hour. After this, the legs are filled cold water, bring it to a boil, then drain and fill the pan with meat again with water. This is done to make the broth clear and less greasy.

The ideal ratio of water and meat is 2:1, and the water should be cold - this will make the broth even tastier and more appetizing. As soon as the broth boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for 5–7 hours, in some cases up to 12 hours. Cooking time depends on the meat used, required quantity jellied meat and recipes. How long to cook is a significant question, because the longer it is cooked, the richer, thicker and richer the jelly will be. If the jellied meat does not freeze well, it means there was too much liquid or you added it to the pan during cooking. In this case, the jelly will have to be cooked or gelatin added.

How to cook beef, pork and chicken jellied meat: the following steps

2 hours before the end of cooking, add onion, carrots, celery root and parsley to the broth, and 40 minutes before the end of cooking - Bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, dill umbrellas and other spices. Or you can add spices along with the meat to make the jelly more flavorful. When peeling onions, sometimes leave the middle and bottom layer of skin on so that the broth is nice and golden.

Salt the jellied meat after the broth is ready, otherwise there is a high probability of over-salting the dish - the water constantly boils away. In addition, salt inhibits the gelling process. You need to salt the hot broth so that it seems slightly salted, otherwise it will turn out to be too bland when frozen. Add chopped garlic to the prepared broth and let the dish brew for about 20 minutes. After this, the meat is carefully separated from bones and cartilage, vegetables are removed from the broth, and the liquid is filtered. Some housewives add crushed cartilage to the meat to make the jelly denser and more satisfying.

Pieces of meat are placed in big shape, pour in broth and leave for some time at room temperature. You can pour the liquid into small portion molds - they look very impressive on festive table. Place pieces of carrots, slices of pickled cucumber, green leaves or half an egg on the bottom of the molds - the decoration will end up on top and will look very impressive.

It is better to cool and bring the dish to readiness on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, and the jelly usually hardens for the same amount of time as it took to cook. Congealed fat from ready-made jellied meat It's best to remove it if you haven't removed it before. Before serving the dish, lower the molds with the jelly for a few seconds. hot water and turn it over onto a plate, and serve this savory snack with grated horseradish and spicy mustard.

How to properly prepare jellied meat with gelatin

Sometimes there is no time to cook according to all the rules, and not always beef and chicken jelly They release enough gelling substances, so many people want to know how to act so that the dish still hardens. Gelatin comes to the rescue, which is made from the bones, tendons and hooves of cattle, so with the help of this unique product available delicious jellied meat with less time.

Per liter of liquid, usually take 30 g of gelatin, which is pre-soaked and then dissolved in small quantity warm or cold broth after straining. Pour the liquid into the pan in a thin stream and heat it slightly, without bringing it to a boil. In all other respects, the technology for preparing jellied meat does not differ from the classic recipe.

Clear broth - easy!

Never cook broth from frozen meat - it will turn out too cloudy, no good egg white will not help. First, the meat and bones are thawed, washed well, and then boiled. The first water is drained for the same reason - so that the jellied meat turns out light and without impurities.

For getting clear broth it is not allowed to boil too much, it is not stirred during the cooking process, and the foam must be skimmed off. The broth should be filtered well, as it often turns out cloudy due to the fact that it has not been sufficiently purified from all kinds of impurities. There is another secret to transparent jellied meat - throw a pinch into the broth citric acid until boiling.

If preventive measures do not help, the strained broth is clarified lemon juice(½ tsp) or egg white. For a liter of finished broth, one whipped egg white is enough, which is added to the broth, after which the liquid is thoroughly cleaned through several layers of gauze.

How to cook aspic from meat and fish

Jellied is a lighter version of jelly and jellied meat, since it is prepared from low-fat types meat (beef, veal, tongue, chicken, turkey) and fish. Preparing aspic is simple and easy, and gelatin is used to set the broth.

Meat or poultry is boiled according to all the rules for preparing meat broth. Next, the dish is cooled, the meat is separated from the bones, disassembled into fibers or cut into pieces. The broth is filtered, and the gelatin is poured with water to swell - the proportions of broth and gelatin depend on the amount of meat. It is recommended to adhere to the ratio specified in the recipe. Gelatin is poured into the broth and heated, but do not boil, otherwise the aspic will not thicken.

For fish aspic, any types of fish are used, the most important thing is to carefully remove the bones so that there are no unpleasant surprises during the tasting process. And of course, aspic is unlikely to please the eye if instead of beautiful pieces it contains minced fish. Therefore, they usually use denser fish that does not fall apart during cooking - pollock, mackerel, pike, pink salmon and representatives of the salmon family. Place in the broth fish heads, tails and fins, they are what make it thick and rich, but it is better to remove the gills because of the bitterness. Boiled fish broth with the addition of vegetables and spices, remove the bones, filter and add gelatin. Pieces of bright vegetables are laid out in a container for aspic and filled with liquid.

Recipe: jellied meat in a slow cooker

Two pork feet rinse and soak for 3 hours. Two chicken legs chop into pieces, place the meat in a slow cooker along with one peeled onion, half a head of garlic and peppercorns. Pour water to the maximum level and leave overnight in the “quenching” mode. In the morning, cool the broth and, having separated the meat from the bones, cut it into pieces, mash the garlic, return it to the broth and add salt. Fill the molds with meat, add broth, let it brew and put it in the refrigerator.

It is not difficult to understand how to prepare jelly from beef or pork legs, aspic from chicken, tongue and fish. These delicious dishes very good for health due to high content collagen. Take care of your family's health and prepare jelly not only for the holidays!

An excellent dish of jellied pork legs is prepared without gelatin: with chicken, knuckle, beef, and vegetables. Choose the best recipe!

  • Leg - 1 pc. pork
  • Pork knuckle - 1 kg
  • Knuckle - 1 kg beef
  • Chicken leg - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 6 pcs. average
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp. peas
  • Bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Water - 3 l
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.

The most important guarantee that the jellied meat will harden without additional addition of gelatin is the presence of pork legs in it (the same ones with hooves).

You can choose the rest of the meat to your taste, different - pork, beef, chicken, rabbit. It is advisable that it be fresh, not frozen, have nice smell and color.

Jellied meat can be cooked from one type of meat, of course, but it’s still better V son in law assorted different meats- this way the taste of the dish will be richer. The main condition is that these are “gelatinous” parts of the meat (legs, ears, shanks, wings... in general, everything with bones and veins) - it is from these that you can cook a sticky, well-hardening broth.

