What is a smoothie and how to make it healthy and tasty? Complete guide. Making smoothies using a blender

In this article, you will learn what smoothies are, why they were invented, and what the main advantage of creating them is compared to other methods of preparing food and drinks.

A smoothie is an often sweet and thick drink that is prepared primarily using a blender. The ingredients include fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Possible additives in the form of fruit juices, water, sweeteners (honey, sugar, stevia, syrup), as well as dairy products (milk, yogurt, soft cheese, soy milk or other resulting from the processing of nuts).

Sometimes nuts themselves are added to smoothies or peanut butter, seeds, chocolate or even teas. Some followers healthy image In life, food additives and protein mixtures are also added to smoothies.

You already get the point. It consists of mixing all the predominantly vegan-vegetarian ingredients in a blender until a uniform mass is formed. The concentration, thickness, taste and quantity of ingredients can be adjusted independently.

Smoothies are perhaps a type of food that can be modified endlessly. It will not yield to baking itself in this regard. Cooks who hear such a statement may be indignant, but you can’t argue against the facts. Are you still determined to insist that prepared desserts (baked goods, etc.) are more varied and there are more recipes for their preparation in the world than smoothies?

We have the most indestructible fact in this imaginary dispute. And this fact is the number of fruits on Earth. We remember that fruit is one of the most important ingredients in smoothies. It is needed not only for cooking delicious drink and make it sweet and sweet. Fruits are added as an ingredient to make it easier to consume a large number of vegetables and, most importantly, greens, the taste of which is often not very pleasant. Again, let’s make a reservation: if you use it in large quantities.

In order for greens to taste good, they make smoothies, so-called green smoothies, where fruits nominally still play the main role in smoothie recipes, but in fact they are added only to “cover up” the taste of greens. One of the simplest and most common “combos” is smoothie recipes using greens and bananas. Bananas themselves are not rich in water, but they are very sweet and aromatic. If you add the right amount of bananas to your greens, it becomes very easy to eat the same spinach, bok choy or broccoli.

It should be noted that when we talk about greens, we mean consuming them raw. Before making a smoothie, mix everything (broccoli or any other green vegetables) in a blender, there is no need to heat-treat the products. This is the whole point of making a smoothie: so that you can consume as many vitamins and minerals as possible without being damaged during heat treatment.

Smoothies: recipes using fruits

So let's get back to our fruit. For those who find it difficult to imagine that there are a great many types and types of fruits on Earth, it must be said that if you started trying one type every day, then a whole lifetime would not be enough to try all the variety of fruits that grow on Earth. But nothing lasts forever, so while they are still growing, this must be used. Fruits, although valued by people, especially in colder, less productive regions of our planet, are nevertheless, paradoxically, very undervalued.

Why are they undervalued? We associate fruits exclusively with sweet taste. In fact, fruits can have a very diverse taste: from fresh to sour and bitter. Knowing this, you can experiment with making smoothies in a blender. As for bitter fruits (berries), it is very simple to illustrate this fact. To do this, you don’t even need to take any Exotic fruits. One example is the well-known viburnum berry, and another example, although overseas, there is plenty of it on store shelves, is grapefruit. This fruit can be sweet, but with a pronounced bitterness, so some people cannot even eat it and prefer other fruits or vegetables to avoid the bitter taste.

Secondly, the undervaluation of fruits occurs due to the fact that people tend to attach more importance to food products animal origin or cereals, considering them the main source of nutrients and energy. However, it is not. As it turned out, fruits can become a completely independent food that can completely replace animal and other foods. Fruitarianism is proof of this. We are now looking at the benefits various types nutrition, however, if you are interested in this topic, then the site has a large number of articles that fully cover the specifics of this issue.

Milk rivers, fruitarian shores: the benefits of fruit smoothies

Fruits contain all the good things nutrients, necessary for a person For healthy life. You just need to be able to combine them correctly and still not forget about including greens in your diet. Thus, smoothie recipes with the addition of green leafy vegetables and regular greens can provide you with a complete diet for a long time.

