What is the broth with. Broths

♦ To make meat broth faster, cut the meat across the fibers in the form of large noodles or make meatballs from it.

♦ The transparency of the broth is one of its important qualities. The meat broth will be transparent if, at the time of boiling, remove the lid, allow the foam to collect on the surface and remove it with a slotted spoon. In addition, you need to remove fat several times during cooking. The broth should not boil violently.

♦ To make the broth transparent, you can also beat the egg white, pour into the hot broth and strain after 20 minutes.

♦ Transparent meat broth will have a particularly good taste if you put a piece of dry cheese in it during cooking.

♦ To make the meat broth more rich, put the meat in a pan when the water is still cold.

♦ To make the broth fragrant and golden, put the onion baked in the oven (but not burnt!).

♦ If during the cooking of the broth the foam dropped to the bottom of the pan, pour a glass of cold water - the foam will rise to the surface and it can be removed.

♦ It is supposed to salt the meat broth half an hour before the end of cooking, fish - at the beginning of cooking, mushroom - at the end of cooking.

♦ Do not put any seasonings in the chicken broth - only onions and carrots - otherwise it will lose its taste.

♦ When cooking soup, first put the bones in cold water, and only after the water boils, put the meat in it. Then the surface of the meat under the action of hot water is immediately pulled together and all the nutrients in the meat are stored, and bones are quite enough for the brew. The grayish film that appears on the surface of the soup does not need to be removed, because it contains a significant amount of nutrients. It is not necessary to think that it is ugly and unappetizing - in the process of cooking it will disappear.

♦ Noodles, pasta, rice are poorly digested in milk. When preparing to cook milk soup, boil them for 3-6 minutes in water, and then add hot milk and cook until cooked.

♦ Vegetable soups, in which there are no potatoes and cereals, we recommend seasoning with slightly fried flour - the soup will be more thick and tasty.

♦ Vegetable soup will become tastier and more nutritious if milk, cream or yogurt is added to it, not to mention; sour cream.

♦ If you cook potato soup with vegetables containing acid (pickles, sorrel), then put the vegetables at the very end of cooking, otherwise the potato will become hard (in an acidic environment it does not boil well).

♦ So that the soup with homemade noodles does not turn cloudy, first dip the noodles for a minute in hot water and drop in a colander, and then put in the broth. The same goes for rice soup: dip the rice for five minutes in boiling water, drop it in a colander, and then pour it into the broth.

♦ Soup with pearl barley does not get an unpleasant bluish tint if boiled separately until ready and then put in soup.

♦ Stir soup only in slow circular movements. This achieves the correct density and does not violate the integrity of vegetables.

♦ Never leave bay leaves in the finished soup. It is good at cooking, and then only spoils the taste.

♦ Add crushed garlic at the end of cooking.

♦ It is very important to know what seasonings to make for various soups. Lamb soup is seasoned with mint, parsley, dill, black pepper; beef and poultry soup with parsley and black pepper; bean soup - mint

How to cook the most delicious broth: cooking secrets

Bouillon is both an independent first course and the basis for soup or sauce. By the way, broth is a very low-calorie meal. The calorie content of pure broth is only 15-20 kcal per 1 liter.

Cook broths from meat, bones, poultry, fish, mushrooms. It would seem, what is easier then? However, such a simple thing as broth, you need to be able to cook. After all, the taste and aroma of the broth depend on many "little things" - the ratio of water and boiled products, the size of the boiled pieces, the time and temperature of cooking, the boiling power of the broth.

The most fragrant and healthy broths are obtained from beef and beef bones (see photo ... soup is cooked on beef bone broth, I give the recipe at the end of the post), poultry and some game species (partridges, pheasants, etc. .. . eh, would try)))). Less tasty and healthy are broths from lamb and especially from pork, as well as from the bones of these animals.

Even a broth made of bones is better to cook not from a random set, but a la “what hit the arm”, but from 65% flat bones, 10% tubular and 25% spongy (with holes, so-called “sugar”). This set is not accidental, because different bones contain different amounts of nutrients, and so on. the broth will be the most saturated and delicious.

