Tangerine jam. Tangerine juice: homemade recipe with photos

Tangerine juice is a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink made from ripe tangerines. Needless to say that this juice is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy? Surely everyone has long known that citrus fruits contain a large number of vitamins If the juice is freshly squeezed, then all of them from the fruit will go directly into your body.

Today you can find it in any store great amount a variety of drinks, including juices, which can be purchased for a relatively inexpensive price. There are many varieties, but among them you can rarely find tangerine juice. Even if you find such a drink on store shelves, it will not bring any benefit, since such juice differs only rich taste. All healthy vitamins tangerines die instantly when they end up in plastic or cardboard packaging. That is why it is much healthier to make tangerine juice at home. We will tell you how to prepare it in our article.

How to do it at home?

Making tangerine juice at home is quite easy. In addition, you can not limit yourself to just tangerines by adding the juice of an orange, apple, lemon, banana or any other fruit to the drink. Improvise if you want to get original and delicious drink, prepared with your own hands. We suggest you take note of a few simple recipes Making real tangerine juice at home.

  • Choose the ripest tangerines, peel them and remove the white layers, as they can cause bitterness in the juice. Then take out the juicer, fill it with peeled tangerines and start extracting the juice.
  • The second method is similar to the first, but if you do not have a juicer, you can use gauze, which should be folded in several layers. After placing the tangerines in it, start squeezing the juice with your hands.
  • If you want to preserve tangerine juice so that it does not lose all its beneficial properties, you need to know this technology for its preservation. First, wash and dry the tangerines, carefully remove the zest from them, remove the seeds and squeeze out the juice using gauze or a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and put on fire, adding pure tangerine zest. You can throw it into the pan whole or chop it - whichever you prefer. Do not let the juice boil, just heat it at a temperature of 70 degrees to essential oils Mix the zest with the juice and leave to cool in a cool place.

Store prepared homemade tangerine juice in glass bottles in a cool place for no more than two weeks. After this period, the drink will lose its beneficial features, and its taste and aroma will become less intense.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of tangerine juice from the next section.

The benefits and harms of tangerine juice

Tangerine juice can be beneficial or harmful depending on whether you store or consume it correctly. An expired drink will not cause much harm, but it will not be very pleasant to drink. In addition, it will cause indigestion. It is also not recommended to drink tangerine juice for people with allergies to citrus fruits, infants and pregnant women who are heavily pregnant. For gastritis or stomach ulcers this drink may cause heartburn.

As for the beneficial properties of tangerine juice, they look like this:

  • The drink is dietary, as it contains almost no calories. It is recommended to drink it for people who watch their figure and are on a diet, but not on an empty stomach.
  • Asthma and bronchitis can be cured much faster if combined traditional methods treatment of these diseases with the use of tangerine juice. It contains a large amount folic acid, which prevents congestion and swelling of the respiratory tract.
  • Thrush and dysentery are a couple of other reasons to drink this citrus drink.
  • You can also drink tangerine juice to generally strengthen your immune system.

Don't forget to check with your doctor for any allergies to citrus fruits so that drinking healthy tangerine juice does not harm your body. It is also not recommended to give the drink to infants.

Tangerine juice obtained by squeezing juice from fruits. It has a refreshing sweet-sour taste. Able to quench thirst well, energizes.

Natural juices can be freshly squeezed or reconstituted. Of course, freshly squeezed juice is healthier, because it contains many vitamins and useful substances. Tangerine juice It is considered to be a valuable dietary product.

The benefits and harms of tangerine juice

Tangerines can retain beneficial properties when long-term storage. Tangerine juice contains a huge amount of vitamins, necessary for a person. Tangerine juice is especially rich in vitamin C. Thanks to this, it has medicinal properties and is especially useful when colds and their prevention. Tangerine juice is a good tonic and gives strength.

Tangerine juice can improve the body's metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Anemia
  • Malignant tumor
  • Hypertension
  • Oncology
  • Gout
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Acute respiratory diseases
  • Infectious diseases

Tangerine juice strengthens and, as a result, protects the immune system. It is especially useful during the off-season, when the body needs vitamin replenishment.