If you are unsure whether you will find this in fruits and green leafy vegetables essential calcium(for example), then the answer will be positive. You will find it. Despite the widespread belief that calcium is found exclusively in dairy products, which should be consumed in liters and kilograms, this is, in fact, not entirely true, or rather, far from it.

If this were true, then in countries such as Norway and Finland, where per capita consumption of dairy products is one of the highest in the world, osteoporosis would not be at the top of the list in terms of the number of citizens suffering from it. That is why they suffer because with excessive and high consumption In dairy products, calcium does not accumulate but is washed out of the body. This is due to the process of digestion of dairy products. This creates a paradox: it seems like there is calcium, but in order to digest the elements that make up dairy products, the body itself must use up its own, already accumulated calcium. Hence the epidemic of osteoporosis in seemingly prosperous European countries.

In addition, if you look at the dairy industry from the other side, it is unlikely that there is anything left in the pasteurized products that people see on supermarket shelves other than various kinds chemical additives making the product more attractive to consumers and increasing its sales period. What can we say about the amount of antibiotics that are given to animals during their short life on farms. To preserve your health, it is better to reduce your consumption of dairy products, give it up completely, or, indeed, start your own natural farming. If the above arguments do not convince you and you still consider milk useful product, then it probably makes sense to use it steamed and not canned.

Fruits also have enough calcium if you eat enough citrus fruits. They have calcium. It is also present in some types of nuts, and, of course, it is very abundant in dark green greens. Eat greens, and then you will not only increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but also get all the nutrients your body needs.

Types of diets and smoothies

In previous articles on vegetarianism, veganism and other nutritional texts, the topic of macro- and microelements has already been discussed several times. You can look at it from a completely different angle. Some of the site's club teachers also have broad views: a person is not viewed as some kind of closed chemical laboratory, where a lack of some micro- or macroelements inevitably leads to a malfunction of the entire system.

This is too mechanical a view of things. But it is very difficult to give it up, because the people of our civilization grew up with it. Science and its achievements have become a new religion for us. “Tell me what you cannot live without, and I will tell you who (what) you worship.” We can no longer live without regular news about how one or another foreign research institute has come to the conclusion that such and such a vitamin, previously unknown to us, will finally solve our problems.

We are so accustomed to these exclamations of “Eureka!”, which have already become excessively frequent, that we are simply not able to think about anything ourselves, come to our own conclusions, listen to our body. We are constantly waiting for the evidence and permission that our “dear” science will provide us, so we cannot take a single step without looking back at this “great sacred cow” of modern technocratic society.

The human body is something much more complex than our idea of ​​it as some kind of chemical or some other factory. Some intangible, less visible things play a much more significant role in the processes that occur in the body. Our consciousness, inner attitude and determination make things possible that would be difficult to explain from a physical, physiological point of view alone.

So the case with calcium, discussed above, is just an example showing that it is not always necessary to rely on widely held opinion. Or in another way: a lot, again, depends on your determination, desire, and attitude. If you are ready to live only on smoothies, then you will do it successfully. If internally you are still chasing the missing microelements, then you will not have enough of them not only on a smoothie diet, fruit diet, veganism or vegetarianism, but even on a regular, “omnivorous” diet. You'll waste time looking for special ones food additives, in order to be sure that your body has received everything it needs.

How to make a smoothie

Making smoothies is incredibly easy. To do this you will need a good blender and great amount fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds. We talk about vegan smoothies because they are the healthiest. There are also smoothies that include dairy products, but we do not consider them in this article.

Before preparing a new smoothie recipe for the first time, do not rush to immediately prepare 4 servings of such a “delicious” smoothie. At first glance, it may seem like it will be something appetizing. In fact, we all have different tastes. So make one batch first to see how it really turns out. If this suits you, then add the rest of the ingredients. Sometimes it happens that the set of ingredients seems to suit you, but their proportions are not quite what you need. You can safely vary: add more of one product, less of another. Be brave and everything will work out for you.

