Useful properties of kumys for humans. Kumis - the beneficial properties of a drink from time immemorial

Kumis is usually called fermented milk from under the mare. Get this one unusual drink by fermentation, during which yeast, acidophilus and Bulgarian sticks are used.

The history of kumis dates back to the fifth century BC. It was then that the first written mentions of this drink began to appear. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries there were already a whole lot of them.

The first to prepare kumiss were nomads in Mongolia and Central Asia. They stored the drink in leather bags made from goat skins. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations in the Suusamyr valley. For centuries, nomadic tribes kept the secret of making kumiss a secret. The first to describe his recipe in detail was a monk-traveler named Guillaume de Rubruk from France. In the famous ancient Russian Ipatiev Chronicle you can also find references to this amazing drink. IN modern world kumis is most popular among residents of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Kalmykia, and Bashkiria. For these peoples it is already a traditional drink.

List of useful properties of kumys

Kumis contains valuable proteins, a rich palette of vitamins, copper, iron, iodine and other minerals that are easily absorbed by the body. This explains why he is so beneficial features, thanks to which he is able to help a person fight with various diseases. One liter of this drink is equivalent to one hundred grams of selected beef.

  1. Typhoid fever, dysentery, and tubercle bacilli are very afraid of kumiss, like fire. The fact is that the composition of this drink is designed in such a way that it can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and improve the process of fat breakdown.
  2. Kumis is so useful that many experts compare it with antibiotics such as Ampicillin, Streptomycin, Penicillin. Use of this drink It is simply necessary for weak immunity and loss of strength, which is observed in many people in the conditions of the rhythms of modern life.
  3. Kumis effectively suppresses the activity of putrefactive microbes, fights E. coli, and expels Staphylococcus aureus from the human body.
  4. Do you suffer from attacks of aggression and have forgotten what normal sleep looks like? You should add kumiss to your diet. On nervous system This drink has a magical effect on people.
  5. In addition, kumiss enriches the composition of the blood and improves its properties. With its regular use, the concentration of blood cells and leukocytes increases, and these are the main fighters that resist foreign microorganisms and bacteria.
  6. During the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses and operations, kumys will also be very useful. True, in such cases the drink should not be too concentrated.
  7. Kumis is used not only internally, but also externally. They can cure boils, acne and purulent wounds. Kumis also improves general condition problem skin and even has a rejuvenating effect, especially for the face and neck.
  8. Beneficial features goat milk cosmetologists couldn’t help but notice. Mixed with sea ​​salt, koumiss can be excellent natural scrub. A mask made from this drink makes hair smooth and shiny. In Germany, near the city of Eberbach, there is a horse farm that specializes in the production of kumis-based cosmetics. It's about about soap, washing gel, various creams.

As mentioned above, kumiss is based on mare’s milk. In itself it boasts a huge nutritional value. This fact was proven back in the mid-nineteenth century by the outstanding domestic doctor N.V. Postnikov.

If a woman suffers from anemia during pregnancy, kumiss will help her out. In this position to the expectant mother, as we know, taking antibiotics is not recommended at all. But what if she is seriously ill and needs them? Just in this case, fermented mare’s milk will come to the rescue.

Who is kumys contraindicated for?

Every coin has two sides. Above we described the beneficial properties of kumys, but it also has certain contraindications. This drink in some cases causes to the human body harm.

Still, you shouldn’t get too carried away with kumys. As one famous Ukrainian proverb says: “Too much is not healthy.” Excessive use Koumiss can cause diarrhea, flatulence and even cause mild intoxication.

This drink has a specific chemical composition. It contains at least three percent animal proteins, and more than two percent fats. The share of sugar is approximately 4.% percent. If you suffer from gastritis with high acidity, open peptic ulcer, have weak kidneys or lactose intolerance, then, unfortunately, you will have to give up kumiss or consume it in very limited quantities.

Also, most experts do not advise giving this drink to young children; after all, it contains a small proportion of alcohol, and accustoming the younger generation to alcohol early age obviously not worth it.

Among the disadvantages of kumys, one can also note the very short shelf life, which makes long-term transportation almost impossible. It is better to buy this drink at the place where it is made and give preference to trusted manufacturers.

