How to cook borscht to... A simple recipe for homemade borscht - the first dish of all times

There are sometimes more controversies around borscht than around politics. In fact, no one knows what proper borscht is. It should be tasty - that’s the main rule,” says Ilya Lazerson, president of the St. Petersburg Guild of Chefs. - Personally, I don’t like it when there are potatoes in borscht and Bell pepper. In my version there are none, and that is my right. Some people like sauerkraut and pre-boil or bake the beets. I like it more raw beets. I cut it into thin strips, add a little sugar, water, vegetable oil, and after 5 minutes add tomato paste. Then I stew the beets and add them to the pan at the very end of cooking. Thanks to this, the soup acquires a rich, appetizing shade. And this is just one of the secrets of delicious borscht.

1. With or without broth?

For vegetarian borscht no meat broth needed. But if you are a fan classic soup, which means you need to cook rich broth. For it, you can take beef brisket, chicken or pork and beef in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to pre-fry the pieces of meat for flavor. Or immediately put the meat on the bones in cold water and put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam, add salt, Bay leaf, a few peas of black and allspice and cook for 2-3 hours until full readiness meat. Then you need to strain the broth, remove the meat from the bones, chop it and return it back to the pan.

2. Stew the beets separately!

If you put the beets in a common pan and then cook for about an hour, all the color will disappear from the vegetable and the borscht will turn out faded. To avoid this, you need to grate the root vegetable on a coarse grater or cut it into thin strips with a knife. Then add water, a teaspoon of sugar and be sure to add a little acid (a couple of spoons wine vinegar or lemon juice), this will help the root vegetable retain its color. Place the beets on the fire and simmer until they become soft.

3. Or maybe cook?

The second popular option for preparing beets for borscht is to boil them in advance. It is important to rinse the vegetable thoroughly before immersing it in water, without cutting off the roots and top, otherwise the juice will “go” into the pan. For better preservation of the bright shade, do not salt the water, but pour 1/2 tsp into it. vinegar or citric acid. Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit and the season - young small root vegetables are usually cooked for 20-30 minutes, old ones - 1-1.5 hours. However, today most chefs advise baking beets rather than boiling them. To do this, you need to wrap the fruit in food foil and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes (time depends on the size of the tuber) at +180°C. In baked beets, the taste and color do not “dissolve” in water, so this method of preparation is considered the most successful.

Borsch classic photo:


  • Beef brisket - 500 g
  • Pork - 500 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 200 g
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf, pepper, salt - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Place the meat in a saucepan, add 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 2 hours.
  2. Cut the carrots into strips, the onion into half rings, fry until golden color. Place in a saucepan along with the chopped peppers.
  3. After ten minutes, add cabbage, then potatoes.
  4. Cut the beets into thin strips, simmer for 10 minutes, then add tomato paste, cover and cook for another 20 minutes.
  5. Place in borscht 10 minutes after potatoes. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Remove from heat and let steep for 20 minutes.

4. Don't forget the cabbage

Many people call borscht beetroot soup. Actually it's different soups. Borscht has cabbage, but beetroot soup does not. Most often, fresh chopped into strips is used for borscht. White cabbage. But there may be variations on the theme. For example, you can put red cabbage or savoy cabbage in a pan - it looks similar to white cabbage, but has a bright green color and corrugated, bubbly leaves. There are even variants of borscht with colored and Brussels sprouts, but with them you still get a soup that is far from the classic one. Some people like to add sauerkraut instead of fresh cabbage. It must be washed, chopped, simmered separately until soft and only then added to the borscht.

5. Unsweetened couple: onion and carrot

Nutritionists are against all sorts of sautés that add calories to the dish. But if we speak from the point of view of taste and gastronomic rules, then borscht without sautéing is not borscht. First, fry the onion into strips in vegetable oil, then add the carrots cut into strips. When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, add tomato paste and simmer everything together for a few more minutes. Some housewives believe that it is better to use tomatoes instead of pasta - fresh or in own juice. However, many professional chefs insist: only pasta has such necessary soup concentrated taste that will give the borscht a beautiful shade and pleasant sourness.

