Treatment of diseases with vegetable juices. Radish seed medicine

Autumn has come. A bountiful harvest of vegetables is harvested from the gardens, which add so much variety to our table. Cucumbers and tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant, pumpkins and squash, cabbage and onions - all this allows the housewife to delight her loved ones with a variety delicious dishes, which are also very useful. The bulk of the vegetables have already been harvested, and only root vegetables continue to show off in the garden beds, gaining sugar ripeness. Their time has not yet come; some of them will wait for the first frost, and only with their onset will they go to the pantries.

If summer vegetables- cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants - they delight us during the summer, and for the winter they are preserved in salted, pickled or canned, then root vegetables can be stored in fresh before next year. It is difficult to imagine our table without carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, radishes, celery, horseradish and other root vegetables. All of them are rich in vitamins and nutrients, necessary for the body person. But there is among the late autumn gifts unique vegetables. We will talk about them. These are beets and radishes.

Beetroot and its healing properties

Beetroot has been known to man since ancient times. Its first use (about 2000 BC) is associated not with fruits, but with succulent leaf petioles. Much later the root was also tried. Until now, wild beets are found along the coasts of the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas, in Iran, China and India. The ancient Greeks and Romans grew beets as a vegetable, eating both the fruit and the leaves soaked in wine. History knows the fact that the ancient Germans, conquered by the Roman emperor Tiberius, supplied tribute to Rome in the form of beets, which contributed to the spread of this vegetable in Europe. In Rus', beets became known already in the 10th century. thanks to connections with Byzantium.

Beetroot has healing properties, which the ancient Greeks and Romans knew about. It contains a lot of fiber, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, iron, potassium, magnesium; phosphorus, silicon, boron, folic acid. All this together allows it to be used for anemia, to strengthen the immune system, in the fight against hypertension and atherosclerosis, to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, and against diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, in the treatment of malignant tumors. Beets will help with insomnia, hemorrhoids, chronic constipation. It can also help get rid of excess weight. It is especially good to use beet juice. Traditional medicine suggests using it in the treatment of sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney disease, for healing inflammatory processes on the skin, bruises, burns, etc. But we must remember that healing properties Only freshly prepared juice has. Its effect can be enhanced by the addition of honey.

Beets are an excellent dietary product. There are many varieties and types of this vegetable, including Swiss chard. But we must remember that beets of dark red varieties have the most healing properties. Beets are available to us at any time of the year; this is quite inexpensive product. Beetroot is used very widely in cooking: you can use it to prepare salads, vinaigrette, borscht, beetroot pancakes, make okroshka, and add it to kvass. It is delicious fresh, boiled and pickled, with or without the addition of other products.

Foreigners associate beets with the traditional Russian salad - vinaigrette - and the first dish - borscht. It is believed that borscht is national Russian dish. Although you will hear the same thing in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and many other countries. Borscht is a soup where the bulk is made up of beets and cabbage. It is boiled on meat broth, with bacon, sausages, smoked meats. In addition to beets and cabbage, vegetables include carrots, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes. Borschts are very diverse, only Ukrainian borscht there are about forty options. It all depends on the availability of products and the imagination of the housewife.

Radish and ethnoscience

Radish can be a worthy competitor to beets. In ancient Greece, radishes were cast in gold as a gift to the god Apollo,
beets are made of silver, and carrots are made of bronze.

It is believed that the birthplace of radish is Egypt, where vegetable oil, which was very common in those days, was made from its seeds. From Egypt the radish came to Ancient Greece, and from there to Europe. It was brought to Russia from Asia and quickly became popular. Radish was used mainly in the preparation of turi and helped survive times of famine.

Useful properties of radish widely used in the ancient world in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, stomach, as a means to increase appetite, to strengthen the immune system. The ancient Egyptians gave workers building the pyramids a meal of radish and garlic, which gave them strength. The ancient Romans used radish as an antidote for mushroom poisoning. Radish has been known since ancient times in China and Japan, where it is still very popular. Fruits of sweet varieties are in great demand. good Japanese radish- daikon, reaching large sizes (up to 16-17 kg).