For beginners, I would like to say that the most delicious smoothie is not the one that has the most ingredients, but the one that has a balanced amount of products that fit perfectly together. taste characteristics. In order to be sure that the smoothie will taste first-class and that your body will not react in an unexpected way, you can study Shelton's food compatibility chart.

It is designed for those who have just switched to the system separate power supply, but it can also help those who have become vegans, raw foodists, etc. It is important to pay attention to the combination of products so that you don’t end up with a smoothie made from pineapple, avocado, lemon and carrots. Not a smoothie, but a bomb. Recommended for those suffering from constipation. The results appear almost immediately. However, not everyone needs such a result, so study the compatibility of vegetables and fruits. And now your masterpiece is ready! Bon appetit!

Cooking 35

Hello, dear readers! Since I often prepare a wide variety of smoothies, I decided to study the information about them in more detail and tell it to you.

But first, to make it clearer what this drink is, I offer you one of my smoothie recipes; let me also remind you that I recently posted.

Vitamin mix from fruits


  • Peach (nectarine) 1-2 pcs.
  • Banana 1
  • Plum (large) 2-3 pcs.
  • Apple (medium) 1
  • Plain, unsweetened yogurt, 50 ml, or can be replaced with liquid (soft) cottage cheese
  • 100 ml kefir

A handful of raspberries, optional. You can put the berries in a blender along with other fruits, or you can decorate the finished drink with it by placing a few berries in the middle of the glass. Without adding raspberries, the drink is no less tasty.

I usually cut everything into cubes or slices, break a banana into pieces, put the ingredients in a blender, add yogurt, kefir and turn on the blender. If your fruit smoothie includes an apple, it is advisable to beat it longer so that it is thoroughly chopped.

Add yogurt and kefir

When and where did they first start making the drink?

Smoothies are tasty, healthy, dietary and at the same time hearty cocktail. Now it has become fashionable to cook it. It reminds drinking yogurt, but thicker than usual. Translated from English it means soft, gentle, homogeneous. It originates in America. It first appeared in the so-called Juice Bars in 1920.

At first, smoothies were drunk only freshly prepared, but then they began to appear in stores. Gradually gained enormous popularity in many countries. You can often spot celebrities holding a bottle of drink in their hands. This is such a newfangled feature that ordinary people have followed.

Beneficial features

Smoothies are an integral part of the diet of people who lead. During cooking, it retains all its beneficial properties and, most importantly, remains alive, which means it is very nutritious. Contains a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants, which allows its lovers to maintain good health, beauty and youth.

For people who don't have time to take care of their health, a smoothie will do it for them. The fact is that it is very convenient to use as a snack at work, you just need to purchase a bottle in advance wonderful drink in the store or make it at home using a blender, pour it into a bottle and put it in a dark, cool place.

Natural, useful mix does not contain preservatives, dyes or sugar. He is preparing from fresh fruit, berries or vegetables with the addition of herbs, natural juices, yogurt, milk, cream, cottage cheese, kefir, nuts, seeds, spices, oatmeal, dried fruits, honey and even green tea.

You can simply puree individual fruits, berries or vegetables. Wonderful composition helps strengthen immune system, improve digestion, normalize stool, remove toxins. It also gives a huge influx of energy. Smoothies are indispensable for baby food, saturates the child’s body with vitamins and nutrients. People prone to allergies should treat smoothies with caution, as there are no contraindications for use.

Smoothies undoubtedly have dietary properties. With its help, you can arrange weekly fasting days, they can replace breakfast, lunch or dinner. With the help of correctly selected ingredients, you will quickly be able to lose a few extra pounds. So as not to break it dietary properties, prepare your own smoothies without adding sugar or fatty foods. Use goat yogurt to prepare the mixture, plant milk, freshly squeezed juices and do not overdo it with nuts, cream, cottage cheese, milk. Limit honey, dates, bananas.