In stores we most often see natural juices in tetra bags. These are reconstituted juices. That is, a concentrate is obtained from fruits by pasteurization, and then it is diluted. Most often, a complex of vitamins is added to such juices to make it beneficial.

Of course, it is healthier to drink freshly squeezed juice, which you can prepare yourself. Freshly squeezed juice has a much higher content of vitamins and nutrients than reconstituted juices.

But despite its usefulness, tangerine juice is contraindicated for people with diseases:

  • Duodenum
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Enterocolitis
  • Gastritis
  • Stomach ulcer

It is important to note that tangerine juice can cause allergic reactions.

Utility of this product difficult to overestimate. All vitamins are preserved longer in freshly squeezed juice. Therefore, if you want to see the results from drinking tangerine juice, it is best to drink it freshly squeezed. To do this, you need to prepare tangerine juice yourself.

Homemade tangerine juice

To prepare freshly squeezed tangerine juice, you will need a juicer or a regular blender. And of course, high-quality ripe fruits.
To prepare, you need to peel and pit the fruit and pass it through a juicer. It is recommended to drink this juice within 30 minutes. If the juice is not drunk during this time, it loses its beneficial properties.

Using a blender, the cooking process is not much different; you also need to peel the fruit, chop it with a blender and squeeze using gauze or a sieve. in addition to juices from tangerines they prepare various drinks such as liqueur, tea, tinctures.

Stay healthy by strengthening your immune system with freshly squeezed tangerine juice

Perhaps none New Year Can't do without tangerines. This is not only a tradition that cannot be changed, but also a great pleasure from contemplating bright, mood-enhancing fruits, and an aroma that instantly immerses us all in the atmosphere New Year's holidays. How I want to prolong all these sensations longer!

Anything is possible - cook it tangerine jam! It won't take much effort and time. You can give yourself and your loved ones such “tangerine joy” all year round, because these fruits are on sale both in winter and summer. The main thing is to choose whole, unspoiled tangerines for cooking and follow the recipe. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to choose sweet tangerines for jam; their taste can be improved. For example, if you want the jam to be sour, take a ratio of 1:3 (one part sugar to three parts fruit). Do you prefer classic version jam - stop at the ratio 1:1.

Tangerine jam can be prepared in different ways. There are recipes for cooking with the peel, which, by the way, is almost as healthy as the pulp. It's time to introduce you, our dear hostesses, to the recipes for this amazing delicious dish.

Tangerine jam from whole fruits

1 kg tangerines,
1 lemon,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack water,
cloves - to taste and desire.

Select ripe tangerines, rinse them thoroughly and dry. Pierce each tangerine with a toothpick in several places and insert several cloves into each fruit to give the jam additional flavor. Then place the tangerines in a deep container, add water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat until they become soft. In a separate saucepan, cook the syrup from water and sugar for 10 minutes. Once it thickens, immerse the tangerines in it and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, let the contents cool for 2 hours and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times until the syrup becomes clear and has an amber color. A few minutes before full readiness add lemon juice to the contents of the pan.

Tangerine jam halves

1.5 tangerines,
2.3 kg sugar,
1 liter of water.

Select undamaged tangerines for jam, prick them with a toothpick and blanch them in hot water for 15 minutes, then remove them, immerse them in cold water and keep them in it for 12 hours, changing the water twice during this time. When the time is up, cut each tangerine crosswise into 2 parts, pour over the prepared sugar syrup and leave for 8 hours. Then drain the syrup, boil and pour over the tangerine halves again. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. Pack the finished tangerine jam into sterilized dry jars and seal with sterile lids.

Jam from tangerine slices

1 kg tangerines,
1 kg sugar,
200 ml water.

