Pork neck. Delicious pork neck dish

Pork neck is rightfully considered the most delicious part of the meat carcass, from which you can prepare a variety of dishes. Below are the most delicious pork neck dishes with step-by-step cooking instructions.

A piece of aromatic and juicy meat cooked in the oven is a very popular dish that has won love for its simplicity of execution and richness of taste.


  • 1 kg neck;
  • 5 onions;
  • mustard;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vinegar;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Spices are mixed in a bowl and rubbed onto the previously washed and dried neck.
  2. While the meat absorbs salt, the marinade is prepared: the onions are cut into half rings and filled with vinegar solution.
  3. After 15 minutes, the neck is poured with marinade and sent into the cold for 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time, the meat is laid out on a baking sheet, where it is smeared with mustard and mayonnaise sauce.
  5. The neck is baked for 2 hours in an oven preheated to 180°C.

Advice. When choosing a piece of neck, you should pay attention to the fat layers, which should be white or pink, which indicates the freshness of the pork.

How to deliciously fry meat in a frying pan

Mayonnaise is an excellent ready-made marinade for pork neck, the acidic environment of which makes the meat more tender, softening its fibers.

To make pork in a frying pan juicy, with an appetizing brown crust, you need a minimum of products:

  • 700 g neck;
  • a pack of mayonnaise;
  • sunflower oil;
  • spicy spices.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The meat piece is washed and dried, after which it is cut into small slices.
  2. In a bowl, mayonnaise is mixed with spicy spices.
  3. In a deep bowl, where the neck slices were laid out, add mayonnaise dressing, and then mix everything thoroughly.
  4. After 30 minutes, during which the contents of the bowl are mixed twice, the meat is sent to the frying pan with a small amount of oil.
  5. The neck is fried with constant stirring for 10 minutes over intense heat, which is then reduced so that the meat is cooked under the lid.

Onion lovers can add chopped vegetable when preparing the marinade.

Very tasty kebab

Fragrant pieces of pork neck cooked on coals will not leave anyone indifferent. Especially if close friends have gathered around the fire.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 kg neck;
  • 4 onions;
  • a set of spices for barbecue (pepper, basil, khmeli-suneli and others);
  • salt.

Step-by-step cooking instructions involve performing the following steps:

  1. The neck is washed and cut into fairly large pieces that fit in a deep bowl.
  2. The onions are peeled and cut as follows: cubes are prepared from one half, and rings from the second.
  3. The meat is thoroughly mixed with the chopped vegetables so that the latter releases its juice.
  4. Spices are poured into a bowl with the main ingredient, after which it is sent into the cold for at least 3 hours.
  5. While the fire is burning, the meat is removed from the refrigerator, salted and threaded onto skewers.

The neck is fried on hot coals while systematically turning the skewers.

Pork neck steak in kefir marinade

In the traditions of American cuisine, steak is prepared from beef or veal. However, our housewives, having experimented with “overseas” food, expanded the recipe.

To create a meat dish from 1 kg of neck, you additionally need:

  • ½ l kefir;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • salt.

During preparation:

  1. The washed and dried meat is cut into pieces 3 cm thick, after which they are lightly beaten.
  2. The steaks are placed in a bowl, where they are sprinkled with spices and salt and filled with fermented milk product.
  3. When the meat pieces have been marinated under cling film in the refrigerator (about 2 hours), the steaks are fried in a dry hot frying pan for 4 minutes on each side.

Advice. If the neck begins to burn, then you should pour a little fermented milk marinade into the pan.

With soy sauce in a slow cooker

Meat lovers who are trying to stick to a diet will love the recipe, which does not use a drop of oil.

To create a culinary creation you need:

  • 750 g neck;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • head of garlic;
  • hops-suneli and salt.

Stages of preparing meat in its own juice:

  1. The washed and dried neck is cut into medium slices, which are covered with spices and salt in a separate bowl.
  2. Add crushed or pressed garlic, as well as onions cut into thin rings.
  3. After thorough mixing, the contents of the bowl are poured with soy sauce and left for half an hour.
  4. After the above-mentioned time has passed, the meat is transferred to the multicooker bowl, which is turned on to the “Stewing” mode for 1.5 hours.

