Proper wine making at home. What is wine made from?

To prepare Home wine, almost all berries and fruits are suitable. Good drink can be made not only from grapes, but also from cherry, raspberry, currant berries, as well as apples and pears. You can generally mix different fruits, and then you will get a cool fruit and berry wine. And if you have such an opportunity, we will help you with advice and reveal the universal secret of making homemade wine.

First you need to decide on the raw materials for your product. Berries or fruits must be good quality, you need to be careful not to get rotten, unripe, or spoiled by a worm. Now about the dishes. The container for preparing wine should be either glass or enameled; you can use clay. But ideally it should be wooden - oak. Can't cook good wine in pure metal utensils. During fermentation, acids are formed that will react with the metal, and nothing good will come of it. The raw materials for wine (berries) need to be washed and crushed. Suitable different ways. You can use a meat grinder or a wooden mallet. It is better to grate apples and pears. The pulp (this is what you got after grinding the raw materials) must ferment. It is placed in a bowl and water is added - approximately 200 grams of warm water per kilogram of pulp. If you are making wine not from grapes, then add yeast starter. There is no need to add it to the grapes because the yeast is already present in the skins. The pulp is stirred several times a day during fermentation, and the fermentation itself should last three days. By the way, all this should happen in a warm place, so that the temperature is at least 20 degrees. Next, you need to squeeze the juice out of the pulp. This can be done using a press, but this is a labor-intensive and not very convenient process. It is much easier to squeeze through a bag. It must be made from real burlap, undyed and washed. Place it in a large container and pour the pulp into it. Then tie it and hang it over the container. The juice will drain completely overnight. If you get a lot of pulp, you can add a little water to it, let it brew well and squeeze again. Mix the juice that was squeezed first with the juice from the second squeeze. The juice you get will be quite sour. Reduce the acidity with water, then add sugar to the squeezed juice. The entire quota is not applied at once. First two-thirds, and then in parts - on the fourth, seventh and tenth day. This mixture of juice, water and sugar is called wort. If necessary, you need to add yeast to it, just not simple yeast, but wine yeast.

Prepare wine yeast can be made from ripe berries, which are picked in dry weather. It is required that the berries be clean, because they cannot be washed. Crush a couple of glasses of berries and put them in a bottle. Then add a glass of water and 150 grams of sugar. You need to close it all with a cotton plug and let it sit in a dark, warm place for four days. Can be stored for a week. The finished wort is poured into a container where fermentation will take place and stirred until the sugar dissolves. Next, a water lock is placed to limit the contact of the wort with air. One end of the soft tube is inserted into a container with future wine and the cork is sealed, and the other end is lowered into a bottle of water. It is recommended to change the water from time to time.

At home you can choose absolutely any variety this plant. Moreover, a solar drink can be made from a combination of various. Even if you mix and blue variety, this will not reduce the taste of the wine, but in some cases it will add it. Most often grape drink prepared from the following: “Friendship”, “Crystal”, “Stepnyak”, “Platovsky”, “Festival”, “Saperavi”, “Rosinka”. All of the above contain a large number of sugar in its berries, making the drink especially tasty.

Did you know?In 2000, at a wine auction, a 6-liter solar drink was sold for half a million dollars. It was a wine from the 1992 harvest, and it was purchased by American top manager Chase Bailey.

The most common “wine” varieties are: “Pinot Blanc” or “Pinot Noir”, “Aligote”, “Sauvignon”, “Merlot”, “Cabernet”.

Drinks made from fruits have a special taste. They are famous for their rich consistency and unique taste qualities. But delicious wine can be made even from the most common wild blue.

Preparing the grapes

Raw materials for cooking solar drink should collect in September, and in the southern regions - in October. Harvesting is best done in clear and sunny weather; it is advisable that there are no cold and rainy days 2-3 days before harvesting the berries. After picking, you need to sort it out: discard all unripe, dry and green berries, remove excess leaves.

After picking the berries, they need to be placed in the sun for several hours. This way the grapes will gain more bright aroma. It is not without reason that winemakers say that wine is a living product that senses any manipulation over it. But the collected bunches should not be stored for more than two days.

The resulting pulp and juice should be covered with a cloth and placed in a dark, warm place for 3-4 days. After some time, the pulp will float to the surface, making the juice easier to separate. And don’t forget to stir the container with the mixture at least twice a day, otherwise the juice may turn sour.