Peel the washed tangerines and divide into slices. Place tangerine slices in enamel pan, fill them with water so that it covers the entire surface of the tangerine slices, and cook at low boil for 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, drain the water, and cool the slices themselves. Then fill them again with clean cold water and leave for a day. Pour sugar into the pan where the jam will be cooked, add water and cook the syrup. Place the soaked slices in the syrup, mix gently and leave overnight. In the morning, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 40 minutes, removing any foam from time to time. Ready jam Pour into sterile jars and seal.

Tangerine jam with cinnamon

6 large tangerines,
500 g sugar,
1 cinnamon stick.

Wash the fruit, peel the skin, remove the seeds (if any), divide into slices and place in a saucepan. Sprinkle the slices with sugar and leave for 8 hours. Then place the pan with the contents on the stove, boil, reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add the cinnamon stick and cook, stirring and skimming, for another 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the cinnamon stick and cook the jam until thickened for another 1 hour. Then pour into hot jars and close with lids.

Tangerine jam with apples

1 kg tangerines,
1 kg apples,
1 kg sugar,
2 stacks water.

Peel the tangerines and divide into slices. Grate the tangerine peels. Peel the apples, remove the core and grate. Place the apples in a saucepan, add water and cook until pureed. Rub the cooled puree through a sieve, pour back into the pan, add sugar, zest and tangerine slices, mix thoroughly and cook, stirring constantly, for 20 minutes.

Tangerine jam with bananas

1 kg tangerines,
1 kg sugar,
2 bananas
200 ml water,
juice of 1 lemon.

Peel the tangerines from the skin and seeds, cut into small cubes and cover with sugar. When the tangerines give juice, pour in water and put them on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then turn off and let cool. After 3-4 hours, repeat the procedure. Cut the peeled bananas into thin slices, add to the tangerines and pour in the juice of 1 lemon. Boil everything for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Leave until completely cooled, and then repeat the procedure again. The liquid should evaporate by half and the bananas should turn into puree. After cooling, the jam should thicken. Place the finished jam into prepared jars and close the lids.

Tangerine jam with cognac

500 g tangerines,
500 g sugar,
2-3 tbsp. cognac

Take small tangerines to make jam, peel, divide into slices, add sugar, add cognac and leave overnight. Place the container on the fire, without bringing the contents to a boil, simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. Then cool, transfer to a 0.7 liter jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

Tangerine jam with vanilla, star anise and cognac

1 kg tangerines,
500 g sugar,
1 cinnamon stick,
2 tsp vanilla sugar,
2 star anise,
50 ml cognac.

Peel the tangerines, remove white membranes and seeds, separate them into slices, cut them in half, sprinkle with sugar and place on medium heat. When the juice appears, add spices and cognac, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Determine the readiness of the jam according to your preference: if you like thick jam, cook in several stages for 5-7 minutes. If you like a more natural and lighter textured jam, then 15 minutes will be enough.

Tangerine jam with cardamom and pine nuts

1.5 kg tangerines,
1 stack Sahara,
2 tsp vanilla sugar.
1 tbsp. cinnamon,
1 PC. cardamom,
50 g shelled pine nuts.

Peel two-thirds of the tangerines and cut the pulp into small pieces, being careful to keep the pulp inside while removing all the seeds. Place the chopped fruit in a saucepan. Squeeze the juice from the remaining tangerines into the pan. Place on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil, add the remaining ingredients, reduce the heat and cook, stirring, for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add pine nuts and boil a little more.

Tangerine jam with ginger and rosemary

3 tangerines,
2 apples,
2 cm fresh ginger root,
1 sprig of rosemary,
3-5 pcs. cardamom,
1 stack Sahara.

Wash the tangerines, dry them with a napkin and cut each fruit into 8 equal parts without removing the peel. Remove the seeds, if any. Wash the apples, dry them and peel them. Cut them into small pieces, approximately the same size as tangerines. Peel the ginger and cut it into thin strips. Place tangerine slices, apples and ginger into a small saucepan. Mix it all, add cardamom and sugar. Mix the products thoroughly again and leave for 1.5 hours so that the sugar is saturated with juice. When the time is up, stir the mixture and, stirring, bring to a boil. Add a sprig of rosemary to the jam and continue to cook over low heat for 1 hour, remembering to stir. Pour the finished jam into jars and close the lids.

