From the evil eye and spoilage, Thursday salt, how to cook in modern conditions. Thursday salt: how to prepare and use Thursday salt

People associate many traditions with Easter week. One of them is the so-called How to make such a drug and what to use it for? What is it all about? This is very interesting and educational. Let's figure out what the heritage of many generations of our ancestors is, and at the same time learn how to make Thursday salt correctly.

What will we be talking about?

Not all people are familiar with Orthodox traditions and the rituals that grew out of them. Before we talk about how to make Thursday salt, let’s say a few words about it itself.

The name is intriguing, but perhaps not everyone knows what it says. This, of course, is a miraculous remedy that is usually prepared on Maundy Thursday. This is one of the days of Easter week. Remember that on Thursday everyone is supposed to clean themselves, bathe and pray to get rid of sin? Great time to prepare all kinds of medicines. One of them is Thursday salt. How to make food or seasoning have magical properties? Have you thought about this? Have you ever wondered what magicians or witches do to influence their clients and victims? Surely such nonsense rarely occurs to a modern person. But they were different. They had faith in miracles and witchcraft, gods and their incredible capabilities.

Ancient recipes

There is a wise old tome with interesting name"The Book of the Hidden Tree of Life." It also tells you how to make Thursday salt. As it turns out, this was not entirely a Slavic idea. The tome suggested taking the purest salt so that it would “blaze like silver.” It must be crushed in a mortar and kept in the house near the fireplace. Remember this! Now you will see for yourself that different peoples Thursday salt was made in a similar way! How to make her get it magical properties, the ancient writers also explained. It is necessary to take the pot of mineral to the Priest on the Clean Day. That ritual will be performed correctly. Then take your magic salt home again. By the way, the recipes for using the product in the book are practically no different from modern ones. However, how to properly make Thursday salt is not particularly clear from the text. We will use more modern instructions. By the way, there are many of them. Each village added its own ingredients to the salt.

What you need to know and remember

Before starting the ritual, you need to be well prepared. When figuring out how to make Thursday salt, pay attention to the subtleties and nuances. Although there are rules common to all recipes. The constant rule is that there is only one day a year when the ritual can be performed. It is Thursday, that is, the time before Easter. For the ritual you will need a pack of salt. It should be the most ordinary, large one. You will also need to think about how you will warm it up. This the most important condition, in which any Thursday salt is prepared. How to make it in a modern apartment where there is no stove and you can’t light a fire? We'll look at this a little below. Savvy people have come up with ways for all occasions. There are no obstacles that would prevent a stubborn person from receiving this magical remedy.

Recipe with flour

Describing further how to make Thursday salt, we will no longer talk about the mineral itself. Let us agree that in any case, a kilogram pack of large For this method I'll still need it Rye flour. Prepare a dozen tablespoons of it. The two indicated ingredients must be poured onto the stove. Place it on the fire. Say this: “Maundy Thursday! Free us from all reptiles and illnesses and protect us for all time!” It is necessary to heat the mixture until the flour turns completely black. Stir it only with a wooden spoon! This should be remembered firmly! Not everyone who tells how to make Thursday salt themselves pays attention to this nuance. And the magic remedy must come into contact with the tree. When the flour turns black, turn off the heat. Pour the cooled product into a linen bag.

Recipe with kvass grounds

This method is old, so to speak, real. Kvass grounds are now replaced with rye flour. But in fact, in the villages they prepared a remedy with it. If you visit relatives in the outback, ask yourself how to make black Thursday salt. The recipe will usually include kvass grounds.

And the method is not particularly different from the first. Heat a frying pan or other thick-walled container. Pour in salt and grounds. Stir with a wooden spatula or spoon. Say the same words as above. Once it turns black, cool. You can store the product not only in a linen bag, but also in glass. Only the jar needs to be tightly sealed.