To give the onion more juice, you should mash it well with your hands before adding it to the meat.

Meat dish in French

The French-style meat that many of us love is in no way connected with French cuisine, where the original dish is called “Orlov-style Veal.” It contains: beef meat, mushrooms, onions, potatoes and bechamel sauce with cheese.

In Russia, the recipe has undergone major changes and provides for the following products:

  • 500 g neck;
  • 4 onions;
  • 400 g mayonnaise;
  • 200 g cheese;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • salt and herbs.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. The processed meat is cut across the grain into layers 1 cm thick, after which the pieces are lightly beaten.
  2. The onions are cut into thin rings.
  3. The cheese is grated.
  4. Place the salted meat on a greased baking sheet and cover it with onions.
  5. The base of the dish is poured with mayonnaise, after which it is sprinkled with cheese shavings.
  6. The meat is baked for 25 minutes at 180°C.

Pork neck in sweet and sour sauce

Fans of Asian cuisine will be delighted when they try a piece of melt-in-the-mouth meat in a sweet and sour sauce.

Ingredients of the dish:

  • ½ kg neck;
  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 15 g each of flour and starch;
  • small carrot;
  • half a bell pepper;
  • 100 g canned pineapples;
  • a piece of butter;
  • 50 g ketchup;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 30 ml vinegar.

How to cook juicy meat for the second in the traditions of Asian cuisine:

  1. The washed meat is cut into small slices, which are beaten and cut again, but into 2 halves.
  2. A marinade is prepared from ½ soy sauce, flour and starch, which is poured over the neck.
  3. While the pork is marinating, the carrots are grated and the peppers are cut into pieces.
  4. The vegetables are fried with the addition of chopped pineapples at the end.
  5. A sauce of ketchup, sugar and vinegar is prepared in a bowl.
  6. Separately, pieces of meat are fried in butter, to which, after the formation of a golden brown crust, frying and sweet and sour sauce are laid out.

In order for the meat to acquire a rich sweet and sour taste, after adding the sauce, the dish simmers for another 10 minutes under the lid.

If you find a piece of pork neck in the refrigerator, then you should not rush to prepare an ordinary dish. Thanks to original recipes, you can create an exquisite dish from it, worthy of becoming a table decoration.

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Pork is undoubtedly the most popular type of meat. Due to its fat content and softness, pork dishes always turn out juicy and tender. Pig meat is most often prepared in our kitchens, be it a regular lunch or dinner, or a festive feast, pork is almost always present on the menu.

Pork dishes baked in the oven taste best and look most appetizing, and the most suitable meat for this is pork neck. What to cook from pork neck, how to deliciously bake pork tenderloin read on.

How to deliciously bake PORK NECK?

PORK NECK - holiday dishes

Roast pork is always associated with home holidays. Ah, this aroma of juicy baked meat with an appetizing crust, stuffed with garlic, how wonderfully it spreads throughout the house and lures guests! Especially if you have a good piece of pork simmering in the oven, or even better, a pork neck. Just a fabulous treat!

There are many recipes for cooking pork neck. But there is one inapplicable rule in cooking this meat - it is always cooked in a whole piece. This way the dish comes out much juicier and all the meat is soaked in delicious juices and aromas.

The whole piece of pork neck has no veins and quite a lot of thin layers of fat, which makes the meat so juicy during cooking. Therefore, when buying a pork neck to cook at home, pay attention to the presence of these streaks of fat.

