Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries. Sweet baking recipes

    Ingredients for making brownies with cherries and cottage cheese at home:

  1. In a small saucepan, combine the butter and milk, and then put it on the fire.

  2. (banner_banner1)

    When the butter has completely melted, add half the sugar and bring the resulting mass to a boil.

  3. When the contents of the saucepan boil, turn off the gas and add cocoa. Stir all ingredients until smooth.

  4. Beat 3 eggs at maximum mixer speed for 3-4 minutes.

  5. Without reducing the speed of the mixer, add the well-cooled chocolate mass.

  6. When the ingredients are completely combined, reduce the mixer speed to minimum and add the flour. The brownie batter is ready.

  7. (banner_banner2)

    Prepare the curd part. In a convenient container, combine cottage cheese, the second half of sugar, vanilla sugar and 2 eggs. Using an immersion blender, blend all the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous, paste-like mass.

  8. Place half of the chocolate dough into a mold with split sides, the bottom of which is covered with parchment.

  9. then spread half of the curd (as in the photo).

  10. Sprinkle cherries on top, as in the photo.

  11. Place the chocolate dough on top of the cherries again, then the curd dough. Using a fork, draw stripes onto the brownie and sprinkle with cherries.

  12. Bake the brownies in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 35 minutes.

  13. Let the finished brownie with cherries and cottage cheese cool completely, cut into pieces and serve!

Step 1: Prepare the butter.

Place the butter on a cutting board and cut into pieces using a knife. Attention: It is better to remove the component from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes slightly soft. Next, transfer the pieces of butter into a small bowl and immediately proceed to preparing the chocolate.

Step 2: prepare the cherries.

Since our cherries are frozen, be sure to take them out of the refrigerator and put them in a deep bowl. Leave the berries aside for a while so that they reach room temperature on their own. Attention: Do not under any circumstances speed up this process using a microwave or a stream of hot water.

Step 3: prepare dark chocolate.

Place the chocolate on a cutting board and, using a knife, chop into medium pieces. Place the crushed component in a bowl with butter.

Step 4: prepare the creamy chocolate mixture.

Fill a small saucepan halfway with regular cool tap water and place on high heat. To make the liquid boil faster, cover the container with a lid. Immediately after this, turn the burner as tight as possible and carefully place a bowl of chocolate and butter on top of the pan. Important: The upper container should never come into contact with boiling water. Constantly stirring the ingredients, melt them in a water bath. To prevent the bowl from turning over, be sure to hold it with oven mitts. As soon as we have a liquid, homogeneous mass, turn off the burner and set the container with the contents aside. Let it cool slightly.

Step 5: Prepare the egg-sugar mixture.

Using a knife, break the shell two eggs, and pour the yolks and whites into a clean medium bowl. Add vanilla sugar and 50 grams regular, as well as a pinch of salt. Using a mixer, beat everything at high speed until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 6: prepare the curd cream.

Place the cottage cheese, as well as the remaining sugar and eggs, in another medium bowl. Using a blender, beat all the ingredients until they form a beautiful, homogeneous mass. This will be our curd cream.

Step 7: Prepare the flour mixture.

To make the dough very tender and airy, we must sift the flour. To do this, pour the component into a sieve and perform the necessary action directly over a clean, deep bowl. This will saturate the flour with oxygen and get rid of excess lumps. And this is what we need!
Now pour the baking powder into the container and use a tablespoon to mix everything well until smooth.

Step 8: prepare the cake dough.

Pour the cooled melted chocolate with butter into the egg-sugar mixture and beat everything gently but thoroughly with a mixer at low speed. We should get a homogeneous liquid dark coffee mass.
Next, pour the flour mixture here and at the same time continue to beat everything with available equipment at low speed so that lumps do not form. Attention: You can also use a kitchen spatula. We should have a thick chocolate dough.

Step 9: prepare Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

Cover the bottom of a deep baking dish with parchment. Then grease it and the walls of the container with a small piece of butter. Pour it here 1/3 part chocolate dough and, using a tablespoon or kitchen spatula, level its surface. Gently place half of the curd cream on top. Attention: This is quite difficult to do, since the consistency of the mass is viscous. Therefore, if everything doesn’t turn out perfect for you, don’t be upset, I myself suffered for a long time, but such a cake is worth it. We try to evenly distribute the cream over the dough and then place several cherries on it (approximately 1/2 part of the total mass). Now we repeat all the layers again. At the end, lay out the remaining third part of the dough, trying to cover the curd mass with cherries with it.

Turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 180 degrees. Immediately after this, place the pan on the middle level and bake the brownies for 40–50 minutes until a golden crust appears on the surface. At the end, turn off the oven, and use oven mitts to remove the container and set it aside. When the cake has cooled, carefully transfer it from the mold to a special flat plate.

