How to make a homemade coffee scrub. Coffee scrub with grape seed oil

Due to the properties of coffee and its effect on the skin, this product has long been used in cosmetology as one of the main components of many skin care products. Today I will tell you how to make your own coffee body scrub at home, the recipe for which is very simple and easy. You will also learn about using a scrub from this aromatic product in sauna.

Do you want to have a slim and toned body? Coffee will help you with this!

Coffee is an essential ingredient for many cosmetics skin care. This wonderful product has anti-cellulite and firming properties. Its use in care helps increase skin elasticity and get rid of excess volume. Due to its exfoliating properties, coffee is often the main ingredient in skin peels and scrubs.

Coffee body scrub at home: general recommendations for preparation and use

  • To prepare such scrubs, you can use either drunk or regular, not yet prepared ground coffee. Sleeping coffee contains slightly less caffeine, but it will not stain the skin as much and, in my opinion, has a more delicate smell.
  • Use fine and medium grind coffee for care, because large particles can easily injure the skin of your thighs or abdomen.
  • Do not use in skin care products instant coffee, it is unlikely to have the effect we need.
  • One of the components of the scrub must certainly be a product that will soften the skin when used. For example, these could be cosmetic oils.
  • Before using the scrub, make sure that you are not allergic to its components.
  • Apply the product using rubbing movements only to steamed and damp skin.
  • After applying it, massage your skin thoroughly for ten minutes.
  • This scrub should be used in body care at least twice a week.
  • Always apply cream after scrubbing your body.

How to make a coffee scrub at home: the best recipes

One of the simplest and fastest scrubs to prepare is a product consisting of coffee and the shower gel or body cream you use. You can add a little cinnamon and a few drops of essential oil with anti-cellulite properties (orange, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot).

But much more benefits your body will benefit from products containing other beneficial to the skin natural ingredients. Eg:

Coffee-salt scrub

  • coffee grounds in the amount of 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt – 100 grams;
  • olive oil – 10 ml.

The ingredients must be mixed together and applied to the skin.

Using honey

  • honey – 100 grams;
  • coffee - 50 grams;
  • olive oil – 10-15 ml.

This remedy will help in the fight against cellulite. Apply it to the skin of the thighs and buttocks and massage it for a while with light pats.

Care product with pepper tincture

  • coffee grounds – 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt – 100 grams;
  • pepper tincture – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pepper in the scrub will improve blood circulation, as a result of which it will become elastic and smooth.

Scrub mask with clay

  • coffee – 100 grams;
  • clay (blue) – 100 grams;
  • water – about 20 ml.

To prepare this product, coffee and clay must be diluted with water until creamy. For the best effect, problem areas need to be massaged, then wrapped in film and left on the body for one hour.

I hope these coffee body scrub recipes will help you get ready for the beach season and get a beautiful and toned body. Will help you with body care and at home.

Coffee body scrub in a sauna or bath: application, recipe

Probably everyone knows about useful properties ah bath procedures for the body, but not everyone knows about the positive effects of a sauna or steam bath on the skin. Using a coffee body scrub in a sauna can produce the same effect as expensive spa treatments.

Using the scrub more often than once every 7 days is not permissible. If this is done more often, it can negatively affect the condition of the skin and cause damage to its protective top layer, as well as provoke acid imbalance and even inflammation.

Using coffee peeling In the sauna you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before entering the steam room, rinse off hot water. This will wash away the different ones from the skin harmful substances and will not allow them to penetrate the pores at the moment of their opening.
  2. The scrub should be used after your skin has been thoroughly cleansed and steamed. It is applied to moistened skin and distributed over the body with light circular movements, focusing Special attention problem areas.
  3. After the procedure, the scrub is washed off with cold water, and after visiting the steam room, you should stand under a cool shower to remove any remaining toxins from the skin.

One of the best coffee peeling recipes for the sauna

To prepare a scrub that is perfect for bathing procedures, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • dry coffee grounds;
  • sour cream or natural yogurt.

The indicated peeling components are taken in a ratio of 1:3 (one part of the grounds to three parts of the liquid component). You can literally add a few drops to the mixture orange oil, which will enhance its anti-cellulite properties.

When applying the scrub while in the steam room, do not rub it roughly on the skin so as not to damage the skin.

Let the mixture remain on your body the entire time you are in the sauna. Then simply wash it off with water.