A high-quality pork neck looks like this:

  • The meat of a young pig has white or white-pink color of greasy streaks. Whereas the yellow color of the fat indicates that the pig is most likely already at a fairly old age. Such meat will not turn out tender, even with very long marinating.
  • If the meat has a strong smell of animal or urine, then most likely you are being offered a piece from the carcass of an uncastrated male. Avoid such purchases; the heavy “aroma” cannot be overcome by any spices or seasonings.
  • Imported meat is often treated with chemicals, it has no aromas, but it also has no taste.
  • Be especially careful when purchasing frozen meat. Freezing dates are often faked, and after thawing you may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a long-spoiled product.
  • For the holiday table, try to buy fresh, chilled meat, pale pink in color and with a pleasant smell. Be sure to ask the date of slaughter of the animal and do not hesitate to inquire about certificates from the veterinary clinic.

We've sorted out the purchase of the neck, now let's get down to the most important thing - the process of preparing the pork neck.


  • 1 kg pork neck
  • 3 teeth garlic
  • 2 tsp. ready table mustard
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. water
  • pepper
  • spices for pork

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the garlic into slices.
  2. Wash the neck and dry with a towel. Use a sharp knife to make holes in the meat and stuff it with garlic slices.
  3. Dissolve the salt in warm water, draw the solution into a syringe and use a needle to inject the saline solution into different parts of the meat.
  4. Mix ground black pepper, pork spices and mustard. Rub the neck with the spice mixture.
  5. Wrap a piece of meat in a baking sleeve, tie it at the edges, and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 12 hours.
  6. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Place the sleeve with the neck on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
  7. Then reduce the heat to 180 degrees, and cut the upper part of the sleeve. Bake for another 30-40 minutes until the meat is done.
  8. Remove the finished neck from the oven and cover with a deep bowl or other dish. The meat should rest for about 10-15 minutes.
  9. Remove the neck from the sleeve, cut into portions and serve.

Pork neck baked in foil


  • pork neck
  • 3-4 teeth. garlic
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater. Mix garlic with salt and ground pepper.
  2. Wash the neck, dry with a towel and rub with garlic mixture.
  3. Wrap the meat in cling film and leave at room temperature for 3 hours.
  4. Remove the pickled neck from the film and wrap it in foil so that you get a tight package without holes.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the neck on a baking sheet and bake for an hour.
  6. Then remove the neck from the foil and brown it to an appetizing crust.
  7. The neck prepared in this way is good both as a hot dish and as a cold appetizer, in the form of sandwiches.

Pork neck with potatoes


  • pork neck
  • 1 kg potatoes, preferably small ones
  • 200 gr. butter
  • dill greens
  • 5 tooth garlic
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a press.
  2. Chop the dill as finely as possible. Mix garlic with dill and softened butter.
  3. Wash the neck, dry it and make pocket cuts 1.5-2 cm deep. The distance between the pockets is no more than 3-4 cm.
  4. Rub the neck with salt and pepper, including all the pockets. Place spiced butter into each cut-out pocket.
  5. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half.
  6. Place the meat in a baking sleeve, place potatoes around it and tie the edges of the sleeve.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the meat and potatoes on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven for an hour.
  8. Then cut the sleeve at the top and bake the meat until cooked. Place the finished neck on a dish, garnish with baked potatoes and fresh herbs.

Dishes made from baked pork and pork neck in particular are often called men's dishes. Why? Men certainly know a lot about a good, fatty piece of meat, and it’s easy to cook pork in the oven.

They just put the baking sheet with the meat in the oven and forgot about it for an hour. You can calmly go about your business, Until the wonderful aroma of meat calls everyone to the table.

Try our pork neck recipes above and share yours in the comments.

And finally, look video recipe.

How to cook pork neck roll

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

It would seem that what could be difficult about cooking a piece of juicy meat pulp in a home oven for dinner, adding salt and seasoning it with your favorite spices? For example, if you incorrectly marinate your favorite pork neck or loin, the oven-baked flesh will turn out to be too tough or even turn into a tasteless snack.

We offer some practical tips on how to preserve the juiciness of meat by preparing it truly tasty, and also recommend two universal recipes for meat delicacies.