Nowadays, radish juice with the addition of honey successfully gets rid of cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, treat bronchitis and whooping cough. For rheumatism and gout with a mixture of radish juice, table salt and vodka relieve joint pain by applying compresses. This excellent remedy for swelling, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, anemia. Radish juice has an antiseptic effect. The list of advantages of this truly golden vegetable can be continued. And they provide it medicinal properties substances such as vitamin C, essential oil containing sulfur, rafanol and rafanin, butyl mustard oil and many others.

Unlike beets, radishes do not need to be subjected to culinary processing, it is used for spicy salads fresh, either grated or cut into pieces. In Russia, radish is less popular than beets. Obviously, this is due to its pungent smell and taste. Usually in salads, radishes are used with sour cream, which softens the taste.

Recipes with root vegetables


3 fresh beets,
juice of 1/2 lemon,
1 fresh cucumber,
1 boiled egg,
100 g of greens,
2 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Grate the peeled beets onto coarse grater, fill in hot water and bring to a boil. Add lemon juice and let cool, pour into plates. Grate a fresh cucumber. Add grated cucumber, half an egg, and sour cream to the plates. Sprinkle herbs on top.

Okroshka with beets

0.75 l bread kvass,
150 g beets,
75 g fresh cucumbers,
50 g green onions,
1.5 boiled eggs,
20 g mustard,
30 g sugar,
50 g sour cream.

Fill the peeled young beets with tops without leaves with water and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then add chopped beet leaves and simmer for another 5-10 minutes. Place the cooked beets and tops in a colander and let the broth drain. Separate the yolks from the whites. Chop the whites and mash the yolks with mustard, chopped green onions, sour cream, salt, sugar. Mix kvass with beet broth and add chopped beets with tops and leaves, cucumbers, egg whites and mashed yolks with mustard and sour cream.

Beetroot and radish salad

1 beet,
2 radishes,
1 onion,
2 - 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
salt to taste

Grate beets and radishes, add finely chopped onion, season vegetable oil, lightly salt it.

Beet and radish salad with prunes

4 boiled beets,
1 radish,
½ cup prunes,
2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Grate the beets and radishes on a coarse grater. Pour boiling water over 1/2 cup of prunes and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then, after removing the seeds, chop finely. Mix with beets and radishes, pour over vegetable oil.

Radish and beet salad with croutons

300 g radish,
200 g boiled beets,
6 slices rye bread,
1 apple,
juice of 1 lemon,
100 g of greens (onions, lettuce),
50 g vegetable oil.

Cut the boiled beets and radishes into strips into different bowls, pouring with lemon juice. Lightly fry the rye bread slices in vegetable oil. Chop the green onions and grate the apple. Place the lettuce leaves on a flat dish, place the vegetables in a heap on the leaves, alternating and without mixing the layers: beets - green onions- radish - apple and beets again. Place croutons around the salad along the edge of the plate. Season the salad with vegetable oil, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Beetroot, garlic and walnut salad

3 beets,
1/2 cup shelled walnuts,
3 cloves of garlic,
3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
sugar, salt.

Grate the peeled boiled beets, mix with chopped walnuts, finely chopped and mashed garlic, season with vegetable oil, add sugar and salt to taste.

Beetroot, apple and horseradish salad

500 g beets,
500 g apples,
1-2 tbsp. grated horseradish
1 tsp Sahara,
juice of 1 lemon,
salt to taste.

Peel the apples and beets, remove the core from the apples, grate on a coarse grater and season with the mixture lemon juice with sugar and salt. Before serving, add horseradish and mix everything well.

The vinaigrette

1-2 boiled small beets,
300 g sauerkraut,
100 g apples,
200 g boiled potatoes,
100 g onions,
juice of 1 lemon,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, sugar, pepper.

Grate the apples on a coarse grater, mix the cabbage with apples. Pour lemon juice, add salt, sugar and pepper. Then mix in diced potatoes and chopped onions. Season everything with vegetable oil.

Thanks to your taste qualities, salted beet varieties are actively used in cooking in many countries around the world. It is used to prepare soups, salads, drinks and even desserts. However, not everyone knows that this root vegetable is rich in vitamins and microelements, which is why it can also be used as medicinal plant. So, beets with honey are one of the effective means to boost immunity, treat colds and high blood pressure.

