Bulgarian marinated gherkins. Bulgarian pickled cucumbers

How to prepare a traditional appetizer so that it sparkles in a new way, because sometimes you really want variety! Bulgarian-style cucumbers, spicy, crispy, with a rich taste - exactly what we need if the regular ones don’t please us as much as before. From our article you will learn how to make them quickly and easily, with familiar spices, but so that guests will then ask for the recipe!

There are several options for preparing pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian, but they do not differ much from each other, but the difference with traditional pickles is quite noticeable: if we usually add only herbs and types of peppers to taste, here we will add several types of vegetables at once.

Bulgarian cucumbers: classic recipe


  • — 400-600 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1/2 bunch + -
  • – 4-6 umbrellas + -
  • — 7 pcs. per jar + -
  • — 4-6 pcs. + -

For the brine:

  • — 1 l + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • - 4 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -

Cooking cucumbers

All proportions are based on preparing the snack in 2-liter jars. We take enough cucumbers so that they completely fill all the jars.

We choose small cucumbers (no more than 5-6 cm in length) and very young ones - this way they will turn out more tender and will be better saturated with the flavors of other vegetables and spices. And their tails don’t need to be cut.

We rinse them and put them in a deep dish - a basin or pan. Fill with cool water and leave for 2 hours.
In the meantime, we are sterilizing the jars and preparing the remaining vegetables - washing and peeling them. It is also better not to take large carrots. If it is very thin, it is better to take 2 pieces.

  1. Cut the onion in half and chop into slices 2-3 mm wide.
  2. We also thinly cut the carrots into circles.
  3. We drain the cucumbers and begin to place everything in sterile jars.
  4. First add the herbs and spices, then the chopped onions and carrots, distributing the ingredients equally. As soon as both jars are filled with spices, place the cucumbers in them.

Now let's start preparing the brine:

  • put 1 liter of water on the fire,
  • as soon as it boils, add the remaining ingredients except vinegar,
  • Let it boil again and fill the jars.

To prevent the glass from breaking, you can place a metal spoon in the jar and pour boiling water over it in a thin stream. Then pour 50 ml of vinegar into each separately.

Sterilization of jars

We are in no hurry to close, let alone twist, the cucumbers. Place them in a cold oven and set the temperature to 100°C. We heat them for at least 15 minutes - during this time the color of the cucumbers should change, the brine level will rise and bubbles will run from the bottom.

Now we close the jars with lids, but do not turn them over or cover them. Leave until cool at room temperature and after about a day put it in a cool place. Ready! In winter, we will be delighted with crispy young cucumbers!

Option without carrots

If you don’t want to add carrots to the preserves, you can do without them, the main thing is to add onions. In addition to this, garlic, allspice, currant and grape leaves go well with Bulgarian cucumbers.

  • We put greens at the rate of 3-4 leaves per jar.
  • You will need 2 cloves of garlic, cut them into petals and place them on top of the onion.

You can also sterilize the workpiece in another way.

Options for sterilizing cucumbers in Bulgarian

Option 1

  1. Before pouring, we perform all the steps as in the previous recipe, but first fill the cucumbers not with marinade, but with boiling water.
  2. Keep for 10 minutes and drain.
  3. We repeat the procedure 3 times and only then fill the jars with brine.

Now you can safely close them, but still do not turn them over or wrap them up.

Option 2

  • Fill the cucumbers with brine the first time, add the required amount of vinegar, if the marinade is a little less, add boiling water - the main thing is that its level should reach the shoulders of the jar.
  • Cover the jars with sterilized lids and put them on fire in a deep saucepan with warm water. It is important! The water should be warm (40-45°C), not hot.
  • After boiling, look at the color of the cucumbers. After about 4-5 minutes they will darken and turn dark green - this means everything is ready.
  • We take out the jars and screw them on.

Turn over and cover, but only for 1 hour. Then let it cool in the usual way and put it in the cellar.

Our Bulgarian crispy pickled cucumbers are ready! As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, especially since you can choose from different recipes and cooking methods.

Try it and treat your family and friends.

Before you start canning cucumbers, you need to wash them and soak them in cold water for at least half an hour. At the same time, wash all the jars with soda and sterilize them along with the lids. Then peel the onion and garlic in the required quantity, and cut the onion into rings. Place garlic cloves, onion rings, black peppercorns and bay leaves at the bottom of the jar.

Trim the “butts” of the cucumbers and place them tightly together in a jar.