Getting Pure Juice

Did you know?The Palatinate Museum houses the world's oldest bottle of wine. It dates back to 325 AD.

Wine maturation

After all the above processes, the wine can be left to mature. Sunny drinks from white varieties should be aged for one and a half months, and from red varieties - two. Aging any of the wines for more than a year no need, this will not make any sense (such actions will not affect the organoleptic properties of the drink).

The young drink is best poured into glass containers not very large. You need to fill it with wine to the very brim so that there is no room for air in the container. It is best to seal containers with balsa wood plugs. The solar drink should be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 5-20ºC.

Cleaning wine from impurities

You can clarify wine at home various methods . We will tell you in more detail about the main methods of purifying a solar drink:

  • Cleaning with gelatin. To clarify wine using this method, you need to take 10-15 g of gelatin per 100 liters of drink. Gelatin must be soaked in cool water for 24 hours, changing it three times during this time. Gelatin should be diluted in warm water and the resulting mixture should be added to the container with the drink. After 2-3 weeks, all excess substances will “stick” to the gelatin and precipitate. You just need to collect it, and the wine will become much lighter.
  • Heat treatment. All glass bottles of wine should be placed in an iron bowl or pan, filled with water to the very top of the bottles and placed on the fire to heat. In this case, the bottles must be tightly sealed so that the alcohol from the solar drink does not evaporate. Heat the water in the container to 50-60°. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. After a few days, the wine will have sediment. It can be removed using the method we described above.
  • Activated carbon. Lightening using this method is used in extreme cases. For example, when wine appears bad smell. It is necessary to use not pharmaceutical charcoal, but

Since ancient times, wine was considered noble and healthy drink. Light strength, aroma, rich taste- that's what distinguished him. Today, few people know how to make wine; wine recipes and skills have long been lost. Much easier to buy finished products in the store, however, not everyone is looking for easy ways. Homemade alcohol has a huge amount advantages that both professionals and amateurs can appreciate.

Cherry wine: selecting raw materials

Connoisseurs of the rich semi-sweet drink will ask how to do it. First of all, you need to choose the right raw materials. To achieve excellent taste, choose ripe, unstagnant berries with a slight sourness. It is strictly not recommended to take too much sweet cherries, otherwise you will end up with a very sugary wine.

After the berries have been purchased, you can begin to process them. preliminary preparation. The cherries are not washed, only sorted, unsuitable ones (wormy, overripe, spoiled) are removed, and the stems or leaves are removed. The seeds can be removed or not, it is at your discretion. However, it should be noted that they can give spicy notes drink. In addition to berries, you should take care of clean water at room temperature and sugar. To prepare 22 liters of wine you will need:

  • bucket of cherries;
  • two buckets of water;
  • 7 kg sugar;
  • wort.

The ideal container for making wine is a barrel that does not allow light to pass through. Fill it 75% with wort, add sugar, water and crushed cherries. All components must be mixed, carefully seal the container and leave to simmer.

Cherry wine: starting fermentation

The fermentation process should not be left to chance; carefully monitor the temperature. Ideal values ​​should range from 20 to 25 degrees. If they rise higher, the mixture needs to be cooled. This can be done using ice cubes. If the temperature is lower, the mixture should be heated by adding warmer wort. After a few hours, you will notice that the berries rise from the bottom to the surface and a rich white foam forms. This stage takes about a week, every day the future cherry wine It is necessary to stir at least 2 times.

The second stage of preparation is more passive; the drink does not need to be stirred; it must sit for at least 5 days. The risen berries are pressed into a barrel and the pulp is removed. The main movement occurs at the bottom of the container. Yours next action- wine separation, for this you will need a hose ( perfect option- length 2 meters, diameter 1.5 centimeters) and an additional bottle. Place the barrel with the drink on a higher platform, and the new container on a lower level. Make sure that the pulp does not get into the bottle; you only need to pour the wine.

Cherry wine: the final stage

How to make wine next? We cork the bottle tightly and send it to infuse for another two weeks at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees. After the specified period has expired, it will be necessary to pour the drink again using the technology described above. Please note that you may need a fine sieve, it is great for catching small particles of pulp. The container with wine should be closed loosely; the minimum distance will be enough for carbon dioxide to escape. After the second overflow, you will again need to wait a certain time, at least 10 days. As soon as a dense sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, you can pour the drink a third and final time.