Beetroot has a wide range of uses in folk medicine. The benefits of this root vegetable are primarily due to the rich content of nutrients:

  • vitamins A, PP, B, C;
  • trace elements: iodine, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • pectin – promotes the removal of heavy metals and cholesterol, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the intestines;
  • antioxidants – prevent the development of cancer.

Beetroot also has hematopoietic properties. Because of high content iron and copper work is stimulated bone marrow and the production of new blood cells - used to treat anemia. Useful for various forms ah exhaustion of the body and loss of strength.

Honey, in turn, has antimicrobial properties confirmed by many studies. Effective in treatment colds, gastrointestinal disorders and is often used as an immunological agent to enhance immunity. Thus, the properties of beets and honey complement each other perfectly.


The recipes mainly use freshly squeezed beet juice with honey. To do this, you need to choose a root crop without putrefactive or other damage, preferably of medium size.

Red beets should be washed and, without removing the peel, chopped in any convenient way using a meat grinder or on a grater, and then squeezed and strain the juice through cheesecloth. You can also use household juicers. You should not prepare the product for future use - many vitamins and microelements are long-term storage begin to oxidize, which leads to loss useful properties or product damage.

From pressure

The vasodilating properties of beets make it possible to use this remedy for the treatment of hypertension. Beetroot with honey for blood pressure can be used in the following variations:

  • For 80 ml of juice add 1 tsp. any natural honey. Take in equal portions throughout the day;
  • IN the same amount mix beet juice and honey. Use 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can use a recipe that is gentler on the stomach. To do this, mix 125 ml of beetroot and carrot juice, 3 tablespoons of honey and squeeze 1 lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly, consume 2 tablespoons before meals.

To boost immunity

Honey and beets are used to increase the body's defenses and eliminate various signs of vitamin deficiency. Strengthen immune system It is especially important in the off-season - spring and autumn, when viral infections are rampant.

  • beets;
  • apple;
  • raspberries;
  • carrots;
  • citrus fruits.

Mix beet juice with 2-3 others in equal proportions. For one glass of drink, add 1 tbsp. honey Consume the resulting mixture starting from 60 ml per day. Then gradually the volume should increase to 150 ml.

For a runny nose

Beets with honey for a runny nose should be taken with caution - you can burn the nasal mucosa. Mix 25 ml beet juice with 25 ml of boiled water cooled to approximately 30°C.

Add half a teaspoon of high-quality uncandied honey to this solution. Drip the resulting product into your nose three times a day, 3-5 drops (in each nostril).

To raise hemoglobin

  • One of the most simple remedies To raise hemoglobin in the blood, a drink made from beets, carrots and honey is used. To prepare, squeeze the juice from one carrot and half a beet. Add 1 tsp. honey and sunflower oil. Consume before meals.
  • Take in equal proportions: beets, carrots, celery and cucumber. Squeeze the juice out of them, add a spoonful of honey to the resulting mixture, consume three times a day, 125 ml before or during meals.

To improve the taste, you can add lemon or orange juice. Apply the products in courses of 2 weeks with the same break.

For a sore throat

Beetroot-honey tincture

For medicinal purposes, you can also use various tinctures of beets and honey.

  • Mix 250 ml of beet and carrot juice with 120 ml of cranberry juice and quality vodka. Use during racing blood pressure 2 tbsp each before eating.
  • For pressure and headaches, you need to mix 125 ml of beetroot, carrot, cranberry juice. Add 50 g of honey and 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Infuse in a dark, cool room for 3 days. You should drink 1 tsp of alcohol-based tincture, 1 tbsp of vodka-based tincture. before eating.
  • To prevent colds, pour 150 grams of finely chopped vegetables with 250 ml of vodka. Leave for 14 days, strain through cheesecloth. Take 20 ml before dinner.

How to use correctly

Daily consumption of beet juice is limited to 250 ml. This volume should be divided into 2-3 doses. It is also recommended to take medications in courses, for example, 2 weeks with the same break. The body quickly gets used to the action of various agents and products, which over time leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

If you have cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the liver and kidneys, it is recommended to consult your doctor before using the drugs, since simultaneous use medicines beet-based and medications may be incompatible.


Beetroot juice with honey can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. So, for example, despite all the obvious advantages of this vegetable, the product must be taken with caution:

  • persons with urolithiasis;
  • liver pathologies;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • pregnant women.