There is an opinion that in industrial conditions It is impossible to reproduce real kumys. The drink that we are offered in stores will already have a much smaller range of beneficial properties. It’s better to try to make kumis yourself. The process is lengthy, but not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Getting mare's milk, especially if you live in the city, is, of course, difficult. However, good kumiss can be prepared with cow's milk. In addition to this, we also need boiled water, warm water, flower honey(can be replaced with sugar), kefir (yogurt, if available), fresh yeast. You will also need some equipment, in particular, a wooden barrel or glass jar with a lid, medium-sized saucepan, deep bowl, sieve (gauze), teaspoon and tablespoon, refrigerator.

The first step is fermentation
This process must be approached carefully. The concentration of kumys, which can be strong, medium and weak, will depend on the duration of fermentation. The impact on the human body will also be different. If you want to receive Reviver, you will have to withstand it for at least a week. For average kumys, a day will be enough. Weak wines are usually bottled immediately after fermentation.

Let's start by boiling water (about 300 milliliters) in a saucepan. Let it simmer for one minute over medium heat. After this, cool under natural conditions until room temperature. After this condition is met, pour milk into the water (the ratio should be three to one).

Add kefir and honey (or yogurt and sugar). Mix thoroughly with a tablespoon so that all components are evenly dissolved. Pour the mixture into a jar and cover with gauze. Let it brew in a warm place for twelve to sixteen hours.

The formation of concentrated sediment at the bottom will indicate that the first stage of fermentation is complete. white. After this, the resulting liquid should be filtered.

Step two
We send our liquid to a deep bowl and in the meantime heat 100 milliliters of water. It should not be hot, but just warm. Add three to five grams of yeast and one teaspoon of sugar. Mix thoroughly. The yeast needs to rise, so put the mixture in a warm place for a couple of hours. After this time, mix our kumiss and yeast water. However, do not rush, our drink is still not ready. Again, it needs to brew in a warm place for 18 to 20 hours. The container with kumiss must be tightly covered with a lid. Then we move our drink for half an hour to a room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees. If your apartment or house is cool, you can place the kumiss closer to the radiator.

You need to store the finished drink in the refrigerator, as it quickly spoils. Before serving directly, it must be warmed to room temperature.

If you really decide to cook koumiss according to this recipe, you will need some tips.

  1. Firstly, you need to choose milk that is not too fatty so that the fermentation process does not slow down.
  2. Secondly, check that your yeast is fresh, you can even use beer yeast.


  1. Hair mask made from kumys. Add a tablespoon of honey and raw egg. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and then apply to the entire length of the hair. Wrap it in a towel and keep it under it for about half an hour. We will also use kumiss to wash off the mixture from the head and hair, but diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio. If you don't like the smell, you can resort to shampoo, however positive effect then the mask will not be so strong.
  2. Green smoothie on koumiss with spinach and cucumber. To prepare this incredibly refreshing and healthy drink we will need 200 milliliters of kumiss, one medium-sized cucumber and spinach to taste. Beat all ingredients in a blender. It takes just a few minutes to prepare.
  3. Kumis with strawberry puree. Here we also need only three ingredients - kumiss (200 milliliters), strawberries (200 grams) and crushed ice (20 grams). Let's start with strawberries. Wash it thoroughly and turn it into a puree using a fork. Place ice in a glass. Add strawberry puree and fill it all with kumys. If desired, you can decorate with whole berries. Great dessert in summer heat, which will not harm your health and will be deposited in the form of extra centimeters at the waist.
  4. Shish kebab with kumys. This drink has proven itself very well as a component of a marinade. Wash 2.5 kilograms of meat (pork or beef, depending on your taste) and cut into slices. Add spices to taste. In addition to salt, it can be ground black or pepper, Bay leaf, greenery. Cut the onion into rings. Pour all this with the juice of half a lemon and 500-600 grams of kumiss. Mix. The meat should be marinated in a cool place for at least four hours, but longer is better. You can baste it directly while frying. mineral water or dry white wine.