Quite a lengthy manipulation has been completed. There are no bubbles visible in the container, no slight hissing is heard. The distinct aroma of wine and its rich cherry taste begin to be felt. Feel free to bottle it and close it tightly for long-term storage. The longer the drink ages, the softer and more pleasant it becomes.

Apple wine: healthy and pleasant

Now you know how to make wine. It is worth noting immediately that there are more simple algorithms, taking less time and effort. let's consider new recipe For example apple drink. It is distinguished by its pleasant fresh taste and abundance useful elements. Among them are vitamins of groups B and P, as well as iron, magnesium and chromium.

So, how to make apple wine at home? You will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 kilograms of apples (the variety is not important, not too sweet and not too sour);
  • 3 liters of water;
  • wine shakes;
  • 3 kilograms of sugar.

Apple wine: main stages of preparation

The whole process can be divided into the following stages, each of which is equally important:

  • Preparatory. We wash, peel and pit the fruit, chop it finely, mix it with some sand and fill it with water. For 5 days, the composition must be infused in darkness and warmth.
  • After the specified period, you should express the juice into a previously prepared container, add the remaining sugar and wine yeast to it. The components are mixed and the simmering procedure is repeated.
  • We repeat the same steps, remove the foam and leave in a cold place for 2 days, then repeat the procedure.
  • At the end of all manipulations, the wine can be poured into bottles and sealed tightly.

Now you know how to make wine from apples. If you want to achieve a special taste, use various auxiliary additives. Among them, preference should be given to mint leaves, mashed raspberries or rowan berries.

Berry splendor

Much less common to create alcoholic drinks we use berries. Do you know how to make currant wine? There are a great many recipes for such a tincture. Blackcurrant wine is the most popular in this category. It has an amazing bright color, pleasant taste And divine aroma. In addition, such homemade preparations do not contain preservatives and are distinguished by natural ingredients.

Let's start making wine from black currants

So, let's decide how to make blackcurrant wine. First, let's select all the necessary ingredients:

You need to start the process of home winemaking by creating a starter. Mix 100 g raisins, 50 g sugar and a small amount of water at room temperature. The container with the resulting composition must be placed in a warm, dry and dark place, first covered with a cloth, for a period of 3 to 5 days.

Basic steps

After all the components are prepared, you can begin the process. Wash and sort the berries, remove the stalks, adhering blades of grass and leaves, and thoroughly crush them to a puree consistency.

Mix berry puree and granulated sugar, fill the composition with warm water (about 25 degrees) and carefully introduce the finished starter. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, the future wine is sent to languish in a dark place for a very long time. long term, from 30 to 60 days. The specific time period will depend on the selected currant variety. After the drink is ready, it must be poured into separate containers and stored in the refrigerator or cellar. It is worth noting that the final result may have a fairly decent strength, about 12 degrees (10-15).

Redcurrant wine

How to make homemade wine from red currants and how will it differ from a drink made from black berries? So, first of all, let's prepare the sourdough. For this we need a mixture of unwashed berries: raspberries and gooseberries. Mix 100 grams of each ingredient and add the same amount of granulated sugar. Pour the resulting mixture with warm water and leave to ferment under standard conditions, darkness and warmth. Fermentation period - 5 days. This is how the wort is produced; we will add the currants themselves at the next stage.

Preparing wine: step-by-step plan

The second stage is to prepare the currants; they are sorted, washed and crushed to a porridge state. The easiest way to achieve this effect is with a regular wooden masher. Then dissolve about 3 kilograms of sand in two liters of water, and add ready-made starter and processed berries. The resulting composition is best stored in a tall bucket or special barrel. Place the container in a dark place for 7 days, stirring thoroughly several times a day.

After the specified period, the fun begins. Strain almost finished wine from the pulp of the berries, squeeze the juice out of them and add it to the drink. Pour it into prepared bottles and seal them carefully. Now our main task will be to create a special device - a water seal. Take a transparent narrow hose, make a hole in the bottle cap for it and place one of its ends there. The other must be placed in a container of water and left for sufficient time. long term- 40 days.