You should not treat diseases such as sinusitis or mastopathy with beetroot and honey - this is extremely ineffective and dangerous.

For a long time wide application In folk medicine, radish has. Grated radish or its juice is used to heal wounds.

Excellent cough suppressant is the following recipe:
Cut a hole in the upper wide part of the washed radish and pour two tablespoons of honey into it. Place the radish in a vessel in a vertical position, cover with thick paper and leave for three to four hours. Take one teaspoon three to four times a day before meals and before bed.

In Russian folk medicine, horseradish was used to treat sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal and maxillary cavities). To do this, horseradish root must be thoroughly washed, removed upper layer and grate. Mix one third of a glass of this mass with the juice of two or three lemons. The result is a rather thick mixture, which should be taken half a teaspoon in the morning 20-25 minutes after meals every day.

The course of treatment is three to four months. After a two-week break, the course is repeated, after which, as a rule, improvement occurs. Treatment should be patiently continued twice a year - in spring and autumn, without waiting for an exacerbation. After two years, the attacks stop in most cases.

About nutritional and medicinal properties carrots and beets we know enough, but we can talk about them endlessly.

Fresh carrots are used for the prevention of hypovitaminosis A, which causes increased fatigue, loss of appetite, and dryness. skin, increased fragility of nails and hair.

Carrots improve digestion, help remove sand and small stones from urolithiasis and increase milk production in nursing mothers.

Carrot juice mixed with milk or honey drink in a 1:1 ratio, it helps with colds. You need to take it 1 tbsp. spoon 6 times a day.

Carrot juice mixed with honey or sugar, recommended for catarrh of the respiratory tract. You can also rinse your mouth and throat with juice.

Grated carrots or their juice They clean wounds well from pus, reduce pain, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Grated carrots are applied to wounds or ulcers or lotions are made from its juice.

Freshly prepared carrot juice and vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio plus a few drops garlic juice mix and drop into the nose several times a day for colds.

Raw root vegetables and carrot juice It is useful for pregnant women, weakened children and people doing heavy physical work.

Attention! It is forbidden to eat carrots during an exacerbation peptic ulcer, enteritis and colitis.

It occupies no less honorable place among traditional healers.

A large amount of vitamins, mineral salts, especially iron, potassium, magnesium and iodine, help restore heart rate and lower blood pressure.

For severe headache Place cotton swabs soaked in beet juice in your ears.

For a severe runny nose with thick discharge, rinse your nasal passages with warm beetroot juice.

Just like carrot juice, beet juice is used externally to heal wounds. To do this, simultaneously with internal use, beetroot pulp is applied to the affected area, which should be changed as it dries. Use 1/3 cup of juice 3 times a day an hour after meals for a month.

A 30% solution of honey in red beet juice is instilled 5-6 drops into each nostril 4-5 times a day for colds.

Women can take note of the following: mask recipes for oily skin.

№ 1. Grate a large juicy carrot. If it is too juicy, mix the pulp with a small amount talc. Apply the prepared paste to your face. This mask is recommended for oily, porous skin, covered with acne, and aging pale skin.

№ 2. Grate three fresh pale yellow carrots, add a small spoon potato flour or freshly prepared mashed potatoes, half the yolk. Mix everything well and apply an even layer on your face. This mask refreshes and smoothes the face well.

№ 3. Mix grated carrots with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk or with the cream you usually use.

It’s good to wipe it with just carrot juice.

Here are a few folk recipes For treatment of hypertension.

№ 1. Mix a glass of beetroot juice, a glass of carrot juice and a glass of horseradish (the grated horseradish is infused with water in a 1:1 ratio for 36 hours, then the juice is squeezed out), add honey and the juice of one lemon. Take 1 tbsp for two months. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

№ 2. Thoroughly mix one glass each of carrot juice, horseradish juice and honey. Take 1 tbsp warm for two months. spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals.

№ 3. Mix one glass of juice each from red carrots, radishes, beets and horseradish. Add 45-55 mm of vodka to the resulting mixture and leave for 24 hours, then add the juice of one lemon. Store the medicinal mixture in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals, depending on the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. Before use, the mixture should be warmed to room temperature. For peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), this mixture cannot be used.