Tangerine jam with lemon

300 g tangerines,
1 lemon,
100 g sugar,
5 g gelatin.

Wash the tangerines, peel them, divide them into slices and place them in a deep container. Also wash the lemon, grind it together with the peel in a blender and add it to the tangerines. Mix the resulting mixture well and leave for 1 hour so that the tangerines release juice. Soak in 2 tbsp. water gelatin. Transfer the tangerine mass into a saucepan, place it on the stove, bring to a boil, and then, reducing the heat to medium, cook the jam for 20 minutes. Then add gelatin, stir and cook for another half a minute. Pour the finished jam into a jar and cool.

Jam from tangerine peels

1 kg tangerine peels,
1.5 kg sugar,
30 g tangerine zest,
A little citric acid or lemon juice,
2.5 stacks. water.

Soak overnight in cold water tangerine peels. Then, cutting them into thin strips, blanch for 4-5 minutes, then drain the water, add sugar and cook the syrup for 10 minutes. Ready hot syrup lower the crusts and cook until fully cooked for 30 minutes over low heat. Before finishing cooking, add tangerine zest, a little citric acid or lemon juice. Let the finished jam cool, pour into jars and close tightly with a plastic lid.

Tangerine peel jam “For natural coffee”

400 g tangerine peels,
1 stack Sahara.

Douse tangerine peel boiling water, chop finely, place in an enamel pan, add water, cover with a lid and leave for 12 hours in a warm place. Then drain the water, stir the crusts with sugar and cook the resulting mixture for 40 minutes over low heat. Transfer the finished jam into jars, close the lids and store in a cool place. This jam is served exclusively with natural coffee.

Let the tangerine jam you prepare give you many pleasant moments, wonderful memories and a real “tangerine” mood!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Why is there orange juice, but not tangerine juice? What kind of discrimination based on citrus fruit? If stores don't want to give me sweet drink, I'll cook it myself. Yes, I will share the recipe with you. And as a bonus - a recipe for delicious tangerine tea.

Why is there no tangerine juice?

One of the most popular juices is orange, but among citrus fruits, tangerine is the leader in taste - New Year's, festive, aromatic. Then why don't they make drinks from tangerines? It seems the demand would be high.

In fact, if you look closely at the shelves of hypermarkets, you will also find something like this. Only it will cost significantly more than familiar brands like Dobroye, because most likely you will come across a foreign product.

And the reasons for the unpopularity of production are banal and simple - low profitability, especially compared to oranges. Small size tangerine increases labor and time costs for processing, and the amount of waste increases. At the same time, the volume of the resulting drink is significantly lower.

The taste of natural fresh tangerine is quite specific: slightly sweet with a hint of bitterness.

But the most unpleasant thing is vitamin benefits completely lost during packaging, canning, and storage. Only freshly squeezed tangerines can release all organic acids, vitamins, and nutrients.

Tangerine juice: benefits

Mandarin is a natural antidepressant. Consumption of the fruit itself or a drink made from it helps to improve the emotional background, increase appetite, and a feeling of vigor and freshness.

It is this citrus that contains the most vitamin C, also contains vitamins A, D, E, PP and many other useful substances, including minerals - potassium, calcium, copper. Sunny tangerines strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, tone, and have antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.

What to do if the product is so useful, but you can’t find it on sale? Make homemade tangerine juice!

How to make tangerine juice?

The main tool for preparing a freshly squeezed drink is, of course, a juicer.

Peel the fruits, divide them into halves or slices - whatever fits into the juicer. Helps me with this simple gadget from Aliexpress, which costs literally 5 rubles, but copes with its task 100%.

Advice: To improve juice yield, pour boiling water over peeled fruits, or keep them in hot water for a couple of minutes.

Load the slices one by one into the juicer, getting fresh juice at the exit. Leave the pulp as desired. Then dilute a little with water, sweeten to your taste.

A healthy, tasty, bright drink is ready in a couple of minutes!