Boil water in advance and pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes. Water must be poured to the brim to completely cover all the cucumbers. This will be additional sterilization for both jars and cucumbers. After 10 minutes, the water in the jars will cool down a little and you can safely pour it into the sink without fear of burning your hands. If you store the preserved food in an apartment, you need to do this procedure twice. If you have a cellar, then once is enough.

Then prepare the marinade, in which the cucumbers will be rolled. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Put it on the fire and before the water starts to boil, pour vinegar into it.

As soon as the marinade boils, pour it over the cucumbers and roll up. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket. Leave for a day until completely cooled.

Pickled cucumbers are ready like Bulgarian ones. Store in a cool and dark place.

Many people have been familiar with the extraordinary taste of Bulgarian pickled cucumbers since childhood, the recipe for which is still valued to this day. In the Soviet Union, such a snack was the most delicious, and jars of pickled cucumbers were quickly swept off store shelves. Someone even bought whole boxes of them for the winter. In some families, this recipe is passed down from generation to generation; others borrow it from cookbooks or from friends.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian

There are many cooking methods and recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, however, this continues to be the most popular. This cooking recipe allows you to get cucumbers of an unusual emerald color, especially tasty and crispy.

Ingredients used in the recipe for pickling cucumbers in Bulgarian style (per liter jar):

  • Small cucumbers - how many will fit in the jar;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of 4 percent vinegar;
  • 1 currant leaf (optional, but recommended for a special taste);
  • Water.

Necessary inventory:

Step one. Preparation

Following the classic recipe, first of all, you need to carefully rinse the cucumbers in warm running water. To ensure that there is no sand left on the vegetables, it is better to use a soft sponge.

Step two. Preparing vegetables for pickling

The onion must be peeled and cut into rings or half rings, and then placed on the bottom of a pre-sterilized jar. Add currant leaf, peppercorns, bay leaf, sugar and salt there. Next, you should arrange the cucumbers as compactly as possible. The amount of the resulting snack depends on this.

Step three. Pickling cucumbers in Bulgarian style

You need to pour boiling water into the jar, just short of the edge of the jar. Add vinegar, add hot water if there is free space left in the jar. After this, cover the jars with sterilized lids.

Place a kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan and add hot water. Place a jar of cucumbers in there. As a result, the can should be no more than two-thirds of its height in water, and in no case should the water reach the level of the edge of the can. The pan must be put on the fire until the water in it boils. After this it is recommended pasteurization jars for four minutes until the cucumbers turn from green to olive green.

Next, you should immediately remove the jar from the water and screw the lid on tightly. The bank needs to be sent to heat bath. To do this, you need to wrap the workpiece in a blanket and place it on the lid with the bottom up. Thus, the cucumbers should stand for at least an hour, after which the jar of cucumbers can be turned over to the bottom and cooled, as this recipe calls for.

Step four. Storing pickled cucumbers

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers do not require any special storage conditions. It is enough to send the jar to the cellar with the rest of your winter supplies. In a dark room with a low temperature, this snack can be stored in the same way as other canned vegetables.

Step five. Serving pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian style to the table

Since ancient times, pickled cucumbers have been the best appetizer for strong drinks such as vodka. Those who prefer to abstain from drinking alcohol can be advised to eat this appetizer in combination with main courses. The most common option in our country - mashed potatoes and a meat cutlet - are perfectly complemented with Bulgarian cucumbers.

Here are a few additional tips that are recommended to be taken into account when following the recipe for preparing pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian style:

Roll up cucumbers in Bulgarian style for the winter

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The time is very close when the first cucumbers will appear on the shelves of markets and grocery stores. I love using this unpretentious vegetable for preparations - it goes well in marinades with the most common spices and seasonings. In my cookbook there are several recipes for rolling cucumbers in Bulgarian style, which will surely please your household.

How to prepare Bulgarian cucumbers for the winter?

We select cucumbers that are pimply and long. I haven’t bought vegetables at the market for a long time, since I live in the village and grow the necessary varieties myself. For this recipe, I advise city residents to select vegetables that are fresh, crisp, and have no visible signs of damage by diseases or pests.

To marinate 1 liter jar we need:

  • 1 small light onion;
  • 1 large garlic clove;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 4 tsp. without a slide of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tsp. table salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 0.5 liters of purified drinking water.