With the help of smoothies you can not only lose weight, but also gain weight. To do this, you need to add the same avocado, banana, nuts, seeds to the main ingredients, but of course not all at once, otherwise you will get serious digestive upset.

How to cook, where to start?

To make a smoothie you will need a blender. Use a blender that blends fruits and vegetables well, including the peel. By doing so, you will contribute to maintaining maximum useful substances in the finished drink, since there is no need to clean the products and expose them to excessive exposure to air.

Before you put it in the blender necessary ingredients, wash them thoroughly. To avoid splashing of the drink, tightly close the lid of the equipment. Beat the products for at least one minute; the longer you beat, the more tender the miracle drink will be. However, with prolonged beating, the nutrients are destroyed. Ideally, of course, use it immediately after cooking, before it loses its useful properties And taste qualities.

Harmful properties

If you prepare a smoothie yourself, then there is no harm in it, you just have to remember that you cannot always replace vegetables and fruits with a smoothie cocktail, since in order to keep your teeth in good condition, they must be subjected to chewing load. Also, a fruit and vegetable mix is ​​not able to fully quench your thirst.

Special harm the body can be affected by a smoothie that contains sugar, flavor enhancers, dyes and others harmful substances, which are added to the drink by unscrupulous manufacturers. Due to sugar, smoothies contain a large amount empty calories, which can lead to diabetes, poor digestion or obesity.

Vegetable smoothies

We have dealt with the question “What is a smoothie”. Now let's talk about how to cook it with vegetables. Vegetable smoothies are no less tasty and healthy. They can be a good replacement. IN summer season Anyone can prepare them, and in winter, vegetables are available and are not as expensive as fruits.

The vegetable mix has a very effective effect. This natural, plant-based drink can be topped with greens, herbs, ice cubes and seasonings. You can also experiment with different types nuts and seeds. Vegetable smoothie cleanses the body well and saturates it with vitamins, especially useful for prevention colds.

One of the recipes vegetable cocktail, which strengthens the immune system, I offer you right now for your information:


  • Bell pepper - 1
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Cucumber (large) - 1
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt, pepper to taste

To prepare it, first of all you have to beat the tomatoes with bell pepper and garlic. Carefully pour the resulting puree into a glass, tilting it slightly. Then wash the blender, beat the cucumber and carefully pour it on top tomato puree. It’s better to tilt the glass again so that vegetable purees did not mix with each other.

Now you can serve it to the table, add a little salt and pepper.

Add pepper, garlic to tomatoes and beat

There are actually many options for preparing cocktails from vegetables and herbs. Most often I make it with the addition of cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, parsley and dill. You can use avocado to give it a nice creamy consistency.

My children do not like to eat whipped vegetables, but crushed fruits into a puree are ready to eat every day. For greater benefit I add iceberg lettuce or spinach to them, it turns out delicious green drink.

I hope I managed to cover the topic fully; if anything remains unclear, write in the comments, I will be happy to answer you. That's all for now!

Smoothies are not only delicious, but also healthy drink. It turns out that preparing it at home is as easy as shelling pears, and it doesn’t matter whether you have a blender or not. See for yourself.

Smoothies can be vegetable, fruit, berry, or mixed. It all depends on your own taste preferences and what benefits you want to get from this drink. Mix together any ingredients that you think will go well together. So, the first step is to choose the ingredients for your future smoothie. We suggest using the following combinations:
  • banana + glass of strawberries + 1 tbsp. honey + 1.5 glasses of milk;
  • banana + glass blueberries + glass natural yogurt;
  • 2 cups strawberries + 2 cups raspberries + 8 kiwis + 4 tbsp. honey;
  • kiwi + apple + banana + glass of kefir;
  • 2 cucumbers + 1/2 bell pepper+ 2 tomatoes + herbs to taste + a glass of natural yogurt.
Wash the selected products thoroughly and remove any peel, shell or any other covering. If you are going to make a drink using a blender, then the ingredients should be cut into cubes. Large or small – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they fit in the bowl and can be chopped with knives.