The finer the food sliced, the more nutrients that go into the broth when they are boiled, and the more delicious, wholesome and nutritious the broth becomes. The meat is usually cut into pieces weighing 1.5 - 2 kg, brisket - up to 3 kg. (as it is rather thin in itself). Grinding meat is not worth it, because during cooking, its appearance will deteriorate and it will then be difficult to beautifully cut the meat for serving. The only exceptions are dietary broths intended for the nutrition of sick and recovering. The meat for such broths is crushed to the state of mincemeat so that all valuable substances are transferred from meat to broth. At the end of cooking, such broths are filtered.

Bones before cooking are also better chopped into pieces. Then more of them will enter the pan, and the broth will turn out tastier.

The best and most useful broth is obtained by cooking in an open container. The use of pressure cookers and crock-pots is, of course, more convenient, but due to strong changes in proteins and fats when cooking under an airtight lid, the quality of such a broth decreases sharply.

Bones are cooked no more than 6 hours.

Meat - 2.5 - 3 hours (young meat does not need to be cooked as long as an adult; overcooked meat also does not decorate the taste and appearance of the broth). Moreover, the broth cooked on the meat of adult animals is much healthier and tastier than boiled on the meat of young animals.

Products intended for cooking broth are always poured with cold water

During cooking, the broth should not boil too much, because in this case, it will turn out muddy and will get an unpleasant aftertaste. The ideal option is medium heat and low boiling on only one side of the pan. The fat will collect at the opposite wall and will be easy to remove. Remove fat and foam periodically throughout the cooking time.

Everything said above about cooking meat, bone broths and poultry broths is also true for mushroom and fish broths.


The meat broth is cooked from meat and bones (together), as well as from poultry, tongue and other meat products, which are usually boiled for serving as a main dish.

The quality, usefulness and taste of the broth very much depend on how strictly the technology for its preparation is observed:

  1. Bones (better, as I already wrote. Beef) are washed in cold water, draining it at least 2-3 or even more times, then crushed (chopped into smaller pieces, revealing the inside of the bones). Then put in a pan and pour cold water (norms: 4.5 - 5 liters per kilogram of bones, or 1.25 liters per kilogram to obtain concentrated broth). The brisket on the bones is cut into 2-3 parts and laid in a pan along with the bones. The sternum muscle fibers are very dense and coarse and require long cooking. Well-cooked brisket meat is easily separated from the bones.
  2. It is better to try to heat the pan with food so that the water boils no earlier than after 30 minutes, and it is impossible to reduce the fire until the water boils.
  3. Most importantly, you should not miss the moment when the water boils. At this point, you need to remove the lid, allow the foam to collect on the surface, get stronger when it begins to boil slowly and remove it with a slotted spoon. So that the broth does not boil strongly, it is necessary to immediately reduce the fire. So you can maintain the transparency of the broth.
  4. During the whole cooking process, a certain mode of cooking the broth must be observed: it should boil not very much and it is better that the broth boils on only one side. Then the grease and foam will collect on the surface on the other hand and it will be easier to remove. A broth will be more transparent and without a greasy bitter taste. A transparent meat broth is always tastier and healthier than the same broth, but muddy. Remove fat during cooking, but still need to leave a little on the surface of the broth. So we will not let aromatic substances disappear from the broth and, therefore, maintain a rich taste.
  5. For 20-30 minutes before the end of cooking, in the broth you need to add the stalks and petioles tops of parsley, celery, young carrots (not all at once, but what is there, and in a small amount; it is convenient to bind the tops in bunches before adding, so that later you can easily and simply it was all from the broth to extract), peeling asparagus, leek or something similar that you can imagine. It is still good at this time to dip the whole unpeeled onion into the broth ... the onion will give off the aroma to the broth, and the onion peel will give a golden hue. At the same time, the broth needs to be salted.
  6. Cooking time for the broth should never exceed 4.5 - 6 hours (this depends on the age of the animal). If you cook the broth longer than the specified time, the taste and aroma of the broth are lost. The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing. When the meat is well cooked, it is very easy to pierce (for example, with a toothpick). The prepared meat is laid out on a dish and covered with a damp clean cloth so that it does not dry out while it waits its turn before serving.
  7. If the broth is not cooked from the breast, but from beef or other meat, then it is laid 2 hours after the start of cooking bones. So we avoid the digestion of meat and preserve its juiciness. For meat soups, they use broths of veal, lamb, pork, poultry, etc. A veal or pork head broth is boiled without adding bones or other meat, and the brain is also separate from the head. Fresh tongue and heart of cattle are cooked in broth in the same way as meat. Ready tongues are still warm peeled. To prepare the broth from beef tails, they are cut into pieces along the joints, washed in cold water and put in a pan. Pour cold water and cook the same way as meat. Finished tails can be stored not only under a damp cloth, but directly in the broth.
  8. All fat is completely removed from the finished broth, and the broth itself is filtered through a clean cloth.
  9. If you have cooked concentrated broth (1.25 liters of water per 1 kg of meat products and bones), then you will need to dilute it with boiled water to a volume of 3.5-4 liters before use. and boil. Then you can cook soup in such a broth.


