How to check whether duck eggs are missing or not. How to tell if an egg is fresh without breaking it

Any housewife would like to buy exclusively fresh eggs, as they have the best taste and culinary properties. At the same time, spoiled eggs can not only interfere with the preparation of the planned dish, but also cause harm to health. How can you tell if an egg is fresh before a spoiled product harms your body? If you don’t have an ovoscope in your arsenal, which allows you to examine the egg for the smallest defects, you will have to use improvised means. So, how to check the freshness of eggs in the store?

  1. By the look. A fresh egg has a matte, rough shell without flaws, while a stale egg has a glossy surface.
  2. Aurally. Shake the egg near your ear: a fresh egg will not make any sounds, while gurgling will be heard in the depths of the old egg.
  3. To taste. There is a rather exotic way to check the freshness of an egg - measure its temperature with your tongue. If you alternately touch the sharp and blunt ends of the egg, you will feel that the temperature at the blunt end is higher - this means that the egg is fresh. If the temperature is the same at both ends, then it is an old egg. However, it is not recommended to use this method directly in the store; at a minimum, you may be mistaken for a madman, and at maximum, you will catch some kind of disease.
So, you came home and decided to continue checking the freshness of the eggs. One of the most common methods at home is to put an egg in a glass of water.
  • If the egg is fresh, it will sink to the bottom and lie horizontally.
  • If the egg is between one and two weeks old, it blunt end rises upward at a slope of 45 degrees.
  • If the egg stands upright, this means that it is more than two weeks old, and it is advisable to use it only as an additional ingredient.
  • If the blunt end of the egg is above the surface, this is bad egg, put it back and don't touch it again. It is more than a month old, and it is strictly not recommended to eat such a product.
Why in different time Does an egg behave differently in water? The thing is that each egg has an “air cushion”. GOST establishes that it should not exceed 9 mm. The larger the air cushion, the older egg, because over time its insides dry out. The size of the free space in the egg can also be clearly seen after peeling the boiled egg: if there is a small space left between the shell and the white, then it is a fresh egg. If the distance exceeds a centimeter, you should not eat it.

Another way to check the freshness of chicken eggs is to enlighten them. In a fresh egg, all the insides are clearly visible, while in an old egg, spots are visible, and a rotten one is not visible at all.

The initial test bore fruit and we are now breaking a raw egg. You see, a fresh egg has two levels of white: thick near the yolk and more watery around the thick one. This is a fresh egg. If the white is completely watery, and there is no barely noticeable film around the yolk, it is an old egg.

If you do not have the opportunity to check the freshness of the eggs yourself, you will have to trust the manufacturer. Eggs are divided into two categories: dietary and table. Diet eggs are always marked with a red stamp indicating the date of production and variety. Diet egg is considered when it was produced no more than seven days ago from the date of purchase, then the eggs go into the “table” category.

Table eggs are stamped with a blue stamp indicating the category, without the date of production. The designations “O”, “1”, “2” mean, respectively, “selected” (the largest), “1 category” (slightly less) and “2 categories” (the smallest). Table eggs can be stored for up to 30 days in the refrigerator, and the ideal temperature for eggs is +5 +8 degrees.

  1. It is not recommended to store eggs near strong-smelling foods: eggshell capable of absorbing odors.
  2. Before eating, you should wash the eggs thoroughly, especially if there are remains of droppings, feathers or blood on the shell.
  3. It is better to store eggs with the pointed end down.
Despite the fact that some physical characteristics can provide indirect information regarding the freshness of an egg in its shell, unfortunately, it can only be definitively confirmed by breaking the egg.

Why do finishers plant rotten eggs in a house or apartment??

Hello, my dear finishers and those who are interested *. Today there will be an unusual topic about rotten eggs used to annoy the customer. This is the fifth letter I have received in the mail with a request to tell how this is done and why - rotten eggs are placed, walled up, in an apartment or house when repairs are completed. They also very much ask for an explanation of how to find these rotten eggs, apparently already planted by someone. To this all I will say the following: - “I am not a supporter of rotten scoundrels with eggs! You see, the times are a little different. But if they ask, then we will answer.”