So that the broth is appetizing, transparent and with rich taste Be sure to add spices, carrots and onions when cooking. Moreover, at least one onion can be inserted with the husks not completely peeled off, which will give the broth a pleasant, yellowish tint.

You need to cook the jellied meat over low heat - this way the liquid evaporates more slowly and there is no need for topping up. If this happens and you need to add water, use boiled, hot water rather than raw water. It is believed that this will help the broth remain clear and not cloudy.

All the meat must be thoroughly washed, placed in a large saucepan, filled with cold water for (at least) 3 hours - during this time the water will “pull out” the coagulated blood from the meat.

Then drain this water, rinse the meat and, if necessary, remove hair and scorch marks.

Place back into the pan. Fill with cold water and place on medium heat.

As soon as the first water boils, it is drained. The meat can be washed and filled with fresh cold water. It is believed that this removes some portion of fat (read: cholesterol) and coagulated protein (blood).

As soon as the second water begins to boil, foam will begin to appear. It must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon - the transparency of the broth depends on this.

During this time, you should prepare the vegetables. Peel and wash the onions and carrots; one onion can be left with the peel if desired.

As soon as all the foam has been removed, reduce the heat to minimum. Add prepared vegetables, bay leaf and black pepper. Add salt, but not a lot, about 1 tablespoon per 6 liter pan.

Well, then... you'll have to be patient - let it all simmer over a small fire (so that a slow boil is maintained), cover with a lid and forget for 6-7 hours, no less. During this time, the meat will become incredibly soft and will separate very easily, literally jumping off the bones.

By the way, if you have such a miracle device as a pressure cooker, then the cooking time can be reduced to 2-3 hours. Just be sure to follow the rules of use.

After the allotted time has passed, you will need to take out the meat - let it cool at least a little, and...

strain the broth through a couple of layers of gauze.

Disassemble the meat into fibers or cut into small pieces - whatever you like, put it back in the pan. Pour in strained broth.

Then I put everything back on the fire and heat it up a little, while using a spoon to carefully remove the layer of fat from the surface - well, we don’t like it frozen. But this is a matter of taste - if you like a fatty layer, then you can skip this step.

Now is the time to taste the broth for salt. You need to add salt so that the broth seems even a little over-salted - you shouldn’t be afraid of this, in a frozen state everything will become moderately salty - the meat will “pull out” some of the salt for itself.

Chop the garlic cloves finely and also add to the pan.

Immediately turn off the heat and pour into prepared pans. Ideally in those that can be displayed on a holiday table or in small, portioned molds. The portioned ones are also convenient because they have lids - by cooling them in the refrigerator we get rid of unnecessary odors, and they save space - it’s convenient to stack them one on top of the other.

You can also pour it in different ways. Most often, it is customary to first place meat pieces in molds, slightly compacting them, and then carefully pour in the strained broth - this creates a beautiful separation into layers.

If desired, you can decorate with openwork cut boiled carrots and parsley leaves.

Allow to cool at room temperature and only then put in the refrigerator to completely harden.

Jellied meat is traditionally served with mustard and horseradish. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: how to cook jellied pork legs and knuckles

In addition to pork legs, you can use pork knuckle, tongue, chicken and other meats. The appetizer is served with horseradish, mustard or vinegar. Happy cooking!

  • Pork knuckle - 1 piece
  • Cold cuts - 500 grams
  • Pork leg - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 1 piece (head)
  • Salt and pepper - To taste
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Peppercorns - 1 piece
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece

We wash all the meat, removing excess skins and so on. Soak the meat in cold water for 12-14 hours. Every 3-4 hours you should completely change the water.

Boil the meat over medium heat and drain the water. Fill with new water and cook for 2 hours.

30 minutes before cooking, add chopped onion, grated carrots, chopped garlic, salt, peppercorns, ground pepper and bay leaf to the pan. After cooking, remove the meat and cut into small pieces.

Cover the form for jellied meat cling film.

Place the meat in a mold and pour in the broth.

Place the jellied meat in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, cut and serve with fresh herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3, step by step: jellied pork feet and chicken

  • Pork legs – 475 g
  • Pork shank – 730 g
  • Chicken legs – 450 g
  • Pork – 400 g
  • Chicken feet – 250 g
  • Water – 2.5 l
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.

All meat ingredients rinse thoroughly and clean. Place everything except the chicken and pork in a suitable cooking pot. Pour in enough water to cover the meat products. Send to medium heat. Bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, immediately reduce the heat to the lowest setting.

Cover with a lid and cook for 1.5-2 hours. Make sure that the broth does not boil too much, because the jellied meat will turn out cloudy. During this cooking time, the meat should fall away from the bone.

Collect foam during cooking.

After 1.5-2 hours add chicken leg, pork, onions and carrots. Bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.

In the meantime, peel the garlic and grind it in a mortar or grate it on a fine grater.

After cooking, remove the meat products to a colander and leave to cool.

Cool the broth to room temperature. Gently spoon fat over top, if desired. Add salt to taste, ground pepper and garlic. Stir and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Strain the broth through cheesecloth.

Separate the meat from the bones and place in a suitable container. If desired, garnish with carrots.

Pour in the broth and refrigerate until completely frozen. You can sprinkle with chopped green onions or any greens.

Jellied pork legs and chicken is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: how to cook jellied pork legs and beef

  • pork legs - 2 pieces;
  • beef meat (300 - 400 grams);
  • bulb;
  • garlic 2-3 cloves;
  • salt;
  • bay leaf (several pieces);
  • carrot;
  • 3 liters of water.

Clean the legs well, remove the bristles and rinse thoroughly. Place the meat and pork legs in a deep pan and fill them with water.

It is advisable to soak for at least 4 hours, after which we replace the water, add salt, put it on the stove, wait for it to boil and skim off the foam from the broth.

Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them in half and put them in the broth, and place the onion there.

It should be in the husk to give the broth transparency. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to cook for 4 hours.

Next, you need to do everything quickly so that the ingredients that make up the jellied meat do not harden ahead of time. Remove the meat from the bones and place it in food processor or a meat grinder, add garlic, carrots from the broth and grind everything thoroughly.

Place the crushed mass on the bottom of the prepared dish and pour in the strained broth.

The jellied meat must first cool, after which it must be placed in the refrigerator until it completely hardens. After 7 - 8 hours (hardening time directly depends on the thickness of the layer), the jellied meat can be cut and served, adding mustard to taste.

Recipe 5: cook jellied pork and beef legs

  • pork legs - 3-5 pcs.;
  • beef legs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 3-5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.;
  • greens - to taste;
  • spices - to taste

Wash the pork and beef hooves well, put them in a large two-bucket pan and fill with water, add onions, carrots, bay leaves, spices to taste and put on fire.