In general, it is cooked in the same way as meat. Beef and lamb bones are cooked for 4.5 - 6 hours. Veal and pork - 2-3 hours. To make the broth transparent and more tasty, the bones are previously slightly browned in the oven.

By the way, the boiled bones can be boiled again in a small amount of water, and the weak broth obtained in this way can be used to make sauces.

The fat removed during the cooking of the broth is also optional to pour out, but you can collect it and use it for cooking other dishes (unless, of course, you like it). From 1 kg. bones can get up to 100 g of fat.

Poultry Broth

A poultry broth is prepared not only from the whole carcass, but also from offal (except for the liver), skin and bones. The bird is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, remove the foam and boil at a low boil. The main difference from cooking meat broth is that vegetables are laid already 20-30 minutes after the start of cooking (and not before it ends). Poultry broth is usually cooked no longer than 1-2 hours, it all depends on which bird the broth is cooked, how old and size it is. Salt the poultry broth at the same time as laying the vegetables. At the end, the broth is filtered, the bird is removed and stored separately from the broth until served.

Fish bouillon

Fish broths are cooked from heads, bones, fins, and skin. From the heads of bream, roach, carp, roach, a good broth does not work, because he is bitter.

Large heads and bones are cut into 2-4 parts and washed in cold water. Gills must be removed. If there are rusty spots on the head and bones of sturgeons, they should be scalded with boiling water and then washed with cold water again.

All put in a pan, pour cold water and cover. Before boiling, remove the lid, remove the foam, add onions, stems or roots of parsley, celery, salt and boil for about an hour. When cooking is complete, the broth is left to stand for half an hour, then the fat is removed and the broth is filtered through a clean cloth.

If fish soup is prepared, then the fish is placed in a pan, poured with hot fish broth and boiled. The broth from cooking fish is used to make soup, and the fish is removed and laid out on plates, pouring ready-made soup when serving.

If the soup is cooked from the heads of sturgeon, stellate stellate sturgeon and beluga (head) they are cut like this: chopped in half lengthwise, cartilage is separated from each half and cooked separately. The meat is cut into pieces of 100-125 g, scalded, washed and folded with a not too thick layer in a dish with low walls (stewpan). It is poured with water and boiled at a low boil for 1.5 - 2 hours (until the cartilage is soft). When the broth is ready, the pieces of golovizna carefully removed with a slotted spoon, remove the hard parts of the shell and keeping the pieces intact, put on a dish. The broth is used to make soup.

For cooking fish broths and soups sometimes use the heads and tails of salted fish - chum, pink salmon, salmon, salmon (if they are not covered with rust). Strong salted fish is pre-soaked in cold water, changing it several times over several hours. Such a broth is cooked similarly to a fresh fish broth. Just be careful with salt, first you need to try the broth, it can turn out to be quite salty.


If dried mushrooms are used to prepare mushroom broth, they are sorted, washed thoroughly from dirt and adhering particles, poured with cold water at the rate of 4.5-5 l per 400 g of dried mushrooms and left for 3-4 hours to swell. Boil in the same water without adding salt for 40-50 minutes. Ready broth is salted and filtered. Store until serving on a hot plate. Ready mushrooms are washed again to remove sand residue, cut as required in the recipe or as you like and added to the soup.