  • The neck part of a pig carcass is an ideal raw material for barbecue and oven cooking. The neck meat is very tender, and it is also rich in fatty layers, which makes it very juicy when baked or fried over a fire.
  • When going to the market or market for a portion of fresh meat, you need to pay attention to the color of the neck meat. If it is too dark, the animal was already old. Such meat will turn out to be tough no matter how you cook it. A shade that is too light is evidence that the pig was fed hormones to stimulate growth.

An indicator of the freshness of the collar is the color of the fat and its density. If the fat is white and not too stringy, it means the meat is fresh and you can take it.

  • Don't forget to smell the neck. A fresh neck exudes a sweetish, not pronounced aroma.

  • The fat content of the neck region varies. It depends on the age of the animal, the method of fattening and the breed. You should choose a piece based on your own preferences: if you want a more filling appetizer, take the part of the neck with thick veins.

Delicious pork neck cooked in white wine in the oven


  • - a little more than 1 kg + -
  • - 4 large cloves + -
  • Dry white wine— 200 ml + -
  • Oregano seeds - 1/4 tsp. + -
  • Turmeric - 1/2 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • Crushed coriander seeds- 1/4 tsp. + -
  • — 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

Baking pork neck in the oven at home with spices

This method of baking meat in the oven can be considered basic. The main thing is to understand the principle and follow sequential steps such as stuffing, marinating in spices, baking in foil or paper, cooling, slicing.

Choose spices for marinating and their quantity arbitrarily. Black pepper, turmeric, sweet paprika, and grated nutmeg enhance the taste of pork. You can add rosemary and, of course, garlic.

  • Trim off excess fat if necessary, wash the fillets and remove excess moisture with kitchen paper towels.
  • Remove the peel from the garlic and cut the cloves into slices.
  • Using a knife with a narrow blade, we make deep punctures on all sides of the meat piece and push pieces of aromatic garlic into them.
  • Now the pork neck needs to be generously salted on all sides.
  • Season the fillet with oregano, rub with coriander and black pepper, and season with turmeric.
  • Place laurel leaves in a glass bowl with high sides and dip the meat into it.
  • Cover the container with film (you can also cover it with a lid) and leave the pig fillet to marinate for at least 4 hours, or even better, overnight. Only from time to time the neck needs to be turned over so that it is soaked with wine on all sides equally.
  • When the fillet is saturated with the aromas of herbs and the wine has softened it sufficiently, you can put the meat in the oven. Line the pan with parchment and soak it in olive oil.
  • We place the prepared piece of pork neck, make a heat protection on top from the same paper, foil and send it to the oven.

At 200 o C, the roasting time for the neck is about 1 hour, depending on the characteristics of the oven and the thickness of the piece of pork.

  • We take the meat out of the oven and pierce it with a knife anywhere. If a pinkish liquid comes out of the cut, you need to finish baking the meat for at least a quarter of an hour, removing the parchment covering.

You should start cutting the pork neck cooked in the oven with aromatic herbs only after it has cooled to room temperature.

The meat will then yield much more easily, and the slices will turn out perfectly smooth and neat. Garnish – any stewed vegetables or a salad of summer vegetables.

Spicy pork neck baked in the oven in foil

Surprise your guests with a hearty appetizer made from the neck of a pig yourself. The peculiarity of this recipe is in the meat marinade. In addition to a large amount of chopped onion, it is recommended to add puree from half a fresh kiwi.

The acid of the exotic fruit will soften the meat fibers, and its pulp will saturate them with a delicate aroma. Furor at the table will be guaranteed!


  • Pork neck (not too fatty) – about 2 kg;
  • Large white onion – 1 pc.;
  • Kiwi – ½ fruit;
  • Pepper – 1/3 tsp;
  • Shish kebab seasoning – about 1 tsp;
  • French (Provencal) herbs - ¼ tsp;
  • Fresh garlic – 3-4 small cloves;
  • Salt - about 1 tsp.

Tender pork neck, roasted in the oven in an original marinade

Pierce a washed and dried piece of meat tenderloin with fatty layers with a sharp knife on all sides as deeply as possible.