This procedure is especially useful for the body in winter period, because the products included in the scrub have excellent skin-softening properties.

And finally, watch the video in which they will tell you about another DIY coffee scrub recipe:

Knowing how to make a coffee body scrub at home, as well as how to use it in a sauna, you can effectively care for your body, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin and make it smooth and elastic.

In modern beauty salons, coffee has long become part of popular cosmetic procedures for face and body. Wraps and masks based on this aromatic product are successfully used to combat overweight, stretch marks, cellulite, to activate skin renewal processes and remove dead cells from its surface. In addition to proven effectiveness, coffee scrubs have another advantage - you can easily prepare them yourself.

Benefits of coffee for the body

Beyond caffeine natural coffe contains a lot of other substances, including vitamins, useful minerals, necessary for a person polysaccharides and essential oils. These elements help break down the subcutaneous fat layer and help remove toxins and waste from the body. Therefore, coffee body scrub is considered an indispensable remedy for:

  • cleansing the body;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • combating the manifestations of cellulite;
  • lethargic and loose skin;
  • weight loss;
  • recovery after childbirth or sudden weight loss.

Ground coffee or grounds remaining after preparation have the following effects on the skin:

  • remove a layer of dead cells;
  • stimulate blood circulation in various layers of the epidermis;
  • improve drainage and remove swelling;
  • help burn fat deposits;
  • nourish, moisturize and tone the skin;
  • restores its firmness and elasticity.

Coffee scrub recipes

To do it yourself homemade scrub with coffee, you don't need to have any special skills. Just choose the one that suits you best suitable recipe mixture and follow simple rules for its preparation and use.

The simplest scrub with coffee and salt for cellulite

Promotes the resorption of subcutaneous fat, smoothes orange peel, removes excess liquid, softens the skin, makes it smooth and elastic.

Ground coffee – 3 tbsp. l.
Sea salt – 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.

1. Mix all ingredients. We get a thick mass with the consistency of sour cream. If the mixture is too thick, add more oil.
2. Using massage movements, apply the scrub to all problem areas: thighs, stomach, buttocks.
3. Wrap the treated areas of the body cling film, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and relax.
4. After 50 minutes, rinse off the scrub with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Treatment for stretch marks with coffee and vinegar

Helps fade or completely remove stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss, softens the skin and improves it appearance.

Ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.
Apple cider vinegar – 5 tbsp. l.

1. Combine natural coffee with 5% apple cider vinegar.
2. Apply the mixture to areas with stretch marks and massage for 2-3 minutes.
3. Wrap the areas of the body with the vinegar-coffee mask in cling film for 15-20 minutes.
4. Wash off the mixture with water and apply stretch mark cream for greater effect.

Coffee and curd scrub for oily skin

The scrub is suitable for cleansing oily skin, tightens pores, removes residual sebum and dead skin cells.

Coffee – 2 tbsp. l.
Cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l.
Protein – 1 pc.

1. Take an egg and separate the white from the yolk.
2. Grind the protein with low-fat cottage cheese.
3. Add natural ground coffee or coffee grounds.
4. Apply the mixture to damp skin and massage for about 10 minutes.
5. Keep the mask on for another 15 minutes until the protein hardens, and rinse thoroughly.

Scrub with coffee and sour cream for dry skin

The product is used to moisturize, nourish and cleanse dry skin, helping to make it soft and elastic.

Coffee – 2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 4 tsp.
Cinnamon – 2 tsp.

1. Grind the coffee with granulated sugar and add rich sour cream.
2. Add a little crust and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
3. Apply the mixture to damp skin and massage for no more than 10 minutes.
4. Take a warm shower and gently pat your skin with a towel.

Scrub-mask with coffee and clay for problem skin

The mask has a bactericidal effect, helps remove acne, relieves inflammation, strengthens capillary walls, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Coffee – 2 tbsp. l.
Clay – 2 tsp.
Aloe (juice) – 4 tsp.
Oil grape seeds– 1 tsp.

1. Prepare biostimulated aloe juice in advance. If it is not possible to use this ingredient, then you can take an infusion of chamomile, celandine, mint or nettle.
2. Mix blue clay and ground coffee, add aloe juice or any herbal decoction to them.
3. Apply the mixture to the skin and gently rub in for about 5 minutes, then leave for another quarter of an hour.
4. After the procedure, you need to take a shower and lubricate your skin with grape seed oil.