Cooking in the oven

You understand that food used to be heated in an oven. Therefore, the current slabs only vaguely resemble the method that was familiar in the old days. Some sources write that it is necessary to prepare the magic remedy in the oven, so it will be “for real”. Maybe so. But this recipe somewhat different from those already given. In general, when figuring out how to make black Thursday salt, try to read as much as possible about it. There is never too much information. Moreover, it is compiled on the wisdom and ingenuity of many generations of our ancestors. Everyone tried to contribute something of their own. It is clear that they then tracked their “innovations”, leaving only the most successful ones for posterity. This method requires containers with thick walls. Salt and soaked water are placed in it in a ratio of one to five. The container is placed in a preheated oven (at least 250 degrees). There it should warm up until it turns black. This will take several hours. Please note that the ritual must be completed before the end of Thursday!

How to make Thursday salt without flour

Suggested to reproduce old recipe. For example, Kostroma. In the villages of this province, they still tell people how to make Thursday salt at home, naturally, considering it the most correct one. For this you need not only kvass grounds. Aromatic herbs are also added to the mixture. Namely mint with oregano. They must be prepared in advance or purchased at the pharmacy. Take one hundred grams of herbs per kilogram of salt. Line a roasting pan with cabbage leaves and place the mixture on top. Keep in the oven until blackened. You can do it hard piece. It will need to be crushed and sifted. The salt will be aromatic and extraordinary! This one only heals with smell. Even the doctors who examined it found no shortcomings in the product, all advantages. They say it is enriched with minerals that are beneficial to the body without any magic. Potassium and phosphorus, calcium and iodine, magnesium and chromium were found in it. Enjoy it for your health!

Ancient recipe

And in monasteries they prepare this remedy using their own method. It is passed down “by inheritance.” This method is not very suitable for current conditions. If you are interested in how to make Thursday salt in an apartment, you will have to skip it. Read for fun. The monastery prepared seven birch logs in advance. They made a fire out of them. A bundle in a lapta was placed in it. Its contents: a mixture of salt, herbs, leaven grounds, wrapped cabbage leaves. The bast shoes were turned over, warming up for a long time. At the same time, the monks read the prayers prescribed for this day. If you manage to get your hands on such Thursday salt, be sure to store it. It helps a lot with various misfortunes.

Why is such a tool needed?

We have already shared information on how to make Thursday salt on Maundy Thursday. Now it would be good to find out what it is actually needed for. After all, you can’t keep it in a bag! Why suffer so much and then have no idea where to use such a product. Firstly, food is flavored with it. Secondly, it is needed for treatment. Any patient is recommended to drink some water with this salt on an empty stomach. The proportions are selected according to the condition of the person himself. You shouldn't force him. If he can, then let him drink a whole glass, but if not, then a sip is enough. Washing with Thursday salt is beneficial for facial skin. To do this, dissolve the spoon in a glass of water. They wash the skin with it. It is not recommended to wipe your face after this. Let the magic water soak in.

Should Thursday salt be blessed?

Another fundamental question, an unambiguous answer to which cannot be obtained from the outside. If you ask anyone how to make Thursday salt at home, the recipe usually ends with the Great Feast of the Lord's Easter. They say that baking the mixture and grinding it is not enough. It is also necessary to take it to the Temple and consecrate it. Remember how it is described in the ancient book: “The priest will perform a ceremony over her.” More likely, this advice should be viewed through the prism of your own soul. The fact is that Thursday salt helps everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Atheists, by the way, are no exception. That is, believers will probably want to fulfill this part of the recipe. Atheists will say that this will do. Maybe they will also be right in their own way. After all, doctors say that this remedy is very useful even without church services. Therefore, such a subtle question must be coordinated with the soul and one’s own worldview.