If kitchen appliances If you don't have it on hand, use a regular grater. With berries everything is much simpler; you can chop them with a kitchen knife. Little advice: juicy fruits or try grating vegetables on a sieve.

The next step will be taken for you Appliances. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until the fruits and/or vegetables are pureed. You can leave some pieces uncrushed, but it depends on your taste.

As a substitute for a blender, use a meat grinder - just mix and pass the pulp through it. As a last resort, use a fork or masher to thoroughly chop. Anyone will do a handy tool for turning dense ingredients into mush. After achieving the desired result, mix everything in a tightly sealed container and shake the ingredients.

Add to the resulting mixture any milk product to your taste: milk, kefir, ice cream or classic yogurt. It is advisable that the fat content of the liquid be low, because the smoothie should be, first of all, light, as it is recognized dietary product and is especially suitable for those who lead an active sports lifestyle. Mix the ingredients thoroughly again until the color and consistency of the mixture are even.

Serve the smoothie cold. Chilling in the refrigerator will take several hours, so if you want to quickly cool the drink, add a few pieces of ice to it.

Now you can enjoy the drink yourself and surprise your loved ones.

Smoothies are the fastest and easiest raw food for breakfast and more.

By the way, have you made these green smoothies? How did you do it?

Or are you just getting started?

Then I advise you to read how to prepare a smoothie and make your first green smoothie.

After all, each of them can become great snack, breakfast or, for example, refueling with calories after a workout.

These green smoothies are easy to make and quick to drink.

They carry a whole mountain of nutrients.

And if, nevertheless, this is breakfast for you, then this is a good and healthy choice.

But why are smoothies so beneficial?

Free Bonus: Want to more recipes smoothie? Download 17 Best Smoothie Recipes from my blog and use them for quick cleansing and healthy weight loss.

What are the benefits of smoothies?

Yes, the health benefits of a properly done vegetarian, fruit-based meal are priceless...

Yes, sometimes it’s very nice to wake up to the sound of a blender and hear how quickly your next breakfast is being prepared. Have you felt this way before? … 🙂

I don’t either, because I have complete control over these issues (I do everything myself and surprise my loved ones)! ...

But it must be very nice!?

How to make a smoothie in a blender

Look at this formula perfect cocktail, which you can easily and simply do at home, and some combinations even with a mixer if you don’t already have a good blender...

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If you want to have a small cheat sheet for making smoothies at home, then enter your information in the subscription form and download our recommendations.

You can also turn your attention to recommendations for making smoothies from Valentina Gorbunova on her blog FreshLover.ru.

However, things are not always so simple.

If you want to truly make a green smoothie for weight loss that also won't negatively impact your health, then you will need to consider a few things.

Let's talk about them in more detail...

Smoothies for weight loss at home

This is the first and one of the most important facts. After all, when you turn on the high-speed blender and mix all the ingredients, they heat up.

What happens during heating?

Of course, they lose their vitamins and some elements. And the most The best way To keep your fruits and vegetables intact, with all their goodness, you need to add a few ice cubes.

You can also use frozen berries, pre-frozen fruit (bananas, for example). Another good way To make your smoothie healthy and not let it heat up, put some ingredients in the freezer for 10-15 minutes so that they freeze a little.

2. Use low-fat dairy products

The second thing you should take care of is getting rid of fatty dairy products in your smoothies. You should never prepare smoothies with ice cream, full-fat yogurt, full fat milk and so on.

If you want to make a smoothie with banana and kefir, choose low-fat kefir, or even better, one that contains bifidobacteria. This will also help.

You can also make a smoothie without milk by replacing it with nut milk.

3. Use raw fruits and vegetables

Use more raw vegetables and fruit in your smoothies. Do not buy dried bananas or candied fruits that are loaded with sugar.