Nourishing honey-coffee scrub

The scrub perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin nutrients, cleanses keratinized particles from its surface and fights cellulite.

Coffee – 2 tbsp. l.
Water – 2 tbsp. l.
Honey – 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

1. Brewing coffee a small amount water until a thick porridge forms.
2. Add olive oil and slightly warmed liquid honey, mix everything. If it turns out too thick mixture, you can add more water.
3. After taking a shower, apply the scrub to clean, damp skin, especially carefully massaging problem areas for 8-10 minutes.
4. After the massage, keep the mixture for the same amount of time and wash it off.

Hot coffee scrub with pepper

The mask has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, improves blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, helps burn and remove subcutaneous fat.

Coffee – 2 tbsp. l.
Water – 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Black pepper – ½ tsp.
Red pepper – ⅓ tsp.

1. Dilute natural coffee or the grounds remaining from its preparation with hot water until it becomes mushy.
2. Pour olive oil into the coffee mixture and add a mixture of peppers. Before use, test the scrub on your wrist and, if the mixture is too hot, add more oil to soften the effect of the peppers.
3. Apply the scrub to areas of the body with “ orange peel"and hold for no more than 10 minutes.
4. Wash off the mask with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

Video: Recipe for making anti-cellulite scrub with coffee and honey.

Which coffee is better to use

For self-cooking coffee scrubs you need to use the most quality products. First of all, this concerns coffee. It should only be natural, beans or ground. Soluble variants or mixtures with additional ingredients will not bring any benefit and may even cause harm.

Instead of coffee, you can use properly prepared grounds:

  • which remains after cooking strong natural drink(at least 2 spoons per glass of water);
  • Do not add milk or sugar to coffee during preparation;
  • It is recommended to boil the drink, and not just pour boiling water over it;
  • It is allowed to store grounds in closed jar, but no more than 5 days.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Coffee body scrubs prepared at home give amazing results if you choose the appropriate recipe and follow the sequence of all actions:

  1. First, it is recommended to take a shower and thoroughly cleanse your skin.
  2. Then you need to apply the mixture to a damp body or its problem areas.
  3. If necessary, massage certain areas with gentle circular movements.
  4. If recommended in the recipe, you can wrap yourself in cling film, a blanket and relax for a while or do housework.
  5. Rinse off the product with warm water and gently pat the body with a towel.
  6. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or oil to the skin.
  7. It is advisable not to eat anything for 2 hours after using the scrub, only drink water or green tea.
  8. The procedure can be performed every 2-3 days. The course is designed for 10-12 sessions.
  9. During this time you should adhere to the regime light dietary power supply and exercise.
  10. To prevent cellulite and maintain beautiful figure It is enough to conduct coffee scrubbing courses 3–4 times a year.

Video: An example of preparing and applying a scrub with coffee.

Coffee is often used in scrubs and masks for the skin, but not everyone knows how to make a coffee scrub at home correctly.

There are certain tricks and rules in its preparation, and if you follow them, the effect of using these skin care products will be the best.

Coffee is a wonderful product that invigorates not only our nervous system, but also the skin.

It's essentially a zero-waste product because after you've enjoyed your cup aromatic drink, you can use the remaining coffee grounds to benefit yourself, your face and body skin.

Beneficial properties of coffee for facial skin

Natural ground coffee has a tightening and toning effect on the skin, nourishes coffee oil And . No less useful is the coffee grounds that remain after brewing coffee.
1. Coffee contains natural antioxidants and active substances, which remove various chemical elements and toxins, the skin becomes soft and silky.
2. Under the influence of coffee, skin vessels dilate, blood circulation improves, and metabolic processes accelerate.
3. The use of coffee in cosmetic scrub masks reduces the risk of serious skin diseases, including malignant tumors.
4. This product has antibacterial properties, which is extremely important for problem skin faces.
5. Coffee masks provide a quick effect of improving the appearance of the skin after the first use: the skin is tightened, its color becomes slightly tanned.
6. Coffee scrub masks are convenient and easy to prepare and use yourself at home.
7. When adding components such as honey, essential oils, dairy products to a coffee scrub, lemon juice etc., the positive effect of the composition on the skin is enhanced.
8. There are practically no contraindications for coffee scrub; it is harmless even if the rules for its use are followed.

What kind of coffee is best to use?

There are ready-made coffee scrubs, but you can easily make it yourself. It will turn out much cheaper, and you will be sure that there will be no chemical components in its composition.