6. Vegetables - to taste

In addition to beets, carrots, onions and cabbage, other vegetables are added to the borscht to taste: potatoes, tomatoes and fresh sweet peppers, which are also chopped into strips. In general, do not forget that all products in the soup should be cut approximately equally. You can use any color of pepper: green, yellow, red, orange. The main thing is to maintain the proportion: there should be a lot of beets and cabbage in the borscht, and 2-3 times less potatoes, tomatoes and peppers.

7. Who is first in line?

Borscht, like most other soups beloved by Russians, is a filling first course. This is preferred in the West pureed soups, and we should have a broth in which different tasty additives. So that these additives are harmoniously combined with each other and get the right consistency(and not when one product is overcooked, and the other crunches on the teeth), you must comply correct refueling soup.

The first thing to go into the pan is shredded cabbage; it takes longer to cook than others. Then - sweet peppers and potatoes. At the very end, you need to add sautéed onions, carrots and tomato paste and in the finale - ready-made sour beets. After this, cook the soup for no more than 5 minutes. If you are preparing borscht with sauerkraut, it also needs to be added in the finale. If you add sour beets or cabbage first, and then potatoes, the latter will take a very long time to cook (the acid will interfere).

8. The final touch - lard with garlic

Many borscht lovers simply cannot imagine this soup without garlic and lard dressing. She gives the dish a bright juicy taste and a very appetizing garlic aroma... For the dressing you will need skinless lard, garlic and fresh herbs: dill and parsley. The products must be cut and crushed in a mortar or blender until pureed. Then this fat one, with delicious aroma The gruel is added to the prepared hot borscht, the lid is closed, and the soup is infused for at least 15 minutes. After this, you should not boil the contents of the pan, otherwise the aromas of garlic and herbs will disappear.

9. Lush, rosy donuts

We say “borscht”, and the word “pampushka” comes to mind! Pampushka is a round bun made from yeast dough. It is better to start cooking it immediately after you set the broth to cook, because the yeast dough must rise properly and have time to bake. Water, egg, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, yeast, flour - the ingredients for buns are simple. When the dough has risen, roll the balls and place them on a baking sheet, but remember that the donuts will rise during baking. If you want perfectly rounded buns, place them at a decent distance from each other. However, even if they stick together, you can separate them with hot water and pour them over garlic dressing. For dressing, take vegetable oil, crushed garlic, chopped dill with parsley and a little water. Mix everything and pour onto freshly baked plump donuts.

10. You can’t go anywhere without sour cream!

If a tureen has been collecting dust on the shelf of your sideboard for a long time and has not been used, take it out and use it for its intended purpose - it is in this beauty that it is customary to serve borscht on the table for big company. Place additives and snacks corresponding to the dish nearby - donuts, bread, chopped herbs and, of course, rich sour cream. Well, what would borscht be without sour cream!

Borscht with beans Photo:

Borsch with prunes and mushrooms


  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Dried porcini mushrooms - 20 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cabbage- 300 g
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Soak the mushrooms for 2 hours. Then cook for 1 hour. Remove the mushrooms, chop, and save the broth.
  2. Rinse the prunes, add 2 cups of water, add sugar and cook until soft for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the beets into strips. Heat half the oil in a frying pan, add beets, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and mushroom broth, simmer, stirring, over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut the onion, carrots and parsley root into strips and sauté with butter, tomato and flour for 5 minutes.
  5. Into the boiling mushroom broth lower the cabbage, after boiling, add the potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Place stewed beets and sautéed vegetables in a saucepan. Add mushrooms, cooked prunes along with the broth. Add salt and pepper and cook for another 10 minutes.

Dumplings garlic photos:

Garlic dumplings


  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Rye flour - 120 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 7 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Flax seeds - 50 g
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - a pinch

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk until room temperature. Add dry yeast, stir.
  2. Add sugar, 1 egg, vegetable oil, a little sifted flour and flax seeds. Mix.
  3. Add the remaining flour, knead the dough and leave it to rise for 1 hour.
  4. Place on the table and let rise for another 1 hour, covering with a towel.
  5. Make 7-8 round donuts, brush the tops of the buns with yolk and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  6. Grease the still hot pampushki with crushed garlic mixed with a small amount vegetable oil, salt and water.