If you like fresh juices with pulp, use a blender:
  • clean the slices
  • remove the seeds
  • place in blender
  • mix until smooth.
Add water and sugar to taste.

The finished fresh juice can be strained through a fine sieve to get rid of possible large inclusions.

If, of all the available tools, you only have a meat grinder, it will quite successfully replace a blender. Skip the pulp, then strain and add crushed ice. Homemade tangerine juice is ready!

Tangerine tea: step by step recipe

The rich orange fruit juice pairs well with other drinks, such as black tea. A simple recipe for tangerine tea will give you a lot of positive, tasty emotions, and is especially suitable for the cold season.


  • 100 ml tangerine juice;
  • 150-200 ml water;
  • 1 bag of black tea (or leaf tea for 1 serving);
  • 1-2 tsp. honey;
  • spices to taste.
Usually cinnamon is chosen as the spice, but add cloves, cardamom, and star anise to taste. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise an unpleasant bitterness will appear.
Advice: take whole spices, then they can be easily removed without straining.

IN winter period many children and adults prefer to eat large quantity fruits and berries in order to replenish your supply of vitamins. Often their choice is apples and tangerines. After all, these fruits have a fairly affordable price, and they also contain a huge amount of useful microelements.

It's no secret that you can make a lot out of tangerines interesting dishes. Which of them are the simplest and most original? More on this later.

Fruit salad

Can be a wonderful decoration for any table fruit salad, which is quite simple to prepare. To do this, peel and finely chop one banana, an orange, a couple of tangerines, the same amount of medium apples and one kiwi. Once all the ingredients are ready, sprinkle them with sugar to taste (or powdered sugar), top with a small amount of ice cream and serve immediately. If desired, you can replace some components. Some housewives recommend a dressing such as ice cream, replacing it with yogurt or sour cream.

So, what can you cook from tangerines and apples? Salad. For this you can use next recipe. It is necessary to peel the indicated fruits in equal proportions, cut them into cubes, season with yogurt, sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste, mix well and serve.


A compote made with these ingredients can be very tasty. To make it as rich as possible, you need to take 4 tangerines and a couple of medium apples. The latter need to be thoroughly washed and cut into slices, having previously removed the core, and the tangerines must be peeled and disassembled into pieces, removing all the veins.

After the ingredients are prepared, you need to put them aside and start preparing the citrus zest. It must be cut into strips and placed in boiling water, which must be heated on the stove in advance. After this, put the chopped apples into the pan, and after 5 minutes - the tangerines. As soon as the fruits become soft, you need to add 150 g of sugar to the compote and, after stirring, let it cool. As soon as the compote becomes cold, it needs to be strained and can be served.

If desired, you can add a small amount of mint to this drink. This is best done at the final stage of preparation.


The jam turns out to be original. This is exactly what can be made from tangerines and apples. To make it very aromatic and tasty, you should peel tangerines and apples taken in equal proportions (0.5 kg each). At the same time, you should start preparing sweet syrup, which is made at the rate of 1000 ml of water per 0.5 kg of sugar.

As soon as the syrup is ready, you need to immerse the apples in half of it and let the mixture cool. In the meantime, you can start preparing the tangerines, which should be cleared of veins and each slice should be pricked with a needle or toothpick. After this, cover the citrus fruits with the second half of the syrup, then also allow the fruits to cool. The preparation doesn't end there.

Cold apples in syrup should be placed on the stove and brought to a boil over high fire. In this state, they need to cook for 10 minutes, after which the container should be set aside again and the contents should be allowed to cool. This procedure will need to be repeated 2 more times. Actually last stage preparation, when the apples boil for the third time, add tangerines to the container and boil the whole mass for 15-20 minutes. After this, the jam will be ready.


Another option for what can be made from tangerines and oranges is charlotte.