*So that the finisher doesn’t get offended, look*.

Builders or finishers lay rotten eggs inside the premises in order to annoy the customer, who has reduced the volume of work performed or has not paid at all. This applies more to those who, under an employment contract for the performance of work, receive the entire amount of money at the end of the construction and finishing work.

When they tell me that I paid for all the work, ran after them with the money, but they still messed with me - they planted these rotten eggs in the apartment. There is only one logical answer to this: - “You are blatantly lying”!

The process of preparing rotten eggs is very painstaking and not easy. You have to tinker with the eggs, and those people who laid the eggs in the wall probably already knew that things with payments would not go in their favor.

It all works simply. You did not settle accounts with those who poured the screed - the person simply waited and warned the next people that they had been cheated. The following workers, out of principle, out of solidarity, and maybe acquaintances, will do this nasty thing to you with rotten eggs.

Another question was asked: “Do rotten eggs smell bad?”

Well, of course they stink! You see, a process of rotting and decomposition occurs. The stench will be unbearable - as if someone is stirring up water in a swamp. Hydrogen sulfide will pull consistently hard.

Where are rotten eggs most often found?

If you immediately break a rotten egg, the smell will dissipate after a while. But here the operating principle is completely different.

Let me say right away that rotten eggs are not laid behind drywall, like tinder in many construction forums. This opinion is a complete farce, which means the person has never done such a thing. The entire smell of a rotten egg lying behind the drywall will simply disappear through micro-cracks in the slabs and exit into the ventilation duct.

Smart people put rotten eggs in plaster, under tiles, they also put them in cement screed, they put them behind a chandelier, in a ventilation duct covered with a rag, they hide them behind baseboards, they put them behind baguettes.

By what principle are rotten eggs laid in walls and floors?

The principle of laying is simple, it is not to wait until the egg goes rotten, which we will talk about later. The main thing here is that the rotten egg is located closer to the finishing line, in the case of walls and floors. So that at the moment the customer makes it clear that there will be no payment, it will not be noticeable to pierce it with a needle. Rotten eggs are placed in such a way that during the primary and secondary inspection of the premises, it would be impossible to identify this puncture with a needle. As a result, hard-to-reach places and places of secondary concentration of attention are the first to be inspected: behind the battery, all corners of the room, at entrance areas, window openings, behind the cornices (*), columns, decorative elements of the room. So, if you have a rotten egg or several rotten eggs in your apartment, together we look for the puncture site.

How to make an egg rotten?

It is the raw egg that makes it rotten, but boiled egg It doesn't go rotten, it spoils. In order to know when a raw egg goes rotten, we need to know the expiration date of the egg, this is correct and logical. The shelf life of a raw egg in a non-refrigerated environment, according to State Standards, is two weeks! But let's not forget that a raw egg may not become rotten even after three weeks, even if it is stored at room temperature. In order to speed up the process of rotting the egg, you need to wash it using a metal mesh for dishes and place it on a radiator for three weeks, or if it is summer time, on a windowsill where there is a lot of light. In three weeks, the egg will become clearly rotten - nowhere more rotten.

So we dealt with the rotten eggs. I hope this article will help someone lay rotten eggs, and someone find them. Good luck to everyone and if anything, supplement the material with your own vile ideas for burying eggs, and maybe someone else’s. And don’t forget to tell us how to detect them!

Sometimes even the most responsible housewife cannot remember how long they have been in her refrigerator. chicken eggs. A stale product can cause poisoning to the whole family, so be sure to check its suitability before cooking. The problem of expired products can occur not only in spontaneous markets, but also in supermarkets that have a well-known name.

Eggs contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and amino acids. They occupy a place of honor not only in adults, but also in children's diet. In terms of importance, they can be placed in second place after milk.

Do not start cooking until you are sure excellent quality eggs Don't forget that they may be sold out weeks before they hit the shelves. How to determine whether an egg is rotten or not?