How long does it take to cook jellied pork feet? I usually leave it like this overnight on low heat, but you can also set it during the day for 8-10 hours.

I turn it off in the morning. I take out and throw away the onions and carrots, and take out the legs and let them cool a little, after which I “take them apart” and finely chop them, after which I strain the remaining (not boiled away) broth, pour in the finely chopped meat and put it on the fire so that it all boils for about 15 minutes -20.

After the jellied meat has cooled down a little, I take the garlic, finely chop it or squeeze it through a garlic press, put it in the jellied meat mixture, mix it and pour it into molds.

After that, I take it out onto the balcony (if it’s winter) or wait until it cools on the table and put it in the refrigerator.
Once it hardens, you can eat it. Bon appetit!!!

Recipe 6: how to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker (photo)

The recipe for jellied pork legs is simple, the main thing is to follow our description exactly and you will succeed.

  • pork legs – 2 pcs.;
  • pork (pulp) – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp;
  • allspice peas – 10 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • gelatin – 3 tbsp.

The jellied meat will come out transparent and without additional impurities if you first soak the legs in cold water and scrape them well with a knife blade. Then fill the legs with water and bring to a boil. Drain the water and foam and rinse the legs again.

We transfer the ideally clean pork legs to the multicooker bowl, and place a piece of pork there, pre-washed and cut in half.

Add to the meat whole peeled carrots, onions, and also allspice and bay leaf.

You don’t have to add pork pulp, but then the jellied pork legs will be very fatty.

Pour water into the multicooker to cover the vegetables and meat.

Set the mode to “cook” and bring to a boil under the lid. As soon as the water boils, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.

Set the “simmer” mode for 4 hours and close the lid. At this time, you can forget about jellied meat. If the meat is from a young pig, the meat may be cooked earlier.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking, remove the meat, pork legs and vegetables. Place on a plate to cool.

Do not add gelatin big amount water, let it swell. Add finely chopped garlic to the hot meat broth.

Then add gelatin and stir with a spoon until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Cut the meat into cubes or disassemble into fibers, leaving the carrots for decoration.

Place the meat in small containers, the number of which depends on the volume of boiled broth. Add carrots for color; you can also add canned corn, parsley or egg slices. Looks very colorful quail eggs boiled and cut in half.

The broth with garlic should stand for about 10 minutes so that the garlic imparts its aroma to the broth.

Then strain the broth through a strainer

Then pour the broth into the containers and leave to cool at room temperature.

Place the chilled pork jelly in the refrigerator for several hours.

Recipe 7: how to cook jellied legs with beef

  • Pork legs - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Beef shanks - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Allspice - 3 peas
  • Black pepper - 15 peas
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 7 l

The meat must be pre-processed. Pork feet and beef shanks(if they have skin) you need to scrape them well with a knife. If there are remnants of stubble on the skin, then it is best to oil it. Pork legs do not contain meat, therefore, to make the cold meat more meaty, you can also take pork shanks, or other meat of your choice.

I decided not to use the whole chicken, so I removed the fillet, legs and offal, and all that was left was used as jellied meat.

In order to minimize noise in the broth, I pre-boil the meat for 2-4 minutes.

To do this, take a suitable pan, bring water to a boil and put the meat there. After the water boils again, boil it for 3-4 minutes, the meat should be completely covered with water. Then rinse the meat very well with running water.

Place the pre-cooked meat in a pan in which we will cook the cold meat. Ideally, this should be a 7-9 liter pan. If you don’t have such a large pan, then you can cook the broth in several pans, as I had to do :)

The chicken will be ready faster than other types of meat, so it will need to be removed from the broth earlier (if you are cooking cold meat in several pans, you can cook it separately).

It is best to place washed meat in already boiling water, so the protein remaining on the surface will coagulate faster and there will be less noise.

So, put the meat in a saucepan (ideally in boiling water) and bring to a boil. The water should cover the meat by 5-7 fingers (if the pan is high).

As the water boils, noise will form, which must be carefully removed using a slotted spoon or spoon.

After you have removed all the foam from the surface of the broth, cover it loosely with a lid and set to simmer over low heat. You need to cook the broth for about 5 hours.

It is important that the water does not boil, but only moves slightly. During the cooking process, the water should evaporate minimally.

If the broth boils, then after 5 hours you will have no liquid left in the pan and will have nothing to pour the cold stuff into. If you add water to the pan, there is a risk that the jelly will not harden.

As a last resort, you can add a little boiling water to the broth.

1-1.5 hours before cooking rigor, add salt, pepper, bay leaf and vegetables to the broth.

The chicken will be ready in 1.5-2 hours (if we are talking about homemade chicken, store-bought will be ready much faster), if you continue to cook it, the meat will be severely overcooked. Therefore, it must be removed from the broth. But for the meat to have more bright taste, it is better to boil it a little with spices and vegetables.

If you cook the bird in a separate pan, then 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, spices and vegetables to the broth.

Remove meat and vegetables from the finished broth.

Combine all the resulting broth in one container. Add salt, ground black pepper and pressed garlic to taste. I add quite a lot of garlic - 2-3 heads of garlic per 5 liter pan.

Let’s taste the broth, it should be a little salty and have a bright garlic flavor, although everything is up to your taste :)

Let the broth infuse.

At this time, we separate the cooled meat from bones, cartilage, and other unappetizing parts, I also remove all fat. There is no meat in pork legs, so for the jellied meat to be meaty enough, its other components must be meaty enough.

So, the meat was separated.

The infused broth must be very well strained through a cloth or gauze folded in 6-8 layers (the broth will contain remnants of garlic, bones, spices, etc.). If possible, remove all the fat from the surface of the strained broth, otherwise the surface of the jellied meat will be covered with congealed fat, and this is not very appetizing.

Place the meat randomly in deep containers (a bowl, a plate, a salad bowl...), if desired, decorate it all with boiled eggs, boiled carrots, herbs, cucumbers?..and fill it with broth.

After the container has cooled, put the cold one in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours or overnight, until completely frozen.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: delicious jellied pork legs (step by step)

  • pork feet - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 5 teeth.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • allspice - 5 pcs.
  • salt - to taste

We begin to clean the pork legs, which have been soaked in cold water in advance. Scrape it well upper layer from the skin. Keep in mind that the more thoroughly you clean the legs, the more enjoyable the broth will be. We chop the pork legs in half so they cook faster.