How to properly use coffee-based scrubs

To ensure that the result of the home procedure completely satisfies you, follow the necessary rules:

  1. Before using the scrub, take a steam bath for your face to open the skin pores as much as possible.
  2. Apply the scrub only to damp skin.
  3. Apply the composition to the face using fingertips with light massage circular movements, without stretching or squeezing the skin.
  4. You can keep the scrub on your face for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on its composition and skin type.
  5. After the scrubbing procedure, be sure to lubricate your face with moisturizer.
  6. Do not use a coffee scrub more than 1-2 times a week.
  7. If you do not want to tan your skin and prefer white porcelain skin, do not use coffee composition often.
  8. Be sure to add emollients to the scrub in the form of oils, dairy products, oatmeal and etc.

Attention! Test your prepared homemade scrub for an allergic skin reaction. Apply the composition to the inner surface of your hand and hold for 10-15 minutes. If no irritation occurs: feel free to use the scrub on your face.

Coffee scrub recipes for home use

The easiest way to prepare a scrub from coffee grounds: take warm coffee grounds after brewing coffee and apply to your face with light massage movements. If you do not use the grounds right away and they dry out, just add warm boiled water and stir. Apply to face for no more than 5 minutes and rinse with water.

A scrub prepared with honey and olive oil will not only cleanse the pores, but will nourish the skin well with vitamins and microelements. Add liquid honey and olive oil to freshly ground natural coffee in a ratio of 2:1:1. The mixture should not be very thick and should lie well on your face. Apply with soft circular massage movements, after 5 minutes rinse with water.

Everyone knows, but in combination with coffee, it simply works wonders for our skin. To cleanse, take 2 tablespoons of white clay and 1 spoon of finely ground coffee, dilute the mixture with water, preferably mineral water without gas. The result should be a mass similar in thickness to sour cream. Apply the scrub with massaging movements to the face and leave for 5-7 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

This coffee scrub mask deeply cleanses the skin. It contains: white or blue cosmetic clay (1 tablespoon), lemon zest powder (1 teaspoon) and of course finely ground coffee (1 teaspoon). For a greater cleansing effect, add a pinch of salt, quenched with apple cider vinegar, to the resulting mixture. Dilute the entire mixture with boiled water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the skin of the face, avoiding the eye and mouth area. After 5-7 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Scrub from ground coffee with cinnamon for the face is very useful. It perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin with the necessary elements for its health and beauty. For the scrub, mix 1 tablespoon of ground coffee or coffee grounds with a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a spoon almond oil. If you have cinnamon essential oil, add 2-3 drops for aroma. Apply to face with massaging movements and rinse off after 5-7 minutes with water.

When you have time, you can prepare a coffee scrub for future use. Take 2 tablespoons of ground coffee and mix with 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil(olive, coconut, flaxseed, etc.). For aroma, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Seal the mixture tightly in a glass or ceramic container and store in the refrigerator. As needed, take the required portion of the mixture, dilute it with water if it thickens and delight your face.

Nourishing and rejuvenating scrub masks with natural coffee

A scrub mask made from coffee with the addition of milk and cocoa cleanses and refreshes the skin well. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of finely ground coffee, the same amount of cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of milk or cream. Gradually pour milk into the cocoa and coffee mixture and stir thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

No less interesting and useful is the recipe for a mask made from coffee with honey, salt and chicken protein. It will perfectly cleanse the skin, nourish and tighten it. Mix 1 teaspoon each of coffee grounds, salt, honey and add the white of 1 egg. Whisk the mixture until thick and creamy. Apply all over face for 10 minutes, avoiding eye and lip areas. It is best to remove the mask with a damp cotton napkin.

A mask made from natural coffee and cocoa butter for the face and neck has a very deep nourishing effect. Some coffee beans Grind thoroughly into a fine powder and mix with 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa butter. To ensure that the mask fits well on the skin, add any face cream to it. Before applying the mask, slightly steam your face and neck and apply the nourishing mass for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.

To give your face freshness, make a coffee-nut mask. You will need 1 tablespoon each of coffee grounds and ground walnut. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

A coffee and zucchini mask will give your face an equally refreshing effect. Brew natural coffee and mix it with zucchini juice in equal proportions. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and wipe your face.