Grapes are the best choice for homemade wine

Everyone knows that the most popular raw material in winemaking is grapes. How to make wine from grapes? Let's take a closer look at the recipe for preparing a dry alcoholic drink from this wonderful product. You can safely count on getting excellent results; the drink will be very tasty, healthy and, most importantly, absolutely natural. So, let's make wine at home.

  • We select the grapes - all raw materials must be of excellent quality, otherwise you will end up with a drink with a bad taste. The berries should not be washed; they contain beneficial bacteria(wine yeast), which promotes fermentation.
  • We create natural wort. Press the grapes with your hands until they become a mush. excellent wine we need seeds, juice, pulp, peel - in a word, all the ingredients.
  • Fill the bucket 75% with wort and cover it with gauze. If you are preparing white wine, then fermentation is carried out within 24 hours at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, if red - for 5 days at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees.
  • The wort must be stirred regularly and removed as foam appears. If the wine sours, then what you end up with is not a noble alcoholic drink, but ordinary vinegar.
  • Using gauze or a sieve, remove sediment and pulp, pouring the liquid into additional containers.
  • At the next stage, you will need a water seal (a hose that will connect a container with water and bottles with new wine). We make wine at home professionally! In order not to use improvised means, you can purchase special devices. Fermentation lasts approximately two weeks - at a temperature of about 18 degrees.
  • Enjoy the results. Now you know how to make wine from grapes, you can already drink it. However, remember that the drink can have a rather strong taste. If you drink wine not immediately, but after a couple of months, its sharpness will disappear.

Now you know how to make homemade wine. In almost all cases, this process requires a significant investment of time, effort, and certain skills. However, such an experience is certainly useful for many. A few tries will allow you to get a great product with excellent taste and a smell, the quality and naturalness of which you can be sure of. A small amount of this drink several times a week will have a beneficial effect on your health. However, it should be remembered that moderation and reasonableness are necessary in everything.

Wine? an alcoholic drink obtained by fermenting grape juice under certain conditions different varieties, various fruits, berries. The manufacturing principle is based on the ability of yeast cultures to convert sugar into alcohol. To make any wine at home? dry, dessert, strong or liqueur? Some nuances will need to be taken into account, but the basic rules and procedure specified in the basic recipe should be strictly followed.

Feedstock: preparation, juice production

In winemaking they use exclusively ripe berries, fruits, fruits. Hard fruits (apples, pears, quinces, etc.) are washed, seeds, tails, stalks, rotten, spoiled areas, and wormholes are removed. Cut into pieces and grind into pulp using a chopper, food processor, meat grinders, juicers, graters.

Soft berries (strawberries, raspberries, strawberries) are poured into a colander, washed, and placed in cool water. Shake off the remaining liquid and grind to a puree.

Cherries, plums, sweet cherries, black currants, gooseberries, after crushing, are poured with boiled water (15-20% of the volume of fruit and berry mass). Warm up for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 60-70°C.

In some recipes for making dry red wine, the wort must be prepared from pulp and juice. In other cases, the pulp is separated from the juice by pressing, using a centrifugal juicer or squeezing the liquid part through gauze or linen.

The cake remaining from the first spin is not thrown away. It is poured with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:5 and mixed. Leave for 2-3 hours, then squeeze again and filter.

Basic homemade recipe grape wine, the juice separated from the pulp is poured into a wide-necked container (enamel or glass). Transfer to a warm room (25-30°C) to settle for 2-4 hours.

To better separate the juice, it is sometimes recommended to shave off the pulp. Add sugar (100 g/l) to the berry mass and transfer the container to a room with a temperature of about 20°C. After 3-4 days, squeeze it out. The pomace is re-filled with water, waited another 3 days and squeezed out again.

How to prepare wine must?

How strong and pleasant the wine will ultimately be depends on the proportions of sugar and acid in fresh berries, fruits. Optimal performance wort sugar content? 20-25%. By diluting the juice with water and sweetening it at the stage of preparing the wort, you can reduce or increase the alcohol content of the finished drink, and make dry, semi-sweet or sweet wine at home. Sugar must be added in precise proportions,
specified in the recipe.

In recipes for dry wine, sugar is not used at all, or it is added once at the very beginning of fermentation, having first been dissolved in water. When making dessert wines, sugar is dissolved in a small volume of mash. The wort is sweetened in portions on the first day and then every 3 days during the fermentation period.