Stewed vegetables for dressing is the third secret to make the borscht red. Let's stew. How to cook borscht so that it is red? Ukrainian borscht is served with sour cream.

How to cook borscht correctly. Borscht is a name given to soups that must contain beets. It is believed that borscht is Ukrainian dish. Cabbage can be replaced beet tops, sorrel, spinach. You can put beans, potatoes, Bell pepper and some other products.

How to cook borscht correctly.

Add shredded fresh cabbage to the boiling broth, add potatoes cut into cubes and cook for 10-15 minutes. After this, put the sautéed beets vegetables, and cook the borscht until tender.

Cook for 7 minutes and add the potatoes cut into strips. Place the meat in cold water and cook the broth. Before finishing cooking, season the borscht with garlic, ground with bacon and herbs.

Borscht is very tasty and healthy dish. This is not how I cook borscht at all... I put the cabbage last, otherwise it won’t taste good. As far as I know, borscht with sauerkraut they don't cook. Dumplings are served with traditional Ukrainian borscht.

Borscht with chicken and rice? This is something new, you have to try it. I like Ukrainian borscht better, I want to try borscht with chicken, I’ve never cooked it. Borsch - National dish Russian cuisine, which is a hot first course of meat and vegetables.

At the end of cooking, add the frying mixture to the borscht, stir and let it boil. In another pan, cook the chicken. I visited Ukraine a lot (in Ukraine), my friends’ grandmother often cooked real Ukrainian borscht (Ukrainian borscht).

We cooked borscht over and over again and gradually developed a recipe for the classic Ukrainian borscht in our vision.

Cook the broth for borscht. Fill the meat with water, throw in the onion, and bring to a boil. We clean, wash. Finely chop the cabbage for borscht. Add carrots to borscht dressing. Fry. Squeeze it into the borscht dressing using a garlic press.

How to cook red borscht correctly?

The photo shows that the broth for the borscht turned out transparent. Add tomato paste to the dressing and simmer for 10 minutes. Rule #3. if you have delicious tomatoes(in summer), then you need to add 4-5 pieces to the borscht dressing, the taste of the borscht will be more intense.

  • Borscht
  • Broths
  • Cold soups

We cut the meat for borscht on a board portioned pieces. Rule No. 4: you can never have too much borscht, cook it large saucepan. Garlic-rubbed donuts are a must for borscht. P.S. I recommend serving lard with borscht with a glass of vodka. Ugh. Criticize. Borscht with pork is considered classic, but beef and chicken are also perfect.

What is it like in the cut? If it has a dark, uniform color, then the borscht, if you add enough beets, will be just pink-red.

  • Soups (borscht recipes)
  • How to cook consommé
  • Real Russian okroshka

Thus, the type of beet is the second secret for the borscht to be red. Stew vegetables for 5-7 minutes and then add them to the pan.

How to cook borscht:

If you want to add tomato to the borscht, then simmer it separately, adding greens to the frying pan with the chopped tomato. The one who tried real borscht, never remains indifferent! Pamper your family with real borscht – after all, this dish of Russian cuisine is appreciated even by gourmets!

How to eat properly interests all the inhabitants of our planet without exception. We constantly lack energy because we have to eat the first foods we come across, forgetting what proper nutrition is.

» Borscht with potatoes

After all, eating really healthy and the right food quite difficult, there are pitfalls everywhere. Absolutely all people need to eat right for the normal functioning of the body. In order to eat properly, you need to study a lot of scientific material.

Eat right and you will be energetic, healthy and cheerful! There are a great many recipes for borscht, but they all have one thing in common: sweet and sour taste, bright red color, presence of beets and tomatoes.

Many people cook borscht using mushroom or bone broth, you can cook soup on vegetable broth. Once the potatoes are half cooked, add the cabbage to the broth. Add sweet pepper cut into strips to the borscht - this will make your soup even more healthy and fortified.