Wash the chopped legs again and transfer them large saucepan. Pour water on top so that it covers the meat by 6 cm. Tip: as the broth boils, foam will form on the surface; collect it carefully. The main thing is not to get distracted, otherwise the foam will settle into the flakes. We managed to collect the foam, now we reduce the fire to a minimum.

At this time, place the pre-peeled onions and carrots whole into the broth. By the way, you don’t have to peel the onion, but just wash it thoroughly - then the onion peel will give the broth a golden color. We continue to cook the broth for 4-5 hours.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, salt, peppercorns and finish cooking. Turn off and let cool. Tip on how to check the readiness of jellied meat: rub a drop of broth between your fingers. In ideal jellied meat, your fingers will stick together a little.

We take out the meat and put it in a separate container, and start cutting it. We remove bones, cartilage, skin and excess fat. We disassemble the meat into small pieces.

Place beautifully chopped boiled carrots and greens, and put the disassembled meat and crushed garlic on top. Pour the strained broth over everything. Place the plates with jellied pork legs in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

After about 5-6 hours, take the jellied meat out of the refrigerator, carefully turn it over onto a flat plate, decorate with herbs and serve.

Recipe 9: jellied meat with knuckle and at home

Pork feet are an essential ingredient in this dish; they add special taste jellied meat and by adding them I am not worried that it will not set. The main thing is to maintain the proportions of meat and liquid, cook for at least 7 hours, then your jellied meat will definitely harden. Do not add gelatin as it will spoil the taste.

  • Pork knuckle 1 kg
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Pork legs 1–2 pcs.
  • Garlic clove 1 pc.
  • Chicken 1 pc.
  • Salt 26 g
  • Onion 1 pc.

Let's start preparing jellied pork legs and chicken according to the recipe with photo. The pork knuckle should be scraped with a knife, washed thoroughly, and trimmed off excess fat.

It is better to buy a soup chicken for jellied meat; you can buy a cockerel. I took one large pork leg, but if the legs are small, then you need two. I will definitely tar my feet open fire. If the legs are not treated with fire, then maybe bad smell in aspic.

I carefully scrape the pork leg with a knife, removing the sooty areas. It is convenient to do this under running water. Then I cut the leg along the bone and cut off the tips of the hoof (you don’t have to cut the tips, but clean them well).

I cut the chicken in half, wash it thoroughly, removing all the dark particles near the ridge.

The meat must be soaked in water to get rid of the blood so that the jellied meat turns out transparent. I put the prepared, washed meat in a large saucepan and covered it with cold water for 3 hours. The water needs to be changed several times. You can leave the meat in the water overnight, placing the pan in a cool place, and cook in the morning.

Then I washed the meat well, placed it tightly in a tall pan and filled it with cold water. I usually put the meat that takes longer to cook at the bottom and the chicken on top. I pour water so that it covers the meat by about two fingers (3-4 cm).

Now you need to put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. You must not miss the moment of boiling so that the foam in the broth does not mix with it.

Then you need to reduce the heat and cook the jellied meat under the lid over low heat. It is important to cook the jellied meat at a low simmer so that the liquid gurgles slightly. You need to constantly monitor, not to let it boil too much, otherwise the jellied meat will turn out cloudy. You also need to know that you cannot add water to jellied meat during cooking. If the jellied meat did not boil too much, and the lid on the pan was tightly closed, then the water will not evaporate. I cook jellied meat for at least 7-8 hours.

When the jellied meat is ready, the meat comes completely off the bone. It is necessary to carefully observe how the pork legs and knuckle are cooked. In addition, if you drop the broth on your index and thumb, and when you connect and separate your fingers, they stick together, then the jellied meat is ready. The more stickiness in the broth, the more the jellied meat freezes.

When answering the question of how to cook pork leg jelly according to a recipe so that it turns out tasty and aromatic, I always say that in this dish not only meat components are important, but also vegetables.

I peel and wash the carrots. I peel the onion, wash it, and cut it into two or four parts.

I put carrots and onions in jellied meat 1 hour before it is ready.

Now turn off the heat and leave the jellied meat to cool for 10 minutes. There is usually a lot of fat in the upper part. This fat must be removed completely or partially - it is a matter of taste. If you like the layer of white fat on top of the finished pork jelly, you can leave it.

If you want it to be transparent on top, then remove the fat with a spoon, and then by placing a paper napkin on the surface of the broth and removing it, you can collect the rest of the fat. Do this several times.

I always leave a little fat. Fat protects the jellied meat from weathering. Anyone who doesn't like him can just frozen jellied meat Skim off fat with a spoon before eating.

I carefully remove the meat with a slotted spoon. The photograph shows how ready dish the meat comes off the bone easily.

It is necessary to remove all the bones and cut the meat into pieces. It is advisable to sort the meat with your hands, removing small bones. I chop the skins and cartilage finely and put them in the meat, as they help the jellied meat to harden.

I carefully strain the broth through cheesecloth folded in half into a wide bowl. You need to pour it in carefully so as not to stir it up. At this stage I add salt and garlic to the jellied meat. I put a spoon with salt into the broth and dissolve the salt in the broth. Salt should be to taste and a little stronger, as the meat will absorb some of the salt. Finely chop the garlic clove and add it to the broth.

I pour the broth into the containers with the meat and stir carefully. You need to pour it into the containers taking into account that later, when you cover it with a lid, the lid does not touch the dish.

Next, I took the vessels out onto the glassed-in loggia to cool. Do not take it out onto the loggia if it is frosty there. When the jellied meat cooled and began to solidify, I brought it in and garnished it with parsley sprigs and carrots cooked in it. Then I covered the container with the jellied meat and put it in the refrigerator for further hardening.

If you do not have the opportunity to keep it on the loggia for it to harden, and you will immediately put it in the refrigerator, then do not immediately close the lids of the containers tightly to avoid condensation. Only after the jellied meat begins to harden, cover it tightly with lids.

If you follow exactly the recipe for jellied pork legs and chicken with the photo, cooking will not take you extra time and hassle and the dish will definitely harden and turn out very tasty. Bon appetit!

And then the first snow fell outside the window! And I no longer want green, light salads and snacks. Everything is no longer dominated by the table meat dishes. And, of course, you can’t go without jellied meat! I especially love it, but it also makes excellent jelly.

I have already written about his recipes for pork knuckle, but traditionally jellied meat was and is cooked from pork legs. The broth based on them turns out incredibly strong, sticky and very rich. Don't worry about the dish not setting; it simply won't happen. The legs contain a lot of collagen and other useful gelling substances.