Step 10: Serve Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

Before serving, use a knife to cut Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries into portions and treat it to friends and family along with tea or coffee. Oh, how tasty and tender!
Enjoy your tea party everyone!

To prepare the cream, use soft cottage cheese, that is, a special homogeneous mass (usually sold in the store) with a consistency like fudge. If you don’t have such a component on hand, don’t be upset, because with the help of a blender you can turn ordinary grainy cottage cheese into something similar. The only thing I recommend is to take homemade cheese, as it is much fattier and softer;

To prepare the dough, try to use only the highest grade, finely ground wheat flour and a trusted brand;

If you can lay out layers in a baking dish without any difficulty, then, if possible, you can make streaks on the surface of the cake. This makes Brownie even more beautiful.

Cooking instructions

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    1. Break the chocolate into pieces. Melt together with butter in a water bath.

    2. 2 eggs and 50 grams of sugar, beat with a mixer, add a pinch of salt and vanilla sugar. Crib How to check egg quality

    3. For the curd cream, mix the cottage cheese with sugar and the remaining eggs (2 pieces). Grind with a mixer until creamy. If the cottage cheese is grainy, first rub it through a sieve. Crib How to check egg quality

    4. Add cooled, melted chocolate to eggs beaten with sugar. Add baking powder and flour. Mix with a mixer at the lowest speed. Mixer tool It is convenient to beat egg whites, as well as knead other substances like minced meat or dough, not by hand (as this requires effort and time), but using a mixer like a KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed modes and three different attachments for working with any consistency, and it is also a universal food processor.

    5. Pour 1/3 of the dough into a mold (I have a split pan), with high sides, greased with butter. Distribute according to the form. Spread half of the curd mass. The recipe said that it would spread, but this did not happen for me - I smoothed it out with a spatula. We put cherries on the mass - half of the total amount. Tool Silicone spatulas You can use silicone spatulas to stir flimsy textures like bean curd and buckwheat noodles. They have the degree of elasticity and softness necessary for this delicate task. Mario Batali, veteran chef and TV personality, has come up with kitchen tools that make cooking a spectacle. The handles of its spatulas are wooden and therefore pleasant to the touch, and the silicone parts are like spots of color among the boring metallic gray of the utensils.

    6. Next, repeat the layers: dough, mass, cherry, dough. Try to distribute the dough evenly; in some places this may not work - that’s okay. You can make streaks on the top layer with a knife. Bake for 40–50 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Check readiness with a splinter - it should be dry. Cool in the pan. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

Brownie is an ideal confectionery product for that category of sweet tooth that is delighted with the rich taste of chocolate. Today, baked goods can be found in gourmet restaurants, cafes and coffee shops, but you can also prepare the dessert at home. And in order to slightly dilute the long-familiar chocolate taste, we suggest preparing Brownies with cottage cheese and cherries.

How to make Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries

Cherry and chocolate are the perfect combination. The berry dilutes the sugary chocolate taste well. To prepare the dessert you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • half a package of butter (120 grams);
  • a bar of dark chocolate;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 grams of wheat flour;
  • baking powder;
  • soft but not grainy cottage cheese – 300 grams;
  • vanilla;
  • salt;
  • fresh or frozen pitted cherries – 500 grams.

Cooking steps

  1. An hour before cooking, remove the butter from the refrigerator. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a water bath. We also add butter here. Stir vigorously with a spoon, and when the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the water bath.
  2. Beat 50 grams of sugar with a couple of eggs until a stable foam forms. When the sugar dissolves, beating the mass can be considered complete.
  3. Place the cottage cheese in a dry bowl. If you purchased a grainy fermented milk product, you should rub it through a sieve. Mix the remaining eggs, sugar and vanilla into the curd mass - beat the curd in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Take a bowl with beaten eggs and carefully begin to add the chocolate mass (it is better to do this in a stream). Stir the liquid vigorously with a whisk. Sift the flour, add baking powder and add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture. Beat the dough with a mixer and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

Ideal if you have a mold with high sides on your household. In this case, you will be able to place all the layers of baking in one form. Grease a baking sheet with butter and start forming our Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

Pour about 30% of the chocolate dough into the mold, carefully level it with a spatula, distribute it over the mold, and spread the curd mass on top of it. Generously place half a portion of pitted cherries on top of the curd layer. Next, we repeat the layers: chocolate dough, cottage cheese, cherries and spread the remaining portion of dough on top of it.

We line the edges and top of the Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries, and put it in the oven. The confectionery product should be baked at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes. We check the readiness of the baked goods with a toothpick - after piercing the biscuit, the stick should remain dry. Brownie with cottage cheese is ready! The confectionery product can be decorated with fresh cherries and grated chocolate. Well, those home confectioners who want to “get involved” can cover the dessert with chocolate glaze.