Coffee has coloring pigments and with its help you can easily give your skin a light tan. To do this, simply pour boiling water over the crushed coffee beans so that the result is a homogeneous thick mass. Apply this mask for 10 minutes. Don't forget to wash your face after using it.

You can also wash your face with freshly brewed coffee in the morning: simple and convenient. The skin is well moisturized and tightened after such procedures.

As you can see, preparing a coffee scrub is quite simple, and you will see the effect of its use on your refreshed face. Beauty to you and good mood!

Another version of coffee scrub with succinic acid in this video:

If you liked these coffee scrub recipes, please share them with your readers on social media!

A body scrub made from coffee can be prepared quickly at home, and in order to look great, you don’t have to visit a spa salon.

Greetings to blog readers. Today we will talk about for the body. A coffee scrub will perfectly take care of your skin and fight cellulite and stretch marks.

Now, women have the opportunity to buy any kind. However, it is much healthier and more pleasant to make a body scrub from coffee, with your own hands, at home.

Moreover, such scrubs include products that are in the kitchen of any housewife. And the fact that there are no preservatives, dyes or other chemicals in the scrub gives confidence that the procedure will only bring benefits to the skin of our body.

The mixture, which includes coffee grounds, will not only cleanse the skin, but also improve its condition, appearance, refresh and make it healthier.

What is a coffee body scrub made from at home?

Any abrasive product contains at least two components - the abrasive itself and the softening element.

The main task of the scrub is to remove dead and dead skin cells. In addition, the scrub should nourish the skin cells, and due to the massage effect, promote blood flow to the skin cells.

In our case, the coarse particles that perform the scrubbing function are ground natural coffee beans.

Instant coffee is not suitable for scrubs.

You can make scrubs:

  • from brewed coffee grounds after you have drunk coffee;
  • from fresh, ground grains.

Which coffee is better to choose?

As mentioned above, coffee should not be instant. Everything else is not important; any variety is suitable for scrub.

For a composition that is applied to the entire body, brewed coffee grounds are more suitable; they will have a softer, more gentle effect.

For problem areas with keratinized skin, such as knees, elbows, or areas with cellulite, they are more suitable coffee beans freshly ground. This scrub will be tougher and will cope with any problem area.

What to choose as a softening component

As a softening component, you can use:

  1. Dairy products;
  2. Vegetable oils;
  3. Liquid soap;
  4. Body gel.

For 2 servings of coffee grounds, add 1 serving of a softening component. That is, if you have two tablespoons of coffee, then you can add to it one tablespoon, for example, of fat sour cream or shower gel.

For freshly ground coffee, you can take the components one to one, since it is dry and harder.

Additionally, to enhance the effect, you can add any essential oils you have on hand. A few drops of essential oils will help beneficial effect on the skin.

How often to use coffee body scrub

Cleansing the skin of the body should not be done too often. For owners, scrubbing is allowed, no more than twice a week.

For women with dry skin - no more than once a week.

Apply the scrub to steamed skin

The basic rule to remember is that you can only apply the scrub to clean, steamed skin. So, you should take a shower or bath before the procedure.

Apply the scrub in circular, massaging movements, rubbing the mixture into the skin. Massage the entire body, and especially problem areas, for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm, running water.

Homemade coffee body scrub recipe

Scrub to combat cellulite and stratum corneum on elbows and knees. The main component for scrap is fresh, ground coffee.

Take 3 teaspoons of ground coffee. Add 3 teaspoons of gel, take any body gel that you like to use. Mix the ingredients well.

Ground coffee can be used in dry form, or you can also use grounds from brewed coffee. Coffee sediment has the same beneficial properties, but the scrub is softer.

Coffee perfectly tightens and tones the skin, saturates and nourishes it with coffee oil, and improves skin color. Also, coffee helps remove toxins from the body, destroy fat deposits and cellulite.

Add one teaspoon of olive oil to the resulting mass; it will perfectly moisturize, nourish and soften the skin.

You can also add essential oils to the body scrub, for example, lemon, orange, cedar, and so on. It is enough to add 3 drops, these oils work great against cellulite and stretch marks.

This scrub can be used up to two times a week; it should be applied to the entire body with massage movements. Also, do not forget to pay special attention to problem areas.

Massage your skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. If you made the composition from dry ground coffee, and not from coffee grounds, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. The mixture of coffee grounds cannot be stored; it should be used immediately after preparation.

Coffee and sour cream scrub recipe:

To prepare a coffee-sour cream scrub you will need 3 components - this is sour cream, the fattier it is, the better, especially in winter.