Making the marinade

  • Pour diced fresh onion into a bowl with sides, add puree from half an exotic kiwi, season everything with spices and add some salt.
  • In the almost finished marinade, add finely grated garlic or put it through a hand press and knead everything thoroughly until the onion slices release juice.

Let's get back to the meat

  • First of all, the meat, riddled with holes, needs to be thickly seasoned with barbecue spices, rubbing them in. To ensure that the neck is well saturated with spicy aromas, spices can also be poured into the holes.
  • Next, salt it according to the same principle and place it on a sheet covered with foil.
  • Now we prepare the marinade: we thickly cover the top of the tenderloin with it, then turn it over and do the same.
  • Cover the meat with film and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.
  • Next, wrap it in foil and place it in a preheated oven.

Cooking time at 180 degrees is 1.5-2 hours, depending on the thickness of the meat cut and the characteristics of the oven. As a result, a well-marinated pork neck in a fragrant sauce, baked in the oven in foil, turns out incredibly juicy.

It is pink when cut, and if you unwrap the foil 15 minutes before the end of the process, the top will be deliciously crispy.

This treat can be served warm instead of cutlets with a side dish of potatoes, or as a cold appetizer with assorted vegetables and thin bread slices.

Pork neck is one of the best parts of the carcass, so you can cook a lot of delicious dishes from it! Find out the best recipes.


Pork neck is the part located between the head and body of the carcass, that is, along the sides behind the cheeks. The meat in this area is very tender and not the fattest. Fat, of course, is present, but there is not much of it, and it is evenly distributed throughout the pulp, and this is precisely the main advantage. Pork neck is often used for shish kebab, and it is also baked, fried in a pan or grilled. There are tons of delicious food options!

How to choose?

To cook a tasty pork neck, you must first choose it correctly. When purchasing, pay attention to the following points:

  • Flesh color. It should be light pink with white streaks. If the meat has an unnatural pink bright color, it is probably of poor quality and contains dyes. If the shade is pale or yellowish, then the pork is probably stale.
  • Fat should be present, but there should not be a lot of it in the neck. In this case, we can talk about the so-called “marbling”, this term means that the fat is evenly mixed with the pulp, which is why the meat resembles marble. In addition, it should be milky or white, but not gray or yellow.
  • The smell should be quite pleasant, characteristic of meat. If you feel sourness or putrefaction, then refuse to purchase.
  • It is also important where exactly you purchase the pork neck. This should only be done from trusted suppliers or manufacturers. Avoid spontaneous markets and stalls; sales through them are probably carried out illegally and without the appropriate documents. It is better to go to a large hypermarket, specialty store or large official market.

What to cook from pork neck?

How to cook pork neck deliciously? Below are some interesting options.

Option #1

Pork baked with cheese and tomatoes will be incredibly appetizing. To prepare such a delicious dish you will need:

  • approximately 1.5 kilograms of pork neck;
  • two tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of mustard;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • five tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of ground pepper (you can use a mixture of different peppers);
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • a teaspoon of ground ginger root (or a piece of fresh).


  1. First you need to make the marinade. To do this, mix vegetable oil with soy sauce, mustard, lemon juice and ground ginger (fresh must first be grated). Chop the garlic and also add to the mixture.
  2. Wash a piece of pork neck well, make several rather deep transverse cuts in it. Place the pulp in the marinade and refrigerate overnight or at least for a few hours.
  3. Next, cut the tomatoes into rings and the cheese into slices. Place a piece of cheese and tomato into each cut made in the pork neck.
  4. Wrap the meat in foil and bake in the oven for about an hour at 190-200 degrees.
  5. Ready! The dish is best served with potatoes.

Option No. 2

Pork neck can be easily and quickly baked in foil. To do this, prepare:

  • kilogram of pork neck;
  • five to seven cloves of garlic (to taste, more or less);
  • approximately 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of ground red or black pepper.