And this recipe is recommended by traditional medicine as remedies for stomach and duodenal ulcers: 1 glass of carrot juice, 1 glass of raw beet juice, 0.5 glasses of juice, 1 glass of honey, 2 glasses of white vermouth or Cahors. Pour everything into a dark bowl and leave for five to six days. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

It will feel weak at first, but don’t pay attention. You should drink a three-liter jar, then take a break for 20 days, and so on up to three times, that is, drink three three liter jars.

Next recipe traditional medicine recommends mastopathy.
Include in your diet a salad seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice (or vinegar). seaweed, grated boiled beets, crushed garlic, half a glass of ground walnut kernels.

It is difficult not to name any plant that has not found application in folk healing. For example, tomato, the fruits of which contain a whole range of useful substances: vitamins B, P, K, sugar, carotene, mineral salts and acids.

Fresh tomato juice used in the treatment of gastric ulcers and liver diseases.

Masks of pureed fresh tomatoes applied for cosmetic purposes for sluggish, porous facial skin, juvenile acne and other skin diseases.

The next one is an excellent remedy for bronchitis and cough.
Take 1 kg fresh tomatoes, 50 g garlic, 300 g horseradish root. Grate the horseradish, mince the tomatoes and garlic. Mix everything and add salt to taste. Place in half-liter jars and close nylon covers and store in the cellar or refrigerator.
Children take 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day (not cold). Adults – 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Tomatoes can also be used V for cosmetic purposes . Apply tomato pulp and slices to your face. This mask is recommended for oily, sallow skin with large pores.

Experts from Germany found that regular use tomato juice prevents platelet clumping and prevents blood clots, which can lead to strokes, heart attacks and deep vein thrombosis. After just three weeks of drinking tomato juice, blood clotting and, accordingly, the susceptibility to thrombosis are significantly reduced.

It turns out that the medicinal properties of tomatoes are associated with the P3 component, which is rich in the jelly-like substance around the seeds. In addition to juice, this substance also contains fresh tomatoes, and ketchup, beloved by many.

Hello, dear readers. Now the weather outside is not stable, there are constant temperature changes. If two days ago our temperature was -18 degrees, today we have +3 degrees. Such changes cannot but affect our health. Some people have their joints twisted, others become susceptible to viral infections.
And as you know, it is in such weather that various viral infections are activated. Therefore, I am again turning to the topic of strengthening the immune system, and today we will have a recipe for a simple vitamin mixture, a mixture of radish juice and carrot juice.

All the ingredients are available, and they can provide good help, so to speak, they will help you avoid trips to the hospital and pharmacy. In addition to radishes and carrots, we will also add honey and lemon juice.

To prepare the vitamin mixture, take:

  • one medium radish
  • two large carrots
  • 100 - 150 grams of honey
  • two tablespoons lemon juice

To be honest, the recipe I used indicated radish, but it did not indicate which one. From my own experience, I know that there should be black radish, because we already wrote about it on the blog in the article: But in my refrigerator there was only Chinese green radish. It’s just that my daughter tries to eat the same thing as me, so we keep radishes that are not very bitter at home so that the child can at least eat one.

So I had to make this vitamin mixture from green radish juice, again in the hope that my daughter would also use it. We need to peel the carrots and radishes, then grate and squeeze. But if you have a juicer, it makes preparing the mixture easier.

I didn't take many photos of how I was rubbing and squeezing. I will just show the juice that has already been squeezed out, and integrate into the photo a small photograph where you can see that I squeeze the juice with my hands. The fact is that I don’t throw away the pressed cake, I make it into vitamin salad. I talked about the salad in the article

And especially for this, I squeezed the juice without fanaticism, so that a little more juice would remain in the salad. Otherwise, when it’s dry, it’s not as tasty. In total, I got 150 grams of juice each. I poured all the juice into one jar and added two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Meanwhile, my daughter was already eating the salad, not even dressed. She knows about the benefits of bitter radish, and even more so, she doesn’t want to get sick.

Then I added one tablespoon of spring honey, May honey, so to speak, which is my favorite. It contains the nectar of the first spring flowers, and it is the most useful. Although there was only one spoon, you can see from the photograph that it was a third of the resulting juice. It turned out that I added 1/3 of radish juice, 1/3 of carrot juice, 1/3 of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice.