If the mushroom broth will be served as an independent dish, then when cooking it is added carrots, chicken and onions, cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts (for taste).

A broth of fresh mushrooms is cooked in exactly the same way, but you do not need to soak them, you can rinse and immediately boil them.


The soup was cooked in beef bone broth. My broth turned out to be very concentrated, so I diluted it with hot water and boiled it before cooking the soup.

Ingredients for Soup:

1 large onion

1 medium carrot

dried parsley and celery roots

5 medium potatoes

bunch of green onions

1 bay leaf

sunflower oil, salt and black pepper to taste


In the preparation of such a soup there is nothing complicated. Finely chopped onions and carrots chopped into strips are sautéed together with dried parsley and celery roots (sold in the department of spices in the store) in sunflower oil until half-cooked (what is sautéing and how it differs from frying next time). Then added to the slightly boiling broth. After 5 minutes, the broth is laid. When the potatoes are cooked about halfway, add homemade noodles to the pan. Immediately add salt, bay leaf and pepper. Boil until cooked noodles. Let stand for 5 minutes to cool slightly, pour on plates and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

A little bit about cooking homemade noodles:

For homemade noodles to work out, you need to roll out the dough very thinly first, the layer should be no thicker than one millimeter. Then this layer needs to be dried ... that is, it needs to be rolled out in advance, and by the time we need ready-made noodles, the dough will dry out. Only after that we roll up the dough sheet with a roll and cut into widths from 2 mm to 0.5 or even 1 cm. This is already, as you like, or as a recipe requires. It would be nice to dry the finished noodles a little more, before laying in the soup. Then it will not creep into the bitter unpleasant pieces in the broth, and the soup can very well be eaten the next day. Verified))

Getting ready for meat broths   - beef, lamb, pork, veal. Also for their preparation use poultry, meat bones and smoked meats, canned food and offal.

To cook a delicious broth, you need to know several important nuances, namely - what meat should be used when preparing the broth for a particular dish, how long it takes to cook, how to calculate the amount of water, as well as some technical points.

This article will tell you as cook delicious broth, and, therefore, prepare a very delicious first course.

The best quality broths are obtained from chilled meat. Decoctions of frozen - significantly inferior in quality. It is important to choose the right meat for the preparation of the first dish - this will provide an excellent result.

Meat broth can be obtained from almost any benign meat raw material. However, in order for the broth to have a good taste, be strong and aromatic enough, the specificity of the meat products from which it is prepared should be taken into account.

For rich, strong and fragrant broths, beef is most often used - scapula, brisket, back or rump with sugar bone.

For cabbage soup or borscht, more fatty meat is required - the front part of the brisket is very suitable.

Saucer used in cooking broth for   of various soups. But it should be borne in mind that this part requires longer cooking, and subsequently the broth will have a characteristic aftertaste and smell of jelly, as well as stickiness.

Brothprepared from veal will have a pleasant taste, but it will not be transparent enough. On such a broth, it is more appropriate to cook filling soups.

Lamb broth gives a specific smell. More often this meat is used for cooking the first dishes, in which a significant amount of spices and seasonings are placed. As a rule, these are dishes of Caucasian and Central Asian cuisines.

Pork brothssuitable for cooking dressing soups, cabbage soup, pickles, borscht. They are well obtained from the costal and vertebral parts of the carcass. The knuckle and drumstick are suitable for making dressing soups. And for the solyanka, the lumbar is used.

Clear brothsrarely cooked from pork. In this case, lean meat from the scapular part is used.

From chicken meat it’s very delicious aromatic brothsHowever, you should choose carcasses with a small amount of fat.

Much less often used in the preparation of first courses is the meat of geese and ducks - their specific smell is unpleasant in broths.

Pleasant bitterness, good taste and aroma - this is what distinguishes game birds (pheasants, hazel grouse, partridge, etc.). But in home cooking it is used extremely rarely. By the way, the taste of bitterness of game can be avoided by removing the vertebral bones of the carcass during cutting before cooking. In general, it is believed that it is advisable to use game in the preparation of broths, if only boiled carcasses will be further used for salads or other cold snacks.

Clear brothsrequire special care in their preparation. They should be strong, rich, fragrant and, most importantly, really transparent.