  • Why are they useful?
  • How to check the quality?
  • How can you identify a rotten egg without breaking it?
  • How to store?
  • Reviews and comments

The protein of this product is completely digestible human body. It is better to eat them boiled or fried. But raw ones can be dangerous if they contain an infection. They are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and other useful elements.

They should definitely be eaten by people who are rarely exposed to the sun, because they contain a lot of vitamin D. It is simply irreplaceable for strengthening bones. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on liver function, brain activity, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Lutene improves vision, and choline prevents the development of cancer cells. Folic acid indispensable if you are planning to become a mother.

The shell contains more than 30 trace elements, approximately 2 grams of calcium. It is useful to use in combination with lemon juice. Grind the shells, mix and add a teaspoon to food.

But to get all these benefits, you only need to eat a good, fresh, quality product.

How to check the quality?

How can you tell if an egg is rotten? Unfortunately, some unscrupulous consumers indicate the expiration date incorrectly. Therefore, the housewife must learn to determine the freshness of an egg “by eye.” Then it will be possible to avoid indigestion and other serious diseases that can only be treated in a hospital.

Rotten and fresh differ according to the following basic criteria:

  • A three-day product does not have an unpleasant odor, unlike a spoiled one;

  • If you shake a fresh egg, there will be no noise inside;
  • The contents are rotten if they do not sink in a container of water;
  • Unwind it - if it doesn’t stop for a long time, it means it’s been lying there for a long time.

The easiest way to recognize a rotten egg is to smell it. Stale has a characteristic smell that is difficult to confuse with any other. Another criterion is the yolk. It should not shake or knock against the walls. If you put it in the light, the yolk should be clearly visible. On a flat surface, rotten food will spin for a long time - this is another method that helps determine freshness.

Many people know how to identify a rotten egg by placing it in water. This method is based on the laws of physics. Fill a glass with two-thirds of the water and place the egg in it. If it is “not older than” 3 days, it will immediately drown in water. Week-old eggs will remain tilted, while rotten ones will float on the surface.

This is due to the fact that they are not airtight. Microorganisms can enter the pores that are present on the shell. If putrefactive processes have already begun, gases will be released that rise to the surface.

Of course, these methods cannot always be used in a store. The quality of the product is affected not only by weight, but also by the time when it was demolished. Eggs that are not yet three days old are assigned premium. A week-old product is classified as the first grade, and a three-week-old product is classified as the second.

How can you identify a rotten egg without breaking it?

Its surface should be uniform, without cracks or chips. If the shell has a grayish tint and no shine, then it is already stale.

There is another verification method that will help the buyer in the supermarket determine the freshness of the product. You need to use an ovoscope - a special device for transillumination. When a dark yolk is immediately visible, and it is closer to the shell or sticks to it, darkening is visible, which means the product is “old”. Damaged ones are not visible at all. If you don't have a device, you can hold the product up to a light source and make sure there are no dark spots under the shell.

When you crack the egg, carefully examine the yolk.

In the fresh product it is tight and convex. If it is not fresh, the yolk will be flat and the white will be watery. Fresh ones are much more difficult to clean than old ones.

How to store?

IN fresh they can be stored for quite a long time, but no more than six weeks. They must be placed in the refrigerator separately from other products.

They absorb foreign odors very quickly. In addition, infections can enter through the pores if contaminated meat or fish is lying nearby. To close the pores, lubricate the shell with vegetable oil.

They need to be folded with the sharp “nose” down. Then the yolk will not affect the air layer, and will “settle” in the center. In this position, you can store in the refrigerator for up to five weeks. If the shell is cracked, they need to be eaten as quickly as possible.

Figuring out how to identify a rotten egg when boiling is not difficult. If it has already completely deteriorated, then bad smell will be felt immediately as soon as you pick it up. Rotten egg When cooking it will differ from normal. The protein will coagulate, and when it breaks, you will smell an unpleasant odor. Although the bacteria will die from high temperatures, you should not eat it - poisoning is inevitable.

As you can see, every housewife can check the quality of an egg without violating the integrity of its shell. We wish you more fresh, tasty and healthy dishes!