The wort, sweetened and diluted to the desired condition with water, is poured into the fermentation container, filling it 2/3 of the volume. Add wine yeast (berry starter): for dessert wine 30 g/l, for dry? 20 g/l.

Preparing berry sourdough. Fermentation

How to prepare wine yeast correctly? You need to take fresh or dried grapes(150-200 g), pour into a 1 liter jar. Add granulated sugar 50-60 g, pour boiled water, filling the jar at? total volume. Leave the fermentation solution in a warm place for 3-4 days.

How to prepare berry sourdough? Take 2 cups of any soft berry (raspberries, strawberries, etc.). Grind into puree, add sugar (100 g) and a glass of boiled water. Stir and leave in a warm place for 3-4 days.

There are recipes for making wine at home, which suggest activating fermentation by adding it to the wine wort. ammonia(0.2-0.4 g/l). Baker's or brewer's yeast are not used in winemaking, since they negatively affect the taste and aroma of the finished drink. A water seal is installed on the container. During the fermentation period, the wine must is left in a darkened room with an average air temperature of 18-20°C.

During the first 14 days, fermentation is active and vigorous, accompanied by abundant foaming and gas formation. Then comes the period quiet fermentation, which lasts from 20 days to 3 months. The duration of quiet fermentation depends on what raw materials, at what temperature
mode, the drink matures.

After a set period of time, the drink is checked for readiness. Signs of end of fermentation? no bubbles in the water seal, transparent, lightened upper layers of the wort, sediment at the bottom, taste like dry wine.

Removing young wine from the lees

To separate the sediment from the liquid part of the wort, you can use one of two methods at home. First, the wine can be decanted, or, more simply, poured out of the container, being careful not to stir up the sediment. Secondly, the wort can be drained through a siphon (silicone tube).

The remaining part of the mash is poured into a smaller container, settled and decanted again. The precipitate is filtered through linen cloth and disposed of.

Young wine is poured into bottles right up to the neck and sealed. In this form, it should be stored in a cellar or cold cellar (10-12 ° C) for 30 days, after which the bottles are opened and the wine is decanted again.

Filtration. Bringing the wine to the desired condition

Filtration of young wine is carried out by portionwise passing the wort through paper napkins or special filter paper. You can also filter through a colander lined with canvas or nylon cloth.

To prepare properly fruit wine from some types of fruit, it is impossible to do without the clarification stage. Cleaning is done using gelatin, egg white, fish glue (karluk). Pharmaceutical tannin brightens only semi-sweet and sweet varieties without astringency in taste.

As an example, let’s describe a recipe for lightening with egg whites:

The finished drink is brought to the desired condition by adding sugar dissolved in small quantity warmed wine. Sugar proportions: for semi-sweet? 50 g/l; for dessert? 100-160 g/l; liqueurs? 200 g/l.

Spilling and storage

According to the recipe, red wine must be kept in oak barrel a few months. Dry white can be bottled immediately.

The bottles are filled to the middle of the neck and sealed with corks. To seal the plugs, wax and resin are poured on top.

Store in a static horizontal or inclined (30°) position. It is advisable not to shift or shake the drink, so as not to provoke a resumption of fermentation.

Storage temperature for dry, semi-sweet wines? 2-15°C. Dessert and sweet varieties should be stored at temperatures up to +10°C. Tasting wine drinks no earlier than 2 months later.

Features of preparing different types of wine

As was noted at the very beginning, wine drinks of any degree of sweetness and strength can be prepared from the same raw materials. How to increase or decrease the sugar content and alcohol content of the finished drink was also mentioned above. Now you need to decide what sugar capacity and percentage of strength should be for different types of wines:

  • Dry. Sugar content? 0-01%; fortress? 9-14°.
  • Dessert semi-sweet. Sugar content? 3-10%; fortress? 9-15°.
  • Fortified. Sugar content? 7-10%; fortress? 16-18°.
  • Dessert sweets. Sugar content? 16-32%; fortress? 13-16°.
  • The dessert is strong. Sugar content? 3-13%; fortress? 17-20°.
  • Liquor. Sugar content? 20-30%; fortress? 12-17°.

Having mastered the basic technological process, you can make wine from almost any fruit, berry or fruit. Depending on what kind of wine you should end up with, add the following to 1 liter of juice:

  • Table wines: 500 g sugar and 2.8 liters of water.
  • Strong wines: 700 g sugar and 1 liter of water.
  • Dessert wines: 1 kg of sugar and 1.2 liters of water.
  • Liqueur: 1.2 kg of sugar and 0.2 liters of water.