Video: the benefits of kumis (kymyz)

Kumis is fermented mare's milk, which is obtained by fermentation using Bulgarian and acidophilus bacillus, as well as yeast. The first mentions of it appeared in the 5th century BC. This is the favorite drink of the Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz and other nomadic peoples. And it must be said that its production is not only the oldest culinary tradition, but also a way to combat many diseases.

What are the benefits of kumiss?

The beneficial properties of kumiss are largely explained by its composition. It contains valuable and easily digestible proteins. One liter of drink can replace 100 g of selected beef. Koumiss contains , E, C, group B, fats and live lactic acid bacteria, as well as minerals - iodine, iron, copper, etc.

B vitamins are essential for the functioning of the body’s nervous system; vitamin C strengthens immune system, increases resistance to various infections, and vitamin A improves vision. But the main properties of kumys lie in its antibiotic effect.

The drink is able to suppress the vital activity of tuberculosis bacillus, pathogens of dysentery and typhoid fever. The lactic acid bacteria included in its composition activate the gastrointestinal tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice, due to which fats are better broken down.

Benefit: kumiss suppresses the activity of putrefactive microbes, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It may well compete with the first generation antibiotics - Penicillin, Streptomycin and Ampicillin. At all times, this drink has been indicated for exhaustion, loss of strength and diseases that suppress the immune system.

Medicinal properties of kumiss

Kumis: mare's milk, which is its basis, has enormous nutritional value. Its beneficial properties were studied by N.V. Postnikov, a Russian doctor, back in 1858, and on the basis of his works, they began to open and create health resorts, in which the main method of treatment was taking kumis.

Kumis during pregnancy is indicated if a woman suffers from anemia. In addition, if he has serious illnesses that require a course of antibiotics, this may be the only the right decision. The drink has positive influence on the nervous system, calming, reducing aggression and restoring normal sleep.

Kumis enriches the composition and improves the properties of blood, increasing the concentration of blood cells and leukocytes in it - the main fighters against foreign microorganisms and bacteria. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated using a special technique similar to that used when consuming mineral waters. Together with a gentle diet, kumiss is prescribed for:

  • Increased and normal gastric secretion. It is recommended to drink medium kumis in the amount of 500–750 ml per day in small portions half an hour before meals;
  • Decreased secretion. In this case, the average drink should have more acidity. The daily dose is increased to 750–1000 ml. Drink in small portions an hour before meals;
  • For peptic ulcers which are accompanied by increased or normal secretion, doctors advise drinking weak kumiss in small sips of 125–250 ml at a time three times during the entire waking period;
  • For the same ailments with decreased secretion Koumiss is used weak and medium in the same dosage. Drink half an hour before meals in small sips;
  • During the rehabilitation period after operations and serious illnesses, a weak drink is prescribed in a dosage of 50–100 ml three times during the entire waking time, an hour and a half before meals.

Kumis - the secret of production

How is kumys made? The production of this drink in industrial scale There is no comparison with getting it at home. In factories, the drink is pasteurized to extend its shelf life, but this kills most of the beneficial properties. Therefore, real healing kumiss you can only try it in its homeland - in Asian countries.

To prepare it you need a special wooden tub, tapering from the bottom to the neck. Very little milk is obtained from a mare in one milk yield, so it is collected up to 6 times a day. Pour into a tub, making sure to add the leaven left over from the mature kumiss. It must be said that when the container is emptied, it is treated with fat and burned from the inside with meadowsweet branches in order to return to the tree what it needs for fermentation. dairy product quality.

If you heat the milk, the cooking process can be significantly speeded up. The main thing is not to forget to constantly stir the contents of the tub. It is during mixing that all the useful material drink After just 4 hours, you can notice the first manifestations of fermentation: a layer of small bubbles appears on the surface of the milk.

The whipping process can last up to 4 days. After
The drink kumys is infused. It can be served 8 hours after the final fermentation, or even a week later. The longer the drink matures, the more ethyl alcohol it will contain.

Kumis is widely known for its medicinal and taste properties, although it is most often used by the descendants of nomadic peoples, among whom horse breeding is still developed. It is called a “heroic drink”, an elixir of vigor, health and longevity, and is noted for its ability to “cheer the soul”.