It should be remembered that very fatty broths   unsuitable for cooking for children and people in need of a special diet.

The amount of water you need to pour as much as you want to get a ready-made broth, plus add another 300-400 ml of water that will evaporate during cooking.

When cooking bone broth, shanks, meat of old chickens, the amount of water should be increased, since the amount of time for cooking these products requires much more, and, therefore, more liquid will evaporate.

It is important to remember that the taste of the finished broth will deteriorate significantly if you add water to the pan during cooking (if there is not enough broth), or vice versa you will have to evaporate excess moisture for too long. In the first case, the broth will turn out to be less strong, and in the second it will acquire a greasy taste and become dark.

Cooking time depends on the size of the pieces of meat or carcass. Decoctions of beef are cooked within 2.5-3 hours from the moment of boiling, chicken - from one and a half to 2.5 hours. If the meat that you use in cooking the broth is easily pierced with a fork, then it is completely cooked and the broth is ready.

Regardless of which broth is prepared - chicken, meat or bone, whether it is prepared for dressing soups, borscht, as an independent dish or for mashed soups, the meat products put in the pan are poured with cold water, brought to a boil on a fire, then the fire is reduced. and boil with a slight uniform boil the necessary amount of time until cooked. The broth will be   saturated and delicious.

If your goal is to cook meat for further use in salads or other cold snacks, and a decoction for cooking sauces, then in this case, meat products should be put in boiling water. A broth prepared in this way will be less strong, but the cooked meat will become soft and tender.

Removing foam from the surface of the broth during cooking is an important point in the cooking process. Most foam is formed before immediate boiling. At this point, it should be especially carefully collected and removed. Further, in the process of cooking, the foam must be removed as it forms.

During cooking clear broths   you need to monitor the formation of fat on the surface, which should also be carefully and almost completely removed.

During cooking, add a small onion, carrot, parsley or celery to the raw meat, turnips - this will give your broth a good aroma and taste. Putting vegetables is necessary after removing the first (plentiful) foam.

Now you know, how to cook a delicious broth.

After your bouillon   will be   ready, strain it through a sieve and then use to prepare dishes -, hodgepodge, pickle, shurpa or cabbage soup and others.

Cook with pleasure!

A broth is a decoction that is obtained by stewing meat, mushrooms, vegetables or poultry on the water. The finished first course is consumed alone or in combination with croutons. The broth is indicated for use by people who have recently suffered a serious illness or complex operation. It restores strength faster and is easily absorbed. For this reason, the housewives are interested in how to cook a delicious transparent meat broth.

Classic meat broth

  • meat or poultry - 600 gr.
  • greens (any, fresh) - 30 gr.
  • provencal herbs - to your taste
  • carrots (chopped into pieces) - 1 pc.
  • onion (chopped into 4 parts) - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 2 l.
  1. Wash the greens with vegetables and meat, dry. Meat for cooking the broth should not be cut, because during the cooking process it should give juices gradually. Only in this case you will receive a dish completely transparent. If the broth is prepared from poultry, remove skin in advance so that the potion does not turn out to be oily.
  2. After washed and dried meat, send it to the pan, add water according to the recipe (chilled). Put on the stove, wait for boiling. Your main task is to boil the meat broth, and not bring all the ingredients to readiness. Use only cold water so that the juice comes out of the meat during slow heating.
  3. If you send the main component to a hot liquid, the piece is covered with a “crust”, sealed. As a result, the broth will turn out to be of low nutritional value and without special taste. Cover the container and wait for the start of the drilling (medium fire).
  4. When this happens, reduce the power of the stove to a minimum and immediately remove the cover. Condensation must not enter the broth, so as not to spoil the taste and texture. After boiling, a foamy cap forms on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  5. Foam that adheres to the sides of the refractory tableware must be removed with a damp cloth. Otherwise, these "flakes" will be in the broth and spoil its appearance when served. A greasy film may also form on the surface, which must be discarded with a dry paper towel.
  6. Half an hour before the completion of cooking, add chopped carrots and onions, sprinkle with herbs. So the broth will come out fragrant. Add a little onion husk to make the broth golden.
  7. The duration of the preparation of the dish depends on the initial size of the meat piece, its rigidity and age category. As a rule, the broth is boiled for 1.5 hours (chicken), 2.5 hours (beef), 2 hours (veal), 2.5 hours (pork). The report comes from the moment of boiling.
  8. After the specified gap comes to an end, remove the broth from the stove. Build a filter from a colander and gauze, strain the first dish. Serve the broth garnished with chopped dill or parsley.