It will no longer be borscht, but cabbage. As you can see, cooking real red borscht is not at all difficult. By classic recipe borscht is cooked on strong meat broth. Borscht is prepared in meat, mushroom, poultry, and broths. Borscht can also be vegetarian.

Borsch - traditional everyday dish in almost every family. There are a great many recipes for how to cook borscht, each housewife has her own and each one turns out delicious in her own way. Rate my recipe, it’s easy to prepare, and the borscht turns out excellent - tasty, aromatic and beautiful. 🙂

(per pan 4-5 liters)

  • beef soup with bone and pulp 500-700g
  • 1 medium beet
  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • 1/4 medium head of cabbage
  • 1 large or 2 small onions
  • 4-5 medium potatoes or 6-7 small ones
  • 2 tomatoes or 2 tbsp. tomato paste
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • dill, parsley, salt, pepper, bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  • odorless vegetable oil


Wash the meat, put it in a saucepan, pour 2.5-3 liters of water and cook at low boil for an hour and a half, skimming off the foam. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste. We take out the finished meat, separate it from the bones and cut it into small pieces. Cover with a plate to prevent it from getting too windy, let it sit.

While the meat is cooking, prepare the vegetables.
Wash the beets, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater.

Shred the cabbage into strips.

Wash carrots clean, grate on a coarse grater.

Peel and chop the onion small cubes.

Three tomatoes on a coarse grater, cutting them in half and holding them by the skin. Then we throw away the skin.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Leave one of the larger potatoes whole.

Place a whole potato into the broth in which the meat was cooked and cook at low boil for 10-15 minutes. Then add the chopped potatoes and cook for another 7-10 minutes until the potatoes are ready. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the cabbage.
If you are preparing borscht with young, early cabbage, then put it in the pan at the end of cooking the borscht, at the same time as the finished frying, because... early cabbage It cooks very quickly, almost instantly.
While the potatoes and cabbage are cooking, prepare the frying soup for the borscht. Over medium heat, fry the onion in vegetable oil for 3 minutes until transparent. Then add the grated carrots and continue to fry for another 3-5 minutes.

As soon as the carrots become soft, add grated tomatoes to the pan and, if desired, 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste or your favorite ketchup for better taste. Stir, reduce heat to low and simmer for another 3-5 minutes.

At the same time as frying, only in a different frying pan, stew the beets.Pour 2 tbsp into a small frying pan. l. vegetable oil, lay out the beets, add 3-4 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is added so that the beets do not lose color, and for taste, of course. Stir, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes.
Pass the garlic through a press or finely chop it, add it at the very end of cooking along with the herbs.

Take the boiled whole potato out of the pan and mash it into a puree with a fork. I add mashed potatoes to almost every soup I make, be it borscht or. This makes the soup taste noticeably better.

Place the fry into the broth with potatoes and cabbage, stewed beets, mashed potatoes, chopped meat, a few peppercorns or ground to taste, 2-3 bay leaves. I repeat, if the cabbage is young, then at this moment we add it. Taste, add some salt, bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. See what a wonderful color the borscht turns out?
Finely chop the greens.

At the very end of cooking, add garlic, herbs, stir and immediately turn off. Let the borscht sit for at least half an hour. You can serve with sour cream, but without it the taste of borscht is better felt.

Now you know how to cook delicious borscht, it’s not at all difficult, the main thing is to want it.

And today I say goodbye to you. Everyone good day and good mood!

Always have fun cooking!

Smile! 🙂

Borsch (photo)

How to cook borscht, step by step recipe with photo.

Delicious Ukrainian borscht. How cook correct red borscht. Pictures of real borscht. Preparing the borscht dressing. Cook the broth for borscht. Secrets of cooking borscht. Borscht preparation technology.

Why did I write BORSCH in capital letters? Because the recipe that I will give here is the fruit large quantity research and experiments. I visited Ukraine a lot (in Ukraine), my friends’ grandmother often cooked real Ukrainian borscht (Ukrainian borscht). The taste is unforgettable. I had something to compare with. Time after time we cooked borscht and gradually developed a recipe classic Ukrainian borscht in our vision. It is clear that there are a huge number of recipes for Ukrainian borscht in Ukraine itself, let there be one more.