Modern “modification” of recipes

Let's face it, not everyone wants to adhere to the old descriptions of preparing Thursday salt. The current housewives have somewhat reworked the content of the recommendations, bringing them to the level modern technologies. However, everyone warns that you should not use a microwave oven. It produces not a magical remedy, but something indigestible. This is what they recommend doing. Chop cabbage leaves, herbs, whatever you like. Mix everything with salt and flour. Grey on high fire until blackened. Agree, the recipe has been greatly simplified. But everyone is present in it necessary ingredients. Therefore, it is quite permissible to use it. Housewives also pass on information about herbs to their girlfriends. The fact is that they began to not only add mint and oregano to the mixture. Many people say that it’s good to put dill there too. Some use very exotic herbs. And others say that they cooked with everything they found at home or bought on Maundy Thursday. For example, chamomile and thyme. This salt is good for colds. And in cosmetic operations, as they say, a product used in the preparation of aromatic oils helps. Try it yourself. After all, all recipes were created on the basis of folk art. So why not take part in it?

The magical uses of Thursday salt

Now let's touch on the issue of using this product for purposes other than medical ones. So, it is recommended, when there is no peace and quiet at home, to scatter it throughout all rooms and premises. Take handfuls straight from the bag and throw them on the floor (like a sower). Let it sit for three days. Then carefully collect with a broom (not a vacuum cleaner) onto a dustpan. But don't throw it away. This is extremely important! After using salt in magical rituals, it is buried in the ground (snow). If a magic remedy ends up in a trash can or sewer, it will bring negativity back into the house! Remember. They also say that you need to sprinkle the perimeter of everyone’s beds with it for three days. After such a procedure, people become calmer and kinder. Their fears go away, their anger dissolves. Go out the door with the bag and sprinkle it on the threshold. This is protection from an evil visitor. All guests, as soon as they step over the strip of salt, will leave bad thoughts and envy at the threshold. If you feel the evil eye in the house, add salt to the corners. Say this: “Salt of Thursday, take away the evil from my doorstep!” When you start cleaning, collect it and bury it in the ground. It is recommended to bathe small children in “salted” water. They are less capricious after this and get sick. In general, Thursday salt is excellent and tasty remedy. Cook it yourself!

If you do everything correctly and carefully, your enemies will not be able to annoy you!
Maundy Thursday of Holy Week is also called Clean Thursday because in the Orthodox tradition it is understood as a day of cleansing - spiritual and physical. And in order not to live it in vain, it was necessary to get up before dawn, swim in a river, lake or pour water from a bucket, confess and take communion in church, clean up your house, and also bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs.

Related to Maundy Thursday and another good one old custom– make Thursday (quadruple) or black salt. Unfortunately, few people know about him now. Any child will tell you about Easter cakes and eggs, but the phrase “black salt” baffles even some experts in Orthodox culture. Although once in Rus' it was customary to eat Easter eggs only with such salt, and all other dishes prepared for festive table, seasoned exclusively with it.

Bread and salt in general are known to be used in many Slavic rituals, symbolizing well-being and hospitality. Black salt was credited with special miraculous powers. With its help, they treated ailments in people and animals, wore it in an amulet on the chest - as a talisman, and restored relationships between quarreling relatives. The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that it can be prepared only once a year, and then can be used throughout the year. The salt did not lose its unusual properties.

IN different areas Russia prepared it differently. In some places it was enough to simply consecrate ordinary salt in a church, in some places it was enough to leave it overnight in front of icons, in some places it was on the street under the stars, in others they collected salt “from three houses” - you had to go to three different houses and ask the owners to put a handful of salt at the bottom of the canvas bag. But the most common method turned out to be calcination of salt in a Russian oven or on coals, when it was burned with different “ food additives» – from fragrant herbs to leaven grounds. Hence the name “black salt”, since during the heat treatment it actually turned black. Salt was baked by wrapping it in a clean canvas rag or pouring it into a bast shoe.

If you want, you can try making this salt at home. Small nuance: This must be done either on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, or on Thursday early in the morning, at sunrise.

Black salt with kvass grounds. Large rock salt(but not iodized!) must be mixed with the kvass grounds remaining after fermenting the wort. The volume of grounds should be 3-5 times greater than salt. Place the mixture in cast iron frying pan and place in a well-heated oven. Heat until the mass turns black. Cool, chop and pour into a dry jar. Use instead regular salt.