What is kumiss

Kumis is a drink made from the milk of a mare, sometimes a camel or a cow, made by fermented milk and alcohol fermentation. Refreshing foamy drink with a characteristic smell and taste of alcohol. It is distinguished by its white milky color and effervescence.

The history of making kumis goes back several thousand years. It became a favorite national drink for many steppe nomadic peoples: Mongols, Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Kyrgyz.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus, traveling through the southern steppe regions, recorded that the Scythian nomads made and consumed a drink from mare's milk, the secret of its manufacture is kept in deep secrecy.

Marco Polo, who traveled in the 13th and 14th centuries, called kumiss a drink of the Tatars, similar in taste and properties to wine. Russian chronicles of the 12th century mention that Prince Igor Seversky managed to escape from captivity when his Cuman guards became intoxicated with “milky wine.”

Modern descendants of nomadic peoples still make kumis from mare's or camel's milk.

To prepare kumys in industrial conditions, a special starter is added to the milk, which consists of pure cultures lactic acid bacteria and yeast, which are produced using a special technology with a strictly maintained fermentation regime.

Previously, the starter was old kumys or katyk, which was added to slightly warmed milk. It was fermented in wineskins or special vessels with a narrow neck. During the movement of nomads, milk itself was subjected to churning; now it requires constant stirring. The readiness of kumys is determined by the appearance of abundant foam.

After fermentation, the milk coagulates and turns into a liquid with small particles. tender flakes. The taste and consistency of kumys differs from fresh milk.

This healing drink contains alcohol, the amount of which depends on the recipe:

  • regular koumiss contains 2-3% alcohol;
  • stronger composition - up to 7%;
  • "wild koumiss" made according to authentic recipe, contains up to 40% alcohol.

The latter is valued by men and is used for colds. Depending on the composition, koumiss has different properties. For example, when increased content Alcohol kumiss puts a person in an excited, intoxicated state, while some types, on the contrary, calm you down and make you sleepy.

Today, store shelves offer products from all over the world. No problem to buy french cheese or Georgian wine, tropical fruits or exotic types of fish. It is becoming increasingly difficult to surprise consumers. But you don't have to go far. Even in the vast expanses of Russia, you can find products that are unusual for most residents of the country. For example, not everyone knows what kumys is. And there’s no one to talk to about its properties and uses. This drink has centuries-old history, and its qualities even formed the basis of kumiss treatment, which was quite widely and quite officially practiced back in the days of the Soviet Union.

What is kumiss?

Kumis can be called a relative of kefir. Their taste and appearance a little similar. This is the name given to a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting predominantly mare’s milk. But a similar drink, only with slightly different properties, is prepared from both cow and camel milk.

Most often the buyer is interested in the question - this alcoholic drink or not? And here it is worth noting that it can be different.

Depending on the duration of ripening, kumys is distinguished:

  • weak (up to 1% vol.) - slightly sour, more like kefir;
  • medium (up to 2% vol.) - already “pinches” the tongue and foams well;
  • strong (3-4% vol.) - more liquid, not as foamy, but much more sour.

There is also a drink that the Kazakhs prepare in a special way. They call it wild or violent, which is fair considering its 40% ABV.

How is kumys made? Traditionally the process consists of 4 stages:

  1. Yield. Mares are milked several times a day due to their low productivity.
  2. Preparing sourdough. The milk is poured into a wooden barrel, where the ferment from the already matured drink is added.
  3. Fermentation. Ready cocktail heated to 25-29ºС and kneaded for several hours. At this time, complex fermentation occurs - fermented milk and alcohol. This is the stage of birth of kumys.
  4. Maturation. Young kumiss is bottled and allowed to carbonate. After a day it will still come out weak, but after three days there will be a strong, full-fledged drink in the container.

The production of kumys on an industrial scale is quite expensive and does not pay for itself. This is explained by the physiology of horses, which produce less milk than cows 10 times. In one milk yield, a mare can give no more than a liter of milk, and often she will not let anyone near her until the foal “sucks” her. Therefore, this drink is produced mainly by small farms or mini-factories.