At first, this mixture tasted like radish and lemon, but when it brewed, the taste became softer, you couldn’t hear the lemon, and a light sweetness. Now, with this vitamin mixture, I and my family are not afraid of temperature changes, because no viral infection can now survive in our bodies.

You should take this vitamin mixture twice a day on an empty stomach. Once in the morning, and the second before bed. I hope you don't eat before going to bed. Stir the mixture before use.

And if this mixture is not entirely convenient for you, maybe someone doesn’t like the smell of your breath after drinking a mixture of juices, because a radish is a radish, then I can suggest Alternative option from nuts and honey. You can see the recipe in the article: It is very tasty and healthy.
Well, we alternate vitamin mixtures, each will benefit. And I also hope that I will find out some more new recipe to strengthen the immune system, because we have a competition “Our Immunity” on our blog and I have special hopes for this competition.
Be healthy and don't get sick! And if you have another interesting vitamin mixture to strengthen the immune system, then please share it in the comments.

April 16, 2011

April 14, 2011

April 8, 2011

Positive properties: a strong restorative after illness, surgery, and anemia. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh believe that pomegranate juice is very good for health. Regular intake of juice can prevent cancer and improve a person's sexual performance. In addition, it will help in the fight against age-related changes. Scientists have found that pomegranate juice reduces the blood levels of fatty acids known as non-esterified or free fatty acids. They are the cause of deposits on the abdomen in men and women. excess fat. Medical studies have shown that if you drink 500 ml every day pomegranate juice, the formation of belly fat will decrease. In addition, more than 90% of those taking juice experienced a significant reduction in blood pressure. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attacks, stroke and kidney disease.

It has been scientifically proven that pomegranate juice ranks first among fruit juices in terms of antioxidant content and brings maximum benefits to our body. Research shows that pomegranates, compared to other fruits and vegetables, contain much more polyphenols - antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals that damage healthy cells in the human body, causing them to mutate into cancer cells.
A glass of pomegranate juice a day can slow down the growth of malignant tumors in prostate cancer patients. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of California under the leadership of Allan Pantuck.
Pomegranate juice and its seeds are valuable food product, preserving all constituent elements fresh fruits, possessing pleasant taste and healing properties, easily absorbed by the body.
Pomegranate juice contains many useful components– isoflavones, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, awaken the appetite and regulate the activity of the stomach. It has a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect. For diseases of the bladder and kidneys, pomegranate juice is used for medicinal purposes.
In some cases, pomegranate juice can replace aspirin as it naturally thins the blood. A glass of pomegranate juice contains 60% daily value Vitamin C. It is also a rich source of vitamins A, E, folic acid and iron.
Powerful healing effect pomegranate juice is due to its antioxidant properties. Thanks to them, pomegranate juice helps the body fight free radicals - highly active molecules that constantly attack the body's cells and damage their DNA. Free radicals have been proven to impair performance of cardio-vascular system, leading to erectile dysfunction in men. Antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice – the best remedy to solve this problem.
In an article published in American magazine Journal of Impotence Research, scientists report that 47% of men suffering from erectile dysfunction who were given pomegranate juice showed clear improvements. A glass of pomegranate juice every day should become important addition to a healthy diet - Harin Padma-Nathan, professor of urology at the University of California, comments on the results. Don’t doubt it – its seeds are the elixir of youth and beauty. It helps to increase skin and muscle tone, increase energy and endurance.
It is also called " natural hormone“, since it is effective for disorders during menopause, with an irregular menstrual cycle, helps prevent bone destruction and the occurrence of osteoporosis, improves memory and vision.