Black salt with rye bread and herbs. Dried spices– chop oregano, mint, dill. Rye bread(Borodinsky) soak in water. Mix all ingredients with salt and bake in the oven as described above. For 1 kg of salt you should take 4-5 loaves of bread and 3-4 handfuls of dried herbs.

Black salt with cabbage. It is ideal to use the green outer leaves of young cabbage, but you can also use a plain white head. Chop the cabbage, combine with salt and place in a frying pan in the oven. As in previous recipes, the ratio of additive to salt is approximately 3:1 to 5:1.

Black salt with oat flakes. You need to take 3 packs of rolled oats for a pack of salt. Cereals soak in cold water for about half an hour, then drain the water and mix the oatmeal with salt. Bake in the oven until smoke appears. Thursday salt with oatmeal in the old days it was usually done in monasteries. At that time, of course, they didn’t produce cereal, so the oats were first pounded or ground.

After you put the salt in the oven, it is recommended to read the Lord's Prayer three times. You cannot cook Thursday salt in the microwave.

Bless it during the festive service along with Easter cakes and eggs. But even in its “unconsecrated” form it will bring many benefits to your health. And bread, leaven or oat ash is also rich in calcium, iodine, copper, and zinc.

An interesting fact is that the Russian traveler Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay described how the Australian aborigines “mined” salt. They collected sticks and driftwood soaked in salt water washed ashore by the sea, dried them in the sun, and then burned them. Papuan salt, a distant “relative” of Russian Thursday salt, is now included in many menus expensive restaurants as a seasoning for exotic dishes.

And finally a few more useful tips. Do any of your family members have a strong immune system and constantly catch colds and get sick? Bake him unsweetened buns from simple yeast dough with the addition of black salt. The course of treatment is a week, in severe cases – three. Every morning, a freshly baked bun on an empty stomach, and soon all your ailments will go away.

Take the time to add a pinch of salt to a bowl of water and wash your face with it. According to legend, there are no more effective means from various cosmetic imperfections - acne, flaking, dull and dull skin. This water is also good for watering the beds when planting vegetables - an excellent harvest is guaranteed.

Even the proven sign about salt spilled during a quarrel in the case of Thursday works exactly the opposite. Scatter black salt around the house in generous scatterings, and peace, tranquility and harmony will reign in it. Place a little salt at the threshold on the inside so that everyone entering will step over it. Sprinkle it around the perimeter of the beds of all family members. Let it lie like this for three days and three nights.
Then you need to carefully sweep it away with a broom and bury it in the snow or earth, away from the house. Don’t even think about throwing salt into the trash can or sewer, otherwise all the evil absorbed by the salt will return again. And if you do everything correctly, you will deprive your enemies of the opportunity to annoy you for a long time.
Svetlana Usankova

Salt has long been used and is used as a protective amulet. According to folk signs, if a person starts a meal with salt and ends it with salt, then he becomes inaccessible to evil spirits, damage and the evil eye. It was customary to greet guests with salt - this emphasized respect and honor.

Salt has healing and magical properties. It can be used in rituals, as protection and as a remedy.

Salt prepared on Maundy Thursday is especially powerful. It is called Thursday salt. It is believed that Thursday salt can be prepared once a year (on Thursday during Holy Week). This is true: such salt will have special magical properties. But if you prepare salt on an ordinary Thursday, it can also become healing. You just have to read the correct plot.

How to prepare Thursday salt

The ritual takes place on Thursday. Pour regular salt, preferably fine salt, into the pan, add a little flour and start saying: “Savior, who appeared in Jericho, you made bad water good with the help of salt. Bless this salt too, so that it brings me joy and protects me from all adversity. In the name of all saints, amen." Cook the salt over low heat until it becomes hot and begins to crackle.