Many people wonder how long to cook jellied meat? The answer is long, 5-6 hours. In principle, readiness can be determined by eye. The meat should come away from the bone and fall into pieces. If you dip your index finger in the broth and rub it against your thumb, you should feel sticky.

Following simple rules, you will definitely succeed delicious snack!

Jellied pork feet without gelatin

Jellied meat made only from pork legs is a rather fatty and heavy dish, since they contain little meat. But this dish is also very popular and many people love it. And it is prepared simply, like any other jelly.

By the way, you don’t have to worry, the broth will “set” one hundred percent. You don’t even need to check, there are more than enough gelling substances in the legs.

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • allspice peas - 6-8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.


1. Soak the pork legs in water for 1.5-2 hours, then clean them with a knife.

2. Place the legs in a saucepan and add 6-8 cm of water. Wait for it to boil and then skim the foam from the surface of the water. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 4 hours, periodically skimming off the foam.

3. After 4 hours, add carrots and onions to the jellied meat and cook for about 3 more hours.

The onion in its skin will give the broth a golden hue. Just first you need to wash it thoroughly.

4. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and garlic, passed through a press, to the broth.

5. Then remove the pan from the heat, take out the meat and let it cool.

We cut the meat, removing the bones. We disassemble it and put it in forms. You can lightly pepper it with ground pepper.

6. Pour the strained broth into molds. You can add decorations from carrots and herbs.

To remove fat, blot the surface of the broth paper towels repeatedly.

Place the cooled jellied meat in the refrigerator overnight. And the next day we will already enjoy its taste!

How to cook homemade jellied meat from pork legs and beef?

In this recipe for jellied meat, beef is also added to the legs. Here the fatty parts are already connected to lean meat, which has a very beneficial effect on the taste of the dish. It turns out harmonious: it contains both fat and meat. Just what we need!

Well, the guests will definitely be satisfied!

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2.5 kg;
  • beef - 2 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt and ground pepper, as well as bay leaf;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.


1. Rinse the meat and legs well, peel and fill with cold water for 2 hours. Then we wash everything and cut the legs into two parts.

2. Fill with water and set to cook. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and reduce heat. Continue cooking at low simmer for 5 hours.

Water calculation: 1 kg of meat requires 1 liter of water.

3. Take the meat out of the broth, remove all the bones and put them back into the broth, cook for another 2 hours.

4. Peel and wash the vegetables. The onion does not need to be peeled, the main thing is to rinse it well. Cut into large pieces and fry them in a hot dry frying pan, cut side down.

5. After 30 minutes from the start of cooking the bones, add peppercorns, vegetables and salt to the boiling broth. Continue cooking over low heat for the remaining 1.5 hours.

6. At this time, cut the beef, and pass the meat from the pork legs through a meat grinder. Mix both types of meat with each other, adding chopped garlic, a little salt and ground pepper. Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator until the bone broth has finished cooking.

7. Cover the colander with several layers of gauze and strain the finished broth. Pour the strained broth over our meat, transfer it back into the pan, and put it on the stove again, bringing to a boil and adding a bay leaf.

Then remove the bay leaf and stir so that the meat is evenly distributed throughout the pan. And we begin to pour the jellied meat into the molds with a ladle. Let cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for 3 or more hours.

8. There will be a white layer of fat on the frozen jellied meat, scrape it off with a spoon and remove it.

To transfer the dish to a nice plate, dip the pan in hot water and invert it.

Cut into pieces and serve along with horseradish or!

Proper jellied meat from pork head, legs and tongue

From pig head Many different dishes are prepared, and jellied meat is no exception. It has a lot of meat and is also rich in material that helps the broth set. You can also add as a meat base pork tongue. This jelly turns out to be very satisfying, rich and tasty!

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • pork head - 1/4 part;
  • pork tongue - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • peppercorns - 1 teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • seasonings for jellied meat (optional).


1. Pour well-washed, cleaned meat with cold water for 2-3 hours. Then drain this water and rinse the meat again. Fill it up clean water and put it on the stove, adding vegetables to the pan.

After boiling, remove all foam. Then reduce the heat and cook for 4 hours.

2. After 2 hours from the start of boiling, salt the broth and add spices. Continue cooking for another 2 hours.

3. Then we take out vegetables and spices; we won’t need them anymore. And we take out the meat. When it has cooled, cut it into pieces with a knife.

Strain the broth through a sieve to remove small seeds. Next, add seasonings for jellied meat and chopped garlic. Bring it to a boil again. Place the meat cut into pieces into it and remove from the heat.

Stir and pour into plates while hot. When it cools down a little, put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

4. Remove the fat on the surface with a spoon and turn the jellied meat onto a plate of a larger diameter than the shape in which it froze. You can serve it to the table!

How and how long to cook jelly from pork knuckle and legs?

Well, everything is clear about the knuckle, jellied meat is often made from it, I devoted an entire article to this, which you can read by going to. There is a lot of meat in it, and the dish comes out rich and incredibly satisfying. Well, if you use small molds, then this jelly can be served in portions.

Anything that is served to each person separately gives me a feeling of celebration, for example, in a restaurant. It looks very unusual!

We will need:

  • pork leg - 1 pc.;
  • pork knuckle- 1 PC.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves.


1. Wash the meat well and pour cold water over the meat for an hour so that the water absorbs the blood. Then put everything on the fire, after boiling, remove the foam. Cook over low heat for 5 hours.

2. Then add salt and onions to the broth. Cook for another 30 minutes.

3. We take out the meat and let it cool so that it is comfortable to disassemble it with your hands. Then chop it and put it on the bottom of the mold.

You can make jellied meat in silicone molds for cupcakes. Both beautiful and comfortable!

4. Squeeze the garlic into the hot broth, stir and strain it. We fill our molds with it. Once everything has cooled down a bit, put it in the refrigerator overnight.

This is such a beauty!

Video on how to prepare pork jellied meat from legs (through a meat grinder)

Many people prefer to pass the meat for jellied meat through a meat grinder, so that the fat and meat are evenly mixed with each other. And in this case the fat is not felt at all. If you are also interested in learning how to make such jelly, then watch the video and you will no longer have any questions.

How to cook delicious jellied meat from pork legs and chicken?

Since there is not much meat in the leg itself, we need it more for a rich, strong broth. Then, in addition to chicken, we will also add pork knuckle here. You can use legs and, for example, chicken legs or breast.

Very delicious combination This dish is simply incredible! Pork will give fat, and white chicken meat will make the jellied meat even more tender.

We will need:

  • pork leg - 1 pc.;
  • pork knuckle - 1 piece;
  • chicken backs - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black pepper.