With cottage cheese and cherries it goes well with coffee, tea, and soft drinks. The dessert perfectly reveals its taste with liqueur, wine and champagne.

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Tips for making chocolate confectionery

With cottage cheese and cherries - sweet cakes with a rich chocolate taste. Dessert will take its rightful place on the holiday table. And so that the home pastry chef does not have problems at the dessert preparation stage, we advise you to get acquainted with the little secrets of preparing the perfect Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries.

  1. It is very important not to overheat the chocolate. As the main ingredient melts, stir the mixture vigorously with a spoon.
  2. To keep the cake moist inside, cover the baking sheet with foil.
  3. Do not open the oven while baking. Otherwise, the pie may not bake.
  4. The cakes themselves have a fairly rich taste, so there is no need to add cocoa or flavorings. This will only make the baked goods lose their original taste.
  5. Before cooking, be sure to wash the cherries and dry the berries. Dried berries should be placed on top of the curd mass, otherwise the pie may not bake.
  6. Eggs in cottage cheese can be replaced with 50 grams of full-fat sour cream.

Don't be afraid to experiment by adding any kind of roasted nuts to your chocolate batter. Nuts, due to their high content of essential oils, perfectly dilute the chocolate taste. The only condition is to remember to dry them in a frying pan for about 2-3 minutes and grind them using a blender.

How to make Brownie pie with cottage cheese and cherries

The most delicious and my favorite pie is chocolate brownie with cherries and cottage cheese, the recipe for which I want to show you. A successful combination of chocolate with cherries and a layer of delicate curd cheesecake. What could be better? The brownie pie is very sweet, but cherries give it a characteristic sourness, which allows you to enjoy the unsurpassed chocolate-curd taste. Such a pie does not sit on the table for a long time, and guests do not stop at one piece. If you want to please your loved ones with a delicious dessert, then they will definitely like brownies with cottage cheese and cherries. See the detailed step-by-step recipe with photos, which contains all the nuances and life hacks and you will get a very tasty dessert for the holiday table or family gatherings for tea. And if you love cherry baked goods, I suggest you pay attention to one more recipe:.


  • Dark chocolate – 100 gr. (1 tile);
  • Butter – 120 gr.;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar – 150 gr. (you can use sugar);
  • Flour – 150 gr.;
  • Cottage cheese – 400 gr.;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Cherry – 400 gr.;
  • Salt – a pinch.

How to make brownies with cottage cheese and cherries

1. Break the chocolate into pieces and put it in a bowl. Add diced butter to it.

2. Place the chocolate and butter in the microwave for 1 minute. Open and stir every 20 seconds until the mixture dissolves. If you overdo it, the chocolate may burn, so it’s better to open it several times and check.
You can melt the butter with chocolate in a water bath. Then leave the melted mixture to cool.

3. Beat 2 eggs with a third of powdered sugar. You can use regular sugar, I just ran out of it, but the replacement does not affect the taste of the pie in any way.

4. Add a pinch of salt and vanilla if desired to the egg-sugar mixture.

5. In a blender bowl, mix cottage cheese, powdered sugar and 2 eggs. Beat until creamy. You can grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and then beat it with eggs and sugar in a mixer.

6. Curd cream is ready.

7. Add the cooled melted chocolate and butter to the beaten eggs with sugar and mix.

8. Then sift the flour and baking powder through a sieve to fluff it, enrich it with air and get rid of unnecessary impurities and lumps.

9. Mix the flour into the dough first with a spatula or spoon.

10. Then beat the chocolate dough with a mixer at low speed until the lumps dissolve.

11. Grease the baking dish with butter. Prepare 3 bowls. One contains cherries. I had it in its own juice. I just squeezed it out. You can use frozen or fresh cherries. Just first remove the seeds and defrost it. In the second bowl there is chocolate dough, and in the third there is curd dough.

12. The first layer is chocolate dough. Pour a third of the dough into the baking dish. It turned out thick, so we smooth it out with a spatula.

13. Place a layer of curd dough on top and level it out.

14. Then sprinkle the curd dough with cherries.

15. Then we repeat all the layers again and finish with chocolate on top.

16. Take a wooden skewer or toothpick and make streaks on the top layer of the cake to create a beautiful pattern.

17. Heat the oven to 180⁰C. Let our pie bake for 45-50 minutes. If the pan is close to the top of the oven, you can cover it with foil to prevent the cake from burning. 10 minutes before the end, remove it. Check for doneness with a toothpick. If it comes out dry, the pie is ready. Let cool slightly, cut into portions and serve with tea or coffee. Chocolate brownie with cottage cheese and cherries is a very rich cake, so no additional toppings or sweet sauces are needed. Just add a few cherries to the plate for garnish.