Because in winter, in general, the skin of the body needs special care, because due to frost, cold weather, the skin becomes very dry.

But such fatty components nourish it very well, so we take the fattest sour cream - 1 tablespoon.

Take 2 teaspoons of grounds; if you take not brewed coffee, but just fresh, ground coffee, the scrub will be harsher and can be applied not to the entire body, but only to problem areas. Such as knees, elbows, and areas with cellulite.

And after brewing, the coffee grounds become softer; this mixture is suitable for the whole body, even for very delicate areas.

The third component will be the essential oil, you can use any essential oil you like or have on hand. 3 drops is enough for this composition to mix everything thoroughly.

The abrasive composition for scrubbing is already ready, I would like to remind anyone who doesn’t know that a body scrub must be applied to steamed skin. That is, you need to take a shower or bath, steam your body a little and then just start scrubbing.

This is necessary to avoid redness and any other troubles. Effect of use of this composition- simply gorgeous.

After using it, you will feel rested, your skin will become soft, velvety, as if you had been to a spa salon.

Give yourself such procedures once every two weeks, and your skin will delight you with beauty, freshness and health.

Today you will learn from the Forest Fairy how to make a body scrub at home. We will not only provide here best recipes, but also introduce you to basic principles preparations and the most effective ingredients for homemade scrubs. Thanks to this, you can develop your own body care formula that will take into account your personal needs:

  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Fat burning;
  • Pore ​​cleansing and moisturizing;
  • Skin nutrition;
  • Giving the body a unique aroma, etc.

General principles for making homemade scrubs with your own hands

Using natural scrub for the body, made with your own hands, you will not only save on professional care, but also take care of the health of your skin in advance. Homemade scrubs are remarkable because they:

  1. Safely removes the layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin, revealing younger ones, leaving your body soft and smooth;
  2. Contain natural oils that moisturize and nourish the skin;
  3. May include essential oils with aromatherapy properties. You can combine and use them to relax, calm, excite or create a romantic mood. Treat yourself to a spa-like experience!

Do you want to make sure that a homemade body scrub is no worse, or even better, than a store-bought one? Then just look at the label of the product you used before. As in our recipes, all purchased scrubs contain 3 main ingredients:

  1. Exfoliant or exfoliant. This is what cleanses and smoothes the skin. Popular exfoliants are sugar and salt as they dissolve easily in water and leave no residue on the bath.

We list the best available options and the features of their use:

  • Salt is great for relaxing muscles. Of all the varieties to create a scrub, it is best to choose sea ​​salt, since it undergoes the least processing and contains more wide range microelements and minerals.
  • Sugar is somewhat gentler than salt, so it is more preferable for sensitive skin, as well as in the presence of wounds, scratches and other defects. It is considered to be the most gentle and nutritious in cosmetology. Brown sugar. In addition, he has pleasant smell, especially if you add a little vanilla essential oil to it.
  • Ground coffee will give you pleasure with its smell and reduce cellulite. The caffeine in its composition is a vasoconstrictor, so it can temporarily reduce varicose veins and rosacea.
  • Raw honey is gentle enough for sensitive skin, yet harsh enough to remove dirt and dead cells. Best choice for homemade scrubs natural honey, which has not been pasteurized. When pasteurized (heated), honey loses most of the antibacterial and probiotic properties it has.
  • Oatmeal is the gentlest of exfoliants. Unlike salt, sugar and coffee, it can be used simply by diluting it with a little water instead of oil. Thanks to its softening and moisturizing properties, it is ideal for dry, itchy skin. The only negative is that it does not dissolve in water, so it is not suitable for use in the bathroom.

Also, a homemade body scrub can be prepared using crushed seeds (for example, flax) and nuts (for example, almonds), bran, egg and nut shells, shells, raspberry seeds, strawberries, etc. However, in this article we will only look at homemade body scrub recipes using the proven exfoliants listed above.

  1. Base oil. All scrubs contain an oil that plays two key roles: holding all the ingredients together while hydrating your skin. When preparing a body scrub at home for the first time, proceed from the recommended proportion of 1/3 share of oil for every 1 share of exfoliant. Some popular options:
  • Olive – moisturizes, nourishes well and is sold in every store. It is also known to contain antioxidants that help prevent premature skin aging;
  • Coconut oil – famous for its moisturizing properties;
  • Sunflower oil is one of the most affordable on the market, but can leave a slight odor and be difficult to wash off;
  • Sweet almond oil – has a sweet, nutty aroma and is absorbed fairly quickly;
  • Grapeseed oil – has a faint sweet odor and leaves a thin film on the skin;
  • Macadamia nut oil – also has a nutty smell, and in addition leaves an oily film on the skin. Recommended for very dry skin.