Eggs are a valuable source useful substances, practically, a storehouse of health. Despite certain restrictions, this product must be included in the human diet. It is extremely important to choose the right eggs, and to do this you need to know how to check eggs for freshness. Factory ones have markings that make the task easier. But if you take a farm product or store eggs been stored in your refrigerator for a long time? Outwardly, quality or damage does not manifest itself in any way. However there are several the right ways determine whether the product is suitable for food.

How to choose?

Some simple secrets will allow you to understand how fresh the product is. It must be remembered that during long storage the egg begins to dry out. If the product has been standing on the display for a long time, then its inner part begins to separate from the shell. Before purchasing, you should shake the egg slightly to get an idea of ​​the consistency in the middle. If the product is not fresh, it will “lobble”.

By appearance You can also sometimes tell if an egg is fresh. If the chicken laid an egg recently, its shell will have a matte color. If the product has been on the shelf for a long time, the surface of the shell becomes glossy. When buying a product with a cassette backing, it is very important to look into the middle.

Sometimes sellers package fresh eggs with those that have already become unusable. Therefore, you should evaluate whether all eggs are the same color. However, unscrupulous sellers wash eggs. This shortens the shelf life, increases the risk of the product spoiling, and removes the glossy sheen that would indicate a long shelf life.

Pot of water

The simplest and effective method To check the freshness of eggs is to use water. To do this, you need to fill the pan with water to approximately a level of 10 cm. Then an egg is placed in the water.

If the product is fresh enough, it will remain at the bottom. If it is stored for 1 week, it will rise to a vertical position. In this case, eggs can still be eaten, but for children's menu It's better not to use them. If the egg floats to the surface and floats perfectly on the water, then it is stale. It is better to dispose of it so as not to endanger the health of loved ones.

Breaking an egg

It is easy to check eggs for freshness directly during cooking. To be on the safe side and not spoil the main dish, it is better to break the eggs over a separate container. If it’s fresh, throw it away; if it’s spoiled, throw it in the trash. A rotten egg will give off a strong characteristic odor and dark color content.

A stale but still edible egg will have a flat yolk and a liquid white like water. U fresh product The yolk is convex, and the white is quite dense, well collected at the core and there is a lot of it, it pours out easily. If the egg has been stored for a long time and begins to dry out, the white will thicken and decrease in volume.

Advice! If an egg from the store or refrigerator arrives with a crack, do not rush to throw it away. Wash it with soap more carefully than the whole one. And then cook for enough high temperature until the whites and yolks are completely coagulated. Most dangerous bacteria are neutralized, for example, salmonella is killed at 70° C. To completely disinfect eggs, eggs should be boiled for at least 5 minutes.

By smell

If the eggs were not stored in polyethylene, then their freshness can be assessed by smell without breaking them. The shell has many pores and therefore actively absorbs foreign odors. It’s easy to guess from them if the product is lying on the shelves. A fresh egg has a smell similar to lime.

A broken egg will instantly reveal all its secrets. Even a slight smell of rotten meat means that the product must be disposed of immediately. This method is effective for both chicken and quail eggs.

Advice! If the egg is cracked, you can still hard boil it. To do this, you need to add more salt to the water: 2 tsp. for each egg.

By cooking

There is no point in boiling rotten eggs; they cannot be eaten! But if the product is not spoiled and cooked by peeling, it is easy to understand whether the egg is fresh or not. The “older” the product, the easier the shell comes off. In fresh it will be quite difficult to separate from the protein. In this case, the thin film between the shell and the egg is held quite tightly.

By temperature

This method, like the previous one, is convenient only at home. Purchased eggs should be washed under running water at room temperature and wiped dry. Then touch the blunt and sharp part of the egg with your tongue.

If the product is fresh, its poles will differ in temperature: the blunt end will be warmer than the sharp one. If the egg cannot qualify for the “D” (dietary) label, the poles will be the same in temperature.

The resource “” strongly recommends that when purchasing raw eggs, pay attention to the packaging date and expiration date indicated on the packaging. They will tell you with maximum accuracy about the freshness and quality of the product, if the storage conditions have not been violated.