Guided by basic recipe By correctly performing each stage of the fascinating process, you can make very good wine with your own hands, which will be a real competitor to factory-produced wines.

You can often notice that wine prepared knowledgeable person at home, to taste and aroma better than that, which we are used to buying in stores. These drinks are soft and rich in flavor. If you don't know how to make homemade wine, but want to learn, take note folk recipes, which have become widespread in many countries around the world. The first attempts may be unsuccessful, but over time you will definitely succeed.

Cooking recipes

Each recipe has a basic idea - a concept that must be followed when making homemade wine. Small nuances may vary depending on the personal preferences of each individual. Let's take a closer look at proven recipes used by lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks to understand where it's best to start.

From apricot

Homemade apricot wine has a beautiful yellowish tint. It is impossible to forget this taste - it clearly expresses sweet notes, compensating for the lack of a bright aromatic component. Apricot alcoholic drink takes a long time to prepare. The process itself requires constant supervision. To get what you want, you will have to work hard, but the efforts made will pay off with interest as soon as it comes to tasting.

Required Ingredients:

  • white sugar – 3,500 grams;
  • apricots – 3,500 grams;
  • water – 11 liters.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Clean the fruits from dirt. Remove the seeds.
  2. Crush the pulp with your hands until you obtain a thick, homogeneous mass.
  3. Place the prepared apricots in a bowl and add water warmed to room temperature.
  4. Cover the container with gauze.
  5. Place the bowl in a warm place for 5-6 days. Every 6-7 hours it is necessary to stir the wort with a wooden spoon so that it does not sour.
  6. On the sixth or seventh day, when the wort has fermented, you need to drain the juice. The pulp must be squeezed out using gauze.
  7. Place the pure fermented juice in a separate container and add sugar to it.
  8. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bottle and install a water seal. If you don’t have one at hand, you can use a medical rubber glove with a small hole.
  9. Leave the bottle in a dark place for 12-17 days. Optimal temperature regime– 17-28°C.
  10. At the end of the active fermentation process (when the water seal stops making gurgling sounds and the color of the wort lightens), you need to pour everything into another vessel. To avoid sediment, use a plastic straw.
  11. We close the new bottle with a secure stopper and leave it in a dark place for 80-100 days.

From cherry plum

All varieties of cherry plum are suitable for making wine, but red varieties are best suited because they have a high sugar content. A simple wine recipe at home will require you to be attentive and patient. As for the ingredients, there will not be any particular difficulties with them. In addition to cherry plum, you will need sugar, raisins and nothing more.

Making wine, step by step instructions:

  1. Mash 3 kilograms of pre-peeled berries until you obtain a liquid, homogeneous puree.
  2. Add 100 grams of raisins and 4 liters of water.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a 10-liter bottle. We tie the neck with gauze. Leave the container in a dark room with a temperature of 22-27 degrees.
  4. After 72 hours, drain the fermented juice, leaving the sediment. Squeeze out the remaining pulp and peel through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the juice into a separate container, add 4 kilograms of sugar, mix. When doing this, you need to make sure that the vessel is no more than 80% full. The free volume will be filled with foam and carbon dioxide.
  6. We install a water seal or a medical glove.
  7. Leave the container in a dark room at a temperature of 16-24 degrees.
  8. After 20-50 days the wort will become lighter in color. This will mean that the fermentation process has completed. Pour the new wine into a new container. Add 2 cups of sugar. Close tightly with a stopper and leave in a dark room at a temperature of 11-16 degrees.
  9. After 40-90 days, the fermentation process will end and the cherry plum product will be ready. You can bottle it and put it in the cellar.

From pear

Everyone who practices home winemaking, knows very well that pear fruits can be turned into an excellent alcoholic drink, distinguished by its softness and refined taste. Ripe pears are not particularly suitable for making wine, since their tannic acid content is insufficient, so home-drinkers use unripe fruits with seeds.