What will you need? To prepare it, take a couple of tangerines, 1 orange and peel the fruit, remove veins and seeds. After this, you need to cut each slice into 2-3 parts and sprinkle with cinnamon (1 tsp). The last component may not be added. However, with this spice the aroma ready dessert It will turn out nice and spicy. The fruit should be left in this form for some time.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the dough for the pie. To do this, take 3 eggs, a glass of sugar, add a pinch of salt and beat the ingredients until thick foam. As soon as it appears, you need to gradually add 150 g of sifted flour and 0.5 tsp into the mass. slaked with vinegar soda After thorough mixing, you need to add a bag of vanillin to the mass and bring the contents back to homogeneity.

When the dough is ready, place the fruits in a baking dish and pour the prepared dough on top. In this form, the container with the future pie should be sent to the oven, heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Baking will take about 35 minutes.

Salad "Tangerine Shock"

What can be made from tangerines? The original answer to this question could be delicious salad, which is very easy to prepare. To do this you should take 100 g. hard cheese and cut it into small cubes. Then you need to squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into it.

After this, you need to peel and vein 200 g of tangerines and divide them into slices, and then combine the fruit with cheese. Ultimately, the ingredients need to be seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream, mixed thoroughly and served.

Chicken breasts with tangerines

What can you make from tangerines for the New Year? Original decoration the tables will become chicken breasts prepared according to an interesting recipe.

For creating meat masterpiece You should rinse 1.5 cups of long rice and spread it evenly on a greased baking sheet. On top of it you need to place 4 chicken breasts, previously washed and dried with a towel, as well as half a glass of mushrooms cut into slices. These ingredients need to be poured into 2 cups orange juice and a glass of broth, salt and pepper to taste. After which the container should be covered and baked in the oven for 50 minutes at 175 degrees.

As soon as the dish is ready, it must be transferred to beautiful plate for filing. You can decorate the dish with pickled tangerines (450-500 g), and also sprinkle with paprika and fresh finely chopped parsley.

Fruit salad with pomegranate

Another original, bright and useful option What can be made from tangerines, apples and pomegranates is a salad. To prepare it, you need to prepare 3 tbsp in advance. l. pomegranate seeds, add to them a couple of apples, peeled and cut into small pieces, as well as three tangerines, carefully separated from the veins and peel, cut into cubes.

In a separate bowl you need to prepare the dressing for vitamin salad. To do this, whisk a couple of tablespoons of honey and the same amount of lemon juice. After this, all the ingredients collected for the salad must be thoroughly mixed and poured with the prepared dressing on top.

Tangerines in caramel

Caramel dessert is what you can make from tangerines at home. It is prepared very simply. To do this, peel and vein 10 tangerines. In the meantime, you can put 350 g of sugar on the stove and lightly moisten it with citrus juice so that it is just saturated with it. After this, the contents of the pan must be heated over low heat until the components are completely dissolved and a beautiful golden color is formed.

As soon as this happens, pour 250 ml into the resulting caramel and, stirring, heat thoroughly until the caramel dissolves. As soon as the mixture is ready, you need to pour it over the tangerines laid out on the plate and put the dessert in the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the mass thickens slightly and becomes viscous.

Beef steak with tangerines

A similar dish - original example what can be made from tangerines, berries and a choice piece of meat. Beef prepared in this way will become great dish for dinner or holiday table.

The recipe is quite simple. To prepare such an original meat dish you should take the steak, wash it thoroughly and dry it with paper towel, beat off a little. After this, you need to sprinkle it on both sides with salt and pepper to taste, and also pour a small amount soy sauce. Further large cubes need to cut the head onions and send him to the meat. You also need to add one branch of rosemary there.

While the product is marinating, you need to thoroughly heat the grill and grease it butter. Place the meat on a hot surface and fry it on both sides for 4-5 minutes until it forms. golden brown crust. After this, the beef must be removed on a plate and blueberries (about 10 pcs.) placed next to it.

Now you can start working on the tangerines. They need to be peeled and, without dividing into slices, cut in half (crosswise). Each half, cut side down, should be placed on hot grill, on which the meat was fried and held on it for a short time. After this, tangerines need to be placed with the meat. Taste qualities The listed products combine perfectly with each other, making the dish original and unusual.