It is quite important not only to determine the freshness of the product, but also to store it correctly:

  1. Try to use the product before the expiration date has expired. The information on the packaging will help you determine how much it costs to keep the product in the refrigerator.
  2. Never wash eggs for storage. The shell is covered with a thin protective film; if it is removed, the product will deteriorate very quickly. You need to wash eggs before cooking.
  3. It is better to store the product in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6 degrees. It is these conditions that prevent the development of salmonella.
  4. Unfortunately, if the eggs were stored at room temperature (which many sellers are guilty of), then it will not be possible to disinfect them by moving them to the refrigerator. At the very least, the proliferation of the pathogenic microorganism will slow down or stop.

Using one of the above methods, it is quite easy to understand whether an egg can be eaten. The product will be safe for health only if the storage and preparation conditions are not violated.

The benefits of eggs cannot be overestimated. They are rich in protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins B, A and E. However, this product is useful if it is fresh. Once the expiration date expires, it becomes dangerous to consume. Let's learn how to determine the freshness of eggs using simple methods.

Shelf life

First, let's look at what period of storage of eggs is considered the most optimal. It is recommended to keep the product at a temperature not lower than +4 °C and not higher than +24 °C, preferably in the refrigerator. Eggs do not need to be washed or processed in any way before storing. In this case, they remain good for about 3-4 weeks. If you pre-washed the eggs, it is recommended to cook them within 4 days.

If you break the shell on the way home, store the white and yolk separately for no more than 4 days. It is best to use broken eggs within 1-2 days. After preparation, the product remains good for about 1 week.

Popular verification methods

The fastest method to determine the freshness of eggs is visual and tactile assessment. The shell should be hard and smooth. Its surface is matte and dry, with a pleasant uniform shade. Once the product begins to deteriorate, the shell becomes dull and soft to the touch. Its color is dark and uneven. The surface acquires a specific shine.

You can also hold the egg near a bright light source. If the product is spoiled, a characteristic darkening is observed in its center. If the egg gives off a distinct rotten odor, throw it away without hesitation.

A fresh chicken or quail egg weighs more than a spoiled one.

Another method is suitable if you need eggs to prepare some dish. Break the shell and pour the contents onto a saucer. The freshness of the product is indicated by the following signs: the dense white practically does not spread over the surface, and the round yolk rises significantly. There is no pungent odor. If the shelf life is running out, the protein is quite liquid and quickly spreads, filling the entire bottom of the saucer. The yolk does not hold its round shape.

You can determine the freshness of eggs using a container of water. If the product sinks and lies at the bottom, it means it is fresh. The egg, which is stored for 2 weeks, is placed with the sharp end down and the blunt end up. Although it is not the first freshness, it can still be consumed. If the egg floats on the surface of the water, it means it is spoiled. It's best to throw it away. This is explained by the fact that over time, air accumulates under the shell, which pushes the egg to the surface of the water. This method is effective provided that the shell is intact and intact.

If you don't have time to experiment, just shake the egg. Grasp it with your index finger and thumb.

If you feel the yolk moving inside when shaking, the product is no longer fresh. To verify this, run visual assessment white and yolk on a saucer.

The freshness of quail eggs also needs to be checked. There is a very simple way to do this. Weigh them on an electronic scale. A fresh egg weighs about 20 g, a rotten one - 5 g. This difference is due to chemical process, as a result of which air accumulates under the shell instead of liquid mass. These changes occur inside the egg after a certain period of time. Of course, approximate figures are given. They may vary slightly. The lower the weight of the egg, the longer it will last in the refrigerator.

The danger of spoiled eggs

Often, housewives immediately break eggs into a dish during cooking, forgetting to check their freshness first. And only then do they notice a pronounced greenish color and a specific rotten smell. As a result, many products have to be thrown away at once. Of course, it’s unpleasant when effort and money are wasted. But on the other side of the scale there is a huge danger of harming your health and that of your family by consuming a spoiled product.

Many people think that if eggs have only been in the refrigerator for a few days, they must be fresh. However, remember that you can bring an already spoiled product from the market or store. To prevent this, pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging. Also, always check the freshness of your eggs using one of the methods listed above.