Preparing pear wine:

  1. We boil 5 liters of water, wait until it cools down, and then dissolve 2,500 grams of sugar in it.
  2. We wash the pears, remove rot and stems. Cut the fruits into medium-sized pieces. We put them in a clean container with a volume of 10-12 liters.
  3. Add to fermentation vessel sugar syrup.
  4. Filling the container clean water to the brim.
  5. We leave it in a dark place, after putting on a rubber glove with a small hole.
  6. When the glove deflates, we will understand that the fermentation process is over. Strain the wort, bottle it and leave it in the cellar for 1-2 months. During this time, the wort will have time to ferment, and you will be able to offer your friends and relatives an amazing product own production.

From berries

To make berry wine, you have to work hard. During the cooking process, you will understand that the berries behave capriciously, and turning them into alcohol is not so easy. However, it's worth it. Home winemakers prepare delicious treats from cherries, rowan berries, cranberries and so on. A drink made from currants is especially popular. The technology for preparing berries has a number of features. Let's look at the general production scheme to know how this is done.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 7 liters in a 20-liter glass container berry juice, 1,300 ml of water and 1,800 grams of sugar.
  2. We install a water seal for wine or a simple medical glove with a hole in the finger on the neck.
  3. Place the wort in a dark place to ferment.
  4. After 10 days, add vodka in a ratio of 1:10.
  5. Mix the liquid thoroughly. We keep it in a dark room at room temperature for 7-8 days so that the fermentation process is completely completed.
  6. Filter using gauze. Add 1 kg of sugar.
  7. Pour into bottles and cap them.
  8. After a week, the fermentation process will be completed. You can bottle everything.

From apples

It's time to learn how to make apple wine. Even the most inexperienced person can prepare this drink. The main thing is to follow the rules and follow the recommendations experienced winemakers. You can find many ways to prepare apple wine, but if you want to get a guaranteed result, use time-tested production technology.

Wine production:

  1. We gain 10 kg ripe apples. Remove the cores. Slice in small pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into glass bottle for fermentation, making sure that there is free volume for carbon dioxide and foam.
  3. Close the container with a water seal or a rubber medical glove with a punctured finger.
  4. Every 7-8 hours, the apple pulp must be stirred to wild yeast distributed evenly throughout the entire volume.
  5. After 3-4 days, strain the contents of the fermentation container through cheesecloth to separate the juice from the cake.
  6. Pour the resulting juice into a clean, dry container. Again, you need to leave free space for foam and carbon dioxide.
  7. Add sugar to the future wine. Proportion – 170-200 grams per liter of drink.
  8. Close the container with a water seal or a rubber glove. Leave in a dark place with a temperature of 22-27°C to complete the fermentation process.
  9. When the process of releasing carbon dioxide is completed, the glove placed on the neck of the container will deflate. This will indicate that everything is ready. Separate the liquid from the sediment.
  10. Distribute the drink into glass bottles. We store it in the cellar at a temperature not exceeding 17°C.

Grape wine

Do you have big amount several varieties of grapes, but don’t know how to use them? Try using it to make wine. Show a little patience and learn how to prepare excellent drinks that will be appropriate at any formal feast. A little patience, the right raw materials, studied and proven technologies - all this will lead you to success, and foggy bottles will be pleasing to the eye.

From white

Knowing a simple recipe for wine from grapes, you can prepare a wonderful drink with a unique aroma and exceptional taste. To properly make white wine, you will have to be patient, because the process will take several months. Be that as it may, the end result will delight guests at special events: lovers of noble drinks highly value homemade wine, and you will certainly be able to surprise them.

Preparing white:

  1. We sort through the grapes, removing burst and dried berries.
  2. Mash the berries in a large metal container until smooth.
  3. Add 3 cups of sugar. Let the juice stand in a warm room, stirring every 8-9 hours.
  4. Filter the pulp through cheesecloth to separate the juice from the pulp.
  5. Pour the resulting juice into a separate glass container of sufficient volume.
  6. Add sugar to taste. To get a semi-sweet variety, stick to the ratio of 1:6. Sweets will require more sugar, so the proportion should be 1:4. To get a dry variety, add sugar at a ratio of 1:8.
  7. Close the container with a water seal or rubber glove. Leave in a dark room with a temperature of 21-28°C for 18-20 days.
  8. When the wort brightens and sediment appears at the bottom of the container, strain it through cheesecloth, bottle it and store it in the cellar.
  9. After 5-7 weeks, you will be able to treat your relatives and friends to a drink of your own making.