Beef and pork broth

  • beef tenderloin - 0.3 kg.
  • pork pulp - 0.3-0.4 kg.
  • favorite seasonings - to taste
  • purified water (drinking) - 2.8 l.
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • onions - 1 head
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  1. First rinse the meat under the tap, free from skins and fatty veins. Do not cut the beef and pork so that the pieces give the juice evenly as it warms up.
  2. Fold the main ingredients in a pan, fill with purified water and place on the stove. Cover, wait for the boiling to begin. When this happens, foam will begin to appear. Get rid of it, also catch fat from the surface.
  3. Send the peeled onion and carrot, chopping them in pieces. Add laurel and your favorite spices, note the time. After 5 minutes, turn down the heat to a minimum, wait 2.5-3 hours.
  4. When the broth is boiled, it is necessary to filter it using several layers of gauze and a colander. Serve a clear first course, garnished with greens.

Meat broth with eggs and herbs

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • meat on the bone - 250 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • beef (pulp) - 1 kg.
  • parsley (roots) - 10 gr.
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh herbs - 30 gr.
  1. Rinse the meat and send it to cook. Remember to descale systematically. Boil the product for about one hour, after which put slices of beef. After 10 minutes, mix the necessary spices to taste.
  2. Continue simmering until cooked. Chop parsley and onion in parallel. Put the food on a greased baking sheet, and bake in the oven.
  3. Ready vegetables must be added to the broth 25 minutes before the end of full cooking. Serve the finished dish in portions with half a boiled egg. Do not forget to add fresh herbs.

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • meat - in fact
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the meat thoroughly with running water. Chop into pieces and send to the multi-bowl. Peel the vegetables and wash thoroughly. Chop carrots into thin circles. Send the vegetables to the meat, place the whole onion.
  2. Add bay leaves and spices to taste. Pour the required amount of filtered water to the maximum mark in the multi-bowl. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. Set the timer to 1.5 hours.
  3. Depending on the stiffness of the meat, the languishing time can be increased. After the program ends, strain the prepared broth from vegetables and spices. The result is a fairly rich broth.

Meat broth with vegetables

  • zucchini - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lecho - 120 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 prongs
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • meat broth - 1.5 l.
  1. Wash and peel the vegetables. Pour boiling water over the meaty tomato, get rid of the peel. Chop the onion in half rings. Chop the tomato and garlic into small pieces. Cut the remaining vegetables into strips.
  2. At the same time put the broth on the fire, wait for boiling. After the first bubbles appear, send the potatoes to the composition. After 3-5 minutes, add the remaining vegetables. Boil for a while, mix lecho, tomato and chopped greens.
  3. A few minutes before cooking, add the necessary spices and mix thoroughly. Boil foods until cooked. Turn off the stove, leave the broth to infuse for a third of an hour. After that you can serve.

Bone Broth

  • steamed rice - in fact
  • meat on the bone - 1 kg.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • animal fat - 40 gr.
  • swede - 75 gr.
  • allspice - to taste
  • parsley root - 20 gr.
  • dill - 15 gr.
  • bay leaves - 4 pcs.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly, you will need it after cooking the meat. Wash all vegetables, chop with straws. Send the food to the pan, add the required amount of vegetable oil, pepper and laurel.
  2. Pass until golden brown. Simultaneously boil the broth from the meat on the bone. Then add the prepared vegetables and rice. Stir, simmer for a while over low heat. Add greens, wait for all products to cook.

It’s easy to cook a delicious meat broth. Take the amount of ingredients based on the volume that you want to receive at the exit. Feel free to add your favorite components. The broth from this will turn out to be more saturated.