  1. Aroma. If you decide to make a body scrub at home, then choose your favorite essential oils for the scent. The “aroma oils” sold on the market are synthetic, so their use is highly undesirable. Here are some interesting combinations essential oils for different types skin (the dose is calculated for 1 cup of exfoliant and 1/3 cup of base oil):
  • Normal skin: 10 drops lavender, 6 geranium, 4 ylang-ylang;
  • Oily: 8 drops sandalwood oil, 6 lemon, 6 lavender;
  • Dry: 8 drops sandalwood oil, 6 geranium, 6 roses;
  • Sensitive: 6 drops chamomile, 4 roses, 2 neroli;
  • For extra hydration: 10 drops rose, 8 sandalwood, 2 patchouli;
  • For mature skin: 8 drops neroli, 6 incense, 6 ylang-ylang;
  • For acne: 10 drops lemon, 10 cypress, 5 lavender;
  • For a lack of vitamins: 10 drops of geranium, 6 roses, 4 cypress;
  • For visible capillaries: 8 drops of rose, 6 chamomile, 6 cypress.

Also, to “burn” fat and cellulite, aggressive agents such as tincture are sometimes added to body scrubs cayenne pepper, citrus extracts, sea buckthorn, etc. They are usually used simultaneously with a warm wrap and we will tell you about them in a separate article.

Now that you know all the main ingredients and how they work, you can safely start experimenting and make your own own recipes homemade body scrubs! But first, let me offer you a few proven recipes.

How to make coffee body scrub at home

No more throwing away coffee grounds after your morning cup of coffee! Instead, save it and try making a coffee body scrub at home. It is believed that caffeine may help fight cellulite, at least more than any other exfoliant.

This homemade coffee body scrub is so easy to make that you can probably find all the ingredients to make it in your kitchen right now. Use jelly or yogurt jars to store the finished product.

So here's what you need:

  • 1 glass of ground coffee;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1/3 cup olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon.

For even more exquisite aroma you can add: 8 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 8 drops of orange, 4 drops of mint.

Mix all ingredients to the consistency of wet sand.

Recipe 2: homemade coffee grounds body scrub

  • 1 cup coconut oil (the author used white, thicker and harder);
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/3 cup well-squeezed coffee grounds;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Connect Coconut oil, sugar, coffee grounds and olive oil in a small bowl, mix well. What should happen - look at the photo from the author of the recipe.

To date, there is no consensus on which coconut oil is better to use in body care - white or transparent. They are both undeniably good. Use what is easier for you to get or is affordable. If your white oil If it is too hard, it can be melted in a water bath or in the microwave before mixing with the rest of the ingredients.

Recipe 3: anti-cellulite body scrub with ground coffee

  • 1 glass of ground coffee;
  • 6 tbsp. l. liquid coconut oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt.

This scrub differs from other recipes not in the method of preparation, but in the application. If you want to use it to combat cellulite, then before applying it to the body, massage the problem areas with a dry brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood flow. Use the brush in light circular motions, then apply a homemade coffee scrub with salt to your body. Repeat every time you shower for best results.

Homemade honey body scrub recipe

Made of regular products This honey body scrub is so soothing and nourishing to your skin! We recommend trying this recipe if your skin needs additional nutrition, hydration and care, especially during the dry summer period.

In addition to the benefits of sugar, honey and olive oil already described above, this homemade body scrub contains aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for wound healing and healing. sunburn and all thanks to its amazing soothing and antioxidant properties.

How to make honey body scrub at home


  • 1 cup white or brown sugar;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. raw honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 10 drops of lavender, rosemary or other essential oil (your choice).

Combine all ingredients. Store the scrub in a cool, dark place.

Simplified honey scrub recipe:

  • 1 cup coconut oil;
  • 1.5 cups white sugar;
  • 1/4 cup raw honey;
  • A few drops of essential oil for aroma.