From blue

Common varieties Isabella and Lydia are widely used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Using these berries, you can make excellent medium-strength drinks with delicious taste and delicate aroma. If you have your own vineyard, don't miss the opportunity to cook noble drink with my own hands. When collecting bunches, try to damage the berries as little as possible.

Simple step by step recipe:

  1. We stock 10-12 kilograms of ripe blue grapes.
  2. We clear it of greenery. We remove burst and dried berries. There is no need to wash the bunches, since on the surface of the skin there is a component necessary for fermentation - wild yeast.
  3. We carefully crush the grapes in a large basin. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Pour it into a glass bottle with a wide neck.
  4. We close the vessel with a water seal or a medical rubber glove with a punctured finger. Send to a dark place with a temperature of 11-16°C.
  5. The fermentation process will begin immediately. To ensure it flows evenly, you need to stir the contents of the container 2-3 times a day.
  6. The skins of the berries will gradually rise to the top. They must be removed immediately, otherwise the drink will spoil before you try it.
  7. After 10-12 days, the wort must be filtered using gauze folded in 3-4 layers.
  8. When the juice, cleared of cake, sediment and skins, is in new bottle, add sugar to it at the rate of 170 grams per 1 liter of drink. It is not necessary to strictly observe the proportion: if you want to get sweet drink, add more sugar.
  9. To infuse everything, pour the liquid over three-liter jars, install water seals and leave to ferment. Again, you can replace them with rubber gloves.
  10. After 4-5 days, when all the carbon dioxide is released, sediment will appear at the bottom. Let's pour everything into new jars, straining through cheesecloth, and repeat the infusion procedure.
  11. After waiting again for 4-5 days, and again straining the liquid through cheesecloth, pour the finished drink into bottles.

From juice

Someone will be surprised, but ordinary grape juice can be an excellent raw material for making homemade wine. To do delicious drink with an amazing aroma, it will require nothing but patience and punctuality. You will acquire all the necessary skills during the cooking process. Write down a simple folk recipe so you don’t forget the key rules and important nuances.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Natural juice(preferably together with squeezed grapes) fill a large glass container and keep in a darkened room at room temperature for three days. To prevent the juice from turning sour, you need to stir it every 8 hours.
  2. The fermented mass must be squeezed out under pressure. If you don't have the appropriate equipment, you can do it by hand.
  3. Transfer the resulting juice into a glass container and leave to ferment for 35-45 days. If you don't have a glass container, you can use wooden barrel. During this period, stir the wort every 12 hours. In order for the fermentation process to proceed normally, the container must be stored indoors with good ventilation or even outside.
  4. When all the carbon dioxide has escaped, add sugar. The average proportion is 200 grams per liter of drink. You can adjust this ratio to your liking.
  5. We bottle the drink. We insist at a temperature of 11-14 degrees.
  6. After 4 weeks you can arrange a tasting.


The pasteurization procedure is carried out not only in order to obtain a thinner and purer drink: the main task of this method of processing wine is to increase resistance to the appearance of pathogenic organisms that normal conditions multiply quickly and thereby spoil the drink. The simplest and, at the same time, effective way combating such microorganisms - heating the drink to a certain temperature.

Classic version Pasteurization involves increasing the temperature of the drink to 60-70 degrees. Treatment lasts 15-20 minutes. Heat kills viruses, molds, yeasts and pathogens. In addition, the pasteurization process reduces the likelihood of acetic oxidation and blooms. The procedure is not complicated, but there are nuances that should not be neglected. To know how to pasteurize wine, write down correct order actions:

  1. Cool the finished drink to a temperature of 10°C.
  2. Fill a metal container with wine and place it on electric stove.
  3. Slowly heat the drink to 60-65 degrees.
  4. Maintain the same temperature for 20 minutes, slowly stirring the contents of the container.
  5. Remove the container from the stove and gradually cool the drink to the original temperature.
  6. Pour into bottles, securely cork and store in a cool cellar with a temperature no higher than 16 degrees.


The videos you will find below will tell you a lot of interesting things about preparing the drink of the gods. After viewing them, you will learn how to make homemade wine yourself using various products. Original folk recipes will change your attitude towards the process of preparing intoxicating drinks. aromatic drinks. Listen to the advice of experienced professionals to avoid classic mistakes.

From chokeberry

From jam

From plums