1. Fill the washed meat with water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, pour it out, rinse the pan and meat. Fill everything with water again and set it to boil again.

Then reduce the power of the stove and cook for 4 hours. After this period of time, add carrots and onions and cook for another 30 minutes.

2. Remove the meat and blot the surface of the broth with paper towels. Also add squeezed garlic to it and mix.

3. Separate the meat from the bones and chop it, placing it on the bottom of the molds. You can also add carrots and herbs here for beauty. You can also place chopped boiled eggs, look very impressive.

Strain the broth, add salt and pepper. We taste it and pour it into the meat in the molds. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator.

If you have decorations on the bottom of the jellied meat, then you can turn it over and serve it beautifully. Simply dip the container in hot water and invert it onto a plate. Beautiful snack for all time!

Cook jellied meat from turkey legs and turkey in a slow cooker (with pressure cooker function)

The white meat of turkey is the perfect complement to pork feet. It is lean, tender, low-calorie. All this is revealed when combined with the lard from the legs. In general, it turns out to be a perfectly balanced dish. And in a pressure cooker it cooks twice as fast as in a saucepan.

If you don’t have a pressure cooker function, but have a regular multicooker, then it’s still much easier to cook jellied meat in it than on the stove. The cooking time will be the same, but you will not need to monitor the broth or check it. Therefore, feel free to try cooking even jellied meats in your kitchen assistants!

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2 pcs.;
  • turkey shoulder - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • celery root (optional);
  • water - 3 l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • seasonings, pepper, bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • greens for decoration.


1. Pre-soak the meat in water for a couple of hours. Then drain the water and place all the meat in the slow cooker, cutting it if necessary so that everything fits well. We also send washed, unpeeled onions, carrots and celery root here.

Close the lid and valve. Set the “Soup” mode for 3 hours.

2. Take all the vegetables out of the broth and pour in all your favorite seasonings, bay leaves and salt. Cook for another 15 minutes without pressure.

3. Take out the meat and, after cooling, separate it into fibers and place it on the bottom of the mold.

Pour in the strained broth and garnish with garlic slices and dill sprigs.

Cool and put in the refrigerator.

And finally, I want to give you some advice. If you are still worried that the jellied meat will not harden without gelatin, then pour just a little broth into the gravy boat and put it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Having taken it out from there, you will immediately understand whether the broth will set or not. But in the case of pork legs, you don’t even have to worry!

Bon appetit!

How to cook jellied meat, what this dish can be made from and how to serve it beautifully, read right now. For those who want to try making meat jelly from pork shank or beef, but doesn’t know how - this article.

Pork leg jellied meat is a dish without which it is difficult to imagine the traditional Russian feast, Christ and . With all this, it can act not only as holiday treat, but also as a hearty, nutritious meal for every day.

So let's cook transparent jellied meatbest recipes Russian cuisine.

Classic pork with pieces of meat

Classic jellied meat recipe. It is cooked from pork shank/knuckle, it turns out very satisfying, rich, aromatic, appetizing, retains its density for a long time, and does not melt.

To cook jellied meat you will need:

  • A kilogram of shank/knuckle (you can take a little less).
  • 0.4 kg. pork legs (2 pcs.).
  • One carrot (we take a medium-sized one) and one onion.
  • 10-12 black peppercorns.
  • Dill, celery root (a little).
  • Salt – 1 spoon (adjust according to your own preferences).

How to properly cook clear jellied jelly from pork feet - recipe step by step

1. Wash the pork thoroughly under warm water, dry it, and place in a large saucepan.

2. Pour enough water to cover the legs/knuckle a few centimeters on top (for this amount of meat you need about 3-3.5 liters of liquid), set to cook on low heat. It will take 4-4.5 hours.

3. Peel the carrots, cut into beautiful patterns, or simply into circles or stripes.

4. An hour before the end of cooking, throw the onion into the pan along with the peel (don’t forget to wash it first; no need to cut it into pieces), chopped carrots, celery root, and peppercorns.

5. Prepare molds for pouring jelly, place boiled carrot mugs on the bottoms (remove from the pan).

6. Cool the meat, disassemble it into fibers, cut into pieces, without throwing away the skins and cartilage.

7. Place the product in molds, sprinkle finely chopped dill on top, lay out parsley leaves, pour over everything with the strained broth in which the pork was cooked.

8. Place the dish in the refrigerator to harden, after which you can serve it for a holiday or dining table. If desired, the forms with the treat can be turned over on a saucer before serving or served directly in the forms into which you poured your treat.

Delicate in taste, the most healthy, as it contains few calories compared to other recipes, an option that I am sure will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

List of ingredients:

  • Chicken about 1.5 kg. (use with skin and seeds).
  • Classic legs from a pig – 4-5 pcs.
  • Onions – 2 heads.
  • Garlic – 6-7 cloves.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pieces.
  • Celery – 1 root.
  • Pepper and salt to your taste.

How to cook homemade jellied meat with chicken - algorithm of actions

— Wash the chicken, cut it into small pieces, as for frying, place it in a pan, and add the washed legs there.

— Add water so that all the meat is covered, add a little salt, and boil the food.

- Remove the foam from the boiling broth, set the heat to the lowest level, and cook for about three and a half hours.

- After 2 hours, add spices to the pan, a little more salt, peeled and cut onions in half, which will later need to be removed from the jelly, as well as celery, continue cooking.

— Remove the onion from the broth, discard it, take out the chicken and shanks, chop them, place them in deep bowls or molds, if you wish, you can add a little of any greenery to the plates.

- Strain the broth, pour it over the meat, let the dish cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. Cooking time (hardening) will be about 4 hours. You can serve it in portions or directly in the container where it froze.

This version of the dish will surely be appreciated by devotees healthy eating. The resulting jelly is transparent and hardens very quickly. It takes about a day to prepare the entire treat.

We prepare:

  • Beef shank with bone - approximately 2 kg.
  • Flavored peppercorns - 12-14 peas.
  • Dried parsnip root and celery, a little parsley for decoration.
  • 4 onions (no need to cut into pieces, you don’t even need to peel them, just wash them).
  • One pickled cucumber.
  • 2 carrots.
  • A head of garlic with 6-7 cloves.
  • Lavrusha - 4-5 leaves.
  • A little salt.

How to cook jellied meat with beef - step-by-step cooking process

Wash the beef shank, then chop it up in large pieces, put it in a five-liter or larger saucepan, pour about three and a half liters of water, and set it to cook. Cook beef over low heat for at least 4.5 hours. When boiling, be sure to remove the foam from the broth; if you do not remove it, the jelly will not acquire the proper transparency and will be cloudy.