Step by step recipe

  1. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers on both sides and place them in a bowl of cold water for 6 hours.
  2. Wash the jars, sterilize them and let the water drain - they must be completely dry before adding the ingredients.
  3. Pour spices into the bottom of each container, place a small peeled onion and a whole garlic clove. You can use large onion rings by dividing 1 large onion into 2 jars. Add bay leaves to the fragrant company.
  4. We take out the cucumbers, rinse them under the tap and place them in a sieve or colander to drain off excess liquid. Place the vegetables in prepared jars with spices tightly to each other.
  5. Pour water into the saucepan, add salt and sugar. As soon as the grains dissolve, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  6. Pour the vinegar directly into the jars and pour the boiling marinade over our Bulgarian cucumbers.
  7. We cover our cucumbers with sterilized lids and place them in a large saucepan with a rag pad on the bottom. Fill the jars with water up to the shoulders and place the improvised sterilizer on the stove.
  8. Turn on the heat and keep the pan on high heat until water begins to gurgle around the jars.
  9. Turn the stove on to medium power and keep the canned food in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  10. Remove from boiling water and let cool on the counter. There is no need to wrap and turn these cucumbers.

This recipe is ideal for city dwellers, because Bulgarian cucumbers are stored perfectly in any conditions.



Bulgarian-style pickled cucumbers are a tasty and easy-to-prepare preparation for the winter, which you can very easily, although not very quickly, prepare with your own hands at home.
We will be happy to share a simple and detailed recipe for preparing pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian with step-by-step photographs, allowing you to see with your own eyes the entire cooking process from start to finish.

The cooked cucumbers will not taste quite as usual, because the filling completely lacks spicy herbs and all sorts of different twigs and leaves that are familiar to us in jars. But you shouldn’t be afraid of their absence, because this is the very zest of taste for which Bulgarian cucumbers are valued. Nothing prevents cucumbers from revealing their aroma, which is perfectly emphasized by the spicy brine with garlic. The sweet marinade with the scent of allspice peas and noble laurel leaves completely penetrates the cucumbers and imbues them with an amazing taste. Prepare at least one liter jar - and make sure that other recipes for preparing cucumbers will fade into the background, even those prepared without sterilization.
Everyone who has the opportunity to try these cucumbers will definitely ask you for their recipe, so hurry up and write it down in your personal cookbook. Upon opening the jar, a “Finger lickin’ good!” mark will definitely appear above the entry, and over time, your notebook will open on this page. You can also use the recommendations and proportions of the marinade to prepare assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers.
You can serve these amazing cucumbers as an independent snack, or use them to prepare various dishes: vinaigrettes, pickles and salads. A salad with boiled beef, seasoned with sour cream sauce, will be especially tasty.


Bulgarian pickled cucumbers - recipe

Prepare the cucumbers. Wash them in plenty of water and separate the stems. Consider the fact that the smaller the size of the cucumbers you choose, the tastier the pickling will be, and the more beautiful they will look on the table. Then soak the product for at least three to four hours in a bowl of cold water. It's best if you soak the cucumbers in the evening and let them sit overnight. This action will allow the fruit to fill the pores and recover. Such cucumbers will not absorb too much marinade during storage, so they will remain crispy.

Rinse the jars and lids in warm water with baking soda added. Rinse them and sterilize them in the microwave for five minutes at maximum power. Be sure to pour hot water into each container. It is more advisable to use 1 liter jars. The proportions in the recipe imply filling two of these jars.

Start filling the finished jars with food. At the bottom of each of them place a clove of peeled garlic, one small peeled onion, five peas of allspice and the same number of small bay leaves.

Trim the ends of the cucumbers, and then arrange the vegetables beautifully in jars.

Place the cucumbers in jars without compacting them, as shown in the photo.

Cook the marinade in a stainless steel pan. To do this, dissolve salt and granulated sugar in water, boil it until large bubbles appear, and then pour the specified amount of vinegar into the liquid. After this, immediately turn off the stove.

Pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers in the jars.

Place the jars in the microwave, cover with a lid (for example, from a plastic microwave container, as we did), and then heat the cucumbers at maximum power for ten minutes. If you doubt the sterilization method, or if the jar only goes into the microwave sideways, then sterilize both the dishes and the filled jars using the method you have tested. Sterilization time will remain the same . The taste of the product will not change depending on the cooking method you choose..

Remove the hot jars and immediately screw the lids on them. Cool the cucumbers by wrapping the jars turned upside down in a cotton blanket or wool blanket.

Store ready-made Bulgarian pickled cucumbers in a cool and well-ventilated area throughout the calendar year. Serve them with hot side dishes, strong drinks and meat.