Rule No. 1. The most basic rule of any first course is water. This applies especially to borscht. We take water from a spring, if not, then we buy bottled water, if not, then we pour it from a filter.

As I write the recipe proper borscht, we will reveal the rest of the cooking secrets delicious borscht.

What we need to prepare borscht:

  1. Water.
  2. Meat, beef brisket.
  3. Cabbage 1/6 medium head
  4. Beetroot 4-5 medium size.
  5. Carrots 2 pcs.
  6. Onion 2 pcs.
  7. Coriander 1/2 teaspoon.
  8. Pepper, salt to taste .
  9. Lemon 1/2
  10. Potatoes 2-3 pcs.
  11. Garlic 3 cloves.
  12. Tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons.

The meat must be fresh. I have frozen, but they froze it three days ago. They didn't calculate it.

Cook the broth for borscht. Fill the meat with water, throw in the onion, and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire. Cook for 2.5 hours until it gurgles a little. We constantly remove the foam.

We prepare the vegetables. We clean, wash. Cabbage for borscht finely chop.

Beets and carrots for dressing borscht three on a coarse grater.

Let's start preparing the dressing for borscht. Rule #2. For borscht dressing All vegetables should be fried together. They will be soaked in juice and then release juice and flavor to the broth. Fry carrots in sunflower oil.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Add to carrots borscht dressing. Fry.

Add garlic. Squeeze it into borscht dressing garlic press.

IN borscht dressing add 1/2 teaspoon of coriander.

Place the beets in the pan with the dressing. Let's stew. How to cook borscht so that it is red? Add beets to the dressing. and tomatoes.

Squeeze the lemon. (It’s clear that in Ukraine they don’t squeeze lemon; somewhere they use vinegar. We use lemon because small children eat borscht)

Simmer over low heat for one hour.

The photo shows that broth for borscht turned out transparent. This is because they did not forget to remove the foam.

If you notice that there is not enough liquid in the dressing, you can add a little broth.

Add tomato paste to the dressing and simmer for 10 minutes. Rule #3. If you have tasty tomatoes (in summer), then you need to add 4-5 pieces to the borscht dressing, the taste of the borscht will be more intense. Grate the tomatoes and discard the skins. We have delicious tomatoes did not have.

The fourth secret is to remove the meat from the broth before adding the prepared dressing.

Salt and pepper the broth. Bring to a boil. Place the cabbage in the broth.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Place the potatoes in the broth borscht after the cabbage, cook for 30 minutes.

Add borscht dressing to the broth.

Throw in a couple of bay leaves. Cook for 10 minutes.

Cutting on a board meat for borscht into portioned pieces.

Add meat to borscht.

Rule No. 4: you can’t have too much borscht, cook a large pan.

Rule No. 5: Before serving, the borscht should sit for at least a few hours.

Delicious borscht ready.

Anyone who wants it can add sour cream to the borscht. Garlic-rubbed donuts are a must for borscht.

How can you imagine lunch without rich, juicy, aromatic borscht? It combines only the healthiest and most delicious products.

We will tell you how to cook borscht.

Classic borscht with meat

You will need:

  • water - 3 l;
  • one carrot;
  • beef meat - 0.7 kg;
  • three potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • one beet;
  • spices: bay leaf, ground pepper, parsley, basil, salt;
  • tomato sauce - 25 g;
  • one onion;
  • two cloves of garlic.