We separate the peeled garlic into slices, and also peel the carrots and onions.

After 2 hours of cooking the beef, pour salt into the pan, add all the vegetables, onions and carrots without cutting them, lay them out whole. Add pepper and continue cooking.

How to check the broth helpful advice! If, after dripping yushka onto your fingers, after it hardens, it does not spread, but sticks your fingers together, it means beef broth It’s quite rich and can be used to pour over prepared foods.

We take out the beef, let it cool so as not to burn ourselves, cut it into pieces or break it neatly into fibers.

Cut the carrots into circles or, as you like, place them on the bottom of the bowl where the liquid will be poured, and put a piece of parsley and chopped pickled cucumber next to it.

Throw the onion and garlic out of the pan, strain the yushka through cheesecloth. Now all that remains is to pour the broth over the beef and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

Before serving, turn the form with aspic into small bowls, garnish with parsley sprigs, serve with horseradish, mustard or any other favorite sauce, everything is ready.

Extraordinary delicious cooking festive Russian jellied meat. An excellent option for a festive table for the New Year or Christmas.

  • Large turkey drumstick.
  • Also one shank (pork).
  • Onion and salt.
  • Three bay leaves.
  • Two carrots.
  • Classic and allspice pepper - five or six peas each.
  • Coriander beans – 1⁄2 teaspoon.
  • Two spoons canned corn(you can use both sweet and unsweetened).
  • Three or more cloves of garlic at your own discretion.
  • A few green onions for decoration.

Step by step steps:

1. Soak the drumsticks, soak them overnight in cold water, then scrape them, rinse them, put them on low heat, add water, and cook until tender.

Water should be taken at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 kilogram of meat on the bone. During the cooking process, you should not add water to the pan, otherwise the yushka may lose its gelling properties. If foam and fat appear on the surface, remove periodically with a spoon or slotted spoon.

2. Half an hour before the end of cooking, and the meat should be on the stove for at least 3 hours, add a set of spices and put in the unpeeled head onions, carrots and salt.

3. Shortly before turning off the stove, add the peeled garlic cloves; you can chop or grate the product.

4. We disassemble the cooled drumsticks, separating them from the bone, then cut them into small pieces.

5. Open the corn, drain it, and place the product beautifully on the bottom of the bowl.

6. Chop the green onion and add it to the corn along with chopped and diced carrots.

7. Next, lay out a layer of turkey and pork and fill everything with broth. There is no need to add gelatin; it will harden perfectly on its own in a cold place, where it will need to be placed after cooling to room temperature.

8. Ready-made molds flip to beautiful plates so that their bottom is on top, serve with horseradish.

Assorted pork and beef tenderloin

Nourishing, tasty jellied meat with transparent dense jelly, great option dishes for all occasions. As a rule, men really like this version of jellied meat.

What products are needed:

  • About five piggy legs (the number of products can be reduced).
  • 700 gr. beef.
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • Bulb.
  • Carrot.
  • Dried cloves – 2-3 buds.
  • It tastes like garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves and salt.
  • For decoration, a handful of cranberries, lingonberries or red currants.

How to make homemade jellied meat from pork legs and beef

You already know how and how long to cook homemade clear jellied meat from ordinary pork knuckle. Now we will make a dish with the addition of beef. To do this, the first thing you will need to do is wash all the prepared products - wash the meat/vegetables, and then put the meat products in a saucepan and cover with cold water, leaving for a couple of hours. What will we do next.

  1. Scrap the legs. If there is any dirt on them, place them with the beef in a saucepan, pour in water, bring to a boil, drain, and refill with new water.
  2. Add a whole onion to the meat, add salt and cook for as long as the classic version.
  3. Season the broth with spices and garlic, remove the onion, place the carrots in the pan, continue cooking the dish for at least another hour, but preferably 1.5-2.
  4. Remove the pork and beef, cool, separate the flesh from the bone, cut or separate into fibers with your hands, and place them in bowls.

Chop the carrots into circles, this will decorate our delicacy, place on top of the beef fibers. Pour jelly over everything, put it in a cold place to harden, on the balcony in winter, in the refrigerator in summer.

Hardening time is 5-6 hours, depending on the amount of products in bowls/moulds. It is best to refrigerate the jelly overnight, and you can safely eat it in the morning.

A rather interesting and simple cooking method, in which, in addition to the meat and spices, we will also use green peas.

Grocery list:

  • Legs - 2 pieces.
  • Pork tenderloin – 0.5 kg.
  • Onions – 2 small sizes.
  • Canned peas – 1 can (200-250 g).
  • Carrots, if desired, serve as decoration.
  • Garlic cloves – 6 pcs.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Allspice (several peas), salt, bay leaf.

How to very simply cook jellied legs from the legs in a slow cooker

— Soak the feet in cold water overnight, then wash them together with the pulp and place them in the bowl of a household appliance.

— Send peeled but not cut onions, laurel, allspice to the food, pour in water to cover the ingredients, set the “Stew” mode and select a cooking time of 4.5 hours.

Ready broth add salt, chopped garlic and dill. If you boiled carrots (prepare them separately), they will need to be nicely chopped and also added to the broth.

— Distribute the meat fibers into the molds, pour in the yushka, strained through double gauze, leave to cool, then transfer to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Video recipe on how to properly cook jellied pork head

Yes, and this part of the pig is used to make rich meat jelly.

1. Many people are concerned about how long to cook jellied meat; this directly depends on the type of meat used in the recipe and its quantity. On average, pork jelly takes four or five hours to cook, chicken jelly takes 3 and a half hours, and beef jelly takes at least four and a half hours.

2. When choosing products, carefully check their freshness; a stale main ingredient can not only spoil the taste and aroma of the dish, but also lead to undesirable consequences– upset stomach, nausea, etc.

3. The celery root added to the broth gives the jellied meat a special aroma. In addition to it, you can add any other greens to the yushka - parsley, dill, parsnips; they go well with boiled chicken, turkey, beef, pork.

4. The most acceptable combination of spices is a set of pepper, bay leaf, cloves, and marjoram. In addition to them, they will help to add their own flavor nutmeg, ground red pepper.

5. To get a transparent jelly, you should remove the foam that forms from the surface of the water during cooking, plus at the end, strain the broth several times.