Homemade Exfoliating Sugar Body Scrub

You've probably heard that sugar is not good for your skin when you eat it. However, there is another fact: sugar is great for external use. A homemade sugar body scrub can even be used on your face as it is gentle on your skin and leaves it silky smooth.

Good sugar is also a humectant and contains glycolic acid, which promotes cell renewal and keeps skin fresh. But not all sugar is equally suitable for external care. Brown sugar is softer and contains more useful elements, and therefore it is considered more preferable.

A simple homemade sugar body scrub recipe

What do you need:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup sweet almond oil (or other);
  • 20 drops vanilla essential oil or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, gradually adding almond oil.

Recipe 2: Lemon-sugar body scrub at home


  • 3 cups sugar;
  • 3/4 cup olive oil;
  • Juice from one lemon;
  • Zest of two lemons;
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract.

Mix the sugar with the butter and vanilla extract, then add the finely grated zest of two lemons and the juice of one. Stir and you're done!

Other recipes for making sugar scrubs:

  1. Home chocolate scrub for the body: 1 cup coconut oil, ½ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup cocoa powder;
  2. Sugar scrub with lavender: 2 cups sugar, 1 cup grape seed oil, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. l. dried lavender flowers, 12 drops of lavender essential oil;
  3. Invigorating body scrub with grapefruit: ½ cup coconut oil, ½ cup white sugar, zest of 1 grapefruit, 1 tbsp. l. grapefruit juice, 10 drops peppermint essential oil, 25 drops grapefruit oil, ¼ tbsp. l. beet juice(optional – added for color).

Homemade salt body scrub: a simple recipe

A homemade salt body scrub increases blood circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves tension, helps open pores on the skin and remove toxins. It’s not for nothing that salt has long been used in bathing! As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is better to use sea salt as it has a richer useful substances. But in any case, the salt should be ground to a regular consistency. table salt, because large grains can injure sensitive skin.

An easy recipe for a salt body scrub with aromatic oils

What do you need:

  • 1 cup finely ground salt;
  • 1/3 cup almond or other oil;
  • 8 drops grapefruit essential oil, 8 bergamot, 4 peppermint.

Mix all ingredients.

We warn you: Homemade salt body scrub should not be used immediately after shaving your legs - it will sting! It is better to use it before the procedure: the oils left on the skin will make the shave smoother.


  • 3 cups salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oils (the author used oil from apricot kernels, but you can use any other at your discretion);
  • 1 tbsp. l. fine green tea;
  • 8 drops lime essential oil;
  • 8 drops of orange essential oil;
  • Zest of lime, lemon, orange or a combination of these.

Mix salt and baking soda, pour in the oil and stir. Then add green tea, essential oils and citrus zest one by one.

How to make an oatmeal body scrub at home

There's still one more unused exfoliant ingredient left on our list! To conclude this article, the Forest Fairy blog will tell you how you can make a gentle oatmeal body scrub at home.

Recipe 1: Simple Oatmeal Body Scrub

What do you need:

  • 1 cup coconut oil;
  • ½ cup brown sugar;
  • ½ cup finely chopped oatmeal;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Grind using a blender cereals to a powdery consistency. In a medium bowl, combine coconut oil, brown sugar, olive oil, and ground oats and mix well.

Recipe 2: Oatmeal Body Scrub with Lavender Scent


  • 1 cup finely chopped oatmeal;
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil, 8 drops tangerine, 8 drops rosewood, 4 drops chamomile;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried lavender petals.

Add essential oils drop by drop to avoid accumulating them in one place. To use this scrub, mix 1 tbsp each time. the resulting mixture with a small amount of water, forming a paste, which then needs to be gently rubbed into the skin.

How to properly use and store homemade body scrubs

If observed, quite simple conditions, which we present below, the body scrub you prepare at home can be stored for several months. There are only 2 conditions:

  1. Store in a dark and cool place (can be in the refrigerator);
  2. Avoid getting water into the scrub container. As you may have noticed, all the recipes in this article do not involve the use of any preservatives, which means that water getting into the jar can lead to the growth of unwanted bacteria. Always use a dry spoon to scoop the scrub into your hand.

How to use a homemade scrub correctly? Use it no more than 2-3 times a week. Apply 1 tablespoon of product to skin previously moistened with water and rub in gently. At the end of the procedure, rinse thoroughly and enjoy silky smooth skin!

Have you tried any homemade scrub recipes yet? Tell us and our readers about your favorite ingredient combination in the comments!