A classic borscht recipe requires step-by-step steps:

  1. It is best to take beef on the bone. It needs to be rinsed under the tap, placed on the bottom of the pan and filled with water on top.
  2. Immediately pour in 10 grams of salt so that the broth boils faster.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, set the heat to minimum and then cook the meat for an hour, skimming the gray foamy mass from the surface of the broth.
  4. At this time, process all vegetables by peeling and washing them.
  5. We free the cabbage from old leaves and chop a fresh white head of cabbage.
  6. As soon as the meat has become soft, remove it from the pan, remove the bone, and cut the flesh into pieces.
  7. We put them back into the broth.
  8. As soon as the soup boils again, add cabbage to the meat.
  9. After 5 minutes, throw in the potato cubes.
  10. Sprinkle pepper and more salt to taste.
  11. Finely chop the beets and sauté in a frying pan in oil.
  12. After 10 minutes, add tomato sauce to it.
  13. After a minute, transfer the contents of the frying pan into the soup being prepared.
  14. Chop the carrots and onions with a knife and fry until golden brown.
  15. Place the roast into the broth liquid.
  16. Next, throw in the finely chopped garlic.
  17. As soon as the borscht is ready, throw in fresh herbs and the remaining spices.
  18. Turn off the gas and let the dish sit for half an hour.

How to cook borscht in a slow cooker?

A multicooker is a necessary device if you want to cook delicious dish fast and simple.

Grocery list:

  • beets - 0.1 kg;
  • beef - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • carrots - 0.1 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 0.1 kg;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • five black peppercorns;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • fresh cabbage - 0.2 kg;
  • two bay leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. In a slow cooker, meat is cooked along with all the vegetables, so choose boneless beef.
  2. We clean the meat from the film in running water and chop it into portions.
  3. We remove the top leaves of the cabbage head and chop it with a knife.
  4. Cut the peeled potatoes into small slices.
  5. We pass the beets through a grater and repeat this procedure with the peeled carrots.
  6. Chop the onions.
  7. Heat the multicooker with poured vegetable oil in the “Frying” mode and lay out the onion pieces.
  8. Fry until golden brown for three minutes.
  9. Continue cooking with the chopped carrots for another three minutes with the lid open.
  10. Add beets and lemon juice.
  11. After two minutes, add tomato paste and saute everything together for 4 minutes.
  12. Move the multicooker to the neutral position and place pieces of meat on top.
  13. Add potatoes, chop cabbage, pour water.
  14. Add all the necessary seasonings, including salt.
  15. Install in the menu kitchen appliances“Soup” program, time - 50 minutes.
  16. As soon as the dish is cooked, add a spoonful of sour cream or chop the herbs. Bon appetit!

In Ukrainian

Required ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • two onions;
  • pork meat (ribs) - 0.7 kg;
  • two tomatoes;
  • one garlic clove;
  • a piece of lard;
  • two carrots;
  • salt to taste;
  • one beet;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • three potatoes;
  • two bows;
  • tomato sauce - 50 g;
  • greenery.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Place the washed meat in a pan, fill it with water and wait until it boils.
  2. Don't forget to remove the foam from time to time.
  3. Place peeled whole onions and carrots into boiling liquid.
  4. Cook until pork is tender - about 2 hours.
  5. After this, add salt and remove the vegetables from the broth.
  6. Place the finished meat on cutting board, remove the bones and chop the pulp into large pieces.
  7. Strain the broth and pour into another bowl.
  8. Peel and cut the vegetables according to the standard pattern.
  9. Add chopped potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  10. Add shredded white cabbage.
  11. After 5 minutes you need to start frying.
  12. Cut the peeled and washed beets into strips.
  13. Chop the onion into cubes.
  14. Remove the core and cap from the bell pepper and chop into strips.
  15. Wash the tomatoes, put them first in boiling water and then in cold water, remove the thin skin and put them through a blender.
  16. Chop fresh parsley.
  17. Add all ingredients one by one to a hot frying pan with oil - first beets, then onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes with tomato sauce.
  18. Fry for 10 minutes and then simmer for 12 minutes with the addition of broth and salt under the lid.
  19. Pour the contents of the pan into the soup pot. Wait until it boils and then cook for another 5 minutes.
  20. After this, add herbs, seasonings, salt to taste and crushed garlic.
  21. Wait for the dish to brew for 15 minutes and enjoy the extraordinary taste and aroma of Ukrainian borscht.

Siberian borscht with meatballs and beans

The dish cooks much faster, but the taste only gets better.