Video: how to cook meat broth

The basis of any truly delicious soup, and therefore the basis of a good dinner, can be safely called broth. Fragrant, rich, covered with light rings of golden fat, the broth will perfectly warm in the cold, serve as a full-fledged and light lunch dish in the summer heat, will not burden a weakened stomach in case of illness, and will always please you in good health. Despite the fact that there is nothing easier than making a good broth, it is not uncommon for us to look in despair at a plate filled with a completely unappetizing muddy slurry and we are afraid to try even the smallest of such a dish, which with due diligence and skill could would be a real decoration of our dinner. In order to continue to avoid such an unpleasant picture, let's find out today and remember forever how to make the broth.

The generic word "broth" is usually called any clean, transparent broth made from meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms or vegetables. So after all, this word is also general in order to summarize by itself the countless number of similar and at the same time such different dishes, united only by a similar way of cooking. The most popular and sought after broths have always been and remain meat broths. The purpose and methods of preparing such broths are very diverse. Starting from light, tender broths served as an independent dish, and ending with the strongest boiled broths intended for the preparation of sauces. White, yellow and red broths, from various types of meat and game, different cuts of carcass, bones and offal - the assortment of meat broths is amazing. Here you and consom, and lanspeak, and fume, and the simplest minute broth. But the truly rich taste and aroma of the broth is given not only by the meat itself, but also by various flavoring additives, vegetables, spices, herbs. Carrots and turnips, celery and parsley roots, onions, a spicy bouquet, pepper, cloves, bay leaf - all these and many other additives help give our broths hundreds and thousands of different shades of taste and aroma.

In today's publication, Culinary Eden carefully gathered for you the most important tips and secrets that will surely tell you how to make a broth that, having fully revealed all the magic of its aroma, will serve as an excellently delicious base for your homemade soups and sauces.

1. When choosing the starting products for your broth, pay close attention to the quality and freshness of meat and bones. Even the slightest hint of not the first freshness or bad storage should alert you, because any odors, not to mention the smell of stale, spoiled meat, will surely go into your broth, irreparably ruining it. No less importance should be given to the quality of the water in which you will cook meat. The best, most delicious broths are obtained in pure spring or well water. In urban kitchens, you can use good bottled or filtered water, but it is better to refrain from using ordinary tap water. Such water often contains a considerable amount of impurities, which can adversely affect the taste of the finished dish.

2. When starting to prepare the broth, always pour the meat with as cold water as possible. This is precisely the main secret of preparing a truly delicious and fragrant broth. It is necessary to fill the meat with hot water, as the protein on the surface of this meat immediately curls up and seals all meat juices. If you pour meat with cold water, then with slow heating, the water will gradually penetrate into its deepest layers and draw all the extractives into the broth, enriching your dish with the brightest and most saturated taste that the meat cut you can give. Speaking of meat cuts. The most delicious are broths, for cooking which use a combination of bone and pulp. Bones will give your broth richness and strength, and lean meat - softness of taste and aroma.

3. In order for your broth to turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, transparent, most often it’s enough to carefully remove all the foam from its surface and strain the fat through dense cheesecloth at the very end of cooking. If this turned out to be insufficient, and the purity and transparency of the broth plays an important role in the presentation of your dish, then raw chicken eggs will come to your aid. Combine two raw proteins with ½ cup of cold water, add a couple of spoons of warm broth to them, pour the mixture into a pot with your broth, mix quickly and put the pan on the slowest fire. When heated, the protein gradually coagulates and absorbs the entire suspension, which gives turbidity to your broth. You just have to strain the fat through cheesecloth and serve absolutely transparent, clean and extremely delicious homemade broth to the table.

4. To give the broth additional taste and aroma, in addition to the roots, additives such as a garnish bouquet and clouté onion are also used. Do not worry, despite the mysterious names, all the ingredients for these seasonings you can easily find in your kitchen or in the nearest store. Garni bouquet is a bunch of fragrant herbs tied with a thread, traditionally including thyme greens, parsley and bay leaf. At your request, you can add other herbs to the bouquet. Onion cloute is a peeled onion, into which one or two clove buds are stuck. Onions and cloves soften and compensate each other's aromas and give your dish a charmingly delicate, light aroma. Lower the roots, a bouquet of garni and cloute into the broth immediately after you remove the foam from it. After an hour - one and a half cooking to avoid boiling vegetables and herbs, all these additives should be removed from the broth.