What to do with Thursday salt

  • Thursday salt is used both to protect against diseases, damage, the evil eye, and to attract good luck.
  • Charmed salt can become a powerful talisman and amulet for travelers if you pour it into a canvas bag along with St. John's wort leaves and take it with you on the road. You can carry such a talisman with you when going on important errands. He will bring good luck.
  • Quaternary salt is recommended for use in case of illness. To do this, you just need to cook food with the addition of this salt. You just need to sprinkle salt on the food already on the plate.
  • With the help of Thursday salt you can cleanse your home of negative energy. To do this, just leave a handful in each corner of the room for a whole day. Washing floors with this salt added to the water is also useful.

The magical power of salt will help against any ailments and troubles. The main thing is to believe in its miraculous power. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.07.2014 09:07

Every person wants to protect themselves and their loved ones from life’s failures and negative influence other people - the evil eye and damage. ...

There are a lot of magical signs. Every nation and religion has signs that give energy and protect against dark forces...

Magic black THURSDAY SALT.
Don't miss the only day of the year when you can make it!! (April 9)
She really is just magical!

Thursday salt this is a kind of panacea, it has the STRONGEST protective, protective and medicinal properties, helps with illnesses, both physical and mental, “heals” and protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Thursday salt can only be prepared on Maundy Thursday. And use throughout the year until next Maundy Thursday.

If you eat Thursday salt, it helps to cure any ailments and protects against the evil eye.

Thursday salt harmonizes the space of the house and clears it of conflicts, quarrels, brings peace and harmony, and helps bring family members closer together. To do this, Thursday salt needs to be placed around the house in special places - corners and important sectors of the house.

When a husband and wife quarrel, you need to put a woven bag of Thursday salt under the pillow.

If a person leaves and does not return for a long time, then you need to throw a pinch of Thursday salt into the fire.

It is good to use Thursday salt for bathing children and babies - they will grow healthy, strong and smart.

To attract wealth and prosperity into your home, you need to place a salt shaker with Thursday salt on the table and always keep it full.

If a person comes into the house with bad intentions, then you need to treat him with food sprinkled with Thursday salt.
And after such an unkind person leaves, sprinkle his footprints at the threshold with Thursday salt so that no negative energy remains after him - Thursday salt absorbs all negativity well.

To maintain peace and order in the family, each family member needs to put a handful of Thursday salt under the bed, at the head of the bed.

So how do you prepare Thursday salt? modern conditions?

Previously, magical Thursday salt was prepared in a Russian oven - baked on seven birch logs, with cabbage leaves. Nowadays it is difficult to find a Russian stove in the city. Therefore, many people ask the question: how to prepare Thursday salt in modern conditions? There is a possibility.

You can make Thursday salt in the city, using a regular electric or gas stove. Be sure to prepare Thursday salt on the night of Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. And for the first time it is used in practice and thus activated when cleaning the house on Maundy Thursday itself.

The best Thursday salt will be obtained if you take salts from three houses that have positive properties and the qualities of which you want to have in yourself. Ask your rich friends for salt, those who have a happy family, health, success, wealth, prosperity, fulfillment.

Add 12 tablespoons of rye flour to this salt, you can add all sorts of tasty herbs that you like, and heat in a frying pan along with the flour until the flour turns black. Then sift and put in a cloth bag. Ideal to use for these purposes cast iron frying pan, if you don’t have one, then any frying pan with a thick bottom.

It is necessary to store Thursday Salt in the kitchen, close to the stove. But in such a way that no prying eye could see it, and under no circumstances tell strangers anything about it.

This kind of salt is a kind of panacea; it helps with many illnesses, both physical and mental, it “heals” and protects the family, and brings happiness and prosperity to the home.

How to prepare Thursday salt and what kind valuable properties she has - let's share important information. This charged salt is used in many folk rituals, used for protection and healing, and helps to attract good luck and love into life.

Thursday salt is ordinary salt specially processed on Maundy Thursday. salt. During processing, it turns black and acquires magical properties.