You will need:

  • minced pork - 0.5 kg;
  • one fork of cabbage;
  • one bell pepper;
  • five potatoes;
  • tomato sauce - 45 g;
  • canned beans - 0.4 kg;
  • one beet;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • one onion;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • oil for frying;
  • greens optional;
  • beef bones for broth.

Cooking option:

  1. First-class borscht requires a tasty broth.
  2. To do this, lower the bones into the water, add a bay leaf, salt and place on the stove.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, the bones can be removed.
  4. Make meatballs from the minced meat; you can buy ready-made meatballs.
  5. Place them in the broth along with beet strips.
  6. Next add the potato cubes.
  7. For frying, chop the onion and carrots.
  8. Saute pieces of sweet pepper, carrots and onions in a frying pan for 15 minutes.
  9. Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press and chop the cabbage with a chopping knife.
  10. As soon as the contents of the pan are cooked, pour it into the borscht.
  11. Throw it in next canned beans and a lot of garlic.
  12. After 10 minutes, chop the greens.
  13. Ready fragrant and rich borscht can be poured into plates.

Moscow recipe with meat, sausages and smoked meats

You will need:

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • one carrot;
  • tomato paste - 65 g;
  • smoked meats - 100 g;
  • a couple of sausages;
  • one onion;
  • beets - 0.3 kg;
  • melted butter- 30 gr;
  • white cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • herbs, salt, spices - to taste;
  • sour cream - 40 gr;
  • apple cider vinegar - 20 gr.

How to cook delicious borscht with beets:

  1. Place the meat and bones in a pan of water and cook until it is tender.
  2. Prepare all vegetables according to the standard procedure.
  3. Fry the beet strips in a frying pan with melted butter along with chopped onions and carrots.
  4. Add a little sugar, broth and 10 grams of vinegar and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. When the beef is cooked and the broth is simmering, add the shredded cabbage to the pan.
  6. After 10 minutes, add the dressing and cook over low heat.
  7. Add chopped smoked meats, bulk ingredients and herbs.
  8. Wait for it to boil and turn it off.
  9. Pour the steaming soup into bowls and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Boyar style borscht - with beef, pork and chicken

Required ingredients:

  • sugar - 10 g;
  • beef meat - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken meat - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • two carrots;
  • pork - 0.2 kg;
  • two onions;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • lard - 70 g;
  • a few black peppercorns;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • one beet;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vinegar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill the meat on the bones with water and cook for 3 hours on low heat.
  2. From time to time it is necessary to remove gray foam and fat from the surface.
  3. Make a fry of carrots and onions, adding a spoonful of broth at the end.
  4. In another frying pan, simmer beet strips with vinegar, tomato paste, sugar and broth.
  5. Once all the meats are cooked, remove them from the pan and cut into pieces.
  6. Strain the broth and put the meat back.
  7. Cut the bacon into cubes, press the garlic in a press.
  8. Let's take it clay pots and put in them all the prepared products for borscht.
  9. Fill all this splendor with broth, add spices, and add salt.
  10. Close the pots in the oven for half an hour.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht with sauerkraut

If you like sour dishes, be sure to make borscht with sauerkraut for lunch.

Grocery list:

  • one carrot;
  • meat broth - 2 l;
  • potatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • sauerkraut - 0.2 kg;
  • Bay leaf;
  • one onion;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • beets - 250 gr.

Cooking secrets:

  1. Take any meat of your choice and cook the broth.
  2. Fry onion pieces with carrots in vegetable oil.
  3. The cabbage needs to be slightly squeezed out of its juice.
  4. Place cabbage in the pan with the sautéed vegetables.
  5. Grate the beets.
  6. Make small cubes from potatoes.
  7. Place the grated beets in a frying pan and simmer all the vegetables covered for 10 minutes.
  8. Send the potato cubes into the broth to cook.
  9. After 15 minutes, send the frying to the borscht.
  10. Add spices and salt.
  11. TO ready-made borscht To complete the color and taste, you can add garlic, sour cream and herbs. Bon appetit!