Use fresh bananas, oranges, lemons and other fruits and vegetables. And try not to chop them finely, so as not to damage the coarse fibers. After all, they are so important, as well as cleansing the body.

Don't harm your health!

4. Add More Omega-3

It has been proven more than once that omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for weight loss. Therefore, you should add a tablespoon or sesame seeds. They are also good fiber, which will help enhance the cleansing effect of the body.

In addition to these two, they fit perfectly chia seeds for making a cool smoothie.

5. Add more green vegetables

How to make a green smoothie for weight loss?

It's simple!...Add more green leaves.

And health. As he says Shape magazine , spinach, kale or chard are simply amazing and completely neutral. Even if they make your drink look a little ugly, they won't ruin the taste of the cocktail at all.

These few rules will help you prepare a delicious smoothie for weight loss. And remember them. After all, by adding many unhealthy foods, you can increase the amount of animal fat or harmful sugar. You may, without meaning to, fill your smoothie with cholesterol and big amount harmful calories.

And although I am not a supporter, I have already written about this, but here it is special occasion. You may not need to count them, but if you are a beginner, sit and just think, estimate what calories you will consume and in what quantity.

After all, very often some smoothie recipes that are written here on the Internet can contain 600, 800, or even 1200 calories. And many of them will not allow you to lose weight.

You must prepare a smoothie from fruits and healthy vegetables! Enjoy!

Final Thoughts

If you are dreaming of a healthy life and this new smoothie making habit, then you are definitely in the right place at the right time.

And if you wanted to know exactly how to make a smoothie for weight loss, then this guide will definitely come in handy. By following it, you will learn how to make smoothies: to get the body you dream of, or simply replace boring oatmeal, or just start eating healthy.

I want to remind you that you now have everything you need to do this.

I have no doubt that you can reach new heights and live the life you've dreamed of. All your dreams can come true.

Just start eating healthy and include these cool drinks in your daily diet.

Use and enjoy...

Are you already incorporating these super-duper green smoothies into your diet? Share some of your favorite recipes in the comments below...

Surely many of you have heard about the existence of smoothies. This one is thick vitamin cocktail is very popular among those who try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and monitor their diet. You can buy it in any modern supermarket, but it is much easier to learn how to make it yourself. After reading today's publication, you will learn what a smoothie is and how to prepare it.

Who invented this drink?

California is considered the birthplace of this cocktail. Despite the fact that the first smoothie was prepared in the 30s of the last century, the peak of its popularity came in 1960. This is due to the fact that it was during that period that almost every American housewife got a blender.

The name of the drink comes from the English word smoothie, which means “pleasant, soft” or “homogeneous.” It is possible that it was obtained due to its thick consistency and special taste a newly invented cocktail.

What is a smoothie and how to prepare it?

This drink is a thick multi-component cocktail made from pureed vegetables, fruits or berries, diluted with milk, kefir, yogurt, ice cream, cream or natural juice. It is usually consumed chilled.

To prepare smoothies, it is advisable to use only fresh and high-quality ingredients. Rotten plant materials will not only spoil the taste of the final drink, but will also harm your health. The process of creating such a drink takes no more than fifteen minutes, and the technology itself is so simple that even a teenager can handle it without any problems. To do this, you just need to wash the selected fruits, grind them in a blender and dilute the resulting puree with milk, kefir, mineral water or any other liquid. Having figured out what a smoothie is and how to prepare it, you can move on to considering specific recipes.

Option with watermelon

This one is nice summer drink has excellent refreshing qualities and will become an excellent alternative frozen fruit juice. To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of watermelon.
  • A couple of teaspoons of honey.
  • 100 grams of ice cubes.
  • A couple of tablespoons lemon juice.
  • A sprig of mint.