April 1, 2011

One glass of freshly squeezed juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, will have a revitalizing effect on your body. It will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. You will feel more energetic and active. Useful material and great content nutrients– micro- and macroelements contained in the juice will help the functioning of the whole body, cleanse it, activate metabolism, relieve the effects of stress and fatigue, help the body restore strength and stock up on energy. Their use is useful for weakened people, recovering from illness, as well as children and adolescents.
But we must not forget that daily supplying the body with many vital necessary substances, a person can have good health provided that he pays Special attention on your thoughts and soul. We can eat the best and most constructive food, but it will not serve us well if fear, anxiety, resentment, envy and other negative emotions haunt us constantly.
Life and death cannot coexist at the same time, and this applies not only to the human body, but also to vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. And where there is life, there are enzymes. It is for this reason that food must be wisely and properly selected and processed and consumed raw and unprocessed. If you consume enough fresh vegetable juices, the body will have enough enzymes or enzymes - an important component of food. Enzymes enable the body to nourish itself and replenish its energy resources. They are the very element that is contained in the seeds and sprouts of plants and forms the basis of life. It is known that enzymes are very sensitive to temperatures above 47 ° C. At more than 49 ° C they become as sluggish as the human body immersed in hot bath. At a temperature of 54° C, enzymes are destroyed. In seeds they are in a state of hibernation and, under favorable conditions, can retain their properties for hundreds and even thousands of years.

Food must be alive and include both various salts, organic and minerals, which are necessary for the restoration of cells and tissues of the body. To better understand the processes occurring in the body, it is necessary to know what elements it consists of. Today, thanks to the development of science, it has become possible to find out and analyze this. It is known that the most important are: Oxygen, Calcium, Sodium, Chlorine, Carbohydrate, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Fluorine, Hydrogen, Potassium, Iron, Silicon, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Iodine, Manganese. All processes associated with the restoration of body cells occur inside it. And if in the blood, cells and tissues of various organs the above elements are not contained in the required proportion, or for some reason they are not enough, then such an imbalance can lead to poisoning of the body. For example, oxygen, which is one of the essential elements, at high temperatures during cooking, it is almost completely lost, and after it, at 54 ° C, all enzymes are destroyed and most of the vital force necessary for nutrition is dissipated. When we eat foods that are not compatible with the needs and balance of our body, we cause ourselves some damage and, as a result, a warning in the form of pain and spasms gradually leading to any one of the countless diseases. This is a fair punishment for poor nutrition - nature’s retribution for violating its laws.
Juices are digested and absorbed by the body very quickly, sometimes within a few minutes, while the digestive system expends minimal energy. While it takes much more time and energy to digest solid food before its nutrients become available to the cells and tissues of the body. Nevertheless, the importance of fiber cannot be underestimated, since its value lies in the fact that it is like an internal broom that has a positive effect on intestinal prestalsis. Vegetables and fruits consist of large quantity fiber, between the cells of which are contained atoms and molecules of nutrients necessary for the body. It is thanks to these substances and the corresponding enzymes contained in juices that accelerated cell saturation occurs. When cooking food heat destroys her vitality and reduces to zero positive effect product. Then, passing through the intestines this product often leaves a significant layer of slag on its walls, which accumulates, rots and causes toxemia. As a result, the large intestine becomes sluggish, distorted, with a tendency to colitis, diverticulosis and other disorders. Juices extracted from fresh raw vegetables and fruits are best able to provide the cells and tissues of the body with all the necessary elements and enzymes that they need in the most accessible form for absorption.

Fruit juices are a cleanser human body , but the fruit must be ripe. With few exceptions, they should not be eaten with foods containing starch and sugar. A sufficient variety of fruits provides the body with all the necessary carbohydrates and sugars. Juices are liquid foods consisting mostly of organic water. highest quality, which in turn consists of atoms and molecules in almost microscopic quantities and precisely those that the cells and tissues of the body need most. Vegetable juices are builders and restorers of the body. They contain everything necessary for a person amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins. The main thing is that you drink these juices fresh and daily.

It was found that chemical substances, used in agriculture most accumulate in fiber, but they do not have a significant effect on the enzymes, atoms and molecules of vegetables and fruits. By grinding vegetables, we release the various elements contained in it from the fiber and squeeze out the juice, which contains toxic chemicals. substances remain bound. The juice obtained in this way contains all the necessary enzymes, atoms and molecules that are found in fruits and vegetables.

You can drink juices as much as you want. As a rule, to obtain noticeable results, they must be consumed at least 600 g per day. Vegetables and fruits are also a source of living organic water, transforming inorganic rain and river water into organic water with the help of their natural laboratory. But a prerequisite for this should be that the juice must be raw, otherwise they lose their valuable organic properties. They should not be cooked, canned or pasteurized. Otherwise, all the enzymes present in the juices are destroyed and the atoms become inorganic or dead. This primarily applies to water, as well as minerals and chemicals. atoms of which juices are composed.