Mushroom and cheese filling for pies. Open pies with mushrooms and cheese

Mushrooms combined with cheese are a win-win option for filling pies. Use this easy recipe to make open-faced pies with mushrooms and cheese. Such pies will successfully replace your breakfast or dinner and will help you overcome hunger that unexpectedly overtakes you during the day.

We suggest baking open pies with mushrooms and cheese in the oven using sponge yeast dough in milk with butter and eggs.

For the test:
- flour – 4.5 cups
- fresh yeast – 25 g
- sugar – 2 teaspoons
- milk – 1 glass
- butter (or margarine) – 60 g
- eggs – 2 pcs.
- salt – 1 teaspoon

For filling:
- fresh champignons – 1 kg
- onions – 2 pcs.
- salt, ground pepper - to taste
- butter for frying – 60-80 g (how much mushrooms will take)
- hard cheese – 150 g

- butter for greasing the baking sheet – 20-25 g

Cooking open pies with mushrooms and cheese

1. Add sugar to the yeast and wait a bit until it dissolves. Then mix them, add warm milk with 2 tbsp. spoons of flour. Place the dough in a warm place for 15-20 minutes so that it ferments and rises.

2. Sift the flour into a deep bowl and mix it with salt. Pour in the suitable dough and melted butter that has cooled until warm. Knead into a smooth elastic dough.

3. If your dough is too thin, add a little flour. If you feel that the dough will be tight, add warm milk.

4. Place the ball of dough on the table, dusted with flour, and knead it. Then put it back into the bowl, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 1 hour to rise.

5. At this time, wash the mushrooms and cut into small slices. Peel the onion and cut into thin feathers.

6. Place chopped onion in a deep frying pan with heated butter and fry until soft and transparent. Add the mushrooms and simmer together, stirring, until the liquid evaporates. Then add salt and pepper, add butter if necessary and fry, stirring until the mushrooms brown slightly.

7. Knead the risen dough, form it into a roller and cut into equal pieces. Mash each piece into a ball and flatten it slightly. Place the pies on a baking sheet greased with butter at a distance of 5 cm from each other, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 20 minutes.

8. In each suitable mug, make a recess with the bottom of the glass, put the filling in it and sprinkle with cheese, grated on a fine grater. Cover the pies again with a towel and place in a warm place for 30 minutes.

9. Place the baking sheet with the pies in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the cheese will melt and lightly brown.

10. Place the opened pies with mushrooms and cheese on a plate and serve warm or cold.

Bon appetit and delicious pies!

Looked 2231 once

Pies, and even those with filling, have always been close to the Russian soul. This is truly a versatile, self-contained dish. They can be served for breakfast, a hearty lunch or tea in the evening with your family, or you can treat visiting friends.

We offer recipe for pies with mushrooms and cheese, which are prepared with a minimum amount of food and time.

What is also good about this dish is its versatility, since the filling in the pies can change - you can add ham and olives to this filling, or you can change the taste, making it more refined, by adding blue cheese as a filling.

puff pastry - 250 gr.
hard cheese - 250 gr.
champignons - 150 gr.
medium-sized onion – 1 pc.
egg - 1 pc.

Pies with mushrooms and cheese, recipe:

Thaw the puff pastry. Chop the onion into cubes and simmer in vegetable oil.

Add mushrooms, cut into thin slices.

Add salt and pepper to taste, add a pinch of nutmeg and sauté for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring.

Cool afterwards. Cut circles from the cheese 5 mm thick and about 5 cm in diameter. Grate the scraps on a coarse grater - they will also be needed.

Roll out the dough not too thin and cut out circles the same size as the cheese, and larger circles - they will be the base (the number of circles depends on the number of pies, these products made 6 pieces).

Now place a circle of cheese on a large circle.

The next layer is champignons.

Pick up the edges of the large circle and lightly pinch it so that the product takes on the appearance of a basket. Cover the mushrooms with a layer of grated cheese.

Place small circles of dough on top of the cheese. Now carefully pinch the top in a circle so that the filling does not leak out of the pies during baking.

An experienced housewife knows that food tastes better if you cook it in a good mood. This goes double for yeast doughs. It may simply not work out if you are nervous or swear. Therefore, when deciding to bake pies with champignons from yeast dough, it is very important to calm down and not make noise….


For the dough: __NEWL__

  • warm milk or water – 150 ml__NEWL__
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp.__NEWL__
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp.__NEWL__
__NEWL__ For the test:__NEWL__
  • eggs – 2 pcs.__NEWL__
  • butter – 100 g__NEWL__
  • salt – 1/3 tsp.__NEWL__
  • Refined sunflower oil – 20 ml__NEWL__
  • flour – 800 g.__NEWL__
__NEWL__ For filling: __NEWL__
  • fresh champignons – 500 g__NEWL__
  • sweet or hot paprika to taste__NEWL__
  • salt to taste__NEWL__
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml__NEWL__

From the specified amount of products you can get from 20 to 25 pies.

Mix 30-degree milk, yeast and sugar until smooth in a glass or enamel container. Leave for 30 minutes to ferment.

Mix the foamed dough with eggs, warm butter and salt. Then add a little odorless vegetable oil so that the dough sticks less to your hands while kneading.

Gradually add sifted flour and knead into a tight ball with your hands.

Place it in a spacious container and cover with a towel. Leave in a warm and quiet place for 2 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the mushrooms: wash under running water, cut off the tips of the stems and damaged areas. After this, the champignons should be cut into not very large pieces.

Fry mushrooms in hot vegetable oil. At the end, add salt and paprika to the prepared champignons.

Mix the filling and let it cool.

Once the dough has increased in size, place it on a floured table.

Knead the bun and leave for 10 minutes. Then knead it again, divide it into 20-25 parts and roll each into a ball. Using a floured rolling pin or your hands, roll out the cakes to about 12cm in diameter.

Place mushroom filling in the center of each.

Brush the edges of the cake with cold water and bring the edges together to the middle.

Then fold the open edge and form a triangular pie. Pinch the joints tightly.

Recently I fried pies with mushrooms and cheese. Let's make the dough according to the recipe for pies with green onions


From yeast (a bag of dry), flour (about 1 kg), milk (half a liter), eggs (two), salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (3 tbsp), butter (100 g). You will also need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to make it convenient to knead the dough.

While the dough is rising, fry three large, finely chopped onions in a large amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use chicken fat.

Add 700 g of chopped mushrooms. In the photo there are champignons. Fry until the mushrooms are ready. This will take approximately 15 minutes.

Now add salt and pepper, you can add any spices you like.

Finally, with the stove off, grate 250 g of cheese into the pie filling. Let's mix. The mushroom filling will be bound with blossomed cheese. And when the pies are ready later, when you eat them, there will be no empty spaces between the mushrooms.

The resulting dough makes approximately 45 pies.