When pursuing troubles and failures for a long time, you need to think about outsiders negative impact and learn how to identify egg spoilage. This method was used by great-grandmothers in difficult moments of life. Fortunately, information has reached our time about how they did it and what could happen.

Why is this definition of spoilage effective?

It is no coincidence that the egg was chosen as a tool for determining magical intervention. With a sphere containing a chicken embryo, they not only find out whether there is damage on a person, but they also initially cause damage to it with the help of a lining.

And after confirming its presence, it is the evil created by envious people or enemies. Any magician can explain why this product of animal origin is wonderful and why it is considered so universal.

The strong eggshell, which protects the bird embryo during its maturation, personifies the energy shell of a person. In another way, it is called an aura, which protects spiritual and physical harmful effects.

Is there some more interesting fact, which is not known to everyone. Turning to etymology, one can find a word such as “zaportok”, meaning nothing more than the notorious egg, only without a yolk. The boots float in salted water. And although such a product is not considered rotten, it is unsuitable for food, only for making paints, washing hair, adding to soil or putty.

Agree, the curious consonance immediately hurts the ear: “damage”, “spoil”, “mess”...

A fertilized chicken egg will definitely make it clear why troubles are happening to a loved one. Main? know the principles of testing egg spoilage and interpret them correctly.

With modern technologies, it is impossible to determine the damage caused to the human aura, therefore the egg method is still the only universal method.

The use of egg diagnostics is also supported by the fact that with its help it is easy to understand exactly what type of spoilage we are talking about:

  • Short term or long term.
  • For one or for his entire family.
  • On people or their housing.

Therefore, it is often used when working with young children. Surely you already know how our ancestors used an egg, dipping its contents into water and watching what happens.

Because no one wants to look like an ignoramus and feel helpless in incomprehensible situations that are difficult to explain scientifically. Let's look at the most common instructions on how to check the evil eye on an egg, whether there is damage on a person and what type it may belong to.

The easy way

Take the raw, recently demolished homemade chicken egg in your right palm and whisper the following command:

“Roll - roll out the egg, from right to left, from the west side to the east side, from the north to the south, from angel to demon. Tell me the truth, the truth about the servant of God (s) - name him.”

Now roll this person out: carefully, slowly, move the egg along his body in a circular motion clockwise in the following sequence:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • hands;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • legs;
  • Feet.

After completing the process, take a saucer and break an egg into it. The contents are of normal color, the integrity of the yolk is not damaged - there is no spoilage. The mass is dark and cloudy, the yolk has spread, there are particles of blood - you will have to perform a cleansing ritual. The destructive program has been activated.

Damage or evil eye

For work you will need pure water in a glass and a fresh egg. Take the filled vessel and hold it above the subject's head. Break the shell on the edge of the container and mix what's inside with the liquid. Hold the mixture over the head of the person being tested for 30 seconds and begin to examine:

  • The whole yolk lay on the bottom, surrounded by white - the aura is pure.
  • Protein threads stretch upward from the yolk - the damage is already taking effect.
  • Examine the threads carefully. There are a lot of them and they end in small air bubbles - the damage is obvious. One may indicate an unintentional evil eye.

The method of hereditary healers

Suitable for self-use. You will need:

  • fresh, homemade chicken egg;
  • a glass of just collected water;
  • comfortable spot.

Break the shell and carefully, without damaging the yolk, pour the contents into the water. Place the glass of liquid on the crown of your head, after sitting comfortably on a chair and pressing your chin to your chest. Without moving, hold the vessel for about 3 - 4 minutes, changing hands is allowed. Very carefully remove the glass, place it on the table, trying not to shake it, and begin to analyze:

  • Transparent water, unspreaded yolk, absence of white threads and turbidity indicate purity.
  • Thin thread-like shoots - easy, amateur damage. Such a healthy aura repels and transmits to the offender throughout the year, strengthening it significantly.
  • The yolk is intact, but the white has taken on the appearance of a jellyfish, there is fringe and columnar legs - you have become a victim of a not too strong spell of failure, loneliness or tears. The energy of such an impact is absorbed within a period of three to seven years, unless countermeasures are taken to remove it.
  • Bubbles are seen on the columns formed from the protein - it’s time to talk about a strong effect made by a professional in the field of black magic. This is damage to illness, failure in career. Most likely, the first signs of impact are already noticeable. For example, troubles follow in succession, conflicts arise out of the blue, and a feeling of exhaustion arises.
  • The white and yolk lines are partially colored red - the ritual was performed on animal or human blood.
  • It’s as if the yolk has begun to cook, and the white is bubbling - you are destined for torment during your lifetime.
  • Cooked whole - the enemy wanted to limit the feeling of freedom. You will forget peace and happiness in your own home or with your family.
  • A whole set of columns with bubbles plus black spots everywhere, including on the yolk - you have become a victim of death damage. Think about who could have been so annoyed before attempting to remove it.

Even worse, along with these signs, gray-green spots inside the yolk are noticed. They predict death in agony. There is almost no time, because such damage begins to act according to the laws of magic after 21 days, and this dark plan is completed in less than a year.

Before you buy eggs, you need to inspect the product - its good quality can be determined by its appearance. Fresh chicken eggs have a matte surface, but over time they become glossy. The higher the shine, the older the product. It is useful to pay attention to the uniformity of color of just a dozen in cells - one batch should look the same if no extraneous (stale) units are inserted into it. You can also make sure that the eggs are of good quality by shaking them. long-term storage the contents dry out and begin to vibrate inside.

But in a hurry, it is not always possible to check the quality. At home, you can check eggs for freshness without breaking them. This will allow you to return an unusable product to an unscrupulous seller.

Methods for determining freshness

All methods for checking eggs for freshness can be divided into the following categories:

  • visual - by markings on the product, the condition of the shell and the smell;
  • technical - using devices or meters;
  • test - placing the egg in a certain environment and observing.

All of these methods allow you to determine the quality of a product without opening its shell, that is, they are non-destructive. They are quite simple to implement and available for use at home.

Folk recipes

First you need to look at the manufacturing date, as well as the expiration date on the packaging. To determine the quality of the product visually, you need to examine the shells of raw eggs. The surface of fresh ones will be matte and rough, while stale ones will be smooth with a glossy sheen, as well as a bluish tint if they are white. Next, you need to smell the product - for one day it smells like lime, and over time the aromas of surrounding objects become mixed in.

You can check eggs for freshness using test methods using certain manipulations. Here are some of them:

  1. 1. Immersing a raw egg in water is a well-known and reliable test method for determining its age. To do this, fill a glass or other container with water to a height of 10 cm from the bottom and lower the test object into the liquid: it drowned - it was fresh, it remained afloat, which means it was stored for more than a month, spoiled, and it is dangerous to eat it. The air chamber located inside tends to increase during long-term storage, therefore, in a submerged position, the egg can be at different levels, by which you can determine the degree of its freshness. A week old product lies at the bottom, a two week old product is approximately in the middle.
  2. 2. Squeeze the product - you will feel a slight vibration of the contents, then shake. A fresh egg will not react to this in any way, and distinct fluctuations indicate that the product should not be used for food.
  3. 3. Rotating the product on the table to determine whether it is cooked or raw is a method known to many. It is also used for research quality characteristics. A fresh egg spins with difficulty, very sluggishly. Old objects behave almost like they were boiled.

There are other ways to check eggs for freshness, but this time compromising their integrity. The shell of fresh products is hard and hard, it is difficult to peel off a cooked product, and with age it softens. Having broken a raw egg, they examine the smell and contents - the fresh product has no aroma. If there is an odor, the food has spoiled. The stench indicates that this happened a long time ago. Transparent, jelly-like white does not spread over the surface, the yolk is elastic and rises above the white - signs of freshness.

Technical methods

Instrumental determinants of egg quality include the ovoscope, special equipment with ultraviolet radiation, weighing devices and conventional electric lamps. Except for the scales, everything else technical means provide illumination of the object by light rays (including solar rays).