Before you make a smoothie at home, you need to take care of the watermelon. It is washed, peeled and pitted, and then cut into cubes and placed in a blender. Honey and lemon juice are also sent there. Beat everything well until pureed. Ready mass pour into high glasses, combine with ice cubes and decorate with fresh mint.

Option with tomatoes

Having figured out what a smoothie is and how to prepare it, you need to mention that these cocktails can be not only fruit or berry, but also vegetable. To get one of these drinks you will need:

  • Large ripe tomato.
  • 150 milliliters of carrot juice.
  • A couple of celery stalks.
  • 100 milliliters of beet juice.

The washed tomato is scalded with boiling water, carefully peeled and placed in a blender bowl. Add chopped celery root there and grind it all to a puree. The resulting homogeneous mass is diluted with carrot and beet juice, beat well and pour into beautiful glasses.

Avocado option

This drink will interest those who are trying to learn how to make a smoothie. The recipe for this cocktail involves the use of a non-standard set of ingredients. Therefore, before starting the process, see if you have in your arsenal:

  • A couple of pears.
  • Avocado.
  • 1-2 glasses drinking water.
  • A bunch of fresh cilantro or parsley.

Avocado is pitted and sliced in large pieces and put into a blender bowl. Slices of pear and chopped herbs are also added there. Everything is thoroughly crushed, diluted with water and salted.

Strawberry option

This drink will not only fill your body with valuable vitamins and microelements, but will also relieve hunger for a long time. Therefore, it can be an excellent alternative to a late dinner. Before making a smoothie at home, be sure to see if you have on hand:

  • 8 ripe berries strawberries
  • Half a green apple.
  • 100 milliliters of pasteurized milk.
  • A couple of bananas.
  • A tablespoon of flaxseed oil.

Combine peeled bananas, washed berries and apple slices in a blender bowl. They send it there linseed oil and milk. Whisk everything thoroughly until smooth, and then pour into beautiful glasses.

Option with green buckwheat

The drink made using the technology described below is distinguished by its unusual delicate taste. It turns out moderately sweet and very aromatic. It includes:

  • 100 grams of green buckwheat.
  • A couple of bananas.
  • 150 grams of frozen raspberries.
  • 4 dates.
  • 400 milliliters of filtered water.

Before you prepare a smoothie at home, the recipe for which is described in today’s article, you need to take buckwheat. She's getting flooded cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, the cereal is sent to the blender tank. Banana slices, dates and thawed raspberries are also added there. All this is diluted the right amount drinking water and beat well.

Spinach option

This green smoothie is very beneficial for human body. He is considered great source iron and easily digestible protein. Before making a smoothie at home, be sure to make sure you have:

  • 200 grams of fresh frozen spinach.
  • A couple of bananas.
  • 20 grams of parsley.
  • 3 dates.
  • 400 milliliters of drinking water.

In one bowl combine peeled bananas, thawed spinach, finches and parsley. All this is poured with filtered water and whisked well until a homogeneous puree-like mass is obtained.

Option with oatmeal

This one is delicious and nutritional shake can become a complete replacement for your usual breakfast. He is preparing from simple dialing ingredients and fill your body with the necessary energy supply. To get this drink you will need:

  • 4 large spoons of oatmeal.
  • A glass of unsweetened drinking yoghurt.
  • A tablespoon of flower honey.
  • A glass of any seasonal berries.

Before you can make a delicious smoothie, you need to tackle the cereal. They are processed using a coffee grinder, and then combined with berries, yogurt and honey and blended with a blender until smooth.

Option with cherries

A cocktail made in accordance with the method described below has pleasant taste and a pronounced honey-berry aroma. It consists of simple and healthy ingredients. Therefore, it can be offered even to children. To prepare it you will need:

  • A couple of handfuls of cherries.
  • ½ cup strawberries.
  • A handful of raspberries.
  • A tablespoon of May honey.
  • A glass of whole pasteurized milk.

The washed and sorted berries are crushed using a blender and then combined with milk and honey. Shake everything well, cool and pour into beautiful glasses.