6. Be sure to cook meat on the bone; it is the bone that has properties that allow the product to quickly harden.

7. You can serve the yummy dish with boiled potatoes, bread, as well as adjika, ketchup, horseradish, and mustard.

8. You can prepare the treat in portions in small molds (you can present it like in this dish, or turn it upside down on a saucer) or in one large plate.

9. After hardening, a layer of fat always forms on the surface on top; it is best to remove it before serving.

So, all this may seem like a very troublesome task and the question of how to cook jellied meat may suddenly disappear. But it’s still worth getting together and cooking this cooking masterpiece Russian cuisine.

Good luck and all the best!

In the old days, jellied meat was cooked from beef legs and heads. This was a method of recycling those parts of a cow/veal carcass that were completely unsuitable for other dishes. Now we have the opportunity to put anything in jellied meat. But in order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, you still need to use legs, shanks, and tails - they impart viscosity and stickiness to the liquid. The solidification of the broth is facilitated by veins, cartilage, skin, and skin.

In addition to legs, you can use almost any meat that you don’t mind cooking for a long time. Pork knuckle, chicken, and beef trim work well. They make jellied meat entirely from poultry, but then it is necessary that there are legs, chicken paws, and also that the chicken is not young and white from the store (the broth will not harden with it), but home-made, nondescript, bony. Good for chicken jellied meat old roosters.

There shouldn't be too much meat

If there is a lot of meat, this will not contribute to the solidification of the broth. You need to maintain proportions. One part of the legs is about two parts of the rest of the meat.

Soaking is a must

Before preparing jellied meat, the meat, and especially the legs and tails, must be soaked. That is, you need to wash them first, scrape the legs if you need to scorch them, and then fill them with cold water and leave them for several hours. This procedure will remove blood clots from the meat.

How much water to pour

After soaking, drain the water and refill the meat with cold water. But there shouldn't be too much of it. The water should be about the width of your palm above the level of the meat. And the fact that she is cold is also important. This will make the broth tastier.

Drain the first water

Bring everything to a boil and drain the water. With this procedure, the broth will become transparent. Then rinse the legs and everything else again. Pour again cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Skim off the foam and turn the heat down to low.

The slower the better

It’s not for nothing that jellied meats used to be cooked in the oven. At a temperature of about 90 degrees, the meat slowly simmered and gave up everything to the water, so the jellied meat turned out to be aromatic, rich, and congealed perfectly. Now we cook the jellied meat on the stove (you can cook the jellied meat in a slow cooker, there it simmers like in an oven), but on the lowest heat. So that it just gurgles quietly and quietly. And we skim off the foam all the time. Fat can also be skimmed off if you don’t like a thin white fatty layer on the surface of the finished jellied meat. By the way, it can also be removed from ready-made, already frozen jellied meat.

Important! Cook jellied meat for at least 6 hours, and preferably 8 hours.

What else to put

An onion, peeled from the first layer of husk, a couple of carrots. Of course, peppercorns and bay leaves. All those products that make you tastier meat broths. But we don’t put them in right away, but towards the end of cooking. Carrots and onions - in about two hours, and pepper and other spices - in about half an hour.

When to salt

Not earlier than an hour before the jellied meat is ready, because the water slowly boils away and there is a danger of over-salting the jellied meat. Many people salt jellied meat after it has been cooked. In this case, you need to add a little more salt, taking into account that the meat will absorb it.

After cooking

When the jellied meat is turned off, you can add salt to it, add crushed garlic to the broth and let it stand and rest for about 20 minutes. And then start disassembling the jellied meat: separate the meat from the bones and cartilage.

Analysis of jellied meat and filling into forms

When the jellied meat is cooked, the meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones, separated from the cartilage, and the skin is removed. All meat is cut into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jellied meat will be denser.

Try to choose peppercorns and bay leaves from the meat.

Place the meat in molds and trays, strain the broth and pour it over the meat. You can stir, or you can leave the meat at the bottom so that there is a layer of jelly above it.


Jellied meat looks great on a holiday table, served in portions for each guest. The meat and broth for such jellied meat are poured and laid out in small portioned molds, and it’s a good idea to put decorations on the bottom of the mold: sprigs of greenery, mugs of carrots, half an egg, etc. When you take the jellied meat out onto a plate, the decorations will be on top.

Jellied meat looks great frozen in a bottle; it can be cut into large circles, like a roll. To obtain such a round jelly, you need to pour the meat and broth into a plastic bottle with the top cut off and let the dish harden. Then pour over the bottle hot water and take out the jellied meat.

You can also use molds for cakes and pastries with ribbed walls for jellied meat - it will turn out beautiful and original.

If you want to decorate the jellied meat, you can boil carrots and other vegetables separately; those that were boiled with the meat most likely have lost their marketable appearance.

The last stage is hardening

First, the jellied meat is cooled at room temperature. And then he needs a very low plus - about 1-2 degrees. Jellied meat cannot be frozen; it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will also lose its taste. So the jellied meat goes into the refrigerator, approximately in the middle, to harden.


Classic sauce To serve jellied meat - grated horseradish. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself if you have horseradish root on hand (grate it, add a little sugar, salt and vinegar; quite often this sauce is also diluted with water). Horseradish maybe with the addition of beets, very fragrant horseradish is obtained with sour grated apples, and if you add pureed tomatoes to horseradish, you get Siberian horseradish.

Also an indispensable companion to jellied meat is mustard. Of course, Russian, zesty, and not sweetish French.

Jellied pork feet

1 kg pork feet
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Step 1. Wash and scrape the pork legs, singe them and remove the hooves. Soak for 3-4 hours.
Step 2. Fill the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and place them on strong fire, boil.
Step 3. Drain the water and add new water, bring to a boil again, skim off the foam, and cook over low heat. Cook for about 8 hours.
Step 4. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, add peeled carrots and onions in their peels. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf.
Step 5. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. Separate the meat from bones and cartilage and chop finely. Place into molds.
Step 6. Strain the broth and pour the meat into the molds. Cool at room temperature, then refrigerate for several hours until set.

Jellied meat in a slow cooker

2 pork feet
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 onion
½ head of garlic

Step 1. Wash the legs, clean and soak for 2-3 hours.
Step 2. Chop the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts).
Step 3. Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt into the multicooker bowl, fill with water to the maximum.
Step 4. Set to simmer mode, the longer the better, it’s convenient to leave the multicooker overnight.
Step 5. When the jellied meat is cooked, remove the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces.
Step 6. Add garlic cloves crushed with a knife to the broth. They will sit while we prepare the meat. Taste and add salt if necessary.
Step 7. Place the meat in the molds, filling them half or two-thirds full. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then put in the refrigerator to harden.