Description of the cooking process:

  1. First you need to wash and dry the meat well.
  2. Peel the garlic and chop it in any way, for example, pass it through a garlic press, grate it or finely chop it with a knife.
  3. Mix chopped garlic with salt and pepper. Rub a piece of pork neck thoroughly with this mixture, trying to press the ingredients into the pulp. Let the meat marinate a little in the refrigerator (one to two hours is enough).
  4. Wrap the piece in foil so that it is completely covered. If it is large, then use several layers, since the fat should not leak under any circumstances during the cooking process, otherwise the meat will turn out dry.
  5. The oven should be preheated to approximately 200-220 degrees. Bake the pork neck for approximately 60-70 minutes.

Option #3

If you want to cook pork neck in an unusual and tasty way, then choose the option with sweet and sour sauce and vegetables. The following ingredients will be required:

  • 500 grams of pork neck;
  • one head of onion;
  • two sweet bell peppers;
  • approximately 50 grams of pineapple (canned can be used);
  • 100 grams of porcini mushrooms or champignons;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • three to four tablespoons of starch;
  • 50-70 ml soy sauce;
  • 150 grams of ketchup or 70 grams of tomato paste;
  • three tablespoons of rice vinegar;
  • a quarter cup of vegetable oil.


  1. First of all, you need to make the sauce. Place soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup (tomato paste must first be mixed with water until smooth) and sugar in a bowl. Mix everything and beat vigorously with a fork.
  2. Bell peppers need to be peeled from seeds and stalks and cut into strips. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings or rings. Wash the mushrooms and cut them into cubes, just like the pineapple.
  3. The pork neck should be washed and cut into medium-sized cubes. Heat the oil in a fairly deep frying pan. Coat the pork in starch and fry for about five minutes. Then add vegetables with pineapples and mushrooms to it and fry everything together until cooked.
  4. Pour the sauce into the frying pan, cover it with a lid and let the dish simmer for about five more minutes so that all the ingredients are soaked.
  5. Done, ready to serve!

Option No. 4

This recipe is very exotic, but the dish will turn out tasty and piquant. To prepare you need:

  • kilogram of pork neck;
  • two oranges;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • a glass of orange juice;
  • a quarter glass of water;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt (it is best to use sea salt);
  • sprig of rosemary;
  • several sprigs of thyme;
  • a teaspoon of dried oregano;
  • ground pepper to taste.


  1. Wash the pork. Next, prepare a kind of marinade. To do this, grate the zest of one orange, finely chop the rosemary and thyme. Peel and chop the garlic. Mix the zest with herbs, dried oregano, pepper, salt and garlic. Rub the pork neck with this mixture and let it marinate for about 10-12 hours.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the whole piece of pork. This way it will have a golden brown crust, and all the juice will remain inside and will not be released during further cooking.
  3. Cover a baking tray with foil, place the pork neck in it, cover it with sliced ​​oranges, and also pour orange juice mixed with water. Cover the top of the container tightly with foil.
  4. Place the pork in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 50-60 minutes. At the end, the foil can be removed from the baking sheet to brown the meat.

Be sure to try preparing different delicious dishes from pork neck, because they are very appetizing, and will also please your household and surprise your guests.

It is recommended for use by both adults and children, as it helps strengthen the immune system and fully develop the young body. Recipes for dishes with pork neck are especially popular today. These dishes will be appropriate for a simple family dinner and when decorating a holiday table. Treats with necks are stewed, baked in the oven, in the microwave and in a slow cooker. Tomatoes, cheese, aromatic herbs and spices, herbs, tomato paste, mushrooms, bell peppers and even fruits are added to the main ingredient. Rice, potatoes and stewed vegetables are used as a side dish.

Most often, pork neck is found in recipes with these five products:

Spicy or sweet sauces would also be appropriate in the presentation. To prepare this treat, you do not need to have any special skills or outstanding culinary abilities. The most important thing is to strictly follow the requirements and recommendations specified in the recipe, maintain the cooking time and the desired temperature. The result will certainly exceed all expectations - guests and loved ones will be delighted.