The differences between this salt and regular salt are as follows:

  • The black color it turns into as a result of calcination
  • Has more soft taste, gives dishes unusual flavor shades
  • IN traditional version cooked in a Russian oven. But this method is not available to everyone, so calcinate White powder you can do it in a frying pan

It is very important to prepare Thursday salt during Holy Week, because only during this period will it retain its magical properties. On any other Thursday you can also make “magic powder”, but its power will be much weaker.

The traditional cooking method is as follows:

  • You need to buy coarse rock salt, wrap it in a piece natural fabric and put it in the oven. At the first stage, the salt is charged with fiery energy and turns black.
  • Then black salt kneaded in the kvass grounds and waited until the liquid had completely evaporated
  • The final, and very important action is to read a special prayer to charge the salt with positive energy. At this stage it acquires healing properties

In modern conditions, the cooking method will be slightly different.

Cooking at home

There are many recipes you can use at home. But first you will have to wait for Maundy Thursday in 2018. On this bright holiday, start cooking.

Let's look at the simplest methods.

With rye flour

You will need a cast iron frying pan with thick walls, salt and rye flour. Heat the stove, wait until the frying pan is hot, pour it on flour mixture with salt and mix well.

Stirring continuously, wait until the salt turns black.

An important condition: during the preparation process, repeat the Christian prayer “Our Father” or read the conspiracy: “Bring me health, love, luck, protect me from enemies and ill-wishers. I thank Maundy Thursday for fulfilling all my wishes.”

Monastic recipe without flour

As in the previous method, you will need coarse table salt. Also prepare oatmeal.

What do we have to do:

  • Leave the oats to soak in warm water for several hours first.
  • Place the mole and oatmeal mixture on a baking sheet and place it in a hot oven. You can wrap it in foil first to prevent it from spreading.
  • Wait until the mixture is thoroughly calcined and acquires a rich black color, then remove it from the oven and let cool.

Most likely, you will develop large black lumps. Grind them using a wooden mortar or a special seasoning grinder.

Beneficial uses of Thursday salt

If you have already prepared salt, you should know in what situations it can be used.

Directions for use:

  1. Cleansing from negativity. If you regularly add Thursday salt to your food, it will affect not only your body, but also your soul in the most favorable way. The “fiery” energy of black powder will relieve negative emotions and “bad” energy. Can gradually remove the evil eye or damage
  2. Healing. Add salt to the food of sick people, and they will recover much faster, thanks to the healing effect of the enchanted powder. It is also suitable for prevention.
  3. Charms. Thursday salt has powerful protective properties. It establishes a strong energy barrier that repels any negativity from a person. You just need to collect it in a bag made of natural fabric and keep it with you at all times.
  4. Beauty and attractiveness. Weak brine with water can be used for washing. Your skin will be transformed, and you will also be “charged” with attractiveness and become more noticeable to the opposite sex.
  5. Gardening. You can water your plants with a solution of Thursday salt, they will grow faster. You can also mix salt with ash and use it as fertilizer for a rich harvest.
  6. Cleansing space. Sprinkle salt in the corners of the house, after a few days, use a broom and pour it into the ground. This will cleanse the house of negative energy, and peace and tranquility will reign in the family.
  7. Attracting monetary abundance. During the full moon, place a container of salt on the windowsill so that it is charged with the lunar creative energy. And then add it to your food - this will attract new financial opportunities to you.

Salt is also an excellent conductor of information. Therefore, it is often used in folk conspiracies, rituals and white magic rites.

Watch a video about where to get Thursday salt:

Consecration of Thursday Salt

Many people are interested in whether Thursday salt should be blessed in church. There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the degree of your religiosity. If you religiously honor the Christian commandments, keep them and regularly attend church, sanctification is permissible.

If not, it is not necessary to consecrate. It is enough to prepare salt at home and read a simple spell over it. The effectiveness of the action will depend only on your belief in the magical properties of the black powder.

To summarize: you can prepare Thursday salt at home. It is advisable to carry out the ritual on Maundy Thursday, but not necessarily - any other Thursday will also do, but the magical properties will be weaker. There is no need to consecrate in church - only your own faith charges the salt and endows it with benefits.