5. Let's try to cook the simplest yellow beef broth. Chop one kilogram of beef brisket into pieces of approximately 200 grams. everyone. Beef drumstick weighing about 500 gr. chop along. Peel one carrot, one small turnip, half the parsley root and celery. Prepare a garni bouquet and a clouté bulb. At the bottom of the pan, place the washed bones, on them the brisket, fill with all 4 liters of cold water and place the pan on the fire. Bring the broth to a boil, carefully remove the foam, add the roots, a bouquet, clout and half the amount of salt to taste, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth at the weakest boil for 3 hours. After an hour - one and a half after the start of cooking, remove roots and herbs from the broth. Finish the broth to taste, warm, strain and serve.

6. Red broth is prepared a little differently. This broth is much more rich and aromatic than yellow. Most often, red broth is used to make soups and sauces, but such a broth is not accepted as an independent dish. Place one kilogram of beef with bones in a pan, add the roots, a bouquet and onions. Then add ½ cup cold water, cover the pan with a lid, put on a small fire and allow the meat to brown, often stirring with a spatula. At the end of the stocking, the prepared meat and bones should acquire a kind of “lacquer” shine and brown tint. Pour meat prepared in this way with 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, add salt to taste and cook the broth over low heat for 3 hours. Strain the finished broth thoroughly and, if necessary, lighten with egg whites.

7. White broth - the easiest and most tender type of meat broth. Most often, white broth is used as the basis for various dressing soups, such as cabbage soup, borscht, pickle, and also for mashed soups. Let's prepare a white broth using the example of lamb broth. Chop into pieces 150 gr. lamb bones with meat, put them in a pan and pour a liter of cold water. Bring to a boil, remove the foam. Since this broth will serve you as a basis for soups in the future, it is better not to add the roots when boiling such a broth, but a small amount of fresh or dried marjoram and onion clout broth will not spoil, add them after removing the foam. Then add another liter of water and salt to taste. Bring to a boil again and cook over low heat for 3 hours. Filter the finished broth.

8. Konsome - an unusually tasty double fortress broth. Most often, such a broth is prepared from several types of meat, poultry or game. Let's cook a meat consommant according to the recipe of Aleksandrova-Ignatieva. Put in a pan 300 gr. beef and 100 gr. calf shanks. Add 500 ml. cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, add 50 gr. roots roasted to a rosy color, a small bouquet, ¼ onions, salt to taste. Reduce heat and simmer broth as usual. Separately prepare a meat extract. To do this, pass through a meat grinder 100 gr. raw beef, add half the egg white, mix and dilute the mixture with cold water until thick sour cream. Strain the finished broth, cool a little, 1 - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the broth add to the guy, and then add the meat guy to the pot with the broth. Stir everything thoroughly and set to boil on the smallest fire for an hour. Strain the finished consom, and then boil again.

9. Very strong condensed meat broth, fume, used for the preparation of sauces and gravy. In addition, fume is added to minced meat to give the latter a special juiciness and aroma. Fume is most often prepared from bones. Two kg beef drumsticks and 500 gr. Chop the pork legs in small pieces and put in a pan. Add one chopped carrot, turnip and parsley root. Squeeze everything together, as for red broth, then add 4 liters of water, bring the broth to a boil, remove the foam, add a bouquet, onion, half the volume of salt to taste, and cook everything over low heat for 6 hours. Strain the finished broth thoroughly and cook for another 1 - 1 ½ hours. Cool the ready-made fume, pour it into jars and store in the refrigerator.

10. The fastest and easiest meat broth is considered to be the minute broth or meat tea. Such a broth is usually prepared for severe patients or as an additive to the usual broth, when its quantity is insufficient. The roots of carrots, turnips, celery and parsley with a total weight of 50 g. chop finely and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. 300 gr lean veal through a meat grinder, add 2 raw protein and 500 ml. cold water. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil over high heat. Immediately after boiling, add vegetables, ¼ onions and salt to taste. Cook, stirring frequently, for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and strain.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more time-tested recipes that will always tell you how to cook the broth.