Option with peaches

This one is delicious and aromatic drink rich in fiber and natural antioxidants. His regular use helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and pathologies gastrointestinal tract. To prepare it you will need:

  • A pair of ripe peaches.
  • A glass of crushed ice.
  • Half a kilo of strawberries.
  • Large banana.
  • A glass of mango, orange and peach juice.

Peaches are pitted and combined with washed strawberries, peeled banana, ice and three types of juice. Beat everything well with a blender and pour into beautiful glasses. If desired, the drink can be decorated with whole berries.

Almond option

This drink is prepared on the basis of nuts, sour cream and fruits. Therefore he has incredible delicate consistency, pleasant taste and subtle almond aroma. To obtain it you will need:

  • A couple of bananas.
  • 7 almonds.
  • Large apple.
  • 3 large spoons of sour cream.

The nuts are poured with cold water and left for at least twelve hours. Then they are combined with banana slices, apple slices and crushed using a blender. The resulting mass is supplemented with sour cream and whisked vigorously again.

Option with pineapple

This exotic cocktail will certainly be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children. It is distinguished by its pleasant citrus aroma and amazing sweet and sour taste. Before making a banana and pineapple smoothie, be sure to make sure that you have:

  • 100 milliliters of orange juice.
  • 100 grams of pineapple slices.
  • Ripe banana.
  • 100 milliliters of pineapple juice.

Fruits are not cut too much small pieces and briefly place them in freezer. Then the cooled slices are poured with two types of juice and crushed in a blender. The finished drink is served in beautiful glasses, first garnished with pieces of fresh fruit.

Option with sprouted wheat

This one is useful energy cocktail you can drink instead traditional breakfast. It contains a rich supply of valuable vitamins and minerals, so it is quite suitable for a morning meal. Before making a banana smoothie with wheat germ, check if you have in your kitchen:

  • A couple of glasses of low-fat milk.
  • A handful of crushed ice.
  • A pair of ripe bananas.
  • ¼ cup natural yogurt (unflavored).
  • A couple of large spoons of sprouted wheat.

Banana pulp is poured with milk and yogurt and processed well in a blender. Sprouted seeds are added to the resulting mixture wheat grains and beat again until smooth. The resulting drink is poured into beautiful glasses and served on the table.

Option with currants

This is another interpretation of how to make a smoothie in a blender. The recipe for this cocktail differs from those discussed above only in the set of required ingredients. This time you will need:

  • ½ cup fresh blackcurrants.
  • Large banana.
  • 2/3 cup pasteurized milk or low-fat cream.
  • Fresh mint leaves.

The banana is peeled and cut into several pieces. Then it is combined with sorted, washed and dried currants and pureed using a blender. The resulting fairly thick mass is diluted with milk, whipped again and served in beautiful glasses decorated with mint leaves.

Option with zucchini

A cocktail consisting of vegetables will certainly interest those who adhere to a strict diet. It will not only fill the body with valuable substances, but will also help you lose weight. To prepare it you will need:

  • Young thin-skinned zucchini.
  • A couple of fresh cucumbers.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Salt.

Washed vegetables are peeled if desired, cut into small pieces and placed in a blender. Add a little salt and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Beat everything well until smooth and, if necessary, dilute with drinking water.

Option with melon and cucumber

This unusual mix has a rather harmonious taste. Therefore, it enjoys a certain popularity among connoisseurs of non-standard cocktails. To prepare it you will need:

  • 150 grams of melon.
  • 20 milliliters of lemon juice.
  • 150 grams of cucumber.
  • 200 milliliters of filtered water.
  • 50 grams of fresh herbs.

The peeled and cut melon is placed in the freezer for several hours. Then it is mixed with cucumber slices and chopped herbs. All this is poured with the right amount of water and lemon juice, and then whipped with a blender and served in beautiful glasses decorated with sprigs of greenery. If desired, place several ice cubes at the bottom of the glasses.