History of the drink

According to experts, kumiss was prepared 5 thousand years ago. This product was popular among the nomadic peoples of Asia and Mongolia. There is no written evidence of this, but leather wineskins with traces of fermented mare’s milk were found in Kyrgyzstan, the age of which determines the beginning of the history of kumiss.

But the first documentary evidence of the use of the drink is found in the works of Herodotus (5th century BC). He describes the life of the Scythians, mentioning that they churn the milk of horses in wooden mortars and then drink. Moreover, they were so afraid of disclosing information that a stranger who had the misfortune of seeing this process risked being left without an eye.

Kumis is a type of fermented milk product that is traditionally made from mares' milk. It is a white foaming drink with a specific taste and smell. It is produced by fermenting mare's milk with lactic acid bacteria and special koumiss yeast. At the same time, lactic acid and alcohol fermentation occurs in the drink with the formation of alcohol (up to 2.5%). Kumis is easily digestible, nutritious product with many valuable properties for the body.


Kumis - dietary product. Those who want to lose weight should take a glass of the drink before each meal.

In this case, kumiss will create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and will help you eat main dishes in smaller quantities.

The drink has a mild laxative effect; it promotes bowel movements without creating a threat of dehydration.

What other beneficial properties does kumiss have? This drink

  • perfectly quenches hunger and thirst, so it should be taken between meals as a snack;
  • helps improve the absorption of fats and proteins contained in other products;
  • has bactericidal properties, due to which it can be used in the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • treats and has a preventive effect for respiratory diseases;
  • restores the body after serious illnesses;
  • helps strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • improves blood composition, increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • saves the body from vitamin deficiency;
  • destroys some intestinal infections;
  • restores the microflora of the vagina and intestines;
  • has an anesthetic effect for pain in the digestive organs;
  • helps in the treatment of typhoid fever, ulcers, dysentery;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • slows down the growth of cancer tumors;
  • prevents exhaustion of the body due to insufficient nutrition;
  • returns strength expended during hard physical work;
  • helps nursing mothers maintain breast elasticity;
  • alleviates toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • relieves hangover syndrome.

Kumis is useful for strengthening and growing hair. Regularly rinsing your hair with this drink will prevent weakening of the hair follicles, including in men, add volume to the hairstyle, and thicken the hair structure. By rubbing your skin with kumys daily, you can dry out oily skin and tighten aging skin on your face and neck.


Kumiss can harm the body when consumed in large quantities, causing diarrhea, severe gas formation, flatulence.

In addition, overuse of the drink can lead to severe intoxication.

Bottled kumiss, which can be found in the store, does not have all the healing properties natural drink. Natural kumys does not tolerate transportation well and long-term storage. Buy for real useful product should be done directly at the place of its production.

You cannot buy kumiss from unverified sellers. If the manufacturer does not follow hygiene rules, the drink can cause intestinal upset or an infectious disease.

Koumiss does not exceed the content of carbohydrates and saturated fats. The drink does not contain carcinogenic substances and GMOs.

Calorie content

The calorie content of 100 g of kumiss is 50 kcal, which is 2.4% of the recommended daily intake. To measure the mass of the product at home, you can use glasses and spoons. The table shows energy value koumiss for these units of measurement:


A moderate amount of kumis is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should not get carried away with this drink, as it contains alcohol. For the same reason, the product should not be given to infants.

Kumis is contraindicated if you are allergic to dairy products And increased acidity gastric juice.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Name of vitamin (chemical name) Content in 100 g of kumiss (mg) % of the recommended norm per day
Beta carotene 0,01 0,5
Vitamin A (retinol) 0,03 3
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,02 1,74
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,04 2,94
Vitamin B4 (choline) 23,5 3,88
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,2 3,07
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,03 2,67
Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 0,0002 10
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 9 10,8
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0,1 1
Vitamin H (biotin) 0,001 0,33
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) 0,1 0,5
Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 0,6 3

Treatment with kumis should be carried out for a long time: at least 3 weeks. As a result, the body will become healthier, charged with vigor, strength, and energy. The resulting effect will last for a whole year.